About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. IMO if a movie is going to have all whites in it, then it better not be anti-white. I really think on a subconscious level that whites are growing uncomfortable with negative portrayals of themselves. So they make a movie about whites and disempowered negroes and lo and behold it bombs because they ticked off two demographics at once. Shastus and Lexus ain’t gonna see it cuz the dumb ass nigras ain’t killin whitey and Whites are not going to see it because it basically is written by a white self hating psychopaths.

  2. Hunter,

    Do you think the depiction of all Southern Confederates as Vampires is not fair and balanced presentation of the relative good and bad of the North and South?


  3. Did you read Nicholas Powers whiny review of the box office receipts on alternet?

    The nigs never shut the pie hole.

  4. … If anyone fits the profile of a vampire squid it’s got to be Lincoln.
    We await Django Unchained now.

  5. One hundred and twelve years later, Third World superstar Bob Marley swung his knotty dreads and sang his 1979 hit Babylon System. “Babylon system is a vampire,” he crooned, “Sucking the children day by day.”


    Bob Marley’s own band members in the Wailers were murdered by other niggers in Jamaica. Trench Town is a dump because business activity collapsed there due to the Black Undertow.

    Rastafaris are among the most worthless, shiftless, laziest people on the face on the planet.

  6. I encourage activists to write negative reviews of anti White movies on rottentomatoes .com

  7. Blacks are comically blind to their own evil. Like, dare I say it…Zombies?

    Marley just hated his white Pa. Rastas are almost all paranoid schoziphrenics too. They ingest far too much weed.

  8. Budget:
    $69,000,000 (estimated)

    Opening Weekend:
    $16,306,974 (USA) (24 June 2012) (3108 Screens)

    $16,306,974 (USA) (24 June 2012)

    It looks like it struggle to break even – worldwide and in the long run. They’ll have to drop the formula or go back to making bulls$%t “guilt trip” Nazi movies, but those are now tapped out.


  9. Powers review is stunningly clueless. How can a white person enjoy the sight of a black person ‘chimping out’ still presented as a hero, when he sees the effects of black crime everyday in his own city, on the local/international news and from reports of victims in his circle of friends and family?

    Why would I pay to see a fake representation of an unhinged Hero black, when all I need to do is switch on the local news for free?

  10. “Unique to the Leftist tradition of critique is the use of vampires not as an image of an individual spirit but as the spirit of a whole society. In the hands of progressives, vampires are a symbol of the repressed violence that has become normalized by ideology.”

    tradition of critique? Roh roh.

    What violence does the right actually inflict in society as a whole?
    Mainly it, law enforcement, is there to incarcerate very, very dangerous people and
    keep them away from ordinary folk. Coincidence that well over half that number are black.

    Next come wars. Virtually all the wars the US has engaged in since the civil war have
    been directed at liberating some unwitting woman in a Burkah. If anything the mania for justice and equality has piled up so much rotting, blood drained flesh that I’m prepared to say that Abe’s the real man of blood.

  11. I still can’t beleive they played this thing straight. Tarentino’s crap works because he camps it up.

  12. The ultimate mudshark movie ….

    “The White Masai” (Trailer) 2:25 sec


    She even gets slaps around .. typical…. then she has 1/2 bred kid (not shown in this trailer – I saw a different trailer at the start of the “Uncovering Michael Moore” DVD I just watched)

  13. The brood and I watched the movie, ‘Brave’ today. It’s filled with Scottish flavor, albeit a sort of cross between civilized post-Christian medieval Europe, and pre-Christian pagan Celtic legend and myth.

    Emma Thompson delivers fairly passable Gaelic, and a fine characterization. But the premise of the movie again relies on the pagan construct of men (or, in this case, women) becoming animals like ‘Brother Bear’ and it’s already been done. However, Pixar’s ability to show human hair (especially the lovely red locks of the heroine, which I wanted to reach out and touch, so lifelike they were) and large vistas is still amazing. But one needs a stronger plot, these days.

    Even so, to see nothing but whites, not a nig in sight, nor a nig dialect, and pipes, drums, and the inane humor of ‘Does a Scot wear underwear beneath his kilt?” made the movie a pleasurable way to spend a ghastly hot afternoon.

    I’m glad Abe the blood sucker bombed. Why should we divinize a man who destroyed the union, and has unleashed the REAL bloodsuckers (Jews) and their minions (Nigs) on we Whites?

  14. “Braveheart” starring Mel Gibson is an awesome movie. It’s on my favorite list of all-time favorite movies. Very ” Scotland the Brave” ( a great hymn about Scotland. Youtube it. Very moving hymn).

  15. The Outlaw Josey Wales is my number one favorite movie of all time. I’m sure it’s due for a remake with Will Smith, an ex-Union soldier, in the leading role. Ugh!

  16. I watched Brave with the kids and Fr. John is exactly right. That said, it served up the usual regurgitated vomit of the woman in constant rebellion against her historic duties and responsibilities. I was just waiting for her to fall for some outcast, low cast loser. Isn’t that the meme?

  17. Brave has set us up perfectly for Brave II–where our dashing red head falls for a foreign interloper, maybe a Paki or Arab. It wouldn’t surprise me. Damn, I hate Hollywood.

  18. Edward Longshanks banished the Jews from England.

    Gibson got it all wrong IMHO. What Christian king ever did that!

  19. I’ve not seen nor will I see the movie in question, but my guess is, White men avoided the movie as RobRoy suggested and White women avoided the movie because vampires were cast as bad guys not metro-sexuals, which kept the chicks from getting tingles, which kept them from flooding into the theaters to see it.

  20. From the 13th to the 16th centuries many European countries expelled the Jews from their territory on at least 15 occasions, with Spain being preceded by England, France and German lands, among many others, and succeeded by at least five more expulsions. So Spain does not provide any exception to a tragic history of the life of Jews among Christian nations.

    The hostility toward Jews was brought to a climax by “the Catholic Monarchs” – Ferdinand II and Isabella I, whose marriage in 1469 formed a personal union of the crowns of Aragon and Castile, with coordinated policies between their distinct kingdoms.

    Ferdinand and Isabella took seriously the reports that some crypto-Jews were not only privately practicing their former faith, but were secretly trying to draw other conversos back into the Jewish fold. In 1478, Ferdinand and Isabella made formal application to Rome for a tribunal of the Inquisition in Castile to investigate these and other suspicions. In 1487, King Ferdinand established the Spanish Inquisition in Aragon. It is not known how many had not truly converted, had lapsed from their new Christianity, or were attempting to persuade others to revert.

    The independent Islamic Emirate of Granada had been a tributary state to Castile since 1238. In 1491, in preparation for an imminent transition to Castilian territory, the Treaty of Granada was signed by Emir Muhammad XII and the Queen of Castile, protecting the religious freedoms of the Jews and Muslims there. In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabella completed the Catholic Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula from Islamic al-Andalus by victory in the Battle of Granada. In acquiring the city of Granada a large Jewish and Muslim population came under her rule. Soon Isabella and Ferdinand chose to replace the Treaty of Granada’s Jewish protection terms with the Alhambra Decree’s Inquisitional Castilian and Aragonite persecution.

    The king and queen issued the Alhambra Decree less than three months after the surrender of Granada. In it, Jews were accused of trying “to subvert their holy Catholic faith and trying to draw faithful Christians away from their beliefs.” These measures were not new in Europe.

    Some Jews were even only given four months and ordered to convert to Christianity or leave the country. Under the edict, Jews were promised royal “protection and security” for the effective three-month window before the deadline. They were permitted to take their belongings with them – except “gold or silver or minted money”.

    The punishment for any Jew who did not convert or leave by the deadline was death without trial. The punishment for a non-Jew who sheltered or hid Jews was the confiscation of all belongings and hereditary privileges.

  21. there’s something folks should take away from Apuleius post, the peace loving hajjis were in Spain. That’s islam and not that religion of peace bullshit so many here buy into

  22. On the other hand Ice Age 4 is typical Jew fare with major memes for programming the little goyim.

    In Ice Age 4 – Continental Shift we have a setting of natural cataclysm and social mayhem. The animals must somehow survive and thrive. According to Jew- how do they do this?

    Diversity, of course.

    They form herds. They leave their own kind and band together in diversity to face their challenges. The Mammoths have Black and Latino accents. In the opening scenes, the teen Mamoth ‘Peaches’ is ‘hanging’ with a molehog (Yiddish accent). The Sabre Tooths have Latino accents.

    The successful herd is composed of a Mammoth, a Sabretooth Tiger and two Sloths.

    The Sloths have the Yiddish accents – this would be Sid and Granny.

    In one scene, Sid’s family (which is together as a Sloth family) hunts him down. The Jews, of course, arene’t having any problems with natural disasters unleashed by continental drift. They have invented the bobsled and come bobsledding in to see Sid. The reason why they hunt down Sid, their long lost member is dump Granny Sloth on him. (Typical family behaviour, of course). It is lucky that Sid, the Jew Sloth, belongs to Herd Diversity. Sid’s Herd, of course, adopts Granny Sloth.

    Later Granny Sloth saves the day because, as it turns out, Granny has a pet Leviathan. The Leviathan (that could be Leviathan state) takes command of the social anarchy out on the ice and runs the show. And Granny Jew runs the Leviathan. So the Herd is saved.

    Do you really want your grade school children programmed with this crap?

  23. Anyone who is not familiar with the Spanish Reconquista should know that Jews combined with the Muslims against Christian Spain for centuries. The end of Muslim occupation of Spain was the goal of the Reconquista.

    The Reconquista was completed in 1492. All Muslims and Jews were expelled from Spain, Sardinia, and Sicily.

    “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
    Mark Twain

    Deo Vindice

  24. You’re right Stonelifter. Islam means “I submit,” not “peace” as the disingenuous carpetbagger George W. Bush claimed.

    Well done, Lynda. Your discernment and intelligence are very heartening.

    Deo Vindice

  25. much of what is now the middle east use to be Christian ( of some variety) and heavily White, until the religion of peace showed up.

  26. “That said, it served up the usual regurgitated vomit of the woman in constant rebellion against her historic duties and responsibilities. I was just waiting for her to fall for some outcast, low cast loser. Isn’t that the meme?”

    Wasn’t that the plot from Titanic?

    “They form herds. They leave their own kind and band together in diversity to face their challenges. The Mammoths have Black and Latino accents. In the opening scenes, the teen Mamoth ‘Peaches’ is ‘hanging’ with a molehog (Yiddish accent). The Sabre Tooths have Latino accents.”

    Animal Farm?

  27. It’s true the white Caucasian Spanish kicked the jews out of Spain, but then the Spanish proceeded to break Catholic law by making slavery legal in their new world colonies. The Catholic church made slavery illegal in the year 514. No one of any race was to be thrown into slavery period. Then the white Caucasian Spanish broke Christian law once again by miscegenating (big time) with the indians and the black slaves. Now Central America and South America is a giant mess — in worse state than the US even. So throwing the jews out wasn’t like a panacea or anything. It’s a fallen world, jews or no jews.

  28. “That said, it served up the usual regurgitated vomit of the woman in constant rebellion against her historic duties and responsibilities. I was just waiting for her to fall for some outcast, low cast loser. Isn’t that the meme?”

    Talk about a woman in rebellion against her historic duties and responsibilities, but rather falling for some low caste loser:

    Turns out, King Edward IV was illegitimate, as his mom Cecily was dillying an archer whilst her husband King Richard Plantagenet was off at war. Therefore the entire line of English kings and queens from then on, including Henry VIII and King George, were usurpers to the throne.
    Turns out the Windsors ought not to be residing in Buckingham Palace and that the True King of England is a blue collar guy in Australia!

    I’m incredulous!


  29. “Unique to the Leftist tradition of critique is the use of vampires not as an image of an individual spirit but as the spirit of a whole society. In the hands of progressives, vampires are a symbol of the repressed violence that has become normalized by ideology.”

    Funny, but my theory on vampires in pop culture is that the archetype hits a bit too close to home for the Yids, so they “rehabilitated it.” That’s why vampires are more sexy good guys these days than creepy monsters.

    Afraid of Sunlight
    Afraid of the Cross
    Look like humans, but actually monsters
    “Blood libel”
    Immortal and past-bound AKA racist collective unconscious

    Yep, pretty Jewish.

    Their archenemies, the Werewolves:
    Prone to impulsive anti-vampire campaigns
    Vulnerable to silver (lucre)

    Yep, fairly Nordic

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