The Cost of the Union: Ann Coulter Sounding White Natty


So now you get it? Maybe Mitt needs to stay at 54 percent with Whites a little longer.

How can a country that elected Ronald Reagan have Obama tied in the polls with Mitt Romney?

The answer is: It’s not the same country.

Similarly, when two successful, attractive multimillionaire women in California can’t beat a geriatric leftist like Jerry Brown or an old prune like Barbara Boxer, that’s not the same state that elected Ronald Reagan twice, either.

The same process that has already destroyed California is working its way through the entire country.

While conservatives have been formulating carefully constructed arguments, liberals have been playing a long-term game to change the demographics of America to get an electorate more to their liking.

They will do incalculable damage to the nation and to individual citizens, but Democrats will have an unbeatable majority. Just like California, the United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state.

Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act was expressly designed to change the ethnic composition of America to make it more like Nigeria, considered more susceptible to liberal demagogues….

It’s worked. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 57 percent of all immigrant households in the U.S. get cash, Medicaid, housing or food benefits from the government —compared with 39 percent of native households. The highest rates are for immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (tied at 75 percent).

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I has assumed that one day Ann Coulter would start to sound like Kevin MacDonald.

    Does she believe what she writes? Who knows.

    But she senses which way the wind is blowing.

  2. “A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime disappeared. ”

    The question is, how does one control for black illegitimacy in the real world? Cuz I’m pretty sure little Annie despises the idea of Jim Crow.

    What’s her bright idea then? Eliminate the “soft tyranny of low expectations”? Conservatards see the problem, they just too damn sissified to verbalize the solution.

  3. “Ann muffed the title. It should be:



    They are the anti-white party. Glen Beck was right when he said Obama hates white people. He has since walked that back. Shame. He should have gone with his gut.

  4. “But she senses which way the wind is blowing”

    Pretty good, Hunter.
    You’ve moved the Overton Window far enough that Miss Weathervane herself dares to squeak the truth.

  5. If Romney campaigned like Coulter in this column, even with the stupid point about White illegitimacy (poor Whites aren’t forming street gangs), he would easily win the election.

  6. @Jim: Your conclusion is not a mere conjecture or deduction – here is the chair of the DNC boldly proclaiming it:

  7. He can’t act any other way. His training dictates he act like a sissy toward blacks, any non-white. They’ve all had a rough past, you know. We wouldn’t want to upset the poor dears.

    This is what happens when you favor money over your kin, you can’t serve two masters. If one is not pro-white, they will be implicitly anti-white. When it comes to racial relations, we live in a binary universe.

  8. I’m not saying persuading wealth is wrong. At the expense of your people and children’s future it is. And not sure his wealth will be sufficient a shield for his children in the coming years. It might actually make them a target.

  9. Ann Coulter can be funny as hell. It takes talent to distill fundamental yet very un-PC points and do it with humor. Her takedown of the Trayvon lynch mobs was hilarious.

    pretty much all that is known with certainty is that Zimmerman called the police to report a suspicious character in his neighborhood, and shortly thereafter he shot and killed Martin.

    On the basis of little else, the media conjured a Hollywood script: A “white” man was “stalking” a little black kid — who could be Obama’s son! — confronted him, beat him senseless as the small black child screamed for help, and finally shot the kid dead, “just because he was black.”

    She can sling it when she wants to. Her lethal brevity reminds me of Joe Sobran whom she considers an influence. Her last few paragraphs in the article above struck me as boilerplate appended for the benefit of her main audience.

  10. Read this column from last year:

    The last sentences:
    “This is how civilizations die. It can happen overnight, as it did in Revolutionary France. If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current British population, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute and singing the ‘Horst Wessel Song.'”

    Britain does not have the same demographics as in 1939 duh!!!!! How did that happen? Further, how is the current situation in Britain any better for the native population than the alternative she identifies? Hitler, viewing the Brits as wayward Germanics, probably would have not tried to ethnically cleanse Britain like the labour party has done. Of course, Ms. Coulter did get browny points from those who sign her checks for the obligatory anti-Hitler dis.

  11. I do disagree with her, the gutless Stupid Party and the Republican cheap labor lobby is just as much to blame. And of course she doesn’t mention who was behind all this open borders crap from the start. The nation destroying pestilence called the Jews…the only people allowed to carry out ethnic cleansing in their little racist settler state in the middle east.

  12. Yeah,write your Republican congressman or senator to complain about mass immigration, like my community southwest of Houston, Texas, that was mostly white when I moved here in 1984,,now it looks like Bombay or Shanghai..we have two cow worshiping Indians as City councilmen…The Republican congressman for this district never bothers to answer letters..He’s a bought and paid for shill

  13. Ann Coulter is usually half right and half wrong when she starts talking about race. This column is unusual for her in that it’s more right than wrong. But she does get to her customary wrong with this bit about “single motherhood.” I’ll never be made to believe that crime among whites of single parent households is as bad as the same for blacks.

    Good Ann: Defended the CofCC in one of her recent books.

    Bad Ann: Shacked up with the arrogant subcontinental Dinesh D’Souza, that genius who thinks that western Africa was better than western Europe in 1500, and the snitch who cost Sam Francis his job at the WaT.

  14. “Yeah,write your Republican congressman or senator to complain about mass immigration, like my community southwest of Houston, Texas, that was mostly white when I moved here in 1984,,now it looks like Bombay or Shanghai.”

    Jim Bob, did you read my latest post, called ‘The eyes of Texas, part 2″?
    I thought it was just me. But now I see I was spot on.
    Thanks for that comment above. It made me a believer… in myself.

  15. That’s right she took “outsourcing” and made it personal by “outsourcing” her dating life to Mumbai. Inquiring minds want to know if a white guy had to do a “knowledge transfer” to Dinesh as part of the “outsourcing”.

  16. countenance says:
    “But she does get to her customary wrong with this bit about “single motherhood.” I’ll never be made to believe that crime among whites of single parent households is as bad as the same for blacks.”

    I think you’re right. I’m guessing most people will arrive at the same conclusion as you. Actually, for a main street column this is about as good as it gets. She could have thrown in detailed racial stats to bolster her case even more, but I’m guessing most people can read between the lines. Hunter should her a link of the magnificient work he’s done on the color of crime state by state.

  17. Coulter is Limbaugh/Hannity but with a high IQ and writing talent. Her rant while eloquent is fake (to keep conservatives on the reservation in the Democrat/Republican Conservative/Liberal frame).

  18. “(L)iberals have been playing a long-term game to change the demographics of America to get an electorate more to their liking…Democrats will have an unbeatable majority…like California, the United States is on its way to becoming a Third World, one-party state.”

    Going way beyond mere gerrymandering, “They” IMPORT their new electoral majority! Meanwhile most of the indigenous white population somnambulates on “Their” SOMA.

  19. In 1986 Congress passed amnesty. Reagan signed it. Enough said on that.

    Now, just as the libertarians captured disaffected whites (I was one of them) and actually made a go of it with Ron Paul, what’s to say White Nationalists couldn’t do the same thing?

    While such a candidate wouldn’t “win”, like Ron Paul, he would legitimize and spread ideas that would be the cornerstone of the actual resistance based on non-electoral means. Old Ron doubled his support over each of 3 consecutive cycles 5 to 10 to 20% – and just ran out of time.

    The zombie party of the GOP must die so that, phoenix-like, a new nation can spring forth out of the multi-cult before it’s too late.

  20. “The zombie party of the GOP must die so that, phoenix-like, a new nation can spring forth out of the multi-cult before it’s too late.”

    And the indigenous white population that is the old, original nation must spring again from out of its OLD, ORIGINAL, WESTERN (not “spring forth out of the multi-cult”) ROOTS. Only then can one or even both of the old parties be reformed.

  21. There is an interesting contrast here between old nation and new nation, old religion and new religions, old people and young people ideas.

  22. In a thread about America’s ethnic mix moving along the path from overwhelmingly White to minority White, with White folks suffering the consequences, Robert Oculus III wrote,

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

    Can I ask who do you mean by “we” and “ourselves”?

    In terms of blame and culpability, it’s a pronoun that doesn’t sense in this context. The people to blame aren’t here. I doubt many elite Jews both secular and religious, oligarchs like the Kochs, powerful globalists, ex-US presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Hollywood and Wall Street types, top GOP and Democrat leaders, etc. read OD.

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind? This idea doesn’t work either. Who among the general Southern/White population has sowed?

    “Reap what you sow” is about a person getting his due for what he has done, a return on his deeds. In an ethical context, it’s about justice, “giving a man his due” as it was initially defined early in Plato’s Republic .

    You don’t appear to realize two important elements of justice are reciprocity and proportionality.

    Reciprocity requires holding the parties responsible for the deed accountable for the deed. The deed here is changing America’s ethnic balance.

    Proportionality is about “the punishment fitting the crime.” The crime is what Southerners and White folks in general are suffering under “BRA.” To dispense justice, you identify the responsible parties and mete out punishment in proportion to the crime.

    Therefore, since no one reading here had anything to do with changing America’s ethnic balance, and neither did ordinary White folks or Southerners, it makes to no sense to say “we” have no one to blame but “ourselves.”

    We, as in the OD audience and the peoples it fights for, are in fact reaping what others have sown by design.

    It’s the exact opposite of justice, a horrible injustice in fact, yet in your mind, apparently, we are getting traditional Biblical justice.

    In putting up with BRA, flash mobs, Mestizos, Holder, no jobs, stagnant wages, exploitation by plutocrats and globalists, relentless drift toward powerlessness and minority status, and 24/7 denigation in the mass media, we are reaping what we ourselves have sown according to you. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense!

    Rest assured, people see through you.

  23. If the South was an independent country, virtually every major issue of any significance would have gone the other way in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries:

    – There would be no Civil Rights Act of 1964, no Voting Rights Act of 1965, no Fair Housing Act of 1968, no Civil Rights Act of 1991.

    – There would be no 14th Amendment or 15th Amendment.

    – There would be no 19th Amendment.

    – There would be no Brown decision. There would be no Loving decision. There would be no Smith v. Allwright decision. There would be no Roe v. Wade decision.

    – There would be no Immigration Act of 1965, no IRCA amnesty, no Immigration Act of 1990. There would be no DREAM Act or comprehensive immigration reform.

    – There would be no DADT repeal.

    – There would be no Obama. There would be no Obamacare.

    “BRA” wouldn’t exist today … it exists here only because of the Union. It was imposed upon us by the federal government.

  24. @Mosin
    Robert Oculus III has the correct view. Read my post about “Christian-restoration” under “The Southern Heritage Non-Preservation Movement.”
    Also, white Americans wanted a “do your own thing culture”. While the average whites are doing their own thing [ even the church-going christians] , so are our leaders. We got the leadership we deserve for our collective behavor. It’s legitimate to use the word “we” as so many whites participate in do your own thing : The majority are, one way or another. Whites can’t expect our leaders– jewish or otherwise– to care about our families when so many whites don’t even care about their own families: massive divorce, abortion, massive pre-marital promiscuity, lots of marital cheating, etc. If we don’t care about our families, our leaders certainly don’t have much incentive to care about our families. We give them no good reason NOT to sell us down-the-river.

  25. Ann Coulter knows whats up. However, she is smart enough to know the boundaries and still keep her paycheck. She comes from an old-line conservative WASP Republican family in Connecticut. She has already been outed as an anti-semite after David Brock’s book and the incident with Donny Deutsh. Her admitted association with Sobran probably solidified that belief in many. For example, she will pay lip service to the “war on terror” and mock the Left’s defense of Muslims, but you don’t see her writing pro- Israeli propaganda.

    She is the the best debater the right currently has, no one is as quick on their feet or can use the irony she can utilize. I imagine, after she has amassed the amount of wealth she wants, she will finally write the book that ends her career, or make a speech that will put her off the reservation.

    Its too bad she is worried about what will happen to the Republican party. In the short term the Democrats will gain from the massive immigration. However, eventually, particularly as the Mexicans will assimilate and become more and more of the taxpayers- they will eventually switch parties. Just as the current Republican party is comprised of groups which were never part of the old country club republican party of the 1950’s. So the issue is not what will happen to the Republican Party, but what will become of the country and how will it change..for better or worse based on the new demographics.

  26. “Whites can’t expect our leaders– jewish or otherwise– to care about our….
    We give them no good reason NOT to sell us down-the-river.”


    It’s not the job of the masses to set a good example for the leaders to follow, it’s the leaders’ job to set a good example for the masses.

    “Our” leaders have failed to lead. I use the quotes because the leaders in America are not for us, but for another demographic entirely, therefore they are not ours.

    America is an occupied country.

  27. “bis Vincit qui se Vincit”
    [He who prevails over himself is twice victorious]
    The above Latin here includes women ; A more correct translation : He/she who prevails over himself/herself is twice victorious.

  28. The foundation of a nation is Family, not politicians. Yes, we do have a responsibility as citizens to be moral. An incontinent people are easy to rule over and render themselves ripe for dictatorship ; To paraphrase Plato : He was correct.

  29. I really can’t get enthused about anything coming from Coulter, Beck, whatever… I guess it’s sort of nice to know that either 1) even the densest conservatard dummies are catching on or 2) the tide has turned enough so that even the most shamelessly pandering shills have to acknowledge it.

    Still, she’s a paid entertainer and not a thing more.

  30. Oh, dear.

    Joe said:

    Robert Oculus III has the correct view.

    Then, in an apparent expression of agreement with “Joe,” the most unhinged commenter on Occidental Dissent, a person who on the one hand believes in Rothschild conspiracies and on the other believes it’s true we have no one to blame but ourselves, Robert Oculus III wrote:


    Robert’s D’accord initially followed Joe’s comment, before King of Hollywood’s intervening remark appeared in the thread probably because it was caught in a filter. So his D’accord was directed to Joe.

    It means, in effect, “I agree,” I agree with the person who believes it’s true there is a Rothschild conspiracy at work, yet it’s also true we have no one to blame but ourselves. Speaks for itself, I think.

    Generally everybody, Joe is the level of mind that sees profundity in Robert Oculus III types.

    So, out of curiosity Robert, is there a reason you couldn’t just say “I agree.”

    As I said, and trust me it’s true, people see through you, including the pompous veneer of pseudo-intellectualism and the faux academic tone.

    It does a shitty job masking the lack of substance in your commentary on vital issues.

    Go ahead and sign with a Latin word in your name, and use quaint French expressions when all you need to say is “Yeah, Joe, I agree.”

    Even though you do string together the occasional interesting thought, mostly on peripheral issues, you’re still dead wrong on this vital one — we who are living under BRA as one of the consequeces of the change in America’s ethnic mix have no one to blame but ourselves.

    Keep repeating it. I take time out of my schedule to beat down fools who push that crap.

  31. Coulter is “safe” dissent. Her job is to make it appear we white Americans have someone in the media standing up for our interests somehow. Her job is to be milk-toast safe dissent while also being disambiguous — mixed messages to add to the confusion , while appearing to give us another side of the story, supposedly the true side.
    Beck : the same, but obstensibly more direct and tougher dissent than Coulter ; He’s a paid shill like Coulter is , paid to be disambiguous [again : mixed messages to add to the confusion] while appearing to be straight-forward tough and appearing to give us another side of the story, in other words, the true side of the story.
    They’re both “controlled opposition” : “Gatekeepers”. Both are paid shills. Both lead us into dead-end alleyways. That’s what they get paid to do. Coulter is for those whites who are more gentle and easy-going about their dissent, who don’t want to hear too much rough talk ; Beck for those whites who want tougher disssent. It’s all a media show meaning nothing. They get paid to turn the dissatisfaction of white Americans into blind alleyways ; Into nothingness : Nothing that would actually lead to any real viable and sustainable change for the better for White Americans.

  32. Coulter is a typical “I had” conservative who believes MLK was a conservative hero and blames black/brown dysfunction on liberals and liberal policy.

  33. @barb
    I never said we White Americans have only ourselves to blame exactly, just said we’re part of the problem as well, and we White Americans need to work towards amendment and betterment. I’ve written alot posts — very balanced and fair-minded– about this: I have written plenty of posts criticising Jews, blacks, freemasons, communists, sell-out politicians and sell-out church leaders . You @ barb know this fully well. My posts taken as collective whole are very balanced. You fully well know it @ barb. You’re a regular reader and poster here at “OD”. Just today I wrote a post about the commie Jews in Chicago and commie Obama : Its’ under “Return to Chicago” : And you @ barb know it.
    In order to have true balance, however, one must look inside at one’s faults as well. The reason we now live in an “occupied America” ; A big reason [ not the only reason] is because white Americans wanted a “do your own culture”. Our enemies took over while white Americans were busy “doing your own thing”. Family is the foundation of a Nation, not politicians ; In general, family life for many white Americans is in shambles, it naturally follows so many other things are in shambles. I stand by every post I’ve ever written to “OD” :Even the sardonic, mocking, and iconoclastic posts.

  34. To All Readers
    Both Lew and barb know my posts are very balanced and fair-minded. Any regular reader to “OD” who is also fair-minded and objective can see very clearly my posts are well-balanced. I don’t hestitate at all to place fault where it belongs, and I don’t hesitate at all to give credit where credit is due. I’ve written alot of posts about the contributions of the White race to the world; I’ve always included the contributions of Catholics, Protestants, Northern Europeans, etc. : Every group of white Caucasians. The accusations against me by @ Lew and @ barb are very unfair: Unfair as the accusations are blatantly false.

  35. slow joe the jew troll you mostly blame Whites, in fact you sound as anti White as any negro/ jew/ leftise which is why so many here call you troll. you are all over the map, blaming jews/ prasing jews but mostly we can count on you spew some wild unprovable theory and talking down Whites. When researching your claim about the Bronx and black panthers, I proved they weren’t in NYC until after the riots, and I found many places where people called you troll. you’re a troll

  36. Unfair how? I’m using your own words.

    You just wrote above:

    I never said we White Americans have only ourselves to blame exactly

    No shit, Robert Oculus III *said* it, and *you* said Robert Oculus III “has the correct view.”

    You didn’t mention Jews, communists, etc. or engage in any transparently obvious sail-trimming before I called you and Oculus down on your bullshit — “hey, when I said the guy who just declared “we have **ONLY** ourselves to blame” had “the correct view,” I didn’t mean only, just that Whites need to look at ourselves … blah, blah, insert canned horseshit backpeddling…now mixed with whining for fair treatment.

    Check it out again.

    With a nice, attention-grabbing rhetorical flourish echoing the Biblical tradition for ODs Christian readers, Robert Oculus III said this:

    Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. We have no one to blame but ourselves.

    You said then this, *without* qualification:

    Robert Oculus III has the correct view.

    No qualifications. No “balance.” No mention of communists or other aspects of the problem in *that* comment but *lots* of disparagement of White folks…along with some excuse making for Jews and White leaders thrown in @ at 3:18 am

    We got the leadership we deserve for our collective behavor.

    It’s legitimate to use the word “we” as so many whites participate in do your own thing :

    we can’t expect our leaders– jewish or otherwise– to care about our families

    Your words.

    Later, you said:

    I never said we White Americans have only ourselves to blame exactly, just said we’re part of the problem as well, and we White Americans need to work towards amendment and betterment.

    Those statments are in conflict, Joe. You said Robert Occulus IIIhas “the correct view.” Does he or not?

    Explain that a little more. Show some balls. If you have a shred of integrity, take it back. Don’t dig in. There are smart people reading.

    Say it for all to see that Robert Oculus III has the *wrong* view on this vital issue or explain the contradiction.

  37. @ To All Readers
    Excuse me : The article is entitled: ” Left Behind in Chicago” [not “return to chicago”] I wrote, just today, about how the commie jew mob in Chicago groomed the african-born commie Obama for the presidency. Bill Ayers, a big-shot in the American communist party, is and [has been] Obama’s handler since Obama was young. I’ve written many posts to “OD” about this subject : More than everyone here at “OD” put together, including Lew & barb : @ Lew and @ barb know this already fully well as they’re both regular readers.
    I’ve always encouraged — and still do– the readers to Google :
    ” bill ayers + communists”
    ” bill ayers + obama”
    ” marxists + black panthers”
    ” obama + communists”
    ” obama + black panthers”

  38. Joe,

    Please address:

    Lew says:
    July 19, 2012 at 5:37 am

    I have a lot of work to do tonight, a lot of time to scan this thread. I’m not unreasonable.

    You’ve indicated you have a balance view. Take this opportunity to say for all to see that you were just intially wrong and that Oculus has the wrong view. No big deal. Everyone has eaten crow at one time or another. It’s a mark of honesty.

  39. There is no honesty in slow joe the jew troll. it’s frequent and deliberate misquotes is a testament to it’s fundamental lack of honesty

  40. To All Readers:
    @Lew and @ barb always get perturbed everytime I mention freemasons and secret societies. Check out my post at ” Southern Heritage Non Preservation Movement”. Lew got perturbed with me the other day because I mentioned Zimmerman’s father is a retired federal judge and that Zimmerman has a murky background. I was trying to learn more about Zimmerman, that’s all : @ Lew got perturbed.
    They also get perturbed when I mention the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 [ I’m opposed to it]. They get perturbed when I mention “peak oil” is a lie. Epecially @ barb. Google: ” russian scientists + abiotic oil “. The Russians proved oil is abiotic back in the 1950’s.
    They both get easily disturbed. I can’t be bothered discussing anything with them because of their false accusations. I’m outta here for tonight.

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