Caribbean Project: The American Revolution: A Victory for Anti-Slavery

British West Indies

The following excerpt comes from Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy’s An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean.

The single biggest mistake we ever made in our entire history was joining the American Revolution. In the process of revolting against King George III, we cleaved our own civilization in two, fatally undermined slavery in the Southern colonies and the British West Indies, and put ourselves under the thumb of the Yankee in the Union on the basis of dubious constitutional guarantees:

“Finally, the division of British America helped the cause of abolitionists in both Britain and the United States. It more than halved the number of slaves in the British Empire and made slavery appear virtually limited to the southern United States. The “peculiar institution” of slavery was not peculiar before 1776. On the contrary, slavery characterized the wealthiest and most populous colonies of British America. There were almost a million slaves in British America before 1776. It is little wonder that antebellum southern expansionists dreamed of incorporating islands in the Caribbean into the United States in order to enlarge their power and to balance the slave-owning states in the Senate against the North.

Abolitionists were well aware of the significance of the division of the British Empire. “As long as America was ours,” wrote Clarkson in 1788, “there was no chance that a minister would have attended to the groans of the sons and daughters of Africa, however he might feel for their distress.” It prevented the island and southern planters from uniting against the abolitionists. The West India lobby was unable to appeal for support from the colonial lobbies of Virginia and South Carolina after 1776.”

Just think of what might have been: Greater Dixie might have become a powerful Anglo-Saxon dominion like Canada or Australia.

Note: Wasn’t it Benjamin Franklin who famously said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately?” In that case, we should have chosen to hang together with the British West Indies which spawned our own civilization and which shared our culture and long term interests.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Canada and Australia are a lot father down the path of cultural marxism with anti hate speech laws, more anti Man laws on the books, very limited firearm ownership…. We’d not be better off being a part of the British Empire. We’d be worse off

  2. Yeah today.

    The whole world has lived under the shadow of the American Empire since the Second World War. The liberal capitalist democracy model has infected Germany, Japan, Spain and lots of other countries.

  3. ‘Just think of what might have been: Greater Dixie might have become a powerful Anglo-Saxon dominion like Canada or Australia.’

    This is essentially the Golden Circle concept.

    Not only did the West Indies share our interests with regards to slavery, but also with free trade and numerous other economic, social and political issues. As you note, we were the same civilisation.

  4. ‘Just think of what might have been: Greater Dixie might have become a powerful Anglo-Saxon dominion like Canada or Australia.’

    They’d have to clean up Vancouver and Toronto first. 1/2 population of Hongcouver are Chinese; and 1/2 the population of Toronto are 3rd worlders – a deadend refugee town.

  5. Maybe the South could join in Sacred Union with Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Gabon, Cameroon, and the Congo, to form a New and Innovative, Unprecedented and Inventive, Bright and Shining Nation. As per + Fr John +, you can still buy slaves in Africa for 50 bucks. That would make slaves affordable for even the hillbillies and the average NASCAR fan. Move the capital from Richmond to Kinshasha. Less chance of Yankee invasion that way. Richmond was always so vulnerable.
    Put Tamer-of-Wild-Savages on slave-patrol to guard against slave revolts. There you go : A New and Innovative, Bright and Shining Nation.

  6. From a theological perspective, both the constructs of Empire (as in Britain’s model) and the construct of Democracy (as in the US of A’s model) are faulty, in that biblical [patristic/orthodox] models were (or should be) of contained nation-states with homogenous populations, where the State and the Church acted ‘in loco parentis’ to help citizens/subjects grow into maturity, to serve both their own interests as well as the state/kingdom’s.

    In contrast, let’s look at the two models being put forward in this article- one, for obvious reasons- and the other, as a ‘given’ in America these days.

    Empire can only grow, become more dictatorial, hegemonic, multicultural. By virtue of becoming an Empire, it presumes to subsume ‘non-like’ territories, thus breaking down homogeneity, group interest, and ultimately, racial unity. You end up with the very model of all pagan empires, that were anathema to the God of one Nation, [Biblical] Israel.

    Democracies were feared by the Ancient Greeks for other reasons but there are similarities. Unless the lesser intellects of a city-state are ruled against indulging their own baser emotions, the ‘mob’ will vote themselves ‘bread and circuses’ time and time again- with increasing demands for ‘my rights’ as against the ‘group’s rights,’ freedom (i.e., .license for perversion) as opposed to Law (restraint). Eventually, you have representatives being elected by those who have the most cash to ‘buy’ the vote.

    It very quickly becomes a matter of utter anarchy- something the logical Greeks, the Germanic tribes, and the Anglo-Saxon abhorred; thus the Attic model, the Germanic penchant for ordering everything, and the British desire for ‘order, decency’ etc. BEFORE the rise of the one thing dispensed with, that no one today wants to talk about, that can actually ‘redeem’ either state model…. for a time.


    I won’t go into the rationales for a religion to curb the baser qualities of Western Man; we should all know this tack, if we’ve studied history, read a Bible, or gone to church for more than six months. Suffice it to say that Christianity – real, not liberal/multiculti/apostate Western filioquist ‘Xtianity’- actually can make ‘earth more like heaven’ when lived, preached, and acted upon.

    Trouble is, the Church is run by sinful men. And there is a third element in either Empire or Democracy that will destroy whichever model is chosen, that no religion can redeem (in either of these models). That is the fallacy that ‘man is as god,’ and can therefore, rule himself, without an outside authority as the ‘guiding light’ to lead him away from Idolatry, and the Delusion of a man with ‘Feet of Clay’ (Biblical allusion to Daniel’s vision intended) as ‘standing on solid ground (hymn allusion intended).

    This third element is known as filioquism.

    An excellent primer on White Man, Civilization, Christianity, and our fitness to rule and reign (over other races) is Chas. A. Weisman’s ‘Origin of Race and Civilization.’ (1990, Weisman Publications, Burnsville, MN.)

    I’m going to quote a few very important quotes from Weisman:

    “…the cause of the downfall of many…. great civilizations has also been… largely, a racial one. Outside of war or natural catastrophe, such great civilizations have failed due to the racial disruption of the white race, as Mr. Cox has stated:

    1)The White race has founded all civilizations
    2)The White race, remaining white, has not lost civilization,
    3) The White race, become hybrid, has not RETAINED civilization.”

    -from Ernest S. Cox, White America, Congress Edition, 1925, p.23, found on p. 161 of Weisman.

    Weisman noted that one of the ways a White civilization is destroyed, is by the ‘…social or legal acceptance of racial equality and admixture.’

    (What do we have today? What is the Obamanation?)

    Weisman also notes that ‘[T]he doctrines of Christianity are truly intended to be civil in nature, not religious. They prescribe how people are to deal with one another in society, economics, and in law and justice.’ (ibid.) Fascinatingly enough, Weisman notes how civilizations are destroyed, even those founded on Christian religions-
    “Throughout history there has been one race that has developed Christian based civilizations, the white race, and there has been one group of people committed to destroy them- the Khazr of Ashkenai Jews… as one Jew wrote:

    ” The jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judaises, he destroyes Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, or morals, and of life upon those whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task, the annihilation of the religion of Christ.” (Weisman quoting B. Lazare’s ‘L’Antisemitisme,’ p. 350.

    Filioquism is nothing less, than the Judaization of Christian theology- this has been the position of the remaining 4/5ths of the original “Ecumene”- the Christian, civilized world of the Apostles- what we would call WHITE EUROPE . It ( the filioque) was an addition to the Patristic (Apostolic) religion of the first millennium of the Church (before she became ‘Multicultural in her missiology- those to whom the Gospel should go), and it eventually enabled/made elevated one man (albeit a Bishop of the Church – i.e., the Pope) to a status of ‘semi-divine’ High Priest that has no other analogy, except to the pagan High Priests of the ancient Empires- and is thus, a return to the Pagan Empire builders.

    By the Enlightenment, most of Europe, dealing with ever-greater schizophrenia between the Pagan Empire model of the Pope, and the ‘Alle Menschen waren Brueder’ Democracy/Mobocracy of the Englightenment, exploded. The first explosion was the Protestant Reformation. The Second Explosion was the American/French Revolutions. The chronicle of those eras (from either side) are contained in Luther’s writings/Pole’s defense of the church, and Burke’s History/Paine’s Rights of Man in defense of the two models of rule. But neither Luther/Pole, nor Burke/Paine were operating with a full deck, because all of them were still mired in the philosophical premises of the filioque. As Dr. Farrell noted, “”The filioque is the outward, efficacious, and visible symbol of an inward and metaphysical depravity.”

    So, while I can grasp what you are trying to do here, Hunter, the problem is this:
    1) we cannot have non-Whites in our civilization, if it is to continue. We all KNOW THIS FACT, intuitively. We just don’t want to go there-from Hillary, to Mittens. Unlike the Obamanation, we can see that a Nigger cannot rule as well as a White Man. But the stating of that, is the great ‘elephant in the room’ no one but we ‘happy few’ can utter.
    2) While the removal of slavery from the US’s national picture was a necessary development, the Abolitionists were both factual and material: a) Heretics theologically and in their persons. They combined both the Anarchic impulse of Mobocracy (vide French revolution/Greek city-states’ fear of the ‘hoi polloi’) as well as a filioquist universalism garnered (though they would have denied it of themselves) from the Papal West, via Luther’s Roman Augustinianism, skewed to the most anarchic of the Protestant sects- the Anabaptists, and applied to Niggers, as THOUGH THEY WERE THE EQUAL OF WHITE MEN.


    While you may ponder (and I can see where you were going with the statement) “Greater Dixie might have become a powerful Anglo-Saxon dominion like Canada or Australia,” I do not believe this would have been accomplished, had THINGS REMAINED AS THEY WERE. While the South continued to view Niggers as ‘less than fully human’, they also did not wish to dispense with their livelihood. I care nothing for Blacks on a moral level- they are not Israel, they are not ‘of us,’ etc. What I do find impossible, is the thought that we could have remained a civilization, having a) non-Whites in our physical midst, and b) a form of filioquist universalism in our collective theological midst.

    We need to break free, once and for all, from both the fallacy that a) non-Whites are our equal, and b) we can remain ‘unaffected’ by their presence, even if they were reduced once again to the status of slaves, and ‘non-persons.’ We also need to break free from Rome’s fallacious theological premises- particularly the heresy of the filioque- and return to our Patristic, Orthodox roots.

    Someone on this board mentioned Harold Godwinson as the last Orthodox King of Britain, and that, even so, he collected slaves, etc. I’ve noted on my blog that slavery is an INESCAPABLE CONSTRUCT, and therefore poses very little theological problems for me, because I also do not believe the filioquist lies of a) the Pope having universal jurisdiction (a claim to ‘own the whole world’ [sic] for Christ), which then leads to the equal and even more damning fallacy of b) universal salvation- God wants all the “niggers of the world” (and the chinks, and the gooks, and the spics, and the ……..) to ‘come to Christ.’ I no longer believe this. Christianity was for the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel,’ and the ‘sons of Adam’ and for them only. I believe the Adamic race to be the White Race, and the ‘lost sheep’ to be the lost ten tribes, which compromise the various sub-races, and nations/language groups of what historically have been called “Europe.” Because I no longer believe in the Pope, I no longer hold to the faulty paradigms that have influenced Western “Xtianity” for lo, these thousand years.

    For, as Weisman noted, if White Civilization is Christian civilization (and vice versa) -look to Belloc for that pithy little tautology (“Europe is the Faith; the Faith, Europe”) then the third statement of Cox applies equally well to Our Common Faith, when applied consistently: “The White race, become hybrid, has not RETAINED civilization”- i.e., Christianity, become hybrid, has not retained Christ- that is, hybrid ‘Xtianity’ for all races, colors, and creeds, does not retain the Holy Spirit.

    And we’re back to PAGAN Empire again, or warring factions in a mobocracy.

    Only the Orthodox model, of a unified Race, living in a unified Land, practicing a unified Faith, overseen by a ‘little father’ of like race unto ‘his people’ [Matt. 1:21] is the ONLY biblical Model there is. If Christ is King over Israel, why should it come as no surprise that as the US has been more like that model, we have been most effective- and when we have been least like that model- we have been least effective.

    It’s not coincidence that the Founding Fathers mostly came from Virginia, which was Church of England territory, or that Geo. Washington was an Anglican. As OUR ‘little father’ all of the ideas iterated in the Orthodox model are there- for, during the Revolution, the THEOLOGICAL UNANIMITY, even in the midst of denominational plurality, overrode the factious nature of the various Protestant sects, etc.

    Sorry for the long post, but there was a lot to cover…..

  7. Canada has pretty extensive weapons rights.

    I’m surprised no yanks have come over to the UK to get some equivalent of the 2nd amendment passed.

  8. Oh, and one last thought.

    The slaves that King Harold Godwinson captured, were WHITE slaves.

    The Slaves that the Ancient Hebrews captured, we can infer were WHITE/Caucasoid slaves.

    Thus, the ‘ten generations’ rule for slaves EVENTUALLY becoming “Children of Israel” would not have transgressed both a) the MORAL prohibition of the anti-miscegenation clauses of the Pentateuch, as WELL AS, the b) RACIAL prohibition of fornicating with the ‘lesser races’ (i.e., Blacks) that no sane (true) Hebrew would have countenanced. It is instructive, that even in the N.T., the only ‘Black’ we see is a EUNUCH, and not a “WHOLE MAN”. He (and others of his race) can enter, as LONG AS THEY DON’T/CAN’T procreated with the ‘holy seed’ [Ez. 9:2] of the restored people of all “Judah” and “Israel”. Truly, we do not know how severely we have sinned against the Almighty, when we see a black buck with a trollop White slut…..

  9. Slaves were generally either criminal, stupid, war booty, debtors, captured in raids, There were no prisoners in jails. The Vikings came to England to slave. The big slave markets in Europe were Dublin (importing Brits), Rouen a Viking entrepôt to France and boulogne ( opening to Flanders) William claimed a percent of all people brought in or out of England.

  10. I trust as I pray someone saved Aunt Bee’s pie-baking Recipes. We’re going to need Apple, Peach, and Blueberry pies in our Bright and Shining new Nation. I hope the Hollywood jooozie-schmoozies didn’t destroy the Recipes. That would be just like them to do it too: Destroy our heritage.
    Whatever happened to Aunt Bee? Is she okay ? Aunt Bee won more church pie-baking contests than anyone in the History of the US. Can’t say that about any yankee gal. No sirre bob.
    I trust as I pray Aunt Bee wasn’t thrown in a nursing home, especially as the nursing homes are now staffed by mexican illegals ; Maybe Aunt Bee got lucky ?: Maybe Mammy is watching out for her. Or, maybe Goober took her in ? I trust as I pray Opie calls her and checks in with Aunt Bee every Sunday, at least. I’m sure he does, Opie was always such a good and obedient Christian boy.
    I certainly trust as I mightily pray Aunt Bee told the Mayberry church minister not to take the 501c tax break offered to the churches in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ; So the minister wouldn’t be beholden to Uncle Sam and ipso facto preach only what Uncle Sam wants preached [ like open-borders, BRA, communism,etc.]
    Maybe Aunt Bee and her lady friends in church drove all the Freemasons out of the county ? I certainly trust as I mightily pray Aunt Bee is not giving the Sell-Out Ministers and the Freemasons a slice of her award-winning pies : Rest Assured ; Mayberry was always a-way ahead of the curve about what’s best for White Americans. Yes sirre bob.

  11. Michael Hoffman , at his very informative website, “revisionisthistory” ( .org) talks about how Whites were thrown into slavery along with blacks. Great website. Slavery is a jew/talmudic economic system* to-the-core : disgusting and putrid. Michael Hoffman has information/facts about slavery, the talmud, freemasonry : And how it all ties-in-together. Excellent website.
    * Jew/Talmudic economic system : Like share-cropping is.
    * Jew/Talmudic economic system : Like Communism is.

  12. Yeah, being part of a nation that includes Haiti, Jamaica and the Barbados… that’s the ticket. That would certainly have provided a better standard of living for Dixie, I mean it’s not like you would be adding even more low-IQ, work averse citizens to your Republic.

    You can’t send blacks from Haiti to NYC on a bus, either. You are pretty much stuck with them.

    Your hatred for the damn yankees is making you put forward some really off-the-wall propositions. The original sin of Dixie was importing millions of Africans. The ratio of whites to Africans was even worse on many of the islands. In 2012 Dixie is still paying for the original sin of the founders. Dixie pays in crime, welfare dependency, low educational achievement, and taxes to support the huge criminal justice system that states like Alabama and Mississippi need to have given the huge black population in the states.

    You can keep on imagining more and more outlandish scenarios — Island Dixie would have repatriated the Africans, Island Dixie would have sent the Africans to New Yor by steamship. But at that point you might as well be writing science-fiction novels like HAC.

  13. 1)The White race has founded all civilizations

    REALLY? Whites founded China, Japan, Korea, and India? LOL.

  14. Not fantastic speculative fiction. The Jim Crow laws drove down the percentage of blacks in the south 10%-20% in some cases more. Repressive laws do actually force out undesirables. Most of those Islands could be cleared with a simple blockade. There’s no desire there of course.

  15. @John
    As you live in England, why don’t you @ John go tell The Queen of England to blockade the British isles — that would “clear” out all the Africans, Pakistanis, Middle-Easerners, etc from Albion. I guess you have no desire. You only desire to spend all your time on an American website telling Amrericans how to handle our problems. As far as I know, it can be easily verified by going online to any English news website, England could benefit from some really good, solid advice as well. You know, like the good, solid advice you @ John– who live in England– give to us Americans. Your fellow Brits are in sore need of you AND Charity begins at home after all.

  16. Excuse the typo: “Americans”. I was typing too fast.
    Very strange that someone from England is here at “OD” 24/7. Especially as England is in such dire straights and @ John has so many “good” ideas on how to solve problems. One would think John would want to try to help his fellow Brits solve the problems that plague @ John’s England. But no, @ John is going to solve America’s problems somehow, while he ignores his own country.

  17. Michael Hoffman has written much of the Talmud and his research into White slavery is eye-opening- to say the least. I would like to know how many of us were aware of this history? Comments/opinions welcome to a portion of his article posted below.

    The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain

    The indentured servants who served a tidy little period of 4 to 7 years polishing the master’s silver and china and then taking their place in colonial high society, were a minuscule fraction of the great unsung hundreds of thousands of White slaves who were worked to death in this country from the early l7th century onward.

    Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America’s first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too.

    Whites were auctioned on the block with children sold and separated from their parents and wives sold and separated from their husbands. Free Black property owners strutted the streets of northern and southern American cities while White slaves were worked to death in the sugar mills of Barbados and Jamaica and the plantations of Virginia.

    The Establishment has created the misnomer of “indentured servitude” to explain away and minimize the fact of White slavery. But bound Whites in early America called themselves slaves. Nine-tenths of the White slavery in America was conducted without indentures of any kind but according to the so-called “custom of the country,” as it was known, which was lifetime slavery administered by the White slave merchants themselves.

    In George Sandys laws for Virginia, Whites were enslaved “forever.” The service of Whites bound to Berkeley’s Hundred was deemed “perpetual.” These accounts have been policed out of the much touted “standard reference works” such as Abbott Emerson Smith’s laughable whitewash, Colonists in Bondage.

    I challenge any researcher to study 17th century colonial America, sifting the documents, the jargon and the statutes on both sides of the Atlantic and one will discover that White slavery was a far more extensive operation than Black enslavement. It is when we come to the 18th century that one begins to encounter more “servitude” on the basis of a contract of indenture. But even in that period there was kidnapping of Anglo-Saxons into slavery as well as convict slavery.

    In 1855, Frederic Law Olmsted, the landscape architect who designed New York’s Central Park, was in Alabama on a pleasure trip and saw bales of cotton being thrown from a considerable height into a cargo ship’s hold. The men tossing the bales somewhat recklessly into the hold were Negroes, the men in the hold were Irish.

    Olmsted inquired about this to a shipworker. “Oh,” said the worker, “the niggers are worth too much to be risked here; if the Paddies are knocked overboard or get their backs broke, nobody loses anything.”

    Before British slavers traveled to Africa’s western coast to buy Black slaves from African chieftains, they sold their own White working class kindred (“the surplus poor” as they were known) from the streets and towns of England, into slavery. Tens of thousands of these White slaves were kidnapped children. In fact the very origin of the word kidnapped is kid-nabbed, the stealing of White children for enslavement.

  18. Joe,

    you don’t know where I reside. Or where I own property. Leave it at that would you you ignorant twit.

  19. @John
    I truly don’t know : That’s besides the point. The point is: You yourself @ John said you live in England. If that’s not true, then you’re a liar. I can only go by the words I read in your posts. That’s all I care to go by.

  20. Blech. A giant pan-Caribbean slave empire sounds about as appetizing as a warm bucket of spit.

    No wonder the Confederacy never got off the ground if that was something it’s architects considered a good idea.

  21. Bacon’s Rebellion was the death-knell of the south. After that, it was inevitable. The ruling elites of the south choose money over blood, so they lost the former and paid with the latter. Before Bacon’s rebellion, they didn’t care who they enslaved or what race. They tried to appease the poor whites… they should have shipped the niggers back then and there. It was a sign of bigger things to come.

  22. Google:
    ” talmud + banking + slavery”
    Lots of info.
    Good article from Hoffman’s website: Scroll down to ”
    Website/article is on first page of selections. About middle of page. The other selections are interesting as well.
    “Revisionist Review” is a good website for many topics and issues concerning slavery [white and black], the talmud, freemasons, the catholic church, government, and how power works in this world.

  23. Hanged not hung.

    It’s just a lack of nerve when contemplating what had happened to the US. Wringing your hands at their presence here doesn’t change the solution. Repressive authoritarian

  24. No wonder there is so much sci-fi like Terminator. Why wouldn’t man fear that his mechanical servants would eventually devour him? His flesh and blood ones have done it so often in the past. Such ominous forebodings should he heeded to.

  25. Horrible story Jim. Just sickening.

    See, Hunter? No matter what the arrangement — slave or employee — if they are in physical proximity to you, they are an inevitable danger to you. But go on re-imagining history all you like. Take no responsibility for the greedy and foolhardy choices your ancestors made. Whatever gets you through the day.

  26. If it be not slavery, where lies the partition of the interests that has led at last to actual separation of the Southern from the Northern States? …Every year, for some years back, this or that Southern state had declared that it would submit to this extortion only while it had not the strength for resistance. With the election of Lincoln and an exclusive Northern party taking over the federal government, the time for withdrawal had arrived … The conflict is between semi-independent communities [in which] every feeling and interest [in the South] calls for political partition, and every pocket interest [in the North] calls for union … So the case stands, and under all the passion of the parties and the cries of battle lie the two chief moving causes of the struggle. Union means so many millions a year lost to the South; secession means the loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this, as of many other evils… The quarrel between the North and South is, as it stands, solely a fiscal quarrel–Charles Dickens

    There is a lot to be recommended in this statement. One reason why the Southern states were annihilated was to preserve a confiscatory tax base that funded infrastructure and capitalization elsewhere. It’s interesting that Dickens is not mawkish or sentimental about slavery. You would have expected him to have been a rabid union supporter. But no. He looks very carefully at how taxes are collected. Stonelifter has made various arguments about this. All the Southerners wanted to do was make their own country and a bunch of German, Irish and Yankee kleptocrats said no.

    There would be no Negro population in the USA if the CSA had been left to it’s own devices.

  27. That Detroit, Chicago, Compton, St Louis, Newark, Harlem, Baltimore, Oakland are what they are today is a direct consequence of the tax enslavement of the 1860’s era Southerner, the vandalization of their estates, the dispossession of their children, their disenfranchisement and thwarted bid for a country of their own.

    If the CSA had been respected and recognized the North, West and Midwest would not be plagued today.

  28. @John

    It doesn’t matter if you do own property here, or happen to reside here. You’re not an American. You’re just another unwelcome, foreign, squatter who comes here to enjoy all the liberties that my forefathers died to leave to ME, and all the while arrogantly disrespecting and dismissing their history. I’d just as soon purge you as I would any nigger or mestizo.

    And I can’t believe I’m in agreement with Joe, but he’s right about this. No one is in the mood to here some British refugee tell Americans how to administer their own damn country, or tell us how own history should have played out. You don’t like how we do things, then GO HOME.

  29. You still know very little about me to be making a statement like that. Cherie Blair (wife of Tony Blair) for example is a descendent of John Wilkes Booth. Churchill was himself partly American. 😉 Most English aristocrats have an American heiress in the bloodlines these days.

    Either way, I wear your scorn as a badge of honour.

  30. What is funny about chris is that he doesn’t recognize that the South literally went down under a hail of fire from 500,000 German and Irish ‘squatters’ who no doubt hated the Anglo with as much passion today as they did back then. It never ever changes.

  31. Joe, if you actually read you’ll know where I live, and where I travel. I’m an open book, but you don’t know how to read, that is all. Someone pointed out that you produce text walls (basically comparing what you do to amateur writers who submit mountainous novels to real publishing houses and screw up the copy editors) , you are so busy blabbering about the CT that revolves in your crackpot head that you do not take the time to actually read what people say, when they say it and for what purpose.

  32. @John

    Spare me the history lesson. If you think America and it’s past is so horrible and unjust, then why do you choose to live here?

  33. If you think it’s so great why are you posting on this sort of website?

    Ok I’ll spare the history lesson. Would you prefer a geography lesson

    1. 750000 square miles

    2. 32599 square miles

    A. CSA

    B Eire

    Connect the territory to the political entity. How is it possible to maintain that one entity (both clearly identified by peculiar dialect, climate, customs, economy and ideas) deserves statehood while the other is denied even a sniff of autonomy?

    Given the hispanic and asian invasion the Western states will be lost in a generation and the US will fragment into at least three nations. The whole system is just sleepwalking right now.

  34. Chris – John is wonderful!!!! Settle DOWN!

    John – Chris is wonderful!!!! Settle DOWN.

    2 of my very favorite-est Posters must not fight here. This makes Denise wear a sad face, when 2 wonderful men bitch slap each other.

    Save it for our enemies…..

  35. Britain, whatever her faults did NOT just elect a Mugabe wannabe!

    Obama recently activated an IRS audit on a Romney donor. He’s openly hostile to Anglos as we have seen from Axelrod today. There’s no way this could happen in blighty.

  36. Jackson- Your comment is not against me, but against Mr. Weisman.

    Moreover, to a true Christian, the ‘civilizations’ you mention, “aren’t worth crap” as the Monty Python folks say, because they aren’t:

    a) White
    b) Christian.

  37. I still agree with Stonelifter I feel what remains of the law that rules us here in America is better than in the other Anglo-Saxon nations. Liberal capitalist democracy originating in the United States is blamed for the decline of these other nations but the question is if you admit that these other nations are further gone into Cultural Marxist ideology than the United States how is that possible? Shouldn’t the United States be further gone since this is where all the deviltry supposedly originated to begin with?

    Of course part of your argument is that the entire British Empire may have developed much differently if the American South had remained in it which is possible.

    Also while in some sense the culture of the settlers in South Carolina from Barbados may have had a greater impact on the Lower South than Virginia did, I can think of one area where this isn’t true, namely anti-miscegenation laws.

    To my knowledge Barbados never had an anti-miscegenation law and even if did at some point I don’t see how it can be claimed that the colony of South Carolina inherited this from Barbados considering South Carolina didn’t enact anything like an anti-miscegenation law until the year 1717. Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts and North Carolina in that order proceeded South Carolina in passing such laws with Virginia being the first in 1691.

    Some people try to claim Maryland was the first colony with an anti-miscegenation law in the 1660’s but this law only forbade white women from marrying black slaves it didn’t stop them from marrying free blacks which did exist. The Virginia law of 1691 was the first law that prevented all whites both men and women from marrying all blacks regardless of whether they were slave or free.

    In addition to cultural descent I remember you saying yourself HW that you are descended from families originating in Virginia and North Carolina. 🙂

  38. Jackson,

    (1) Saint-Domingue was a French colony. It was not part of the British West Indies.

    (2) The “original sin” of Dixie was joining the American Revolution. The result of that war was that we ended up in the Union with Red Republicans in the Northeast who were bent on leveling all social hierarchies.

    (3) It was a short step from throwing off the monarchy and running out the British in the name of “all men are created equal” to advocating the leveling of master and slave and blacks and Whites and men and women.

    (4) That’s not how the Revolution was remembered in the South. It was remembered in a different way though in the Northeast.

    (5) All those things you mention above are the fruit of abolition.

    (6) Unlike the Northeast, the British West Indies were slave societies, and they shared with us the same institutions, interests, and culture, and they would have worked with us to phase out slavery and repatriate Africans in the long term.

    (7) OTOH, righteous Yankees in the Northeast invaded the South and destroyed slavery and gave us negro equality because it was self evidently the “moral” and “righteous” and “religious” thing to do.

  39. I might add that Cuba or whatnot could have been reserved for blacks as a sort of Indian Reservation.

  40. 50$? Really? In the middle of the 19th century people were complaining that the price had risen to 500$. That’s not inflation-adjusted, either.

    Reinstating slavery would be pointless. Sugarcane is harvested in the United States by large machines, in Brazil by the traditional machete-wielding slaves. Very soon, improvements in computer vision will lead to robots picking fruit.

    Something interesting is happening technologically that throws these old arguments out and raises new ones. What happens when there are very few jobs left that Africans are qualified to do?

    Already they use machetes to do a machine’s work.

  41. Slavery is not the answer. Total separation of the races is the answer.

    The J-pestilence did not cause race mixing or equalitarianism: it acted as a catalyst greatly accelerating it, but it was inevitable as long as black semen and white wombs were not absolutely separated by a lot of miles. (Or the other way around, if given long enough: even if only a tiny fraction of Southern slaveowners serviced their house negresses, a breed of high yellows far more able to win over the trashier white women than full blacks ever could, would sooner or later intermix. Those icons of fifties Whiteness, Dwight Eisenhower and Ava Gardner, show unmistakeable signs of admixture to the trained eye, as do several pre-WWII ballplayers and big band leaders.) Portugal, Brazil, or Mexico are the inevitable result.

    The White race can still, I think, be saved, but only by some type of total separation of a sizable enough breeding pool combined with at least moderately aggressive negative eugenics. The impending implosion of the United States may be a good thing, in that at least parts of Europe may be de-yoked from the mixologist forces, combined with the J-pestilence being tied up with other matters if their New New Jersey on the Jordan really has to fight for its survival without an unlimited source of funding and weapons.

    In a world without Amerikwa, with no effective UN or NATO forces, several violent rearrangements of power will probably occur. Some of these could be to our advantage, as well.

  42. Google: ” southern elite + knights of the golden circle”
    Lots of facts/information about the Southern ” aristocracy”, slavery and empire -building , left out of our abridged history books.

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