About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What a condescending piece of shit this guy is, saying things like: “Your kindness will take you a long way,” and “Good Job.”

    Day of the rope. Please let me be alive when it arrives.

  2. He talks about how he admired Rachael’s composure.

    But, this is only a microcosm of how conservatives have put up with insane liberalism over the past several decades.

  3. It just about kills him to get the “I’m sorry” out. Notice how he ends up playing the victim and the possessor of the moral high ground.

    His “apology” is damage control and should be taken as seriously as he would take a “conservative’s” apology for being “racist”.

  4. Don’t forget, he continues to be an adjuct lecturer at the university of arizona. When people say universities are full of rude cultural marxists, this guy is what is meant by that.

  5. I wonder if he made the 1st video with a company phone, on company time, or in a company car?

    If neither, then it may be not grounds for a lawful dismissal.

  6. He’s not sorry. If he was really sorry he’d go an apologize in person. He’s lying about EVERYTHING. The only thing that matters to him, in the real world, his his ego needs, and what he wants. And yes – he’s gay.

  7. He’s too prissy to not be gay. He still views the girl as a prop for his bullshit and makes excuses for his churlish behavior, like the drama queen he is.

    Like a true leftist, he puts everything in terms of the “struggle.” The ends justify the means, including bad manners toward complete strangers. Then they whine about the lack of civility in discourse.

    Human rights? Whites like this vicious little twerp should be dealt with on the harshest terms.

    Deo Vindice

  8. roflmao…that was hilarious. What an A-1 douchebag.

    Two thoughts:

    1. If we weren’t sure about him being GAY before this vid aired
    (why didn’t he address his ‘interested in MEN’ in his FACEBOOK profile- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004171083953&sk=info: ?) well, this confirmed it. It screamed GAY. I kept expecting him to cry, (well, up until he returned to his default ‘smirking condescending libtard’ mode, that is).

    2. I get the feeling Rachel isn’t the kind to seize on an opportunity to sue this guy, but it seems to me she may indeed have a good case now that he has admitted he took out his frustrations out on her and then posted the experience for all the world to see?

    Ps: seeing it on the front pages of both The Drudge Report and The Daily Mail was simply delicious 🙂

  9. Mary says:
    August 4, 2012 at 3:51 pm
    roflmao…that was hilarious. What an A-1 douchebag.

    Two thoughts:

    1. If we weren’t sure about him being GAY before this vid aired
    (why didn’t he address his ‘interested in MEN’ in his FACEBOOK profile- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004171083953&sk=info: ?) well, this confirmed it. It screamed GAY. I kept expecting him to cry, (well, up until he returned to his default ‘smirking condescending libtard’ mode, that is).

    I kept expecting hin to degenerate into total, incoherent babbling…Sniff ..snifff…it’s too much…I can’t stand it…haters…” and strike a total Drama Queen pose, back of limp wrist to forhead, and then pop a couple of Valiums, washed down with straight vodka.

    “2. I get the feeling Rachel isn’t the kind to seize on an opportunity to sue this guy, but it seems to me she may indeed have a good case now that he has admitted he took out his frustrations out on her and then posted the experience for all the world to see?”

    I can imagine she never ever wants to see or speak to him again, and her revulsion went down to her molecular level.

  10. Did he dye his hair, from the first video, to this one? I thought I saw much more grey hair, in the car. Perhaps it was merely the lighting, in the car….but….wow.

  11. Homos are anti-Whites. The White race (now 14% of the world’s population) is decreasing because of the “Terrible Trio” of 1) abortion 2) miscegination and 3) homosexuality. Forget the non-White immigration being pushed on us. We have a “White Problem” foremost. No Jew or black or whatever is putting a gun to our heads and forcing us to involve ourselves in these destructive habits. I’m tying a noose now. The day of the rope: an idea whose time has come

  12. What about Rachel?

    Does this puke think about what’ll become of Rachel? She’s a young girl. She ought not have her image plastered all over youtube. Did he ask Rachel’s permission to film her and and post her image on youtube? No.

    –A University of Arizona professor, assuming he actually possesses the IQ to legitimately be a professor (which in Cultural Marxist hellholes called universities is NOT a sure thing) ought to realize that pretty young girls are at risk of being targeted by predators — particularly Arab — and for their own safety, oughtn’t have their images broadcast, particularly when they are good girls enough to be working at wholesome Chick Fil a and not the local strip club.

    (Of course, since those predatory Arabs were let into this country by those same Cult Marx types, maybe this puke did it for the express purpose of endangering a nice girl).

    Rachel / her family needs to sue this POS.

  13. When Adam gets to the meat and potatoes of his apology, (such as it was) he states that at the time he uploaded his rant to YouTube he thought that the rights of the ‘Gay community’ superceded the rights of the young woman upon whom he inflicted himself in that grotesque encounter, lacking (on his part) even the most basic civil norms. He says to Rachel that in his mind, she was just “collateral damage”. She was just a prop for his activism.

    Well isn’t this is ‘Gays’ in a nutshell. They do not ascribe to normal men and women the right to have normal heterosexual relationships without having the Gay agenda inflicted on them or on their children in school.

    Oh and he’s sorry for treating Rachel so “inhumanely because [he] I compromised [his] my personal integrity.” (3:15-32)

    His personal integrity?

    When he comes around to the idea that he is sorry that he verbally attacked that lovely young woman with such faggoty aggression and then uploaded his crap to YouTube because its was wrong: objectively, morally and civilly wrong to verbally assualt another person like that – then I’ll buy his douchebag apology.

  14. He went to his work to create a apology video?

    Outlier said: I wonder if he made the 1st video with a company phone, on company time, or in a company car?

    If neither, then it may be not grounds for a lawful dismissal.

    The guy was corporate exec, he really has no “protections” (that shouldn’t exist anyway). A corporation has a right to protect it’s image. As for who was paying for the car or phone, probably him via corporate reimbursement.

    The only reason he is apologizing is he is out 6 digits a year.

    And he looks like he has hair molded on his head out of black playdough. Empathy for gay rights? Sounds like U of A forced this from the last 30 secs of the vid …. They’ll actually let him go as soon as his contract runs out.

    An asshole got a rude wake up. Remember name but do not give attention to. Let die. Do not hire.

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