Miami Zombie Attack Prank on Tosh.O


H/T Henry Wolff

Bitching about the “racism” of Tosh.0 at Salon:

“It seemed to put to bed all of the racist garbage that was rising to the surface, reawakened like Rip Von Winkle. …

Tosh rose to fame for being the host of Comedy Central’s show Tosh.0, which pokes fun at You Tube videos.  ..

A show like this could not have existed in the 1990s, yet here we are, two decades later, moving forward – or behind?”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The decline of the white race is one and the same of the decline of Anglo power.

    Yes, some Euro mainstream rags also describe Merkel as Hitler. I guess that she warrants a hearty “HEIL” on account of that. And by mainstream don’t you mean “jews media”…? I guess when they use buzzwords that get you hard all bets are off.

  2. I’m aware of Patton’s dislike for Russians and he didn’t think they were White/ European.

    WW1 was a big mess. I’ve read up on it, I don’t understand. I know the order of events, know the battles etc, yet I still simply don’t understand. Yes the case can be made WW1 lead to WW2, but the Germans made their decisions. Germans did not have to declare war on the usa, and could have carved out a nice chunk of land for a German speaking ethno-state without invading France, dumping on the English, or Russians etc. Germans would still have their Reich, if they would have understood the world and the limits on German strength and limits to what the rest of Europe would tolerate. But Germans don’t understand their limits and don’t hold other European Whites in high regard and seemingly were very happy to expand their position at the expense of other Whites. Not something I cotton too

    Anglo’s expanded at the cost of brown skins; Germans tried to expand at the cost of White people. Who’s been better for Whites in the last 100 years or so?

  3. Prussiancroat,

    (1) First, the heyday of the British Empire was the late nineteenth/early twentieth century.

    (2) Second, the decline of Europe corresponds to the First World War and the Second World War which was triggered by German expansionism.

    (3) Third, Darwinism and eugenics came out of Britain in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century.

    (4) Fourth, the German contribution to racial theory in the twentieth century was exporting the Boasian school of cultural anthropology to the United States.

    (5) Fifth, it is true that radical leftwing politics became more popular in Europe during the twentieth century – anarchism, socialism, communism, and postmodernism – all fanatic leftwing movements which originated in France, Germany, and Russia.

    (6) Sixth, the backlash against Nazi Germany was the single biggest factor in discrediting racialism, eugenics, and nationalism in the twentieth century. All of those things were thriving before Nazi Germany.

    (7) Seventh, Russia and Germany are both in demographic decline. The former can’t even control its own Muslim population in the Caucasus.

    (8) Eighth, the “Fourth Reich” is the European Union which is dominated by Germany. Great success!

    (9) Ninth, we don’t need anymore great ideas from Europe like anarchism, fascism, cultural anthropology, postmodernism, anti-racism, communism, socialism and the thousands of other -isms that have nearly destroyed Europe while infecting us.

  4. The East Begins Where Germany Ends. One should take time to ponder the many implications of that truth. Also, see Hunter’s above points..

    Good to see the infantile ideology suffer crib death on the comment section of an article about Tosh.0 lampooning negroes. OD rocks.

  5. No thanks Sean. I don’t trust men’s words, especially politicians. I look at their actions

  6. Suit yourself, he makes good points on the meddling of FDR.
    Many points are similarly written here by southerners regarding yankee meddling in the south.

  7. Hitler was not your typical politician, he was an infantry soldier and later was imprisoned.
    Not your politician of today by any stretch.

  8. You’ll never hear me praise FDR, and I would have stayed out of both WW’s if I had my way ( you know because I had so much pull as a twinkle in my great-grandfathers eyes)

  9. Anglo-Saxon made alliances with Jews and dragged America into both World Wars to stop Germany from dominating Europe. Great Britian was a declining power in the early 20th century it could have become Germany right hand man ruling the oceans while Germany ruled the continent but no they would rather burn Europe to the ground. Germany is but a shadow of its former self but then again so is the White race, the best chance we have is Germany, Russia and perhaps a Le Pen run France uniting to first kick the Anglo Saxons off the continent and then all the darkie immigrants they brought along with them.

  10. @Stonelifter

    Just remember it was England and France who declared war on Germany and not the other way around in 1939. Also the German way is not to rule over the darkies but keep them at arms reach. North America would be a paradise another Europe if the German way would have been followed with just bringing in white workers and paying them a decent wage. There would have been less profits for Anglo Saxon fat cats but we would have a true white ethnic nation on the North American continent.

  11. I knew Prussiancroat had the correct view early on. Prussiancroat is getting through the night with the truth on his side.

  12. Hunter said “I wish Germans the best.”

    I agree, and let’s not continue to demonise and destroy the Germans, whose nearly ten point IQ advantage is a very significant asset of the white race as a whole.

  13. “Hunter Wallace says:
    July 17, 2012 at 5:05 am

    (9) Ninth, we don’t need anymore great ideas from Europe like anarchism, fascism, cultural anthropology, postmodernism, anti-racism, communism, socialism and the thousands of other -isms that have nearly destroyed Europe while infecting us.”

    Those are all Yid Things. Ye shall know them by their fruits.

  14. Hunter says:

    (6) Sixth, the backlash against Nazi Germany was the single biggest factor in discrediting racialism, eugenics, and nationalism in the twentieth century. All of those things were thriving before Nazi Germany.

    Are we not living in a full-blown and unprecedented eugenics experiment, at the moment ?

    Mass 3rd world immigration into western countries coupled with state and media encouraged race mixing and adoption of non-white babies; easy access to abortion; career feminists choosing career over kids. Rather than stereotyped “medical procedure” eugenics we have “cultural” eugenics.

    Its either: 1) the above bottle-necking will rid the weak from the white population – assuming there’s any of of left; or 2) fulfill the dreams of the radical left to make us all mongrels and look alike.

    And this fits the Wiki definition: Eugenics is the “applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population”, usually referring to the manipulation of human populations.

  15. God Bless You Prussian Coat! You are 100% right! Had Perfidious Albion not tried to fight Germany, the White Race would still dominate the globe. I am sick of Brits trying to pass their responsibility for Western decline on to the Germans.

  16. Oh yeah Tosh is hysterical (and definitely NOT gay). I don’t know how much longer they will let him get away with what he is doing on tv.

  17. Sorry about broken link. Go to:
    Scroll down to : Rethinking the Good War
    Excellent website for history buffs.
    If this link doesn’t work: Go to rense (.com)
    Scroll down to :Inconvenient History

  18. Re: “German barbarism”: Oh yes, they’re all barbarians, the Huns, the destroyers of European and Southron civilisation, who must be kept “leashed or they’ll be at your throat,” verily.

  19. @Tamer of Savages

    Darkies and mudsharks in London and Paris pushing their mongrel bastards in baby carriages is horrible you can thank the Anglo-Saxon/Jew alliance for that, the Germans and even the Soviets wouldn’t have allowed such a situation to develop.

  20. Hitler wasn’t opposed to importing cheap non-German laborers. He sent hordes of Slavic laborers into German cities to work in factories. Polish immigration to the UK was insignificant until the brutal partition of their country. It’s easy to be monocultyral when only freaks like Brecht and Lee Harvey Oswald or Bundists wanted to immigrate to either the Soviet Sphere or Nazi Germany; because they were murderous statist hellholes.

  21. In the New World dharma, Whites occupy the peak of the pyramid. Our conquests are largely at the expense of non-Europeans. But instigate a conflict with us and we will unleash the warrior caste, we might also sic some of our “Untouchables” (Niggers) on you, under French command. Look up the Harlem Hellfighters.

    The Nazi and his sympathizers engage in vulgar adharma while paying lip service to the natural order. The New World White will remain above the fray. He will recline on his divan among his dusky servants.

  22. When I lived in Germany as a kid the German women where hardcore mudsharks. I clearly remember how appalled The White american’s were. From what I can tell, German chicks have picked up the pace on mudsharking.

    Russians have many millions of half breeds.

    These are the people who are supposed to have kept the White race pure?

    And by DNA, we know race mixing was very rare in the usa.

  23. @ Ed: Good, interesting link on von Borcke.

    @ Stonelifter: What you observed proves nothing about what being German is, since there are other Germans who are consistently monoethnic and monogamous. What you observed are many spiritually lost, “post-Christian” Germans, and ANY such people (not only Germany) is bound to lose their identity and heritage along with their faith.

  24. “And by DNA, we know race mixing was very rare in the usa.”

    By white DNA admixture (don’t know how it got there) American blacks have significantly higher average IQ than African blacks.

  25. There was absolutely nothing wrong with taking slave women as concubines in a culture where the offspring were born enslaved. Any stricture against that would have been an intolerable violation of property rights. In our society today, miscegenation is morally wrong but only on account of statist “child support” laws.

  26. Any white woman who becomes a mudshark is a tragedy but you only show that happening in Germany after it was conquered and occupied. The black American soldiers were barely off the boat in England when the white British girls were spreading their legs wide open for them, David Irving mentions a wartime British government report on the subject.

  27. Thing is, I’m not the one claiming one group of Whites is better then another. That’s the German bag of fun, so I show you where they are not.

  28. Despite what I have written previously I want the Anglo-Saxon to survive like I want all the branches of White humanity to survive I just don’t want them running the world any longer. England can become the new Holland a formerly powerful nation that prospers but has none of its former influence. Dixie as an independent country can be a sort of super Canada powerful enough to defend itself but unable to influence global affairs.

    We must remember that the heart of the White race is the continent of Europe not North America not Britain which is not really part of the continent but is an island off the coast of Europe. Neither the USA or the UK should be ruling over Europe but the Europeans themselves, the two great powers in Europe for the foreseeable future is Germany and Russia they are the natural rulers of European Man.

    The Anglo-Saxons should just admit they screwed up the Western world and move off the stage of history, continental Europeans are not jews that demand you grovel for the next ten thousand years in repentance, forgive and forget should be our motto to our Anglo-Saxon kin. Time is short however and if Whites are to survive beyond this century the natural rulers of European man must take charge without any Anglo-Saxon interference.

  29. German occupation of France would never have destroyed the French culture or race, same for Poland, Russia, etc. Had Germany successfully invaded Britain (which, by the way, they tried NOT to fight), English, Welsh and Scottish culture/race would not have been threatened. They are all in grave danger now, being eaten away and consumed by none other than communism aka liberal democracy.

    Our ancestors stormed the beaches of Normandy to free France from German domination. Tell me, Tamer, will we storm the beach of Normandy again to free France of Muslim occupation? If not, why not? At least the Germans were close cousins and respected French culture and language.

  30. Re: Prussiancroat

    Anglo-Saxon made alliances with Jews and dragged America into both World Wars to stop Germany from dominating Europe.

    (1) America didn’t start either WW1 or WW2.

    (2) Germany started WW1 with America by inciting Mexico to attack Texas. Germany also declared war on the United States in the Second World War. What’s more, the Second Reich was far more Jewish-dominated than any of the Western countries at the time.

    (3) If the United States didn’t exist, Germany would have still tried to dominate Europe in the twentieth century, and the resistance to Germany by France and Britain and Russia for purely self interested reasons would have precipitated both wars.

    Great Britian was a declining power in the early 20th century it could have become Germany right hand man ruling the oceans while Germany ruled the continent but no they would rather burn Europe to the ground.

    No country in Europe aside from Germany – particularly, France and Russia – liked the idea of Germany dominating the European continent.

    Germany is but a shadow of its former self but then again so is the White race, the best chance we have is Germany, Russia and perhaps a Le Pen run France uniting to first kick the Anglo Saxons off the continent and then all the darkie immigrants they brought along with them.

    Why doesn’t Germany simply ask America to close its military bases and remove its troops? Why doesn’t Germany develop its own nuclear arsenal? Because that’s what France did under Charles de Gaulle.

  31. Just remember it was England and France who declared war on Germany and not the other way around in 1939. Also the German way is not to rule over the darkies but keep them at arms reach.

    Germany didn’t have African colonies?

    North America would be a paradise another Europe if the German way would have been followed with just bringing in white workers and paying them a decent wage.

    Why are there Turkish “guest workers” in Germany?

    There would have been less profits for Anglo Saxon fat cats but we would have a true white ethnic nation on the North American continent.

    Is that why the Wide Awakes in Wisconsin fought in the Union Army? To create a true white ethnic nation by supporting the Black Republican wing of the Republican Party?

  32. Darkies and mudsharks in London and Paris pushing their mongrel bastards in baby carriages is horrible you can thank the Anglo-Saxon/Jew alliance for that, the Germans and even the Soviets wouldn’t have allowed such a situation to develop.

    Germany wouldn’t have allowed such a situation to develop:

    The Soviet Union was the greatest champion of anti-racism in the entire world!

  33. Stonelifter: The Germans did make their decisions, as did the British. It was for them to work out between the two. America had no business interfering. We skewed the war in Britain’s favor unjustly. We were blatantly lied to about the Lusitania (and so many other things during that time period). WWII was partially about Germany reclaiming territory that it had lost in WWI.
    As much of the blame for the current state of America can be laid at the feet of the War Between the States victors, so can the blame for the current world order be laid at the feet of those who brought it about.

  34. Any white woman who becomes a mudshark is a tragedy but you only show that happening in Germany after it was conquered and occupied.

    There were no blacks and mulattoes in Germany when Hitler came to power? Are you sure about that?

    The black American soldiers were barely off the boat in England when the white British girls were spreading their legs wide open for them, David Irving mentions a wartime British government report on the subject.

    But that wasn’t true of Germany, right? If so, why did Hitler sterilize the Afro-Germans?

  35. The Anglo-Saxons should just admit they screwed up the Western world and move off the stage of history, continental Europeans are not jews that demand you grovel for the next ten thousand years in repentance, forgive and forget should be our motto to our Anglo-Saxon kin.

    Wasn’t it Hitler who gave racism a bad reputation?

    Time is short however and if Whites are to survive beyond this century the natural rulers of European man must take charge without any Anglo-Saxon interference.

    Wait a second … the result of Anglo-Saxon influence in Europe, racially speaking, was the spread of racial theory, eugenics, Nordicism, and Darwinism from Britain and America to Germany and Europe.

    The result of the influence of the natural rulers of European man was the birth and spread of communism in continental Europe and the spread of the German school of cultural anthropology to the United States.

    That’s right.

    The United States exported Nordicism to Germany which exported cultural anthropology to the United States.

  36. I would have preferred for the usa to have stayed out of both world wars but multiculturalism, feminism, environmentalism and the like is a European export to the usa, from the German Frankfurt School and the followers of the German jew marx. Our problem in the usa is trying to be like marxist/ socialist Europe. White culture 1st adopted those White killing ideals in Europe and our “elites” wanted to be like their “elites”. Secularism and progressiveness is killing our people and those are “gifts” from Europe, not ideals from rural America, most esp not rural Southron White America

  37. Communists tried to create the Soviet Man, the future citizen of the world, who had no culture, roots, race or history (a slave, basically). Russians, Ukranians, Belorussians, etc were not allowed to display any ethnic pride. The Russian colors were banned. When the lid came off the USSR in the 80’s, ethnic pride came back. I hope it continues to grow.
    I said in another post that the South should be 10 times worse off than it is regarding race mixing and anti-white sentiment. I would triple that for Germany. Look at what they’ve been through. No nation in history has been put through what they have, and I’m talking about AFTER the war. The fact that it’s not worse there speaks to the fabric of the German people and culture, which is still under occupation by the way.

    The current world order is nothing more than Yankeedom gone global.

  38. Wayne I was going to reply to your post but then I saw you reference the Lusitania. Having lost two of my clan to Hun terrorism on that day any information you have – that I may not be familiar with already – would be most appreciated.

    Thank You.

  39. “Wasn’t it Hitler who gave racism a bad reputation?” No more than Dixie gave States rights a bad reputation.

    Hunter: There were blacks and tons of other foreigners in Germany when Hitler came to power. The Wiemar Republic was as corrupt as ours is today. They were waging an ethnic war of propaganda against Germans in their own country, and bringing in any foreigners they could find to pollute German women, but mostly to humiliate German men. The goal was to crush nationalist spirit so we could have more international Soviet citizens. It continues apace today.
    The victors write history, as you are aware from the bad press Dixie received. But that is nothing compared to the revisionism that has perverted the modern persons view of that war.

  40. Tamer: The ship was found, it’s hull examined. It was carrying ammo. Saw it on Discovery.
    Sinking ships during war is not terrorism, especially if said ships are carrying war materials to that will be used to kill your kinsmen.
    After WWI, agreements were forced on Germany that put u-boat warfare at a disadvantage. This was done because Germany was far ahead of Britain in this field. For example, ships could not be sunk unless survivors could be picked up. Well, of course this means you can’t use u-boats because they will never have the space. To make matters worse, instead of stopping and submitting to search, Churchhill instructed British ships to continue to steam, forcing the Germans to torpedo them. Read “Memoirs” by Admiral Doenitz for more on this. The Germans fought honorably, same as the South.

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