About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. boo hoo hoo hoo hoo. Mammy* done left the plantation. Who’s going to change my diapers? boo hoo hoo. Maybe stonelifter, apuleius, and tamer of savages could start a organization of volunteers to help themselves and other southerners change each other’s diapers now that Mammy is gone with the wind.boo hoo hoo hoo. They made farming mechanized and the Darkies done got up and left us. boo hoo hoo. We were always sooo nice to “our” Darkies. How could they do this to us? boo hoo hoo hoo hoo.
    At least the southerners learned to figure out how to do basic subsistence farming after the Darkies left after THE YANKEES beat up the poor little whittle southern boys. Gotta give the whittle southerners some credit at least for figuring out basic subsistence farming**. They have severe issues figuring anything else out. That’s why it’s important for stonelifter, apuleius, and tamer of savages to start an organization of volunteers to go around the south and change one another’s diapers now that Mammy is gone with the wind. Poor lttle whittle southern boys. No more Mammy to change their diapers and pic’ the cotton. boo hoo hoo hoo hoo. Don’t cry. Everythin’ is goin’ to work out okay…. don’t fret little whittle southern boys.***
    * ” Mammy Mammy how I luv ya’…how I luv ‘ya… my dear ole’ Mammy…i’d walk a million miles for one of ya’ cotton pickin’ smiles… Mammy Mammy waitin’ for ya’…prayin’ for ya’ to change my diapers…. my dear ole’ Mammy……”
    ** What exactly are chitlins? I know Chitlin Production is the South’s Major Industry , but no one out of the south really knows what chitlins are.
    *** Be patient. Everything is goin’ to be okay again poor little whittle southern boys.
    [ ++ father john ++] is praying for ya’ all so everything is going to be fine. Just sit on that ole’ porch and sip a mint julep or two and wait. Mammy be walkin down that dusty road back home to Tara any day now. I know that’s true ’cause [ ++ fr john ++] is prayin’ for ya’.
    I sing “Amen, Amen, Amen …. Mammy be comin’ home now…..Amen, Amen…… be changin’ your diapers…Amen, Amen, Amen…. be pickin’ your cotton…. Amen, Amen, Amen…….”

  2. “I imagine Stonelifter and Mosin get zero dollars a year in subsidies.”

    On my part, it is an issue of religious objection, but several thousands a year would be available if the right requests were made. There is aid out there for even small scale panhandlers, and bureaucrats NEED farmers enrolled in their programs. It would help a lot, though, not to be white and male to join the new assistance programs for only (quote:) “women and other socially disadvantaged groups in agriculture.”

    What about Stonelifter?

  3. tamer is from NYC. Stick to what you’re good at jew-joe, like orally satisfying dogs and what not. You are dumb as dumb can get.

    Who asked the question Mosin? It’s really none of their damn business.

    Taking subsides can be a smart move, and I do know folk who take the money. Don’t have a problem with that. White folks need to get as much of our tax money back as they can, in which ever way they can. However, I don’t.

    #1 it’s against my nature; if I take their money I have to do as they say on my land. I did not let the state stock my ponds or plant trees on my land for the same reason. I’m not going to let them tell me what to not plant, and I won’t let the state mess around with my aquapoincs/ catfish operation when I get that going either.

    #2 I’m not large scale enough for it to pay out and the land I live on isn’t any good for most of the programs

    #3 I mostly lease land to real farmers. The farm I live on is a hobby farm. I like the work & the life but mostly I pour money into it because it keeps me sane and trains my kids. Besides relaxation the farm should stretch the food I have stored up a good bit if things go real bad.

    I do play the property tax game though. The place I live on is where I grow the peaches. I’d rather not deal with it at all, but I have to have a certain percentage of my acreage in production or I pay the full price on property taxes. Keeping horses don’t count, keeping enough chickens to count would be large scale enough federal and state regulations would apply. I do a couple of small things to make the cut and avoid the taxes, and I keep those small enough I don’t have to worry about the govt.

  4. @Stonelifter
    I don’t give a shit where tamer of savages is from or where he lives now. He yearns for “a slave”. That’s what he said. So does Apulueius. So do you @ Stonelifter. Like little babies, yearning to have others do your work for you . Yet, you all demand everyone respect you so much, but “you all” are wistful for an easy and comfortable life, based on the work and sweat of others. You want an easy life based on the backs of others. And how you demand to be respected as if you’re some really tough tough independent man. What a joke you 3 are.

  5. The darkies left and then demanded civil service jobs and welfare. In effect turning everyone else into their tax slaves. See Detroit, Atlanta…anywhere the nigs cluster.

  6. find one post where I advocate for the reintroduction of slavery or want a slave. You won’t find it you lying piece of dog pleasing filth. Or advocate for an easy life. You cannot do it. You are a pathetic lair. you and rudle would make a great couple

  7. Joe, go away! Most of the people here just want to live separately from blacks because they don’t wish to support them, give up deserved opportunities due to social engineering, put up with constant unreasonable and unfair demands, hostility and crime, or otherwise have to constantly alter their lifestyles in order to live peacefully with a group of people with which they don’t fit with even under the best of circumstances. It’s kind of hard to enslave or oppress a people that you don’t even want to be around.

    If you don’t like white Southerners, that fine. I don’t see anyone begging for your acceptance. I just don’t see what you are getting out of bothering and insulting people who don’t want anything to do with you. Don’t you get it? We just want to be left alone to live as we wish! There are plenty of places where almost everyone agrees with you, so you should be happy. Why you aren’t is somewhat baffling to me.

  8. “Like it or not, the food industry is still dependent on cheap human labor.”


    I get your point, but there has to be a way to not destroy the demographics of the nation so that large producers can feed the world.

  9. I get that, Denise. What I don’t get is why. You would think that he would have better things to do, since his view of the world dominates at the moment. The world should be rosy to him, but he doesn’t seem happy. I don’t get it.

  10. Yep, Time to go back to Africa ….. or Middle East …. or whatever ……..

    ” Seeds of hatred sprout in soil of Greek crisis ” July 11, 2012

    ” Gangs are attacking immigrants all over Greece – a fact ignored by authorities, says Human Rights Watch. Some are allegedly linked to the far-right Golden Dawn party. Migrants are blamed for crimes and for eating into shrinking government subsidies.

    ­Moreover, police often discourage victims from filing complaints and sometimes even threaten them with detention if they insist on an investigation. ”

    “Migrants and asylum seekers spoke to Human Rights Watch of virtual no-go areas in Athens after dark because of fear of attacks by often black-clad groups of Greeks intent on violence,” says Tuesday’s report by the advocacy group, as cited by Reuters. “While tourists are welcome, migrants and asylum seekers face a hostile environment, where they may be subject to detention in inhuman and degrading conditions, and risk destitution and xenophobic violence.”



    Stupid leftist multicultural policies are to blame…. it was bound to happen soon-or-later. What did they expect?

  11. @ Todd and @ Denise
    I never said, nor implied in any way, that any “OD” reader — or anyone anywhere– should live near blacks*. Just never said that. Nor, did I ever imply that. Very off-the-wall conclusion @ Todd. So I gues it’s true: You are “baffled”.
    You @ Todd and @ Denise have nothing to say at all when I’m called all kinds of names (including “wop”) just for posting some articles on American history ; You’re silent about that ; I guess you don’t see that as “poisoning” the discourse.
    * Of everyone who posts here, I’m the one who constantly reminds my fellow white Americans of the importance of learning how to protect oneself and one’s family, home, and business from black criminals. In the last 2 months or so since finding “OD”, I’ve posted many links to websites that explain the best way to protect oneself from black criminals : More than all other readers/posters put together. Any regular reader knows this already—-> @ Denise is a regular reader and poster and knows this for sure.

  12. “The darkies left and then demanded civil service jobs and welfare. In effect turning everyone else into their tax slaves. See Detroit, Atlanta…anywhere the nigs cluster.”

    I was born in Atlanta, and the whole metro area is a mess. I moved away because I grew tired of the racial situation. I’ll be honest, and state that I don’t hate blacks, and I don’t see a need to call them names. But I don’t wish to be their slave either. We are different, and we do not fit well together. I’ve experienced BRA, and it’s a vicious, vindictive and incompetent disaster that I oppose on every level.

    Just to see how the Atlanta area has been destroyed physically and in most other ways over 20+ years is sad and unreal. The suburbs that once gave way to small towns, forests and farms after about 20 miles in any direction, now extend well towards Macon in the south, and into the Appalachian foothills to the north. The suburbs extend almost to the Alabama line in the west, and nearly to Athens in the east. I’m not really exaggerating. It’s crazy, and it’s largely due to the senseless migration of blacks and northerners to the area, and an unwillingness on the part of whites to live under black rule. The bubble wasn’t worth it!

  13. Joe, I don’t know your history here, and I’ve only started posting here again in the last few days. I don’t know what your intent is, and I only stated what most OD readers seem to want when you claimed they want to reinstitute slavery. I ‘m sure that most people here would like to separate, which would eliminate the need or desire for black slaves.

  14. Suppose the Confederacy had won.

    – Slavery would have continued for a few more decades instead of sharecropping.

    – The mechanization of agriculture would have made slavery obsolete.

    – Blacks probably would have been colonized in Africa.

  15. “Oh my God! ‘Joe’ mentioned some things about American history we didn’t read about in our ‘abridged’ history books. How could he do this to ‘us’ ? ; Present us with some new information to think about ; ‘We’ thought we knew everything there is to know already! Oh my God! What are ‘we’ going to do now ?”
    ” Well , ‘we’ll’ just hurl alot of ad hominem remarks his way and even suggest ‘Joe’ is some kind of shmooze ( as if we’re soooo much better than the schmoozies ) and hope he goes away so ‘we’ don’t have to deal with any kind of new information : That’s because ‘WE’ already know everything there is to know : How come ‘Joe’ doesn’t know that? What’s wrong with ‘Joe’ ? Oh, that ‘Joe’, he’s just a : That’s what ‘they’ do : ‘They’ poison the discourse* by presenting new information to us ‘we’ don’t read in our abridged history books”.
    * And occasionally write sardonic comments now and then. “Oh my God! Sardonicism! ‘Joe’ is somewhat iconoclastic ! How can ‘Joe’ do this to us ? Oh my God! It’s a I tell ‘ya” : Cave! ” [ Beware!]
    Laughing online big-time.

  16. @Todd
    Slavery was eliminated a long time ago. Still, there are 3 or 4 posters here who many times write wistfully and longingly for the return of slavery. I occasionally write some sardonic comments in reply to them now and then. That’s all.

  17. If the Confederacy had fended off the predation I also think that the history of Europe would be fundamentally different.

    Germany for example. It would never have united. Prussia was a carbon copy of the Union’s grand strategy. A zolverein (customs union) followed on by military lead unification under a Kaiser.

    The British, Belgian, Portuguese and French empires would have wiped out the Africans. There would be a healthy Russia largely keeping itself to itself ( except
    constantinople encroached on) there would probably be a nearly exclusively white state in South Africa too.

  18. If the pessimists are right about Peak Oil, I wouldn’t rule out the restoration of slavery. Richard Heinberg predicts that slavery might be restored in Peak Everything.

  19. What sort of US nationalism could have possibly existed at the time if 700,000 to 1,000,000 white southerners decided they would fight for an independent state?
    Nothing quite like this happened when the Prussians unified the Germans. The Germans shoved Austria, Denmark and France around but it didn’t do this to itself.

    The fellow feeling must have run a mile wide and 1/2 inch deep. It’s very strong evidence that the USA was a mere customs union before the Slaughter. After, a fully fledged imperial state.

  20. If the pessimists are right about Peak Oil, I wouldn’t rule out the restoration of slavery

    Probably. The flexibility of liquid petroleum makes farming machines like tractors, cotton ginnys, trucks, etc. possible. Running these on coal or wood isn’t feasible.

  21. Joe,

    You can go to Africa today and buy blacks for £50 as manual slaves. Slavery is their natural state. It wasn’t eliminated in the US, merely replaced by mechanical devices and with BRA the taxpayer became a slave to subsidize the useless blacks.

  22. @John
    I would catch the first flight back to Europe ” if IT* ever did come back”. That’s for sure.
    Just can’t shake that ad hominem habit of yours can you? I guess it’s the only way you know how to debate. That’s to your discredit : Not Mine.

  23. @John
    I’ll stick with going to the Redwood forests here in Northern California thank you very much ; And paying my way honestly throughout, and leaving the slavery stuff in Africa to those who so choose to get involved with “it”. I’ll be up in Northern California amongst the Redwoods.

  24. “If the pessimists are right about Peak Oil, I wouldn’t rule out the restoration of slavery. Richard Heinberg predicts that slavery might be restored in Peak Everything.” – A coal power plant produces more energy than the entire human population working together at the same time could produce, so I wouldn’t think that would be the case.

  25. To : Tamer of Wild Savages in New York City
    Did you hear that ?!!! Good News !! You can buy a slave in Africa for only 50 pounds something or another, as per your friend and buddy-buddy @ John. Your lifelong dream of owning a slave can finally come true : Just hop the next flight to Africa and you’re on your way to “Easy Street”. Bon Voyage!

  26. “Peak Everything” argues that Peak Oil is only one of a mountain range of Malthusian resource peaks – there is Peak Coal, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Phosphorous, Peak Capital, Peak Humanity, Peak Water, Peak Minerals, etc.

    The same basic principle applies to all these other natural resources – the best and most profitable deposits are exhausted first and then we move on down the resource pyramid to inferior deposits that are less concentrated or harder to extract and which produce a smaller return on investment.

    At some point, the return on investment shrinks to the point where it costs more to develop a resource than you would get out of it, at which point production grinds to a halt.

  27. “I was born in Atlanta, and the whole metro area is a mess. I moved away because I grew tired of the racial situation. I’ll be honest, and state that I don’t hate blacks, and I don’t see a need to call them names. But I don’t wish to be their slave either. We are different, and we do not fit well together. I’ve experienced BRA, and it’s a vicious, vindictive and incompetent disaster that I oppose on every level.”

    I agree with this statement.

  28. @Hunter Wallace
    Yes. I do live in Sacramento. I also have a car, and I often drive up to the redwood forests, usually up to the redwood forests up in Humboldt County. I also happen to like driving. It’s not an issue for me to drive from Sacramento to the redwood forests in Humboldt county or anywhere else up and down the coast of Northern California.
    The redwood forests of Northern California make the list of the most beautiful places in the world. It’s a big reason I moved to Northern California. I made my home in Sacramento for personal reasons. I would have preferred to live closer to the redwood forests, but we don’t always get everything we want in life. It’s not a problem though, I’m close enough and I do enjoy the drive up.

  29. The disaster was importing millions of Africans to start with.

    Nothing afterwards matters, all paths would have led to 40 million of them in America in 2012.

  30. Joe- I honestly think you are an Italian Catholic. A weird sort of Mea Culpa Catholic. There’s a very weird strain, as in all things….perhaps John is right. You simply hate Anglos, and you feel some affinity for the Hebes.

    It won’t help you, in the end. They throw all the Goy under the bus, once in power. The appeasing ones are the ones they hate the most.

  31. @Denise
    Just pointing out our own faults as white Americans with the hope we’ll all work towards amendment and betterment. That’s all. Again, I write with the readers out in cyber-world gallery in mind for the most part.. Many of whom may be new to the issues. Nor have I ever said a mea-culpa, nor even suggested, or in any way implied, mea-culpa-ism ( if I may coin a phrase).
    Can’t expect Jews or blacks to change their behavior for the better if we ourselves– I speak in general about all white Americans, not to you or anyone posting here necessarily — don’t examine ourselves and make a change for the better. I hope my message reaches some readers out in cyberspace. That’s all.
    Many here, including you @ Denise , need to relax a little bit. Not for my sake. For your own sake. You do waste alot of energy and time pointing fingers and making ad hominem slurs against those you disagree with instead of posting any useful information and/or links that may lead to more knowledge for all the readers.
    Concordia cum Veritate
    [ In harmony with truth]

  32. “Just pointing out our own faults as white Americans”

    You’re not a White American.

    You’re an immigrant Italian (likely jew) infiltrator advancing the White American genocide campaign, and aiding and abetting the Genocidalists by running interference for them.

    What’s this “our own faults” crap? You don’t feel the least bit guilty or responsible about what Founding Stock did; you are only using those facts to bash us and belittle us and demoralize us so that we won’t notice WHOSE faults are the biggies crushing us right now, the jews.

    Now, the jews’ faults, aye, THOSE you might be a bit concerned about somebody deciding to work towards amendment and betterment — that amendment and betterment being jews being tossed out of their plum positions in American society onto their Kosher Keisters (h/t Denise for that alliterative phrase).

  33. @barb
    White Americans from non- founding stock have faults as well. You @ barb many times point out the faults of non founding stock whites. I don’t feel guilty– I don’t do mea culpas : As I explained to Denise.
    It’s in the realm of the possible to examine one’s faults — or the faults of one’s people–without guilt. One can examine and make amendment in a balanced and level-headed way , without hysterics and drama. I’ve written quite a few posts about the faults of my fellow Italians ( both Americans of Italian descent and Italians in Italy). The sun still came up in the morning. No one was in any way harmed ; Not even any Italians .
    Any objective and fair-minded reader knows I’m against the leftist/communist agenda : The whole agenda– including and especially white genocide.
    That’s why I think it’s important for All White Americans to :
    Google: Boris Borisov + The American Holocaust
    The more information white Americans have– especially as all of our history books are greatly abridged— the better off white Americans will be. The more information, the better.

  34. jew-joe you are lair. you don’t speak any truth because the truth is not in your kind.

    no one here advocates for the reintroduction of slavery; some have pointed out that negros have no value to the world outside of forced labor, but none have said put them back in bondage. No one. Not because we like the vile beasts but it’s usefulness has past with mechanization of labor/ industry

    Tamer is actually willing to live next door to negros if they can afford his high priced zip code. Your bit about him wanting to buy a slave is false, your claim that he is Southron is false and cannot be supported by anything he has posted here

    I get your point, but there has to be a way to not destroy the demographics of the nation so that large producers can feed the world.

    I’m not sure why food prices have to be held so low. We could go back to using White teenage boys again. It worked just fine before the invasion of mexicans. Cost would go up, but… probably not that much. From what I gather, mostly people pay them a decent enough wage, but save money by side stepping taxes and insurance type stuff mandated by labor laws by hiring them. With out BRA taxes would be a lot lower. Another thing that could fix it would be going back to a policy of strong money backed by gold or solver. Hell we could back it by coal like some nations do with oil. Which would kill inflation and fix the declining wage issue too.

  35. Is wittle Joe off his meds again? Is his poor drug addled widdle mind not working wight? Poor wittle Joe don’t like dees mean ole Southern boys talking about taking back dere cuntry, wittle Joe gets scared!!

  36. Wittle Joe wuvs us sooo much dat he wants us to understand that every wittle tang wong wiv us is our own fault. Wittle Joe says dat until we fix every wittle ting about white society we deserve to die. He wuvs us so much!

  37. lol Wayne, jew-joe sounds a lot like barb on that point because she too says she only “brow beats” us because she loves us. Interesting how similar anti-White men are

  38. Truth is Truth. If one feels “browbeaten” because one hears Truth, then ipso facto one has something to hide : something one feels ashamed about ; It means there’s something there that needs to be amended ; That is, if one truly wants to improve one’s lot in life.
    “Lot in life” doesn’t mean money or material things necessarily. “Lot in life” also includes things of the spirit ; It includes the intangible as well. For example, the intangible includes living one’s life without animosity and wishing violence and all kinds of horrible things for other people one disagrees with ; Like Stonelifter often times does : He wishes violence on anyone he disagrees with. Stonelifter wished for me that mexicans here in California attack me just “cause I mentioned something about the civil war Stonelifter didn’t want to hear. He wishes violence to those he disagrees with. He does it often. He does it with me ; I notice he does it with other posters he disagrees with. Truly putrid :
    Stonelifter claims to be “pro-white men”, yet he wishes violence to any white man who says anything Stonelifter disagrees with. He calls this being “pro-white men” :
    I call “It”* a baby having temper-tantrums :
    * Stonelifter.

  39. We don’t feel brow beaten we simply recognize attempts to do so.

    I never claim to be pro White in the general sense of the word, and I am flat out anti yankee, White or otherwise. I am pro rural Southron White. I don’t give a damn much one way or the other about other Whites. Try to keep up. When I speak of my people I am not talking about damnyankees, or Pole or Germans but rural Southron White men. This too has been covered many times.

  40. I know Stonelifter is only interested in what’s best for white Southerners ; I know Stonelifter doesn’t want anything to do with yankees : That’s why Stonelifter said the other day he would fight for the yankees if the yankees “paid” him [$$$$$$] . Stonelifter doesn’t want any thing to do with yankees until a [$$$$$$] fee is discussed and agreed upon : Then he would fight for the yankees. He said this. I didn’t ; I’m just repeating Stonelifter’s own words. How venal Stonelifter is. How quick he is to sell-out his “fellow” Southerners. Pathetic: How venal. Poor South. I hope the other rebels down South aren’t so quick to change sides for [$$$$$$] . Good luck Southerners.

  41. yep, I also said I’d fight yankees for money too joe. it’s a job, just like working on computers or what not

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