New Mexico
We’ve introduced OD readers to Wilmot Robertson’s brilliant analysis of America’s political and cultural racial wars (the Dispossessed Majority) listing 5 types of White American traitors:
1) Pussyfooters (most common)
2) Gracchites (rich elitists championing the NW masses)
3) Trucklers (lower class Whites going with the NW flow for wealth and power)
4) Old Believers/True Believers (spreading THE TRUTH to bring peace and prosperity to the entire world!)
5) Proditors (violently obsessed with destroying their/our own people)
Today we will focus on #4 – the True Believer, in this case the Libertarian True Believer Gary Johnson. In case you haven’t heard, or like 98% of Americans – you just don’t care – former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson is the Libertarian Party’s candidate for President of the United States. Though Gary Johnson’s 100% Libertarian program was a big flop in the 2012 GOP Presidential primaries, Johnson is running 3rd party for President in November ; Johnson wants to spread the one, true Libertarian gospel of:
free markets, free trade, less government or better yet, no government as individuals should be free to choose the goods and services and personal lifestyle they want, free of any collectivist loyalty or obligations to some group. Group “collectivism” is supposedly very bad and racial group collectivism is supposedly the world’s greatest evil and America’s greatest sin.
Under Gary Johnson’s Libertarian new American world – fundamentalist Muslim immigrants from Pakistan will somehow live in peace and harmony in our United States with homosexual marriage equality activists – as massive immigration from the entire world will be a great positive to our country, once we scale back the welfare state and end government regulation of environmental laws, labor laws.
Occidental Dissent readers should suspect that a Libertarian true believer like Gary Johnson would have crazy, treasonous views on immigration – and his Playboy Magazine interview confirms – Johnson is an immigration loony!
Open the border; flood of Mexicans would become taxpayers
Q: What is your view of the immigration issue?
A: Hispanics who immigrate care about their families like other Americans care about their families. They’re living in poverty in Mexico and can come to the US and do a lot better.
Q: By–according to some–taking away jobs.
A: They work the lowest-paying jobs. And they are taking jobs that other Americans don’t necessarily want. They’re hardworking people who are taking jobs that others don’t want. That’s the reality.
Q: Would you open the borders and make it easier to immigrate legally?
A: My vision of the border with Mexico is that a truck from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming from Mexico into the United States will pass each other at the border going 60 miles an hour. Yes, we should have open borders.
Q: Many Americans fear the flood of immigrants that would follow.
A: They would become taxpayers. They’re just pursuing dreams—the same dreams we all have. They work hard. What’s wrong with that?
Source: David Sheff interview in Playboy Magazine , Jan 1, 2001
What a $*&%*#(@#*!
Since True Believer Gary Johnson has renounced all cultural and racial loyalty to our White, Anglo American people, he assumes that the invading millions of low IQ, unskilled Mestizo Mexicans will do the same, instead of promoting the power of their group, LaRaza – block voting to elect a Mexican like Antonio Villaraigosa mayor of Los Angeles.
True Believers differ from Old Believers in that they aren’t trying to turn back the clock and restore some fallen White American world of the past. Most Libertarian True Believers are supportive of the cultural/social changes of the 1960s and they don’t want to restore the 1950s, bring back Christian patriarchy, much less racial segregation. How do we deal with Libertarian True Believers? Don’t waste your time trying to argue or use reason with these types – as they insist they have a monopoly on reason (Libertarian REASON Magazine). Instead, it’s just best to ignore them – DON’T FEED THE LIBERTARIANS, certainly don’t let them come in to your home or THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE. It’s best to let Nature take its course with these types – with some luck, they’ll get caught on the same airplane with some Islamic Jihadist, or die in an automobile crash with some DUI Mestizo immigrants.
Finally, and above all, we fight against sin. The unrighteous and the depraved and the “amoral” are never free of chains, and radical libertarianism and even mainstream libertarianism are both essentially AMORAL.
“True Believers differ from Old Believers in that they aren’t trying to turn back the clock and restore some fallen White American world of the past.”
I reject a WN cult of youth. As a conservative of the same white world that has existed for thousands of years and will continue to exist, and will NEVER be “TOO OLD!” I reject this paradigm.
The main problem with the libertarian world view, and all worldly Utopian visions , is that they deny the existence of evil. What Christianity calls Original Sin.
For libertarians all races, cultures, religions, etc. are interchangeable simply by wiping the slate clean of any government as we have known it and starting all over again. Everyone in the world will get along and respect and even love one another since government has been reduced now to private property contracts.
Libertarians embrace “all men are created equal” with a vengeance. They are in the end just as anti-White as any PC practitioner.
“(L)ibertarians all races, cultures, religions, etc. are interchangeable simply by wiping the slate clean of any government as we have known it and starting all over again.”
The same may be said of any radical WN cult of youthers that reject the historic white world and propose to create a NEW white world.
“The main problem with the libertarian world view…is that they deny the existence of evil. What Christianity calls Original Sin.” Ye, it IS the main problem, not to minimise the seriousness of other problems.
paul and other libertarians would not enforce immigration rules they are for open borders and think White people are replaceable. They think White people are 100% replaceable by mexicans, negros and the like as long as there is limited govt and free trade. What they don’t understand is only Whites value those things
“They (Libertarians) think White people are 100% replaceable by mexicans, negros and the like as long as there is limited govt and free trade.”
Right, Stonelifter — and this is also related to their lack of MORAL conservatism, mis-believing that one culture is as good as another, and that there is no one true religion and no sin or absolute evil, unless it be the hindrance of laissez faire.
I wouldn’t lump together “paul and other libertarians” since there are different kinds and different degrees of libertarianism, ranging from those who are fundamentally, primarily constitutional to those who are entirely radical who intend to create a new world.
To say that “(P)aul and other libertarians would not enforce immigration rules they are for open borders” is again a too-broad generalisation and even overlooks Paul’s repeated claims that he WOULD enforce constitutional citisenship requirements, including securing the borders — his repeated taqiyya-like panderings to Hispanic voters on the campaign trail nothwithstanding. Romney has ALSO talked both ways, to different groups, but we KNOW (he has already proven) how conservative of the constitution HE is.
Mosin Nagant says:
July 10, 2012 at 1:02 pm
“True Believers differ from Old Believers in that they aren’t trying to turn back the clock and restore some fallen White American world of the past.”
Jack Ryan replies:
I suggest you read the original section on Old Believer White racial traitors in Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority. Old Believers are bad for us, not just because they are old themselves (but they are almost always old in age and mindset). Old Believers strongly believe that some political form of government, or economic system, religious organization that worked well, reasonable well back in a time When America was virtually all White can somehow be brought back to work well now that America is a multi racial, multi cultural dysfunctional nation falling down.
Another example of Old Believers are those traditional Catholic Americans who believe that the mass invasion of low IQ Mestizo Mexicans to the US will work out OK as they are “Catholic” like the mass waves of Irish, Polish, German Catholics that came to the US in the 19th century.
The reality is that American Irish Catholics will abandon the Catholic church, Catholic schools as soon as they become dominated by low class Indian Mexicans.
Yep. The “Old Believers” are simply making the age-old error of attributing causation to a correlation.
“ ‘Old Believers’ are simply making the age-old error of attributing causation to a correlation.” The error of thinking that religion and morality is a cause and not a mere correlation?
Six myths about Libertarianism:
LIBERTARIANISM is the fastest growing political creed in America today. Before judging and evaluating libertarianism, it is vitally important to find out precisely what that doctrine is, and, more particularly, what it is not. It is especially important to clear up a number of misconceptions about libertarianism that are held by most people, and particularly by conservatives. In this essay I shall enumerate and critically analyze the most common myths that are held about libertarianism. When these are cleared away, people will then be able to discuss libertarianism free of egregious, myths and misconceptions, and to deal with it as it should be – on its very own merits or demerits.
Myth #1 Libertarians believe that each individual is an isolated, hermetically sealed atom, acting in a vacuum without influencing each other.
This is a common charge, but a highly puzzling one. In a lifetime of reading libertarian and classical liberal literature, I have not come across a single theorist or writer who holds anything like this position.
Myth #2 Libertarians are libertines: they are hedonists who hanker after “alternative life-styles.”
Myth #3 Libertarians do not believe in moral principles; they limit themselves to cost-benefit analysis on the assumption that man is always rational.
Myth #4 Libertarianism is atheistic and materialist, and neglects the spiritual side of life.
Myth #5 Libertarians are utopians who believe that all people are good, and that therefore State control is not necessary.
Myth #6 Libertarians believe that every person knows his own interests best.
Read the entire piece here:
Race & Groups: The Libertarian Blind Spot
By (the late) John “Birdman” Bryant (White Nationalist)
John Donne could never have been a libertarian because he believed that “No man is an island”, while libertarians seem to prefer a sort of reverse philosophy which holds that every man is an island. In particular, libertarians are so busy celebrating “the individual” that they give little or no attention to a phenomenon which is at least as important as individuals on the political landscape, namely, groups. It is true, of course, that groups can be regarded as collections of individuals, but it would be foolish to try to discuss politics purely on the basis of the behavior of individuals and without reference to groups, just as it would be foolish to try to describe the operation of a computer purely on the basis of the behavior of individual molecules and without reference to such important molecular groups as chips, wires, cards and hard disks.
“I suggest you read the original section on Old Believer White racial traitors in Wilmot Robertson’s The Dispossessed Majority.”
I do know and appreciate what Robertson means, BUT it can be misapplied/over-applied so that whatever is “OLD” such as our constitutional heritage and our religious heritage becomes wrong, “no longer working,” and needing replacement — “now that America is a multi racial, multi cultural dysfunctional nation falling down.”
This approach leads us toward a radical NEW WHITE WORLD.
Robertson himself is “OLD” by the age test (and even dead), the product of a different time — the radical “Red Decades” of the early to mid-twentieth century. So is his associate who suggested “Beyondism” to replace “dying religion” of Christianity. I mean no disrespect however to Robertson who is brilliant, and important to us.
“Old Believers are bad for us, not just because they are old themselves (but they are almost always old in age and mindset).”
This appeals especially to the cult of youth, who believe they can create a NEW world, who go untrammeled by the errors of the dead past.
Paul’s campaign failed anyway, and we have three choices to decide among now: Obama, Romney, and not voting for either Obama or Romney.
No paul and the other leading thinkers in that line of thought are on record of saying the favor open borders. It’s clear and straight forward party platform for them Mosin.
Why should I trust paul when he speaks out of both sides of his mouth?
Mosin Nagant says:
“Robertson himself is “OLD” by the age test (and even dead), the product of a different time — the radical “Red Decades” of the early to mid-twentieth century. So is his associate who suggested “Beyondism” to replace “dying religion” of Christianity. I mean no disrespect however to Robertson who is brilliant, and important to us.”
Jack Ryan responds:
I agree that Wilmot Robertson himself was old and had a somewhat dated outlook when he was still publishing Instauration Magazine in the late 90s – his outlook was most influenced by the racial, criminal turmoil of the 1960s. There was some out of date thinking then that the Soviet Union/Russia was still a big enemy as the anti White/Jewish powers in the US were promoting the USSR in the 20s, 30s, 40s even the 50s. But, I did see that Robertson had seen the change in USSR/Russia that this great nation had reverted back to White Gentile Slavic nationalism – which has always been anti Jew.
I’m not too bothered that Robertson was promoting “Beyondism” as a substitute for Christianity – as Robertson, like most racially conscious White Americans could see that virtually all the Judeo Christian American churches, movements had fallen down in to promoting race mixing, mass immigration, or else End Times Rapture, slave to Jew Israel corruptions. It just doesn’t work to go around saying you are atheist, White Americans want to think you believe in something.
Everything is going to be okay. [+ Fr John +] is praying for us, so I know everything will work out fine. +padre john told me so.
Credo quia absurdum est.
[ I believe it because it is absurd]
C’mon, fellas. Do you want the government to do ALL of the heavy lifting for you?
I know of dozens of cities and towns in Texas and Kentucky that are starting to develop a complexion problem. Take the Central Government out of the picture for two days and those towns will be as White as angel hair. They aren’t waiting to elect a government who will make everything alright. They are waiting for the government that will get to hell out of the way so THEY can fix the problem.
Do you really think that one of your socially conservative politicians want a government that will stay out of your way? They don’t. They just have a different set of rules to shove down your throats.
And do you really believe that any politician that is a friend of the money changers will actually do anything about immigration, legal or otherwise. They won’t. They will talk a good game that will convince a lot of stupid people that they are working to save their jobs from the Brown horde, while at the same time they will do everything in their power to make sure that their business-boy butt-buddies continue to have an endless supply of cheap labor.
Don’t fall for the Red Team/Blue team agendas.
If you’re on the Red Team you are supposed to despise queers; support Wall Street and all of the other crap shoots that pass for capitalism nowadays; support all of the wars that the Pentagon and Daddy Warbucks can get us into; believe that a guy who used to make $20 an hour on a job that got shipped to China is a malcontent if he’s not pleased as punch to work two part-time jobs for minimum wage; put your hand over your heart every time you hear the Yankee National Anthem; hate free anything, while being totally oblivious that the trauma center that may someday save your life manages to keep its doors open due to regular infusions of tax dollars; and believe deep in your heart that anything and everything that anybody from the Blue Team says is a lie intended to lure you into socialism and homosexuality.
If you are on the Blue Team you are required to believe that queers, niggers, immigrants, women and anybody else who isn’t a White, heterosexual, self-reliant male with hard-earned marketable skills is deserving of special privileges and benefits which should be paid for by the clearly morally inferior White, heterosexual, self-reliant males with hard-earned marketable skills. You must believe that we are all equal, despite the fact that you have many friends, relatives and acquaintances that are stupid and incapable of completing any task without supervision and hand-holding. You must believe that every nigger killed by a White person is the victim of a hate crime, and every White killed by a nigger probably was a racist who had it coming.
If you believe the Red Rules, then you are every bit as stupid and sheep-like as those Bozos who believe the Blue Rules.
Learn to examine the evidence and make up your own mind. Quit believing dipshits with RED or BLUE agendas.
Here’s my take on it: Most people are incapable of original thought. Queers are just fine as long as they stay in CA, MA and NY. The U.S. has never been in a legitimate war. Rules, regardless of color, were invented by people who want to control you. Conservative Central Government BAD. Liberal Central Government BAD. No Central Government GOOD.
I can’t speak for all anti libertarians, but as for myself, I do not expect any politician to save us, but I do suspect libertarians would make things worse, because they are so liberal on the race question. It’s easy to see them saying you have to let negros live or work in XYZ because excluding negros etcs infringes on the negros etc individual rights
Well, one guy owns his relatives money to get back into the states and lives in Orange County with other relatives barely can pay rent and send money home, so is going to Orange County or La where its expensive that great for illegal immigrants.
were white people realy necesary in america??
Billionaire David Koch will bankroll Libertarian candidate and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson’s third party presidential run with tens of millions of dollars, according to a report.
Koch’s pledge is significant: Charles and David Koch both promised not to use their war chest of hundreds of millions to stop now-presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump from securing the nomination in March, turning later that month to down-ballot races.
David’s brother, Charles, told ABC News in April it’s “possible” that having Hillary Clinton in the White House would be better than electing Trump.