Where’s Mitt on Chick-fil-A?


“Those are not things that are a part of my campaign” … yeah, kind of like Obama dismantling the Border Patrol, refusing to answer phone calls from Arizona, raffling off U.S. citizenship to illegal aliens, endorsing gay marriage, refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, creating a special education bureaucracy that caters exclusively to blacks, etc.

So what’s your campaign about then? Why should we vote for you? Oh, your campaign is about the need for more free trade agreements, more legal immigration, more foreign wars, demonizing Russia, the need to go easier on Wall Street, and Obama not being slavishly subservient enough to Israel for Sheldon Adelson and AIPAC.

Note: Mitt is standing in front of BRA’s flag.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Cokie Roberts:

    Polonia Delenda Est.

    I still don’t understand Mitt. I don’t understand the media either. Mitt is clearly not a racist like me.

  2. I do not see this guy winning. The base has zero fire in the belly. There may be many on the left that dislike Obama, but they have the burning fire to burn the West to dust, and they will show up.

    This guy is sleepwalking.

  3. Yeah I wouldn’t bet my money on Romney. What are his odds on intrade?

    If he did win in a close fight the resulting chimpout and police crackdown would be worth it.

  4. Romney is just another snake in the grass, Respectable Conservative. He stabs the Chicka-Fill-A owners in the back, over the issue of queers, just as the Chicka-Fill-A owners would in a heartbeat stab us in the back, over the issue of race.

    Never trust White Respectable Conservatives. Respectability matters more to them, than conservative values, or loyalty to their own race.

  5. Too close to call like 2008 Potato Head and Girl were in the lead till the FED closed off Lehman’s credit line and caused the panic on Wall St. There could have been an orderly liquidation but the Ds needed the drama and they got it.

    Electoral politics are a tertiary issue, the primary issue is for whites to start discussing what is good for whites and placing these sideshows in proper perspective. Of course we all like a good distraction and the chicken deal this weekend gave way too many of us an excuse to chest beat. Kind of like the Patriotards after 9/11 put bumper stickers on their SUVs, bought AR-15s and talked like they were in the Jr. SEALS program, and that ended up with 2008 and the election of HNIC.

    That is what they do to you folks, now go send them good people and their distraction issues some of your hard earned money.

  6. Advantages either way, but again it is tertiary.

    The real power resides in us, even the jew bankers would have to board their jets if enough of us had enough so to speak.

    As for Mittster the political leader, he is just another whore, they all are, and they are all looking for a torchlight parade to jump in front of and “lead.”

  7. Hunter:

    Mitt does not suck. He just tried it that one time when he was in Junior High and he hasn’t given it much thought since then. He even thew away his Boy George poster a few years ago.

  8. On homo marraige, he is probably taking orders from Paul Singer, a billionaire NY Hedge fund owner and SSM supporter (also Jewish). See wiki and related cites; no time to link. Singer pours millions into homo marriage causes for the express purpose he says of countering grassroots conservatives who support normal marriage. Mitt in addition to having no ideas is the scum of the Earth. Absolute head-to-toe scum. It’s almost worth a phone call to Rick Warren or James Dobson to let them know about Singer.

    If you take away the Dream Act and Holder’s lawsuits and abuses at Justice, Obama has been decent president for ordinary White folks inside and outside the South. Of course, Romney has not said he will reverse Holder’s policies, drop the lawsuits, or overturn the Dream Act. The last GOP fought for total amnesty not a partial one.

    With the GOP, the higher the person is, the more they oppose us. At the base, you can find many decent but confused people. At the state/local level, you can find some good Republicans here and there. Among the lower-ranking, least influential Congressmen and Senators, you can still find select good ones, or ones who aren’t that great but still serve a useful purpose. An example would be Issa. He has done good job hounding Holder on F and F. At the highest levels, Romney, the top Congressmen, and their advisors, you will find only our worst enemies.

  9. Look, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a–nowhere man!

    I’ll say one thing. He is very predictable. Just like how you can always predict there is nothing in the center of a doughnut.

    Insipid Yankee politicians like Romney are the backbone of BRA.

    Deo Vindice

  10. It’s not part of his campaign.

    Considering the masses that turned out to support CFA why would it not be part of his campaign unless he secretly supports homosexual ‘marriage’? If that is not the case then he is an idiot.

  11. like most males of this time, mitt thinks the way to win is by being nice, never offend, never take a hard stand etc

    he’ll not do anything that takes away from being nice, non-offensive…. beta

  12. They — AIPAC — might as well just cancel the election and declare Netanyahu, or maybe one of the Rothschilds in England, to be the president of the US. I wouldn’t be happy about that, but there’d be a certain honesty to it, at least.

    The Democrats are communist-heavy, and the Republicans are communist-lite. The Republicans are not true conservatives by any means. They haven’t conserved anything, except the power of the Federal Reserve Bank. That’s the only thing the Republicans are interested in conserving [ the Democrats want to conserve The Bank also].

    Just wanted to get that off my chest. I tried watching the video of Romney giving a speech in Jerusalem the other day. I had to stop after about a minute. It turned my stomach.

    I’m glad for the white Americans who are way up in the country, well-stocked with food and weapons. Us white Americans here in urban areas are going to be toast when the shit hits the fan.

    It’s always a good idea to stock up on food and basic necessities, and weapons and ammunition. If you live in an urban area, or a heavily integrated suburban area, good idea to stock up on fire extinguishers also.

    If there’s massive civil and/or racial violence, arson will be pervasive. The Fire Dept will have difficulty getting to all the fires. The black panthers, and random black criminals, will be shooting at the firemen as they try to respond to fires. It happened in the South Bronx throughout the burning of the South Bronx [ late 60’s to about 1975] Massive arson. Fire extinguishers are a good thing to have handy if you live in an area that’s conducive to rioting.

    The only good thing about Romney is that he’s not tied into the intense heavy-duty communists in Chicago and the black panthers, as Obama is. A lame-duck Obama — African-born and communist to-the-core — does not bode well for White Americans. Especially as the black panthers take their orders from the top : Soros, Ayers, Holder, Obama,Holder.

    Better Romney. Less chance of massive racial violence. On all other matters and issues — foreign and domestic — Obama and Romney are inter-changeable.

  13. Mitt Rommey is a Toad of the First order. However – the BRA is crashing, regardless of who gets in the House Formerly Known As White. The BRA is unsustainable, due to simply being the BRA. Romney is still White. Yup. He is. OBummer and Holder are ANC Niggers. The BRA will crash with or without them. Thing is – they won’t care about a crash. OBummer and Holder are ANC Niggers.

    The “I want it to wear a Black face” is mere short-term, petulant, self-defeating spite.

    It’s not about what Mittens has not done for us – it’s about what OBummer and Holder are already doing.


    Think that they won’t start sending the drones for US, in Soteoro’s ascendancy to African Dictator for Life?


    I guess this has no real bearing as an indicator of future events, since Brossart is north of the Mason Dixon line. By the way – the Brossart family DID what we all yakk about doing, when the cops show up.

    That’s when Homeland NKVD sent in the drones.

  14. Stonelifter, that’s why folks like Romney are the backbone of BRA. The backbone of a jellyfish. If he’s too chicken to eat at Chick-fil-A, what makes anyone believe he’ll take a stand on any really important issue. He is a gutless metrosexual worm.

    Virgil Goode is a man. Romney is only a poor excuse for a man.

    Nothing good ever came from Massachusetts.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Joe sez

    “The only good thing about Romney is that he’s not tied into the intense heavy-duty communists in Chicago and the black panthers, as Obama is. A lame-duck Obama — African-born and communist to-the-core — does not bode well for White Americans. Especially as the black panthers take their orders from the top : Soros, Ayers, Holder, Obama,Holder.”

    I ran into a friend last night. He’s ex CIA (and they are never really “ex”). We were talking about all of this…I asked him, “So is war with Iran on the table, or what”? He said, “Well, it’s inevitable, isn’t it? And then expounded.

    We chatted about a lot of stuff. The really insteresting observation he made is that he said “I knew what was goign to happen when White people started leaving the cities. White people all started moving into suburbs….the country….Nature abhors a vacuum. The Niggers started moving in. Then – White Man vacated the White House. That was a bad sign.”

    I don’t care that Mittens is Dirtbag Deluxe. He’s White. End of story.

  16. You are preaching to the choir Apuleius. How can men be expect to vote for such a soft ball of fluff?

    Virgil Goode may indeed be a man, and a good man on top of that, but sense he has 0 chance of winning, I’m writing in Jessie Helms. I know he’s dead, but I can’t for the life of me thinking of man I was more happy to vote for.

    Do I detected an hardening spirit in you brother? Lately your post seem to carry more force.

  17. Jesse Helms, even if he is dead, is a better choice than Romney. Principled Southern men are always a better choice than pusillanimous Yankee curs. Besides, winning is not in the cards for any white Southerner in BRA. We are subjects, not citizens.

    Anyway, let’s not pretend that the outcome of the faux election for the head of the Yankee empire will fix BRA. The Yankee empire is BRA.

    Hardening spirit? Perhaps, there is a real shit storm coming soon so I don’t think it would be out of place. I think I have just run out of patience with the whole rotten system. I do that from time to time.

    Waiting is not my forte. That’s why I prefer bird hunting. Walking up birds relieves my natural restlessness. Wish the season were here already. I probably wouldn’t be so cranky.

    Deo Vindice

  18. “Apuleius says:
    August 4, 2012 at 4:49 pm
    Jesse Helms, even if he is dead, is a better choice than Romney. Principled Southern men are always a better choice than pusillanimous Yankee curs. Besides, winning is not in the cards for any white Southerner in BRA. We are subjects, not citizens.”

    No kdding. Did I ever say, anywhere, in any post I ever wrote, that PRINCIPLED Southern Men are NOT better choices than Yankee curs?

    The thing is – you have “choice” between a White Yankee Cur, and an African Commie Nigger. And it is a choice. Yes, it is.

    The African Commie Nigger will send the Federal Thugs in to KILL you. YOU. Me and mine,as well. ANC Nigger does not care if we are from the South, or from the North. Don’t you get this YET? You won’t have a chance to GET a principled Southern man into any office, when Obama become HNIC for Life.

    I notice there is no reaction in your reply to the plight of Mr Brossard and his family. Do you think their persecution, in North Dakota, of all places, Apuleius, has no bearing on you?

  19. I don’t understand people who say they will do write-in votes for impossible, unelectable, or satiric candidates. I understand the spirit of protest, but who do you think will see your protest? A vote-counter in Israel? Some semi-literate civil rights tard who will sneer briefly and then throw it in the trash?

    The vote tallies are published as Dems x%, Repukes x%, Third-party guy (if applicable) x%, maybe a few of the major crackpot side-parties like Greens and Libertarians, x%… and maybe, MAYBE, some outlets will include a lump-sum “other”. But no one will ever see the details of your pissy little crackpot whinge.

    If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does anyone hear it? Besides the Mossad, I mean.

  20. Ah, Denise, they’ll only realize they should have voted for Paul when they’re looking out between the bars or through the razor wire.

  21. Brossard’s persecution is par for the course for the Yankee empire. It would happen under a Romney administration just as easily as under Obama.

    That is the true nature of the federal beast and has been since 1860, when it was created by Yankees like Mitt Romney.

    Your mulatto president, elected by Yankees, is only incidental. Romney could care less about the Fourth Amendment. Like his fellow Yankee, Jorge Bush, he probably thinks of it as a “goddamn scrap of paper,” anyway.

    Without Southerners, there would be no Bill of Rights. Without a Southern voice in Amurrican politics, the Bill of Rights can be safely ignored by the Yankee government.

    With the doggie treat “Beggin’ Strips,” the punch line is, “Dogs don’t know it’s not bacon.”

    With the Bill of Rights, the punch line is, “Yankees don’t know it’s not permitted.”

    From gun laws to every other intrusion, Yankees wholeheartedly support the nullification and destruction of the Bill of Rights. All from the voting booth.

    The only Amendment Yankees care about is the illegally ratified Fourteenth Amendment. If you care so much, load the buses and get to “freedom riding” for Mr. Brossard, will you?

    Deo Vindice

  22. Voting for a third party White candidate in this upcoming election is a vote for Obama, really. The 3rd party candidate has no chance of winning. You’re throwing your vote away. That only benefits Obama. Romney is going to need all the votes he can get. It’s going to be a very close election.

    Voting 3rd party is taking a vote away from the only White candidate that has any kind of chance of winning, Romney.

    In the meantime, All the minorities — and even illegal aliens !!* — will be out in full force voting for Obama. Better to vote for the only White candidate that has some kind of a chance at winning.

    * In California, the leftists [ read : communists] are actively encouraging illegals to vote.

  23. @ Apuleius
    I know you don’t like Yankee politicians. I don’t either. But they’re here to stay. That’s the reality of it. Doesn’t mean I like it. I don’t.

    I respect Virgil Goode. If I had my way, he’d be the president. But it’s just not going to happen.

    It’s either Romney : a White yankee. Or, Obama, a black yankee.

    As they’re both Yankees, just can’t get around that. Think about it Apuleius:

    Do you really want a lame-duck, African-born, die-hard Commie president? I just know you don’t. In this case, at least Romney — however yankee he may be– is not a die-hard Communist, and not tied into the intense Chicago communists. The intense Communists want to see White Americans murdered. They have a yearning to see as many White Americans murdered as possible.

    Just vote for Romney.

  24. I voted for Chuck Baldwin in the 2008 presidential election. I was making a statement. We’ll stick it to those damn Republicrats. Put this in your pipe and smoke it!

    In my state nearly 3 million ballots were cast. Mr. Baldwin pulled 5,072 votes. What was the impact of my statement in the real world of politics, daily governing and public opinion? I can’t imagine the other parties quaking in fear after learning of the results.

  25. Those who understand what White Nationalism is all about, can see clearly that ‘we’ are not supposed to win; Mitt does not stand a chance, not because of his pro or con stances on any given issue, but because the opposition are, truly, Revolutionaries. Their agenda is the complete destruction of our way of life – mitt is a conservative, deracinated vestiage of an order whose time is past.

    Our job is to create our own political momentum, in the real world, and now is the best time to attempt this in years.

    Emanuel did not end up ‘in charge of Chicago’ for no reason – the planned, and final assault is underway.

  26. Romney is a die-hard reverse communist. He just wants most wealth concentrated in the hands of a few uber-globalists oligarchs instead of the state.

  27. You true believers can go on hugging the long dead, putrefied corpse of Amurrica and invest yourselves in the kabuki drama of Washington politics. The once mighty Yankee empire has already given way to its inevitable Marxist multiculti successor. There is no going back.

    The ship is sinking. It doesn’t matter if you elect a new captain. It is still sinking.

    Getting away from the coming calamity would be the best course of action. That is why supporting secession and our ethnonationalist cause is important. Far more important than supporting the scarecrow candidate of a treacherous political party.

    Barack Hussein Obama is only a troublesome symptom of BRA, not the cause. For that we must look to the existence of our increasingly hostile, highly unresponsive, brusquely dismissive, completely out of control federal government, of which, the office of the Chief Executive is only an ancillary part.

    Deo Vindice

  28. “Is there anyone left here who doesn’t agree that Mitt sucks?” – They all suck, but he probably sucks the least at this point.

  29. In 2012 it doesn’t matter who you vote for, at all. It’s purely ceremonial, like saluting a flag. Casting a vote for a “candidate” based on how little he sucks is, well…. think about it. I’ve been watching this same circus roll into town for decades and even the percentages arguing their various cases don’t change. It used to be frustrating. Then it became a bit boring. I think I’m at the amused stage now.

    Forget the upcoming “contest”. The interesting thing to examine will be the upcoming economic catastrophe. It won’t be dependent on which monkey is elected.

  30. @ Snowhitey: “Ah, Denise, they’ll only realize they should have voted for Paul when they’re looking out between the bars or through the razor wire.”

    Hurrah! You recognise and still remember who was the best candidate!

  31. I never said Obama is the cause of BRA. Never said that. I just said he’s tied into the heavy-duty Chicago communists who want to see white Americans murdered in large numbers. Democrats are communist-heavy.

    It was the very intense Jew commies in Chicago who groomed the African-born, commie Obama for the presidency in the very first place. I’ve written many posts about that, with links and google search terms.

    I said the Republicans are communist-lite. Romney is not tied into the more intense and murderous faction of communists.

    Also. I never said I was a “true believer” in Washington, DC. Never

    More than anyone else here, I have shot off the most posts about the true nature of our communist government, with links and with google search terms.

    I just said Obama is tied into the more extreme and more murderous wing of the communist party. The communists are Ascendant in Washington, DC.

    Communism is basically this : A relatively small group of Jew trillionaires [ bankers] and billionaires [ also Jewish for the most part] own and control everything. They use the Noahide laws as a means to keep down dissent [ one way]. I’ve written about this many times, with links and google search terms.

    Romney represents the less intense dynamic of the Jew communists. Obama the more intense, and murderous faction, or dynamic.

    That hardly makes me a “true believer” in Washington, DC.

    All my posts to “OD” since the first day I found “OD” have spoken of my concern, my loyalty, and my admirtion for our White Race. It’s very clear from all my posts, I’m not a “true believer” in Washington DC, Uncle Sam, Yankees, or any kind of way one wants to label our government.

    I simply pointed out the difference between Obama and Romney : The only difference. I think the readers should be made aware of that. We won’t hear it on the mainstream news.

  32. “John says:
    August 4, 2012 at 5:53 pm
    It is just a scrap of paper creating a nation by fiat.”

    Which kicked your, most powerful Nation on Earth, at the time, OUT.

  33. “Apuleius says:
    August 4, 2012 at 5:44 pm
    Brossard’s persecution is par for the course for the Yankee empire. It would happen under a Romney administration just as easily as under Obama.

    No, dear fellow. His persecution was instigated by African ANC Commie thugs, put in place by Marxists.

    “That is the true nature of the federal beast and has been since 1860, when it was created by Yankees like Mitt Romney.”

    Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947. (By the way – he look AMAZING for his age.).

    We’re in the 21th Century now. I, more than lots and lots of folks, understand how one thing leads to another. Broad historicla forces, and hat not – but please put dow nthat Rebel Flag. It’s not going to help you in 2012m when whatever cur takes office. You know, power. Really’ it’s not going to help. WERE the romantc yearning, and noble sentiments of a 150 years ago GOING to help – I’d be the FIRST person proclaiming them .

    A Mitten’s regime will NOT persecute people like Brossard. He’s such a doofus that he will actually try to help the residents of the lunatic asylum called “America”. He will fail BADLY. Any-one would. I’d much rather have a non-psychotic wind-up doo-gooder Ken Doll, at the helm, than a malevolent Negro homo Commie.

    We’re in the 21st Century now. Under ONegro – we are all Brossard. The Africna dictator does NOT care about one’s relationshp to the Mason Dixon line. I thought Southerners were well aquainted with the ways of the African.

  34. “Lew says:
    August 4, 2012 at 6:58 pm
    Romney is a die-hard reverse communist. He just wants most wealth concentrated in the hands of a few uber-globalists oligarchs instead of the state.”….who won’t send drones and SWAT teams after farmers.

    “Apuleius says:
    August 4, 2012 at 6:59 pm
    You true believers can go on hugging the long dead, putrefied corpse of Amurrica and invest yourselves in the kabuki drama of Washington politics. The once mighty Yankee empire has already given way to its inevitable Marxist multiculti successor. There is no going back.

    “The ship is sinking. It doesn’t matter if you elect a new captain. ”

    Wrong. It does matter. Do you EVER EVER EVER call your Representatives, and talk to them, express your concerns, and ride their ass? The thing about the GOP, as awful as they are – some of them actually listen to White people. I call, and am politely and explicitly pro-White. I can tell when they are listening. They are listening. Are you paying any attention to anything that’s going on anywhere else nthe country?

    Steve King, R-IOWA not North Carolina, just said somethng very interesting about the deliterious effects of “diversity”. Little murmurings are popping up everywhere. Are you paying attention?

    “It is still sinking.”

    What I said, in my first post on this thread.

    “Getting away from the coming calamity would be the best course of action. “That is why supporting secession and our ethnonationalist cause is important. ”

    What are the game plan? The drawn up plans? Heard a lot of flowery rhetoric. No real actual PLANS.

    “Barack Hussein Obama is only a troublesome symptom of BRA, not the cause. For that we must look to the existence of our increasingly hostile, highly unresponsive, brusquely dismissive, completely out of control federal government, of which, the office of the Chief Executive is only an ancillary part.”

    No. Obama et Holder are hard core RACIST, deeply intensely malevolent wanna-be African dictators. There will be NOTHING t ohold them in chekc, nthe 2nd term. Do oyu realy appreciate what that means? Do you thnk the Yankees were mean to the Southerners, during Reconstruction?

    You GOT a Reconstruction.

    Have you ever heard of countries like Haiti, South Africa, or Rhodesia? Do you know anything about the rise and fall of those countries? How is reconstruction going in those once White places? In the real world, I mean.

  35. To those of you that “get it” – Snowey Whitey, Mosin, Oscar, Sam, Anon, and Joe – thank God that some of you have some genetic ability of “Future Think”.

  36. Denise, your time would be better spent lecturing your fellow Yankees. After all, they’re the ones who elected your mulatto emperor in the first place. They will do so again this fall whether you like it or not.

    I just love it when “patriotic” Yankees pretend like Obama elected himself or something. Do Yankees ever take responsibility for anything they do?

    If you’re really worried about federal government overreach I suggest you abandon the Republican party immediately. It wasn’t Obama who pushed the so-called Patriot Act on America. It wasn’t Obama who normalized relations with the Communist Chinese. It wasn’t Obama who created the DEA and used that agency to establish a precedent for violating the Fourth Amendment at the federal government’s whim. It wasn’t Obama who pushed for “free trade,” NAFTA, and the outsourcing of America. It wasn’t Obama who set up Homeland Security and the TSA. It wasn’t Obama who insists that we fight Israel’s wars. It wasn’t even Obama who first granted amnesty to illegal immigrants from Mexico. Those are all Republican achievements.

    The GOP listens to white voters? Since when? Evangelical Christians have simply been exploited and duped by the Republicans who were never serious about their issues in the first place. The same goes for anyone who mistakes the Republican party for a true conservative party. Romney fawns all over the negroes to no effect. Even niggers are too smart for his bullshit. That says something right there.

    When has he ever made any sort of pitch to white voters? What interests of white Americans does he defend. Name one. Or should we just keep playing pretend?

    Yankees have tried three times to turn the South into Haiti. John Brown, Reconstruction, and the Civil Rights Movement. Your scare tactics don’t work anymore. People are beginning to see the truth about the Yankee empire. It is irredeemable to the core. Why lie about it any more?

    Many Yankees know their country has no future. That’s why they keep moving down here. Just another group of unwanted immigrants, if you ask me. Yankees are just white Mexicans. Only more Mexicans are a lot more civilized.

    I’ll put down my rebel flag when they put me in the box. That is the flag of my country. The flag of your country is the flag of Reconstruction and BRA.

    Romney is a pathetic joke. And the joke is on you.

    Deo Vindice

  37. Alot of White “Yankees” didn’t vote for Obama. I’m sure there were White Southerners who voted for Obama, Apuleius.

    @ Apuleius
    Do you have a website you can recommend as concerns the 2008 presidential vote? In the meantime, I’ll google the voting pattern in the last presidential election. You got me curious now about it.

    Calm down Apuleius. No one posting at “OD” was part of what you’re talking about[BRA] I’m a Northerner. I didn’t vote for Obama. Probably no one here at “OD” did. No need to take it out on the posters here.

  38. @ Apuleius
    The people posting here who recommend Romney are doing so in good faith. No one is trying to fool anyone, or trick anyone into voting for anything that would be inimical to White Americans.

    Those here who are recommending Romney are making viable, intelligent, and legit points. If you don’t agree, say so in an intelligent manner : Not with belligerence and anger.

    No one here means the South harm.

  39. If Obama’s defeat is a close one it could cause a beneficial chimpout. The scales may fall from the eyes of the DWL, the truckler and even a few proditors.

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