Amurrica Series: Barney Frank’s Wedding


It is a strange land full of strange people who have little in common with us:

Note: Secession threads flaring up at Kosher Republic here and here.

BOSTON (Reuters) – Democratic Representative Barney Frank wed his longtime partner, James Ready, on Saturday, becoming the first sitting congressman to enter into a same-sex marriage.

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick officiated the ceremony and added some levity by saying Frank, 72, and Ready, 42, had vowed to love each other through Democratic and Republican administrations alike, and even through appearances on Fox News, according to Al Green, a Democratic congressman from Texas.

“Barney was beaming,” said Green, who attended the ceremony. He added that Frank, a champion of gay rights and the sweeping reform of Wall Street, shed a tear during the ceremony….

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. May God DAMN his sorry hide, and may his name be remembered no more. May his family become a byword among the heathen, and may the very land vomit his corpse out of the grave.

    Anathema sit.

  2. and White nationalist think we can make common ground with yankees

    Here in NC we had Jessie Helms; yankees a have frank. We will never be united people

  3. A black governor presiding over the union of a 72 Liberal and a 46 year old er Um well whatever…

    This is celebrated by the media? Truly no common unified culture exists here. It’s an abomination to 60-40% of people.

  4. The Senator’s wives literally are rentboys. It’s as if a wallstreet pirate had a wooden leg, a parrot and exclaimed “Gaaaarr!” when a hostile takeover occurred.

  5. Re: “abomination”:

    There is no fear of God before their eyes. But God is not mocked, and whatever a man soweth, that shall he reap. The fool sayeth in his heart: There is no God.

  6. Obama was still in college masturbating to pictures of Karl Marx and Nelson Mandela when this lispy flamer took office . Same election as Reagan I think

  7. The real issue here is not same-sex marriage or even Barney’s same-sex marriage but the fact that the people of Mass. elected LIBERAL JEW Barney Frank to Congress year after decade and that they elected BLACK Devil Patrick to a second term as govenor. Last I knew Massachusettes was neither majority Jewish or black.

  8. He is in congress, not the senate.
    If I am not mistaken, je had his district realigned to be sure it included the majority jews areas.

    Typical jewish tactics, they look out for eachother. They ruin nations that way, by subverting the existing laws of their host nations. Nothing new, it’s what they do.

  9. Once we’re done ridding our new Nation of blacks and jews, I’d love to add the degenerate homosexuals & drug addicts to that list.

    What a paradise that would be.

  10. ” Last I knew Massachusettes was neither majority Jewish or black.”

    No, it definitely is not majority nigger or jew. But the weilders of power their are filth.
    In areas of South Boston where the Irish working class lived, if a nigger crossed into the wrong area it was a mandatory beating, worse back in the day.
    Race riots in Boston happened in the 90’s, also in the 70’s.
    The Irish didn’t appreciate niggers being bussed in.
    Grown men and women were in the streets throwing bricks at the nigger students.
    Don’t believe all you read here, the normal Whites in Boston are a tough bunch that have nothing to do with the yuppie class.

  11. “It is always darkest before the dawn.” The reason DWLs vote for people like that is that they actually believe themselves to be morally superior by doing so. It is our job to show them the reality that they live in Orwell’s twisted world of “doublethink”; and simultaneously push for them to live up to their ideals by letting them live in their multicultural utopia, and forming our own non-dysfunctional “racist” country. Let’s face it, the economy is going down and by this time next year even most cultural Marxist idiots like those “wedding” goers described in the story will begin to question the vaibility of subsidizing the “diversity” they so claim to love.

  12. Queers calling each other “husband” or “wife” strike me the same as when honorary degree holders refer to themselves as “Doctor”.

  13. One nation, divided in everything except who we pay taxes or receive benefits from. United by fedbucks.

    Economic collapse can only be a good thing for us at this point.

  14. Let’s face it, the economy is going down and by this time next year even most cultural Marxist idiots like those “wedding” goers described in the story will begin to question the vaibility of subsidizing the “diversity” they so claim to love.

    No they won’t question anything they will double down on the marxist stuff. Look at france and other European nations and how they have voted for more marxism when faced with hard economic times. secularism/ diversity/ marxism/ socialism is there religion and people double down on their religion when times get hard

  15. @ tom:”Same election as Reagan I think”: Yes, I know he’s not new, been re-elected often.

    The “Obama nation” (BRA) is really more than four years old.

  16. Stonelifter,

    France has not had hard economic times. The Western world has not seen “hard economic times” since World War II.

    I’m up here in Yankee land myself, and I can tell you that traditional rural people vastly outnumber the Caligulas of Boston and NYC. Moreover, since the housing bust in 2008, I see LOTS more veg gardens and farm supply stores are selling out of thier seedlings, becuase people want to be able to create something of tangible value.

    People talk about “forming our own economy” but what does that mean in this time and place? ARe we going to build factories to compete with Asia? No.

    What we need to do is re-arrange our lives to spend less such as car sharing, house sharing, local food production and local food processing. Food is in constant demand; it is a 1 trillion per year industry in the USA. That’s 3000 per person. There’s our jobs for those who don’t have jobs — feeding ourselves.

    Then some can save and purchase working assets such as car (Econoline van) and house with cash rather than borrowing money. If we can stop borrowing, we can defeat the Beast. the Beast lives on interest.

  17. Excellent comment and thinking, Kievsky. Yes, we need to learn to live within our means again, as a people, and regain our work ethic, and learn to keep our sacred word again — and stop borrowing and gambling, believing in “something for nothing,” and generally being covetous and dishonest, and so, being cheated. Honest men cannot be cheated.

  18. No they won’t question anything they will double down on the marxist stuff.

    Not necessarily. There’s the hardcore leftists that will embrace diversity and marxism and even do the inter-radical marriage/dating thing just to prove they are not racists. The hardcore leftists will never change no matter what.

    But then there are the brainwashed-soft-liberals who who are really conservatives – sometimes they out grow it, or get better info informed and flip over. Remember, the brainwashing has been intense – i.e. schools, TV, universities, movies, music, etc..

    Also, the Occupiers don’t like Jew bankers.

    That said, we’ll have to see how this impending economic crash plays out – its all speculation at this point.

  19. For sure things aren’t as bad as it will get, but it’s the worse many have seen in their time. Their actions now, in not so bad times, points the way they will act during real bad times.

    If a people are not showing any signs of strength when its easy to do so they are unlikely to be strong when its more difficult to do so. My experience is soft people do not rise to occasion all of a sudden. This is why the military spends so much time training men, so they will react in the correct manner. And why they spend so much time testing men and making them proves themselves, so they already have a measure of their strength and ability.

  20. Like Kievsky, I’m also in the northeast-New York state to be exact-last night I attended a steamboat festival on the Hudson River. The festival was crowded with people looking at the various steam craft and a replica of a Dutch ship from the early 17th Century. Even though our region is plagued by blacks and an increasing number of other barbarians, the crowd of several thousand was almost entirely White! I only saw one Asian family, a Muslim family, and maybe one or two blacks. It was uncanny and reminded me of my childhood in the 1970s. I even engaged in some polite race realist conversations and received mostly positive feedback. It was a joy to see so many blonde children running around looking at the various boats. After dark we watched fireworks shot from a barge moored in the middle of the river. No riots, no fights, no shooting. Too bad BRA(or is it JRA?) is at this moment all-powerful.

  21. @ Fr John
    I know what “anathema” means, and I know what “sit” means, but I don’t know what
    “anathema sit” means: I never saw these two words so juxtaposed.
    May I ask you what “anathema sit” means?

  22. “If a people are not showing any signs of strength when its easy to do so they are unlikely to be strong when its more difficult to do so. My experience is soft people do not rise to occasion all of a sudden.” Hard work, honesty, reliability, morality are all signs of inner strength that could rise to the occasion, when properly informed or become aware. Proud, degenerate amoral opportunists on the other hand won’t llikely change their spots.

  23. “This is why the military spends so much time training men, so they will react in the correct manner. And why they spend so much time testing men and making them proves themselves, so they already have a measure of their strength and ability.”

    Absolutely essential for the latter type, to make them react in the correct manner.

  24. The subject of this post should be enough in itself for all good people to rise in revolt and revulsion against the evil of United S(odom) of AmeriKA. “Because sentence against evil works is not speedily executed, men’s hearts are fully set in them to do evil.”

  25. In many pulpits today, only “nice things” are preached, and even the preachers who do have some convictions wouldn’t dream of risking their careers by “getting political” or otherwise controversial, about sins and abominations like this.

  26. So I guess Bawney’s bwide is the same fag who ran a fag brother in Bawney’s basement supposedly without Bawney’s knowledge?

    It’s mind-boggling this freak got elected in the first place, and even more so that he was re-elected over and over again after the story about the fag brothel broke. Not to mention his actual legislative twack wecord.

  27. It’s Massachusetts we’re talkin’ about, so I’m not shocked. The citizens of Mass. kept electing and re-electing a man who ran his car off a bridge * [ okay accidents happen sometimes] but didn’t lift a finger to help the young woman in his car . He sobered up real fast when he hit the cold water, however ; He knew exactly what to do to save his life [and his political career], but he couldn’t be bothered to try to save the young girl’s life. Disgusting.
    * Ted Kennedy, Chappaquiddick, and Mary Jo Kopechne

  28. But then there are the brainwashed-soft-liberals who who are really conservatives – sometimes they out grow it, or get better info informed and flip over. Remember, the brainwashing has been intense – i.e. schools, TV, universities, movies, music, etc..

    Good point outlier. And let’s not forget that the brainwashing system is very EXPENSIVE!

  29. “And let’s not forget that the brainwashing system is very EXPENSIVE!”

    Truth may cost less, and observation of reality is free, but “They” create the money and print the dollar bills, and distribute the Soma.

  30. Even the occupiers are mostly soft.
    They’re middleclass kids that are terrified of the prospect of becoming working class on account of their poor choices. They can’t find a job where they get to hang their Humanities degree on the wall and Mom still has Sunny-D at home so in their mind: there are no jobs. Also, they believe student loans should be void; society should reimburse them for four years of bad choices.

  31. Historically the state response to economic disasters caused by meddling is more meddling. The government will double and redouble down on Obamanomics. Frank is cheerleading for Europe to join us in saying “no” to austerity.

  32. I wonder if that lovely couple is planning to adopt?

    It’ll probably be a black baby – its the latest liberal celebrity “we’re morally superior” rage.

  33. “No they won’t question anything they will double down on the marxist stuff. Look at france and other European nations and how they have voted for more marxism when faced with hard economic times. secularism/ diversity/ marxism/ socialism is there religion and people double down on their religion when times get hard”

    Sure, they will double down (they already have), but double down with what? Who will be the host(s)? Where will the real $100 trillion + in assets come from? No, economic reality will be a bitch for all, but especially for those so used to reallocating surplus that is no longer there. The market will clear if allowed, and I for one will try to help it along as the cultural Marxists sob their pin heads off.

  34. The occupiers are generally trust fund types. The kids who are vulnerable to today’s economy are not likely to show up to those protests.

  35. That’s a good question Bonus Gift and I don’t have a good answer. My guess is, they will “double down” not with money but with more govt control of the economy/ with an even bigger shift toward marxism( state sponsored capitalism) but hells bells i don’t have a crystal ball. I am well read and have worked in a few failing nations/ states before. It’s consistently the same pattern until things collapses for real. No nation has ever reversed its decline for long

  36. Double down with enslavement…various forms of slaving. workgang bosses
    are essentially slaving immigrants.

  37. “… If we can stop borrowing, we can defeat the Beast. the Beast lives on interest….”

    I know people who grew up in the Bible Belt where they had never even heard of Realtors— families were tight knit, so houses stayed in families, didn’t often get sold, and so, when they did, they could go for a reasonable price (not like the endless shyster deals we have now)— but with a real discussion of reasonable worth.

    But people pay tens of thousands in interest and Realtor fees alone—- and many have never met, or heard of, people such as I mentioned.

    It ends the “home ownership” dream—- which was really a paid for house, in a no tax area, with your second amendment right to protect it.

    The American dream really was NO DEBT, and people never wanting to be put into European debt slavery again.

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