Preview: California’s Collapse


San Bernardino declares bankruptcy. This comes in the wake of Stockton and Mammoth Lakes declaring bankruptcy within the last two weeks.

“SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — The Southern California city of San Bernardino has voted to declare bankruptcy.

The City Council in the city of 210,000 people decided to seek Chapter 9 protection Tuesday night, making it the third California city in less than two weeks to make the rare move. It would also become among the largest in the nation ever to declare bankruptcy. Stockton, the northern California city of nearly 300,000, became the biggest when it filed for bankruptcy June 28.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. San Bernardino is a large city, I travel through there often. It is filled with mexicans and niggers fleeing the rougher areas of inner city, LA.
    A real shit hole, no surprise they have they have gone belly up.
    Many other medium sized cities in CA will follow, to many mexicans feeding off the welfare system in CA.

  2. I see two downsides to Californian’s collapse

    other tax payers will be forced to bail them son’s bitches out and

    more of them will leave Californian and spread their leftist trash in areas relativity free of problems. they should be forced to live in the hell hole they created and not free to go ruin other places

    This is another reason why Southron secession is our only real option

  3. I am reminded of the police turning back faithful whites, who WANTED to work in the Dustbowl, ‘Grapes of Wrath’ era, from ENTERING Californication.

    They should do the same to the Spics and the Nigs, now. “Sorry, you can’t leave, until we ALL fix the mess.” I mean, isn’t that why the elected the Governator? Oh, wait. They chose Jerry Brown…. again….

    Yeah, Arizona should seal THEIR border, as well as Utah, Oregon, etc. No Californian can leave the ‘Tarnished State’ until and unless they drive the Amalek (Illegals) into the sea….. yeah, right. Like that’s going to happen!

  4. As California goes, so goes the nation. That’s the old saying, anyway, and up to now it has proven largely true.

  5. The anglo founding stock types in California treated the Oklahoma [Oakies] founding stock worse than shit here in California in the 1920’s and 30’s. Many were turned away at the California border and were forced to camp out in the desert. Many died of starvation.
    And many founding stock types have the goddamned nerve and gall to complain about jews and “ethnic foreigners” ( Italians for example), but the founding stock types heaped more death, suffering, starvation, malnutriton, injustice and abuse on one another than the Jews, Italians, and all other immigrant groups put together ever did to the founding stock. Not to mention how the founding stock tripped over themselves to kill one another down in the war of 1861.
    Somehow all of this is the fault of Jews and Italians and other immigrants. After treating one another like shit and killing one another down in droves, and after pushing their fellow founding stock types from Oklahoma into the desert to starve to death in very large numbers, the founding stock types bitch and complain about Jews, Italians and other “foreigners”. F*ck them. Liars and phonies who treat(ed) one another like shit, refuse to face the truth, instead point their fingers at Jews and Italians and others, walk around with smirks and phony-faces pretending they’re the cat’s pajamas. Considering their history in the US of treating one another with cruelty and injustice: Injustice unto massive war crimes against one another, massive hunger unto starvation, the founding stock is more like cat shit in a filthy litter box than the cat’s pajamas.
    And they have the goddamned audacity to “demand” everyone have the highest respect for them when they themselves don’t even respect one another. F*ck the founding stock. They’re a joke.
    GOOGLE: ” Boris Borisov + American Holocaust”

  6. Jews and Italians eh? Is your name Carlo Ginzburg or something?

    I don’t think the Eyeties really get much grief. Why combine the two?

  7. Joe,

    2.5 million people moved in one of the greatest droughts in history. Estimates suggest that about 7,000 died. Today about 1/8 of the Californian population is Okie in origin.
    That’s not a genocide you delusional batshit crazy lunatic. In Africa or the middle East 2.5 million would have been left to die.

    And what was California Ethnically made up from in 1930? Did you look at the census?

  8. @John
    I’m combining the two ’cause A: you labeled me “wop” yesterday.
    B: I hear alot of very quick remarks here at “OD” blaming jews, italians, and all kinds of immigrants for all the problems in the country.
    C: I’m combining the 2 because I want 2. Tough sh*t if you don’t like it. I really don’t care.

  9. Next thing take a look at who lived in California before the internal migration of the Okies.

    mostly immigrants directly from Europe. Not founding stock. If a genocide was conducted on the Californian border, and data doesn’t really support your assertion, it was conducted by the descendents of straight of the boat Latins. Guido Montefiore the Vintner isn’t founding stock no matter how much you want to believe.

  10. @John
    You can try to distort the truth and deflect from the truth all you want. It’s a reflection of your character, not mine : It’s to your discredit, not mine.
    You’re more interested in deflecting from the truth I mentioned in my post than anything else. Go discuss matters with others who prefer to deflect and escape from the truth.
    Any interested reader can google the search term I provided and come to their own opinion about matter. I didn’t write my post for you, necessarily. End of discussion.

  11. You claimed that there was a genocide conducted on the Okies. There was not a genocide. You claimed that it was a genocide that was conducted by one branch of founders on another branch of founders. California even into the 1930s had a very different origin and pattern of settlement from anywhere on the Eastern Sea Board.
    You make assertions that have no basis in reality and you keep pushing them on here. You are a broken record.

  12. Joe the Jew is taking the same strategy as internet posters Whiskey and the Gender-Raunch guy at the spearhead dot com. They just post the same message over and over again. They know that if they keep repeating their message for a long period of time, eventually some people will start to believe what they are posting. This seems to be the new strategy of some jewish internet posters. Maybe it is just a coincidence?

  13. No one was pushed off their land in the Plains Midwest either. There was a Massive drought. Given that 2.5 million moved the number of dead 7,000 is a testament to their own hardiness and fortitude. My guess is you’d have been a Billy Club wielding thug also, or an exploitative farmer paying starvation wages. Just so you could get one over on a fellow white from a different ethnic group.

  14. Joe’s innaccurate ramblings tend to prove that there really are chasms of biological differences that express themselves as culture.

    We already showed in previous posts that the Union could not have won without a 500,000 strong flood of German and Irish born soldier volunteers (add to that 150,000 blacks). There was no civil in the civil war. It was population replacement.

    The limited hostility of Californians to the Okies might very well have been the same sort of intra ethnic rivalry too having a laugh at the Anglo refugees. I’d hazard a guess that many Okies packed up and moved to the deep south
    and found a reasonable welcome because they are closely related. No need for Steinbeck there.

  15. The record player is broken. Go to:
    “whatreallyhappened” website. Good article there entitled, “The Final Executive Order: Death of a Republic”.
    WARNING: The webmaster of whatreallyhappened , Michael Rivero, is a “crypto”.
    I like website. I’m not sure who’s who there, but I do learn alot from reading lew rockwell’s site as well as from whatreallyhappened website.
    One must always be discerning in one’s reading. Doesn’t matter who the author is — what group the author comes from. This has always been true since man first started writing. Jews, cryptos, and “foreigners” don’t have a monopoply on mendacity : It’s an easy and lame cop-out to think otherwise.

  16. I hazard to say ( based on facts) the Oakies died in very large numbers in the desert. They didn’t have the money to return back to the south after being refused entry into California. They didn’t even have the $$ to enter California. The authorities in California demanded a $$ fee to enter the “golden state”. They didn’t have the kind of money to just move around the country back and forth. They didn’t even have $$ for food. That’s why they died in such large numbers. I hazard to say, based on facts.
    I already provided the search term to use for more info.

  17. Cali is home to those two faced DWLs who it seems want to drive all the trash out of the state and create an Ecotopia. Kind of a fantasy since they are basically aligning with the Mexicans who will put a boot in their raceless asses, via electoral numbers. I watch the game warden show on NatGeo and even the white areas suck big time, full of derilects and druggies and outright strange perverts.

    I was stationed out there in 81-85 at Pendelton and I always said there was two things wrong with Cali, earthquakes and Californians.

  18. I’m so tired of so-called pro-Whites who use the occasional historical example of conflict amongst the Founding Stock to justify HIS making war on ALL of US.

    No, the fact that the Plains Indians were pushed onto reservations doesn’t give Jews the right to now flood America with half-aztecs (who were never IN the American Southwest, much the less Georgia) from Mexico in order to genocide us.

    Whatever happened between the Californians and the Okies is between them. It gives YOU Joe-the-wop-jew NO rights at all.
    YOUR job is to be loyal to the White Americans here now, in gratitude for our ancestors letting yours in, so sit down and shut up.

  19. The founding stock in California demanded a fee from their own kind from Oklahoma to enter California, yet always allowed the mexicans in, no charge, no questions asked. If the founding stock types from Oaklahoma didn’t have the $$ to pay the fee. Tough shit. Go starve and go die in the desert. In the meantime, the founding stock types in California trip over themselves to hire mexicans instead of their own kind who need to work also. Especially the “Oakie” types. The “Oakie” types are still treated like shit in California — and by their own founding stock,too boot.

  20. And as far as the snide remarks go, we are bored of it. We are wise to the jew tricks of it, we are not shutting up for it anymore, and YOU AREN’T EVEN GOOD AT IT.

    You’re not clever, you’re not funny, you’re boring.

    Nothing worse than a not-funny guy who thinks he’s a laff-riot.

    Here’s a virtual rotten tomato, joe-the-wop-jew, now go away.

  21. “Especially the “Oakie” types. The “Oakie” types are still treated like shit in California — and by their own founding stock,too boot.”

    It’s not your business, joe-the-wop-jew, you’re here on the forbearance of MY ancestors, so sit down and shut up.

  22. I’ll be careful here, banks did foreclose on all sorts of farms. Rooted mainly by multiyear crop failure.

  23. Only 200,000 of the Okies even headed to Cali. There was no genocide. Stop it Joe. There was maltreatment. Anyway, it sounds like you have a natural contempt for the Okies anyway. Sounds like you’d have put a bullet in Joad and his family just for kicks.

  24. No. It’s “not my job” @ barb. I shall say and do as I please. It’s hardly your place to tell me what my job is. Beyond obnoxious. This is what I mean about the founding stock. They don’t want to look at the truth of their own collective behavior and attitudes.They expect others to have the utmost respect for them while they talk about non-founding stock groups like garbage. I don’t think so @ barb. Your own founding stock ancestors sold you down the river, not my ancestors. My ancestors weren’t “allowed” to immigrtae here because the founding stock was so full of wonderful qualities. The immigrants were “allowed in” as a means to sell you down the river. And it was your founding stock ancestor-lawmakers and big-shots who wanted it that way. That’s why they opened the country up to massive immigration.
    What’s going on today is just a continuum of what started in the 1840’s. And it was all put in motion by your founding stock ancestors. Not my ancestors. And it had nothing to do with respect or like for the immigrants : especially the Italians, or Irish, or Jews, or any other immigrant group.
    Go tell it to the “Daughters of the Revolution”.

  25. @barb
    You may consider giving other commentators here some lectures, considering how imperious you are. Like @ John for example who is so quick to hurl derogatory names at non -founding stock types. Like Stonelifter and quite a few others. You very conveniently didn’t give @ John a lecture yesterday when he labeled me a “wop”. You were online yesterday. You posted yesterday. Take your imperious tone and imperious attitude to your relatives . You have no right to speak to me as if I’m your “slave”. Go talk to the blacks that way– see how far you get.

  26. .”The immigrants were “allowed in” as a means to sell you down the river”

    Well, since you’re the descendant of an immigrant, it sounds like you are down with the White Genocide program, since all your talk is in service of enabling genocide.

    Therefore, you bear more blame than my ancestors, since you are alive and doing it right here right now.

    And since I’m White, and I and mine are the target of the White genocide, I am within my rights to tell you to shut up.

    What you OWE me, though, since you’re here because my ancestors let yours in, is LOYALTY.
    So shut up.

  27. .”The immigrants were “allowed in” as a means to sell you down the river”

    Well, since you’re the descendant of an immigrant, it sounds like you are down with the White Genocide program, since all your talk is in service of enabling genocide.

    Therefore, you bear more blame than my ancestors, since you are alive and doing it right here right now.

    And since I’m White, and I and mine are the target of the White genocide, I am absolutely within my rights to tell you to shut up.

    What you OWE me, though, since you’re here because my ancestors let yours in, is LOYALTY.
    So shut up.

  28. Causa Latet, Vis Est Notissima.
    [ The cause is hidden, but the result is well known]
    Google: ” Boris Borisov + American holocaust” : learn more about the depression years in America during the 1930’s.
    Thank God for the internet. More and more truth is coming to light.

  29. @barb
    I don’t owe you nor your ancestors a goddamned thing. And neither I, nor anyone in my family, is responsible for “white genocide”. Your founding-stock ancestors are responsible for opening the country up to the whole world, including the third world. Not my ancestors.
    Go stand in front an abortion clinic and go tell it to all the white women killing their white children if you’re so concerned about “white genocide”, and stop hassling me just because I mentioned Boris Borisov ( in other words, I mentioned some truth) : If you’re truly interested in what’s best for the white race and are truly so concerned about “white genocide”, go tell it to the white women aborting [ killing] their white children.
    My post about Boris Borisov in no way can even be remotely considered a part of “white genocide”. It’s just some truth about what happened in the history of the US. That’s all. Not my problem you can’t handle truth.
    Or, just go tell it to Lady Bird.

  30. “And neither I, nor anyone in my family, is responsible for “white genocide”.


    You jews use your culture of critique/lawsuits to shut down any opposition my White folks try to mount to the massive imminvasion of mestizos
    Since the imminvasion will result in my White folks’ genocide and your culture-of-critiquing us and deflecting blame from jews allows jews to continue the program of shutting down White opposition to mass immigration, YOU are a genocide enabler.

    YOU are a traitor who is disloyal, who OWES me loyalty, because you exist because my great-great grampa let yours in. Now, my GG grampa was a yeoman farmer, and probably was skeptical about the admittance of yours, but consent to let you in, he did.
    Therefore YOU owe ME.
    So shut up and stop justifying my genocide, you TRAITOR.

  31. This is very sad.

    Not about California which deserves what they are reaping, but the fact that a good thread where informative comments can be made is hijacked and turned off topic to ‘genocide of Okies’.

    The ‘Joe’ seems to hijack the thread every time. Is there no moderator on this site?

  32. I’m sick of having to ignore comments from Joe and then the three people who engage him in petty arguing.

    Can’t you guys ignore him? It is obvious what he is doing. He is turning this blog into a joke.

    Ban him.

  33. Go stand in front an abortion clinic and go tell it to all the white women killing their white children if you’re so concerned about “white genocide”

    Joe may not be a useful part of the general conversation on this site, but he’s definitely got a point there.

    My view: any White woman who deliberately aborts her White baby is as much a traitor to our race as any mudshark.

  34. “Not about California which deserves what they are reaping”

    Some do, a lot don’t. California in the 1990s tried to stop this with the Save our State initiative to deny illegals welfare. SOS passed by a huge majority. It was the last gasp of the old California Dreamin’ White CA before demographic swamping by illegals sneaking across the border and waving mexican flags dropped anchor babies, aided and abetted by traitorous jews who shouted down as evil raaaayccciiiissss anyone who objected, and the state was lost.

    The %%%%% traitor lawyers in the ACLU (jews) brought suit to have SOS struck down which “judge” Mariana Pfaelzer did. (can’t find mariana’s ethny. With last name ending in er, could be jewish. don’t know.)

  35. Hi, Anon,

    I only engage trolls for one reason: So that lurkers reading his stuff don’t see it go uncountered and assume it’s true.

    Sorry, but until Hunter bans Joe, I have to ask you to give your scroll finger a workout. (smile)

  36. “My view: any White woman who deliberately aborts her White baby is as much a traitor to our race as any mudshark.”

    Rob, I agree.

    Still, abortion-on-demand is just another “present” the jews brought us. A huge number of abortion doctors are jews.
    These innocent, wonderful jews who joe-the-wop-jew tells us are sooooo wonderful.

    Helping young, unmarried White girls who got preggers by accident to have the baby (and hopefully give it to a White couple to raise where Dad works and Mom stays home to mother it) is one of the few things the Catholic Church got right.

  37. CA was ahead of the leftist power curve way before 1990. The sewed the wind, let them reap the whirlwind

  38. It is becoming repetitive, boring and ridiculous. I don’t comment much but lurkers are not stupid. Joe is a troll and succeeding very well.

    This should not be allowed to become a kindergarten schoolyard in an otherwise interesting and informative blog.

  39. Boris has a good point. The census data is quite interesting. It suggests a completely stagnant population if nothing else.

  40. “The %%%%% traitor lawyers in the ACLU (jews) brought suit to have SOS struck down which “judge” Mariana Pfaelzer did. (can’t find mariana’s ethny. With last name ending in er, could be jewish. don’t know.)”

    This is interesting:

    “Rabbi Loew is buried at the Old Jewish Cemetery, Prague in Josefov, where his grave and intact tombstone can still be visited. His descendants’ surnames include Loewy, Loeb, Lowy, Oppenheimer, Pfaelzer, and Keim.”

  41. I think it’s worth refuting where it’s wrong. Anyway, the demise of California as a European outpost is not a good thing.

    That’s all. Hunter might want to run the ISP though.

  42. We should research this.

    Is Mariana Pfaelzer, who struck down Prop 187, the SOS initiative, the final, monumental, desperate act of White Cali to save itself, a jew? Or married to a jew (which amounts to the same thing)?

  43. So let’s see. Census data.

    122,775,000 1930 and then in 1940 131,669,000. That’s a 7.2 percent increase. Official census figures. 7.2 over a decade seems healthy enough.
    The plains states did depopulate but these were very sparsely populated areas. Additionally Oklahoma had 2,336,434 people in 1940 and 2,396,040 in 1940.
    Even there the population holds steady.

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