About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve watched that term gain total acceptance in the last 15 years.

    In 15 more the “Christian” part will be dropped.

  2. In practical terms, ” Judeo-Christian” comes from the Schofeld bible and the Federal Reserve’s 501c tax-exemption for the churches. That’s what people are talking about when one hears the term “Judeo-Christian” these days. Hardly anyone anywhere is referring to Nietzsche when the term is used. Still:
    Nietzsche’s “Anti-Christ” hit-the-nail-on-the-head in terms of how jewed-out Christianity truly is ; Especially the christian ministers who love the Old Testament so much : like [+ Fr John+].
    The emphasis on “choseness”, the neurotic hair-splitting over every word, jot and tittle in the bible, the un-naturalness of it all, the disambiguation, the warmongering, the fear tactics of the rabbis and the priests, the disdain for the natural world, mother nature and the animal knigdom, the fixation on oneself [ one’s soul] ; The idea that the individual is the very center of the universe and the whole universe revolves one’s “special” and “chosen” being.
    Nietzsche and Savitri Devi knew what they were talking about. That’s for sure. Reading both in tandem is always suggested. Great stuff.

  3. I keep hearing about all this Judeo-Christian stuff. When I was a kid Karate was all the rage. It all looks the same to me. Just a bunch of people jumping around in pajamas.

  4. The trends that National Socialism tapped into appear to have been a rejection of Christianity because it was cooked up by Jews intent on revenge against Rome. Christianity as far as Fred was concerned no more than a slave creed.

    It depends on who or what you define Christ as. If he was half Roman or Greek it opens up the possibility that Jesus was offering an antisemitic attack on the Jews. Or perhaps that he was from some tribal remnant of Canaanites. The other thing about Christianity is that it blossomed after the Jewish temple was destroyed by the Romans and the dispersion that resulted from it. Two connected events IMHO.

  5. If anyone cares to learn more about how American Christianity has been hijacked by Zionism, check out this excellent article titled “The Myth of a Judeo-Christian tradition.”


    Funny how Christians in other parts of the world don’t have the passionate attachment to Zionism the way American rapture bunnies do. Christian Zionism or “Judeo Christianity” is strictly an American phenomenom.

  6. Google : ” schofeld bible + jew schofeld”
    ” schofeld bible + the rothschilds”
    ” schofeld bible + freemasons”
    We’re not talking pajamas and/or karate. We’re talking “Judeo-Christians”. The term, the phenomenon, has very serious political and cultural bearing on our present-day country/world. It was the very reason the KJV bible was distorted and changed around in the first place : To herd Christians into the Federal Reserve/Empire-Building/Support Israel At-All-Costs /Zionist camp. It was, and remains to this day, very successful. The above google search terms will lead one to alot of information/facts about this topic.

  7. To my knowledge the term came into prominence in the mid-20th century, and was not commonly used before then. From Wikipedia:

    ”Promoting the concept of America as a Judeo-Christian nation became a political program in the 1920s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Hitler in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take active steps to increase understanding and tolerance.[28]

    In this effort, precursors of the National Conference of Christians and Jews created teams consisting of a priest, a rabbi, and a minister, to run programs across the country, and fashion a more pluralistic America, no longer defined as a Christian land, but “one nurtured by three ennobling traditions: Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism.”[29] “The phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’ entered the contemporary lexicon as the standard liberal term for the idea that Western values rest on a religious consensus that included Jews.”

    Most Christians (other than perhaps the very liberal ones, like the ‘mainline’ churches) did not believe that Christianity and Judaism were ‘brother faiths’; my Southern Baptist kin had very Judeo-skeptical attitudes which are today called ‘anti-Semitic.’ That was the general tone back before, say, the 1970s.

  8. Friedrich Nietzshe’s ” The Anti-Christ” can be found online in pdf format– the complete work can be found with a simple google search. His work is sometimes connected to the Nazis. I think it’s important to say that one can read Nietzshe without becoming a Nazi, real or “neo” ; Also, one can read Nietzshe without becoming a “hyperborean” [ I always thought that was a ridiculous term]. Please keep in mind that Nietzshe died in 1900 — before the Nazis showed up on the scene. Nietzshe was not a Nazi, nor was he a proto-type nazi.
    Nietzshe was a philosopher and a thinker. As far as I know, he was apolitical, more interested in philosophy than anything else. Many people from various groups, with various agendas, have tried to claim Nietzshe as their own. They do the philosopher an injustice. He lived a trouble life, ostracized from the norm . He subsequently saw the world through the eyes of an outcast. It’s important to keep that in mind when reading the Nietzshe, it helps keep everything in balance. He was a curmedgeon. Many of his insights are nonetheless profound for being an outcast.
    One doesn’t have to become a Nazi , a ” hyperborean” , nor does one even have to get immersed in Wagnerian operas to read and/or understand Nietzshe. Personally, I find Wagnerian operas to be way too long and way too overbearing.
    His works can be found online. Likewise, the works of Savitri Devi can be found online as well. Another philosopher who wrote of the Jewish/talmudic influence in Christianity [ especially the Old Testament]. Ultimately, or more correctly, originally, the influences come from the ancient religion of Egypt : The religion of Freemasonry. That’s why there’s ancient Egyptian religious symbols plastered all over our money, that’s why the Washington Monument in DC is a giant Egyptian obelisk.

  9. It’s nihilism as used today. Herr Philosopher was using the term to caution Europeans about the missionary, preacher and preist because elements of Christianity are alien.

    Today Judeo-Christian is used to describe a phoney brotherhood between the European and the Jew. The term is also a contradiction. It’s like saying Christo-Jainism. They are just different things. One word annihilated the unique existence of the other.
    One thing that I noticed about Obama in the primaries did the same with words. Each sentence annihilating the meaning of the previous. This pattern of speech indicates a nihilistic character.

  10. That makes sense.

    “The Great Struggle Against Racism” started in the 1930s in the liberal backlash against Hitler’s Germany and has never stopped since then. Anti-Semitism only became taboo after WW2.

  11. He wasn’t keen on the Jews. Except, he liked their ethnocentrism. Slavoj Zizek has pointed out the same thing.

    Herr Prof disliked their way of destroying and denigrating the heroic in others and how Saul hijacked the best parts of the Gospels to suit a Jewish type agenda.

    I’m an admirer of Israeli intransigence on the Palestinians. I don’t particularly like wider Jewish population. That’s not philosemitism either.

  12. I 1st heard the term in college back in the early 80’s. Some world civilization class iirc. When I questioned the idea jews had much impact on the west, the guy told me the term had to do with Christianity being built on the Old Testament. Which is true but… the jews left the Old Testament behind way before Christ.

    I’ve always found Nietzsche to be a joke. Would a weak little bastard like him have survive in a world with the morality he advocated? Would the world be a better place for me if my morality was “unshackled” by Christ? Life would be easier for me, but most likely worse for those around me. I enjoyed into philosophy while in college, and kicked around the idea of becoming a philosophy major but…. past a certain superficial level, they all seem ridiculous to me. Most especially the modern philosophers. I did enjoy the Stoics, particularly the Roman Stoics.

  13. I’ll say this about him. His book was just as likely to be in German knapsack in ww1 and ww2 than a bible. And although they lost those soldiers were masters of the battlefield.

  14. “The Spiritual Teachings of Marcus Aurelius” is also an excellent work. Very straight-forward and common-sense spiritual teachings without all the mixed-messages contained in the bible. Also, nothing fey or other-wordly about it, as the New Testament can be.

  15. That’s the one I was thinking about John but couldn’t recall the name

    One of the reasons I prefer the old philosophers is because they did more then flap their gums. Most were soldiers and statesmen and all man of things on top of philosophers vs the modern ones being a lot of effeminate men trying to explain away their womanish ways

  16. This ‘judeo-Christian’ term really annoys the hell out of me (hehe), and since I swim in a sea of those who seem to love using the revolting term, I instead rejoice in the small windows of opportunity it gives me to share selections from
    http://cambriawillnotyield.wordpress.com/, and a few select others 🙂

  17. Nietzshe didn’t advocate a world without morality. Nietzshe didn’t care for the Christian penchant to lift up the lowly at the expense of what is noble and true. He thought Christains were too focused on the lowly and humble instead of the aristocratic and higher nature of man. He wasn’t against morality though.
    At any rate, he was a philosopher. He wasn’t trying to start a new religion.
    Whatever one thinks about Nietzshe, he gave us all alot to contemplate and think about. Even if one disgarees with him, one walks away learning more about the world– one learns what questions to ask, at least ; Questions that leads one to search for deeper meanings. He is very compelling. I disagree with him on many points, but overall, I have alot of respect for him.
    His criticism of Christianity centered around what the churches preached about Jesus. He wasn’t against the concept of Christ per se . He thought the concept of Christ should be rethought and lifted up to a higher level whereby ministers and priests coudn’t use the bible to divide and separate the White Race, which is what priests and minsters do. The White race is very divided along church/denominational lines. Nietzshe found that a huge problem and stumbling block for the White Race. He is absolutely correct on that point.

  18. @ Hunter Wallace
    Nietzshe was a philo-semite in that he thought the Jews see life for what it is : a power struggle; Then they prepare themselves to deal with the power struggle called life. He respected that about the Jews. So do I. Their heads aren’t full of alot of foggy, sometimes bizarre, pie-in-the-sky religious notions. In some ways, the Jews see life in a clearer and a more realistic way than Christians do. In that sense Nietzshe was a philo-semite, though he had plenty of negative things to say about Jews as well. He was a total curmudgeon. He’s My Man!

  19. “Nietzsche was a philo-Semite.”

    In a one way perhaps. He used their toughness and continued existence as a stick to beat up the Germans who he considered weak and degenerate and thought that their anti-semitism was a scapegoat tactic used as an excuse to whine about their own situation.

    In a more profound sense he was thoroughly inimical to both the Old and New Testaments which he considered to be slave religions not worthy of humankind.

  20. “I’ve always found Nietzsche to be a joke. Would a weak little bastard like him have survive in a world with the morality he advocated? Would the world be a better place for me if my morality was “unshackled” by Christ? Life would be easier for me, but most likely worse for those around me.”

    You wish. You being “unshackled” would result in your being shot in short order (and probably in the back.) The pen is still mightier than the sword. Uncle Tom’s Cabin did more to destroy the South than Sherman’s army ever did.

  21. The slavish quality of Christianity and Judaism comes from the ancient egyptian religion : It influenced both Judaism and Christianity. The ancient egyptians worshipped slavery like modern day Americans — especially the wealthy — worship the Federal Reserve : It was their economic system

  22. The cosmopolitanism of Rome under a single political regime lead to a centralized religion. One that appears to have been only superficially respected. When the waves of barbarians upturned the political unity the religion seems to have been taken seriously.

  23. Christ didn’t come to “shackle us”. He came to free us from the slavery of immorality, another word for slavery. Anyone who considers their faith : Christian or otherwise , a “shackle”, should go look for another faith to live by ; We were not meant to live in “shackles” : Concordia cum Veritate : In Harmony with Truth.

  24. what lame ass point are you trying to make judel? or are you still pissed I crushed your fantasy shooting technique?

    I’m not advocating for anything but traditional Christian morality, which assigns value to the weakest of our society based on their worth to God.

    The Biblical world view is we are all immoral by our sin nature, and should strive to over come our base instincts. Pagan thought was like that as well. The notion man is inherently good is modern one, and counter to what we see go on in the world.

    Which is why I have shackles in quotes; those who oppose traditional Christian morality often claim it shackles the soul etc. I hear that shackles stuff from the Nietzshe crowd.

  25. Nietzshe wanted to unshackle us from the priests and ministers who divide the White race incessantly. There are those who misread Neitzshe and use his work as an excuse to “do your own thing”. That’s not Nietzshe. Many groups of people, each with different agendas, try to claim Nietzshe for their own, but Nietzshe — to his credit– can not be pinned down so easily. He transcends political agendas, social/cultural agendas, cliques, etc.
    ” Shackled to Jesus” is an old-fashioned term used by certain christians. It was never used by Nietzshe, nor any of Nietzshe’s crowd(s), whatever the agenda of the particular Nietzshe crowd — even the Nietzshe hippies in the 60’s never used the term “shackled” to Jesus, “shackled” to Christ, or “shackled” to morality. They certainly never said it the way the old-fashioned certain type christians used it– and they never even used the expression pejoratively. The Nietzshe crowd(s) just never used the term or terms, “shackled to Jesus “, ” shackled to Christ”, Or, ” shackled to morality”, period.

  26. At the end of the ” Sweet Liberty” article I included in my above post , there’s a link to Benjamin Freedman. An honest Jew. He told the truth about Zionists. I would recommend all White Americans to read what Freedman has to say about Zionism.

  27. “Life would be easier for me, but most likely worse for those around me.”

    That doesn’t sound in the least bit Christian to me. Unlike you I stand by and am there for my friends and family.

    As to you “crushing” my shooting techniques, you have done nothing of the sort. Of course one normally aims at center of mass when firing single shots. However hand held automatic weapons always rise when fired. When engaging the enemy at medium range (say 50 yards) aiming for the right hip will bring a three round burst from an M-16 up through the torso of an upright target. Firing at center of mass will put the second round on his right shoulder at best. This is a fact you would know if you had ever engaged an advancing enemy in combat. An AK-47 rises even more.

    When laying down suppressive fire in the heat of battle (say when your fire team is covering the maneuver of another team in your squad) it pays to hold a bit low especially at longer ranges as ricochets off water and dirt will tend to bounce into your target rather than having your rounds sailing over them.

    This you would also know if you ever had to maneuver in the attack while under enemy fire in the field. How dare you accuse me of stolen valor while you go on like a blowhard and a fraud who would let a brother down based solely on which part of the country he was from. You sound more like a candy ass who even if you were in combat never did much more than drive around in an armored vehicle taking pot shots at amateur militia and was back behind the wire by chow time every night. Did the civilian contractors tuck you in bed every night too?

    I don’t give a big rat’s ass how many barrels you wore out training at Ft Bragg. Fuck the Army and double fuck the Rangers. And while you’re at it go fuck yourself. You don’t know shit from shinola.

    PS – we didn’t lose the Vietnam war because of my squads techniques of fire control as you previously insinuated either, you pompous dogface asshole.

  28. LOL I hit a nerve on the guy who’s never seen combat and is probably relying a story he heard from better men

  29. Dude, admit it, you and your insults and “doctrine” have been massively pwnd by a real combat vet. And a Yankee to boot no less! 🙂 Your credibility is non-existent.

  30. You are the grand larceny of stolen valor. Not only do you not know how to run a rifle, no vet, Vietnam or otherwise I’ve ever meet run downs other branches of service or other men’s service like you do.

    I did find some people online advocating aiming at the hip and letting recoil bring the rounds on to target. They were on a video game forum

    Find a better source for intell before you try to pass off your lies

  31. “I’ve ever meet run downs other branches of service or other men’s service like you do.”

    Ooooh, the arrogant little doggie dishes it out but can’t take it. What happened? Did the big bad Marines kick your ass in a bar fight? You are the biggest asshole on this forum. I’ve never met a vet who proudly claims he would let down his buddies because they are Yankee scum. You are the liar and you prove it cuz you don’t know shit about real combat. “Doctrine” my ass. Just a bunch of loose talk about Bosnia. Serbs are white people. How many of them did you grease? Sounds like the same thing you complain the Germans did. What hypocrisy. This used to be a good country till post 1960’s assholes like you came along.

    I’ll tell you the same thing I say to my pals who are Army vets: FTA, fuck officers, and fuck contractors you unpatriotic mercenary piece of shit.

  32. Yeah this country is Judeo-Christian just as long as you don’t try putting up a cross anywhere. You’ll be okay putting up a 40′ high funny looking candle holder though.

  33. show me one post where I said I would have let down yankees on my team. Just one. you and joe both do the lying by false claims on what people say.

    All contracts I work are approved by the DOD and State Dept. Not sure how that makes my work traitorous. Surely you can say that about my politics since I want the South to be free of the federal govt. But the same can be said for George Washington, Patrick Henry and all the other Founding Fathers.I

    thank you judel’ you still don’t know how to run a rifle. Only women care about being liked, men want to be right and accurate. you not liking me confirms I am on the right path

  34. It’s no worse than Alex Salmond wanting a separated scotland. Only in Americais regional identity devilry.

  35. @ …..”Promoting the concept of America as a Judeo-Christian nation became a political program in the 1920s, in response to the growth of anti-Semitism in America. The rise of Hitler in the 1930s led concerned Protestants, Catholics, and Jews to take active steps to increase understanding and tolerance.[28]….

    Imo, that is directly connected to the War Between the States.

    War 1865… then reconstruction til 1880. Shortly thereafter is the structuring of the FED, and other centralizing mechanisms. The Red Republicans book, discussing Lincoln’s use of Marx’s “48-ers” and other Statists from Europe to win his dictatorship war, clarifies what it was really about, who were the interested “union” parties.

    The moves –imo— began as coalitions to get rid of the u.s. PTB (Wasps), and also their “constitutional republic,” which they’d set up. Then it got out of hand. Most parties are trying to figure out how to back peddle right now, imo.

    The American WWII generation will be gone soon. They were seriously dosed on rations, war propaganda, the first political movies, military and paper hatism.

    In twenty years, they will simply not exist. They are what people really mean by the “baby boomers.”

    The hugest victims of propaganda that have ever lived.

  36. @ Joe—- The slavish quality of Christianity and Judaism comes from the ancient egyptian religion : It influenced both Judaism and Christianity….

    In the Anti-Chirst, Nietzsche doesn’t see Judaism as slavish. He sees it as having an old school God with jealousy, wrath, etc, who is an empire God, (bestowing LAND in the conquest of other ethnic groups and tribes.).

    He says that when the God failed (when they were enslaved, not getting land, etc.) that the people were stupid not to just get another God. The Jew’s failing is hanging onto their God after He turned out to no longer be working for them.

    Pauline Christianity, however…. that (I would say perversion of “real” christianity), but anyway… that sick strain of glorifying weakness, promoting weakness, etc. (like currently with it being trendy to forego having one’s own kids, but rather, to adopt ethiopians instead)—- is the sick thing, according to Nietzsche.

  37. The New Testament is the New Covanent. God booted the Tribe OUT of Most Favored Nation status. The Christ was not some greasy little Hebe, by the by.

    Vlad Tepes was not a slave. He was a True Christian Hero, a member of an elite fighting outfit – the Order of the Dragon. The BRILLIANT defenders of Malta, including a 75 year old man, who had to sit down, while fighting, due to a horrid wound, were not pussies.

    They weren’t Judeos, either.

    Christians didn’t used to be Judaized pussies.

    Christianity used to be the bulwark AGAINST all onslaught. But Whites got rich….began allowing Jews to run their finances……now it’s JudeoChristianity. If trends continue, as Landshark rightly noted, the “Christianity” will be dispensed with shortly. It won’t take 15 years.

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