Outsourcing Is America At Its Best


I knew this guy sounded familiar … scanning my bookshelf, I spotted his name on a copy of The Ayn Rand Lexicon.

“Mitt Romney and Barack Obama are currently fighting over who is the more patriotic. Obama slams Romney for having outsourced jobs to China during his Bain Capital days. Romney punches back by labeling Obama “Outsourcer in Chief.” The latest is that both John Boehner and Harry Reid are voicing outrage over America’s made-in-China Olympic uniforms. “Burn them!” thunders Reid. . .

Let’s name things straight for a change: giving preference to American sellers over foreign sellers is the same mindless injustice as giving preference to sellers who are white over those who are black.

Economic nationalism is as morally outrageous as racism. Buying on the basis of nationality or race is the same collectivist evil: judging men and their products by the group from which they come, not by merit.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Do not interpret this as an attempt at rebuke. My eyes see the world around me, my ears hear the reports, my mind is not dumb to the message. As far as I’m concerned, I’m convinced of the ethnic question as far as genetics are concerned, but sometimes the fantastical Jewish conspiracy throws me for a loop. For instance, it is perfectly acceptable for me to comprehend genetic inheritance and the subsequent difference between black and white (sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans), but I cannot for the life of me logically place the connection between Jews and a vast world conspiracy. Please, inform me.

    We all seem to seek out food, shelter, clothing, etc. Global conspiracy? Or pursuit of interests?

    I just want to know why jews are anti-white, we will start there.

    I don’t really consider Jews “anti-White.” Rather, I consider them to be radical ethnic chauvinists. They’d rather we all die than suffer a hangnail – not that they consciously work it out that way. They’re masters of self-deception. And since they face that choice every day, the do things that many perceive as “anti-White.”

  2. White racialists usually accept the fact high IQ’s and resulting intellectual curiosity coupled with social segregation (see Maury’s latest) of white elites sometimes drive them to experiment with overly-engineered impractical ideologies. Jews are absolutely no different in this regard but the anti-Semite refuses to accept that.

    There are no anti-White elites, just some well-intentioned elites that believe in failed ivory tower ideologies. There IS an anti-White underclass composed largely of Negroes and proditor proles.

  3. Why would the largest consumer nation ever consider raising tariffs?
    The response would be retaliatory tariffs.

    Economics supercedes all other realms of human interaction. It allows people and groups that despise eachother to enter into contracts that are mutually beneficial.

  4. “Let’s name things straight for a change: giving preference to American sellers over foreign sellers is the same mindless injustice as giving preference to sellers who are white over those who are black.” – What about the converse, giving preference to black sellers over white sellers?

  5. Libertarians are such kooks that they even rail against the freedom for people to voluntarily act as a collective. How is that freedom? Isn’t the traditional family a collective? They are nothing but reductionist nut-cases.

  6. “What about the converse, giving preference to black sellers over white sellers?”

    Or preference to black businesses over white ones with regards to government contracts. If we are going to use “injustices”, why not choose one that’s happening in the here and know, versus years ago?

  7. Jewish radical ethic chauvinism is a light to the nations. New World Whites once understood this and were at their strongest when they had a positive Christianity and adhered to subgeneation- domination of lesser races.

  8. Jim,

    Even randists support the concept of unions- individuals organizing pursuant to their self-interests. It’s the market distortions for which top-down collectivism is infamous for that are opposed. You’re being the radical reductionist, not the .

  9. Libertarians wholeheartedly oppose anyone organizing along racial lines, voluntary or not. They oppose blood ties, and most radical Libertarians are openly anti-family. Most pragmatic libertarians tolerate traditional conservative social positions because conservatives tend to be more in line with their economic ideology, ie less government intrusion etc. Libertarians have no problem with people organizing, but to them it had better be along some hackneyed line of “shared self interest” as if the only thing that binds men is their consumerist tendencies.

  10. @Tamer of Savages

    It is getting increasingly hard to believe that elites actually believe in racial equality. Blacks are an invasive and destructive species. Once they settle in a city, degeneration kicks in until it looks like its been bombed. Whites are slowly but surely pushed out of their cities and neighborhoods. I do not believe that elites are not aware this is happening and will continue to happen as long as these people are unleashed upon us. It simply is no longer believable.

  11. Tamer of Savages says:
    July 29, 2012 at 4:48 pm
    Why would the largest consumer nation ever consider raising tariffs?
    The response would be retaliatory tariffs.

    Economics supercedes all other realms of human interaction. It allows people and groups that despise eachother to enter into contracts that are mutually beneficial.

    I understand that retaliatory tariffs would be imposed if we were to go protectionist, however we run a huge trade deficit with nearly every country so any loss in our exports would likely be neutralized by an even larger decline in our imports resulting in more americans buying american goods and services. The recent “free trade” agreement with South Korea saw the immediate impact of us losing over 10% of exports to SK while our imports rose by ~ 15%. Protectionism can work well in an economy like ours.

  12. Come on, Jim, you’re distorting the term Libertarian. Genuine Libertarians believe in liberty and all that it entails. Let’s take a look at today’s Conservatives. I don’t know about you but I don’t see any. The fact is these terms are loosely used and lossely accepted. Libertarians didn’t open our borders or send our jobs overseas nor were they responsible for The Immigration Reform Act of 1965 or The Civil Rights Act of 1964!

  13. @Tamer of Savages

    You couldn’t be more wrong. The elites are much much more anti-white than the negro or the working class. Negros are too stupid to feed themselves in any society beyond the totally primitive, so they murder, steal, get free shit from the government to compensate. The working class or “proles” as you describe them are just trying to survive.

    Now the elites on the other hand are filling our country up with non-whites from Latin America to destroy native blue collar workers, and they are filling up the country with educated non-whites from East Asia and India to destroy native white collar workers.

    Which is worse?

  14. Thanks for the response, everyone. I’m investigating the links as provided and have read through what y’all have written.

    Denise, yes I am the same SomeGuy from SBPDL. Just last evening when sitting out with the neighbors we talked about this very issue, the one of non-whites being elevated above whites for the pure sake of “fairness”. It’s a depressing subject. One of the neighbors told a story about her white husband (she is hispanic) being promoted and subsequently demoted when a Middle-Eastern woman complained, believing she was due the promotion. She threatened a lawsuit and bam, she was in the position.

    Again, thank you all for the response.

  15. Joe:

    I expressed myself poorly in my post, and as a result of my poor phrasing you misunderstood me. I apologize for the mistake.

    Let me be clear: when I say that I do not hate Negroes qua Negroes and that “it’s a Catholic thing”, I mean that is is because I am a Catholic myself that I do not hate Negroes. In other words, what I mean to say is that hating Negroes simply because they are Negroes is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church.

    Furthermore, I’d like to state that I do not hate anybody of any race on the basis of race alone. Hatred of a fellow human being is simply not permitted to the faithful Catholic. As a Catholic, I am not allowed to hate anyone, as much as I sometimes would wish to.

    That being said: I have no illusions about Negroes. They are what they are, and I refuse to play pretend. The same goes for Jews and the Asians for that matter. I don’t hate any of them, but I do recognize that meaningful and fundamental differences between those races and my own race exist, and that as a result of these differences it is best for all if each racial and ethnic group live separately.

    Again: my apologies for the confusion.

  16. @ Robert Oculus III
    Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it. It seems intrinsic to communicating online that one doesn’t always articulate fully what one thinks, we all do it at times. Online communicating is conducive to taking short-cuts in our comments/posts, especially as there’s so much to say ; Most subjects being complicated and nuanced. Also, we move from one topic to another topic at such a quick pace. It’s true of “OD”, but it’s also true of the whole internet. It’s the nature of modern day communicating. We all take short cuts now and then in articulating our thoughts online. I find myself doing the same many times.
    I apologize on my end for mis-reading your statement.

  17. The Catholic church is a huge organization. On a high level — the Vatican, the bishops and the cardinals— the church is tied into the world of banking/ government. Just because a catholic pope, bishop , or cardinal, says something, it doesn’t necessarily reflect the thinking of the laity. The big-shots in the Church many times have their own agenda. Many times, the agenda is iminical to the laity, unfortunately. The Catholic Faith — the belief in Christ — is carried on by a small devout group of true Catholics. They are many times shunted aside in their own church.
    The situation in the Catholic church can be compared to our government. Uncle Sam’s policies don’t always reflect the will of the American people, especially White Americans. Doesn’t mean we stop being Americans. It just means the leadership sucks.

  18. Libertarians don’t understand that aspect of ourselves that is biologically determined, and which far exceeds shallow economic materialism. Libertarians are just the flipside of the same coin as Marxists, who just see humanity as purely economic animals. Extreme individualism vs. extreme collectivism, but both equally spiritually empty.

    Libertarians and Marxists can never account for that aspect of ourselves which is biologically-based racial expression. The need to procreate and build family with members of one’s race, the recognition that we thrive when we build community with members of our own racial stock, the recognition that we have racially-based strengths and weaknesses to accentuate and overcome, and so on. They can’t account for these phenomena, so like shopping mall developers they would steamroll over them in the name of “he who dies with most toys wins.”

    I would like to hear how Libertarianism of the full-blown Randian variety (as opposed to borrowing some policies here and there) is at all compatible with being a race realist who advocates for their race. I think the two worldviews are fundamentally incompatible. And obviously, I think Libertarianism is just as bad Marxism. Both philosophies reduce human existence to the shallowest, basest, least meaningful, spiritually empty level.

  19. @Mary. July 29, 2012 at 6:50 pm: “Real Love involves real Hate” —Bishop Fulton Sheen

    Absolutely true. But please keep in mind that the late Archbishop wasn’t advocating hatred of people, but of the evil to which people cling. Our Lord didn’t drive out the moneylenders because He hated the moneylenders. He drove out the moneylenders because He hated <i<moneylending.

  20. Sometimes Jewish leaders say horrible things, sometimes Protestant leaders say horrible things, sometimes Catholic leaders say horrible things , sometimes black leaders say horrible things, sometimes white leaders say horrible things, etc. ; As an average working-class/ middle-class American, I don’t let this affect the way I communicate and relate to people I meet in my everyday life.
    I have a Jewish friend here in California. He’s struggling to make ends meet like so many others are these days. He never bothers anyone. He’s always been friendly and fair with me. I’m not going to blame him because some rabbi in Israel burned a New Testament. It’s just not my friend’s doing. He had nothing to do with it. Also, I know a black woman here who works very hard and honestly. She’s very friendly and honest. I’m not going to blame her for what Al Sharpton says. It’s just not her fault.
    We shouldn’t allow ourselves to be so quickly divided by what the rulers and leaders of this world have to say. We are ruled by the ancient ” Divide-and-Conquer” philosophy of government. It’s the job of the rulers and the leaders of this world to keep us divided and at each other’s throats. Fuck them : Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, black, and white.

  21. Oh FECK! Joe’s on the IKAGO tangent. “I Knoe a Good One”.

    Feck off.

    Let’s keep it simple – Kikes:

    Would be better off with them, or without them?

    Apply the same standards to the NAGAS.

    Are the “good ones” worth the mayhem, disruption, misery, and disaster that the REST cause?

    There. Simple.

    Some Guy – would your pal, his wife, and Whites in general be better off with or without the Sand Nigger Shebeast? Do we NEED her? Has she enriched your pal, or screwed up his life? Who set that Sand Nigger SheBeast quota, anyways….(look it up. It’s a Hooknose thing)

    There. It’s simple.


    Simplicity makes life, and courses of action, so much easier…..

  22. Hey Denise your guy Romney is in Israel today swearing his loyalty to the Likudniks.

    “We have a solemn duty and a moral imperative to deny Iran’s leaders the means to follow through on their malevolent intentions.”———–Romney

  23. @Denise
    The good ones are not worth the mayhem, never said that, nor implied that. Still, what may I ask should I do with the minorities I happen to know in my life who are not bothering me or anyone else . Should I beat them up? Should I tar and feather them? Should I put a bullet into their heads? What should I do to be a good and perfect WN’er like you.

  24. Everything important to the security of the USA has been Outsourced — including so-called “American” Diebold* voting machines. Our votes are tallied in Israel by “Diebold”. Google:
    ” diebold + israel”
    ” diebold owned by israel”
    ” diebold + zionists”
    * Diebold is an Israeli-owned company. Our votes are tallied in Israel. I guess we’re to “die bold ” deaths, as per the commie Diebold jews. What a disgusting name. What a disgusting phenomenon : American votes are tallied in a foreign country, which is horrible enough as it is, and tallied in a foreign country by Jewish communists no less.

  25. Gottfried – and Joe – I know what Mittens is doing. He’s bowing before his Masters, like all have done, since Wilson. Yawn. Read my posts on the subject.

    Joe – I’ve known Jews and Blacks, and all sorts of people, that I like very, very much, as individuals. That’s the problem. You get attached to a person, as an individual, and you lose track of the Big Picture. The Ethnic Turf War that’s been occurring forever. That is precisely WHY it’s better to keep separate, in the first place.

    Do you think your Good Neighbors, if forced to choose, by necessity, or preference, will choose YOUR well-being over thier own kind? When push comes to shove? Push IS coming to shove, ya know. Will you really be able to count on them, when the chips are really down?


  26. “Push comes to shove” is a black idiom.

    I prefer the idea of a “kick off” when there’s “blood on the walls” or the best “let slip the dogs of war”

  27. @Denise
    There’s nothing about my posts overall to indicate I’m losing “track” in any way. You know that. You’re a regular reader here at “OD”. I’ll handle my personal affairs with my neighbors as I see fit. It has nothing to do with subject being discussed.
    By the way, I never said, nor in any way implied, any of things you’re ascribing to me. You know fully well I bring alot of good, solid information and facts to “OD” for my fellow White Americans. Go be tough with someone else. Distorting my words around so as to give yourself a reason to mouth off and prove your toughness is bullshit.

  28. Simply put, Ayn Rand was a Jewish supremacist who simply had a different definition of who Jews were from others: she essentially considered her heroes, Galt and Roark, (her own fictional characters, whom she described as fully historical personages in her nonfiction writing) as exemplars of “Real Jews”.

    I spent a long time, first as a Randroid and then as a Libertarian Party member, trying to evade this simple truth.

    Objectivism, Libertarianism, racism, Judaism, Christianity, Scientology, any ism or anity or ology, are all lenses that enable us to look at the world and see an ordered field of recognizable patterns. I am a white nationalist because through that lens the facts fit in a rational way. Sweden with its 102% top income tax rate and high illegitimacy rate in the 1970s should have been like Zimbabwe, but when I visited it was very pleasant. All-White countries are almost always pleasant safe places. Black and mestizo and mulatto countries are smelly, dank, poor, and dangerous. Not all blacks or mulattoes or mestizos are evil or dangerous, but societies composed of and ran by them are not fit for white habitation.

    Jews are not generally dangerous as individuals but when Jews act in an organized fashion it is always in a way that furthers anti-white interests. This has been a consistent pattern for a century or more.

    Right after the Aurora Joker shootings, I was in a place where there is a regular crowd of male commentators. Two or three are Jewish. ALL of the Jews and ONLY the Jews commented on the need for gun control.

    Whether in Dixie, in the PAC NW, or in Australia, New Zealand, or wherever it may be, whites need an all white area where there are no nonwhites, and because of their organizational skills and intelligence, no Jews either. It has to be big enough to have a critical mass of say 25 to 50 million people, comfortably spaced out by white standards, with coastline, suitable climate (Dixie pushes the limits there, little is comfortably temperate), natural resources, and arable land. I really don’t mind if there is more than one. It may be nominally Christian but it must not be a theocracy, and certain types of Christianity , such as premillennial dispensationalism, must be made untenable. No interference may be allowed to eugenics nor to teaching real science.

  29. @Denise and All Readers
    When the Shit Hits The Fan In This Country, one will be fortunate to have even a trustworthy White friend, let alone a friend from a minority group.
    You @ Denise know fully well I have shot off many posts about black criminals, and the black panthers , etc. [with links and google search terms]. Of everyone who posts here at “OD”, I speak about the importance of protecting oneself and one’s family from black criminals, and all criminals, the Most — More than everyone else put together, including you @ Denise.
    You @ Denise even directed a “YAWN” in response to one of my posts about the black panthers : A post about warning my fellow White Americans to prepare themselves for possible racial violence this upcoming election; In response, you directed @ “Joe” a big “YAWN” in reply. The post wasn’t even directed to you directly. It was written for All the readers. Yet, you replied with a “YAWN”.
    Keep me giving me bullshit, and I’ll link to that thread of commentary, you phony. Go give your smug lectures to your family members.

  30. Joe,

    I seriously doubt you have any non-white friends. If you think you have a black friend, bring up in passing that you think it is outrageous that Eric Holder thinks hate crimes legislation do not apply to whites even though blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa. I am almost certain the knives will come out.

    If you think you have a Jew friend, tell them you think affirmative action is really hard on white Gentiles and perhaps there should be quotas limiting Jews. Again, you will find out if this person is your friend or not.

    Of course, you can avoid these conflicts of interest, but then you are really just pretending to be friends. You are not really friends.

  31. @Jennifer and All eaders
    I never suggested that the readers here trust any minority, or anyone for that matter . See my above post about When the Shit Hits The Fan In This Country. I guess you missed that in your quick rush to mouth off your opinion. You totally overlooked what I said about when the shit hits the fan. I’ve written more posts to “OD” [ with links and google search terms] about the importance of White Americans protecting themselves from minorities than all the posters here at “OD” put together, including you @ Jennifer. Go lecture your relatives.

  32. Excuse the typo : All Readers . Typing too fast.
    Go through the Occidental Dissent archives for the last 4 months. One will see how many posts I’ve written about the importance of White Americans to protect themselves from criminals, black criminals, all kinds of criminals. I found “Occidental Dissent” about 4 months ago. My posts under the various ” Trayvon” articles here at “OD” are especially informative.

  33. As Jew commies at Diebold– an Israeli company– count our votes, and as the black panthers declared war against white Americans down in Sanford just recently : No government official said anything. It would be wise for All White Americans to learn how to protect themselves and their families.
    Forming a group of trustworthy relatives and friends to have as a support group , to help one another out when the Shit Hits The Fan, is a very wise thing to do. I’ve been saying this all along the past 4 months. Also, for the last 4 months I have written many posts about :
    If you have any relatives living in an urban area, or any kind of area conducive to rioting, please get them out as quickly as possible at the first sign of large scale racial violence. If you have children in an integrated school, pull your children out of school the first sign of massive racial violence. At the first sign of large scale racial violence, get your Elderly and Your Children Home To Safety Immediately! The elderly and the children will be the first ones to be attacked.

  34. As Jew commies at Diebold– an Israeli company– count our votes, and as the black panthers declared war against white Americans down in Sanford just recently : No government official said anything. It would be wise for All White Americans to learn how to protect themselves and their families.
    Forming a group of trustworthy relatives and friends to have as a support group , to help one another out when the Shit Hits The Fan, is a very wise thing to do. I’ve been saying this all along the past 4 months. Also, for the last 4 months I have written many posts about :
    If you have any relatives living in an urban area, or any kind of area conducive to rioting, please get them out as quickly as possible at the first sign of large scale racial violence. If you have children in an integrated school, pull your children out of school the first sign of massive racial violence. At the first sign of large scale racial violence, get your Elderly and Your Children Home To Safety Immediately. The elderly and the children will be the first ones to be attacked.

  35. Excuse the double post. My computer is on the blink. It froze up as my first post was traveling through cyber-universe. Screen said “Connection Failure”. So I wrote it again. Didn’t think the first post made it through cyber-universe as the computer froze up. Hate when that happens.

  36. Tom,

    I think too much is made of trade deficits. We run deficits with some countries and surpluses with others. I also think that we shouldn’t protect any American companies from competition-they should be the best in the world or fail. Protectionism is a big pre-emptive bailout and lessens incentives for producers to innovate and consumers to seek best prices in their country.


    Most don’t believe in the actual equality of races or even quotas but do believe in ‘casting a wide net’. They believe in extending equality of opportunity to Negroes for instance. That may or may not be a problem depending on how they go about doing so. The radical set are those Quixotically seeking equality of outcomes.


    IMO the factors that determine a society are greater than race alone and extend to economics, environment and culture. The Dominican Republic is a great example of a majority non-White nation where Whites thrive. Great climate, strong family values (total abortion ban), race-realism, strong free market, some of the most freakishly beautiful women in the world.

  37. The Protocols of Zion :
    If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” protocols of zion + whale.to”
    I found the article while googling “Alexander Hamilton” actually. Very interesting.
    Google :
    ” alexander hamilton + whale.to ”
    Lots of information about the Founding Fathers, Banking, Empire, Banking, Federal Reserve. Very informative.

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