The Gathering Storm Within The GOP

American Thinker

BRA’s Thinker contemplates the dissolution of the Union:

“Though all conservative hands must be on deck for Mitt Romney between now and November 6, there is little doubt that from that day forward, America will witness the final foundation-shaking battle in a long war — namely, a fight for the heart of the Republican Party. Either the current, longstanding GOP establishment will finally cede control of the official banner of political conservatism, or the traditional two-party system, and with it the American republic, will dissolve.”

Give us disunion and we can have a normal country again.

If Dixie was an independent nation, there would be no Civil Rights Act of 1964, no Voting Rights Act of 1965, no Immigration Act of 1965, no Roe v. Wade, no DREAM Act, no Obamacare, etc.

The South voted against all those things. We got all of those things solely because of the existence of the Union. Switching parties won’t solve anything because Dixie will still be submerged within the Union.

Why is the Union sacred? In the Northeast, a black governor can preside over the gay marriage of a 70 something year old Jewish congressman.

The Union is a not only a bad marriage for the South. It is a forced marriage. It is an illegal marriage created at gunpoint during the Reconstruction era by puppet negro controlled state legislatures.

The White majority in every Confederate state voted against rejoining the Union. In South Carolina, less than 200 White people voted to rejoin the Union.

The Confederate states had to rejoin the Union because they had seceded from it – this proves that the states are sovereign and are capable of leaving the Union, if they had never left the Union, which was the pretext of the invasion, rejoining it would have been unnecessary.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter:

    “It is an illegal marriage created at gunpoint during the Reconstruction era by puppet negro controlled state legislatures.”

    I’m curious about the statement in this sentence about the “negro-controlled state legislatures.” I had thought that they were whites that were against secession to begin with. Could you please explain or provide a link. Thank you and keep up the good work.

  2. Were the GOP to die, there would be nothing left for our fellow lukewarm Southerners to cling to. The bloom would be off the rose…for good.

    Down with the party of Lincoln and down with the Yankee BRA empire!
    Long live Dixie!

    Deo Vindice

  3. Someguy
    The situation you are describing only pertains to Tennessee, since there was a large Unionist population in East Tennessee. Even so, the fighting between factions in the population did not end until around 1870 there. All other states were as Hunter describes, with South Carolina being particularly bad.
    There is a tab marked “Confederacy Resources” at the top of the page. Lots of information there that will give you a better picture.

  4. Thanks Apelius. My education has a lot of Tennessee history involved. You hit the nail right on the head with that one.

  5. Most of my ancestors were from Sullivan County, the “Little Confederacy of East Tennessee,” and Southwest Virginia. So don’t let anybody tell you they were no Confederates in East Tennessee. They were all Confederates, though one did become a “galvanized Yankee” after he was captured.

    Damn, I just remembered that one had the last name Goode. Have to do some research.

    Parson Brownlow’s heavy hand resulted in the formation of an organization you may be familiar with: the Ku Klux Klan.

  6. Lee, Longstreet, Jackson…

    Who will our new Generals be and who else here has prior Military service?

  7. When you get them young’un raised up proper, I hear the 1st South Florida Partisan Rangers may be recruiting. Captain, but I went to the same school as the three you listed above.

    Deo Vindice

  8. Make that young’uns. I know you got two.

    Mosby would agree, Stonelifter.
    Champ Ferguson would too, I am sure.

    Deo Vindice

  9. I might be missing something, but I hear more of a sigh of resignation and acceptance within the GOP than I hear grumblings of discontent.

    The GOP is the party which has been getting all the attention lately, but I believe the Tea Party rift is minor and manageable compared to what’s coming to the DNC in November.

    A variety of ephemeral circumstances (Bush fatigue, a pop culture “moment”, etc…) made Obama’s election possible; but Obama, the mainstream media, and a solid faction of the DNC believe (along with many WNs) that his victory was due to America’s changing demographics. It wasn’t. America’s definitely caramelizing, but it’s not nearly as dark as they’re imagining. You cannot win a nationwide election without a solid showing among working-class Whites. It will be that way for at least another decade or so.

    The DNC is running head-first into an existential crisis and it’s too hung up about the racial nature of it to discuss it openly in the same way that the GOP is working out its issues. As with many troubled families, sometimes the ones who look like they’re a little too serene are the ones with the deepest problems. The DNC has precipitously, generationally, alienated working-class White male (and increasingly female) voters.

    I believe the Clintonite faction realizes this. I believe James Carville and other more astute and thoughtful liberals see this train wreck coming, but are incapable of speaking up about it for fear of appearing disloyal to the home team in an election year. This explains Bill’s outbursts. This explains the strange behavior coming from Midwestern Democratic candidates. Politically, they’re in an awful situation.

    Prepare for 2013 to feature a heaping helping of White Trash Liberalism. They’ll have no choice but to fully embrace protectionist trade policies (at least in their rhetoric). You’ll hear paleo-Marxist diatribes with thick drawls, sharp twangs, and elongated vowels. Imagine Michael Moore meets Hee Haw. They’ll have an even worse case of amnesia about the previous administration than Republicans had about Bush. They’ll ratchet up the “class warfare” rhetoric to 11, and the increasingly libertarian GOP will indeed be vulnerable to a lot of its charges.

  10. well it would depend on how things break Apuleius but…. as far as I can tell if an officer has rank over 0-3 Cpt ( maybe major) he is a DWL and unionist of some sorts. Or he doesn’t get promoted. Being a good commander of a line company does not = being a good general officer.

    I have a clear idea of how we would should act if need be and it best not be in a traditional war of attrition manner. Which has the added benefit of not needing a traditional chain of command. We would also lack several things successful insurgents have on their side…. Which is enough info to show were my thinking is. By in large I think the split will be peaceful in its own way and the violence that does occur well be localized. Very vicious, but localized

    Interesting thought MP. Do you think the DNC cares to hold on to the white working class vote? I figure it this way; they do not care to hold on to the White man/ White working class vote. Seems to me they’ve owned up to it. Which only seems to be an issue with the few White DNC shot callers with a working class back ground. They plan on getting more negro, beaner, DWL/ SWPL plus a doubling of the White women vote. I also think they figure they will get more of the White baby boomer vote as that group hits retirement and wants to ensure they get their old age govt handouts; social security, med-a which ever one is for old folks etc. The racial split in the DNC won’t occur until the negros and beaners have to fight over what’s left of the White taxpayers tax money

  11. I don’t everybody. I suspect there is ceiling to the number of middle-class and working-class white folks who lean Democrat that will defect to the GOP. We may be at that ceiling now, the upper limit of a 40 year migration.

    The trends driving Whites away from the Democrats need to be weighed against the factors that have always driven Whites to the Democrats in the first place.

    The majority of the public and private union-aligned vote White vote will never defect. I doubt many White folks who work in public sector jobs at any level ever will. The middle/working-class White folks who work for General Motors are aware of who bailed them out (Obama) and who opposed bailing them out (Romney).

    Obama has issued executive orders making student loans more manageable, and he signed legislation keeping loan interest rates low. Having above average IQs, students will take note.

    Obama empowered the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau to get predatory lenders and vulture credit card companies off of peoples’ backs.

    Obama is now calling for retaining the tax cuts for people making less than the 250K. Romney will respond by insisting that we retain the tax cuts for people making more than 250K. Romney’s stance will very quickly show middle and working class white folks where the GOPs priorities lie.

    The Wall Street and the MIC oligarchies don’t seem particularly troubled by Obama in the White House. The so-called “sequestration cuts” to the Defense budget that Obama and the GOP agreed to in their budget deal last year to are not going to happen. Some Jews seem a bit irked with Obama, but I don’t see Jews using their power to unload the heavy guns on Obama, so they must not be that displeased.

    The GOPs anti-middle class economic program is always going to repel substantial numbers of Whites. The sad fact is that Obama and the Democrats’ economic program better serves White interests than the GOP one (unless you pull down north of 300K and earn most of your income from capital gains or financial speculation).

    The uncertainties of private employment mean anyone that can lose health insurance any time. Lots of White folks know this. Thus, lots of White folks probably see some upside in being able to join an Obamacare “exchange” for health care.

    Then there is Mitt Romney himself, a candidate who is a liar, phony, a joke and not to mention dangerous for more reasons that can be mentioned in this comment. People aren’t going to flock to him.

    For these reasons among others, I will go on record predicting a coast-to-coast blowout for Obama. It won’t be close.

  12. A conventional conflict is the last thing you want to attempt.
    Lee’s main error.

    I’d have just let Stuart off the leash and tell him to burn Maryland to a cinder. Then torch DC. Then let the Yankee come to Richmond in retaliation and catch Hooker etc etc at the end of his supply chain.

    Provoke the enemy into Furiously over extending resources (which you are destroying) and over deployment, then stap the trap shut. Quantrill and Forrest were doing it right. They provoked very heavy handed Union actions and boosted Confederate numbers.

    I don’t know what lesson that gives anyone today but you make up your own mind.

  13. Lew has a solid point. The Republican party seems to be the party of the Company Store and Pinkerton Bulls more than the working man and voting for them is voting for crap wages, crap working conditions and all the money to the top.

    Of course voting Democrat screws society big time.

    Its as I always see, a Conservative Society cannot have Economic Liberalism.

    What we need is a White focused Socially Conservative, economically Conservative (aka Populist) movement in one of the parties.

  14. While my above remarks were somewhat tongue in cheek. I’ll say this.

    I think we anticipate the same thing. You won’t need the top heavy structure, and unless you are near a black undertow area, you probably won’t see much violence.
    Legitimacy will go to those agencies that can restore order at each locale best.
    That doesn’t sound like anything the federal government is capable of to me.

    Democrats don’t give a fat baby poot about the white vote, except in the blue strongholds (Yankeedom proper–Northeast, Upper Midwest, Left Coast). They abandoned white Southerners long ago. The GOP will be long gone by the time the beaners and negroes begin to fight over whatever is left of the Amurrican carcass.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Good analysis Lew. I do not see Obama losing with Romney doing his roboto routine.
    Romney has articulated nothing that impresses me. When he desperately fumbles for populist support it willlook phoney as hell.

  16. MD was more or less pro South, and would have voted to join the Confederacy. lincoln and the pro union governor arrested the state legislatures before they could vote for secession. Parts of MD were held like occupied territory, (Southron MD and Baltimore) and large parts wanted nothing to do with either side. The union promised men from MD they wouldn’t have to fight Southrons. They were used for guard duty in other places. Southron Md sent something like 3 regiments to fight for the South. Burning MD would have been a tactical and strategic mistake. Not to mention a moral one since it would have been in affect waging war on friendly’s.

    Jackson was aware of those things and wanted to burn PA and Ohio

  17. Sounds like a right good plan, John. Move fast, strike hard, finish rapidly.

    Just make sure to avoid that Grant fellow. He’s a butcher and he doesn’t care who or how many he kills.

    And for God’s sake don’t let Bragg command anything.

    I can’t make it today, though. How about tomorrow?

    Deo Vindice

  18. Hunter,

    I hear all this talk from you about secession from the Union. If any Southern States did secede, what would they do with their blacks? Millions of blacks would not willingly take their flattened snouts out of the trough that has shoveled hundreds of billions their way since the sixties, and the North would likely intervene on their behalf (on humanitarian grounds, of course) were they herded to the docks at gunpoint. If you think you can keep the the blacks on your soil, but without the political privileges they’ve come to expect, you’re dreaming.

  19. That’s more or less how I see it Apuleius. And it looks like we can both leave the rest unsaid.

    I think the GOP could win middle class/ working class White votes by adopting a protectionists, anti free trade stance on international trade. They would also need to understand and drive home the point that the cost of doing business in the USA is to high because of taxes and… labor law/ environmental law. Instead the GOP says its all about taxes which is only part of the story and its a story very easy to spin by the DNC

  20. I meant the pro Union bits. Cavalry could have lived off the land in Maryland. The union would have retaliated against Confederate sympathizing farmers and burned them out. At that point you have a chevauchee that would have made Union armies impossible to feed but political demands in the Northto press into Richmond with conventional infantry. At a certain point they would outrun supplies as they approach. A sharp action from a supplied entrenched position and then the Union troops would have to retreat to get back to food. Cavalry would already be in their rear burning farms and supply wagons. The unin forces would have been as stranded as the Athenians in Sicily.

    Take what you want from the historical record and update carefully.

  21. I don’t doubt anything that Lee has stated either, but Obama is hardly a bastion of strength on any issue, and voters don’t vote their economic interests, they vote their tribal/social status interests.

    “Prepare for 2013 to feature a heaping helping of White Trash Liberalism. They’ll have no choice but to fully embrace protectionist trade policies (at least in their rhetoric). You’ll hear paleo-Marxist diatribes with thick drawls, sharp twangs, and elongated vowels. Imagine Michael Moore meets Hee Haw. They’ll have an even worse case of amnesia about the previous administration than Republicans had about Bush. They’ll ratchet up the “class warfare” rhetoric to 11, and the increasingly libertarian GOP will indeed be vulnerable to a lot of its charges.”

    They have to go pro-white in order for that to work, for what are we whites, but the 8% of planet earth?

  22. More seriously, Clinton himself signed NAFTA and presided over the deregulation of Wall Street. Obama has signed three free trade agreements including the one wih South Korea that caused the trade deficit with them to explode.

  23. I thought Matt Parrott used to be one the moderators on here? Wasn’t he the one who caught HAC using sock-puppets?

  24. Barring a recession between now and November, Obama is going to beat Romney pretty easily. There is no way he can win with 54 percent of the White vote.

    Poppy Bush beat Dukakis with 59 percent of the White vote. W. narrowly defeated Kerry with 59 percent. McCain was destroyed when he got 55 percent.

  25. What would a Southern ethnostate do with blacks?

    1.) Repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 – return power to the states, the cities, and private individuals.

    2.) Gut the welfare state.

    3.) End affirmative action.

    Essentially, all we have to do is end BRA: give White people their money and power back. The situation will sort itself out organically.

  26. Hunter, what do you think the fallout from ending BRA in the South will be?

    I figure there negros will have a fairly large scale chimp out at 1st and then move on to high rates of crime to make up for the lack of “free” money from the govt. I can’t see the negros not fighting to maintain it’s way of life.

  27. HW, get rid of jews in government and banking and everything should fall in place.
    Niggers or BRA have nothing to do with anything. Niggers/BRA would be nothing without thier enablers.
    And to suggest niggers run America is just plain foolish.

  28. no one suggests they run America, BRA implies America is run for the benefit of negros and other minorities. As in all the things that make life hard on White men were set up to benefit negros, beaners, women, queers etc.

  29. It’s the jews and their media. They set the trends and the fools follow.
    Mostly northern Whites with a college education. They are rewarded by good jobs and social connections.
    I have to admit, the south, now is on the right side of things.
    This doesn’t mean all Whites in the north are in the wrong, far from it.

  30. Romney does not deserve to even be close to the presidency. But look at what Obama is to whites, just another black you want to avoid.

    The establishment fears one thing, whites having to be addressed in explicit racial terms. This is what blew Yugoslavia up, the day the Serbs were allowed to be Serbs and not just generic communists striving for equality with Yugoslavia’s minorities.

    The first thing that must be done is to defeat the censorship that lies upon our heads, then we can plan like generals and statesmen.

  31. If I may address the generals here who are planning for the next “Unpleasantness” is that Southron Secession is one step too abstract. As I said the censorship that is upon whites must be overthrown before whites can begin to plan for their futures before anything else.

    If you do not address this issue of we whites being censored it will end up as the LOS ended up, in the hands of the grannies talking about niceness and other such rot.

    But I understand, planning is fun, it is like playing Dungeons & Dragons, and no one gets hurt.

  32. Calm down. It’s more like Kreigspiel. Which is precisely how staff officers while away their days. Anyway, my comments had more to do with historical examples. As it stands reconstruction was defeated by a guerrilla war.

  33. Bosnia may yet prove to be the grit in the European ointment. I’m quite nervous looking at that outpost of Islam right in the geographic heart of Europe. Luckily they are landlocked.

  34. I don’t see us having the chance to act until the union goes bankrupt. Until then, life will be to easy and folks will think they have to much to lose. Maybe up north, and in Southron cities Whites need to develop a stronger White identity but I don’t see that as so in the rural South.

  35. Yep General John, while away. HW has done some great research on the Reconstruction White rebellion against illegitimate authority. And what I got from it was that to those men, “white was right” and then plans came about.

    Talking like that was common place, even President Wilson felt the need to praise “Birth of a Nation” (which I wish I had a copy).

    On a sidetrack, we find ourselves debating the Learned Elders of Paleoconservatism who themselves say race does not matter, but since their “Great Books” all preceed the age of exploration or political organization of the non-whites they are basically talking out their backsides. The anti-whites in this are correct, America has basically created the “White Race” because of our violent contact with the redmen and our racial slavery system.

  36. I’m not sure about that. Regional identity and behaviour still dictate the voting patterns of Americans. Completely incompatible folk ways, nationalities, that are under
    the umbrella of an Empire.

  37. What’s to keep Dixie from being run being forcibly shut down from the outside like South Africa?

    I don’t see utopia on the horizon.

    Not convinced Dixie would produce leadership I could get behind. We here in Texas seem to like putting retards in the governor’s mansion, and I could do without evangelicals getting their hands on the reigns. Creationism science, obedience to Izrull, and government regulation of the bedroom: yippee skippee.

    Does Israel accept converts? They seem to know what they’re doing. Maybe we can share a homeland?

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