Caribbean Project: The American Revolution: A Victory for Anti-Slavery

British West Indies

The following excerpt comes from Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy’s An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean.

The single biggest mistake we ever made in our entire history was joining the American Revolution. In the process of revolting against King George III, we cleaved our own civilization in two, fatally undermined slavery in the Southern colonies and the British West Indies, and put ourselves under the thumb of the Yankee in the Union on the basis of dubious constitutional guarantees:

“Finally, the division of British America helped the cause of abolitionists in both Britain and the United States. It more than halved the number of slaves in the British Empire and made slavery appear virtually limited to the southern United States. The “peculiar institution” of slavery was not peculiar before 1776. On the contrary, slavery characterized the wealthiest and most populous colonies of British America. There were almost a million slaves in British America before 1776. It is little wonder that antebellum southern expansionists dreamed of incorporating islands in the Caribbean into the United States in order to enlarge their power and to balance the slave-owning states in the Senate against the North.

Abolitionists were well aware of the significance of the division of the British Empire. “As long as America was ours,” wrote Clarkson in 1788, “there was no chance that a minister would have attended to the groans of the sons and daughters of Africa, however he might feel for their distress.” It prevented the island and southern planters from uniting against the abolitionists. The West India lobby was unable to appeal for support from the colonial lobbies of Virginia and South Carolina after 1776.”

Just think of what might have been: Greater Dixie might have become a powerful Anglo-Saxon dominion like Canada or Australia.

Note: Wasn’t it Benjamin Franklin who famously said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately?” In that case, we should have chosen to hang together with the British West Indies which spawned our own civilization and which shared our culture and long term interests.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jim says:
    “Bacon’s Rebellion was the death-knell of the south. After that, it was inevitable. The ruling elites of the south choose money over blood, so they lost the former and paid with the latter. Before Bacon’s rebellion, they didn’t care who they enslaved or what race.”

    I agree. After reading Michael Hoffman’s accounts (and other historians) I must admit to being angered and disgusted by the treatment inflicted upon so-called lower class children and other Whites by their superiors. I am so glad that for whatever reasons I was not born in that day for my people were common folk of modest means. No titles no pedigree, no nothin’.

    Oh yeah, slavery is great, unless of course, it is you, your mother, daughter, sister and brother who is treated like shit and worked to death for the enjoyment of some fat ass muckety muck aristocrat who’d rather not get his chubbly little fingers dirty.

    Slavery is an abomination! Matters not the race. How in the world can we justify it?

    As for the negro? He should have stayed in Africa. Cursed be those who brought them here. They are a plague destroying the civilized world.

  2. As for the negro? He should have stayed in Africa. Cursed be those who brought them here. They are a plague destroying the civilized world.

    Amen to that! This is the main reason I will be voting for Romney in November. The only thing worse than having a black as president is having a black as a two-term president.

  3. As for Bacon’s Rebellion, chattel negro slavery and the anti-miscegenation laws existed before Bacon’s Rebellion in Tidewater, and the slave code that was adopted in the Deep South came from Barbados, not Virginia.

  4. Here’s a comment on that thread, of the [above] article:

    “David Peacock • 2 hours ago• parent


    37 likes, thus far, to 9 dislikes. Nope – that’s not my post.

    This post has been there for 2 hours

    The N-bomb has landed, in MSM.

  5. Indentured servants were not slaves. That’s actually why the system failed. Plantation labor was too unhealthy for Whites, too unprofitable, it wasn’t hereditary, there was plentiful land for White laborers, and White immigration from Britain declined in the late seventeenth/early eighteenth century because the economy improved.

  6. First black, first non-Christian, then first woman, then first Mexican, then first Muslim, then first openly gay person, then first non-Marrano Jew. At that point we won’t be able to find our cultural integrity or sovereignty with both hands and a map.

    I’m inching closer to voting for Romney, but I am having a very hard time with it. The line is moving further away with the first openly avowed non-Christian than it was even with the first Black. I got no problems with Mormons. But screw all if every half-baked people and religion that had their asses kicked by our forbears (who knew better) has to come and save us. I mean screw all. DAMN!

  7. And Anglo Saxons who knew better wanted nothing to do with them and kicked their sorry asses all the way out to Salt Lake.

  8. Every single destructive social movement in American history from abolition to women’s rights to civil rights to anti-racism to gay marriage and on down the list has originated and thrived in precisely the areas which the least enslaved or were never enslaved.

    The most fucked up liberal state in America is Vermont which is the polar opposite on Mississippi. The states with the longest history of promoting niggers are those which were the old strongholds of anti-slavery.

  9. Then why has every white civilization in history, which institutionalized non-white slavery, been destroyed by it?

  10. “who no doubt hated the Anglo with as much passion today as they did back then”

    Yeah, there was so much hate that my English great-great-great grandfather married the daughter of a German farmer. So much hate that they all attended the same Methodist church. Some of us in the north know our roots too, you know. I can trace every ancestor back to Germany, England, or the Netherlands, and all but one German arrived long before the civil war. You don’t know what you are talking about. German farmer’s fought the South because abolitionists had them fearful that free nigger slave labor would swamp the north if slavery was allowed to spread.

    Southerners with their nigger problem kind of remind me of that lady with the fully grown chimp who ripped her friend’s face off. We all feel bad when it happens, but it’s not like we all didn’t see it coming….

  11. @John

    The CSA picked a fight with the wrong country and smashed for it. Not the first people to learn that lesson 😉

  12. “The CSA was destroyed by abolitionists and a bunch if Irish and German chancers. Not by blacks.”

    If the niggers weren’t there, they couldn’t have been easily weaponized against them. Talk about glass houses. Niggers are a liability to a nation, no matter what their station. If all it takes is a couple of New York “cibble rights” lawyers to turn your world upside down, do you really think you’ve a stable foundation upon which to build a civilization?

    West Virgina broke from Virginia over slavery, and West Virginia is still one of the whitest states in the country. Virginia? Not so much…

  13. “Slavery fosters White racial consciousness, conservatism, and respect for the social order.”

    Until something goes awry (it always does) and you’ve a population of aliens large enough to eat all of you and your children.

  14. Everyone knows who destroyed slavery in the South.

    Slavery created so much wealth in the South that it created enormous jealousy, fear, and paranoia in the North. They hated our success and resented us for blocking their attempt to centralize the government and they ultimately succeeded in destroying our civilization.

    Then they moved onto other targets in Europe and Asia.

  15. What went awry?

    It was the Union with the North that went awry … in the 1860s, and later again in the 1960s when the North alone ganged up on the South to destroy Jim Crow in Congress, and now we have Obama thanks to the very same people.

  16. The North has won three times … in 1865, when it abolished slavery and made blacks into citizens during Reconstruction, in 1965, when it passed the Voting Rights Act, Immigration Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which gave us BRA, and finally in 2008 when every single Northern state voted for Obama.

  17. Haiti went awry.
    Jamaica went awry.
    Barbados went awry.
    Brazil went awry.
    Mexico went awry.
    Zimbabwe went awry.
    South Africa went awry.
    Spain went awry.
    Portugal went awry.
    Rome went awry.
    Modern Europe is going awry.
    The US went awry.

    And I’m sure I could add another 20 to the list, easy.

    What’s the common thread? They all depended on cheap or slave alien labor, and nurtured these alien populations in their midst until they were consumed by them.

  18. So how do you explain the fate of those slave empires that existed long before America or The Union?

  19. Let’s go down the list:

    – In Haiti, slavery was abolished by the Jacobins in the French Revolution. Specifically, it was abolished by the Red Republican Léger-Félicité Sonthonax.

    – In Jamaica, Barbados and elsewhere in the British West Indies, slavery was abolished by the abolitionists in Britain over the opposition of the West Indian Lobby which threatened secession.

    – In the United States, slavery was abolished by the Yankees in the War Between the States.

    – In Brazil, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, the last remaining slave states in the New World, slavery was abolished due to British pressure on Spain and Brazil.

    – Britain pressured Portugal and Spain to abolish the slave trade.

  20. West Virgina broke from Virginia over slavery, and West Virginia is still one of the whitest states in the country.

    West Virginia welfare pays really shitty, like it should. As does Kentucky.
    Niggers can move to Ohio and get more money. And they do.
    Look at the ethnicty of:
    Covington, KY vs. Cinci, OH.
    Weirton, WV vs. Steubenville, OH.

    This is how you get rid of niggers.

  21. Which states voted for Onigga again?

    That’s right! The North East! The West Coast! The Upper Midwest!

    Virtually every Southern state voted McCain. (Virginia as a burb of DC is now competitive)

  22. I should also add, Utah has a not generous welfare system, as do most mountain states.

    But Utah is the home of the LDS Church and the LDS Church has commisaries for the poor LDS, and the LDS Church pays the rent of the really poor LDS. They take care of their own, and the state only provides sustenance to the general public poor.

  23. Hey, I’m a CSA sympathizer. I hate centralized government. I’m not arguing that there weren’t plenty of bad idea’s birthed in “yankee land”, but without an alien race to use as a bludgeon, most of them would have withered and died. It was like lighting a match in a fireworks factory. Lots of nigger were shipped north to use as strike busters.

    Now compare Russia to the USA. Russia just went through 80 years of full-bore communism. An even more destructive ideology than the watered-down marxism and transcendentalist “equality” we are tortured with day-in and day-out. Yet here Russia stands, after all that, white and as Christian as ever. Do you really Russian culture would have survived such a bout with folly they way it has had they shared soil with 40 million blacks?

  24. Then it can be concluded that slavery is inherintly distasteful to all white people except the wealthiest, and an infallible tool for dividing us into warring factions

  25. @John

    They celebrated all over Britain when the nigger was elected. To this day, he’s more popular in the UK than he is in America.

  26. “Let’s go down the list:

    – In Haiti, slavery was abolished by the Jacobins in the French Revolution. Specifically, it was abolished by the Red Republican Léger-Félicité Sonthonax.

    – In Jamaica, Barbados and elsewhere in the British West Indies, slavery was abolished by the abolitionists in Britain over the opposition of the West Indian Lobby which threatened secession.

    – In the United States, slavery was abolished by the Yankees in the War Between the States.

    – In Brazil, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, the last remaining slave states in the New World, slavery was abolished due to British pressure on Spain and Brazil.

    – Britain pressured Portugal and Spain to abolish the slave trade.”

    Attribute it to what you will, but it always seems to end badly, doesn’t it? There are far more convincing cases in ancient history as well.

    Did the British ambassador to Pharaoh’s court pressure him to embrace equality too?
    Did Yankee carpetbaggers lean on Ceaser to outsource his military?

    I stand by my position that it makes a people weak and vulnerable. Like balancing a match over a gas can.

  27. fearful of Free Negro Labour? The trade had been abolished and was clearly going to be replaced with mechanized farming. If German farmers were fearful of competition from slavers they were suffering from delusions. What was a flood of emancipated blacks gonna do to wages and quality of life?

    What about a manumitted free black with equal rights?

  28. I stand by my position that abolitionism was just the first wave, actually the second wave, if you count the American Revolution, that originated in the Northeast. Subsequent waves included women’s suffrage, feminism, free loveism, anti-racism, civil rights, socialism, communism, and now gay marriage.

    Every particle of Jacobinism in America radiates out from the Great Free Soil Paradise in the Northeast. They are already gearing up to reelect Obama in November. It has always been that way and still is today.

  29. There were slaves in southern Wisconsin, working farms and lead mines in direct competition with white men trying to feed their families. Their owners would send them north to make some extra coin in the off-season. But of course, that was within their god-given aristocratic right, wasn’t it? Are you really shocked there was animas toward them in the north?

  30. “Russians have a life expectancy that indicates they are unhealthy.”


    America had a far shorter life expectancy when it was 90% white.

  31. It wasn’t. There were loopholes that allowed slaves to be sent north, earn a wage, which was promptly remitted back to the owner by the slave.

    ” A committee of the 1846 statehood convention proposed an article granting suffrage to “white citizens of the United States,” foreign residents who intended to become citizens and certain Indians. A few idealists urged that the word “white” be deleted, but they were opposed by the majority. The convention ultimately agreed to submit to the voters a separate article allowing black suffrage. The 1846 constitution was voted down for various reasons unrelated to suffrage; but the suffrage article also was defeated decisively, with only 34 percent in favor.

    The 1847-48 constitutional convention resolved the suffrage issue by agreeing that the Legislature could allow black suffrage at any time, provided that the law was “submitted to the vote of the people at a general election, and approved by a majority of all the votes cast at such election.” The compromise appealed to the delegates because a vote for it could be defended as a vote for popular sovereignty rather than black equality or abolitionism. However, fewer than half of all voters casting ballots at the election voted on the suffrage issue; therefore, the law had failed. The Legislature passed new suffrage laws in 1857 and again in 1865. The voters rejected both laws, although the pro-suffrage vote increased to 41 percent in 1857 and 46 percent in 1865″

    “When the Civil War ended, nineteen of 24 Northern states did not allow blacks to vote. Nowhere could they serve on juries before 1860. They could not give testimony in 10 states, and were prevented from assembling in two. Several western states had prohibited free blacks from entering the state. Blacks who entered Illinois and stayed more than 10 days were guilty of “high misdemeanor.” Even those that didn’t, debated it and had discriminatory ordinances on the local level. ”

    Oh yeah, we just LOVED them niggers up here, didn’t we?

  32. “Wisconsin was one of the first states to establish black suffrage, but this was accomplished only through a Supreme Court decision after suffrage had been defeated repeatedly at the polls. Like many in the North, Wisconsin residents disliked slavery, but they also felt no desire to integrate with blacks, whom they felt were inferior. ”

    Once again, the court imposes itself against the will of the people. Prop 187 anyone? Do you think maybe the problem is our system of government, and our incestuous aristocratic judicial “elite” not “the north”? Plus, if the south hadn’t built a giant negro population, there wouldn’t be one available to impose on the rest of us. We didn’t get a red cent from slavery, yet here we are having to live with the niggers.

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