R.I.P. Navigators


Mike Adams explains the consequences of the Obamacare decision:

“Note, carefully, there is NO LIMIT to this “taxing” power. If you bring home a monthly paycheck of, for example, $3,000, the U.S. government can now mandate that you spend $2,999 of that on various products and services that it deems you must have “for your own protection.” You no longer control your own take-home pay! The government can force you to spend it on things you don’t want or even need!”

Note: In other words, this puts an end to the “navigators,” which is actually a huge political victory for disunionists, although it will have devastating economic consequences for White America.

“Navigators” are the most numerous class of White Americans. They are self absorbed individualists who focus exclusively on their own lives. They don’t confront the system. They focus exclusively on “navigating” through life. They are indifferent to the terminal decline of civilization so long as it doesn’t intrude too much into their own little personal world.

Everyone knows a “navigator.” A “navigator” is someone like your mother who notices that the cost of gasoline has exploded, that African-Americans are destroying the neighborhood, or that the food at supermarket has become far more expensive. They respond by searching for ways in their own personal lives to “navigate” around the obstacles.

Now there is no escape from a totally consolidated central government bent on micromanaging every aspect of your personal life. Did I mention that America now has its first black president?

The first black president took away ALL your freedom. Remarkable, isn’t it? Who could have predicted that?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. When you see what China has been able to do in 1 or 2 generations economically, why worry about White America economically? It is the nation that matters.

    When we have unity we will again have prosperity.

    Obama has proven he can do one thing Romney cannot: unite whites.

  2. Romney Wins, Results of Election Blocked.

    November 7, 2012 – GOP Candidate Mitt Romney easily won both the popular vote and the Electoral College last night, with the election being called at 10:32 PM Eastern Time. However, first thing this morning, President Obama filed a disparate impact lawsuit, and Attorney General Eric Holder placed an injunction on the election.

    “The election is essentially a job interview and evaluation,” said President Obama, adding “the results show a clear bias against me.”

    Attorney General Holder stated, “the process itself is flawed, resulting in a disparate impact upon the black candidate as compared to the white candidate. We have no choice but to demand that the voters develop a new process that will afford black Presidential candidates the same opportunity to receive votes as white candidates.”

    Mr. Obama is seeking to be re-instated to his position. Should the court proceedings continue past January 20, 2013, he will also be seeking damages covering the time period for which he would have continued to be employed by the American people. Under the disparate impact doctrine, a complainant need not show intentional racial discrimination, or even that actual discrimination occurred in a hiring or promotion process. It is only necessary to demonstrate that a process for hiring/promoting, even one relevant to the job the applicant is seeking, resulted in disparate outcomes between black and white applicants. Legal analysts say, based on precedent, Mr. Obama’s case is likely to be successful.

    One commonly suggested solution is to allow blacks to vote five times while whites will continue to vote only once. Other solutions include electing co-equal Presidents, one black, one white; allowing Mr. Obama to serve indefinitely along with another President elected every four years, or simply naming Mr. Obama President-for-Life.

    The Supreme Court is expected to take up the case soon. On an unrelated note, in his speech this morning, Mr. Obama also announced his intention to name six more Justices to the Court, as the number of Justices is not set by the Constitution. Names circulating include Van Jones, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright, Malik Shabazz, and Michelle Obama.

  3. I was a Navigator for a long time.

    Despite being born & raised in the post-apocolyptic negropolis of Detroit, I spent much of my 20’s just having fun, chasing girls and living as selfishly as I could. I could plainly see where our people’s situation was headed, and I recognized the eventual destination because it had also been my starting point in life. But I didn’t want to be bothered and I felt entitled to my care-free existence.

    Eventually, the writing on the wall became more frequent and more graphic — 9/11… post-Katrina nigger horrors… you start to notice the increasing hostility towards white people at every turn, seemingly magnifying with each passing year… and finally you’re looking down the barrel of a nigger president & a brainwashed white voting block, and you reach your breaking point. From that point on, your WHITE — embattled, defiant, unrepentant. Racial truth becomes omnipresent in your life, out in front of you like an invisible shield, and always at the ready like a sharpened blade. No going back, and wouldn’t even if you could.

    I guess it was always fated to be, for myself at least, in spite of how hard I tried to run away from it. Everyone is different, and the process will be longer for some and shorter for others. The transformation though, is inevitable for all of us.

    R.I.P. Navigators. Been there.

  4. Does anyone know what happens now that they have held Holder in contempt? Is it largely a symbolic gesture or can he be ousted?

  5. “Everyone knows a “navigator.”

    Everyone is a navigator. Either that or they are living under a bridge somewhere.

  6. Good. I like Mike Adams. I also like Alex Jones!

    Where are you, Jack Ryan? Hunter needs to be scolded.

  7. I was not and am not a Navigator. When I entered the workforce back in 1975 (in Manhattan) I saw illogical things regarding blacks. And, NY niggers are probably some of the worst – horrendous. I’d bitch and complain and as each year passed, I saw more and more whites just accept the crap with barely a complaint. But we all knew back in the late 1970’s that they wouldn’t/couldn’t be fired no matter what they did. I challenged one and eventually got a pink slip. Of course, he was out several months after me. I even warned my white boss that he would eventually reap what he was sowing. Most whites are very complacent.

  8. Re: Holder

    It’s symbolic, Anon. Of course in our system the leg cannot oust and exec branch official.

    And it’s empty symbolism too, as the black caucus, the latino caucus and the asian caucus all staged a very large walk-out.

    Of course, we all remember when the Republicans very effectively simply walked out of proceedings they didn’t like……….oh, wait.

  9. The hits just keep on coming. Our own elites are against us. Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Jews are against us. White liberals are against us. And damn near all of what’s left keeps voting Republican. This is a frustrating situation to put it mildly. They say fortune favors the brave. I hope this is true. If it isn’t, well, there’s still honor in soldiering on.

  10. Lew says,
    “The hits just keep on coming. Our own elites are against us. Blacks, Latinos, Asians and Jews are against us. White liberals are against us. And damn near all of what’s left keeps voting Republican. This is a frustrating situation to put it mildly. They say fortune favors the brave. I hope this is true. If it isn’t, well, there’s still honor in soldiering on.”

    Voting republican has kept us out of the cannibal’s pot for the last 20 years. Seeing as my sons are four and two, I’d vote republican yet AGAIN and stave off the inevitable collapse for a few more years…
    But I’ll watch for your response to tell us all how not voting republican is helping the situation.

  11. Keep voting Republicanand keep whining about what they do. Both parties are two wings of the same bird.

    We should all boycott the election. Gerald Celente says if enough of us don’t vote (like 40%) it is considered void, or something like that. Anyone know for sure?

  12. The contempt ruling is NOT just symbolic. They went for civil charges, cause they know a criminal contempt charge wil take years. The Congressfolk pushing this are not going to give up. I read a lot about Issa today. He’s quite an interesting fellow. (Call there offices, when you can get through, and give them High Praise) and Congressman Gowdy, from SC – ya’ll should be proud of that there White boy! (Plus – he’s hawt!)


    I think I’m in love.


    We must send love and kisses to those than Done Real Good


    If you love him – tell him:

  13. That’s just not going to happen. Those of us who have connected the dots and understand the reality of this charade are a tiny minority.

    Nothing substantial or anything that even starts to resemble a push back is far away. The two party system keeps the nation shackeled and complacent.

  14. “We should all boycott the election. Gerald Celente says if enough of us don’t vote (like 40%) it is considered void, or something like that. Anyone know for sure?”

    There is no requirement whatsoever that the popular votes cast be a minimum percentage of anything. The president is elected by the Electoral College and there is no requirement that any state even has to select its electors by popular vote at all.

  15. Amanda: The Repubs have not kept us out of the cannibal’s pot. They have aided and abetted the enemy by keeping us numb as the water continues to boiling. They are the problem. They are the controlled opposition. Can you, Amanda, tell me any victory they have ever, ever, ever won for Conservatism?? Don’t think for one minute the Republican Party is not part of the system. It definitely is.
    The Holder thing is all show. Repubs don’t have the stomach to really impeach anybody. You can bet that had Holder been a white Attorney General doing something supportive of Whites, the leftist scum would have already had an inquisition going and the mealy mouthed Repubs (ie Mitch McConnel) would be stepping and fetching to see which one could throw him under the bus first.

  16. @313Chris , Your story is similar to mine. I think having children forced me to grow up and pull my selfish head out of my ass!

  17. Amanda,

    To properly answer, I need to know a little more about why you think voting Republican has kept us out of the cannibal’s pot. I see no evidence of this

    Let me make a few points though. I left a slightly different version of this comment at Counter Currents awhile back. It covers the ways the Democrats *AND* the GOP have worked together to screw white people and push an anti-white agenda while helping Israel, Jews, blacks, latinos, and oligarchs, pretty much everyone but normal whites.


    The case that there are no meaningful differences [between the Democrats and Republicans] is overwhelming. There are absolutely no meaningful differences between them. Or, there are marginal or superficial ones only.

    Consider the roll call.

    1) Multiculturalism, quotas, de facto open borders, race replacement, or whatever the anti-White stance is on any issue with a race dimension.

    The top GOP leaders agree with the Democrats. See the Bush amnesty attempts supported by John McCain, Lindsey Graham, etc. and sundry GOP filth like Karl Rove and Michael Gerson.

    The last amnesty was signed by a Republican [president].

    2) “Perpetual war.”

    No differences.

    [With support from the GOP in Congress], Bill Clinton was responsible for the mass slaughter of Whites in the Balkans.

    3) US Military hegemony over the Middle East, the Pacific rim, Japan, Australia, the South China Sea, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe. Essentially the whole world except China, Russia and North Korea.

    No differences.

    [With the agreement of Congressional Republicans], Obama approved stationing missiles practically on Russia’s border in Poland and Romania.

    4) Favors using America’s economic, diplomatic and military might to spread “democracy, human rights, feminism, egalitarianism” and other ideas that undermine traditional societies.

    No differences.

    5) Coordinates with and supports genocidal anti-White governments in Europe and across the world; Does the same with the EU, UN, NATO, G8 and other trans-national institutions that are anti-white.

    No differences.

    4) Support America’s MIC [military industrial complex].

    No differences.

    5) Supports totalitarian police-state and surveillance measures that undermine Americans’ traditional Constitutional protections and civil liberties.

    No differences. Bush passed the original Patriot Act. The NDAA passed with 90+ votes, including almost all of the Democrats and Republicans. [Rand Paul might have been the only Repub to vote against it].

    6) Supports the anti-male feminist agenda at the federal level (Violence Against Women Act; other anti-male federal legislation).

    No differences.

    7) Beholden to Wall Street, Big Business and large corporate donors.

    No differences.

    8. Devotion to Israel and organized Jewry’s agenda.

    No differences.

    Regarding wealth inequality, when you look at the mass of laws, regulations and economic policies that have been impoverishing America’s White middle class for the 40 years and that culminated in the great recession of ’08 – ’12, it is clear there are few or no differences [between the Democrats and the GOP].

    Fundamentals underlying middle class impoverishment and wealth inequality:

    9) Support for free trade and globalization.

    No differences

    10) Support for supply-side “Reganomics,” big cuts in top marginal rates, cap gains, etc.

    Obviously the GOP is mainly responsible for this. Reagan’s entire economic program reduces to a program of wealth transfer from the White middle class to the top.

    Bill Clinton did little to reverse the trends Reagan set in motion. Clinton signed NAFTA, GATT, etc., [with support from Republicans].

    10) Support for the minimal Wall Street oversight that is crucial for Jew-controlled financial institutions to loot White middle class wealth.

    [With Republican support, ]Bill Clinton signed legislation repealing the Glass-Steagall law. This action paved the way for Wall Street’s thieving in the ’00s and its related wealth transfer effects [more wealth extraction from the white middle class to the top].

    11) Citizens United

    Decided by the court’s conservative majority 5 – 4; let’s Jews like Sheldon Adelson and other oligarchs like the Kochs legally dump millions into American politics.

    This list doesn’t include Republican SCOTUS appointments form Earl Warren to John Roberts.

  18. Great post, Lew! But hey, those Repubs still have abortion and gay marriage to rail against (which they have both solidly lost).

  19. The frog in a pot of water can be boiled if you turn up the heat slowly and incrementally. He will jump out of the pot if it gets too hot too quickly. The slow erosion of traditional rights is part of the plan. Especially in the name of “security.”

    Will the navigators finally succumb to the “frog in a pot” syndrome?
    In a word, yes.

    Just as sure as Republicans will ultimately deliver their supporters into the cannibal’s pot.

    Deo Vindice

  20. Many “Wayfarers” are alot less than they appear to be– or speak.
    Lewis and Louveteau are ready to be recruited sir.

  21. “The slow erosion of traditional rights is part of the plan. Especially in the name of “security.””

    – Yea verily and look for Obongo and the Supremes to gut the 2nd amendment next. They have been nervous for years about all those guns out there. Before it is all over they may resort to some savagery to get them out of the public’s hands.

  22. …or perhaps the government will simply determine that owning guns and ammunition is deleterious to your health and ban ownership of guns on that basis. After all- what is the sense (from the government’s point of view) in making you buy government mandated health insurance and letting you keep those dangerous guns at the same time? The domino effect at work, folks.

  23. “(P)erhaps the government will simply determine that owning guns and ammunition is deleterious to your health….”

    Yes, deadly lead poisoning, gun oil and cleaning fluid vapors in the lungs, possible hearing damage, loss of eyesight from exploding weapons, etc. — look for the “read the MSDS” and health restrictions soon.

  24. This Mike Adams sounds like a Navigator himself, his main appeal seems to be to greed, it’s bad because it will hurt your lifestyle. You can’t really blame people for being Navigators, it’s not like there is anywhere where they can go to register legitimate dissent within the system, not in politics and not in the media. It’s just as likely that the collapse of what little conservative resistance there was will lead to MORE Navigation, not less as people finally admit to themselves that the system is a fraud and they really don’t have a voice in it. Navigation is caused by the concentration of power, the same phenomenon grew in Rome with the coming of the Empire. Since power continues to be concentrated and grow you will probably continue to see the growth of Navigation for quite some time, until that power is broken. You’ll either fight or you’ll be a serf, and I don’t see much fight in the American people, but you’ll know a fight might be imminent when Rush Limbaugh, National Review, Free Republic, etc. are swept aside and ignored, but as long as these canaries are healthy it means the system will remain in control.

    In any case, the real issue is immigration. If the Republicans would have drastically cut immigration when it was possible to do so by voting there would be no Barrack Obama in the White House, probably no Sotomayor on the Supreme court, etc. These minorities are going to vote as racial blocs for the spoils, they can’t build these things themselves and if they’re going to have them they must get them by taking them from someone else. They (along with militant leftists) really do believe that wealth comes from a magic goose, and since, as I said, they can’t make it themselves it really doesn’t matter if they eventually cut the goose open when the eggs start coming slower since the end for them will be the same. And they’ll be in an incentive trap rushing to grab a larger piece of the diminishing omelet before other racial blocs get it. There’ll be no way for the producers to peacefully stop the process, not much left to do but make as much cash as you can, hunker down, and party like it’s 1974 in Phnom Penh.

  25. To many guns George. To much land, to many people with guns and ammo and not enough govt resources to put that cat into the bag.

  26. Navigator here.

    My father only had to personally terminate two people in his career: a white woman and a Negro. Both AA babies in over their head. I’ve only had to terminate a Negro so far, because he was too dumb to quit. I’m more of a shamer/humiliater and usually don’t have to fire.

  27. I’d prefer to shoot foreigners, if given a choice. The “Vintovka Mosina” is an Excellent Rifle to use on foreigners , as well as natives gone feral , if one simply must shoot down the natives.

  28. joe you are ignorant as they get on every possible level. that rifle is outdated and will put you at a very dangerous disadvantage vs modern firearms when the heat is on

  29. The schmoozies at TCM are up to their old tricks once again.
    Front man Osborn is showcasing that classic riveting and tense melodrama :
    “Hollow Triumph” ; “a crook on the lam”
    1948: Eagle-Lion Films,Inc.
    Plays today. Check your local listing for time.

  30. “(T)hat rifle is outdated and will put you at a very dangerous disadvantage vs modern firearms when the heat is on” especially being generally used scope-less, but cheap, historic, simple, cheap, rugged and “peasant-proof.” I was joking about the health restrictions and MSDS, but then….

  31. For Joe, a Kentucky long rifle (originally “Pennsylvania long rifle”) is suggested, also outstandingly accurate for its time.

  32. yes. i remember daniel boone recommened a kentucky rifle as well.
    i’ll keep it in mind next time i go a-huntin’ for critters.

  33. Joe, your other comment on guns for “shooting down” people on that “brave” child-murderer (Brevik) thread seems to have disappeared, along with the thread. We should be talking about and DOING practical political activism, and voting WISELY, not “mowing down” people.

  34. A long rifle or a Vintovka is for the manly sport of putting meat (venison, boar) on the table.

  35. Mosin, you name sake is a fine weapon for its time; I own a few and enjoy shooting them, but outdated/ outclassed is outdated and out classed. Better than no riffle but an AK doesn’t cost much more. I’ve never actually seen any bad guys use one in any third world nation either ( Mosin not AK). Even as a hunting weapon the Mosin will but you at a disadvantage, but if all you have is $90 then might as well have a Mosin over no riffle

    One thing I am grateful for about the early Germans is… they brought us the jagger riffle/ Pa riffle/ Ky riffle

  36. Yes, its a hunting disadvantage too, but so is the long rifle or a musket, but all go bang real loud, and “holy black” smells nice. Sounds like you have a good collection.

  37. The Pennsylvania “Germans…brought us the jagger riffle/ Pa riffle/ Ky riffle”– and the Conestoga wagon, and a few other frontier inventions.

  38. I’ve invested heavily in firearms and could arm my own light infantry company or as I like to refer to it, my grandkids

  39. Come and listen to a story ’bout a man named Jed,
    A poor mountaineer, barely kept his family fed,
    Then one day he was shootin’ at some food,
    And up through the ground came a bubblin’ crude,
    Oil that is, black gold,
    Texas “peak oil” Tea

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