Amurrica Series: USDA Partners With Mexico To Increase SNAP EBT Card Rolls


If you are not a disunionist by now, you will be soon enough. Four more years of Obama Africanus I and the bottom will fall out of the USA.

Note: He looks up at Lincoln and ponders making “the ultimate sacrifice.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. To al of those contemplaintg voting for Kang Nigra – it will NOT “wakemore people up”.

    ALL that will happen is that the Salughter of the Whites begins in earnest. Kang Nigra’s re-installation will be regarded as amandate to kill YT for REAL.

    Romney is awful – but he won’t KILL US.

    He will get us into a war with Iran. That will kill the Union.

    Obama and his homo Boyfriend Holder will KILL US OFF.

  2. Denise,

    Romney getting the US in a war with Iran is most certainly Romney “killing” whites. Who do you think will fight the war? Answer: Middle Class White kids mainly.

    As for the article, unreal, the US govt exists to enrich and grow itself. It doesn’t exist to better the lives of Americans. More handouts= more taxes, more govt jobs etc.

  3. 313, I’ve been fighting them since I was put into a mostly black school in 1968. John Gorrie Jr. High in Jacksonville, Florida.


  4. I look forward to the media dying. All movies, television shows, pop lit, all of it will be

    toxic after the collapse. Those that can speak of nothing but trivial entertainment will

    be considered fools. I don’t watch it and forbid my children except to see pixar movies

    once a year with cousins for their sake. I would like to thank you for your history

    lessons over the last year or so. I’ve kept reading your blog daily since you were

    feuding with Guy White (I really liked his blog). You have found your calling with the

    Southern Heritage message. Success to you in your life and stay the course.

  5. @Bill Yancey

    Oh spare me the “I fought with niggers in school” war stories, will you? Everyone else over the age of 30 has been there too, so put it away. I’m not talking about glorified adolescent scraps. I’m talking about a world with utterly no law, no place to run, no one you can trust, everyone for themselves & their own — survival of the most ruthless with no end in sight. Are you prepared for that? Is your family? Is your community?How about the weak and dependent among you? Be careful what you wish for.

  6. “Chris,

    you sound like the Gravel Voiced guy on the movie trailers.”


    *Starring Will Smith.

  7. Chris – thanks.Very well put. I know enough to avoidfistfights with NAGAS. Avoid the Groid. I am prepared for what’s coming, though…..

    It’s not gonna be about fistfights. But YOU understand this…..

  8. To restate my position, to the Thick Among Us –

    A Romney Presidency will be a disaster. He will do what his IsraeliMasters tell him to do. War with Iran. Fine. This blasts the Union to smithereens. Excelllent (and John – an Accidental Nuking of Israel would be a God Bestowed gift, and a mercy! ) Romney will NOT stop the Fiat Script Collapse. Nothing will.

    Sotoero? His re-installation simply provide a mandate to hunt down and kill Whites en masse,aka South Africa, or Haiti.


    So do you want to deal with a total meltdown of the West – which may provide us with some opportunities, or are you OK with simply being hunted down and killed, with military grade weapons by Obama’s Sons?

    Take yer pick.

  9. Chimpout. Chimps put in place. White doofus invades Iran. Dollar collapses. The South partitions from the US.

  10. @Denise

    What on Earth are you talking about? The Obamaites don’t want to wipe out whitey. They need whitey to be there and keep on working so they can transfer ever greater chunks of their wealth to blacks and browns. No whites no wealth. Life without whites (and Asians/Indians for that matter) is the last thing blacks would want.

    The neocons plans are truely horrifying, wars in the middle east with no end in sight. The GOP is just as bad if not worse than the Dems (at least nationally.) At the state and local level they are pretty good in some places (Arizona, Alabama, South Carolina, etc.)

    I’ll say this, IF! Romney tacks to the right of Obama on illegal immigration/immigration in the debates than I’ll vote for him and would urge everyone to. Short of that screw him and the national GOP.

  11. @Denise

    You can probably tell that I get annoyed when internet warriors clamor for societal collapse, seemingly with no regard for those who wouldn’t be able to fend for themselves in such circumstances. I’m not trying to pick fights with everyone on here. I just wish these people had more consideration.

    Believe me, I DESPISE niggers, and my heart honestly breaks when I have to see my country for what it’s become. And I would love nothing more than for the weight of consequence to be knocked off my shoulders, so that I could clean out my neighborhood and my homeland by fire & the sword. But in a world like that, there would be nothing stopping anyone from doing ANYTHING — a pandora’s box of depravity flung open.

    I will not have that. My personal, everyday circumstances, however spiritually exhausting, are not a justification to turn the entire damned country on it’s head, so that I might have my petty retribution. There are too many innocent people, far removed from my little corner of hell, who would be devoured in the process. My hard-luck life and what I feel entitled to, is not the center of the universe.

    I’m voting for Romney to hold off that day for as long doing so will allow, if only to buy time for people who need it more than me. But I’m glad you’re prepared for the worst. Be safe.

  12. I think a chimpout is a good way to get rid of the most militant nigs.

    Sorta like how the Spartans encouraged helots to speakout occassionally. All the better to identify the strong ones.

  13. The US wouldn’t dare invade Iran. If they did the Iranians would win the war. The US might bomb Iran from the air which would unleash a chain reaction of events we can’t predict.

    I don’t get a white American who wants what is best for their own people voting for war with Iran (Romney) it is bad for whites in every way I can imagine.

    Romney should have to earn the votes of his base, which is overwhelmingly in favor of a crackdown on illegal immigration using just the laws currently on the books. If he can’t meet just that standard don’t vote for him.

  14. Romney or Obama, if the Jews want war with Iran, there’s going to be war with Iran, doesn’t matter who the president is. The Jews at the Federal Reserve Bank have the Ultimate Final Word in this country, not any American president. Obama is just as beholden to the Jews at the Federal Reserve as Romney is.

  15. Not exactly Joe. The Israel firster Jews want war with Iran now. They have wanted it since Bush’s 2nd term was winding down. Don’t believe me go back and read past issues of Commentary, Weekly Standard, National Review etc. Leftwing Jews like Goldberg at The Atlantic have wanted war with Iran as well. Obama has done a pretty good job at holding them at bay actually.

  16. For more information about The Federal Reserve Bank(s):
    If link doesn’t work, google:
    ” federal reserve +”
    It’s a good google search even if the links works. You’ll get more articles and info about the true nature of the Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve is not a branch of the government– it is privately owned. Every year our lawmakers keep voting to renew the Federal Reserve Charter : Both Republicans and Democrats.
    The US government Doesn’t control the Federal Reserve– The Privately-Owned Federal Reserve controls the US government.

  17. The delay in attacking Iran has to do with military strategy and USrael getting all their ducks in order, than anything Obama thinks about anything period.

  18. Why would war with Iran be bad for us?
    You think we’d lose?

    I think we should unleash real Islam aka “Wahhabists” on the Iranians and bring them to their knees. There are many oppressed Sunnis in Iran’s outlying provinces, French media has done a good job of highlighting their struggle against the safawi.

  19. @Gottfried
    I’m not talking about Jews who write articles in newspapers/magazines. I’m talking about the Jews at the very top of the pyramid of power : The Federal Reserve Bankers. The Jews who write magazine/newspaper articles are many times greatly misinformed ; Also, many of them are paid shills out to confuse and be disambiguous , as many non-jews in the media are paid shills whose job is to do the same: Be disambiguous and cause confusion ; beck, coulter, hannity,colmes,o’reilly, etc.

  20. America failed to fully conquer Iraq. So yeah Iran would be too much.

    Yeah I think war with Iran would be bad for us. How exactly would a war with Iran benefit white Americans? Would it dismantle the welfare state? Would it end the racial spoils system? Would it decrease immigration to the US legal or illegal? No, No, and No. Also you get a bunch of dead white kids for some BS that doesn’t even help them.

    It would be great if you are an Israel firster, an oil company higher up or a war profiteer.

  21. What foreign policy interest does war with Iran serve? The oil is pumping and moving through the Strait now as it is.

    You are wrong about the Sunnis. They have become rich fat and spoiled rotten, they aren’t soldiers. They wouldn;t even take on Saddam’s Army in Kuwait.

  22. I’m not here to argue the domestic policy of our elite.

    But NEVER in history does the agenda of the elite conflict with the interests of the citizenry in foreign policy. I remind the gallery our armed forces are a voluntary body.

  23. The sunni-shia divide has absolutely nothing to do with white Americans: Nothing. Although there’s always been an historical divide between the 2 groups, it was Usrael’s war on Iraq, and the destruction of Iraq, which caused the great tension now between sunni-shia throughout the middle-east. None of this benefits white Americans in any way. A war with Iran would be just another disaster for the US ; Win, Lose, or Draw : A great waste of resources, and more importantly —> A much more tragic loss : A great loss of white American blood. All this just for a handful of big-shots like the rothschilds, rockefellers, duponts,etc.

  24. OBL tried to send jihadists to Saudi from Sudan to open a front against Saddam but was rebuffed in favor of Anerican military might. A practical decision as at the time he enjoyed uncontested hero status in the Islamic world.

    The oil is flowing but Iran is the chief instigator for inflated prices on account of their dwindling supplies. Rumsfeld understood that the wealth and idleness of Gulf youth lead them to military adventurism. Let’s harness that.

  25. You’re not making any sense. What “interests of the citizenry” are threatened by Iran? What does it matter that the US Military is voluntary? IF we go to war with Iran/Syria etc. it won’t be long. It wasn’t during the World Wars the Civil War, Vietnam etc.

    As I said Oil is pumping and flowing through the gulf right now I truly fail to see the interest white Americans have in smashing Iran.

  26. Iranian oil is being embargoed right now by the west (illegally). That is going to inflate prices more than anything.

  27. Our economic interests are being violated by Iranian influence in OPEC.
    I highlight the voluntary nature of our forces because another poster said the white middleclass would be sacrificed in a war with Iran. We stand to gain from attacking Iran in a way we didn’t from Iraq and Afghanistan, two colossal failures.

  28. Chris – I love you and ALWAYS will. You are truly decent and good man. I do not want utter disaster, and ruin either. I agree with your [above] reply 110%.

    NOTHING is going to stop the collapse. The MoneyMasters have held off the collapse of the Fiat Dollar brilliantly. Since they created the Fiat Dollar. This isa global thing; the Kikes run the global fiat script. A few weeks ago, I was pondering “What To Do?” Romney or write in Paul, write in Paul, or my gorge, never mind nose, and vote for Mittens. I really thought about this. I am appalled by the swarm of Israeli vermin surrounding Mindless Mittens. I dread a war with Iran. They are Persians; they are my genetic cousins. Period .Persians have done brilliant things. One of my very favorite pals is an Iranian.(He’s in the USA, and he LOVES traditional akaWhite America. In some ways, he’s more heart-broken over the loss of America than any-one else I know. He was “there” – a kid – during the Iranian Revolution – and he knows what a real revolution means. He knows what the loss of White America means….).

    I realized, to my horror, that a war with Iran would destroy us. The “Armed” Dyke-Lezzie/Diverse/Breast-Feeding Mommy Services would collapse. The dollar – gone. Good. That means that the Commander in Chief would not havesuch an easy time setting the remmants of the Armed Forces on American Citizens. I truly don’t believe Romney would allow the Kikes to order troops to gun down Americans,of any Race. There will be chaos and horror , as the reality of the ClusterFvck that IS Amuricca can no longer be denied. I don’t CARE if aWhite Man presides over the mess. Tragically – White men allowed thisto be created, long long ago.

    But Obammy? He may or may not allow the Hebes to attack Iran. He and Holder will have no particular reason to do the bidding of the Spawn of Satan. They are more concerned with exterminating Whites anyways. They will do so at their leisure. They wo’t have to be told todo this, by their Kike Overlords, for now…..they will do so for their own pleasure. Contrary to Gottfried’s opinions, since when have Nigras CARED about the future? Look at Haiti. Whiteshave been TRYING to help Haitians for 200 years. Ever since the initial mass slaughter? Have Haitians “kept Whitey around”, in order to “produce wealth”?

    Errr…No. Nope. Nyet. Nada.

    ObamaHolder will allow Their People Carte Negre, and kill YT at will. Just like Hait. Just like South Africa. Just like Rhodesia- once the Breadbasket of Africa. Mugabe has suckered White farmers back in more than once, n’est pas,and kilt ’em all over again. My God. Why is any-one even disputing this?

    ObamaHolder will allow Their Sons to Kill Whitey at will, for their pleasure, and jerk off together to the crime reports.

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