Miami Zombie Attack Prank on Tosh.O


H/T Henry Wolff

Bitching about the “racism” of Tosh.0 at Salon:

“It seemed to put to bed all of the racist garbage that was rising to the surface, reawakened like Rip Von Winkle. …

Tosh rose to fame for being the host of Comedy Central’s show Tosh.0, which pokes fun at You Tube videos.  ..

A show like this could not have existed in the 1990s, yet here we are, two decades later, moving forward – or behind?”

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Tosh is a queer.

    Are we to adapt “the enemy of my enemy is my fried”?

    How about we dispose of the degenerate, homosexuals along with the dusky hued interlopers?

  2. Tosh isn’t actually gay, and I don’t care about gays. If they want to be gay, that’s their business.

    It’s sad that the “gay movement” is exploiting them harder than the feminist movement exploits women.

    Anyway, this video is pretty good, and the Salon piece QQing about it is delicious. Tosh actually isn’t that funny inherently, but he’s the only one telling racial jokes, and his jokes are funny even if he’s bad at telling them.

  3. Never ceases to amaze me that 98% of blacks voting for a black isn’t a racist moment, but one white guy not voting for that black is…
    We need to come up with a new word for hypocracy; the current one doesn’t work any more.

  4. Jaime the author of the piece mentions gangrape, and Tosh O joking about it.

    Funny thing is almost all gangrape is committed by niggers. White guys literally don’t commit this crime.

    She’s a very stupid person.

  5. Seems like a missed opportunity on her part.

    Instead of contemplating the persistence of racism and the reasons for it…She simply bitches about it.

  6. The commentors on that article are perhaps the most delusional idiots I’ve yet encountered online.

  7. I disagree, Tosh has figured out a way to tell the truth about negros and women without getting shut down and make money at the same time. It’s a very…… show

  8. Tosh is a brilliant and hilarious fellow. This is one of the best shows on basic cable.

    How about we “dispose” of Kwa Squaws that hate every male that’s not in their papoose or paying their bills?

  9. The comments at Salon seem to be overwhelmingly created by “middle-aged white women”. You know the type, you can see their arrogant carcasses at Starbucks and Panera Bread, their faces permanently affixed with a sort of scoffing look. These people I have never understood but I know them when I see them. They scream vanity with every ounce of their carefully crafted image. To be honest, I took delight in reading through their comments as they are in for a very rude awakening. Just imagine how they will act and feel when it all breaks down. God, if it were possible to catalog the look on each and every one of their faces when they realize their abstract view of society has violently crashed all around them…

  10. There are plenty of racists like me at Starbucks.

    One thing that I occassionally notice is that the Occupy cats are only one step away from “naming the Jew”. It’s remarkable how close they often are to hating blacks when they complain about suburbia and commuting. Just one more step… a slight push. The radicalized are quite low hanging fruit sometimes.

  11. There are plenty of racists like me at Starbucks.

    Ya sure, sipping on Blonde ….. a blatant promotion for miscegenation …. it could be a commercial for Renta-a-Rasta … “One Love” ….

    ” STARBUCKS: Blonde Women, You Must Blend With Coffee-Colored Men ”

    You may want to research who owns Starbucks, and some of the causes they support.

  12. I obviously had to have been a patron at Starbucks to have made that observation! I do not go to Starbucks because A.) the coffee sucks and B.) the prices do not reflect the quality. You are really just paying for their agenda, at least that is my opinion. No hate if you enjoy their products though, just voicing an opinion.

  13. One thing that I occassionally notice is that the Occupy cats are only one step away from “naming the Jew”.

    They already did … last year…

    ” Google Jews Occupy Wallstreet ”

  14. Blonde refers to the only coffee Starbucks sells that isn’t burnt. It’s like white people, nothing special, just way better than other options.

    OWS is a collaboration between the middle class and lumpen. Give me ten Jews that name the Nigger over a dirty white mob, any day.

  15. Tamer – no Juden. Nien. Not EVER. Juden create the problem with the NAGAS.

    You love Yids. don’t you?

  16. Do your part to save America: Boycott the Starbucks schmoozies!
    Save the USA : Spend your $$$$ at Jamba Juice !!
    Remember the 14 words:
    ” No Starbucks! No Schoomzies ! Give us Jamba Juice! We want Jamba Juice! Jamba Bamba!! “

  17. The salon comments had not a spark of originality, we at BUGs when we cut and paste sound more original. Its just trying to flaunt moral superiority and the right lets them get away with it, and our little slice of demography would try to argue crime stats with them without even questioning what forms their views.

  18. @John
    The words in my above post are from the English language, are they not? I’m not righteous enough and religious enough to “speak in tongues”. I do think before shooting off my comments to cyber-universe , contrary to what you think. I thought it fun to poke fun at the Starbucks “issue”. Plus, I own stock in Jamba-Juice, Inc.
    No blondes were harmed while typing my post. The sun will still come up tomorrow.
    Cum Grano Salis
    [ With a grain of salt]


    Some white dude snarling and acting like an animal, scaring Blacks as if he were a Drunk Simon Legree?

    I’m sorry I don’t know the context. But it was hysterical to watch for the minute or so I did.

    And yes, Starblecccch’s coffee is execrable. Caribou (our local franchise) was much better, until they started to be ‘Liberaltouchyfeelytrendycaring’ – now, they too, sport the same Land’s End Liberals, and the anorexic post-menopausal barren womb types. UGH.

  20. Warning: Too much Designer Coffee takes it toll :
    Probably spent too much time hanging out at Starbucks. The starbuck-schoomzies fooled him and “they” duped him. “They’re” like that, you know. That’s why it’s important to boycott the starbuck schmoozies . Well, at least the boy knew enough to shop at one of the more correct stores to buy waspmite -ish haberdashery.

  21. Starbucks coffee sucks. I can down the cafe latte if I have to. I’d rather have a $1.50 cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee any day.

  22. it just dawned on me; seems to me yankees like to lay a lot on jews shoulders, much more so then Southrons. At the same time, seems to me, a lot of us Southron boys see no difference between the two from an operational stand point. Seems to me, much of the damage was done, or started in motion way before jews showed up in any numbers. Got me to wondering just how much of the yankee anti-jew stuff is based on jews vs not wanting to own up to the damage yankees did and do?

  23. @ Stonelifter

    The reason Southerners don’t talk about jews is because of guilty conscience.
    The South was the only region of the country to be pro WW II before Pearl Harbor
    after the jews with Southerner help destroyed Germany the jews unleashed the Civil
    Rights movement. Though the jews shit on White Southerners the most White Southerners remain the most pro-jew part of the American population.

    One of the benefits of an independent Dixie woul be that the South by itself
    would be too weak to stop Germany or Germany and Russia from uniting
    Europe and saving the White Race so by all means lets have an independent

  24. The Southerns probably had sympathy for the Brits. They are closely related people. Much more closely related than German midwesterners and Irish Tristate types. Then you have the Italians. They were 6s and 7s because the gangsters were no fans of Mussolini. But they were not keen on war either. The Yankees were simply looking for an angle on war loans and basing rights.

    A look at the origins of American vols inthe RAF might be intersting. Mostly British ancestry.

    I do think the Germans would have massacred southern England if they’d have invaded. So certain instincts would have been triggered in the expat community.

  25. Germany probably would never have united had the Union failed. The Second Reich was modelled on Lincoln’s depredations. Indeed Lincoln had a German bodyguard called “The Turners” and was in effect a latterday Caligula.

  26. @ Stonelifter: “I disagree, Tosh has figured out a way to tell the truth about negros and women without getting shut down and make money at the same time. It’s a very…… show.”

    Very WHAT show? I have unfortunately seen just a little of it. Not enough to write a review, but enough for a censor reaction.

    Any TRUTH (proverbial “half truth that entices to swallow a whole lie”) that sort of popular entertainment could convey is more than balanced by CORRUPTION

  27. I was trying to imply I’ve not yet made my mind up about the show Mosin. I walk out on it all the time while the younger men on my crew are watching the show. However, Tosh throws down a lot of race reality and red-pill materiel on chicks. Hell it’s what holds his show together. No one else on TV is doing those truths, with humor or otherwise

    The South likes to brawl and I doubt us being pro WW2 had anything to do with anything beyond that and an affinity towards the Brits. There’s a very common feeling of them being the older weaker brother that we should help. Not sure why given the ups and downs of our histories but its there, and I accept it as being part of my peoples thinking. There are very few jews down here and there is some good material suggesting the jews did a much better job of joining our society vs what they did up north. The South is fairly pro israel right now because of our faith and the false notion jews are still God’s chosen people, however, at the same time that’s pro israel and you don’t hear folks speak well of nyc/ hollywood jews or the like. You don’t hear em dog out yankee jews for being jews either. You hear folks dog em for being yankees

  28. The Germans are and will always be a threat to the UK and America. The German ideology is opposed to liberty and embraces any politics so long as they are totalitarian. Benjamin Franklin was right about the tawny Germans.

  29. Anglophilic Germans are of course a different matter all together but the exceptions prove the rule. England has an Island mentality, it was for the most part insulated from the foreign threats that continually imperiled landlocked countries. Germany’s geographic location necessitates a militarist regimentation of society. This is anathema to the freedom loving New World White.

    There is thankfully evidence that Germanness can be corrected through assimilation but it takes almost two generations, sometimes more. They are our Sparta, nothing less but certainly nothing more.

  30. Prussian Croat is an open agent for European interests and typifies the outlook our founders feared rabble like him would cling to in our society. He supports a free South out of crude geopolitical ambitions and believes it would weaken them. Enlightened Copperheads support a free South out of principles such as the right to self determination and love of liberty.

    The half-caste dreams of Fatherland and Motherland uniting, for until then he is a bastard.

  31. Germany is the natural ruler of Europe the Anglo Saxon/Jewish alliance stopped that natural progression both in 1918 and 1945 and the White world has suffered for it. Now in 2012 Germany again is about to take over Europe but this time the Anglo-Saxons are on their way out the British Empire is long gone and the USA time is almost over. Germany signing an alliance with Russia and kicking southern soldiers both white and black out of Europe will signal a turn around for Europe and the White race.

    Anglo Saxon notions of freedom usually come down to the freedom to screw over your fellow White countrymen whether it’s Southerners importing black slaves or Northern Anglo-Saxons importing Mexican and Asian immigrants. Germans prefer to pay their workers a decent wage and not squeeze the last drop of blood out of their bodies to make a profit. When Germans make a profit they make a superior product using their superior intelligence and superior work ethic.

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