Rainbow Confederate Fantasyland


Here’s the latest from Mark Vogl:

“Secession and the bloody war that followed is a part of the history of the South, and for almost a century was politically correct in Dixie. Even as late as the Centennial, America itself honored the heroes of the South.”

That’s true.

The Lost Cause was ascendant in the Jim Crow era. “Pitchfork” Ben Tillman, Margaret Mitchell, and Thomas Dixon succeeded in preserving our heritage. The Southern cause was ascendant nationwide. This didn’t change until the triumph of the revisionists following the Civil Rights Movement.

“The movies up until the sixties did not shy away from the America that existed earlier. Dixie was played often as a martial song to stir the patriotism of the people with roots to Confederate gray.”

Until the 1960s, Southern heritage was preserved and was successfully defended. Then along came the Baby Boomers who embraced the values of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1970s and 1980s. Southern heritage has been in terminal decline ever since the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

“The movies of an earlier reflect a reality not easily understood by people today. But the South was one, black and white were the South.”

Previous generations of White Southerners were highly conscious of the fact that African-Americans were not our people. The Jim Crow South had an elaborate racial etiquette that was based on the premise that blacks were a separate and distinct race.

“When the war with the invading north occurred three and half million black slaves did not revolt, and most did not join the Union army.”

180,000 blacks fought for the Union Army.

“Story after story of slaves tending their master’s wounds, or carrying home the body to be buried are available. The Slave narratives done after the war prove an affection and bond between all in the South which could not be understood, and so was put in a crate, like the one in Raiders of the Lost Arc, and pushed into a warehouse to sleep in the dust of history.”

Blacks celebrated the demise of slavery across the South. As far as I know, no blacks ever protested or demonstrated for the restoration of slavery.

“The olde South was born of cultural diversity, the Confederacy home to Scot-Irish and German, the Six Tribes of the Indian Nation of what is now Oklahoma, the Mexicans, French and Cajuns of Texas and Louisiana, and the three and half million blacks of Dixie. (Because I recognize this diversity I am called a Rainbow Confederate by those in the Southern movement who do not see.)”

This is a classic statement of the Rainbow Confederate worldview.

(1) First, the vast majority of blacks in the South were slaves. By 1860, free blacks were banned in most Southern states. Blacks were considered an inferior race and elevating them to “social equality” was seen as tantamount to the destruction of Southern civilization.

(2) Second, the Southeastern Indians had been deported to Oklahoma by Andrew Jackson and Martin van Buren in order to facilitate White settlement. In Alabama, the Creeks had waged an unsuccessful race war against White settlers during the War of 1812, and the United States fought two wars with the Seminoles in Florida.

(3) Third, the French and Cajuns in Louisiana were Whites, and were citizens of the White Republic.

(4) Fourth, the Germans in Texas and the Scots-Irish in Appalachia were also Whites, and were also citizens of the White Republic on that basis, unlike blacks and Indians.

(5) Fifth, the Tejanos in South Texas were mostly disenfranchised after the Mexican War. New Mexico didn’t achieve statehood until the twentieth century because it was predominantly Hispanic. Many Tejanos had fought for Mexico in the Mexican War.

(6) Finally, the Antebellum South was indisputably based on racialism, slavery, and white supremacy. It saw itself as a White Republic and as a great bastion of Anglo-Saxon civilization in North America. White Southerners like Robert Barnwell Rhett took great pride in their English heritage and many Confederates fancied themselves as being descended from aristocratic Norman Cavaliers.

“But then, in reaction to the inability of all America (north and South ) to deal with the question of what do we do now, after the slaves were freed, the civil rights movement arose. It happened in coincidence to America’s war in Vietnam and the rising tide of opposition to America’s new role as global policemen.”

The Civil Rights Movement began with the Civil Rights Act of 1866. It was created by Black Republican abolitionists like Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens who shifted from arguing for the abolition of slavery to black citizenship, negro equality, and a punitive military occupation of the defeated South.

“One we still carry today even though we won the Cold War a score year ago. The Soviet menace is dead, but America’s soldiers did not come home.”

The Soviet Union was the great champion of anti-racism and communism in the twentieth century. In fact, the Cold War struggle to compete with the Soviet Union for the “hearts and minds” of the “Third World” (the non-aligned nations in the Cold War) explains why Dwight Eisenhower lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 following the integration of Central High School in Little Rock.

“The violence of the sixties was not just in the South, but Los Angeles and Chicago both had their turn at being in the spotlight. The KKK’s largest rallies were in the north, on Long Island and in Ohio, though it is the South who solely carries affiliation with that organization.”

What is remarkable is that there really wasn’t much violence in the 1960s. By that I mean “White-on-black” violence. There aren’t many names at all on the SPLC’s Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial in Montgomery. Most of the real actual violence in the 1960s consisted of blacks rioting and burning down cities like Detroit, Los Angeles, and Newark.

“The civil rights movement, founded on an honorable concept of equality was infiltrated by enemies of liberty, and America. A concoction of justice and anti-Americanism, spiced with racism on both sides was injected into the veins of American life.”

The modern Civil Rights Movement was born in communism and was always led by known communists like W.E.B. DuBois, Stokely Carmichael, and organizers like Bayard Rustin. It was always a black empowerment movement and it used a rhetoric of colorblindness merely as a tactic to achieve its goals.

“Political correctness was the anti-virus developed by the social elites of the Ivy League. This political correctness torched the Confederate flag once again, removing it from Friday night and Saturday fall battlefields of the modern South, and the raceways which to this day draw the largest crowds to sporting events.”

That’s one way of looking at it: Kevin MacDonald has explained the origins of political correctness. It is another Jewish inspired and financed social movement like the Civil Rights Movement.

“What the abolitionists and Yankees of the war could not do, and what reconstruction did not do, the modern electronic Yankee occupation of the South would do. The olde South was occupied and overcome. And, many in the modern South have accepted it. Though it is estimated that some eighty million Americans today can trace their Southern ancestry back to Confederate gray, the symbols and more importantly the political inheritance of the South have been banished.”

That’s true.

The Union Army occupied the South in Reconstruction, but White Southerners never swallowed the ethos and ideals of Reconstruction. OTOH, the Baby Boomers swallowed the ethos and ideals of the Civil Rights Movement and the counterculture, and that is the primary reason we find ourselves in this predicament.

“Recently, a Republican Presidential candidate from Texas, Governor Rick Perry, announced his personal opposition to the application of the Sons of Confederate Veterans for a vanity plate. Despite the fact that not one other application by any not-for-profit for a vanity plate in Texas had been refused, the committee making the decision voted unanimously to reject the application. And the leader of the Texas S.C.V. sat at that meeting, never saying a word. No press conference held, no action to claim for the South its inheritance by the very man elected to make the stand. His silence at the highwater mark demonstrated the impotence of those charged with vindicating the Southern inheritance.”

Tellingly, the same committee approved the Buffalo Soldiers license plate, even though the Buffalo Soldiers had committed genocide against the Plains Indians. The SCV apparently thought it would be sufficiently multicultural to support both proposed license plates.

“Yes a lawsuit had been commenced. But, in Texas the Courts there are no better that in New York, or California. The last case like this in Texas, where the SCV took Governor Bush to court for tearing down historical markers in the dead of the night, the Court spanked the former President’s hand, but did not order the plaques returned. They are still missing, the Texas SCV members told they won. Pathetic, if it wasn’t so funny.”

It is pathetic … we are stripped of our heritage on the grounds of “fighting racism,” and we have people who claim to be defending that heritage giving lip service to “fighting racism,” which only further delegitimizes our heritage and justifies its banishment from the public sphere.

“There are many values of the old South which are desperately needed in today’s America. Foremost among these values is an invitation to God to sit at the governing table. In the Preamble to the Constitution of the Confederate States, the founding fathers of the nation of Dixie called on God for His wisdom and protection. In the document itself, the nation of the South recognized a Christian God and asked Him to guide them.”

Christianity thrived in the Antebellum South, the Confederacy, and the Jim Crow South. Isn’t it interesting that Christianity seems to be dying though under BRA?

“This sitting President of the United States has denied this nation is a Christian nation despite our history and the fact that seventy-five percent of Americans claim Christianity; this after decades of human secularism in our schools and on our televisions.”

Yes, the first black president, Barack Hussein Obama, whose election was the culmination of 43 years of the “struggle against racism” under Black Run Amerika. Whose election was supposed to herald the coming of the long sought “post-racial” colorblind utopia that never arrived.

“The corruption of the old Europe, the reasons for an exodus to the new world are in America today. We have been infected, and the only anti-virus enlightened liberty is absent to any real degree, the foundation of American exceptionalism.”

The term “American exceptionalism” was coined by Joseph Stalin.

“The Confederate Constitution is filled with the remedies to today’s problems; Line Item veto, the blocking of member items, a fiscally conservative budget process, prohibition of commercial bail outs and restraints on an active judiciary, and lastly but most importantly the superior sovereignty of the states are all embedded in the document created more than one hundred and fifty years ago.”

That’s true.

The Confederate constitution was a vast improvement on the United States Constitution in all sorts of ways. It put some real teeth into state sovereignty.

“The olde South was the prophet of modern American tragedy and collapse. She saw the traits of man which would eventually undo the document created to safeguard liberty and promote individual accomplishment.

But the olde South is not heard from.”

Especially by its own self-avowed advocates. The Old South was an unabashed, self confident White Republic which is the exact opposite of the Rainbow Confederates who are so morally delegitimized that they have to hide behind photoshopped images of black Confederate soldiers.

“Politics is the art of distraction. Take the public’s eye off the ball, by giving them the blood games in the coliseum. In America, to distract America from the intellectual consideration of the Olde South’s political insight, the intellectual black hole of slavery has dominated the discussion of secession, the ante bellum era and the war. It should not, and the purveyors, the spokesman of the old South should condemn slavery for the sin it is, so that the discussion can move to the real import and significance of the Confederacy. And this discussion should include the right of secession as the only real check on the unbridled expansion of federal power.”

Maybe if we condemned slavery then Yankees would quit talking about it and shut up about it and accept the legitimate insights of the Confederate Constitution. Maybe not.

“But alas, this discussion is muted. Like the leader in Texas who sat silently in a committee meeting while political appointees bowed before the wishes of Governor Rick Perry, so most other Southern leaders will continue to fight for the nobility of slavery, rather than condemn it for what it was, and take up the real fight, the Cause.”

There isn’t a single elected official in the entire South that defends the nobility of slavery. The “Southern Heritage Preservation Movement” doesn’t defend the nobility of slavery. It defends Americanism and anti-racism and multiculturalism and political correctness.

“Have no fear Yankees and neo conservatives, as of now, those who claim leadership in the Southern movement reject political activism, preferring parades and re-enactments, and the distraction of defending slavery. At least for now, the South won’t rise again.”

The South will never rise again on the basis of anti-racism, multiculturalism, political correctness and other novelties of the Baby Boomer worldview like Americanism which have crippled the South and destroyed our heritage and which have legitimized the cause of our enemies, the ascendancy of blacks, and the invasion of the South by hostile foreigners.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Let me be first in line for your book on the overthrow of Reconstruction. If the RCs cannot address that honestly they might as well be running the exterminationist labor camps for the Stalinist “anti-racists” in our dystopic future.

  2. Good piece, HW. I wasn’t aware of the communist coinage of the term “American exceptionalism” even though most such phrases have always rubbed me wrong. Can you provide an immediate source for that or will you make me look for it?

    Being a boomer, I’ve long tended to blame my parents’ generation for our predicament. “The Greatest Generation”. Ugh. They’re the ones who still had the ability to violently resist but were too devoted to faux patriotism, through the phraseology you refer to, to do so. But I suspect that their parents were to blame for their being so naive. So I guess that thinking of it in terms of generations is probably useless.

    One thing I do know, however. There are definitely more racially aware boomers on the internet than racially aware greatests. lol

    Now you may proceed with your boomer bashing. They do deserve aplenty.

  3. The primary legacy of slavery in this country is the presence of millions upon millions of negroes. If these people want you to admit that legacy has been a disaster for everyone else, why disagree?

  4. Stalin had two problems here in America, the first was that America wasn’t overpopulated, so capital didn’t quite have the hand over labor that it had in continental Europe, and the second was race, Europe had no large population of blacks that the equalist had spent decades banging their heads against the wall trying to bring equality to.

  5. Imagine what minds could be opened, if all books were written this way- showing the utter bias, and complete STUPIDITY of Jews like Vogl.

    Why, we’d be able to think once again.

    I’ll reiterate what was said before, Hunter. Thanks for opening our eyes.
    Many Years.

  6. That SPLC Civil Rights Martyrs Memorial is a good read. For example:

    Rev. Bruce Klunder was among civil rights activists who protested the building of a segregated school by placing their bodies in the way of construction equipment. Klunder was crushed to death when a bulldozer backed over him.

    Dumbass cracker.

  7. Two points that might be useful against the rainbows:

    1: Blacks were quite willing to cooperate with the Yankee occupiers
    2: There were no black Klansmen fighting to overthrow Reconstruction

    Really speaks to the “affection and bond between all in the South”.

  8. The Greatest Generation may have been the Weakest Generation, but it was the Boomers that plundered the system. And we sit here staring their debt “which they is owed” in the face through unfunded governmental liabilities.

  9. The South never Rose in the past. It was always a languid backwater of the Western world. A place where the Africans : A foreign and alien race was dragged from Africa to work in chains, to work on chain-gangs, a place of miscegnation — in spite of the “christian” laws — A place of brutality and violence to keep the slaves in place, and to keep the poor whites in place also ; Then there was the constant 24/7 slave-patrols, the poverty, the misery, the malnutrition, the pellagra, the rickets, and the constant debt for the majority of white Southerners. All in all, an atavistic [ even in ante-bellum south ] and barbaric talmudic economic system.
    The South never rose in the past, so I don’t see how there could be any kind of Southern “renaissance” now, or in the near future ; Not if Southerners follow the old model of doing things down South. The old way of doing things down South kept the majority of White Southerners poor. The so-called “real” Christianity of the old South was basically constant 24/7 bible-banging to keep the poor whites in line.
    Ultimately, the economic system/ culture/ type of Christianity of the South/ thinking & philosophy of the old South , was derived from the Talmud, more than anything else. The belief that “we” are “special” and somehow “chosen” by God Himself to drag foreign races to a foreign land [to our land in other words] and force them to spend all the days of their lives at our service, in chains and at the end-of-a-whip no less, is from the Talmud, not the New Testament ; It’s not from the New Testament, and it’s certainly not in any book of Loyalty — not to mention any book about common-sense — dragging a foreign and un-assimilable race into your own White country is the height of disloyalty to one’s fellow Whites. The slave-dealers & plantation owners, the bankers, and all the big-shots involved with slavery — both South and North –knew fully well what they were doing, they knew what the ultimate consequences would be : They were not ignorant of history, or in any way naive.
    They choose the jew/talmud way of doing things. They rejected the true faith, heritage and culture of Christendom, in spite of the “christian” affectations they put on.
    The South is going to have to find a new way, different from the past, and different from the modern-day philosophy of the West in general, if the South is ever going to Rise. Looking back at the past is not going to bring forth a Southern Renaissance ; Looking back at the past is just going to bring forth more of the same : Jew/ talmudic rule, with non-Jewish White Freemasons pledging their loyalty — their secret oaths — to their Jew banking masters in the Halls of Freemasonry ; All for the love of mammon, and for the love of feeling “special” and “chosen”. The same tyranny. The same bullshit. The same lies. The same bible-banging. The same phoniness. The same restrictions on freedom and liberty. The same amount of debt and struggle for the average Southerner. Nothing very good is going to accrue to White Southerners if they constantly look to their past with rose-colored glasses. The South was never the center of the West. It was always a backwater.
    The Southerners need to steer a course between the South’s talmudic/freemason past, and the communist culture of the present-day West , if there’s ever going to be any kind of Southern Renaissance. Otherwise, fuhgeddaboudit.

  10. Thanks y’all. I’ve been studying history and politics for almost half a century and it’s the first I’ve heard of it.

    A good book on the rainbow girls might just put the nails in their coffin. Good healthy racism is definitely in the air.

    rjp – Don’t forget the generation that destroyed the South, or the two generations that presided over the destruction of Europe. No boomers were around in 1913 either. They certainly haven’t been the best but they did inherit a mess. The blame list is endless.

  11. No boomers were around in 1913 either. They certainly haven’t been the best but they did inherit a mess. The blame list is endless.

    We can fight and fight about which age group is most to blame for which Acts and Laws but the fact remains that government has expanded exponentially since 1960, along with their wages and benefits.

    The Boomers have looted America since they entered upper management all areas in circa 1980. Peace love gibsmedat gibsmemo.

  12. Well, if this blame game must go on, I have to reiterate what I’ve pointed out on my blog. The evil boomers voted against Obama more than any other age group. Most of the older folks I know are far more politically incorrect than younger age groups, and there are polls showing the same thing.
    All the blame-shifting is so counterproductive, though. It alienates whole groups of people. Division is killing us.

  13. “The Boomers have looted America since they entered upper management all areas in circa 1980.”

    Fuck you. I worked hard for that money.

  14. Joe is around to unleash a torrent of ignorance into every thread: the antebellum South was far richer than the North and the British West Indies were even richer than the South in their heyday.

    The French West Indies were far wealthier and more valuable to France than Quebec. Saint-Domingue was the wealthiest colony in the world. Jamaica was worth more to Britain than all 13 American mainland colonies combined.

    Yankeeland was the backwater, not the Deep South. During the American Revolution, King George III prioritized the defense of Jamaica and the British West Indies over Britain itself and England fought harder to hang on to the Southern colonies than New England.

    Did you know that Britain abandoned Philadelphia during the American Revolution to send troops to the Caribbean to conquer St. Lucia? General Clinton sent thousands of British troops from occupied New York City to the Caribbean.

    Even after Yorktown, the war between Britain and France continued in the Caribbean. The British were willing to sacrifice American independence so long as they could hold onto the British West Indies.

  15. @Hunter Wallace
    The wealth in the South was in the hands of the slave-owning oligarchy. There’s more to a nation than wealth. Wealth is important, of course ; But when wealth is in the hands of a few, at the great expense of the many — as it is in all slave-economies — one can’t truly call such a society great. I guess it was great for the big-shot plantation owners, but for the average working-class Whites, the slave eonomic system was detrimental overall.

  16. In 1860, the average slave was an asset worth the equivalent of $135K in 2009 dollars. That doesn’t even include land or improvements. The average per capita income in the South was nearly twice that of the North.

    The planter class was stupendously more wealthy than the average Yankee. The relative disparity between the wealth and power of the South and the North created enormous envy, resentment, and jealousy in the North.

    In slave societies, blacks worked in direct proportion to the leisure of Whites. Not only were Southern planters far more wealthy and powerful than the average Yankee, they had the leisure time to cultivate refined tastes and manners which enabled them to flaunt their social superiority as well.

    It is true that the South collapsed into poverty … that is, after the war when enraged Yankees invaded the South, abolished slavery, destroyed the Southern economy, and annihilated our cities and the basis of our wealth.

    THEN the Yankee had the audacity to start making laughable arguments about Southern poverty and backwardness. Like it had nothing to do with the most destructive war in American history.

  17. I’ve already shown that the planter class was a small minority of slaveholders in this area. The vast majority of slaveowners – in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, about 50 percent of White families – were not planters.

    Unlike the Yankee system of free market capitalism, where a small oligarchy of capitalists controlled the stock market, the average White Southerner was more invested in slavery than his Northern counterpart was in tariff protected factories or railroad corporations or other types of industrial capitalism.

  18. Haha.

    Yeah, the great White working class paradise imported Chinese coolies to the West Coast and endless streams of Jews and European immigrants and then millions of free negroes to Detroit and Chicago and now finally it has flung open the door to all of Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

    Unlike Yankees, we haven’t yet been utterly swamped by foreign immigrants here in Dixie, although the “Nation of Immigrants” to the north of us is determined to make that happen.

  19. Umm no … Southern civilization was modeled on classical slaveowning societies like Greece and Rome. Maybe that is why neo-classical architecture is so widespread in Dixie?

  20. What are you babbling on about, Joe? The slave trade was over three centuries old by the time the Confederacy was formed. It was started by Catholic Spain and Catholic Portugal.

    Pope Alexander VI partitioned the New World between Spain and Portugal. What’s more, Italy was already a center of the slave trade before the discovery of the New World.

  21. @Hunter Wallace
    I’m glad to hear the South hasn’t been “utterly swamped by foreign immigrants”. It’s not anything I’d want to see happen. I have no animosity for Southerners : I do not wish the South — Southerners — any kind of harm whatsoever . I just think the slave-economic system is very detrimental, all things considered.

  22. @ Hunter Wallace
    I never said the Catholics weren’t involved with slavery. I just said slavery is a detrimental economic system, overall. I don’t care who gets involved in slavery– it remains a detrimental economic system, doesn’t matter who’s doing the slaving. The US was supposed to be a Protestant Christian country anyhow — so who cares about what the Catholics in South America were doing anyway– we’re talking about the USA.

  23. @ Hunter Wallace
    From an historical perspective, it’s wrong of talking about Italy as a unified country, a unified people ; Italy wasn’t unified until the 1861. Many areas of Italy were ruled by foreign powers throughout history, up until the mid 19th century. The Italians, overwhelmingly, were against the slave trade. It never had the support of the Italians anywhere throughout the peninsula, like the kind of support the Southern Americans gave to slavery. Not anything close. Never.
    Many Jews moved to England after the Reformation, to get involved in the slave trade which was made legal there. I guess the Jews were reluctant to move to Spain. In Northern Italy, where the Italians had alittle bit more say in their governance, Slavery was Illegal. Other areas of Italy were under a type of rule whereby the Italian people did not have any say whatsoever. To use an example of some Duke of this, or King of that, in Italy supporting slavery is not any proof the Italian people supported slavery. The rulers were foreign rulers. Not Italians. And yes, a handful of Italian popes supported slavery. Still, that doesn’t mean the Italaian people supported the pope in question. They most certainly did not. Slavery just never had the support of the Italian people , not any kind of support even closely resembling the kind of support slavery had in the American South.
    Italy was not unified until 1861. Please be more historically accurate when mentioning the history of the Italian Peninsula. It’s a complicated and very inter-woven history of kings, and popes, and emperor’s, and all their various agendas. Their agendas were not necessarily the agenda(s) of the Italian people. Please be more acuurate in the future.

  24. Re: Joe

    I just think the slave-economic system is very detrimental, all things considered.

    (1) As I pointed out above, the British and French slave colonies were richer and more prosperous than the British and French free labor colonies.

    (2) In 1860, Southern per capita income was nearly twice that of the North. The average slave was worth the equivalent of $135K. In the Lower Chattahoochee Valley, almost 50 percent of White Southern families owned at least one slave.

    (3) It was the destruction of slavery that destroyed the Southern economy and created endemic poverty in the South.

    (4) In the South and the British West Indies, slavery fostered racialism and conservatism, whereas the free labor system in the North fostered liberalism and social revolution.

    (5) Every degenerate social movement in American history from abolition to women’s rights to civil rights to feminism to anti-racism to gay marriage – virtually everything that we resent today – has come out of The Great Free Soil Paradise in the Northern states.

    (6) In 2008, every single Northern state voted for Obama, and most of them are poised to do it again in November.

  25. Hunter – I’ve begun using your Nigras have lost their value by X percent, in real world dollar value thesis, in real world conversations.

    It’s HIGHLY amusing to do so. It takes time to convey the actual economics – what [the above] means – but once I get it across – the smoke starts coming out of the nostrils of the DWL, or the NeoTard Rapture Bunnies, for that matter, that I deal with. The eyes bug out….I thought I was going to cause an actual stroke, in one case, when I tossed in a line about Negroes being outmoded farm equipment.

    Thanks for the entertainment value, in addtion to a brilliant meme-changing concept. I’m getting IMMENSE blow-back – but things are “sinking in” as the general financial picture sinks in….seeds being planted, and all that rot.


  26. Joe,

    I never said the Catholics weren’t involved with slavery. I just said slavery is a detrimental economic system, overall.

    If that were really the case, then the superiority of the free labor system would be so obvious that it would have put slave societies out of business. The truth is that abolition destroyed the plantation economy in all the former slave societies.

    I don’t care who gets involved in slavery– it remains a detrimental economic system, doesn’t matter who’s doing the slaving.

    How is slavery the “detrimental” economic system? Isn’t it your free labor system that brought the Jews to America and empowered them over Whites? Isn’t it your free labor economic system that has brought the entire West to its knees?

    The US was supposed to be a Protestant Christian country anyhow — so who cares about what the Catholics in South America were doing anyway– we’re talking about the USA.

    If slavery is so “anti-Christian,” why did Spain, France, Portugal participate in the transatlantic slave trade for centuries? Oh wait, it was the Vatican that partitioned the whole New World between Spain and Portugal in the first place.

  27. The Italians, overwhelmingly, were against the slave trade. It never had the support of the Italians anywhere throughout the peninsula, like the kind of support the Southern Americans gave to slavery. Not anything close. Never.

    The Venetians were pioneers of the slave trade and were engaged in a thriving White slave trade with the Islamic world before the discovery of the Americas.

    Many Jews moved to England after the Reformation, to get involved in the slave trade which was made legal there. I guess the Jews were reluctant to move to Spain.

    The Jews had thrived in Spain before many of them left there and fled to the Netherlands.

    In Northern Italy, where the Italians had alittle bit more say in their governance, Slavery was Illegal. Other areas of Italy were under a type of rule whereby the Italian people did not have any say whatsoever.

    The city states in Northern Italy were the pioneers of the slave trade!

  28. Hunter Wallace says:

    “Yankeeland was the backwater, not the Deep South.”

    I doubt most people would view Yankee cities such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago and many, many more to be backwaters. Not by ANY measure.

    The definition of backwater as it pertains to the discussion.

    Merriam Webster: a : an isolated or backward place or condition.

    Synonyms: backcountry, backland(s), frontier, backwoods, bush, hinterland, outback, outlands, up-country
    Related Words: boonies [slang], boondocks, country, countryside, sticks

  29. I posted around a dozen links proving Italians of all stripes were involved with the slave trade and slow joe the jew troll keeps on with the same old lie

  30. In the colonial era, the Northern colonies were the backwater. They weren’t worth nearly as much to Britain as the Southern colonies or the British West Indies.

    Jamaica was the richest British colony in the West Indies. South Carolina was the wealthiest colony on the mainland.

    As I noted above, the British abandoned Philadelphia to conquer St. Lucia and stripped New York of troops to defend Jamaica.

  31. @Hunter Wallace
    The pioneers of the “slave trade” on the Italian peinusula were Jews, not Italians. The Jews were kicked out of one Italian city after another Italian city over the Jewish desire to start up their precious slave trades.
    The slave trade in Venice was abolished in the year 960 AD.
    Please name whatever other Italian cities were involved in slavery — what king or emperor of Europe controlled the city at the time, I’ll get back to you to let you know what year exactly the Italians put an end to the trade in that particular city. If you’d like, I can link to websites of Jewish expulsions from Italian cities throughout history because of the Jews desire to start up slave trades.

  32. Hunter Wallace says:
    July 29, 2012 at 5:16 am
    “In the colonial era, the Northern colonies were the backwater.”

    I just checked a listing of populations of major cities which only went back to 1790.
    New York, Philly and Boston alone totalled 80K. By 1850 they totalled over 800K.

    Check out the pop. figures for the bustling metropolises of Richmond, Wilmington, Nachez and Vicksburg circa 1850.

    Online history:

    The South, like other slave societies, did not develop urban centers for commerce, finance, and industry on a scale equal to those found in the North. Virginia’s largest city, Richmond, had a population of just 15,274 in 1850. That same year, Wilmington, North Carolina’s largest city, had only 7,264 inhabitants, while Natchez and Vicksburg, the two largest cities in Mississippi, had fewer than 3,000 white inhabitants.

    Southern cities were small because they failed to develop diversified economies. Unlike the cities of the North, southern cities rarely became processing or finishing centers and southern ports rarely engaged in international trade. Their primary functions were to market and transport cotton or other agricultural crops, supply local planters and farmers with such necessities as agricultural implements, and produce the small number of manufactured goods, such as cotton gins, needed by farmers.

    An overemphasis on slave-based agriculture led Southerners to neglect industry and transportation improvements. As a result, manufacturing and transportation lagged far behind in comparison to the North. In 1860 the North had approximately 1.3 MILLION industrial workers, whereas the South had 110,000, and northern factories manufactured nine-tenths of the industrial goods produced in the United States.

  33. we didn’t need transportation improvements as such. Our rivers were our highways/ rail ways since commercial traffic flowed to the coast

    if your in the goggling mood, check out river tonnage for the era

  34. ps, the South had a fair amount of rail compared to the rest of the world. Not like the north, but we weren’t on the tail end of it either compared to other nations

  35. Stonelifter says:
    “if your in the goggling mood, check out river tonnage for the era”

    Okay, I’ll google tomorrow.

    More on backwater.
    “In 1850, 20 percent of all southern white adults could not read or write, while the illiteracy rate in New England was less than half of 1 percent.”

    All that incredible wealth and so many White people illiterate?

    “Because large slaveholders owned most of the region’s slaves, wealth was more stratified than in the North. In the Deep South, the middle class held a relatively small proportion of the region’s property, while wealthy planters – owned a very significant portion of the productive lands and slave labor. In 1850, 17 percent of the farming population held two-thirds of all acres in the rich cotton-growing regions of the South.
    During the 1850s, the percentage of the total white population owning slaves declined significantly.”
    “By 1860, the proportion of whites holding slaves had fallen from about one-third to one-fourth. As slave and land ownership grew more concentrated, a growing number of whites were forced by economic pressure to leave the land and move to urban centers.”

    I’m thinking slavery was a fabulous deal mostly for the aristocrats. Their farm equipment was probably very well fed, clothed, treated far better and held in greater esteem than the lowly worthless White folks who were SOL.

  36. literacy doesn’t count for as much in an agricultural society. The hippies are making the same mistake here in A-stan by pushing reading over farming skills and the like. One of the newest follies is… this NGO group gave a village headman 10k to build a new school. Schooling will not help bring in crops. He spent the money on a highlux instead. The village seems much happier at having a truck to help them do work then the idea of a school.

    But once again I invite you to check out the stats from the South compared to the rest of the world at that time. We were still much more literate then most nations of Europe

    Also forced public education, a German/ yankee idea has been the main tool in indoctrinating our children to hate themselves, our forefathers and our traditions

  37. Sam,

    I don’t have to:

    1.) I don’t recall saying that there were more Whites in the South.

    2.) I don’t recall saying that Southern cities were larger than their Northern counterparts.

    3.) I don’t recall saying that the South was more industrialized than the North.

    I did say that in Colonial America that the North was the backwater, the poorer section of the mainland colonies, the less wealthier and less valuable colonies from the perspective of the British metropole.

    In terms of importance, the British West Indies were the wealthiest and most valuable colonies followed by the Southern mainland colonies and finally by the Northern farm colonies.

  38. Sam,

    1.) The South had no use for mobs of half educated urban newspaper readers.

    2.) The Southern gentry had their own schools and produced statesmen like Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and John C. Calhoun.

    3.) I’m thinking that 50 percent of White Southern families in the Lower Chattahoochee Valley were slaveowners which is probably a significantly greater investment in slavery than any comparable number of Northerners who owned stock in major railroad corporations.

    4.) If were to check and see what percentage of Northern White families were invested in Wall Street in 1860, what would we find?

  39. ” If were to check and see what percentage of Northern White families were invested in Wall Street in 1860, what would we find?”

    I’m just guessing and I doubt there is any way to get reliable statistics but <1%?

  40. I appreciate the historical discussion but what does anyone propose for the future? Slavery isn’t coming back nor should it. I don’t disagree with Mr Wallace’s assertion on its economics (Fogel and Engerman’s Time on the Cross goes into it at length) but, pardon for saying, so what? I don’t wish to return to a slave based agricultural system not least of which because I don’t want the South to become like modern day slave systems like those of the gulf Arabs. Having lived in Qatar, I have seen first hand what happens when the ruling population (arabs) do hardly anything in terms of work and let the wage slaves from poor countries do practically EVERYTHING. It isn’t healthy. Arabs there are fat, stupid, lazy, insanely wealthy and generally shitty human beings. I don’t think Hunter is advocating we become something like that but at times, I am not sure. All that said, free blacks have proven that they cannot adapt to modern society and freedom for them (outside of the talented tenth of the population that is on the far right side of that bell curve) has been a colossal failure for all concerned. Forced expulsion won’t be the answer either. I do like the idea/fantasy of a separate South that simply turns off the power of BRA and let voluntary migration happen to the Diversity Lovers in Boston and Minnesota as it naturally would…win/win for all concerned. We get fewer pestilential blacks and they get more of the precious diversity they worship.

  41. What I purpose for the future is Southron White men gain recruits, store up things of real value, learn, plan and wait for the inevitable fiscal collapse of BRA. If the South tries to go its own way now, the military, police, National Guard etc will come down on us with both feet. Especially so if we are few in numbers. Which we are

    As things get worse in BRA, we’ll gain more numbers. People will be looking for a new way, and folks with a workable plan and a reasonable, easy to follow explanation will be natural leaders in times of crisis. I think, when the dollar crashes, Southron and some Western state govt’s will be the 1st to tell the fed’s to piss off. We go from their and back those states play.

    I know folks want more complex answers and detailed plans, but I don’t see how a more complex and elaborate plan will work. Recruit, gather strength, maintain your strength, make plans that will work for your family and your sphere of influence in your local community regardless of who is president

    Perhaps it’s media manipulation but I don’t see the north doing anything. Seems to me every time we have a story about a state or a group of people telling BRA to piss off it coming from the South or the West like Az.


    Mississippi Church Refuses to Marry Black Couple
    ABC NewsBy ALON HARISH | ABC News – 16 hrs ago

    They had booked their wedding far in advance. The invitations had been sent, the programs printed. But one day before Charles and Te’Andrea Wilson were to be married at the Mississippi church they frequented, they said a pastor told them they would have to find another venue — because they were black.

    There has never been a black wedding at the First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs, Miss., since its founding in 1883. According to Pastor Stan Weatherford, some church members objected so strongly to breaking that precedent, they threatened to oust him from his pastorship.


  42. I know planning is exciting and all, but really folks the first thing that must happen is to defeat the censorship about whites talking about what is good for whites. Defeat that and miracles will happen.

    Now of course the internet generals will be downgraded if every white person on the planet starts talking about what is good for whites, but that price will be worth it.

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