Limits To Growth: 3 Trillion Barrels of Oil


How do you know American policymakers are asleep at the helm on the energy question?

“While the chattering classes yammered on about American decline and peak oil, a quite different future is taking shape. A world energy revolution is underway and it will be shaping the realities of the 21st century when the Crash of 2008 and the Great Stagnation that followed only interest historians. A new age of abundance for fossil fuels is upon us. And the center of gravity of the global energy picture is shifting from the Middle East to… North America.

The two biggest winners look to be Canada and the United States. Canada, with something like two trillion barrels worth of conventional oil in its tar sands, and the United States with about a trillion barrels of shale oil, are the planet’s new super giant energy powers. Throw in natural gas and coal, and the United States is better supplied with fossil fuels than any other country on earth. Canada and the United States are each richer in oil than Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia combined.”

How disturbing is it that a 31-year-old layman blogger in South Alabama out for a walk at 3 AM knows the difference between “conventional oil” and “unconventional oil” whereas Walter Russell Mead and his army of interns at The American Interest are seemingly unaware that the Alberta tar sands are not pumped out of the ground?

Note: This is happy talk that suits Mead’s “Game of Thrones” geopolitical fantasies.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. …unaware that the Alberta tar sands are not pumped out of the ground?

    Not exactly. In recent years, the stuff that is too deep to strip mine is pumped out of the ground using expensive steam injection technology to increase the viscosity.

    “It is estimated that approximately 90% of the Alberta oil sands are too far below the surface to use open-pit mining. Several in-situ techniques have been developed.[24]”

    But you right in that it isn’t “conventional” because it isn’t free flowing (i.e. without thermal injection of steam).

  2. What is the ratio of energy expended/extracted?

    Probably slightly more than strip mining because even when its striped mined it still requires heat to extract heavy oil.

    I can’t seem to find a reference for a hard number. I’m not an expert in this field as I work on the fringes of the oil business.

  3. There will be oil; just not enough to maintain the current American lifestyle.

    By the way, even if you are not a gardener/hobby horticulturalist, I want you to take this piece of knowledge with you for those who are or in case you become one.

    The default way of thinking about preparing the soil to grow plants is to subdue virgin earth with the plough or the tiller or the spade, and fight the grass and weeds.

    A new way to think about preparing the soil is gather/cover/wait. The year before you plan to plant, gather leaves that your neighbors throw away. Gather as many as possible, and put them on top of your planting area, and if you can get some horse manure or grass clippings, put them on top of the leaves, and let sit through the winter. In the spring, you’ll have nice soft tilthy soil, and whatever grass/weeds was on the virgin soil will be long dead, and if you till or spade now, it will be much easier and it will just be a matter of mixing the layers, not subduing the soil.

    If you can’t gather leaves from your neighbors, but have a hardwood forest near you, get leaves/humus from the forest.

    Gathering/covering/waiting is a much easier and more effective way to prepare the soil, than trying to subdue a layer of clay growing weeds and grass!

  4. The only difference between conventional and unconventional oil is price. While not all the trillions of oil are recoverable, most of it is, and there will be a real geopolitical impact.

    It should be noted that current gasoline prices are in reality lower as a percentage of family income than they were in 1965.

    The typical 1965 price of 35¢ to 40¢ per gallons translates into about $2.00 to $2.50 today. However, cars today get at least 50% better gas mileage than those of yore, and real incomes have doubled. So, the 2012 price equivalent to the 1965 price is about $6 per gallon.

    Today foood also cost only about 1/3 what it did in the 60s.

    Gasoline is cheap, and although the gas of the future will be more expensive, there is room in our household budgets for the increase.

  5. “The typical 1965 price of 35¢ to 40¢ per gallons translates into about $2.00 to $2.50 today. However, cars today get at least 50% better gas mileage than those of yore, and real incomes have doubled. ”

    Harrumph. The real wages of the working (White) man have been stagnant or falling since 1973. The only reason household incomes have “doubled” is because all the wives had to go to work.

    No, we DON’T have “room in the budget.” Childcare costs, (even for the just one or at most two kids that White couples have) the second car for mom to commute and the backbreaking mortgage for a house in an exurban neighborhood “with good schools” (i.e., black-free) eat up that 2nd income, and then some.

    Read Harvard’s Elizabeth Warren’s The Two Income Trap: Why Middle Class Parents are Going Broke

    There is a very great difference between conventional and unconventional oil besides price. Conventional oil is, all you had to do is stick a pipe in the ground, oil comes out. It was easy . Far easier than whaling, which is why it supplanted whaling. Because it was easy, it meant huge returns of energy for the energy you spent getting it. At Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar, one barrel of oil spent drilling might return 1000 barrels of oil.

    Tar sands, you strip mine, lay the overburden somewhere else, use haul trucks to take the stuff away and then use immense amounts of heat and water to turn the tar into something that can finally be refined.
    How is the heat generated? As it stands now, natural gas.
    Where will the water come from? Because you see, in the West where the tar sands are, the West is a dry place where water is ALWAYS scarce and fought over.

    With the energy inputs to make the tar into something, is the whole exercise an exercise in futility? Is the process an energy-negative, that is, do you use up more barrels of oil equivalent than you actually get back? The answers aren’t quite clear yet, but it looks very likely.

    Would those inputs be put to better use elsewhere? IOW, burn the natural gas itself in cars, use the water to grow cows.

    Tar sands/shale oil can only make sense if you are using nuclear power to generate the heat, because with nukes, the energy is so abundant, you can afford to waste some in the goal of getting liquid fuels. But good luck getting any nuke plants built after Fukushima.
    And you’ve still got the water issue.

    And shale gas is a boondoggle, as shown by Chesapeake Energy’s bankruptcy.

    Shale oil, there is a drilling boom going on in North Dakota’s Bakken. But to get this oil takes very energy-intensive directional drilling in multiple directions, plus frakking, to get the oil to flow. And at that, those wells may only produce a few hundred barrels a day for a few years, compared to tens of thousands of barrels a day for 50 years for the best wells in Saudi Arabia.

  6. Hunter, sorry to steer off-topic but I was wondering what your opinion is of WRM. As far as I’m concerned, he is obviously a well-read, wise man who has thought long and hard about important issue who is an interesting read. He also writes occasionally about white racial dispossesion and while he can sometimes acknowledge the legitimate grievances whites might have about it, he seems unmoved by it himself.

    However, when it comes to Jewish issues he is extremely sensitive. Even mild comments get called anti-Semitism by him and he doesn’t shy away from Nazi comparisions. Is he some kind of Yankee philosemite?

  7. The “Peak Oil” meme is bullshit.

    We have enough oil for a thousand years. It’s more expensive to mine it rather than just have it flow out the ground, but still woth it.

  8. “We have enough oil for a thousand years. It’s more expensive to mine it rather than just have it flow out the ground, but still woth it.”

    Where’s the money (actually, energy) going to come from to mine it?

    Remember, Whites are 9% of world pop and falling. Already in America, White babies are an absolute minority.

    You think low-human-capital mestizos with IQs of 85 can do the high-IQ work of engineering the building of a mine to turn tar sands into gasoline? Hell, they couldn’t even keep Canterell up (which was discovered and drilled out by White folks, then the Marxican Mexicans nationalized it, that is, stole it, and it’s slowly gone to pot since.)
    Actually, under that scenario, where non-Whites can’t do the necessary engineering to exploit what there is, you’re right. We will have oil for a thousand years — eternity even, because it will lie, unused under the ground where it formed, because the human wits to get it out won’t exist anymore.

  9. Funny how the oil under American and English oil company rigs is “peak oil”, but the oil under Russian oil company rigs is abiotic : self-generating oil. I wonder why? Could it have anything to do with uncle sam needing an excuse to expand The Empire by invading countries that have never done anything to us ? I’ve come to that conclusion.
    Lots of info online about abiotic oil. Lots of info about the Russian discovery of oil being abiotic [ in the 1950’s]. Lots of info about the “peak oil” lie. A simple engine search will bring up alot of websites and info on the topic. Two types of search terms : ” Russians +abiotic oil ” ; ” peak oil is a lie “.

  10. Because you see, in the West where the tar sands are, the West is a dry place where water is ALWAYS scarce and fought over.

    Of course you mean the *oil sands* 🙂

    Water is anything but scarce in Northern Alberta. The swampy, boggy land is crisscrossed by countless rivers and lakes, and the average annual precipitation is more than adequate.

    Tar sands/shale oil can only make sense if you are using nuclear power to generate the heat, because with nukes, the energy is so abundant, you can afford to waste some in the goal of getting liquid fuels. But good luck getting any nuke plants built after Fukushima.

    Right now they’re using natural gas and/or coal to power the oil sands development, and Alberta has plenty of both. The Alberta government’s plan is to eventually build one or two nuclear reactors in the Peace River district. I think that this is considered geologically stable land, so I’m not sure that the Fukushima comparison is valid. Of course there is some opposition to building a reactor, but the government and the majority of the population are onside. My guess is that they will get built, though maybe not for several years.

    Where’s the money (actually, energy) going to come from to mine it?

    From all over the world, especially China. The Chinese have trillions of dollars in foreign reserves and they’re utterly determined to secure future sources of energy.

    You think low-human-capital mestizos with IQs of 85 can do the high-IQ work of engineering the building of a mine to turn tar sands into gasoline?

    That’s not really an issue in Alberta, where more than 80% of the population is white and most of the rest are high IQ Asians.

  11. “Of course you mean the *oil sands*”

    No, I don’t. The petroleum deposits we are talking about are a very thick viscous bituminous sludge, and the word “tar” is far more appropo than “oil.” If it were oil, it would flow naturally. This stuff doesnt. It has to be heated to make it flow, it has to be heated to be able to be put through refineries to “crack” it.

    “Right now they’re using natural gas and/or coal to power the oil sands development, and Alberta has plenty of both. The Alberta government’s plan is to eventually build one or two nuclear reactors in the Peace River district.”

    See? You just disproved your own statement. If Canada has plenty of coal and natural gas to make the tar sands viable, then why go to the trouble of building a nuke plant? They wouldn’t. They’d use the coal and natural gas. That’s proof enough that Canada realizes that tar sands are a net loss of fossil fuel energy.

    People who understand energy realize that nuke is energy-dense enough to generate enough surplus such that wasting some in order to create gasoline is not unquestionably a boneheaded idea.

    Now, I’d argue, if a thousand reactors bloomed, it’d make more sense to electrify the transportation system (put charging pads in the highways, for ex.) since electricity can be transmitted long distances without much loss, than to use the electricity to make gasoline which must still be trucked to the pump.

    But, considering how White guys loooooves them some vroom-vrooom of a V-8, okay, go ahead, I guess, maybe. But you can’t do tar sands without nuke plants, and getting past the no-nukes lobby presents a formidable obstacle.

    “I think that this is considered geologically stable land, so I’m not sure that the Fukushima comparison is valid”

    Remember 3 mile Island? How about Chernobyl? Both of those meltdowns were caused not by earthquake/tidal wave but human error. Maybe you don’t remember those events, but the libtards (of which Canada has plenty) certainly do. It’s not so much elephants that never forget, it’s donkeys. Fukushima is just the latest disaster to harden hearts against anything nuclear.
    Don’t bother me with trying to say, oh, not relevant, because Fukushima was caused by earthquake. I’M not the no-nuker here. That would be libtards, and libtards on a mission can’t be reasoned with. This clownette, for example: Helen Caldicott, founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility. She’s been all over recently having a grand ol’ time. Fukushima gave her org a shot in the arm.

    And as far as smart Canadians, when the dollar collapses and China becomes the world power, you don’t think they aren’t going to move their surplus population to North America? Of COURSE that’s the long-term plan. Chinese aren’t stupid. Taking our industry was done for the purpose of taking away our economic power, and eventually foreclosing upon us for our debt. The borrower isn’t in charge, the lender is.

    A Chinaman thinks looooooong term, generations, not next quarter. A Chinaman is also inscrutable. He bows and scrapes and smiles and defers until he’s unquestionably got the upper hand– and then he plunges in the sword.

    You think the Chinese are going to build nuke plants in Canada to make tar into gas and give it over to you, American? Out of the goodness of his heart because he’s a nice guy? ROFL.

  12. Unconventional oil isn’t going to solve the problem:

    1.) The only reason anyone is bothering with unconventional oil (oil sands, kerogen, oil shale, shale oil, tight oil) is sheer desperation. The supply of conventional oil is inadequate to keep pace with oil demand.

    2.) The vast majority of conventional oil is locked up overseas in countries which are inhospitable to Western oil companies. The problem is growing worse as countries like the UK and Mexico that have exported oil to the U.S. have peaked and cannibalized their own production.

    3.) 2/3rds of America’s oil is imported from overseas. Over the next ten years, foreign countries will cannibalize virtually all of their own production which will force oil consuming countries into a bidding war.

    4.) BTW, it doesn’t matter whether the oil is produced in Canada or Texas – Americans are going to pay the world price for oil, which is going to be determined by the price of conventional oil.

    5.) As for the West being too dry to develop unconventional oil, that is definitely true of the kerogen in the Green River Formation in Wyoming/Utah. So talk of 1 trillion barrels of kerogen is ludicrous.

    6.) Unconventional oil is not the same thing: if you have to strip mine tar sands and process it, you are expending far more energy to get energy than you would by drilling a conventional oil well – the profit margin, or energy return on investment, is nowhere near as great.

    7.) The same is true of these other sources of unconventional oil: tight oil, shale oil, oil shales, etc. That stuff doesn’t pool together in vast underground fields. It is trapped in the source rock.

    Unlike conventional oil, it is a pain in the ass to develop. It is like wringing water out of a towel because it is not concentrated and takes an investtment of energy to develop as a resource.

    8.) Obviously, tar sands, shale oil, and offshore drilling are a further step down the resource pyramid: inferior sources that produce less net energy which are less concentrated and harder to develop than exhausted conventional oil sources.

    9.) What’s more, unconventional oil doesn’t solve the problem anymore than feeding starving Somalians cures hunger:

    – Unconventional oil doesn’t reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It just creates a new and more unstable source of dependency for growth in demand.

    – It is like trying to quit cocaine by developing a heroin addiction. It only magnifies the problem.

    – It is a supplement to the convenientional oil economy (like other alt energy sources) that is dependent upon the underlying baseline.

    – Finally, it is not true that coal and natural gas is powering the entire operation in Alberta. Much of the production there is undoubtedly being carried out by vehicles that rely on conventional oil.

  13. Just the trauma of bidding against other productive peoples is going to kill BRAmerica. I see lots of finger pointing when gas reaches $5 at today’s dollar value.

  14. “What’s more, unconventional oil doesn’t solve the problem any more than feeding starving Somalians cures hunger: Unconventional oil doesn’t reduce our dependency on foreign oil. It just creates a new and more unstable source of dependency for growth in demand. It is like trying to quit cocaine by developing a heroin addiction. It only magnifies the problem. It is a supplement to the conventional oil economy (like other alt energy sources) that is dependent upon the underlying baseline.”

    I agree fully, Hunter, and very well said!

  15. Hunter,

    All the Pollyannas saying tar sands will save us! — the best argument that it’s all wishful thinking and a boondoggle is Chesapeake Energy’s stock price.

    CHK was the biggest shale gas producer, and they’re going bankrupt. If Chesapeake can’t make shale gas work, when natural gas is far easier to produce than bituminous petroleum, who could possibly think Suncor won’t end up in the same twitching heap?

  16. The petroleum deposits we are talking about are a very thick viscous bituminous sludge, and the word “tar” is far more appropo than “oil.”

    You’re right. Technically they should be called the bitumen sands. But in Canada only Eastern liberals (i.e. opponents of their development) call them the “tar sands”. The phrase fairly reeks of Birkenstocks, granola and patchouli oil. Westerners and conservatives call them oil sands.

    If Canada has plenty of coal and natural gas to make the tar sands viable, then why go to the trouble of building a nuke plant?

    Two reasons: Because they’d rather export the natgas and coal, and because environmentalists whine about the CO2 emissions. Some environmentalists–not the Caldicott types–are in favour of building nuke plants for this very reason.

    And as far as smart Canadians, when the dollar collapses and China becomes the world power, you don’t think they aren’t going to move their surplus population to North America?

    Too late, they already have 🙁

  17. Starving Africa would fix 1/2 our problem. Just throwing that one out there. Food prices drop energy demand drop and possible land for colonization.

    Vicious but practicable.

  18. “Too late, they already have”


    But, straight up, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. China has + 1.3 billion people, all whose thoughts occasionally wander eastward towards all that lovely pre-built North American infrastructure. Nice stuff, if you can get it.

    These wiseguys WROTE the book on war (Sun Tzu’s Art of War). And the best way of waging war is if you can conquer without ever having fired a shot. Because that would smash all those lovely houses and freeways and dams and power plants. And that’s a pity. Foreclose and move in, now THAT’S the way to do in one’s enemies.

    And make no mistake, Chinamen bow and scrape, now, sure, while they take advantage of our institutions of higher ed and the industrial and military secrets that come with it. But in, oh, say, 20 years when it’s dimwitted mestizos as far as the eye can see, sprinkled with a few dumpster-diving metrosexual white men, all those excess young guys of China without brides, well, there’s plenty of starving former feminists in America for whom a squatty little Asian fella bearing a full rice bowl will start to look pretty appealing.

    But if you think they have any intention of sharing with White guys energy supplies, (or anti-aging tech, or eugenics, or any of the myriad fantasies the high-IQ-is-all/transhumanist fantasists are anticipating) you are seriously kidding yourself.

  19. “call them the “tar sands”.

    I’m a born-and-bred Wyomingite. I was weaned on sweet crude.

    I’m as pro-domestic energy supplies as anyone you’re likely to meet.

    I’m probably a bit older than you so allow me to give you a bit of a history lesson. We were talking about shale oil in the Carter admin, when we all thought WY really WOULD be Saudi Arabia of North America. Didn’t pan out, though.

    Instead, my state got a 20-year depression, only now recovering because worldwide Peak Oil is upon us, because we still have a few barrels of sweet crude to sell, so long as Anadarko keeps pumping CO2 into those old wells at Salt Creek.

    That’s why you can color me a synfuels skeptic now.

    It was tar sands then, and as far as I’m concerned, it’s tar sands now.

    The “con”servatives spinning it as “oil” sands? You do know about propaganda, right? That by saying “oil” people think it’s easy to get, like oil used to be? And you do realize that the Republican party does NOT have your best interests at heart? You do realize this, despite the existence of some hairy-armpitted professional harpies on the left? Me? I’m on your side, but facts is facts, and because I’m on your side, I’m telling you these facts, which are facts, so you can prepare, even if the shrieking harpies happen to be saying it too.

  20. well, there’s plenty of starving former feminists in America for whom a squatty little Asian fella bearing a full rice bowl will start to look pretty appealing.

    That’s bullshit. Asian men are the most beta males on the planet.

    You’re just trying to slam White men.

  21. just stating a fact; re-read your post. you won’t catch because your anti White man thinking is so ingrained, as is almost all women raised in the era of feminism, but I bet other White men will find it now that I’ve mentioned it.

  22. “but I bet other White men will find it now that I’ve mentioned it.”

    Am I your friend because I flattered, or because I told you the truth?

    Let’s examine the MegaTrends.

    That an absolute majority of babies born in American today are non-White, mostly mestizo and mostly sub-100 IQ.

    That if present trends continue, a huge chunk of the few White boys even born in the near decades will be raised by their single mothers to be emasculated, supplicating weaklings who’ve never even touched a gun, much the less learned to shoot.

    That White American men are discriminated against and that trend will increase as non-Whites, through sheer numbers, increasingly take over.

    *******There’s your dumpster-diving metrosexual in a sea of dimwitted mestizos.*******

    That China, with its one-child policy has something like 30 million more men than women. It’s reasonable to assume those lonely young men will increasingly think about where in the world to get brides, and White women are the prettiest in the world.

    That China owns vast amounts of U.S. debt. That they plan to do something to collect on it some day is a reasonable presumption.

    That Asians, as their numbers increase, it is reasonably expectable that they will feel loyalty to their coethnics, both in North America and Asia, over White Americans and not be inclined to share (excepting the White brides they take).

    ******There’s your takeover of North America by East Asians, without ever having fired a shot, and White man scrambling to survive*****

    Knitting all the above together, and if present trends continue, the future will look about how I painted it.

    This is NOT the future I want for my young male relatives.

    We are in a demographic race against time. As the percentage of Whites falls and non-Whites grows it becomes ever more difficult to regain our sovereignty as a people. There comes a point where we are simply numerically unlikely to be able to expel the non-Whites. And with their growing demographic clout, the non-Whites will increase their open aggression against us, to the reasonably extrapolative end being our extinction as a race, our genocide.

    BUT, with sufficient arousal of White racial consciousness, forged by the fire of Peak Oil want, bringing with it the subsequent Renaissance of invention and achievement by White men, if that White racial consciousness comes soon enough, before the decline in the numbers of strong, smart White men is too great, we can still WIN.

    Peak Oil is the HOPE of the White race.

  23. One tries to win a war without firing a shot not to spare the enemy’s infrastructure, but because as soon as you fire a shot, there is a possibility of losing.

  24. “That’s bullshit. Asian men are the most beta males on the planet”.

    This trend is inevitable: in 20 years America will have few young White men, huge numbers of mestizo men who HATE Whitey, and huge numbers of aging Boomers who, having alienated their own kids, are dependent upon indifferent non-Whites to change their bedsore bandages.

    Asians are beta until the odds are overwhelmingly on their side,
    like, say, America is too indebted to China to maintain our economy, and it collapses.

    That huge population of lonely “beta” Asian men see starving White women of America and realize, no Alpha gaming even required, just food. In such a scenario, what will the White men do? They’re being hunted down and, having grown up without Dad, lack the gun skills to save themselves, much the less everyone else.

    How is my scenario anything but inevitable unless something drastic, like Peak Oil, comes along to change Whites before it’s too late?

  25. “One tries to win a war without firing a shot not to spare the enemy’s infrastructure, but because as soon as you fire a shot, there is a possibility of losing.”

    Hey, if you win without firing a shot, you get the enemy’s infrastructure to move into, as a bonus. What’s not to like?

  26. @Barb

    You’re being unnecessarily harsh toward white men. There’s a noticeable pattern with the constant low-blows — “white men are too weak to fight for white women” and so forth, in some of your posts. I’ve stayed out of all the gender-wars on here, but even from the sidelines I can sense the malice. Why do you keep going there? Do white men not receive enough hostility as it is? Are we now to accept blame for loose projections of events that have not, and may not even come to pass?

  27. [quote]That huge population of lonely “beta” Asian men see starving White women of America and realize, no Alpha gaming even required, just food. In such a scenario, what will the White men do? They’re being hunted down and, having grown up without Dad, lack the gun skills to save themselves, much the less everyone else.[/quote]

    That’s not how it works. Beta males go to groups with more beta males for women. For example, White beta males go to Asia for females because Asian males are more beta, and thus they’re relatively more alpha. Those Chinese beta males would have to go to equivalently beta or more beta areas, such as other parts of Asia.

    The White women in your scenario would not accept more beta males. They would join a harem and share an alpha.

  28. America is too indebted to China to maintain our economy

    We don’t have to really pay them back. We can just print the money and send them pieces of useless paper. Or we can just tell them to stuff it.

  29. Well said Bill, and very true. Read it’s post over again, it shows you what women think of beta men, and… they are great prize for Chinese men? Clearly not the way of things if you actually know any chinks from China. They feel sorry for us because of White Western women and want nothing to do with them

    Rarely, to the point you can say never, do women say “this is our share of the problem” or ask themselves “why White men don’t want to fight for White women” or ask themselves “what do women do that keep White men from wanting to marry, have large families”etc etc. In this case it’s “we can’t fix our oil problems because White men like V8’s”. Never “women consume to much”. Its White men and their love of powerful motors and cars, which is portrayed as childish. Not a nod to powerful trucks/ cars ( read expensive) being a status symbol that women actually do respond too. Or being useful for bringing home plywood, shrubs etc when men work on their home. Or hauling large families more safely then some two door speck. Or comfort in large trucks/ powerful cars being nice for men on log commutes . Commutes they take to keep their family away from the black undertow. This is really about barb being pissed men spend money on things men like vs what women say are important.

  30. It seems that with white-male and Chinese-female couples the white-male is usually a nerdy, computer, Trekie geek type. Theses pairings are common sight in airports – probably traveling to China to meet the parents (the sister-in-law or brother-in-law don’t exist).

    White female mudshark seem to prefer athletic and gangsta black males type.

    Mudsharkary in white males seems skewed towards asian females; whereas mudsharkary in white females seem skewed towards black males.

    Apparently, Asian babies rarely cry.

    There’s a reason why fundamental communism is still in China, whereas its fallen apart in Russia: it probably fits their conformist beta-male cultural which is probably a function of genetic expression.

    Hopefully, the Chinese one child policy will create an employment vacuum for younger workers and they can all move back home and take their mudsharks with them.

  31. Additionally the automatic dismissal of a man’s enjoyment in high horsepower V8’s with a childlike fascination with “vroom vroom” shows a fundamental lack of understanding about masculinity. The desire for individual strength and power and the enjoyment of controlling, commanding, powerful forces like V8’s and firearms is an expression of the natural desire in men to conquer and dominate. A man’s enjoyment in contact sports, hunting, all things of traditional masculine purist and even high risk X games type stuff is the root of our masculine souls. Men who didn’t have that desire didn’t pass their genes on to the next generation. Sometimes these desires to strive and overcome obstacles are expressed in more nerd like fashion like when eggheads want to cure cancer, or solve some engineering problem. It’s the same spirit whether it’s climbing mountains or beating the snot out of complex math problems. Casually dismissing it means she is casually dismissing the masculine nature.

    Editors note; I say things like nerd and egghead, but in reality I hold those types of men in high regard. Those kinds of men are very important to our people, and we as a race of White men wouldn’t have achieved what we have achieved without their brain power, problem solving skills, imagination, drive and their intellectual courage. White math nerds of the world, I salute you.

  32. “Why do you keep going there? Do white men not receive enough hostility as it is? Are we now to accept blame for loose projections of events that have not, and may not even come to pass”

    I have tremendous love for White men. I’m sorry for the browbeating they take every day. I’m sorry to have to add to it, but in my case I feel it’s necessary, because part of love is to be Cassandra and warn, even if they don’t want to hear it.

    As far as events that “may not come to pass,” these projections are based on undeniable current trends. Warning of the logical end point if trends don’t change is done in service of the hope that the trend CAN be changed before that awful end point.

    How am I anti White men by pointing out that 30 MILLION Chinese men without brides in 20 years are a serious peril to waffle-stomp the 20 million (or fewer) White men of fighting age in 20 years, when those White men will be under mega attack from all these sides:
    A) 21 million non-White men of Black and Mestizo descent already in America who, having demographic numerical superiority, have declared Open Season on the hated White man?
    B) A very large chunk of these 20 million White men of fighting age in 20 years, having been raised by single mothers without fathers, have little experience with hand to hand combat?
    C) In a starvation scenario brought about by failure to mitigate Peak oil, partly a result of Pollyanna Peak-oil-is-bullshit happytalk, that many White women, being the mercenary untrustworthy b****es so many men here tell us we are, will do what they gotta do to eat, including take up and breed with an Asian soldier if he’s got food?

    How is what I’m saying anything other than fair warning, with even a perfunctory knowledge of history and HBD?

    Do metrosexuals not exist? Are they not the result of single mothers telling their sons, be nice? If so, then how can we but expect that the numbers of metrosexuals will grow over the next 20 years, if the numbers of boys raised by single mothers increase? And since the trend is for increasing single motherhood, how can the numbers of fatherless boys, untrained in the Art of Fighting, not increase if the trend continues?
    With few births, most of them to single mothers, how am I wrong to project dumpster-diving metrosexuals here and there, surrounded by a sea of dimwitted mestizos? How can anything I say here be wrong? I learned it listening to the Manosphere.

    How can the Chinese, who bow and scrape and smile and nod, until they have the upper hand, and then plunge the dagger to the hilt, how can they help but see this and salivate at such easy pickins?

    It’s horror at the prospect of where current trends are leading that makes me speak. Horror, because this is NOT the world I want to see for my young male relatives, and all the other young White guys in 20 years. Maybe if I speak now, it’ll help in some small way to prevent it.

  33. “women think of beta men, and… they are great prize for Chinese men? Clearly not the way of things if you actually know any chinks from China. They feel sorry for us because of White Western women and want nothing to do with them”

    What frustrates me, Stonelifter, is that you don’t listen. In my original post, I carefully described my scenario, these are going to be former feminists. These are women who, when starving, will submit to any man who brings food. It’s what women do. And if the women are no longer ballbusters, because the starvation beat their vanity out of them, yeah, Chinese men will want them — because they’ll be lonely, since they vastly outnumber Chinese women, and White women are good looking.

  34. “Those Chinese beta males would have to go to equivalently beta or more beta areas, such as other parts of Asia.”

    Not in 20 years, if Peak oil plays out unmitigated. In 20 years the White young men, having been raised by single mothers, will be more beta than Chinese men.

    It’s an easy trend to extrapolate. All the porn-and-video addicted, overweight young White beta guys now? Those percentages will only increase, if the increasing trend of single motherhood continues. And U.S. will no longer be able to fund its War Machine (not to mention the fact that the Chinese now make our war machine replacement parts!!!)

    Meanwhile, the frustration and competition brought by not enough women back home will reignite the Asian’s latent war capacity. And don’t think he possesses none.
    Remember the japs in WWII? The Rape of Nanking? The Bataan Death March?

    So when Chinaman has food and White man does not, and White man is being slaughtered by the twin forces of starvation and NAM aggression, and White woman is starving, Chinaman is *by default* the Alpha.

  35. “In this case it’s “we can’t fix our oil problems because White men like V8?s”. ”

    That is NOT what I said, and you darn well know it.

    We are at Peak oil for many reasons. Main ones are: White flight because of Supreme Court deseg, and the rise of Chindia.

    I *said* if Canada builds nuke plants to process oil sands, big IF, then keeping those V-8s on the road might be doable. I would like to see men have what they want, if it’s possible. But without nuke plants in Canada, there won’t BE the excess energy to waste in driving V-8s. When gas is $10 a gal., how to get enough to eat will take the place in men’s brains that used to be consumed by dreams of sports cars.

  36. I’m not dissing masculinity when I say, if possible let the guys have their vroom vroom. I’m saying Peak oil unmitigated will make V-8s but a fading memory.

    I’m all for White boys being raised by both their bioparents. I am utterly opposed to single motherhood because kids need their dads.

    Boys, especially, need their dads, because White boys raised by their dads learn the masculine skills of mastery of their environment, of the art of fighting and conquering, including handling guns — and in the old days, handling the power of horses (which has been sublimated into V-8s).

    Today’s and tomorrow’s boys raised by single mothers won’t have the chance to learn those skills, which makes us vulnerable to China. You think the Chinese, who think in the looooong term, who Sun Tzu told them, know your enemy, doesn’t see what’s going on in America and extrapolate, and calculate when the odds will be overwhelmingly in their favor?

  37. “We don’t have to really pay them back. We can just print the money and send them pieces of useless paper. Or we can just tell them to stuff it”

    We can only tell them to stuff it if we maintain military superiority.

    Guess what? China makes the replacement parts for our war machinery.

    America’s F-15s are now dependent upon GPS satellites to navigate.

    China is developing the ability to shoot down satellites. There was a successful initial test a few years back. I assure you, it’s got military men crapping their pants.
    DARPA is now working on fighter jets capable of single stage to orbit, in a world where we can’t even lift our astronauts to our space station, we have to thumb a ride with the Russians.
    You do the math.

  38. I’m going to use the Alpha-Beta man thing here. Once again, I’m not trying to slam Beta men, I just don’t have better terms to use.

    I read your post barb. I elected not to comment on most of it because I don’t know much about peak oil, I’ve not yet made up my mind one way or the other and don’t want to engage in speculation on something I’m mostly certain won’t happen. I chose to comment on your no so latent anti White man vibe, because that is something I know about.

    You are part of the brow beating of White men, and yours “done out of love” is not one damn bit different then the brow beating that doesn’t come from “love”. We don’t see the difference because there is no difference, despite how you rationalize it to yourself.

    You read right past what was listed as anti White men and attempt to argue about something no one else is arguing about.

    Don’t tell White men about White boys growing up without fathers, we know all about it and we also know most of the time its because the White woman has kicked the White father to the curb. Or chose to have sex with a White man who was good enough to bang but not good enough to raise “her” children, and then expects some Beta White guy to come rescue her. A decent man, good provider, not Alpha enough to play the slut for, but good enough to rescue her from her mistakes. (really she’s dreaming of a perfect Alpha to rescue her and her thug spawn but Betas fall for it not Alphas)

    Nor do you ever address the real reason for our low birth rate. Instead you blame it on men, just like every other feminist. More of your not so latent anti White man hostility. Want to increase White birth rates? Encourage women to marry early, forgo college and that silly shit. Equally important, encourage women to lobby for an end to family courts intentionally designed to put men at a legal disadvantaged. Because the courts and law makers won’t respond to complaints from White men.

    Damn near everyone in the West is a feminist, including you. Your remark makes no difference. Reality and tough times like you think peak oil bring is the only thing that will end feminism and Bill is right. Y’all won’t take chinks, you’ll enter into harems of more wealthy and Alpha White men, negros and beaners. On top of that, White women are not a big draw for chinks. They like their own women much better. That part of your post shows the insanely high value White women place on themselves. If Chinese men can’t get Chinese women, next on their list is usually women form Vietnam and northern Thailand ( if I remember correctly) because they are often very similar to Chinese women in appearance but none went on about White women. Chinese are almost always Chinese Supremacist.

    No one disputing most of what you say. Lest wise I’m not, because its a lot of speculation that I think has a low probability of occurring. I made no statement on peak oil etc because I don’t know enough about the topic. My post was on your anti White man bullshit. You are a female supremacist and clearly look down on White men. You are 100% convinced of your own infallibility. You won’t understand or process why we think you are hostile to us. I point this out for young White men to learn from.

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