American Transcendentalism: An Indigenous Culture of Critique


Kevin MacDonald has an excellent essay on Counter-Currents about the Yankee Question. This is too good to pass up.

Note: MacDonald has never been a Single Jewish Causer. He could easily write an entire book on the radical utopian movements of the nineteenth century (abolitionism, civil rights, pacifism, “strongminded womanism,” Unitarianism, Free Loveism, Shakerism, Fourierism, Transcendentalism, etc.) that plunged America into racial and cultural decline and laid the foundation for their destructive successors in the twentieth century.

Actually, there is already a book on this subject which comes highly recommended from Thomas DiLorenzo: David Goldfield’s America Aflame: How The Civil War Created a Nation.

“This sweeping, provocative history of America from the 1830s through Reconstruction has two grand themes. One is the importance of evangelical Protestantism, particularly in the North and within the Republican Party, in changing slavery from a political problem to an intractable moral issue that could only be settled by bloodshed. The second is the Civil War’s transformation of America into a modern industrial nation with a powerful government and a commercial, scientific outlook, even as the postwar South stagnated in racism and backward-looking religiosity. UNC-Charlotte historian Goldfield (Still Fighting the Civil War) courts controversy by shifting more responsibility for the conflict to an activist North and away from intransigent slaveholders, whom he likens to Indians, Mexicans, and other targets viewed by white evangelical Northerners as “polluting” the spreading western frontier. Still, he presents a superb, stylishly written historical synthesis that insightfully foregrounds ideology, faith, and public mood The book is, the author writes, “neither pro-southern nor pro-northern,” but rather “antiwar.”

The anti-racist movement in America is synonymous with the anti-slavery movement. It grew out of abolitionism. The first federal civil rights bill in American history was the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which overthrew the White Republic and made blacks into American citizens.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I disagree that when slavery became a moral issue, bloodshed was inevitable.

    Ron Paul has said he believes the issue could have been solved without resorting to a “civil war.” Since Britain had abolished slavery without conflict, why couldn’t we.

    There was a much larger issue at play and we all know it. The bankers wanted control of everything. Still do. In actuality, only whites are a threat to the bankers (Rothschilds/Rockefellers and all their well-compensated stoogies)!

  2. KMac writes:

    “With the rise of the Jewish intellectual and political movements described in The Culture of Critique, the descendants of the Puritans readily joined the chorus of moral condemnation of America.

    The lesson here is that in large part the problem confronting whites stems from the psychology of moralistic self-punishment exemplified at the extreme by the Puritans and their intellectual descendants, but also apparent in a great many other whites.”

  3. the war didn’t become about slavery until after it started it was initially about the north not wanting to lose something like 80% of its tax revenue but when that wasn’t popular it morphed and gained traction with yankees and other foreigners

  4. Snowhitey,

    There is a very simple answer to that question:

    (1) The British were able to easily abolish slavery because the ratio of Whites to blacks in the Caribbean was 9 to 1.

    (2) The sugar planters in the British Caribbean were utterly dependent upon the protected home market.

    (3) The British Caribbean islands were geographically dispersed from each other and prone to invasions by the Spanish and French. The planters were also obsessed with the threat posed by slave rebellions.

    (4) Most of the British planters in the Caribbean were absentees who lived in Britain whose plantations were run by managers and lawyers.

  5. Yes, a large part of the problem are the “altruistic punishers” in the Northeast, who will turn out to a man to reelect Obama in November.

    This is obvious because you can look at every major vote in the last sixty years on the racial and cultural decline in the country. On virtually every single vote, if the Northeast had been expelled from the Union, or if the South had been independent, conservatives would have won the day.

    The Immigration Act of 1965, the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the IRCA amnesty of 1986, the Civil Rights Act of 1990, the Immigration Act of 1991, the DREAM Act, comprehensive immigration reform, Obama’s election, Obamacare, Obamacare repeal, DADT repeal, etc.

    In every case, the Northeast voted to make the problem worse, and the South voted against the Northeast, and would have won if the issue was up for debate only in the South.

  6. It’s all cut from the same cloth, Hunter. A cloth they intend to be the shroud of the Southern man. We represent everything they despise. You can hear the malice in their so-called humor regarding our people. They do NOT mean us well. They fancy themselves as “instruments of the Lord,” “scourges,” “terrible swift swords,” and suchlike things. They seek our redemption in our murder.

    Deo Vindice

  7. Hunter, we’re talking Britian. In the 1800’s, they loved conflict as much as they loved their tea. Slavery was not as important to their elites. The Southern Celts were not going to be dictated to.

    The South never considered the consequences of a loss. It was an emotional conflict for them. All they wanted to do is get vengeance on those damn yankees when, in fact, a large number of northern troops were recent immigrants. Ordered to fight in order to stay. The northern bankers had withheld financing to many Southerners. Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.

  8. On the Yankee desire to punish:

    “It became necessary to destroy the village in order to save it.”
    Yankee major in Vietnam.

    “I intend to make Georgia howl.”
    General Sherman

    “If a crow wants to fly down the Shenandoah, he must carry his provisions with him.”
    General Sheridan

    “To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.”

    Such is the Yankee talent for theft and arson.

    Deo Vindice

  9. “American” idealism (Platonism/Transcendentalism) largely of German origin. American intellectuals went twice to Germany in the nineteenth century- early, and later. They brought back German Idealism, esp. of I. Kant (Critique of Pure Reason). Same old, recycled mystical horseshit- that knowledge can be obtained outside of the senses. This view explicitly makes a virtue out of what better Americans used to call NONSENSE!

    German Idealism was re-packaged, modified, and is now called PRAGMATISM, with the mysticism carefully concealed.

  10. “The South never considered the consequences of a loss. It was an emotional conflict for them. All they wanted to do is get vengeance on those damn yankees when, in fact, a large number of northern troops were recent immigrants. Ordered to fight in order to stay. The northern bankers had withheld financing to many Southerners. Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.”

    Looks like a heaping helping of “snapback,” garnished with a little Marxism.

    “All we want is to be left alone.” Jefferson Davis
    This statement appeared on many battle flags in the Southern army. The South was fighting a just defensive war, rather than an aggressive and fatuous moral crusade.

    Without the Irish and German immigrant mercenaries they duped into fighting their war, the Yankees could not have succeeded otherwise. Immigration is the Yankee tool of choice in the creation of the “proposition” nation, after all.

    Southern vengeance? Poppycock!
    Exactly who was “trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored?”

    It wasn’t a class war in the South for sure, mommy professor Marx.

    You’re not much of a Copperhead, after all.

    Deo Vindice

  11. You forget one Northern faction that the abolitionists appealed to and that was the “We don’t want colored people in America” faction. The implicit promise made to MY ancestors was that the Negro slaves would be repatriated back to Africa and free White labor would replace them until innovations in industry inevitably made field hands obsolete.

    You underestimate how much working class Whites in the North dreaded the thought of free colored labor invading their regions to compete with jobs and living space with them. They knew that Southern planters emancipating their Negro slaves would be inevitable once technology made them obsolete. Where would they head but North?

    The Abolitionists had no traction with the Northern working class who did not give a damn about the Negros and didn’t want them let loose in the USA in the beginning. Yankee workers despised them as bleeding heart, trouble-making “nigger lovers.” It was only when they convinced them that it was a matter of time when plantations automated and the planters would set them loose in the North that they gained support.

    It was not like there was an ocean separating North from South like the USA and Haiti.

    How can anyone here see the ruins of Detroit, Camden, Newark, and Gary and say their fears were unjustified?

    The abolitionist movement knew they had no support from regular Yankees. Indeed, the reason why the North provoked the South’s attack on Fort Sumter was to justify their invasion of the South. If you watch Scorsese’s film, “Gangs of New York,” you will discover that people were rioting, because of Lincoln’s Emancipation Act.

    Lincoln had implied that the War was to preserve the Union, round up the Negro slaves and ship their black asses back to Africa. The riots erupted, because the working class Yankee felt that Lincoln had double-crossed them.

    The last thing the average working Yankee stiff wanted was a class of emancipated, enfranchised Negros backed up by a civil rights commission.

    If Yankees have been pissy to the South, then take another gander at Detroit, etc. No Negro Slavery, No Jim Crow laws, No Northern Migration, No Ruins of Detroit.

    El Ron is totally correct that the Civil War could have been avoided and the costs would have been far less if the North had paid for the repatriation of all Negros to Liberia and reimbursed the South for their losses.

    It WAS a power grab on the part of the federal government and it WAS the Northern elite in love with the idea of cheaper colored labor to keep the White working class in line.

    It would be nice if Neo-Confederates could come at this from THAT angle instead of dismissing the concerns of the White working class Northern yeoman at the time as so much rubbish just like they did then.

    I don’t understand the sentiment, but it’s no business of mine if there are Whites who would rather be murdered in their beds than make them. But its one helluva note that those who would rather make their own beds be murdered in them anyway. That is why I still oppose a White country engaging in Non-White slavery or using Non-White labor in any other fashion.

  12. Dixie and the British West Indies were apples and oranges:

    The British planters were never in any position to rebel over the anti-slavery movement because by 1833 most of them were absentee landlords who didn’t even live in the Caribbean.

    The only island in the British Caribbean that was anything resembling a settler society was Barbados. There was no rebellion there either during the American Revolution or after slavery was abolished in 1833 because it would have been futile.

    During the American Revolution, there was a famine in St. Kitts, Nevis, and Montserrat because those sugar islands were so devoted to sugar monoculture that they couldn’t even feed themselves. They relied upon cheap food from North America.

    Any rebellion in Barbados – the only island where such a rebellion would have been remotely feasible – would have been starved into submission by the Royal Navy or destroyed by a slave rebellion.

  13. the best way to keep negros from invading the north would have been keeping them in chains and I’m not sure there was ever much real support for sending them back to africa at the time. several attempts had already been made and failed before lincoln and the dam yakees launched their war on us.

    defending the indefensible is always a losing battle

  14. Maybe white northerners should have stopped buying “Beecher’s Bibles” for John Brown long enough to realize that the South should have been left to solve its own nigger problem. We tried again with segregation, but you didn’t like the way we treated your “emancipated” negro pets back then, either.

    Sounds a bit like the story of B’rer Rabbit and the Tar Baby to me. You’re stuck to the nigger problem now. Better start spending more breath on convincing your fellow Yankees about the need to come around to our way of thinking or just find your own solution among yourselves. Yankees are supposed to be so much smarter than us, anyway.

    Everything Southerners traditionally held regarding niggers was and is true. They’re just obsolete farm equipment at this point. Nothing but trouble. Nobody here owns a mule, I presume. Where did all the mules go? The federal government hasn’t subsidized mules quite like it has negroes, has it?

    If the Yankee federal government ever left us alone, we could solve the problem quicker than you could slap a tick. But then maybe you all should just keep doing things to make the negroes happy, like reelecting Obama. That will work, won’t it?

    There are just so many “race realist” Yankees, aren’t there?

    Deo Vindice

  15. ““American” idealism (Platonism/Transcendentalism) largely of German origin. American intellectuals went twice to Germany in the nineteenth century- early, and later.”

    It’s not German it’s French. It’s called Calvinism. And the entire Transcendental movement is just another stage of New England Puritanism.

  16. Come on, that stupid map has predominantly white West Virginia having zero IQ. Since Alabamas white population is larger than Mississippi’s, it should be darker.

  17. “You underestimate how much working class Whites in the North dreaded the thought of free colored labor invading their regions to compete with jobs and living space with them.” – As with everything, they should have demanded that those promises be chiseled into stone, because the net effect of the civil war was the very thing that they feared. But there is more to it then that, why would the south free their slaves? were the northern most slave states freeing them as white workers displaced slavery? no they were selling them to other slave states. That would have been how the slaves were repatriated.

  18. “There is a slight chance this isn’t genetic.” – It is wider than it should be. what methodology is used to determine IQ? educational testing?

    If that is the case then that is just a graph of the states that spend more on education per pupil(which does marginally benefit white students).

    The California result seems spurious, are they lumping north africans, middle easterners, west asians and so on into white?

  19. @Rudel, I believe that’s Audacious Epigone’s map, is that right?

    Oh, the smartest Whites in America live in Massachusetts? The home of Ted Kennedy, Barney Fag, and Gov. Deval Patrick? LOL

    “Smart” doesn’t necessarily mean “wise”. The Swedes are much smarter than the Somalis, but the Somalis still have something that the Swedes seem to have lost: the basic survival instinct. Modern-day Swedes are smart, but not wise.

    Audacious Epigone calculated the average IQ for every state (all races) based on the 2009 NAEP tests, and Massachusetts finished first.

    Mississippi finished 50th and DC 51st. Which only makes sense, seeing as they have the largest percentage of blacks in the nation. Overall, I think AE’s list confirms the great demographic and intellectual divide between the Cold States and Warm States, so much so that they could also be known (unkindly) as the Smart States and Dumb States. The reason being is less because of the differences in average IQ between the white population in each region, although whites in northern and middle America test slightly higher than those in the southern tier, with some exceptions. But the main reason is the much higher percentages of blacks and Hispanics in the Warm States, which greatly drags down their average IQs.

    27 of the 30 smartest states are Cold States, with the exceptions being the three Chesapeake Bay states, #11 Maryland, #22 Delaware and #23 Virginia. On the other side of the Bell Curve, the dimmest region of the Cold States is the Appalachia-Ozarks belt, what I would call Scots-Irish America, #30 Kentucky, #39 Tennessee, #41 Oklahoma, #42 Arkansas and #46 West Virginia. Most would call these five states the northern flank of the South, but I would call them the southeastern flank of the Cold States.

    Again, smart does not necessarily equate with wise. Your average dim-witted bumpkin in West Virginia probably has far more common sense than some over-educated brainiac in Massachusetts. But AE’s IQ estimates further confirm the growing divide along the east-west racial fault line between the mainly white Cold States of northern and middle America and the increasingly non-white Warm States of southern tier America.

  20. It’s amazing how everything converges in the American northeast, all the various moralizers, plus the elite monied classes (wall street, banking, finance) and Jewry.

  21. If you watch Scorsese’s film, “Gangs of New York,” you will discover that people were rioting, because of Lincoln’s Emancipation Act.

    Minor point, but surely there’s a better historian.

  22. “Yankees are supposed to be so much smarter than us, anyway.”

    In fact they are. Here is a map of average White IQ by state:

    Most of the existing information on this conflicts. But one thing is clear— New York is NEVER in the top ten, usually not in the top 15—– and yet they rule the entire country.

    And there’s the main trouble with Federalization.

  23. Repeating a comment from the last entry I posted on, which appeared to have been caught in your spam filter:

    “A broken clock is right twice a day: every so often, the Yankee utopian reform impulse stumbles upon some kind of reform which has merit”

    If you think focusing on the “Yankee utopian” menace is the most effective way to galvanize Southerners in support of secession, go for it. I don’t believe that it is, but it’s your website.

    If you think it actually makes sense to view “Yankee utopianism” as the driving force behind 20th century leftism, you’re simply wrong, and this sort of argument requires conflating various definitions of “Yankee”, ignoring Jewish and European influences, etc.

    You’re doing this again here. Conflating the descendants of New England Puritans and modern “Northeasterners”. Paying little attention to the actual history presented in MacDonald’s review (granting that MacDonald himself baselessly endorses the supposed unique culpability of the descendants of Puritans): “But as their intellectual world expanded (often at the Harvard Divinity School), they became aware of the “higher criticism” of the Bible that originated with German scholars. [. . .] In their search for an intellectual grounding of religion, they rejected Locke’s barren empiricism and turned instead to the idealism of Kant, Schelling, and Coleridge.” And not bothering to research the facts yourself, when you’re more than capable of doing so.

    Also, note this is not a new article. Greg Johnson has merely repurposed old TOO content in support of his fabulous lifestyle.

  24. People point to Lincoln and FDR as overseeing vast expansions in federal power. They did. In 1913, however, three things happened that resulted in a less appreciated power transfer from the states to the feds: the 16th amendment, the 17th amendment and the Federal Reserve Act. The 16th gave the fedgov the ability to levy an income tax, and the 17th took away the states’ representation in the federal government. Northern banking interests with key assistance from Jews were behind the federal reserve act. I don’t have time to look it up, but given the effect of those two amendments I would not be surprised if northern financial interets were behind them, too.

  25. Looking at the specific individuals mentioned in MacDonald’s review:

    “Orestes Brownson (1803–1876) admired the Universalists’ belief in the inherent dignity of all people and the promise of eventual universal salvation for all believers.”

    /wiki/Orestes_Brownson: In 1822, Brownson was baptized in the Presbyterian Church in Ballston, New York but he quickly complained that Presbyterians only associated with themselves and that the Calvinist doctrines of predestination and eternal sin were too harsh. After withdrawing from Presbyterianism in 1824 and teaching at various schools in upstate New York and Detroit, Brownson applied to be a Universalist preacher. Universalism, for Orestes, represented the only liberal variety of Christianity he knew of. [. . .] Later, rejecting Universalism, he became associated with Robert Dale Owen and Fanny Wright in New York City and supported the New York Workingmen’s Party.

    (Note: Owen and Wright were both born in Scotland.)

    After the demise of the Philanthropist in 1832, Brownson moved to Walpole, New Hampshire where he was a part of the Transcendentalist movement which swept through the Boston Unitarian community. He read in English Romanticism and English and French reports on German Idealist philosophy, and was passionate about the work of Victor Cousin and Pierre Leroux.

    /wiki/Universalist_Church_of_America: American Universalism developed from the influence of various Pietist and Anabaptist movements in Europe, including Quakers, Moravians, Methodists, Lutherans, Schwenkfelders, Schwarzenau Brethren, and others. Pietists emphasized individual piety and zeal and a “religion of the heart.” Early followers were most often German in ancestry. The majority of the early American Universalists lived in the Mid-Atlantic colonies, though Rhode Island also had a fair amount of followers. Adams Streeter (1735–1786), the first minister of Universalist congregations in Oxford and Milford, Massachusetts, original societies of Universalism in New England, came from a Baptist background, ordained in 1774.[8]

    One of the most important early Universalist evangelists was the Dr. George de Benneville. Born in a Huguenot family exiled to England, he arrived in America in 1741. A physician and lay preacher, he spread Universalism among the German immigrants of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and later around Philadelphia and New Jersey. Benneville also commonly visited the Ephrata Cloister, a utopian community with Universalist beliefs. He arranged for the translation of a German book about universalism, The Everlasting Gospel (1753 translation),[9] by Georg Klein-Nicolai of Friessdorf, Germany. Nearly forty years later, Elhanan Winchester read the book and converted to Universalism. He was influential in the printing of the Sauer Bible of Christoph Sauer (1695–1758), the first German Bible printed in America, with passages supporting Winchester’s belief in the universal availability of salvation.

    What I do not see in the person of Orestes Brownson is evidence for New England as the font of all radicalism.

  26. MacDonald has never been a Single Jewish Causer. He could easily write an entire book on the radical utopian movements of the nineteenth century (abolitionism, civil rights, pacifism, “strongminded womanism,” Unitarianism, Free Loveism, Shakerism, Fourierism, Transcendentalism, etc.) that plunged America into racial and cultural decline and laid the foundation for their destructive successors in the twentieth century….”

    Idk, Hw—- you’re very smart and well read. I read all MacDonald at some point in the past, and have listened to many of his lectures. He’s very good on the perspective that interests him and the narrative that he wishes to create.

    What gets me: is this whole Puritan narrative is just exactly the mainstream bunk we learned in grad school.

    We learned all about all those movements, etc.

    However, the fact is that NYC is only 4% wasp. That’s what no one will deal with. They all want to pretend that the Europeans who got dumped here in 1850, then the next waves in 1900 HAVE NOTHING TO DO with the psychosis we’re in.

    And that just is simply NOT TRUE.

    Hearing anyone go on about Puritans (when they virtually don’t exist) is like blacks on the “white people’s slavery made me do it.” They use it to cover up their own deals.

    Does it really get more punishing than the Inquisitions? Burning heretics at the stake? Those weird old torture devices of the popes? —Oh, but if you say this, some will act as if you are from “Chick Tracts,” lol (or whatever that guys name is). NOT SO! Many Americans used to keep Foxe’s book of Martyrs right beside their Bibles.

    What is of concern is this ever-shifting ‘which white is most responsible’ thing. And the wasps must be blamed.

    Because they are the group most targeted by negative propaganda, they are the most endangered, imo. The Southern wasp… well, it doesn’t get more evil than that. So, I do really question this bizarre hyper-focus on Puritans.

    They didn’t come up with all that punishing business on their own. It was inherent in the versions of christianity they were trying to escape, anyway.

  27. “But as their intellectual world expanded (often at the Harvard Divinity School), they became aware of the “higher criticism” of the Bible that originated with German scholars.”

    Germanic “higher criticism” of the Bible postdated the Transcendental movement by half a century.

  28. “George Ripley (1802–1880), who founded the utopian community of Brook Farm and was an important literary critic”

    /wiki/George_Ripley_(transcendentalist): In the late 1830s Ripley became increasingly engaged in “Associationism”, an early Fourierist socialist movement. In October 1840 he announced to the Transcendental Club his plan to form an Associationist community based on Fourier’s Utopian plans.

    /wiki/Associationism: In the early history of socialism, associationism was a term used by early-19th-century followers of the utopian theories of such thinkers as Robert Owen, Claude Henri de Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier to describe their beliefs.[1]

    Guess how many of Owen, Saint-Simon, and Fourier were Yankees?

    “Amos Bronson Alcott (1799–1888) was an educator who “believed in the innate goodness of each child whom he taught” (p. 85). ”

    /wiki/Amos_Bronson_Alcott: Alcott had been influenced by educational philosophy of the Swiss pedagogue Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and even renamed his school “The Cheshire Pestalozzi School”.[15] [. . .] With financial support from Emerson,[61] Alcott left Concord on May 8, 1842, to a visit to England, leaving his brother Junius with his family.[62] He met two admirers, Charles Lane and Henry C. Wright. [. . .] Persuaded in part by [Englishman] Lane’s abolitionist views, Alcott took a stand against the John Tyler administration’s plan to annex Texas as a slave territory and refused to pay his poll tax.

  29. A far as I know the southern senators and southern house representatives signed the Federal Reserve Act of 1913* without any fuss. Seems to me the southern lawmakers signed the Federal Reserve Act with full free will and volition, just like the northern lawmakers.
    Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention : Woodrow Wilson — the president who signed the Federal Reserve Act– was a Son of Virginia.
    So much for rebels.
    * The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 gave the Rothschilds ALL The Money Power in the USA.
    It was signed into law, by a president, by a president who was a Son Of The South; A Son of Virginia :Woodrow Wilson.

  30. “So much for the founding stock. Ya’ just gotta’ love those founding stock types!”

    Woodrow Wilson’s ancestors were in Ireland and Scotland in 1790.

  31. n/a,

    (1) First, I suppose you could say that I have developed an unshakeable belief that the South would be infinitely better off as an independent country. I have come to regard the existence of the Union with the Northeast and West Coast as the primary force that is driving our racial and cultural decline.

    (2) Second, I believe that KMac would agree that Yankee utopianism was the primary cause of America’s racial decline in the nineteenth century and that it set the stage for the Jewish problem that would become more severe in the twentieth century.

    (3) Third, I am perfectly willing to grant that the Northeast is ethnically diverse, but I really don’t see much of a difference between Charles Sumner and Ted Kennedy, policywise.

    (4) There was an article somewhere recently about how the hippie movement came from Germany. Takimag or Sailer, I believe. That ground was covered in Sources of the Self years ago.

    (5) Yes, I recalled seeing this on TOQ not too long ago. I had posted the link to it before realizing that I had read it before.

  32. Wilson was the president of Princeton and the governor of New Jersey. In some ways, he governed as a Southerner, as when he resegregated the federal government for the first time since the Lincoln administration. In other ways, he was a product of Northern academic background, as in his delusional ideas about world peace.

  33. Re: jeppo

    (1) I’m perfectly willing to grant that there is a strain of anti-intellectualism in Scots-Irish culture, but I would argue that this probably a good thing for them.

    It means they are more likely to take a dim view of the nonsense about race taught in the public schools and to have a less than reverent attitude toward destructive leftwing Jewish intellectuals and political pundits.

    (2) In France and Germany, public intellectuals like Jean-Paul Sartre and Jurgen Habermas are taken much more seriously than they are in Dixie. That’s also a good thing.

    (3) I would much rather be ruled the residents of the most rustic trailer park in Mississippi than by the faculty of Harvard University.

    (4) I like the idea of being surrounded by heavily armed, flinty, self reliant rednecks. My next door neighbor has a virtual armory of automatic weapons and countless boxes of ammunition.

    (5) Blacks have been here for almost 400 years and the sky hasn’t fallen. We’re not worried about negroes. The federal government is the real problem.

  34. “(3) I would much rather be ruled the residents of the most rustic trailer park in Mississippi than by the faculty of Harvard University.”

    Amen to the 9th Power.

  35. Woodrow Wilson does have the charming distinction of being our last racist, openly pro-white president. That makes him not a bad guy in my book. He even instituted federal segregation policies.

    To hell with Glenn Beck, the simpleton who doesn’t really know what he thinks he does.

    None of the politicians of the day realized the implications of the Federal Reserve Act or even the Seventeenth Amendment. They were all hornswoggled, to use a technical term.

    The early progressives were in over their heads when they encountered the real moneychangers. They actually thought they were limiting the bankers’ power when they were really consolidating it. At the time, the damage was only theoretical and potential, since the country remained on the gold standard.

    The Jewish bankers already controlled international finance, so the Yankee bankers were all too ready to make what I’m sure seemed to them a rather lucrative deal. It meant they had arrived on the scene. In hindsight, they were simply being shown the door.

    Silly Yankees, tricks are for yids.

    Deo Vindice

  36. “I have come to regard the existence of the Union with the Northeast and West Coast as the primary force that is driving our racial and cultural decline.”

    It’s primarily mental/philosophical not geographical. Large swaths of rural California are “Confederate” in their minds.

    I really appreciate this site and its national perspective on the issues which your subject matter covers. If you really feel that way about the rest of the country then you ought to rename the site “Southern Dissent” and drift back into the old, tired, and nostalgic fantasy of The South Shall Rise Again.

    I for one belive that most of our White brethren actually do understand what’s really going on as they evidence this by voting with their feet. This is not a bad thing. It is racial survival.

  37. Hunter, I appreciate your recent flurry of activity, which matches a flurry of racial insults that are the run up to the 2012 election.

    But I have to challenge you on your “South only” secession model.

    I would like to offer another model which is the Pakistan model. When British rule ended in India Muslim Pakistan was carved out of largely Hindu India. Later, Pakistan split into Pakistan proper and Bangladesh.

    Similarly, it is doubtful that Roundhead non-southern Whites would like to long live united with Cavalier southern whites; but we need each other in the first phase.

    Ultimately we could have four or five white ethnostates carved out of America, and I think we would all be happier and more prosperous for that balance of power and friendly competition and rivalry. Even in an all white society, politics will continue as it always has along class and cultural lines. We ought not bash each other but agree to live-and-let-live in a loose federation.

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