The WASP Question: Romney’s Faux Pas


Just the latest sign that BRA is an absurd country that is impossible to take seriously … WASP pride is verboten because it is offensive to Jews and African-Americans and Irish-Americans who revel in their own ethnic identities:

“The Romney camp is hurriedly trying to distance the GOP candidate from remarks made by an aide to a British newspaper on Tuesday that touted Romney’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage” and suggested that President Obama’s administration “didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we [the U.K. and the U.S.] have.”

This is about as stupid a remark as a political aide can make: not only does it sound like a racial slur (a black man can’t understand the deep ties between white America and white England), it sounds like some kind of weird WASP supremacy talk—the kind of thing people said 120 years ago when they compared the “virtuous”, “old stock Americans” with the immigrants coming through Ellis Island. . .

So strong are these feelings that the term “Anglo-Saxon” has pretty much dropped out of American discourse, and you will almost never hear an American use the term. . . .

President Obama’s vision of a strong central government leading the people along the paths of truth and righteousness has “New England” stamped all over it. Puritan Boston believed in a powerful government whose duty was to promote moral behavior and punish the immoral; by 1800 many of the Puritan descendants were turning Unitarian and modernist, but while they lost their love of Christian doctrine they never abandoned their faith in the Godly Commonwealth and the duty of the virtuous to make the rest of the world behave. The New England mind has been open to insights and ideas that come from the third world ever since Henry David Thoreau and his fellow Transcendentalists read the Hindu scriptures in translation, but Obama is no more of a Muslim or an African socialist than Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Hindu.

So the aide was twice wrong: it was stupid to use a term that offends huge numbers of people and leaves you open to a charge of racism, and it was blind to miss the deep homegrown roots of the President’s political worldview. . . .

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @ mosin nagant, really your gonna blame dresden on the yankee iron brigade? we midwesterners do have curtis lemay, but the 8th airforce did dresden and at the time lemay was not in charge, it was a joint anglo-american op. churchill and some other limey were at the helm. i fully support southron nationalism as a northerner, as it is much more tangible than “turner diaries” type stuff, the confederacy is the barebones, it could be the nexus around which racialism/traditionalism could be implimented in north america, but what i don’t understand is the nietzschian slave morality ressentiment going on with you southern boys, don’t form you identity around dispising another group, that chains you to them, you don’t need to spit at yankees to have a unique culture (one that is far more traditional, colorful {in a non kosher way} and less cosmopolitan than the industrial midwest)

  2. If Jefferson, Jackson etc etc were time travelled into our age they’d be shocked at Romney. Doesn’t Romney know the founders built the country to make nice black boys feel right at home?

  3. Thank you for the kind words about the old America Clytemnestra. If more descendants of immigrants thought like you American identity wouldn’t be as imperiled as it is now. But alas while your sentiments are noble I feel they may not be natural at least for most people. Too many immigrants were admitted and given power to rule much too quickly. These immigrants and their descendants many living in nearly homogenous communities surrounded by co-ethnics never really had the need to adopt the American ethnic identity fully. I think it really is natural unfortunately, even if it lacks the high minded spirit of gratitude you display, for them to side with their own over us.

    You ought to visit Vanishing American’s blog if you don’t already, she continues to carry the torch for the old Anglo-Saxon America. I think you would fit right in.

    Anyway, I fear in the North the Anglo-Saxon seems to have closed up shop and is probably out of business for good.

    In the South the identity is quite damaged as well but if there was a renaissance of traditional Southern culture it might have the ability to recover.

    And yes in case anyone was wondering the Anglo-Saxon identity was as traditionally as strong in the South as it was in the North. A stake really needs to be put through the heart of the idea that “Anglo-Saxon” is a Northern word.

    One could give numerous quotes of Southerners using Anglo-Saxonist terminology from the early 1800’s down to the middle of the 20th century. Right now I will just give just two from the owner of Occidental Dissent’s favorite Southerner Mr. Robert Barnwell Rhett,

    “Our Anglo-Saxon ancestors, by the habeas corpus Act, and the trial by jury, had long since thrown indestructible barriers around the liberty of the person, against the encroachments of tyranny; but liberty, as to property, in the imposition of the taxes, is still a matter of strife and contention. It was fought for in the Revolution in England in the middle of the seventeenth century. It was fought for by our ancestors, in our own Revolution of 1776. We won it in that fierce contest, but lost it almost as soon as it was won, by the operations of the General Government.”

    “The Anglo-Saxon race, at least, will not amalgamate with others; and when any of the inferior races have been placed in a condition of competition and equality with them, annihilation has always been their doom, or they have left the country to the inferior race.”

    Both quotes are from the funeral oration for John C Calhoun delivered by Robert B Rhett November, 28th, 1850.

  4. sadly Clytemnestra, your attitude towards WASP’s Founding Stock is rare. Yours and barb’s. We’d be a more welcoming lot if more had attitudes like y’alls.

  5. @ conchobar: “@ mosin nagant, really your gonna blame dresden on the yankee iron brigade? we midwesterners do have curtis lemay, but the 8th airforce did dresden and at the time lemay was not in charge….”

    Not at all. No connection to the Iron Brigade, and no disagreement intended. I thought while others were posting “Yankee pride” youtube links on this thread it was probably not less fitting and no more digressive to post a few “German pride” youtube links as well, for good measure, since WASPS and the Germans are so often lumped together here.

  6. A few words off script transforms the image of Romney for some who swing back to LIKING ROMNEY A LOT from the other extreme of wanting more Obama for “the more sudden Collapse with a black face on it.” But let’s hold steady on course.

  7. “All people who have a heritage in the Isles, Brittainy, England, DaneMark, Scotland, Ireland, Somerled, the Sea Kingdoms, Denmark and Norway have a rich heritage from all these lands. And they all became part of the Christendom of the Holy Roman Empire with victory over the Muslim occupation.”

    Ahh, Lynda, more Papal Propaganda, I see?

    I know historically that Olaf (the Saint), before the battle of Stiklestad, went not to Rome, but to….. RUS!


    While the Synod of Whitby was a ‘win’ for Papal hegemony, England’s submission to the pope was always uneasy- because the Anglo-Saxon mind is distrustful of foreign usurpers. The Celts in Ireland and Scotland mostly sided with the Pope, to keep the English off their backs, frankly.

    And the SARUM RITE is not ‘Roman’ it has clearly orthodox antecendants, and has been used/approved by Orthodox WRite parishes for over a hundred years.

    So, please, no more Roman propaganda. It’s as bad as listening to jews lie that they’re the ‘Chosen People’ -to which modern Rome, bizarrely agrees. Hmmmm. coincidence? I don’t think so. One whore knows another at sight….. Babylon and Lilith- sisters of the same Lord- Satan.

  8. The Anglo aristocrats who did not submit to the Normans migrated and they went to form the Varangian Guard in Constantinople. They fought at Manzikert and other major battles for centuries. The Varangians had been Norwegian/Swede before 1066 and after almost exclusively English. So it’s no stretch to see they were comfortable with Orthodox christianity.

    Additionally, Harold’s daughter became a Queen of the Kievan Russ. The Godwins and their peers were quite at home in the Scandinavian world of that time and Godwin himself fought for a Danish King (in the Danzig area against Wends). Harold was also an honoured guest when forced into exile by Edward Confessor in Ireland. So he got on well with Hiberno-Norse and Celts. It’s a bygone world though. Mikkelgarth is a muslim city now.

  9. Rose Nylund/Betty White from “Golden Girls” teevee show is a descendant of OLAF. Rose grew up in St Olaf, Minnesota. Her mother was a Kerklavoner. Rose went to St. Gustav University. Rose was Orthodox until she moved to Miami. Then the girl went off the deep end ; After she moved in with a jew/wop mixed type and the sicilian mother, and then there was the rather loose Southern belle on the plantation, a little bit frayed at the edges who had seen better days: An anomaly, I’m sure. Otherwise, Olaf’s descendant was quite the traditional one.

  10. “I think it really is natural unfortunately, even if it lacks the high minded spirit of gratitude you display, for them to side with their own over us.”

    If a White American with ancestors who set foot on these shores before mine did, came up to me and for some reason said, “Go back to Norway, traitor,” I would look long and hard at my behavior and shape up. The difference between me and Clytemnestra and other loyal White Americans versus the jews/imminvading mestizos, is, they like to tell Founding Stock to do the going back, because they are ungrateful, spoiled pukes.

    I dislike Auster by and large, but he’s got ONE good point. It would be good for Founding Stock to remember, to realize down deep in their bones, this is THEIR country and that us johnny-come-latelys (anybody whose most distant ancestor got here after 1776) OWE it to them to shaadddap with the carping.

    I, personally, get particularly incensed when the Southern White Man bashing gets going. How DARE they? In fact, I think it’s a good rule of thumb for separating the loyals from the anti-Whites by their attitudes towards those good folks known by the disparaging title “redneck.”

    So, yeah, Mosin, while it’s natural that ethnics feel loyalty to their own more than the Founding Stock, that doesn’t mean the Founding Stock is duty bound to indulge them in such treasonous behavior.
    A parent need not allow the child to indulge himself in his natural inclination to run screaming with his playmates in the house, and Founding Stock need not indulge the immigrant stock in anti White American activities.

    Joe McCarthy had it right.

  11. @ mosin, ah true enough, ol’ saxony. i wish i had more saxon in me, im more swabian and irish (of ol’ connacht)

  12. John- I didn’t think anyone else knew about the varangians.

    Joe- you’re an utter ass. If you actually believe Rose Nyland and the ‘town’ of St. Olaf is real, then you must consider Garrison Keillor to be akin to St. John, the Gospel writer….

  13. I refer to the DaneMark in Anglelond. The Nor-men of Brittainy and the Danes of England’s DaneMark are the same racial stock. England and Scotland went on to lay the foundations of constititutional monarchy in Magna Charta and the Declaration of Arbroath under the HRE.

    The fact that some Anglo-Saxon aristocrats went and fought for Constantinople in a war that was being fought on both Eastern and Western fronts means nothing.

  14. @Fr John
    I got chewed out for thinking “The Andy Griffith” show was just a teevee show, but certain posters here put me in my place : It Was Made Clear To Me : I’m to think The Andy Griffith show is Reality or hit-the-road “Joe”. So I figured I’d play it safe and just think all teevee shows are reality. Geezzz.
    There’s just no pleasing the religious ones around here. No sirre bob.

  15. The foundation of English law, common law, is to be found in Wessex. The first written record of English was connected with Alfred The Great demanding that the bible be written in English. Alfred also taught the Anglo how to build fortified towns, fight an intergeneration war, build a Royal Navy, mint good coin, behave himself and reconquered land from heathens. The Danes were sword fodder by the time Alfred, his sons and then his grandchildren got through with them. That was the last immigration crisis too.

    The wheels fell off with the Norman loving Athelred.

    If link doesn’t work, Google : ” talmud unmasked”
    Lots of informative websites with above search.
    Also: ” talmud + slavery + bankers”
    ” talmud + slavery”
    Another very good website about the Talmud : ” come-and-hear “( .com)
    The Talmud is obsessed with Slavery. The Talmud is the “holy” book for the Jews ; Their holy book is obsessed with Slavery, and a Slave-economic system for the whole world.

  17. Who cares John the Ulsterman and (v probably) a Freemason. You can not airbrush a millenia of history out of the picture.

    DaneLaw in England was a fact. The Anglo Saxon nobles gave the crown to a succession of Danish kings and that legacy remains to anyone who has traveled in England. (I lived there for many years, also in Scotland).

    The Anglo Saxon missions under the authority of Holy See in Rome went to both Norway and Denmark. J.R.R. Tolkien (maybe youhave heard of him) as professor of OE at Oxford wrote extensively on the subject. Pope Gregory VI appointed St Ansgar (9th century) as the legate to all of Scandanavia – Norway, Denmark, Sweden. Many Anglo Saxon saints followed in that mission (over many centuries) until those nations were baptised. These nations although not part of HRE looked to the Holy See in Rome – as did England after the Council of Whitby 643 A.D.

    Last time I looked St Ansgar’s cathedrals were still standing up there.

    The Anglo Saxon missionary effort approved by a succession of popes and had the patronage of the Holy Roman Emperors of the West. These efforts did not discontinue just because Constaninople fell in 1204 to Islam and fell again to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

    The fact that they became Protestant in the 16th century does not alter the fact of their origins, which is the subject of this paragraph.

    You hate the Roman Catholic faith and the Church. And your attempts to airbrush its history out of the Western heritage is pathetic. Ditto for Fr John.

    And who owns the Bank of Russia btw. You think that just because Boris climbed on a tank and waved a flag that the Jews who have owned Russia since the Bolshevik Revolution no longer own it. They have just been given a ‘good guy’ script in the current War of Civilizations schtik.

  18. I think I just told you that Alfred was responsible for the re conquest of the heathens and their conversion. His grandson completed the defeat of the Viking and the unification of England as a nation. It’s never looked back since and was his brainchild.
    He was born a stonesthrow away from where I was born. Had he not existed England would be called Daneland. It’s surprising he was never made into a saint. A very important man.

  19. You are quite correct John the uniting of the Angels and Saxon tribes is what gave us the English national tradition.

    The Norman Conquest undoubtedly altered society significantly but it never erased the concept of England as a nation or its heritage. This is why the term “Anglo-Saxon” is significant we aren’t really referring back to the point when those tribes were separate entities doing their own thing it’s the beginning of the English nation that is important.

    For instance nobody claims Ireland is not a nation even though they were ruled by the Normans/English for hundreds of years or because it was the English who were the first people to unite the Island of Ireland not the various tribes that lived there.
    As far as Roman Catholicism goes I know I have no desire to airbrush it out of history it undoubtedly has had a tremendous impact on the development of Western Europe including England and much of that impact was no doubt positive.

    Whether somebody is anti-Catholic or pro-Protestant really comes down to which side of the question you look at it from. Much in the same way the issue of whether someone is “racist” or “pro-white”, which side of the argument you take will dictate how you attempt to frame the debate.

    Also not all Popes are bad guys from an English Protestant perspective. We can always thank Pope Innocent XI and Pope Alexander VIII for financially backing King William in his defeat of James II because it served their political purposes on the continent.

  20. When America was attacked on 9-11, a woman who had fled here from a Communist Asian country said that if America went under there would be nowhere people who wanted to be free could go.

    Well, IIMO that a lot of the newer immigrants are forgetting that America cannot remain “the land of the free” unless liberty-loving people who respect the basic human rights of other people to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” continue to rule America.

    In the book, “House of Sand and Fog” by Andrew Dubus III, his Iranian protagonist goes to a store run by an Iraqi and they end up having coffee together. He marvels that only in America could two ancient enemies get together without trying to kill each other.

    I went to a Russian social network where I found Jews who could not get over how easy it was for them to form close friendships with ethnic Russians in America and that this could have never happened in Russia even though they spoke the same tongue, listened to the same music and ate the same food.

    My maternal line came from Poland which is a part of Europe where an insult offered eight hundred years ago is felt more strongly than one offered eight minutes ago, because there has been time to brood about it.

    I met a nice, warm, friendly German lady whose reaction to me cooled for a couple of days after I mentioned I was part Polish. Of course, I am familiar enough with the history of those two countries to speculate that her relatives may have been ethnically cleansed by my relatives in Danzig. Of course, there is a great chance that a lot of my relatives were ethnically cleansed by the Russians in Katvin.

    This sort of crap happens there all the time. Ethnic minorities are cleansed all the time. The only time they share a tenuous peace is if they are all being oppressed by a stronger power, like the Soviet Union. Once the boot is taken off their necks, all hell breaks loose, like in Yugoslavia.

    Under the benevolent rule of Anglo-Saxon Americans, French neighborhoods bordered German neighborhoods which bordered Polish neighborhoods bordering Russian neighborhoods lived in the same cities and went to the same schools and worked together in harmony all over the United States.

    One of my maternal great-grandfather literally got off the boat at Ellis Island to learn that President McKinley had just been assassinated by one of his countryman. In any other country, the best he could hope for was to be allowed to leave the country with his skin intact. More likely, he would have been lynched by an angry mob of nationals upset that their leader had been murdered.

    During Teddy Roosevelt’s era, another one of my maternal great-grandfathers had to return to Poland to see if he could locate a lost family member. He had been part of a Polish nationalist group that ran afoul of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was arrested shortly after setting foot back in the country. But, because he had just acquired American citizenship, once he was notified of my great-grandfather’s arrest, the American ambassador showed up in his nightshirt to demand his release which was done immediately. Speak softly and carry a big stick, indeed!

    Americans were not too happy when McKinley was assassinated. In fact, they were righteously annoyed. There should have been blood in the streets. Anywhere else this had happened there would have been blood in the streets. There were some Polish jokes, but sticks and stones. Like the poor WASPS, poor Polish Catholic immigrants did not have the red carpet rolled out for them at select rich WASP country clubs, but they were able to find jobs and support their families without harassment.

    As someone from two ethnic minority Catholic families (the other side was French and Swiss-German) I am deeply grateful to Anglo Saxon American Protestants who treated us all better than any European … even Catholic country would have. It says volumes about Anglo Saxon American Protestants that even though they didn’t like the Irish any better than their English Protestant counterparts, they treated them far better and safeguarded their rights as an ethnic minority as well.

    Since we no longer have wise, benevolent rulers like the Anglo-Saxon American Protestants running a majority Anglo-Saxon American Protestant demography, it comes as no surprise to me that we have a “hostile elite” in charge of our governance and endless factions with real and mostly imagined grievances simmering over with violence to take over the country. And it should come as no surprise to anyone else that any ethnic or racial minority with a lick of sense should want Anglo Saxon American Protestants restored to power so that they can restore order.

    It makes me sick inside that not a single Anglo Saxon American Protestant is sitting on the Supreme Court right now. I find no pleasure that six out of the nine are Catholic. Who better than one of their descendants to understand the original intent of those who wrote the Constitution?

    It makes me wish that the Founding Fathers had had the foresight to bar any non-Anglo Saxon Protestant whose family on both sides had not been in the country for at least a hundred years from political office.

    Based on my family’s experience under their leadership, I would rather live, even as a second-class citizen, under the rule of Anglo Saxon Protestant Americans than as an “equal” under any other kind of leadership. A country is a lot less about being a land mass than about the people who run it.

    I cannot speak for other White Catholic ethnic minorities. However, I think, if they really gave much thought to the matter of how much the triumphant Ellis Island narrative was the result of the largesse of and the noblesse oblige displayed by the Anglo Saxon Protestant Americans that they would express their gratitude to these wonderful people and apologize for not putting their foot up the behinds of those who deride and demean them the way they do today.

    The words “thank you” are so inadequate when it comes to expressing my gratitude to the descendants of the gracious people who allowed us to immigrate here. Your forefathers embody the best of Xenos as the hosts of this country. I can’t say how sorry and ashamed I am over the stupidity of those who persist in mistaking your people’s kindness for weakness.

  21. The Sons of the Widow and the Jews lie about everything.

    You lie when you state that popes financed the invasion of a Catholic nation by a Dutch Protestant king. The only sources you can cite for this Jewish fable are Jewish – i.e. Wiki or some ‘revelation’ from the secret Vatican archives that has mysteriously surfaced since St Peter’s Chair in Rome was overturned. The Sanhedrin controls the Vatican post 1963 so I am sure they have their revisionist history project in hand.

    I do not believe any of it.

    The Jewish Bankers of Amsterdam financed Prince William of Orange. This is what is documented by the reliable historical sources. And it would stand to reason that this is so as he was the one who granted a Royal Charter to the Bank of England – a private institution owned by Jewish banking dynasts.

    Pope Innocent condemned usury. This is historical record and fact. He did not back a Dutch Protestant to invade a nation of Roman Catholics subsisting under severe penal law for centuries.

    The Bank of England est under Royal Charter by William III is an iniquitous institution and the documented crimes of that Bank would fill more archives than the Vatican.

    You Sons of the Widow are as big a pair of liars as ‘Fr’ John who frequently comments here that the Orthodox believe that the faith of the Credo is only for Whites when the most cursory examination of Orthodox websites would reveal that they have missions to nations all over the world and not just to White nations.

  22. “You Sons of the Widow are as big a pair of liars as ‘Fr’ John who frequently comments here that the Orthodox believe that the faith of the Credo is only for Whites when the most cursory examination of Orthodox websites would reveal that they have missions to nations all over the world and not just to White nations.”

    Ahhh, Lynda. Either you are a foul-mouthed liar, or you are confused. I will presume the latter. I have never said that the faith of the Credo is for Whites only. I have said that Whites are the HEIRS (and Sons of God) just as is true of the Last Adam, because we are made in the ‘image and likeness of God’- as is He. That ‘racial consanguinity’ does not apply to the non-Caucasoid races, and is borne out in over 1000 years of missionary activity (Orthodox missionary activity- I don’t consider monophysites and Nestorians to be christians, and you know that already!) ONLY in the Megala Europa of Christendom.

    How can you speak of the construction and establishment of Christendom in a post on this blog just recently , then claim it as the ‘personal posession’ for your accursed pope, and yet deny me observing the same boundaries of the same lands, in the same timeframe (and yet, mentioning the fact that the schism sundered the West from her orthodox Eastern brethren) and NOT allow me to say, ‘See? here is where Christendom resides? ‘ This is absolutely schizophrenic, Lynda. Your blind devotion to a false creed, in the midst of an Anglo/Protesant land (because, coming from Oz, you, too, have to deal with the ‘protestant’ nature of your own homeland, just as we do, here- and, like Clytemnestra, I thank GOD I was raised as a ‘cultural protestant,’ and as a pre-Vatican II RC. Because, when Rome shed what little of the patristic trappings she had been bearing on her whoring back, in the decade 1960-70, at least the Protestant Reformers’ unified witness that ‘Rome is no TRUE Church’ helped me from either a) losing my faith entirely, or b) adopting the Novus Ordo blasphemy.

    Non-whites may enter into the TRUE ECUMENE, but not as our equals.

    The ‘inclusion’ of the ‘goyim’ as the EQUALS OF WHITES, is the MARK OF THE ANTICHRIST- as every apostate cult, from the Mormons to the TEC, now believes this as a ‘mark of the gospel’. So, too, does Rome- and she is JUST AS DAMNED THEREBY, for it!

    ““Today the Vatican is as firmly in the pocket of the Freemasons as are many Protestant institutions. Pope John Paul II, presented in the [Jewish] Masonic (sic) media as a ‘strict conservative,’ is actually an agent of One World, New Age Luciferianism. In 1986 he convened a world council of religions, including African devil-worshipers, Buddhists and Muslims, at a church named after the Apostle Peter, in Assisi, Italy.” from your own Michael Hoffman, op. cit. 23.

    Here’s a video, for proof. –

    Just as ancient israel had house slaves, and servants- yet these NEVER ATTAINED TO FULL PERSONHOOD STATUS IN THE DAVIDIC DISPENSATION, so, too, we read on this very blog, of how the White Protestant South viewed the ‘Peculiar institution’ before the lying papacy (and the gnostic Abolitionists) ‘invented’ the fallacy of ‘universal jurisdiction’/invite the world, invade the world.’ We don’t see efforts to ‘convert the non-white heathen’ en masse. And, as I have been at pains to note, it was only as the Orthodox East came under the sway of HERETICAL RULERS- rulers who had been corrupted by the Organs of the Papal West, that ‘missions to the halflings’ began…..

    As the speaker in the third part of that referenced video noted, “…One must not make the mistake that Novus Ordo ORTHODOX [NCC/WCC Orthodox- i.e., the ‘SCOBA-dox’ in America] are guiltless; or that the ‘Orthodox’ in the panoply of World Orthodoxy today are without sin- the speaker in this third video notes at @ 4:30 that the Orthodox- not ‘just’ the Orthodox Ecumenists! – did it AGAIN!

    “Within a year (of the first videos in 1986) “…in December of 1987, Patriarch Demetrios [The Ecumenical Patriarch] prayed at the Vatican in a fully official way with Pope John Paul II, the instigator and leader of the Babylon of Assisi…” (@4:35 in)

    Who is to blame. JEW is to blame. And, following after her pimp, is the Whore of Babylon.

    SO, go spread your theological/historical lies someplace else, would you?

  23. Fr John, that is an excellent video link, added to my favourites now — not that I favour what it depicts.

  24. A couple more points, to rain coals on an unrepentant head….

    The post from which that last quote came is here:…-and-yet-and-yet…/

    It is not just the ‘organization’ that is at fault. That can be fixed.
    What I am TELLING Lynda is that it is the SPIRIT of Rome, and her presumption that she has validity, that colors (Pun intended) all her missionary activity- from the first ‘hippie’ – one Francis of Assisi (no saint, he!) on down. THAT is what is FOREIGN to the Gospel.

    As Dr. Farrell (PhD, Oxon.) noted in a column I just put up on my blog yesterday, the entire WORLD is now caught up in this heresy these days-including the modernist Orthodox! Rome just happens to be the biggest ‘playa’ in this antichrist false church, and was the ‘first Protestant’, as one Orthodox hierarch so succinctly pointed out.

    So, when Lynda notes of Orthodox missions to the non-White on this blog – or any other- (doing so, as if to shut my mouth) I am not denying the FACT of it- I am merely denying the PNEVMA of it!

    There is nothing in it of Orthodoxy, nothing of Christ, nothing of “Sanctifying grace;” and nothing can be imparted from Rome- as an institution- other than the ‘common grace’ ALREADY given to all the world- animals and behemah included [Matt. 5:45b]. In short, Orthodoxy rightly denies ANY measure of the Holy Spirit to Rome- I merely point out the next step- the fallacy of presuming salvation, in non-White Roman missionary activities. What Modernist Orthodoxy does, matters nil, as well. And I quote:

    “I have deliberately cited each of these documents out of context and sequence in order to make the point that the assumptions and methods underlying COCU and the Orthodox/Coptic dialogue are one and the same, for without the benefit of the footnotes, to which ecumenical discussion group would one assign each quotation?
    To COCU? To the WCC? Or even to an ecumenical meeting of Roman Catholics and Anglicans?

    Nor is the matter a small one, for the greatest of Orthodox theologian saints, Maximus the Confessor, wrote voluminously – and suffered unspeakable cruelties for precisely his stand – against a similar such proposal in his day. The Orthodox participants in this dialogue are, in other words, willing to turn their backs on the theological and spiritual witness of one of the Church’ s most brilliant saints and theologians. Presumably this is why the WCC statements also call for a “rewriting of Church history and textbooks”! –

    Why all this matters, faithful readers of this blog, is that theology informs/shapes HISTORY. If you believe the Sons of Khazaria are the ‘Chosen People,’ you will act accordingly. Many of you know that to be a BIG lie, these days- in part, thanks to men who have ‘come out from her’, as it says in the Bible. Men like Freedman (!) Koestler, and Sands.

    Well, as one who as ‘come out of her, that ye partake not of her sins,’ (i.e., ROME) there is much the same urgency, to rectify the HISTORICAL FALLACY THAT ROME is a) the Church she once was, and b) the moral guardian of the post-Modernist West!

    So, pardon me for going on the warpath. Sometimes, you have to knock down false idols, in order to save the Tribe. (By the way, he was an Orthodox – not Roman-saint; note the dates – eighth century- some two hundred fifty years, before Rome’s apostasy!)

  25. Clytemenestra makes a good point. The Anglo volunteered to allow mass alien takeover of his nation by a flood of German, Irish, Slav…

    Yet when Romney touches on that character, well, he’s a white supremacist!

  26. yankees brought in ethnic Whites from Europe to reduce the value of native born labor. Same for why our “elites” want to invite the world into the usa today.

    There is nothing new under the sun. The Know Nothing Party makes pretty much the same anti immigration we do in the here and now

  27. Haha, leftoids are such blatant racists:

    “The Romney camp is hurriedly trying to distance the GOP candidate from remarks made by an aide to a British newspaper on Tuesday that touted Romney’s “Anglo-Saxon heritage” and suggested that President Obama’s administration “didn’t fully appreciate the shared history we [the U.K. and the U.S.] have.”

    This is about as stupid a remark as a political aide can make: not only does it sound like a racial slur (a black man can’t understand the deep ties between white America and white England)

    Haha, so, a nigger automatically fully comprehends the deep ties between America and England, by dint of his nigger skin. That’s what this pinhead is saying. Meanwhile, 7/8ths of the niggers in this “country” are chafing to tell him he can’t understand niggers because he doesn’t have nigger skin.

    , it sounds like some kind of weird WASP supremacy talk—the kind of thing people said 120 years ago when they compared the “virtuous”, “old stock Americans” with the immigrants coming through Ellis Island. . .

  28. He did it on purpose. All kinds of fence-sitters went pro-Saxon on twitter today after the inevitable over-reaction from the Left. Politics is racializing fast and Mitt is no idiot.

    There’s a shitstorm coming. It can’t come fast enough AFAIC. Pass the flamethrower and God bless the Interwebs.

  29. There. I’ve said it. I consider my Celtic Ancestry enough Anglo-Saxon to be counted in, as all brits today are at least 50% Celt. So, go fig.

    I’m all for a “I am Spartacus” movement vis-a-vis Anglo-Saxons. First, I like the idea of EVERYBODY in America taking an “I am Spartacus” attitude, right down to the Pakis and the Chinks. Nothing wrong with gratitude where it’s due. Second, Britons and Germanics are practically racially indistinguishable, so I say the become Anglo-Saxons just by signing on the dotted line.

    Drudge right now: “Romney: ‘Looking Forward to Bust of Winston Churchill Being in Oval Office Again’…”

    Mittens is blowing that dog whistle pretty hard if you ask me. I mean, it’s not Paul Revere’s Second Ride yet, but we have to pace ourselves.

  30. Ingveonic– northern German dialect orginating from Denmark, Frisia, Netherlands, resulting the migration to create Ingerland from various component tribes. (Mythologically Followers of the god Yngve) or Frigga. You hear the football fans say it this way. “Frigging useless! frigging rubbish In-Ger-land!” The clue is in the name.

  31. ahh i cna’t wait until they get the show on the road and burn this shithouse down.

    You and me both brother. Goddamn I am full of piss and vinegar and battery acid today. When does the shooting start?

    The Irish only hate the Brits because of their continued occupation of the north of Ireland. This hatred does NOT extend to Americans of British ancestry. I myself am both an IRA supporter and a Mitt Romney supporter.

    Some of us have actually known Irish from Ireland, you know.

    A stake really needs to be put through the heart of the idea that “Anglo-Saxon” is a Northern word.

    I have a surname that makes perfect sense in English and I was “born and baptized Episcopalian” and I’m a southerner so you don’t have to preach to this choir. 🙂 I keep trying to tell people this but people are hard-headed, what are you gonna do?

    After all, where did Saxons originate?

    Absolutely. The older I get, the more I think of myself as Briton, and the more I think of that as Germanic. Nordic doesn’t really reasonate with me the way Germanic does, nowadays.

    Barb, Clytemnestra, bless you ladies!

  32. John- PRAISE GOD!

    With this standing up for what is ENGLISH, perhaps the Holy Spirit is awakening the SAXON, world wide.

    IF Kipling knew ANYTHING, he knew that when the ‘Saxon begins to hate’ it will be a fearsome sight to see.

    If CS Lewis could speak of King Arthur coming back to England when most needed, may my prayer join with yours, to say, REDEEM US AGAIN, O GOD! PURGE ENGLAND OF THE PAYNIM FOE. Restore us, as before, O Lord God, for Thy name’s sake. Not for us, o Lord, but for THY NAME. Amen.

    Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, etc.

  33. “Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, etc” :
    Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina
    [ Everything sounds more impressive when said in Latin]

  34. BRA does exist …….. and WASP’s are not in charge ……..

    Uppity Carl Lewis tells Mitt to shut-up and stay home over his “London isn’t ready for Olympics” comment.

    Carl Lewis …….. said: “Every Olympics is ready, I don’t care whatever he [Romney] said. I swear, sometimes I think some Americans shouldn’t leave the country. Are you kidding me, stay home if you don’t know what to say.”

  35. It would be best if certain Americans would stay home. Bush jr threw-up at a Japanese State dinner given in his honor in Tokyo during an official trip he made as president. 2 days later, back in the States, Bush said in a speech — a blatantly public one– he was glad to be back home where “the food is much better”. As if the Japanese would actually serve their guests garbage to eat. What a slap-in-the-face to the Japanese. Great ambassador for the USA.
    During a trip to Brazil, Ronnie Reagan said, in a public speech in Brazil’s capital city, “I’m looking out and I see alot of black faces. I didn’t know there were black people in Brazil”. More blacks were brought over to Brazil than any other country in the new world. I guess the State Dept forgot to mention that to Ronnie. What a joke.

  36. It’s true the Jews [ or at least the Jews at -the -helm- of -power] don’t want Anglos to take any pride in their history and heritage : It’s also true Romney loves the Jews at-the helm-of-power to kibbles and bits. Romney made is fortune through “creative destruction” and “theft and redistribution” ; No different then the Federal Reserve Banking Jews on Wall Street. It’s poetic justice of sorts : A negro is telling Romney to-go-take-a-hike. It’s a hoot ; But it’s going to be okay: Next Stop —> The Wailing Wall. Romney can go cry his eyes out to his Jew masters in Jerusalem . Laughing online.

  37. @Stonelifter

    “fear of loss should not override what we stand to gain”

    If Romney losses, you won’t gain a damned thing. Least of all, your precious “Dixie”.

  38. The Family

    I was just watching the opening ceremonies of the London Olympics ….. they had a piece called “The Family” where a WHITE-BLOND women pulls up in front of her house in a red and white Austin Mini and her BLACK son gets out and they go into the house where she greeted by her BLACK husband and their BLACK daughters.

    WTF has the UK become ???

    Mitt was correct: London isn’t ready for the Olympics …… they are too culturally FU by promoting miscegenation. Where did they get this stupid actress to play the part?

  39. Fr John
    I’m not disparaging Anglos: The Federal Reserve Bankers are, and Romney loves ’em. I have nothing to do with it. I just disparaged Romney– not the whole Anglo world ; Learn how to read. If I had my way, there’d be no Federal Reserve Bank and no Freemasons — it’s the Freemason big-shots that keep the Federal Reserve bankers in power. You always call me a “Jew-troll” when I mention the baneful effects of the Federal Reserve and/or Freemasons and/or the role of the Southern big-shots in fomenting the war of 1861 : Especially when I include links and google search terms.
    I’ve been very clear about how much I detest the whole set-up of financial/government control throughout my last 3-4 months posting at “OD” .
    Just because I don’t care to hear about weird, 5,000 year old Middle-Eastern tribes, your phony devoutness, your phony “prayers” , your claim to be so much better informed and educated than anyone else , doesn’t follow I’m a “Jew-troll”, or any other slanderous bullshit you dish out .
    I don’t know who elected you to be [+ the minister +] here at “OD”. I wouldn’t vote for you for anything. Your “ministry” @ John is awful: Just chock-full of lies, disambiguation, distortions, half-truths, made-up so-called truths : as per your ‘holiness” ; Deflection, hobby-horse playing to avoid the real issues, and then devolving into ad-hominem slurs and remarks if someone disagrees with you in the least :
    It doesn’t follow I’m a “Jew-troll” just because I post links and google search terms so my fellow White Americans can learn another side of the topic(s) being discussed. You @ John are supposed to be all about truth—> as per your incessant and unending implication —-> One would think someone who’s all about truth would welcome as many facts and as much information as possible : But no, not with you @ John : If I post some links and google search terms, as per you , I’m some kind of “Jew-troll”. No one wonder so many White Americans are turned off to religion with s many phony ministers like you a -dime-a-dozen.
    * In your above post– the one I’m responding to– you call me a “Jew”. But you really mean : “Jew troll”. You’ve called me that so many times, that’s what you mean. My words, my links, and my google search terms I include in many of my posts, stand on their own merits.
    [ Non nobis, Domine, non nobis*] means ” Not to us, O Lord, not to us …… They have mouths and speak not….” :
    Reminds me of you @ John. Alot of words coming from you, but hardly any substantial information/facts.
    * Psalm 119: 9 thru 13

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