Slavery: A Positive Good (2012)


“But I take higher ground. I hold that in the present state of civilization, where two races of different origin, and distinguished by color, and other physical differences, as well as intellectual, are brought together, the relation now existing in the slaveholding States between the two, is, instead of an evil, a good – a positive good.”
– John C. Calhoun, 1837

Is there a positive case for the domestic institution of negro slavery?

(1) In slave societies, negroes were a wealth generating economic asset: America’s slaves were worth more than its railroads, banks, and manufacturing industries combined.

In 1861, the average slave was worth $800. In 2009 dollars, a single slave purchased in 1861 would be an asset worth $135,000.

(2) In 1860, 49.8 percent of the population of Barbour County (AL) were slaves.

(3) In 1860, there were 2,717 free families in Barbour County (AL). There were 1,143 slaveholders. 42.1 percent of free families were slaveholders.

(4) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley as a whole, there were 47 slaveholders who owned over 100 slaves. If the average slave was an asset worth $135,000, then each one of these super planters in 1860 had a fortune in slaves alone worth a minimum of $13.5 million dollars.

(5) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, there were 270 slaveowners who owned 50 to 100 slaves. If the average slave was worth $135,000, then each one of these middling planters had a fortune in slaves alone worth a minimum of $6.7 million dollars.

(6) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, there were 1,193 slaveowners who owned 20 to 50 slaves. If the average slave was worth $135,000, then these lower tier planters had a fortune in slaves alone worth a minimum of $2.7 million dollars.

Obviously, the planter class in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley was stupendously wealthy by modern standards – those numbers don’t include their non-slave property or investments and are based on the minimum number of slaves required to belong to each tier.

In 1860, there were 1,150 planters in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley. The planters were only 17.3 percent of slaveholders though. How’s that compared to the stock market?

(7) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, there were 1,637 slaveowners who owned 10 to 19 slaves. If the average slave was worth $135,000, then these upper middle class slaveowners had a fortune in slaves alone worth $1.35 million dollars.

(8) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, there were 1,485 slaveowners who owned 6 to 9 slaves. If the average slave was worth $135,000, then the typical middle class slaveowner had a fortune worth $810,000.

(9) In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, there were 4,100 slaveowners who owned 1 to 5 slaves. 47 percent of slaveowners in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley belonged to this group. Every one of these slaveowners had at least one slave worth $135,000.

(10) In Barbour County (AL), 42.1 percent of free families were slaveowners – surely, the great majority of them were middle class slaveowners, while only a small minority were planters.

How much is the average negro household worth after 147 years of free society? The average negro household is worth $4,995.

As we have learned from Paul Kersey, the average single black woman in America has a net worth of $5, which is over a 99 percent depreciation in value from 1861. A third of blacks have a negative net worth. They are effectively bankrupt after 40 years and countless billions of dollars of wasted Great Society redistributive spending.

Freedom failed doesn’t quite capture the magnitude of the social and economic disaster that was abolition: it is more like freedom was a world shattering catastrophe that nearly crippled American civilization.

In free society, the average White household might have a net worth of $110,000 in 2012, most of which is locked up in the value of their depreciating suburban home – with both parents working in order to pay income taxes to a federal government that redistributes their wealth to millions of idle tax consuming negro voters.

In slave society, if you owned one slave, you had an asset worth $135,000 in 2009 dollars not counting your property or home, those slaves worked in direct proportion to the leisure time of a single male slaveowning patriarch, and there was no income tax because the government was funded with a revenue tariff.

(11) That’s the rub: under slavery, the negro was a fabulous wealth generating economic dynamo, the ownership of which emancipated White families from the drudgery of wage labor and significantly contributed to our national prosperity.

Under free society, the negro is the single biggest economic albatross in the United States and a civilization wrecking menace to public safety who through the genius of liberal democracy can vote himself a living from taxes and fees on the income and property of White families.

(13) Libertarians: What planter ever emancipated his slaves based on the assumption that liberating them would increase his wealth and make his plantation more productive?

(14) As a commodity, slaves were used as a store of value like gold and silver or stocks and bonds: a single slave in 1850 was worth $80,000 whereas a single slave in 1860 was worth $135,000.

(15) Paul Kersey writes:

“Black unemployment rates are directly correlated to the fact that a great many Black people are unemployable in America’s service economy, save for government/public jobs. Not institutional racism.”

The only known solution to this problem is slavery.

There are any number of industries where the millions upon millions of negroes who have an IQ less than 85 could be profitably employed today as slaves.

They could be put to work immediately as stoop laborers in the construction industry or in the fields harvesting fruits and vegetables. Alternatively, they could at least be hooked up to bicycles and used to manually generate cheap electricity to promote America’s goal of energy independence.

Even today, a slave society could find some use for them. Black women could be employed as domestics as they were in the Jim Crow South. They don’t have to become welfare queens shacking up with Mr. EBT to breed little Ja’Quares Walkers or Trayon Omar Washingtons in the Booker T. Washington housing projects.

If negroes were enslaved in such a way, we could empty our prisons, raise property values, raise per pupil spending on White students, slash law enforcement and court costs, fund an expedition to Mars, and slash the soaring cost of healthcare by curtailing epidemic black obesity.

(16) As far back as the 1830s, free negroes in the Northern states were notorious for elevating crime, destroying property values, and burdening prisons and other social services.

In free societies, the cost of negroes is socialized whereas it was privatized in slave societies: abolition eliminated natural masters (who provided employment for White working class overseers) who had a vested economic interest and legal responsibility for curtailing destructive behavior and promoting productive labor.

(17) Any student of the discipline of negro management in the Old South could have told you that emancipating slaves, blaming White people for all their various failings, and giving them access to drugs and firearms was a recipe for disaster. See the 21,000 black people who have been murdered by other black people in Detroit since 1969.

(18) In 1850, a slaveowner could have told you that the return on investment on negro education was quite low because of biological racial differences in intelligence.

(19) In 1850, a slaveowner could have told you that abolition and the politicization of the negro was a recipe for disaster based on previous experiments in abolition in Haiti and the British West Indies.

(20) Slave society promoted conservatism and racial solidarity in the Old South. It also created an indigenous elite that had the wealth and political power to resist the encroachment of the degenerating effects of liberal capitalist democracy.

Note: Virtually all the social ills that are commonly blamed on slavery are actually a consequence of freedom.

Slave societies didn’t tolerate or meekly subsidize negro criminals or flagellate themselves with racial guilt. The negro had no status as a citizen or a voter. He wasn’t a huge drag on our national prosperity as he is today in the 21st century.

Slavery was a positive good. It was a successful social system that broadly distributed wealth among Whites, created an elite invested in white supremacy, cultivated a moral sense based on the cult of honor, and most importantly, acted as a brake on the consolidation of power in Washington.

The success of slavery proved to be its downfall. It was a rival economic system that inspired enormous jealously, fear, and envy of the Slave Power in the North. As we all know, that’s what brought about the War Between the States, destroyed the White Republic created by the Founders, and set America down its path to the present racial disaster.

That’s not the fault of slavery though. It is the fault of slavery’s professed enemies.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Eliot I’m not sure what you wrote follows. I can say my land is worth X dollars because that’s what I could get selling it, but the reality is it’s worth X plus what it produces. Not sure if the 135k figure follows that or not


    Using the real price is not the correct index to use for measuring the value of a slave’s labor services in today’s prices. It does, however, give an idea of what the cost of purchasing a slave was in 2009 dollars. Thus, just before the start of the Civil War, the average price of a slave in the United States was $20,000 in current dollars.

    As discussed above, the $500 price in 1850 represents the expected net value of the future labor services a slave would provide. This is why the labor or income value is the correct measure of the value of a slave’s services in today’s prices. That $500 would be $78,000 in today’s prices.

  3. @Hunter Wallace
    I don’t know if everything would be fine, but If Southerners had been as opposed to slavery as the good citizens of one my Favorite* states in the Union , Vermont** : “Freedom and Unity”*** being the Vermont State Motto, everything would be A Million x A Million times Better for All White Americans period.
    “You all” Southerners can be quite stubborn and thick-headed , Worse than Italians**** even. It’s okay. I’m used to stubborn people. I know how to handle stubborn kinds, having grown up around alot of thick-headed guidos.
    * Of my top ten Favorite USA states, only one Southern state makes the list: West Virginia, “Montani Semper Liberi*” being the State Motto : The good citizens of West Virginia don’t abide by slavery. All the West Virginians I’ve ever met were opposed to slavery. Good for them, that’s what I say.
    **Montgomery,Vermont being my favorite town ( care selve and all that) :
    Not “Stonington”, Stonington is in Connecticut anyway. I don’t do Connecticut. Let us trust as we pray [ + Fr John +] will someday learn his geography.
    *** What was the Confederacy’s Official Motto? : ” Darkies and Disunity ” ?
    **** Italians being of the Tribe of Guidomites.
    * ” Mountaineers Are Always Free ” : English translation of West Virginia’s Official State Motto. Good for them.
    The remaining 8 of my favorite states:
    New Hampshire
    North Dakota
    Please Note:
    None of the above Favorite States contain low-lying littoral* regions containing swamps, darkies, cottonpickin cotton’ , Mammy, slave-patrols, mint juleps, magnolia trees, slave cabins, pellagra, rickets, civil war re-enactments, Dollywood*, Graceland*, moonshine, coons, chipmunks and squirrels for breakast, lunch, dinner, and more darkies you can shake a stick at.
    * Yes, I know. Dollywood and Graceland are not on the littoral exactly. Yet, these 2 exemplars of Southen culture remain littoral in spirit. How many darkies “you all” got in Memphis these days? Thank god for Dolly, her amusement park provides some kind of employment for Southerners , at least.
    * It’s true. Alaska has a coastline. Still, Alaska’s littoral ain’t swampy and darkie.
    Ciao, from a Guidomite to a Southernmite.

  4. saying we would be better off ignores the reality of slavery being the driving economic factor of the nation when it was young and struggling. folks say it would be better without it, and perahps they are correct but they don’t offer another version of how the “aemrican system” would have worked or what would have replaced it

  5. I’ve thought about this topic and I think I’ve come up with a compromise that can/will/is working in 2012.

    First, we’re not going to be able to bring back the past, reimpose Black slavery in the South or anywhere in the USA. Everyone has to accept this reality and it doesn’t matter if Hunter or anyone else does strong research to show that Blacks did better under benevolent slavery then than they are doing now, or studies about economic efficiency.

    My compromise is to go full speed ahead with a neo slavery, prison industry system where Black inmates work long and hard in economically efficient agriculture, manual labor – things like building a huge wall, defense system with our border with Mexico.

    The Black convicts are treated well, same as Black slaves with kind slave masters in the past – strong efforts are made to make sure the Black convicts are healthy, nutritiously fed, housed and monitored – they are not left to do whatever they like. This way White Southern Christian folks can spend lots of time trying to improve the morals of the Black convicts – showing them positive, educational, religious themed TV shows, movies designed to improve their moral character etc. that sort of thing.

    Blacks actually do much better as convicts in strictly supervised Federal penitentiaries than they do on their own roaming the streets and destroying everything they are around.

    The goal is to get most Black males from the ages of 15 – 35 in the neo slavery, prison industrial complex. Another benefit is that Black males from 15 – 35 in the prison industrial complex are not conceiving large numbers of illegitimate Black children – the gang banging, terrorists of tomorrow.

    Yeah, it will work, it is working. It’s the prison industrial complex – a form of neo slavery if you like, but something the public would support as the public will not support a return to Black slavery. Working class White men get jobs as prison guards, work supervisors – same kind of work as slave overseers in the past.

    What do people think?

  6. Jack I like your idea if it can be a money maker. I think we should combine the two and build a giant continuous prison for blacks all along the Mexican border.

  7. jack ryan says: My compromise is to go full speed ahead with a neo slavery, prison industry system where Black inmates work long and hard in economically efficient agriculture, manual labor – things like building a huge wall, defense system with our border with Mexico. What do people think?

    Interesting topic, worthy of discussion.

    Black inmates working long and hard ? Is that possible?

    Building a huge wall, defense system with our border with Mexico? It would be porous as Swiss cheese and collapse within a month.

    Mexicans would do a better job, must be highly supervised by White men.

  8. The goal is to get all negros out of the South and up north where y’all love em enough to set them free and elevated them over the White man. Won’t be hard to do; they go arunning once welfare comes to an end.

    I figure, once were free from the damnable union, it won’t be hard to get rid of the beaners either. The hard part will be driving out the queers, transplanted yankees, jews and feminist. That and keeping the damnyankees out of Dixie once they have to pay the full price for their actions

  9. Stonelifter —-> You’re a tough soldier, why would it be difficult for you to drive out the queers if you’re capable of driving out the blacks and beaners? Are you afraid the queers are goin’ throw confetti at you? I know that might sound scary to you : But come on Soldier- dude : MAN-UP!

  10. my post implied doing so without violence. Notice that’s slow-joe-the jew-trolls implication, but queers etc won’t want to leave when negros are gone.

  11. Slavery was abolished in 1865 by Yankees.

    Most White Southerners survived the war. They got to see the free labor/free soil paradise that Yankees created during Reconstruction.

  12. @Hunter Wallace
    I thought Helper just wrote that one book. I didn’t know he has a body of work. Thank you for pointing that out. I will continue my research. Helper’s authoritative [as he lived in the ante-bellum South and saw life there first-hand] and logical thesis makes alot of sense. I shall make it my business to read his other works.

  13. so when one company drives out the competition with a superior product or pricing it’s an act of violence? Who knew

  14. I’ve always thought placing land mines, poison water relief areas ( on their trails) and various booby traps along the border with mexico would be the most effective deterrent.

  15. slow-joe-the jew-troll you have a well established record here of claiming men have said xy and z without any post to back you up. Like all your ramblings about who supports a reintroduction of slavery but yet can’t point to a post where I advocate such a thing

    It’s your tactic of choice

  16. It’s the prison industrial complex – a form of neo slavery if you like, but something the public would support as the public will not support a return to Black slavery. Working class White men get jobs as prison guards, work supervisors – same kind of work as slave overseers in the past.

    What do people think?

    All the problems of the past, with the added benefit of reading like leftist talking points from the $PLC.

    Remember the phrase “obsolete farm equipment?” We don’t need them, or anyone, but ourselves. But the $PLC types want us to use rhetoric like “neo-slavery” and unrealistic fantasies, which keeps the old morality in place. Evil White Neo-Slavers and the Racist Prison Industrial Complex.

    Anything – ANYTHING – but a White Nation, for us, by us, and only us.

    HW has a choice to make. I know a few scions of old aristocratic plantation families pining away for the days of 300 slaves tending the fields. They are mostly inbreds though, unsuited for the modern high-tech world. Whips and guns are easy for low-intelligence types, building robots is much harder. Which is really the Whiter way?

    We had already replaced the obsolete farm equipment with industrialization by 1980, until they imported mestizo peasants to undercut prices; a brand new “oppressed non-white working class” for the humanists to rally behind. Are we really going to fall for that one again?

    It’s like cat ladies; they can’t distinguish between their own family and their family pets. They think they are in charge of it, but biologically speaking, it’s the toxoplasma gondii that has infected their brain.

    Ramzpaul says give them a few states and let them make their own nation. What he doesn’t say is that it will eventually fail and repatriation will follow, the permanent solution.

  17. “Under free society, the negro is the single biggest economic albatross in the United States and a civilization wrecking menace to public safety who through the genius of liberal democracy can vote himself a living from taxes and fees on the income and property of White families.” So you link to an article about Chicago?
    …have you heard of the white gangs there?

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