The WASP Question: Romney’s Faux Pas


Just the latest sign that BRA is an absurd country that is impossible to take seriously … WASP pride is verboten because it is offensive to Jews and African-Americans and Irish-Americans who revel in their own ethnic identities:

“The Romney camp is hurriedly trying to distance the GOP candidate from remarks made by an aide to a British newspaper on Tuesday that touted Romney’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage” and suggested that President Obama’s administration “didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we [the U.K. and the U.S.] have.”

This is about as stupid a remark as a political aide can make: not only does it sound like a racial slur (a black man can’t understand the deep ties between white America and white England), it sounds like some kind of weird WASP supremacy talk—the kind of thing people said 120 years ago when they compared the “virtuous”, “old stock Americans” with the immigrants coming through Ellis Island. . .

So strong are these feelings that the term “Anglo-Saxon” has pretty much dropped out of American discourse, and you will almost never hear an American use the term. . . .

President Obama’s vision of a strong central government leading the people along the paths of truth and righteousness has “New England” stamped all over it. Puritan Boston believed in a powerful government whose duty was to promote moral behavior and punish the immoral; by 1800 many of the Puritan descendants were turning Unitarian and modernist, but while they lost their love of Christian doctrine they never abandoned their faith in the Godly Commonwealth and the duty of the virtuous to make the rest of the world behave. The New England mind has been open to insights and ideas that come from the third world ever since Henry David Thoreau and his fellow Transcendentalists read the Hindu scriptures in translation, but Obama is no more of a Muslim or an African socialist than Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Hindu.

So the aide was twice wrong: it was stupid to use a term that offends huge numbers of people and leaves you open to a charge of racism, and it was blind to miss the deep homegrown roots of the President’s political worldview. . . .

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And Obama’s Irish heritage is kosher?

    ” President Barack Obama MoneyGall Ireland meets his cousin ”

  2. My Commnet is awaiting Moderation. I backed up Soren:

    Soren is correct.

    Whites are not permitted an ethnic or racial affiliation what-so-ever. If Whites break the Worst Taboo, and express a wholly natural sense of kinship in preserving our own unique genetics, heritage, or ethnic interests, which Rommey let slip, in any way at all – All Hell Break-eth Loose.

    We are insulted, castigated, slandered, threatened with social condemnation and loss of employment, physically attacked, and killed.

    The White Race is lieterally disappearing form existence. 100 year ago Whites were approx 30% of total Global population. Now Whites comprise 8%, and are dropping fast. Other Races have their own ethno-States. Nations that were once White indigenous homelands are being deliberately flooded with racial-thus-cultural aliens. Whites are pressured into accepting this displacement without uttering a peep of protest, and EXPECTED to celebrate and aid and abet our oblivion. Why?

    The treatment of Whites would be classified as genocide, were any other ethny involved. Anti-racist IS code for Anti-White. So stop LYING, Mead.

  3. Mitt’s a fucking Mexican American ….. Mitt Romneyez. His dad, Jorge, was born in Mexico

    They married in 1895 in Mexico and lived in Colonia Dublán in Galeana in the state of Chihuahua (one of the Mormon colonies in Mexico) where George was born on July 8, 1907.

    Jorge Romneyez wasn’t even eligible to be President ….

    But I’ll still vote for Mittens because we need them to riot more than the alternative which is Obambi executive ordering the entire country to the negroes …..

  4. Romney is located in the Sussex, Kent Andreaswald.

    It’s probably one of the first half a dozen Anglo Saxon place names to exist.

    I like this Romney fellow’s attitudes.

  5. He did it on purpose. All kinds of fence-sitters went pro-Saxon on twitter today after the inevitable over-reaction from the Left. Politics is racializing fast and Mitt is no idiot.

    We absolutely crushed them on twitter. Lots of fence-sitter conservatives went white pow’r today. It was absolutely beautiful.

  6. Not on topic at all but damn, I had to share this (I’m a drudge fiend, sorry if you’ve seen this already). The asshole-in-chief is creating via executive order (I hate the powers of the office of the presidency) an African-American Education office. While this is pitiful and just means more special treatment for less work, me thinks it will do wonders for opening more eyes.


    There. I’ve said it. I consider my Celtic Ancestry enough Anglo-Saxon to be counted in, as all brits today are at least 50% Celt. So, go fig.

    It’s only the living in the past Irish who still hate the Brits for being more organized in warfare, and for Cromwell (for which, I don’t blame theM!) for being an utter lout.

    But all Brits are Celts, and so Anglo-Saxon contains that within itself, if we’d only be honest.

    And if ONLY Mittens would BE a WASP, I’d feel MUCH better voting for him.

    Remember, 90% Nigger loyalty to Obummer- even now? So, who’s being ‘racissss’ now, cracka H8rs?

  8. So he did say:

    I’m the most disgustingly white candidate.

    And he’s aligning himself with Germanic pirates.

  9. Lots of Celtic surnames jumping on the AngloSaxonHeritage train today. United we stand. We are all Nords anyway. Ask Barone Evola.

  10. My last comment spoken of course with tongue firmly in cheek.

    It is agony it has come to this.

  11. “John says:
    July 26, 2012 at 12:15 am
    All he needs to do now is adopt the Wessex Dragon as a subliminal system.”

    DuuuuUUUUUuuuuude! THAT would be seriously freakin’ AWESOME!!!!!

  12. Callin’ all the clans together!
    Callin’ all the clans together!
    Callin’ all the clans together!
    Brothers come arunnin’!

    Callin’ south and north together!
    Callin’ west and east together!
    Callin’ all the clans together!
    Brothers come arunnin’!

    Can’t afford to be abed asleepin’!
    Can’t afford to be abed asleepin’!
    Can’t you see the Reaper reapin’?
    Brothers come arunnin’!

    Never mind the shells aflyin’!
    Never mind the dead and dyin’!
    Can’t you hear the Piper pipin’!
    Brothers come arunnin’!

    Come arunnin’ fast!
    Come arunnin’ hard!
    Runnin’ for all your worth!
    Come arunnin’ through the gates of Hell itself
    And, let the devil take the hind most!

    We gonna be…
    Callin’ all the clan together!
    Callin’ all the clan together!
    Callin’ all the clan together!
    Brothers come arunnin’!

  13. Mittens gets it! The Jewnited Snakes and the dis-United Kingdom have much in common. Both have exported most of their manufacturing jobs. Both are soft-touch totalitarian states. Both have an immigration policy which favors people from the 3rd world. And since the “Virginia Company” (of Capt John Smith’s time) has never been dissolved it appears the UK owns our butts on paper.

  14. Denise: check out the #AngloSaxonHeritage hashtag feed. You’ll have to wade through hours of liberal bs, but it’s in there. You can tweet to these morons and start your own face-punching session…you-would-be-AWESOME 🙂

  15. “Anglo-Saxon” is considered racist code language now, like “White,” “Aryan,” “Teutonic,” “Nordic,” and even the very objective-sounding expression: “of European descent.”

  16. today i got into a verbal arguement with some woman who was up in arms about this “anglo” pride stuff, she was a white woman of irish ancestry (my extended family member). she claimed that this “country is messed up”. and i said back, “well you just figured that out? look o’nigger can go and pimp his mudblood mongel hide to any voting block he wants and you jump on the white guy for being proud of being white?” and yes i finished with the smarmy liberally toned (yankee toned for all you southrons, as in full of condescending pride) “well then it just sounds like your anti- white” and she started yellin’ and yellin’ and i walked off, ahh i cna’t wait until they get the show on the road and burn this shithouse down. sic semper negro tyrannus

  17. LOL, I can’t wait to read Stonelifter and Apuleius’s reaction to some of the links on this thread…

  18. “(a black man can’t understand the deep ties between white America and white England)” – It isn’t that he doesn’t understand them, its that he has repeatedly snubbed Great Britain.

  19. To understand the present, you have to understand its origins in the past.

    The term WASP as an ethnic term in no way reflects the heritage in the old country. But historical facts, plain and simple, do give depth to the heritage of the Isles and the North: the Northmen (the Nordic Franks of Norway and Denmark), the DaneLaw and Kings in England (the Crown being given to them by the Anglo Saxon nobles at the Witengemot – Kings like Cnut and Bluetooth etc), the Anglo Saxon Kings of Northumbria, Wessex, Mercia, the British (Cymry – Wales), the Gaels (the Irish).

    Since Charlemagne was crowned Imperator Romanun 800 A.D. (yes by the pope, of course) N.W. Europe began a process of unification as a Christendom under the Western Patriarchate and its Imperator. The nations of this Christendom fought a war of Reconquista for about 700 yearswas against the Muslim occupation in Spain, Portugal and the Palatinate.

    Since the Synod of Whitby 664 A.D. the Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria (King Oswald / Oswiu) had decided upon the Roman usages for the Church in his Kingdom. The Saxon kingdoms and the kingdoms under DaneLaw followed suit. This is in Bede’s Historia. Rome was the seat of the Church and Apostolic government in these lands and Canterbury was the seat of the national Church as recognized by these kingdoms. The bishops and Abbots of the many monastic foundations all had the patronage of these kings and the kingdoms.

    There were pagans whose customary law and ways were accepted (although practices like human sacrifices in peat bogs were curtailed and I am sure everyone here will agree that this was intolerant and horrible), but the Church and the state were one in terms of the great institutions.

    For many centuries the AngloSaxon nobles gave the Crown to the Danish kings at the Witengamot. These were the same Nordic lineages that later re-invaded from Brittainy – ever a Nordic stronghold. (Nor-man ie Northman). The Saxon nobility under Harold II contested this invasion – but DaneLaw had ruled in Anglelond for many centuries with the full support of the Witengamot.

    All people who have a heritage in the Isles, Brittainy, England, DaneMark, Scotland, Ireland, Somerled, the Sea Kingdoms, Denmark and Norway have a rich heritage from all these lands. And they all became part of the Christendom of the Holy Roman Empire with victory over the Muslim occupation. And England contributed significantly to this victory.

    Until the Reformation, wars were fought over things like rights of succession to ancestral lands because of the practice of intermarriage among the nobility of the kingdoms and pricipalities. There were always valid claims on both sides (some more than others) – but these debates did go to war.

    It wasn’t until the Reformation that the Christendom of the West was convulsed with fratricidal wars against King and Church. The Hidden Hand of the Synagogue can be seen in this, as it also makes it appearance in some of the great banking houses of the nobility in Rome and Venice at the time of the Renaissance / Reformation.

    At that time the Synagogue was starting to carve lands away from HRE through the secessionist wars and it was establishing itself in the Church through noble houses into which the Jews had insinuated themselves by marriage: the Plantagenet nobility, the Black nobility, the Medici, the House of Anjou, the House of Lorraine, etc.

  20. Just the latest sign that BRA is an absurd country that is impossible to take seriously … WASP pride is verboten because it is offensive to Jews and African-Americans and Irish-Americans who revel in their own ethnic identities

    Irish-Americans have no problem with WASPs celebrating their ethnic identity.

  21. Mosin Nagant says:

    “Mittens gets it!” A clock that is off is right twice a day.”

    He has even inspired Gen. Robert E. Lee to host a fundraiser for him in Virginia.

    Actor Robert Duvall, star of “Apocalypse Now” and “The Godfather,” will host a fundraiser for the Republican presidential hopeful in September at his Virginia home.

    According to the invitation — obtained Wednesday by the National Journal — tickets to the event are $2,500 per person, while a $10,000 donation will assure you a photo with Duvall. For $25,000, supporters will get to enjoy dinner at the Duvall home.

  22. It’s only the living in the past Irish who still hate the Brits for being more organized in warfare

    The Irish only hate the Brits because of their continued occupation of the north of Ireland. This hatred does NOT extend to Americans of British ancestry. I myself am both an IRA supporter and a Mitt Romney supporter.

  23. Mitt’s a fucking Mexican American ….. Mitt Romneyez. His dad, Jorge, was born in Mexico

    The Romneys are WASPs. The fact that some were born in Mexico doesn’t change that fact.

  24. The Irish in Ireland don’t hate the Brits. That is mainly confined to Irish-Americans.
    Go to any city in England and you look through the phonebook.
    The Irish hate the Ulster Protestants.

  25. Eric – I must go to bed 0 but I will definitely weigh in on the Hashtag. MANY thanks!

    FYI – Mitten’s campaign HQ will be recieving High Praise for the Anglo Saxon H/T.

    Here is his contact info:

    Hhhmmmm…..The Stormfront Confab is in a month and a half. I wonder is he has time to work in an appearance….. ; }

  26. “I have a hard enough time considering non-Episcopals to be wasps. Do people really consider lds to be wasps?”

    Call ’em WASM’s then. Utah is the most English state in the US. Look at a demographics map.

  27. Joe Walker says: The Romneys are WASPs. The fact that some were born in Mexico doesn’t change that fact.

    Yes, they are WASPs, and they like cheap labor. I am not denying that.

  28. John – that Bacon clip is hysterical!!! I have not ever ever ever been that far gone…..but I’ve helped pals go through that journey. I always knew when to stop – and I never tossed my cookies, as I would rather DIE, than heave. I HATE hurling. I did help my pals (alas, males AND females) get up to the rim of the bog, and I made sure that they….did what they had to do, and encouraged them, and made sure they did not fall in, or fall asleep, as they wallowed in thier self -loathing, and drunken self-recriminations, and booze-sodden rantings – all the while nearly choking on laughter, at the wildly entertaining spectacle I was witnessing, for free….they never knew I was laughing AT them. And I did not ever reveal any tales, told, in their sorrowful state.

    Ahhhhh! Good Times

    I had no idea bacon “samiches” were the ticket to resurrection from that sort of an evening, though….live, and learn.


  29. “That doesn’t just annoy African-Americans; there are a lot of Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Jewish Americans and a long list of other people whose blood boils at the thought of Wasps staking out some special claim to being more American than thou.”

    Excuse me, Bub. Speak for yourself. I don’t have a problem with Mitch Romney touting his Anglo-Saxon heritage and I don’t have a drop of Anglo-Saxon blood in my body.

    This country was founded by Anglo-Saxons whether anyone likes it or not and we can assume that, if you are NOT Anglo-Saxon and are here, you MUST like it (both sides of my family did) or it would make absolutely NO sense to immigrate to a country created by Anglo-Saxons. Like, DUH.

    People that don’t like Anglo-Saxons do have the option to stay out of their countries and live in countries that are not created by them. Or LEAVE those countries if they did not live up to your expectations. You have the right to leave.

    What you don’t have the right to do is move into someone’s house, rearrange the furniture and appropriate the master bedroom while sending the homeowner to languish in the garage.

    It’s past time for the Saxon to get righteously pissed.

    WTF happened to the concept, “your house, your rules?”

  30. Because “america” is the EVERYBODY’S house. Isn’t that why you build a house? For everyone but your own?

  31. I hate to post this.

    My relatives left behind in Europe were victims and perpetrators of ethnic cleansing.

    Anglo-Saxon Protestant America was very good not only to my family but other immigrants.

    The vilification of the Anglo Saxon Protestant American we see today in the United States by the wretched, huddled masses “yearning to breathe free” makes an excellent case for racial and ethnic cleansing who might be sick and tired of the ingratitude.

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