About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. At the end the filmsker laments…

    “A city, a people holding on, waiting for a saviour…”

    Perhaps we could dig up Lincoln’s corpse and he can drive a stake through the heart of those pitiless autocompany CEOs?

    Oh no, wait… the blacks in Detroit effectively did that already.

  2. Tarantino is tolerable because he puts a few self referential elements in. Filmic references and such. He also liberally drops the N word all over. Which I like.
    He likes it too.

  3. That is pathetic. Why stay in that shithole? Can’t he get a job in a better city? Watching that white(?) woman with her daughter’s ‘special needs’ black baby and all those loser blacks; it’s a welfare ghetto the size of a [once] major city. The newscasters seem to be laughing at the pathetic crap Detroit has become in 40 years. Fire the firemen, that’s the plan. Then the yutes will set what’s left on fire. But where will the government move all the ghetto losers with the Section8 cards? Maybe your town?

  4. Tarentino will spend the rest of his life atoning for this one scene:
    In BRA no one is supposed to get away with talking to a nigger like that.
    Especially when it’s only a movie.

    Too lazy, shiftless, and stupid to build anything, niggers destroy everything they touch, then sit around waiting for “help.” The whites who actually try to help them are even stupider than niggers.

    Deo Vindice

  5. Interesting video of Detroit. All I see is cheap land and abandoned housing where young White pioneers can settle, set up fortified armed compounds and trading posts, and start having large families.

  6. “And that’s…

    Pure Michigan…”
    once that city falls in completely, the niggers will flood out into the outer burbs and towns, like ypsilanti (their anchor into the SWPL rich henhouse known as Ann Arbor) and then we will see all those liberals recind their opinions on white flight. in the 20 years i’ve been round, its been “getting darker”.

  7. Perhaps we could dig up Lincoln’s corpse and he can drive a stake through the heart of those pitiless autocompany CEOs?

    I would think yankees would want to dig up lincoln’s bones and toss them into the sea. they’ll never do it, yankees damn near worship the tyrant and mlk

    WG’s idea would never work because BRA wouldn’t allow Whites to defend themselves like that and michigan has shit gun laws, self defense laws etc.

  8. @WG

    They’ll be no “pioneers” here. That land belongs to the grandchildren of the whites who were driven from it out into suburbs decades ago. Any white outsiders come here looking for a free squat will be dealt with as if they are niggers.

  9. also just pulling security full time is exhausting over the long run. I doubt very many people understand the man power required to do such a thing

    but no one is stopping WG from following his own suggestion, expect you know, himself

  10. Land belongs to those strong enough to hold it.
    What is now a Nigger wildlife preserve should be colonized by New World Whites.
    No reparations for White Flight.
    Who do you think they sold their land to?
    Sound the trumpets.

  11. ps, I respect Chris wanting to keep his AO for his people. That’s the way it should be. Now if damnyankees would only extend that to Southron folk

  12. @Tamer

    You’re not from here, I doubt you’ve ever spent a single day here, so you don’t decide what belongs to whom.

    You try and dig in your heels where you’re not wanted, and you won’t know a moment’s peace until you wise up and fuck off.

  13. I wonder how the part of Michiganistan ABOVE THE LAKE feel about all of their tax money going to the tiny part of Michiganistan (DEADtroit) South of the lake and supporting all the lazy, worthless blacks and muslims? Anyone?

  14. @SKIP

    What are you talking about? Michigan borders five major lakes. Are you referring to people from the upper penninsula? I can’t speak to their personal feelings about how their tax dollars are spent, but I know that most of the financial
    assistance that Detroit recieves is Federal and not state, and nobody that is actually from here, ever calls the place “Michiganistan”.

  15. “nobody that is actually from here, ever calls the place ‘Michiganistan’.”

    But as James McNeil Whistler famously said: You will, my boy, you will.

  16. Isn’t right across the river in Canada a Whitopia? Those smug self centered moral high horse Canucks are mighty quiet about open borders utopian drivel when it comes to basically the EBT Zombie Army marching across the bridge (if there is one) and partaking of “equality.”

  17. I agree it looks like there is some potential to scoop up cheap land in Detriot. It’s not a bad idea.

  18. RE: Michiganistan, yeah, I forget about that. There is an enclave of hardcore Shiites in Dearborn.

  19. Isn’t right across the river in Canada a Whitopia?

    Hardly. Have you been to Toronto to Vancouver lately?

    “The 2006 census indicates 46.9% of Toronto’s population is composed of visible minorities; 1,162,630 non-Whites, or 23% of Canada’s visible minority population, live in Toronto; of this, approximately 70% are of Asian ancestry. ” wiki

    “In the city of Vancouver, 47.1% of the population are members of visible minority groups as of the 2001 Census.[5]” wiki

    Sad but true : (

  20. Send a White Expeditionary Force (W.E.F.) to Detroit and start occupying the abandoned properties. Renovate them. Lots of cheap land to start large White families. Boots on the ground, that’s what counts. It can be done.

    Just like what Casa Pound is doing in Italy:


    You’ll probably have to fight Pontiac’s War all over again, but that’s the price to reclaim your territory.

  21. Ezra Pound was real opposition. Mussolini was a set-up and a traitor to true resistance. The Italians who think Mussolini is a “point of reference” either have their heads-up-their-asses, or are jew communists working to undermine and usurp true resistance, or are just Italians play/pretending they’re tough and some kind of cats pajamas. CasaPound is bullshit. Ezra Pound is not bullshit, but “CasaPound” is bullshit, that’s for sure. If they use Mussolini– a traitor to true Italian patriots who wanted to escape the West’s banking system that historically bled Italy of every drop of blood it could– as a point of reference, they are then, ipso facto, referencing a traitor who returned Italia right back into the Den of the Lion { The City of London : The international banking system }. A system of banking that bleeds Italy dry, just as it bleeds America dry. CasaPound is bullshit.

  22. “….Tarantino is tolerable because he puts a few self referential elements in. Filmic references and such. He also liberally drops the N word all over. Which I like.
    He likes it too….”

    Idk— liked him kind of at first. Reservoir Dogs was disgusting but somehow different. Then after awhile, he seemed more like just another licking up-Scorcese’s-butt kind of filmmaker, imo. Like it’s so trendy-edgy, and white say “n” just like the “n’s” do, like Hey, “Samuel Jackson is my best friend!” It’s like bragging about going to a black church or something, in a way. He seems so ny-yuppie, in a way. And the Dead “N” scene, to me he says it so self-consciously, lol.

    He “atones”?—- by getting oscars from serious anti-whites, seems like.

    His whole thing got kind of predictable and just turned on me.

  23. “Washington Put On Notice”
    Great article at “cosmicconvergence” ( .org)
    Type in “omens” in the “search” box of the website, the article will come up.
    Excellent website overall. Alot of compelling and informative articles about what’s going on in the USA, and the rest of the world.

  24. Some info about “the point of reference” and “great savior of Italy” Mussolini :
    The “point of reference” was a very sick and demented man. The overwhelming number of Italians– including true Italian patriots ( now and at the time of WW2 when he was hung up as he deserved) — were/are very happy to be rid of him and the horrors Mussolini and the top fascists brought upon Italia. CasaPound is a sick and twisted anamoly.

  25. Problem: The link seems to be broken. I don’t know why. I copied it exactly.
    GOOGLE : “mussolini rise to power”
    The website should show up 2nd on list. Go to the one that has : www2.needham.Ki2….
    Sorry about that. Alot of other websites online concerning the matter of Mussolini and the fascists as well.

    The classic, though distressing, United Artists 1962 story of “A Korean war hero [who] doesn’t realize he’s been programmed to kill by the enemy”. Playing on TCM today.
    Frank Sinatra and Janet Leigh are the “stars”.
    Check your local listings for time.

  27. Chris is the typical white trash limp-wristed keyboard warrior. Don’t you dare settle in his grand daddy’s city! But he is a spineless prick who can’t even get the current occupiers out, so he vents online against people who could through investing $$$ and gentrification. Keep talking big Chris, I am enjoying the laugh.

  28. Have a little pity on Chris313, folks. His expressions of grief result from the negrification of his homeland. Karma is a bitch.



    “Any white outsiders come here looking for a free squat will be dealt with as if they are niggers.”

    I guess that means we get the keys to the city. Hooray!

    “You try and dig in your heels where you’re not wanted, and you won’t know a moment’s peace until you wise up and fuck off.”

    If that were true, there would be no nigger infestation of Detroit. Run, rabbit, run.

    “If they want eternal war, well and good; we accept the issue, and will dispossess them and put our friends in their place. I know thousands and millions of good people who at simple notice would come to North Alabama and accept the elegant houses and plantations there. If the people of Huntsville think different, let them persist in war three years longer, and then they will not be consulted. Three years ago by a little reflection and patience they could have had a hundred years of peace and prosperity, but they preferred war; very well. Last year they could have saved their slaves, but now it is too late.
    All the powers of earth cannot restore to them their slaves, any more than their dead grandfathers. Next year their lands will be taken, for in war we can take them, and rightfully, too, and in another year they may beg in vain for their lives. A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many peoples with less pertinacity have been wiped out of national existence.”
    William T. Sherman

  29. 313, you take what you can hold.

    Maybe you can hold against all outsiders, maybe you can’t and if you can’t best to take the ones closest to you and yours, i.e Whites otherwise they’ll bleed you dry.

  30. Please gentleman, please refrain from “playing hobby-horse” . Mosin is dead set against hobby -horse playing. It annoys him somehow. Doesn’t bother me in the least. I kinda enjoy it. Please don’t annoy Mosin– it interrupts his bible studies. It’s difficult enough as it is keeping all those 5,000 year-old, wierd middle-eastern tribes straight.
    Personally, I’d rather play hobby-horse myself, but let’s be considerate ; It’s the “biblical” thing to do after all.

  31. @Maxx

    Awww, have I offended another wandering-Jew WN who jerks-off to the “white republic” pipe dream? Fuck you and your “gentrification”. No one in Detroit wants or needs any pussy outsiders like yourself to come here and think you can buy your way into a place where you have no history, simply because you think the getting is good. Take your money and ambitions somewhere else. I hear Harold Covington is looking for donors.

  32. @Apuleius

    It warms my heart to know to how much misery the North’s victory still causes you personally. Next time pick your own cotton 🙂

  33. 313Chris lives in an area destroyed by racial equality. He’s not backing down. He’s not going to run away. He doesn’t want outsiders moving to Detroit and taking over the neighborhood. He understands the reality of the negro.

    Are you sure he isn’t a Southerner?

  34. @Matt Strictland

    I’m just politely reminding any outsiders who have intentions toward land-grabbing, that they would be unwelcome, unwanted strangers on lands that do not belong to them. Just because you can buy something or plop down on it, doesn’t make it yours. These idiots who fantasize about building some goofy WN pioneer state in a place where they have no ancestral roots or personal history, had better realize that the locals might have different feelings in the matter.

    I said earlier that the vacant lands here rightfully belong to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the whites who were driven from them decades ago. If strangers with nothing but their trashy, flimsy, “white nationalism” wish to challenge that, well things are going to get ugly. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  35. @Hunter

    Maybe in a previous life? Maybe I was some bigtime asshole, and now I’m serving a penance for it.

  36. 313Chris,

    In my part of the South (southeast Louisiana), we don’t have a problem with “transplants” moving in, taking over, trying to change things, and pushing people aside. 90%+ Louisiana residents were born here. My home (New Orleans) is so backwards and dysfunctional we don’t get transplants, which in many ways is fine with me. So I admit I can’t totally relate to this concern often discussed on OD of transplants taking over. But still, if local Whites aren’t buying up this land, wouldn’t you rather have Whites coming in who want to build up communities than alternative? The alternative might very well be Shiites, Hmong, Mestizos, Vietnamese, God only knows. Once the word gets out on inexpensive land, you don’t what you might get. This happened in New Orleans years ago. A large swath of the city was abandoned. It’s now Vietnam south.

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