About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Unfortunately, the overwhelming denounciation simply illustrates how effective the liberal propaganda has been at brain washing people. Cold hard facts can’t hold up against the onslaught of public school and college liberal feelings. The Internet has been a help, but it is being censored.

    I am sure you have seen the video, “a conversation about race”. I doubt it would be effective with liberals. The liberal characters interviewed seemed to see their double standard but would not allow themselves to admit it. It was like watching people in a mental clinic trying to grasp simple truths. The sad part was seeing a couple of blacks that were more willing to admit blacks are more dangerous.

    The majority of whites seem to be chicken shit.

  2. I’ve never understood the point behind trying to explain away black crime/ dysfunction. From a practical stand point does it matter if negros go feral because their family dynamics are fucked or poverty or any other reason? At the end of it is the same thing; negros are feral and dangerous beasts and should be dealt with accordingly

    Of course the reality is high crime is another aspect of negro dysfunction that’s prevalent regardless of their home life, income etc

  3. Lol. Poverty didn’t just fall from the sky. It’s a manifestation of blackness. Broken fambly didn’t just happen, it’s an expression of black sexuality. Poor schools same thing. Black aggression is part and parcel of this.

  4. Can you imagine how exhausted these commentators are papering over the cracks in their own minds. Not the least of it they are probably exhausting themselves paying fir private schools, 2 hour commutes, paying off inflated mortgages, extortionate taxes etc
    etc just to avoid the groid.

  5. Personally I’d be happy if after 200 years in the country they would/could just speak understandable(by the rest of the country)English…

  6. Just ask a libkid if they still believe in the Blank Slate Theory (yes it is that easy). I know most reactionairies are trained to spew facts endlessly but that only makes you useful to the left’s cult leaders who point to you and go, “he mean.”

    The Roman Legions closed upon their enemies and the first they did was hurl the spear and then closed in with the short sword to repeatedly stab the survivors.

    So when our beloved HW uses the title term “Freedom has failed” that is his spear, then his short sword of facts follows.

    This Reddit entry by an AMREN type is far weaker than it should be, he should have titled it, “The fraudelent Blank Slate Theory and black dysfunction”

  7. One interesting stat that shows up in the thread is that an OVERTLY racist regime like Apartheid incarcerated 6x less blacks than the more liberal inclusive American system.

    If you actually have an overtly racist & segregated society less blacks actually end up in jail wasting their lives away. The prison industrial complex is simply an outgrowth of desegregated blacks. Imprisonment rates were much lower 60 years ago.

  8. This stuff is mildly entertaining but mostly predictable.

    -Racist posts a bunch of hate facts.
    -Some reasonably intelligent person from the left responds with boilerplate about poverty.
    -Racist(s) respond with more hate facts that are adjusted for income/economic status.
    -Lefties get frustrated and then start attacking the messenger and/or the sources (“You’re racist scum”, “Rushston is a eugenicist”, “AmRen is a racist publication”, and etc.).
    -Then they start posting weaker arguments and appeals to emotion that aren’t measurable such as fluff about white privilege, institutional racism, legacy of racism, and etc. and claim that the topic “too complicated” to be discussed in terms of just mere numbers.
    -In these cases, I used to recount countless stories of poor whites with little/no savings and poor immigrants made good lives for themselves on their own personal merits as counters to their sob stories about people who grew up in a bad neighborhood / without money / etc. But they always manage come up with another excuse that I did not to cover in my anecdotes.

    You can’t reason with these people because the core of their argumentation are deeply-held emotions about the victimhood of blacks.

    At the end of the day, we all know that there are way more people who care for the well being of blacks and are actively putting them on social pedestals than there are people keeping them down. Blacks fail because of their merits, not because of anything else.

  9. It’s another manifestation of Altruistic Punishment. Somehow somewhere YT is at fault and must be purified and corrected.

  10. I always ask the libards “why?” Why are you so invested in keeping memes alive, thay you KNOW are utter failures? Why? We have a long history….blah blah blah….SAME horrid results every single time..blah blah blah….why? Why are YOU so emotionally INVESTED in something that is a dreadful failure – and YOU KNOW IT IT – but you still keep pushing this social engineering lie? WHY? I ask the question many ways – but I:

    1) I always put the onus on them
    2) Cite the fact that their belefs are based on emotion and vanity
    3) Cite the fact that their rebuttal are AGAINST facts, and thus proves their reactions and responses stem from emotional desires and needs
    4) Ask how bad does reality need to get before they admit they are wrong

  11. This is why control of the educational system and media is so important.

    People who respond so vehemently to relatively innocuous data show clear signs of behavioral conditioning.

    Behavioral conditioning is not rooted in logic or empirical data. It is fundamentally irrational.

    Conditioning, as we are seeing, may actually cause its subjects to believe in ideas that are fundamentally harmful to their own existence and well-being.

    It’s virtually impossible to reverse years of conditioning through any short-term solution, such as providing logical arguments and supporting data.

    Conditioning, if it can be reversed at all, requires removal of the original conditioning mechanism –the media and educational system in this case– and replacement of the mechanism with a more neutral or even favorable environment.

    At its root, conditioning is environmental and contextual and nature. A certain environment-context produces certain beliefs which the subject internalizes and accepts as axiomatic. Change the environment-context, and you may change the subject’s beliefs.

  12. Denise,

    Excellent post. You win when you point out their vanity. It goes a long way in showing that the West is populated with a horde of grown children.

    I’m going to copy your points, memorize them, and then blaze trails of truth through the vapid minds of the morons.

  13. YT must be purified and corrected for being successful- the biggest sin of all. . .

    YT shines a powerful spotlight, making sharp distinctions as to who is really the boss. The industrial revolution leaves no escape- the ego defenses (fake self-esteem) of the inferior no longer work. They can no longer deny this and they want to lash out.

    “You rub your successes in our faces 24/7 and we have no escape. We cannot accept being inferior and will try to destroy you to stop these constant reminders.”

  14. Justin,

    I think it runs deeper. These posters feel largely immune from the consequences of their own actions. They also identify with blacks. Something that is possibly hardwired into 20% of our own people. Racial Contrarians.

    There are also naturally hostile white ethnicities. The Irish for example seized power from Anglos in metropolitan areas. So you get wierdo Jews like Barney Frank married by a nig governor.

    Germans took farm land in the Midwest by contrast.

    German hostility to Anglos explains Iowa backing the Mocha Messiah. Edwards, Clinton were too English. It’s a nettlesome issue but it’s very real. They actually take please in the fall of the Anglo Saxon.

  15. I’ll get off this hobby horse Soon enough about ethnic whites being internally hostile
    when the People I run into from that background stop taking pride in Lincoln, Kennedy and other tell tale replacement events through American history.

  16. Please. No “hobby-horse” playing please. It’s annoys Fr John. It interrupts his bible studies. It’s difficult enough as it is getting all those weird 5,000 year old middle-eastern tribes straight as it is. No distractions please. Plus, we wouldn’t want to be disambigious in any way. After all, we’re of the Tribe of Truthmites and truth is what we’re all about. I know that’s true ’cause [ + Fr John+ ], Stonelifter, Dixiegirl, Tamer of Savages, and various other truthmites have told me so, plus Fr John is praying for us all to please stop playing “hobby horse”. So I know very soon now All “hobby horse” playing will come to end forever ’cause jesus answers All our prayers, especially the prayers of the blessed righteous like [ + Fr John +]. Amen! Sing “Amen” brethren. All our “White” problems will soon be coming to an end: [ + Fr John +] is praying for us : So I know it’s True.

  17. The believers of “race=skin color” are fanatic religious zealots who worship at the alter of diversity. They exhibit more faith than even Fr. John in their perverted beliefs that fly in the face of casual real-world observation. They coat it with a fine, very thin veneer of “science” which is quickly cast off in favor of per religious fervor when questioned. I’ve talked with many of them who would in BRA be classified as “conservatives” and they are all the same. It’s a religion, and they would bring civilization to ruins to prove it.

  18. I love reading all the huffy, indignant yet curiously fact-free retorts.

    All of the negative responses can be summed up in one word.


    Cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.

  19. Forget the men for a minute, how many testosterone receptors do black women have?

    Cuz them she-boons can really fling some poo!

  20. I am in heaven right now. Driving through Hendersonville, NC, and it must be 98% or more white. It is so beautiful to see, my eyes are watering. The shitstorm is not here!!!

    Loving White America, the only America! I just had to rub it in guys.

  21. @Jim
    More Correctly:
    Disambiguation is powerful , it’s Disambiguation in the first place that leads to “Cognitive Dissonance.” : If one thinks about the matter at any length.

  22. According to Wiki Hendersonville, NC is 81.44% white and 12.54% African. That’s better than average for North Carolina.

  23. Lol. Poverty didn’t just fall from the sky.

    Actually, in a sense it did. Poverty is mankind’s (indeed, any creature’s) natural state of existence. It’s prosperity that is created, not poverty. The failure to create prosperity simply leaves creatures in their natural state, dependent solely on what nature provides. So it’s not so much that blacks create poverty; it’s that they so consistently fail to create prosperity.

    Personally I’d be happy if after 200 years in the country they would/could just speak understandable(by the rest of the country)English…,

    Its a blessing in disguise. Ebonics keeps them alien and separate. Those who speak good English are much more likely to race-mix.

  24. My ascent into this community was caused by me being banned from an unrelated forum for very similar hate facts.I thank them every day for it.

    As far as reasoning with Liberals, don’t bother. Any arguments are for the benefit of the “play along” Liberals who go with the flow, lapsed Conservatives and the undecided.

    IMO Liberal brains are wired differently than Conservatives on a biological level
    The book Moral Politics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Politics_%28book%29 discusses these ideas at some length but not in the real level, that of gray matter. It is to some degree a matter of teaching. of parroting the dogma of the society in which you live but the bulk is in the wiring. Deus Ex Machina of the mind.

    Eventually I suspect that some kind of brain scan will be able to determine who is a Liberal and who is not and allow a putative future state to expel them (or vice versa) though there is risk of stasis or conflict.

  25. Btw, Hunter, if a slave was worth $800 in 1860, that is the equivalent of around $20,000 today, not $135,000.

    That figure doesn’t reflect a negro’s “net worth,” however. Slaves (at least I understand the condition they lived in ) had zero net worth: they weren’t paid wages or allowed to own property. (I know next to nothing about slavery, so this may well be untrue.)

    And saying that slavery is the “only known solution” to black unemployment is one of those astonishingly idiotic statements you apparently cannot help making every so often. I can understand it as a ploy to piss niggers off, but you seem to actually believe it.

  26. The poverty that befell so many white Southerners living in a slave economic/share (slave) -cropper economic system fell down from the skies by the Holy Creator, not the Southern large plantation owners ( 1,000 + slaves) who held a firm fist and a tight monopoly over the South. They were angels, along with Benjamin-Elmore: Two Saints.
    God threw all the poor white Southerners into poverty, not the slave economic system itself.
    Only god- d%^*&!!!#%^&#!!! bleeding-heart namby-pamby leftists would refuse to blame The Holy Creator for all the misery white Southerners had to endure under the slave/share (slave) cropper system. Yes sirre bob.

  27. Matt Strictland: My story is the same. I very much enjoyed your spot-on posts! Welcome aboard! OD has the best articles, best analysis, and wisest comments on the net, in my opinion!

  28. I always ask the libards “why?” Why are you so invested in keeping memes alive, thay you KNOW are utter failures?


    Jonathan Haidt (born October 19, 1963) is a professor at New York University Stern School of Business. For 16 years he taught psychology at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on the psychological bases of morality across different cultures and political ideologies.

  29. Joe, you sound like those 14-year-olds that I used to argue with about niggers on youtube. Is it that, or are you developmentally delayed?

    When I come across somebody like you in person I often conclude and point out that the person usually has his mouth open so wide that it pinches his ears shut. Is that the way it is, Joe? Are you so busy thinking about the snide little remarks that you want to make that you don’t actually pay any attention to anything anybody else has to say?

    I realize that some of the childish pissing matches that you’ve had with others on this site are often two-way conversations, but it is always you who starts the dumb shit.

    Pay attention and try to learn or teach, or just read and keep your fingers away from your keyboard. The rest of us come here to share our experiences and points of view. Give that a try, Joe.

    My name is James Briggs and I live at 3006 Meander Road, Granbury, TX if there is anything I’ve said that you find offensive and would like to discuss in person.

  30. Jim:

    You are right, cognitive dissonance is a powerful thing.

    The emotions that take the wheel after cognitive dissonance is resolved are even more powerful. We all know what happened when Mr. Eighty-eight undid the Hebrew spell that had been clouding the vision of normally peaceful Germans.

    Just wait until the spell comes undone here among the descendants of the folks who took an entire continent away from some of the fiercest warriors who ever walked the face of the earth. The true sons and daughters of Those Who Crushed Savages are due to wake up in the near future, then it will finally be time for that long overdue game of Cowboys and Niggers.

  31. @Playing Roots Backwards
    It’s more like sardonic , iconoclastic remarks than snide remarks. Sardonic-iconoclastic remarks require true thinking. I don’t do* throw-away snide remarks: Throw- away snide remarks are very pedestrian.
    * mea culpas of any sort.

  32. @ Playing Roots Backwards
    My mailing address: My name is Beaugregad Robert E Lee and my address is Mayberry RFD.

  33. After reading through the comments on reddit, I began to wonder how Newton, or Einstein, or Bohr would have been flamed for their theories. Surely Copernicus would have been destroyed by the Flat Earthers. It is still beyond me why the human brain is strictly off limits when discussing genetics. That is just pure madness. One of the posters on reddit responded with a nice quote from Watson, of Watson and Crick, the two that developed the working model for DNA. Here it is:

    “There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.”

    Mr. Watson was forced to retire in shame after the media effectively destroyed him. Will he one day be vindicated?

  34. Joe, James(PRB), unlike you, gave you a bonafide address.

    Please consider zipping your lip, for a while anyway.

  35. Silver,

    (1) First, it was explained in the essay that I linked why $135K was the true measure of a slave’s services in 1860. Did you read the essay?

    (2) Second, $5,000 is the average net worth of a negro household in 2012. The average net worth of a single black woman is $5. A third of black households have a net worth below zero.

    (3) Third, net worth is the dollar figure that society puts on the value of a free negro’s services and assets in the 21st century, whereas the labor income value was the dollar figure that society put on those services in 1860.

    Whichever way you slice it, the economic impact of abolition was catastrophic: places like the Mississippi Valley, the Alabama Black Belt, Saint-Domingue, Jamaica, and British Guiana fell off the cliff and never recovered their former level of relative wealth after abolition.

    (4) Finally, it is simply true that the services of negroes were evaluated differently in slave societies and free societies.

    In the antebellum North, a homeless negro beggar in Boston with a net worth of zero who was nothing but a burden to society in a condition of freedom might have drawn a considerable sum in the antebellum South on the New Orleans slave market once he was placed in a condition of slavery.

    Slavery really is the only known solution to the Black Undertow. The same people who are the biggest drag on our national prosperity in the 21st century in a condition of freedom were the most valuable asset in our economy in the mid-19th century in a condition of slavery.

    It is quite fair to say that free societies have no solution to these people but locking them up in prison, marginalizing them in the ghetto, or buying them off with welfare.

  36. It is quite fair to say that free societies have no solution to these people but locking them up in prison, marginalizing them in the ghetto, or buying them off with welfare.” ——————-+ you forgot about govt jobs and corporate affirmative action trophies.

  37. @ Molon Labe and @ Playing Roots Backwards
    Excuse me, wrong address. I just moved from Mayberry the other day to a new address. I got confused.
    My address: Mr. Joseph Philips Smith IIII
    69 YouTwo Circle
    Montgomery, Vermont, 69696
    Make right at quaint white church, go 2 miles until you reach quant covered-bridge covered with icicles, please go slow over bridge : it’s kinda old and a bit in need of repair, go 2 miles, make right at picturesque old New England schoolhouse on the right-side, drive past the Worthington’s horse farm , please slow down : Mrs. Worthington doesn’t care for race-car drivers, they disturb her horses grazing in the meadow. Make first right past Worthington’s horse farm, that will be your You Two Circle, go to # 69, the white clapboard house with red shutters and the 4 sugar maple trees in front yard. Watch out for Teddy. He’s my sheepdog and on again/off again watchdog. Sometimes he gets pre-occupied chasing squirrels and forgets he’s supposed to be a watch dog. Please wipe your boots before entering my home. Teddy makes enough of a mess as it is.
    “Cuncti adsint, meritaeque , expectent praemia palmae”
    [ Let all come, who by merit, deserve the most reward]

  38. @ John
    I don’t do Repentance*:
    *For I am of the Tribe of Guidomites and my Guidomite Forefathers , while battling the hermit-crabmite tribe in the Val d’Po (not poo poo) 5,000 years ago for Godly control of Bolonie**, oops, excuse the typo: Bologna ; Hereby chiseled for The Eternal Ages in Carrarra marble : “Speak ye not “Mea Culpa” to those not chosenite like ye, our posterity : Oh Sons of Guidomites”
    “Cave Canem”
    [ Watch out for Teddy]

  39. To LandShark and Probably The Next Hitler:

    Don’t get too wrapped up in thinking that this is the white majority speaking. If my small amount of time spent on Internet forums is any indication, these places are basically liberal hives, unless the site is specifically alt or conservative. Most of the average white people are working during the day, not rotting in front of the glowing screen, pounding madly away at reddit, or tumblr, or god only knows the number of similar sites.

  40. Hunter,

    (1) First, it was explained in the essay that I linked why $135K was the true measure of a slave’s services in 1860. Did you read the essay?

    Here is what the essay said:

    “Using the real price is not the correct index to use for measuring the value of a slave’s labor services in today’s prices. It does, however, give an idea of what the cost of purchasing a slave was in 2009 dollars. Thus, just before the start of the Civil War, the average price of a slave in the United States was $20,000 in current dollars.”

    Here is what you said:

    “In 1861, the average slave was worth $800. In 2009 dollars, a single slave purchased in 1861 would be an asset worth $135,000.”

    That’s misleading. It suggests that paying $800 in 1861 is the same as paying $135,000 today. That’s not what the essay claimed.

    (3) Third, net worth is the dollar figure that society puts on the value of a free negro’s services and assets in the 21st century, whereas the labor income value was the dollar figure that society put on those services in 1860.

    Wrong. Net worth is a statement of financial position, the amount by which the value of an individual’s (or business’s) assets exceed liabilities.

    places like the Mississippi Valley, the Alabama Black Belt, Saint-Domingue, Jamaica, and British Guiana fell off the cliff and never recovered their former level of relative wealth after abolition.

    Aside from Haiti all those places are vastly richer today than they ever were previously. Only the most hopeless romantic would even think to compare 21st century levels of wealth with the mid-19th century.

    Slavery really is the only known solution to the Black Undertow. […] It is quite fair to say that free societies have no solution to these people but locking them up in prison, marginalizing them in the ghetto, or buying them off with welfare.

    Reasserting it doesn’t make it true.

    Also, there are other solutions, like making them work for the dole or inducing them to limit or forgo procreation. The majority of them, remember, can be gainfully employed, even without AA. So if it’s only the most hopeless segment of them your statement applies to (insofar as it applies at all) then why can’t the same be said of the most hopeless segment of whites?

  41. I’m someone who has ‘unconditioned’ myself, or maybe reality unconditioned me. I grew up in the Northeast during the 70s-80s. My hometown was a very rural collegetown, but I came from a blue collar background (father a mechanic, mother worked as a cook in a nursing home). Our little city was at least 98% white and I don’t think I saw a dark-skinned human in person until I reached highschool where there were about a half-d0zen Singhs scattered throughout the classes. Naturally, when I went out into the world deceived by liberal education and TV, I was naive to racial realities and fully believed the idea that ‘underneath were all the same’. So what happened? Prolonged contact with negros and other 3rd worlders woke me up and fast. Another factor was my intense interest in history and the discovery of hate facts buried in the old books retained by the university library.
    By the early 90s I was drifting right and by the early 2000s I learned I was ‘racist’. Then I got over being called names and embraced it.

  42. Silver,

    Here’s what the essay said:

    “As discussed above, the $500 price in 1850 represents the expected net value of the future labor services a slave would provide. This is why the labor or income value is the correct measure of the value of a slave’s services in today’s prices. That $500 would be $78,000 in today’s prices.”

    Here’s what I said:

    “In 1861, the average slave was worth $800. In 2009 dollars, a single slave purchased in 1861 would be an asset worth $135,000.”

    The essay gives three measures of a slave’s worth in 2009 dollars: the labor income value, economic status, and the real price. The essay explicitly says that the labor income value is “the correct measure of the value of a slave’s services in today’s prices.”

    Here’s what you said:

    Btw, Hunter, if a slave was worth $800 in 1860, that is the equivalent of around $20,000 today, not $135,000.

    That’s not true.

    If you read the essay, you will find that $800 to $20,000 is the real price of owning a slave, not the labor income value, which is the correct measure of the value of an 1860 slave in 2009 dollars.

    Here’s what the essay said about real price:

    “Using the real price is not the correct index to use for measuring the value of a slave’s labor services in today’s prices. It does, however, give an idea of what the cost of purchasing a slave was in 2009 dollars. Thus, just before the start of the Civil War, the average price of a slave in the United States was $20,000 in current dollars.”

    Pretty clear, right?

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