Miami Zombie Attack Prank on Tosh.O


H/T Henry Wolff

Bitching about the “racism” of Tosh.0 at Salon:

“It seemed to put to bed all of the racist garbage that was rising to the surface, reawakened like Rip Von Winkle. …

Tosh rose to fame for being the host of Comedy Central’s show Tosh.0, which pokes fun at You Tube videos.  ..

A show like this could not have existed in the 1990s, yet here we are, two decades later, moving forward – or behind?”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. if Germany is the natural ruler of Europe then why haven’t they been successful at it? The Germans are not particularly good at war despite their hype, often losing battles closer to their supply chain and outnumber foes. Sure they are good at beating the french, but who isn’t? They are very good at running their own nation and their ways work for them, but they work for them only.

  2. An Empire stretching from the English channel to the gates of Moscow doesn’t impress you, oh well. Europe needs to unite, a German/Russian axis is the way to go, this has been stopped by the Anglo Saxon-Jewish alliance which the South has been a willing part of. When Dixie becomes independent then that will deal a death blow over the Anglo-Saxon dominance of the White world a death blow that should have been dealt in 1917.

    Southerners will not learn their lesson though and will still be yapping that ‘those Europeans are just like dem damn Yankees and we should teach them a lesson like we did in dubya dubya two’ but an independent South will not be strong enough to cause United Europe too much trouble andthe South will be free but rendered harmless.

  3. How long did Germany’s empire last? As long as the Brits? Romans? Did they last as long as the Spartans?

    Europeans are just like the dmanyankees, same lust for big govt that interfere in a mans life, same desire to tell a man what he can and cannot own, what he should and shouldn’t do with his money. Same same

  4. Lol, the earth trembles when the scots are about, or the remnants of their kin in the south.
    Neither even come close to Germans.

  5. I’m impressed by free people creating the best colonies and later the best country to ever exist in the history of mankind – up until the catastrophic Civil War.

    A noble experiment nonetheless; not a tired rehash of old European cadences that have resulted in pain and misery and oppression that the best Europeans came here to avoid entirely, not agitate for.

    Yockeyism is a foolish cult.

    Your ethnic identity, like your politics is irreconcilable. Woodrow Wilson was wrong about slavery but right about hyphenated Americans.

  6. the German birth rate is what? Where is their liberty? Their military would have to train hard to work their way up to being a joke. They won which war? Held on to what chunk of terrain for how long? They too are being swamped by outsiders. Where exactly is this here German power? Some of that really doesn’t matter, the German way is fine for Germans but I don’t see it excelling out side of Germans and Germany is pretty much done by birthrate alone

  7. Here’s another thing. Down in the South we don’t think out way is the right way for anyone but us. That’s true of Ulster Scots as well. Our land and our ways are good enough for us for no other reason then its our land and are our ways. We don’t see ourselves better than others, or our ways better then others.

    That “our way is the only way” is the German/ yankee/ jewish way of thinking. Wanting to be superior to other free White people is also not our way, but it sure as hell seems to be the jew/ yankee/ German way. Telling others how to live isn’t our way; its’ the yankee/ jewish/ German way. We don’t want anyone to tremble before us, or to dominate other White lands, not yankee land or Europe. Those things are the yankee/ German/ jewish way.

    What we want is our land, a place to be ours, for our kind to live in peace the best way we see fit in accordance to the things we value and our heritage, free of outside interference. Such as jews/ yankees and other Europeans who seem to love negros, big govt, and socialism over kin, land and traditions. That is all we want, our land for our kin and our traditions. I’m fair certain, if free of BRA, we’d leave you be to play all the who’s better games you want as long as you leave us be

  8. It wasn’t German bombers burning down Southern cities, but Southern flyboys manning b-29 bombers that destroyed thousand year old German cities. You can blame Yankees for the war all you want but the South was the only region of the country that was pro WW II before Pearl Harbor. You Southerners have no problem in traveling thousands of miles and sticking your nose and your bombs in other people’s business.

  9. Well y’all kruat bastards did fuck with the English and like I’ve said before, people in the South like the English and a brawl. Perhaps when you suck at banging as bad as the krauts you’ best walk small.

    And I’m not so sure you are correct on the South being pro war, leastwise not when the germans were smashing Europeans who were no kin to us. But once you do, they might be no good limey bastards but they’re still kin

  10. and don’t forget that whole Jap attack thing. Before that we gave material aide to England but sent no troops. Many in the usa felt Germany was clearly the aggressor and well as a nation we use to not like bullies. Germany didn’t have to declare war on the usa after Pearl harbor. We declared war on the Japs, the Germans declared war on the usa then we declared war on the Germans

    get your story straight sparky

    I’ve not read the South was particularity for early entry in the war but considering what germans did to us, would you blame us for wanting pay back?

  11. On the softness of Germans: Don’t forget that the Britons had to call the Saxons over to beat back the Picts-Scots, and when the Saxons were done with the “Picts” they conquered the Britons and left the heritage of their German language and male DNA in the Anglo-Saxon ENGLISH; and that King George and others hired the mercenary Hessians; and that the Germans took on half the world in the two great wars and were defeated only by the mostly German Americans; and that this thread digression began with the comment (see above) that Lincoln had a German bodyguard.

    Yesterday we drove through Scots-Irish, Irish and Slavic areas in this state, at the very northeastern edge of Appalachia, seeing houses clustered along the roads and narrow streets of the depopulated old towns and villages with minimal setback and often no yards and trees, often poorly maintained, very inexpensive real estate (that is bound to draw thousands of foreign and urban minorities though the area is still 99% white) but there are drinkhouses (bars) with lottery signs on almost every corner, and closed or failing businesses everywhere. What a contrast are the interspersed farming valleys where GERMAN names still vastly predominate: clean, attractive, expensive real estate, prosperous and developing even in this depression — some of the world’s best agricultural land, still being gobbled by suburban and commercial development.

    The history is that the Scots-Irish immigrants “wore out” farm after farm before the stumps rotted in place, whereas the industrious Germans removed the stumps, and all the stones, before they built their stone houses and barns. They SETTLED (remained in place) to make the soil even more fertile today, after centuries of limin, tthan it was in its virgin condition.

    “German birth rate is what? Where is their liberty?”

    In this state the pure ethnic Germans are the MOST free from tyranny and have such a high birth rate that their surplus are emigrating into the most rural areas of Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Missouri, western New York state, New Mexico, western Canadian provinces, Latin America, etc.

  12. Correction: “more fertile today, after centuries of limin, tthan it was in its virgin condition” should have been: “more fertile today, after centuries of liming, than it was in its virginal condition.”

    Addition: If Germany were not so falsely persuaded to allow itself to be divided and CONSTANTLY BLED by the Papacy and southern Europe for about the last THOUSAND YEARS, it would have risen far more.

  13. I hardly think the greasers could possibly rule over the mighty Aryans of Gebolte das Norden* for even one day, let alone a Thousand Years. Seems so far-fetched.
    * Valhalla. In the vernacular, dare I say in the vulgar- tongue, Promised Land of The North.

  14. Lincoln did have a German bodyguard. Many of the notable German generals in the Union army had suspiciously German or oddly enough yiddish names. Sigel, Solomon Brothers etc etc…

    There can be no peace with the German. He’s either on a leash or at your throat. The Jew is often picking your pockets and trying to shag your girl. The French, they cook pastries.

    And Germany did declare war on America. Not the other way around.

  15. Another thing about Germany through history. The English were allied to them against France, normally with Prussia. This goes far back.

    The deep seated ethnic rivalry is there and it will not go away, no matter how much WN wish it. Can rivalry be harnessed in a more practical way? Hope so, but the German tends to truly detested the French and British Empires and sought to destroy them. They couldn’t stand to see white men ordering around blacks. Hiedi Klum is typical of the Ze German womanhood.

  16. The Germans aren’t the ones who flooded America with black slaves. The Anglos did.
    Maybe the Germans knew something the Anglos were too enthralled with easy wealth to notice. Maybe one reason Germany was destroyed because the Germans always gave the Anglo & Anglo-Americans a very good run for their money in terms of technology and scientific know-how. Maybe?

  17. Xymphora has an article up today about Anglo vs Jewish leadership. Very interesting discussion at xymphora website about the topic.

  18. Europe has already united.

    It is called the European Union. It is called putting German taxpayers on the hook for endless bailouts of bankrupt Southern European countries.

  19. Not really.

    I get emails from Germans begging me to host their websites. The thought police in Germany is a million times worse than it is here:

    Extreme right Thiazi forum targeted by the prosecutor

    On behalf of the prosecution Rostock be carried out in eleven states search measures against the operators of the right-wing extremist “Thiazi” Forum

    On behalf of the prosecution Rostock lead officials of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), with the support of the police forces of the countries and special forces of the federal police since the early morning hours in eleven states search measures against the operators of the right-wing extremist “Thiazi ‘Forum through on suspicion of forming a criminal association.

    The “Thiazi” forum is the most important German-language right-wing extremist Internet forum. The operators described the forum as “Germanic world net community” and understand it as “the largest and best known German-language forum of its kind”, with well over a million posts Forum.

    The focus of the searches of 24 apartments and offices are located in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Baden-Wuerttemberg. More raids are taking place in Lower Saxony, Bavaria, Brandenburg, Berlin, Saxony-Anhalt, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia. At the same time also an apartment in the UK will be searched.

    Main suspect of the investigation is ongoing since 2009, a 30-year-old educator, and a 30-year-old housewife and mother, who for many years in charge of the “Thiazi” – to be Forum.

    The 26 defendants aged 22 to 64 years are suspicious of the whole of Germany to have more than 2,400 recordings and lyrics of more than 1,400 recordings available for download. In many of the lyrics to hatred against foreigners, Jews and people of color incited and called for violent attacks against them. Furthermore, these groups of people are being abused in an inhuman manner, denied the Holocaust and the Nazi glorified violence and arbitrary rule. Relevant content can be found in other areas of the forum.

    Four suspects were arrested on the basis of arrest warrants. It was seized numerous computers, laptops, disks and documents written and enforced detention decisions. The investigation is ongoing.

    BKA President Joerg Ziercke: “With the current measures are directed to law enforcement authorities a clear message to the operators of similar online forums. We make it clear that we are following the spread of right-wing and xenophobic ideas and the glorification of Nazism consistently. The Internet is not above the law – rather, we have accelerated our efforts to combat xenophobia on the Internet further enhanced. ”

    Source: Prosecutor Rostock

  20. “There can be no peace with the German. He’s either on a leash or at your throat” — unless the German is rendered harmlessly nearly-EXTINCT!

    So you BEGAN genociding them with enforced starvation after Versailles, and then, mass murdering — such as the Dresden and Hamburg bombings-back-to-the-stone-age — using armament built by the industrial might and skill of a then-mostly-GERMAN America! But NOW, the slower, softer, “peaceful” method of globally-enforced German self-hatred and self-sacrifice seems sufficient to finish the task — rendering them finally harmlessly nearly extinct in Europe — perhaps in just a few more decades!

  21. As in Hunter’s quote (above): Their relentless pursuit and eradication of “right-wing and xenophobic ideas and the glorification of Nazism” will finally render the German ethny extinct.

  22. White people really do hate each other. Seems like each tribe needs their own planet, and each man his own island.

  23. The Germans went after the French in part because they saw it as hypocritcal to subdue niggers while preaching the fraternity of revolution and the liberty of humanity.

    They did call out the hypocracy but looted everything.

    German infrastructure was largely untouched by the war or the armistice or Versailles. The war was conducted in Belgium and Artois.

  24. And it devastated the industrial segment of France around Lille. It was a rotten thing to do.

    Additionally most of the Jewish people serving in the various militaries at the time would have been found in either Imperial Austrian or Imperial German uniforms. The Austrians attempted and accomplished a genocide on the Serbs in 1914 killing about 1/4 of their population. Which was likely the secret policy of Inperial Austria all along.

  25. Chris, they DON’T really hate each other, or they don’t really NEED to do so. Now consider who are the INSTIGATORS of all these insane internecine slaughters — as an old Prussian schoolteacher with perfect classroom discipline used to say: “I always look for silent instigators.”

    The role of TRUE Christianity is to bring peace among our related peoples.

  26. Germany should be strong, strong enough even to challenge Russia. But not so strong it could conquer any country ever again on its own. If Germany is to act in a military fashion it should be at our discretion against a shared enemy as part of a coalition.

  27. I hear you Prussiancoat. There was no way the USof A owned by a Jew bank was not going to war against the Germans who launched a war against the Soviet – which was a colony of Wall Street and run by the same Jewish International that owns and operates the USof A through the Corporation of the City of London.

    FDR had his handlers and his orders, as did Uncle Joe, as did Churchill. Ziobots of the Crown and owned by Corporation of the City of London every one.

    It was Churchill that infamous Ziobot who initiated saturation, carpet bombing of German cities. For which Hitler retaliated (of course).

  28. Dresden and Hamburg bombings would not have occurred if the Germans had not waged wars of aggression and extermination on other European Whites. And the bombing wouldn’t have occurred if the Germans didn’t side with the yellow skinned Japs over White America after Pearl Harbor.

    Germans actions in history have been what they have been. Including invading White European nations. Mostly because they followed some drug addict in his false assumption about German superiority. Patton, a man of good Southron Stock, conquered more land, and defeated more enemies in a shorter period of time than any other man. He did that against Germans because of the decisions Germans made

    It’s well established that the Germans who came to the usa in the 1840’s helped get lincoln elected, and helped wage a war of genocidal actions against Southron White women, children and non combatants. There are many stories of Germans telling Southron White men, that Germans would show Southrons how to be Americans. Imagine that. Germans who had just shown up thought they could preach how to be American to men who’s forefathers made America . The German people are arrogant and fond of trying to force other White men into living the German way. Like jews and other versions of yankees

    Then Germans have voted to expand the size of our govt which has reduced our individual liberty and put the whip in the negros hand

    That the actions of Germans. And yet people look up to them as the savior of the White race. They are not and will not be our savior.

  29. @Stonelifter

    You must read a lot of Clyde Wilson he never gets tired of telling that story of the one German Union officer who told the Southerners he’ll teach him about being a true American. One German immigrant acts like an ass 147 years ago and you are still complaining about it oy vey I thought the Jews were a bunch of whiners you Southern boys put them to shame.

  30. The Germans sided with yellow-skinned japs, it’s true ; But the anglo & jews of America sided with yellow -skinned chink-commies in china. Seems to me the Germans had more on the ball. Roosevelt did everything he could do to goad the japs on to war, and Roosevelt knew in advance [ and knew in advance exactly the day and time the attack on pearl habor was going to take place] the japs were going to attack Pearl Harbor . That’s exactly what Roosevelt wanted so he could drag America into a war to destroy Germany and give Eastern Europe over to his commie friends in the kremlin while also strenghtening the position of the commie chinese in the pacific by weakening japan with war.

  31. Exactly when the war ended – 1945- millions of Germans were dragged into Soviet Union death camps as Eastern Europe was handed over to the kremlin. Exactly when the war ended in 1945, the commie chinese went on the offensive in Indochina : It’s when the commie chinks invaded Vietnam and the war in Vietnam began, after Japan was defeated. The Japanese were standing up to the chinese commies in the 1930’s — and the japs were winning — the japs were keeping the chinese commies in check. That’s why Roosevelt wanted Japan destroyed.

  32. sided with a group of chinks over the zipper heads who bombed Pearl Harbor. Kind of an important fact your leaving out slow joe the jew troll

    Perhaps I’m reading the same story over again from different sources but it doesn’t change the rest of the facts on Germans and their actions or attitudes toward other Whites

  33. I wish Germans the best … hopefully, they will get out of their postwar self-hating death cult and start impregnating frauleins before they end up like Greece.

  34. Stonelifter makes a good point, that Joe is oversimplifying.  In modern history the Hun has aligned or sought to ally himself with American Negroes, Arabs, Turks, Japanese, Hindoos, Mexicans, Russians and other scoundrel races against Anglo interests.  It would take a complete rejection of the law of non-contradiction for other Europeans to accept Germans as the Herrenvolk.  Of course German philosophers are notorious for this very rejection.

    Enlightened European Empires discovered centuries ago how to grow their glory, wealth and land at the expense of others than their civilized neighbors.  The Hun totally lacks this New World experience/history.  His angst springs from the crab mentality.  Germany is the biggest crab in the bucket and though conscious – Hitler once yearned for alliance with the UK – they are at the mercy of their national instinct to engage in fruitless struggles to centralize Europe – to what end?

    Centralization for Centralization’s sake is the German way.

  35. Stonelifter: Beg to differ, Sir. One cannot look at WWII in a vacuum, as it was the child of both WWI and the Wiemar Republic. WWI was essentially fought to keep Britain’s decaying hulk the big-man of Europe. America should have never, ever entered into that war. But we did. We took a side we had no business taking. The Germans were winning until America came in with fresh troops, all stoked by the Lusitania, which, by the way was proven to be carrying ammo, just like the Germans claimed. The Treaty of Versailles was terribly unfair to the Germans, and to make matters worth, anti-ethnic German agiprop, cultural marxism and outright communist propaganda was bombarding the German people for 10 years before WWII. The usual suspects were to blame. The Roaring Twenties were really about cultural marxism’s spread, the rot of Western society. Based on what I know right now, I have to blame the last centuries wars more on Britain and the U.S. than Germany. There was no reason for Britain’s behavior prior to WWI or WWII, except that they were beholden to international banksters. Now look a Britain. 20 ships, their cities overrun by foreigners. They could have avoided it all.

  36. New World Whites should be sure to enjoy the Von Steuben Day parades coming up in a few months – I know I will. Meet a beautiful German-American girl. Drink beer. Celebrate a brilliant German-American and the New World he helped forge.

  37. By 20 ships I mean navy ships. Their legendary navy is a joke. Just look at all the good British men who died or risked their lives in WWII, and for what? So their great-grandchildren could be Pakistani or Carib?

  38. @Tamer of Savages
    The anglos and anglo/americans need to Stop sticking their noses in everyone’s business. They’re rather hebrewish in this trait of theirs. It’s true I oversimplified. I don’t have the time to write a tome/post about the subject. Everyone’s else’s posts : including yours and Stonelifter’s posts, are just as oversimplified as well. I stand by what I said “cause what I said is true.

  39. Stonelifter: Read Patton’s diary if you haven’t. He had a lot of insight after the war on what the real problem was.

    Whites cannot afford another genocidal civil war. We’ve been played against one another long enough. It’s time to drop the foolish ethnic squabbling before we have not ethnicity to squabble about.

    We also need to get over the high-fiving of the Allied supposed “victory” and the vilification of the “evil” Axis (Hollywood would have us believe they just woke up one morning and started liquidating Jews and non-Germans for no reason, none at all). The only loser in that war was Western Civilization. We all should know who the winners were.

  40. Stonelifter, Wayne is correct about Patton’s writings post war. He basically admitted the US fought for the wrong side and praised the Germans. He was sickened by what he saw. He also wrote very derogatively about the jews/soviets.
    I would leave a link, but I’m typing on my i phone.

  41. The decline of the White race corresponds to the dominance of the Anglo-Saxon over Europe, a German or even Soviet dominated Europe would have been better for the long term racial interests of Whites. The Anglo-Saxon both British, Yankee and Southern have made a total mess of the Western world. The time of troubles we are entering will see the end of Anglo-Saxon power the only countries that can lead are Russia and Germany. Russia already has a semi-nationalist government and Germany which even the mainstream press admits is building a Fourth Reich based on economics, these two nations will determine the fate of whites in the twenty first century. So bring on an independent Dixie and say good bye to Anglo Saxon power.

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