Where’s Mitt on Chick-fil-A?


“Those are not things that are a part of my campaign” … yeah, kind of like Obama dismantling the Border Patrol, refusing to answer phone calls from Arizona, raffling off U.S. citizenship to illegal aliens, endorsing gay marriage, refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, creating a special education bureaucracy that caters exclusively to blacks, etc.

So what’s your campaign about then? Why should we vote for you? Oh, your campaign is about the need for more free trade agreements, more legal immigration, more foreign wars, demonizing Russia, the need to go easier on Wall Street, and Obama not being slavishly subservient enough to Israel for Sheldon Adelson and AIPAC.

Note: Mitt is standing in front of BRA’s flag.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “time for joe to suck start a .45”

    Don’t play with a puppy if you don’t want to get licked in the face, Joe.
    That’s the Southern version of “busting your balls.”
    Keep pushing…

    “Do you really, truly believe I want ANY harm to come to Southerners? Really and truly?”

    Yes, I do. Just because you have a blind spot doesn’t mean that everyone else cannot see what is there. Patronizing remarks and condescension reveal much that is intended to remain hidden. I am a Southern nationalist. You are not. Your view of Southern nationalism seems to be that it is a useful tool against Jewish influence. Only a means to an end. In that you are not really much different from those whom you despise.

    “I care about ALL of the members of our Race.”

    I don’t. I recognize that all of the white race’s problems were created by whites.
    The other races are inferior and remain so. As such, they are incapable of creating the threats that the white race now faces.

    Most of those threats were created and championed by your fellow Yankees. It is easy for you to overlook that, no doubt, but I cannot and will not. If whites are serious about solving the threats we face, we must start with our own kind.

    The South could solve its negro problem overnight. What stands in the way and why? The federal government stands in the way because of the support it receives from your people and their control of it. As long as the South is yoked to this illegitimate government that does not even pretend to represent the interests of white Southerners, we must suffer the outrages of BRA.

    The way to liberty for our people is clear. Only your people stand in the way. You might not approve of them personally, but that is beside the point. You are of them. When push comes to shove, you will be with them. Of that, I have no doubt.

    Our cause is not your cause. Your war is with the Jews who dominate all aspects of the Yankee empire. If the South were no longer part of the union, our Jewish problem would be significantly less. Your Jewish problem would be greater. Which is why you really don’t want Southern independence and wish Southerners would put away our rebel flags, right?

    Deo Vindice

  2. @Joe

    Don’t even bother dignifying his silly diatribe with a response. Apuleius is a joke, and so is Stonelifter for that matter. I’ve never lived in the South, but I’ve worked in Jacksonville and in Richmond for periods of several weeks, back in 2003 and later in 2008. I’ve visited New Orleans a few times as well, most recently in 2009. Without exception, all the white Southerners I met and worked with and socialized with, were friendly and laid-back and had zero hostility for Northerners. None of them had rebel flags on their porches or pickups and nobody ever uttered the phrase ‘damnyankees’ unless we were watching a Marlins game.

    People like Stoney and Apu are just bitter, middle-aged, malcontents who pissed away the good things in their lives with their own behavior. So instead of taking an honest, objective look at themselves in the mirror, they choose to come online and blame “Yankees” for everything from Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society to a rainy Saturday afternoon. Pathetic.

  3. Your last paragraph sounds just like you’re channeling your hero Obama.

    “And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations…”

    I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

    Try to be more original next time.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Funny that you’d call him my hero, when it seems YOU are the one who has memorized the n****’s speeches word-for-word.

  5. I don’t see any difference between Bush I/II or Obama. I don’t see any difference between Obama and Romney. Many very good posters (I should know, I’ve been following your outstanding posts, the best on the net, for well over a year now) advocate voting for Romney and I believe it is out of good faith and in support of the cause. They are saying that 4 more years of Obama will be the end of us. We who do not support voting for Romney agree that 4 more years of Obama will be bad, but believe that bad now is better than bad later when we are less a percentage of the population. We believe the veil needs to be lifted on BRA so brain dead Amurricans can see it for what it is. Only then can healing begin.

  6. Personally, I never said it will be the end if Obama is elected. I said there’s a good chance alot more white Americans will be assaulted and murdered because of a lame duck hard-core communist president.

    That doesn’t necessarily imply the end. What it means is : There’s a good chance more White Americans will die at the hands of black criminals, in addition to the black panthers, if an African-born, Hard-Core Communist is elected into a lame duck.

    The veil is going to be lifted soon now ; That’s an historical force that’s already barrelling our way.

    Obama or Romney, the veil is going to lift. I prefer it lift with less White Americans dying horrible deaths.

  7. Denise: You site is awesome! Thanks for taking that on, as well as your other WN “evangelizing”. I do the same thing, just not quiet as effectively.

  8. Denise feels the same way I do about a possible African-born, communist Obama lame duck presidency.
    Denise and her blogging partner, Aryan Goddess, started up an excellent website.

  9. It’s called cut and paste, Chris.

    Your words were from the heart, and it is amazing to see how closely they follow those of your leader. BRA seems more simpatico with what you really think and feel about real white Southerners, not the Yankee transplants in the cities that you mistook for Southerners.

    If you’re really so pro-white, why aren’t you lecturing your fellow Yankees instead of deriding white Southerners? I guess you really are happy with the current state of affairs.

    Don’t like Confederate flags? You might want to ignore the right side of this site and stay up north with your liberal neighbors. That is, if you still aren’t too afraid to talk to them about their voting habits and negro worship. Is that too tough?

    Maybe you can convince HW to take the flag down from this site. Your people who move down here are good at that. Peas in a pod…some WN you are.

    Romney will let Amurrica burn just like his daddy let Detroit burn. He will appease the negroes just like his daddy appeased the negroes. He thinks whites are “bitter clingers” just like you and Obama do. What’s the difference?

    Deo Vindice

  10. Apuleius says:
    August 5, 2012 at 8:48 pm
    “time for joe to suck start a .45?

    I thought Hunter was going to prune those sorts of things. That’s just pure evil, and you are falling for it.

    “Do you really, truly believe I want ANY harm to come to Southerners? Really and truly?”

    Yes, I do. Just because you have a blind spot doesn’t mean that everyone else cannot see what is there. Patronizing remarks and condescension reveal much that is intended to remain hidden. I am a Southern nationalist. You are not. Your view of Southern nationalism seems to be that it is a useful tool against Jewish influence. Only a means to an end. In that you are not really much different from those whom you despise. ”

    WRONG. For SHAME. I want all Whites to throw off the chains of The Zionist Tyrants. If EVERY Yankee magically disappeared, overnight, do you think you’d be free of the Money Masters? PLENTY of Southerners are in full cahoots. Go check your churches, in that Bible Belt of yours. You think you are free of the Kosher Claws?

    “I care about ALL of the members of our Race.”

    “I don’t. I recognize that all of the white race’s problems were created by whites.
    The other races are inferior and remain so. As such, they are incapable of creating the threats that the white race now faces. ”

    There are a lot more of The Other, than Whites – and they are EVERYWHERE now. Do you really think, again, that the White South will survive the global onsalught alone?

    “Most of those threats were created and championed by your fellow Yankees. It is easy for you to overlook that, no doubt, but I cannot and will not. If whites are serious about solving the threats we face, we must start with our own kind. ”

    Nothing that Yankee Do-Gooders have done, in the past, is easy to overlook; I have to live among them and deal with them every single day of my life. ”

    “The South could solve its negro problem overnight. ”

    But never has.

    “What stands in the way and why? The federal government stands in the way because of the support it receives from your people and their control of it. As long as the South is yoked to this illegitimate government that does not even pretend to represent the interests of white Southerners, we must suffer the outrages of BRA.

    “The way to liberty for our people is clear. Only your people stand in the way. You might not approve of them personally, but that is beside the point. You are of them. When push comes to shove, you will be with them. Of that, I have no doubt.”

    You are wrong.

    “Our cause is not your cause. Your war is with the Jews who dominate all aspects of the Yankee empire.”

    Your thought patterns are as obsidian and fixed as the Lefty Liberals you loathe. Sigh.

    ” If the South were no longer part of the union, our Jewish problem would be significantly less. Your Jewish problem would be greater. Which is why you really don’t want Southern independence and wish Southerners would put away our rebel flags, right?”

    Absolutely dead wrong. Were I in control of events, and running the show, and Southerners want to secede form the Union – I not dream of interferring. I would wish a free and independent Dixie well, with all my heart. I’m not afraid of regional and cultural differences. I’m not fearful of differences among Whites.

    The only thing I truly fear is the White Race being snuffed out completely. And it’s HAPPENING. If you think your Southenr Whites will stand alone, and survive, under the onslaught – you are tragically wrong.

    I’ve had all kinds of insults hurled at me, on this site. Most are complete mischaracterizations, and outright slander, and in a number of cases, utter hallucinations. But your complete misunderstanding and mischaracterization of what I’ve written is the worst one of all. The only one that truly wounds. I don’t think you are a joke. I never have. I’ve always read your postes with interest, and pleasure. You are WRONG to interpret my words, in the way you have, and I am sorry this is so.

    Deo Vindice?


    Dis aliter visum

    Your cause is already lost, Apuleius. Tragic but true.

  11. Wayne,

    Thanks for the compliment. AG and I began the site as a safe harbor, for women, to be free of bashing. We welcome honest commentary from any-one. Not just men, and not just Whites, FYI. We wanted place to direct interested, or Newbie females, and NOT delegitimize Racialism, et al, with psycho-bile or absolute wimmin-hatin’ lunacy.

    It’s sketchy righ now. We want to post daily content, and build. So I’ll focus on that.

    No one seems to care about the plight of the Brossard’s at all. North Dakotan farmers were not apart of the Civil War. So I guess thier persection has not worthy of attention.

    Joe – thanks to you too. You are always welcomed there.

  12. Who supports who is very telling. Some who get support here spend the majority of their time criticizing Whites in general and Southron Whites in particular. Interesting that it’s yankees doing the supporting of a very anti White poster. Very telling to the Southron White men

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