Caribbean Project: The American Revolution: A Victory for Anti-Slavery

British West Indies

The following excerpt comes from Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy’s An Empire Divided: The American Revolution and the British Caribbean.

The single biggest mistake we ever made in our entire history was joining the American Revolution. In the process of revolting against King George III, we cleaved our own civilization in two, fatally undermined slavery in the Southern colonies and the British West Indies, and put ourselves under the thumb of the Yankee in the Union on the basis of dubious constitutional guarantees:

“Finally, the division of British America helped the cause of abolitionists in both Britain and the United States. It more than halved the number of slaves in the British Empire and made slavery appear virtually limited to the southern United States. The “peculiar institution” of slavery was not peculiar before 1776. On the contrary, slavery characterized the wealthiest and most populous colonies of British America. There were almost a million slaves in British America before 1776. It is little wonder that antebellum southern expansionists dreamed of incorporating islands in the Caribbean into the United States in order to enlarge their power and to balance the slave-owning states in the Senate against the North.

Abolitionists were well aware of the significance of the division of the British Empire. “As long as America was ours,” wrote Clarkson in 1788, “there was no chance that a minister would have attended to the groans of the sons and daughters of Africa, however he might feel for their distress.” It prevented the island and southern planters from uniting against the abolitionists. The West India lobby was unable to appeal for support from the colonial lobbies of Virginia and South Carolina after 1776.”

Just think of what might have been: Greater Dixie might have become a powerful Anglo-Saxon dominion like Canada or Australia.

Note: Wasn’t it Benjamin Franklin who famously said, “We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately?” In that case, we should have chosen to hang together with the British West Indies which spawned our own civilization and which shared our culture and long term interests.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “The CSA picked a fight with the wrong country and smashed for it. Not the first people to learn that lesson.”

    Oh, mighty Yankees! Smashing other peoples for the sake of your negro pets is nothing to brag about. The Yankee religion of negro worship has caused far more damage than the institution of slavery ever has or could have caused.

    Don’t come here to piss and moan about your concerns for the future of whites. The crime of having set the niggers upon all of America and Europe is the result of the Yankee “lesson.” Yankee complaints about negroes ring hollow. Now get back to sucking up to your negroes and leave us alone.

    One thing is sure. Yankees and negroes certainly deserve each other. Both have a talent for theft, rape, and arson. Birds of a feather. Now that the Yankees have become impotent, all they can do is elect negroes to rule over their states and their precious federal government. They lack the manly attributes to do so for themselves.

    The Yankee point is made. Negroes are their self-admitted betters.
    Now stop with all your phony whining, Yankees.

    Deo Vindice

  2. “Rome was an extremely conservative civilization that endured for a thousand years.”

    Yes it was, until their slaves overran them. Now there isn’t a Roman left on earth. Coincidence?

  3. Another very informative article on how the Southern wealthy purposely started the War of 1861:
    If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” southern slave owners and the golden circle and judah benjamin”
    Great search term even if link works. Lots of websites/articles about how the Southern elite started the war of 1861. War was fomented by the Southern elite as a plan to expand their slave empire. It went awry.

  4. If I’d been Lee that day overseeing Brown’s hanging:

    I’d have hanged him, drawn out his guts, then quartered him. Then fed his body to the
    swine. Good Puritan execution style. That’s what the Restorationisys did to the Tyrannicides.

  5. No the slaves didn’t overrun the Romans. Caracala conferred citizenship to all residents of the empire. Constantine basically turned the Empire into a freeish sort of union.

    The Romans were overrun by slavers. The Anglos, the Vandals, the Franks, Goths…

  6. “Rome was an extremely conservative civilization that endured for a thousand years.”

    Sure. Gladiator games, sex orgies, beastiality, same-sex marriage, public crucifixions, public sex-shows, legalized prostitution, and slaves of every race on earth — real conservative.

  7. …once the Romans were done creating their Christian unity though careful chess like games the ancestors of the French, English, Hungarians etc crashed the whole chess board on their Roman heads.

  8. It’s precisely when the Romans became moralistic, earnest and angelic that they were swamped by some very ruthless successor people.

  9. @John
    ….. and England is being over-run by her former third-world colonial subjects……the whole chest board is coming down on England. Got any info/advice for your fellow Brits? You gotta plenty info/advice for us Americans. That’s for sure. Though, it’s all useless info/advice. That’s for sure.

  10. John, you only think Canada has extensive weapons rights… compared to England. Most of the firearms I own are illegal in Canada. That is not including the ones requiring a federal tax stamp. And Canada preachers doing jail time for criticizing homosexuality. That is no place for individual liberty

    John is welcome on my end; he’s done the same thing all non Founding Stock have done, and he’s as “american” as any Pole, italian, late coming Irish, german etc etc. Which includes slow joe the jew troll

    No matter how you cut it Hunter, Europe, which includes the UK, became secular and went to the left before WW2 and before the usa rose to the top. Not to mention went soft on the race question way before the usa. I remember as a child, Europeans often looked down on americans for not being progressive enough. Folks use to claim american leftist were doing nothing more than aping Europeans. Prior to WW2, negros with the ability would often leave the usa to find an easier life in Europe. We did right by joining

    The slavery was a mistake argument is fucking stupid and made out of ignorance. Even the yankee economy depended on the Southron slave economy.

  11. @Apuleius

    “Smashing other people for the sake of your negro pets is nothing to brag about.”

    – First of all, you started the war with us. And LOST. Get over it. Second, YOU, Johnny Reb, are the ones who had “negro pets”. Plantations? House slaves? Any of that ring a bell? Your house is too crystalline for you to be throwing rocks.

    “The crime of having set the niggers on all of America..”

    – Was committed by greedy Southerners who were too lazy to pick their own cotton.

    “..and Europe..”

    – You’re way off. That would be a certain tribe from the Middle East.

    “ the result of the Yankee lesson”.

    – What “lesson”? Pick your own cotton?

    “Yankee complaints about negros ring hollow.”

    – Come up here and see what your former pets have done to my city, and tell me my feelings mean nothing. Asshole.

    “Now that the Yankees have become impotent, all they can do is elect negroes to rule over their states and their precious federal government.”

    – We’ll revisit that remark on the morning of November 7.

    “They lack the manly attributes to do so for themselves.”

    – We have the manly attributes to work our own land and do our own housework. That’s more than I can say for you Southrons.

    “Now stop with all your phony whining..”

    – Take your own advice. The Civil War ended a century and a half ago. Oh yeah, and YOU LOST.

  12. why do anti Southron White men even post here? It’s not like we flood pro union blogs

    yankees are a pestilence even on the internet

  13. I’m sure if Hunter renamed the blog Southern Dissent and ceased posting articles of general interest to the entire country you would see less “Yankees” around here.

  14. I doubt it. yankees are vile meddlesome creatures that cannot leave people alone. Their entire history is based on telling others how to live. Interfering is encoding in their foul DNA

  15. Does that extend to your fellow Yankee troopers in the Rangers? If so the Army is a viler institution than even I have observed. Not covering your bro’s back is despicable.

  16. Apuleius says:
    “Now that the Yankees have become impotent, all they can do is elect negroes to rule over their states and their precious federal government.”

    Well, the HNIC is a disaster. That fact cannot be denied.

    However, you fail to mention we had previously tried to redeem ouselves by electing esteemed Southern gentlemen such as Lyndon ( biggest SOB traitor ever) Johnson, Jimmy ( I just loves black folks) Carter and William (first nigger prez.) Clinton.

    Lawd have mercy! So, we figured the coon couldn’t be much worse.

    Give us a break already.

  17. “However, you fail to mention we had previously tried to redeem ouselves by electing esteemed Southern gentlemen such as Lyndon ( biggest SOB traitor ever) Johnson, Jimmy ( I just loves black folks) Carter and William (first nigger prez.) Clinton.”

    Hahahaha! Those three did more to destroy America and bring on BRA as any Yankee Republican of recent times. Too bad Haley Barbour didn’t get the Republican nomination this time. Now there is a Republican I might have voted for.

  18. “yankees are a pestilence even on the internet” is I think one of the best amusing, even side-splitting, comments EVER on this site!

    “yankees are vile meddlesome creatures that cannot leave people alone. Their entire history is based on telling others how to live.” You had a good point, Stonelifter, about how the Germans (the European ones at least) who “are not a free people” have “rules for everything”:

  19. I don’t recall very many yankees in the Rangers or as grunts in the 82nd. I remember having a Texas squad, and an Arkansas squad, I was on the hillbilly fire team, and we had more stars and bars in the barracks then stars and stripes, buy a large degree, but very few yankees. Despite their larger numbers in the usa population. But my views weren’t as hard in them days. I was a young man, and still thought the occasional yankee might be ok. I’m over that naivety these days

    yankees did make up a larger % of officers though. The 03 who made an issue out of me being a racist (I wouldn’t tell my men to remove their flags or search them for extremist tattoos) was from Minnesota and the 04 that backed him up was a transplant, and the man who let me try out for the Rangers as an officer despite the OER was from Ga. He was my PL when I was enlisted

    Funny you mention those three potus. I don’t recall them being popular in the South. I don’t recall lbj one way or the other. I recall men cursing his name on how he ran Vietnam, but he was never elected to be potus. My guess is, he kept most of his bullshit well hidden when running for office in Texas

  20. I’m sorry Mosin, I’m not blowing off the video, the internet is to slow to play it. I’m going to spend the bandwidth trying to play Hunters DHS video

  21. Stonelifter says:
    “I don’t recall lbj one way or the other. I recall men cursing his name on how he ran Vietnam, but he was never elected to be potus.”

    My memory fails from time to time too, but yes, he was elected. After Kennedy was shot he assumed the office of the presidency. There’s a joke in there somewhere. He then defeated Goldwater by landslide in 64.

  22. he did! Thanks for the reminder. I was born in 1963 so my memory of the 64 election is a little fuzzy.

  23. For the life of me, I cannot imagine why anyone would want niggers around for any reason whatsoever. Especially the southerner. Of all people, he should have learned by now. The same people who bitch about cheap mexican labor pouring in defend cheap nigger labor, but only cuz it happened “way back when”. Unfuckingbelievable.

    BTW, the only person I ever met who hated “yankees” more than stone had a beaner girlfriend. Go figure.

  24. “Sure. Gladiator games, sex orgies, beastiality, same-sex marriage, public crucifixions, public sex-shows, legalized prostitution, and slaves of every race on earth — real conservative.”

    That’s funny! I lol’d.

  25. “Even the yankee economy depended on the Southron slave economy.”

    Yeah, because the whole country went into an economic tailspin after it ended. Oh wait…

  26. The north depended on high tariffs to keep their factories competitive vs European manufactures; the tariffs also made raw materiel from the South cheaper to buy up north; the tariffs ensured their goods where cheaper in Southron markets, but didn’t help the South get the best price possible for our produce; the tariffs paid for by the South through slave labor funded the internal improvements for the north; the same tariff system ensured goods where cheaper to ship for yankee shipping operations…… and the list goes on.

    All possible because of slavery in the South.

    If you spent time reading about the economics factors driving the War of northern Aggression you’d understand the argument better. But you won’t. Much easier to think you know the topic vs dedicate a portion of your life learning a topic

    Yes I hate yankees. How could I love the South and not hate the people who have done us so much harm?

    Why shouldn’t I hate the damnyankee?

    Did your grandfather take you around and show you the places that use to be in the family until a foreign people invaded our land and burned us out? Or take you to the battlefields that ruined crops and towns because the yankees couldn’t afford to lose the tariff revenue?

    Why shouldn’t I hate the people who used us as as a tax base for their benefit at the cost to us?

    Why shouldn’t I hate a people who made the negro an “equal” and robs me through taxes to fund negros and beaners?

    Why shouldn’t I hate the people who ridicule my kin and our way of life at every tun?

    Why shouldn’t I hate the people who have ruined Raleigh and Charlotte?

    Add to that list all the other things yankees forced on us as documented by Hunter here on this blog.

    I hate yankees because I love my people and our ways. If yankees would live their life and leave us free to live ours, perhaps I wouldn’t hate them, but history shows, time after time yankees will never do such a thing.

    I hate the damnyankee because I love the South.

  27. Having been born and raised up North, I can tell you one thing about Northerners. They are like Christians in one regard.

    To Christians, ultimately their religion trumps all, even race.

    To many Northerners, ultimately, flaunting your work and how virtuous work is trumps all. That is why most northern men and women vote, uphold and will defend blacks in the end. To the white man of the North, if a man works with his hands, he is ultimately entitled to anything, bedding his daughter; living in the same town, neighborhood, housing division, etc.; having access to things like free or reduced priced insurance and other similar benefits; being able to vote; having his opinion heard and put into effect; many other similar things of which you get the drift.

    And that is why the Northern man has not said or done much in the way of limiting blacks. It does not matter that a crowd of blacks do not work and draws welfare today, they may tomorrow change their minds and start working with their hands and a man who works, according to the Northerner, should not be discriminated against in any way. So it is OK to have lots of niggers with lots of rights, some of them work and should have them, and some of the others may start tomorrow, or next week, or maybe next year.

    It is all about “the working man.” They don’t care what color a man’s skin is, he could not help how he was born. He should be treated “fairly.”


    Make of my post what you will. I only partly wrote it tongue and cheek and to maybe rile a few Northerners. But the truth is it hit real, real close to the truth. I have sat in construction shacks and heard the essence, and sometimes the exact words, of what I wrote above voiced by white Northern rednecks. I have heard the essence of my post many, many times throughout my four decades of living. The Northerner will uphold a black under many circumstances.

    In the past, I never thought much of many of the things I have read on this site over the last year. But much of what Wallace digs up and discusses is true of the Northerner.

    Yes, Christians ultimately place their religion above all else, and the Northerner ultimately places his social ideas above all other considerations.

    As I said, make of it what you will.

    (Note, I also know this now: If it is going to boil down to a military showdown to determine which ideas are going to prevail and who is going to be vanquished, you (we) better have Sherman’s and Eisenhower’s and not Lee’s and Guderian’s as supreme commanders. It may be a shame, but it appears to be a fact, if you want to win.)

  28. Interesting, when it comes to jobs and employment, the Northern man and woman’s Ideas they championed for so long are “making them Howl” today!

    “Marching through Georgia” has become Marching to the Unemployment Line after the trillions spent on “uplifting” and giving “Civil Rights” to the niggers.

  29. Brutus, that’s how I see libertarians. They care nothing about persevering a culture or people as long as the money rolls in a and business goes on.

    I pray things will go like they did for most of the Soviet Union’s provinces. But if not, Jackson must be our model, not Lee

  30. Recently found this quote about Ulster Scots in Appalachia

    In traveling across America, the Scots Irish have consistently blown my mind as far and away the most persistent and unchanging regional subculture in the country. Their family structures, religion and politics, and social lives all remain unchanged compared to the wholesale abandonment of tradition that’s occurred nearly everywhere else.

    Unfortunately, this has a lot to do with a powerful and long-running strand of paranoia and xenophobia. I’ve ridden trains through the rail towns of WV and KY and been regarded with more unprovoked hatred than anywhere else on Earth. On the other hand, when I’ve been introduced to their clan-based social structures by close friends, it is a uniquely close-knit and life-affirming culture that I’ve been honored to participate in.

    ….a parochial clannish folk trying to hold onto to their traditions, albeit with the downside of being inward looking and often regressive (downside from the perspective of Westerners that is). What these people lack in cosmopolitan openness, they make up for in adherence to authentic values which can’t but help earn some admiration.

    The Scots-Irish were the prototypical cowboys, pushing into the Appalachian wilderness despite the attempts of the British crown to restrain them.

    Though the Scots-Irish are not “Pilgrim stock” in their length residence on the American continent, the majority were not immigrants to the United States, they were settlers of the American colonies. Their’s was part of the founding culture of the United States, and it still leaves its stamp on our society in its politics and mores, for good or ill…..

    It is true that Scots-Irish Americans are arguably among the more racist white ethnic groups.
    I’m sure most of what was written was meant as an insult especially about how racist we are, but is a point of pride for me

  31. @ Brutus: “To Christians, ultimately their religion trumps all”:

    This tells something. Furthermore, which is more important, our temporal existence or eternal destiny?

  32. “To many Northerners, ultimately, flaunting your work and how virtuous work is trumps all.” True of many non-Christians and nominal Christians. “Flaunting your work” is not the way of Christian humility.

  33. “To Christians, ultimately their religion trumps all”: The Almighty trumps all regardless of what anyone says.

  34. Two fatal flaws in many of the Southern attitudes expressed above: the fantastic idea that blacks should serve us (Southerns, whites, whatever) as slaves today and the corrosive animus directed at Northerners.

    Several have stated the sanely obvious – we desperately need separation from blacks – period! Apart from any moral, ethical considerations slavery is inherently a precarious and fragile institution. A paper bag will only hold water so long. Trying another is to exhibit derangement if you imagine it will work this time. No need to enumerate why it is quintessentially an impermanent institution – use but a modicum of your own reason. Finally realize that it is a fantasy – the millenium is the third, the year is 2012.

    As to an institutionalized hatred of Northerners – it is but another case of chasing after the wind. It is supremely reasonable that Southerners at the time of the war, before, and considerably after would know a good deal of bitterness. But 150 years later we are facing a new and existential peril – the dispossesion and destruction of ALL whites through the length and breadth of this continent. Is it not time for Southerners in their own enlightened self-interest to appeal to ALL of us above as well as below the MD line.

    I am Northern born and raised but I regard Southerners as my KIND. We are too similar peoples with essentially the same vital interests (certainly today if much less so in the era of all-out belligerence) to persist in detesting one-another.

    Exploring the universe of the historical genesis of this or that cultural incipience or the cause for one conflict or the other is interesting and even edifying. But to lose sight of that which is of ultimate importance – our lives, our futures and that of our progeny is tragically self-defeating and, let’s at long last admit it, just “nigger dumb.”

  35. Re: Renewing North-South division, while “150 years later we are facing a new and existential peril – the dispossesion and destruction of ALL whites through the length and breadth of this continent”:

    Divide et impera — Divide and conquer.

  36. I didn’t say reenslave. I don’t think it’s a moral abomination though.

    And this site is all about partition. Separation if you will. It’s full of American WN who
    think present borders can be maintained and separation from the black is possible at the same time. The south, the CSA if you will, did not import slaves. That ended in 1800s when the Royal Navy–of which I have ancestors–banned the Atlantic trade. The CSA was simply dealing with the black as best as possible. Forced labour, authoritarian policing, restrictive racism. They were dragging fugitive blacks back to the south and out of the North. But maniac whites in the North befriended blacks.

    It’s the WN who are actually deluded.

  37. HarryO you believe the war is over; the truth is the war on our heritage has never ended. There’s been lulls for sure, but it’s never ended.

    Given yankee behavior and voting trends, we will never be free to address the negro or beaner issues until we are free of federal/ yankee interference

    1st we must divorce ourselves from BRA/ yankeeland then we can get to work on fixing our other problems. History, voting trends etc all prove yankees, the mid west and the left coast absolutely adore these things we want to rid ourselves off, Hunter has shown time and time again there will still be Jim Crow etc without yankees forcing their ways on us.

    How can any rational person think we can fix this mess with yankees, when yankees have caused this mess?

  38. The northern approach to blacks is schizophrenic. For example were the South to have been left alone, no Negro problem in NYC, Chicago etc…

    …But they were affraid of the competition from slaver farming of cotton. Well, how did the black wage competition work out? How did the destruction of property value work out? How did Notional equality work out?

  39. The Southern ruling-class elite — very much tied-into Northern and British banking interests — weren’t satisfied with keeping the slave economic system confined to the South. The Southern ruling class wanted to spread the slave economic system throughout the Mid-West and the West of the US ; And that wasn’t enough for them either ; They wanted to take over Mexico and make Mexico a slave colony*; And still, that wasn’t enough even, the Southern elite also wanted to take over the islands in the Caribbean to expand their plantation-slave economic system. There was just no end to their greed.
    As far as Mexico is concerned, the plan — according to the Southern jew/freemason ruling class — was to commit massive genocide against the Mexicans — then after the Mexicans were killed off, bring in blacks from Africa to work the plantations the Southerners envisioned for Mexico.
    As far as loyalty to the South and to their fellow Whites, the Southern ruling class saw Cuba as the center of their empire ; They envisioned making Cuba the capital of their empire. So much for their loyalty to their fellow White Southerners.
    The Freemason/Jewish wealthy started the Confederate Secret Service. This secret service went around the North, the Mid-West, and the Western territories committing terrorist acts against White Americans. The Southerners even enlisted blacks and Indians in their terrorist acts against White Americans. This started around 1848 : Southerners going around the US and committing great violence against White Americans : Even goading the Indians to attack White towns in the mid-west and in the Western territories . It’s one Major aspect of the- lead-up-to- The War of 1861 that has been erased from the abridged history books, greatly distorting everyone’s understanding of what truly happened.
    The Yankees didn’t just attack the South because of the abolitionists and/or the tariff issue. From about 1848, the Southern Secret Service was going around the US attacking white Americans : Enlisting “their blacks” , and enlisting Indians , into their Confederate Secret Service to attack White Americans all over the country ; Committing violence, stirring up turmoil and confusion, constantly agitating for the expansion of the slave-economic system : All this to get a War started :
    A War the Southern elite thought they could win ; For the Southern elite, winning meant expanding their slave empire throughout the continental US, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Southerners fired what’s called the first shot at Fort Sumter, but the Southern attack on Ft. Sumter wasn’t really the first shot, not really : Not in truth . The Southern Secret Service was attacking — and KILLING — White Americans throughout the contintental US — in established States and in the territories — since about 1848.
    The Southern elite weren’t content with keeping slavery confined to the South. There was no issue with that in the US, not really . The Northerners weren’t perturbed by that. That’s the way it always had been. [The abolitionist movement up north was not exactly what it appeared to be. There was more to the abolitionist movement than meets the eye.]
    But that set-up of leaving slavery confined to the Southern states wasn’t good enough for the Southern wealthy. They wanted more. They wanted everything. The Southern elite wanted War, they planned it out, they set-up a Secret Service to go around and commit acts of violence all over the country to foment War ; the Confederate Secret Service [through intermediaries in Freemasonry in the North] even started abolitionist movements in the North to stir up trouble and to divide the populace even more. The revolt at Harper’s Ferry was a Confederate Secret Service “false flag” as well. The Southerners* started the War of 1861. And they started the War on Purpose ; Not because of the tariff issue, and not because of the Northern abolitionists : The Southern Freemason/Jew elite — along with British bankers — planned, fomented, and started The War so the Ruling Class Southerners could expand their slave empire: Their “Golden Circle” as they call(ed) it. Nothing golden about it: It stinks to High Heaven. The Southerners didn’t care they were tearing the US apart, all they could think about was building a Slave Empire. Nothing golden about it : It stinks unto the throne of the Holy Creator.
    ” Gold and Treason”, by Anton Chaitkin, is an informative history of the Confederate Secret Service. It details the activities of the Southern elite — and their Confederate Secret Service — during the 15-20 years run-up to the War of 1861. The book can be read online. Google it. It’s important reading for anyone who wants to learn the history of the North/South conflict and the War of 1861 in a deeper way : Our history books are full of lies ; Lies of commission and lies of ommission both. All Madison Ave books — Especially History Books — are Abridged. In addition to “Gold and Treason”, the links I included in my other posts here [ and the google search terms] will give the reader a better understanding of the facts : A clearer picture of what really happened. What happened : the Southern elite fomented a War [ the war of 1861] as a means to expand their Slave Empire — Their Golden Circle — throughout the continental US, Mexico, and the Caribbean. It went awry.
    Also Google : ” southern slave owners and the golden circle and judah benjamin”
    ” knights of the golden circle + confederate secret service”
    * I like Southerners. I like the South. I have no animosity towards Southerners. My criticisms are directed at the Southern ruling class, not the average Southerner.
    Still, all the Deo Vindice’s, all the Bullshit, all the Bravado and Mendacity in the world , can’t cover up the historical fact of the Confederate Secret Servive and how the Confederate Secret Service went around the US for about 15-20 years before Ft. Sumter — in the established States and in the territories — and KILLED and TERRORIZED White Americans. Historical facts are historical facts.

  40. ” Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live : and let me not be ashamed of my hope.”
    Psalm 119 : 116

  41. Yet the “yankee” never imported and bred millions of alien proto-humanoids for economic reasons. The “yankee” navy, to the endless chagrin of many in agribusiness, used to perform border ops to prevent Big Slave from bringing in more foreigners to do the work “the white man wouldn’t do”.

    Fast forward to today.

    Do get it? Can you?

  42. @ Jim:

    As I understand it, the Yankee DID import slaves and used them for hundreds of years, for economic reasons. Then, after taking centuries to do so they finally abolished slavery. Then, when the South did not immediately do the same, the North launched into a moral crusade.

    It seems much like if two neighbors put their houses up for sale and it takes ten or fifteen years for one neighbor to finally sell his. Then, two weeks later, the neighbor who sold his begins demanding that his neighbor burn his home to the ground in order to get it off the market, never mind the financial loss, he just needs to get rid of the home since after fifteen years the other was able to off load his.

  43. I also see something else. The Southern slave owner had to first buy slaves, at what today is the equivalent of the most expensive machinery, then they had to house, feed, clothe, provide medical care, care for the young blacks not old enough to work and provide all of the above for them, too. In other words, it was like buying very expensive adoptive people and having a giant family to support.

    Today, the people who “abolished” slavery and write the checks for propagandists to criticize “human bondage” and the morals involved with such, only need to pay the adult Mexican about eight bucks an hour for the time he or she works and the Mexican’s family and kids and all of that are not of the concern of the employer.

    It sounds like a much cheaper deal to me, and they, the moral business man, don’t even have to call their employers slaves.

    Hmmm, a lot less money paid out for labor, I wonder if that has much to do with all of the “abolition” and “human rights” arguments?

    Naw. Couldn’t be.

  44. “house, feed, clothe, provide medical care, care for the young blacks not old enough to work and provide all of the above for them, too. In other words, it was like buying very expensive adoptive people and having a giant family to support. ”

    Come on, they did the bare minimum they had to to get by. And why not? Who’s the nigger going to complain to if his mattress is too thin? ACORN? And why adopt a bunch of niggers to do the work? Who is this? Brad Pitt and Angelina? Have your own family do the work. Have big families, pay neighbors and help each other when necessary. You know, like how white people in the north did it.

    And the average Northerner didn’t give a damn about some nigger’s “human rights”. See the quotes I posted earlier. The vast majority of northerners considered blacks inferior and did not want them about for any reason. White superiority is hardly only a southern concept. It took a court to imposed universal male suffrage on my state. The voters resoundingly rejected it every time. The northerners opposed slavery, not on “human rights” grounds, but on economic grounds. They did not want to see slavery spread because they did not want their farms and factories turned into giant neo-feudal plantations. Radical abolitionist capitalized on these economic concerns. Just like pro-whites should capitalize on economic concerns to turn white opinion against Mexicans and those who employ them. Slavery in the north was a pittance compared to the south, and ended because the vast majority of whites in the north were family farmers and small businessmen. It didn’t fit their business model.

    There are plenty of corporate farms with barracks and mess halls for their mexican slaves, er “workers”. Any time you import a giant alien population to do anything, it ends badly. You are just one disease or drought away from being overrun. Just don’t do it. The greedy whites who wink and nod at the law while paying mexicans to do jobs “americans won’t do” are no different from slavers, and are just as assuredly signing their own death warrant.

  45. BTW, I lived for years in the south, and almost every Southerner met felt pretty much as I do; they learned from the mistakes of their forebears. Even the most racist good ol’ boys saw it as foolhardy in hindsight. This is about the only place I’ve been where people on our side still try to defend it as a good idea, as if it would have all worked out fine had it not been for those “meddlin’ yanks”.

  46. Great posts, Jim.

    (BTW, apparently the proper term is “damnyankees” to quote the almighty Stonelifter. But I hardly take that guy seriously. He’s entertaining the in the same way I’d casually watch two drunk chicks fight outside a bar — ugly, but I can’t look away.)

  47. Brutus says:
    (Note, I also know this now: If it is going to boil down to a military showdown to determine which ideas are going to prevail and who is going to be vanquished, you (we) better have Sherman’s and Eisenhower’s and not Lee’s and Guderian’s as supreme commanders. It may be a shame, but it appears to be a fact, if you want to win.)

    Doesn’t make a bit of difference who the Generals are if they are taking orders from Secretaries of War like Judah Benjamin. My, oh my! All those hard boiled, tough Stonelifter types permeating the South and Jefferson Davis appoints a short, fat jew lawyer to be in charge of WAR! Ha! What was he thinking?

    Reminds me of a country song I heard the other day. The singer recounts one stupid act after another that he committed and then sang, “What was I thinking?”

    Well, I’m sure the big wheels had more in common with each other than we would like to believe.

    The more I read it is becoming clearer to me that the ordinary Southerner was not too enthralled with the war, especially the longer it went on. Massive understatement! Per usual the lower caste, his wife and children who had scratched out a living bore the brunt of the burden and paid the heaviest price both during the conflict and after the smoke had settled. The fat cats-not so much

    I was not surprised to learn that the illustrious Cabinet assembled by Mr. Davis suffered very little. Oh yes, a short time of incarceration for one or two, then they continued onward doing rather well.

  48. Thanks Chris. I don’t see how anyone can equate disliking slavery to liking niggers. For example, nobody hated niggers, mexicans, and indians more than General Sherman. That guy was a proto-nazi, blitzkriegs and all.

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