Where’s Mitt on Chick-fil-A?


“Those are not things that are a part of my campaign” … yeah, kind of like Obama dismantling the Border Patrol, refusing to answer phone calls from Arizona, raffling off U.S. citizenship to illegal aliens, endorsing gay marriage, refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, creating a special education bureaucracy that caters exclusively to blacks, etc.

So what’s your campaign about then? Why should we vote for you? Oh, your campaign is about the need for more free trade agreements, more legal immigration, more foreign wars, demonizing Russia, the need to go easier on Wall Street, and Obama not being slavishly subservient enough to Israel for Sheldon Adelson and AIPAC.

Note: Mitt is standing in front of BRA’s flag.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What’s is part of Romney’s campaign? Jobs and the economy, of course. But he can’t say anything about immigrants taking American jobs now, can he?

    No problems with the citizenry being replaced and marginalized.
    No problems with loyalty to a foreign government above America.
    No problems with overreaching central government.
    No problems with imperialistic holdings and wars in every corner of the world.
    No problem with in-your-face Marxists running schools and universities as indoctrination centers.
    No problems with Marxist wealth redistribution schemes.
    No problems with rationed medical care (aka Obamacare)
    I could go on but everyone here gets the picture I’m sure. Romney is going to stick to jobs and the economy (which a President isn’t even responsible for in the first place) because he can’t or won’t talk about the much more important issue–the replacement of the American people.
    Economies can be rebuilt, jobs come and go, but once you lose your heritage, history and people, you are done forever.

  2. Moreover, should Romney win my fear is that the victory would serve only as a slow working narcotic, falsely confirming to the masses the bogus notion that conservatism is alive and well in these United States. We all know it isn’t.
    Romney would not do a damn thing to stop the cogs from turning in the Marxists machine, his presidency would probably just oil it to make it run quietly.

    If 4 more years of Obama yields what some Romney supporters here believe it will, then I see a lot of whites waking up…while we’re still the majority, and not 4-8 years from now when God knows what our percentage of the population will be.

    IMO the only hope that exists for this country is by way of States rights and the States who created this beast rising up to put her back in her place.

  3. “Those here who are recommending Romney are making viable, intelligent, and legit points. If you don’t agree, say so in an intelligent manner : Not with belligerence and anger.”

    Coming from the likes of you, that doesn’t mean much. The truth stings your ears a bit, does it? You like to mischaracterize everyone and distort everything, don’t you?

    You must favor comments like the following dimwitted trash talk from your fellow Yankee malcontent whiner:

    “No, dear fellow. His persecution was instigated by African ANC Commie thugs, put in place by Marxists.”

    Voodoo magic, I guess…who knew the ANC ran America? Not very coherent, is it? Let alone intelligent. Of course, this Brossard thing is just a red herring, anyway.

    “We’re in the 21th Century now. I, more than lots and lots of folks, understand how one thing leads to another. Broad historicla forces, and hat not – but please put dow nthat Rebel Flag. It’s not going to help you in 2012m when whatever cur takes office. You know, power. Really’ it’s not going to help. WERE the romantc yearning, and noble sentiments of a 150 years ago GOING to help – I’d be the FIRST person proclaiming them .”

    I always thought intelligent people knew how to spell, but I could be wrong. Nothing belligerent about those remarks, though.

    Must be some kind of South African ANC conspiracy here in Amurrica causing all the Yankees to vote Obama in order to persecute some crazed Yankee in North Dakota. Right. Nutty as a fruitcake.

    Of course we all know that MOST white Yankees did vote for Obama by a very large margin. Deny it all you want. Come up with all the crackpot conspiracy theories you want. I don’t give a rat’s ass.

    Neither candidate represents white Southerners. Why vote for either? I won’t.
    I’m done with your terminally screwed up Yankee nation. You and all your ilk can go straight to hell as far as I am concerned.

    You have done nothing but hijack every thread here with your stupidity for the past few months. You wouldn’t know what good faith was if it bit you on the ass. You are just here to undermine this site and we all know it. You do mean harm. Your past comments and personal insults here are proof enough.

    Deo Vindice

  4. Wayne, I am starting to think perhaps an Obama victory would be more beneficial in the long run as well.

    Demographicly speaking, worse is better while we still have numbers.

    A slow decline with a complacent unaware populous is what Romney will produce.
    The shock factor of an outright non-White wanna-be dictator will speed up things in our favor. If Obama does win, he will implement absolute insane anti-White policies, in turn bring unto the White masses a clear sence of what BRA stands for.

    Maybe it’s time to rip off the band aid and let it bleed.

  5. Denise said: No. Obama et Holder are hard core RACIST, deeply intensely malevolent wanna-be African dictators. There will be NOTHING to hold them in check, in the 2nd term. Do you really appreciate what that means

    And she has it right. They can do anything they want in the second term. I think they are “Nation of Islam”.

    Read Zebra and find out what NOI thinks about white people.

  6. Jesse Helms, even if he is dead, is a better choice than Romney. Principled Southern men are always a better choice than pusillanimous Yankee curs. Besides, winning is not in the cards for any white Southerner in BRA. We are subjects, not citizens.

    Anyway, let’s not pretend that the outcome of the faux election for the head of the Yankee empire will fix BRA. The Yankee empire is BRA.
    Hardening spirit? Perhaps, there is a real shit storm coming soon so I don’t think it would be out of place. I think I have just run out of patience with the whole rotten system. I do that from time to time.

    Waiting is not my forte. That’s why I prefer bird hunting. Walking up birds relieves my natural restlessness. Wish the season were here already. I probably wouldn’t be so cranky.


    Well that’s my thinking on Helms, expect as always you do a better job at it

    Don’t regret your hardening heart. It’s been…. refreshing. Embrace it as the driving engine for what is right and best for our people. It won’t be the soft men, with kind hearts that drive us forward to liberty and victory. And the hard stand means, that if we do get the chance to set things right, we won’t piss the opportunity away with compromises that surely must occur.

    I love bird hunting. In fact, hunting, fishing, working on my farm and the like has become my second church, where I go to feel the hand of God, think about His ways and search for His voice in my life. Bird hunting less so since it’s a more social/ family event for me. I enjoy working with the dog more than taking birds. I raise my own birds for food.

    I just want to say, one more time, Damn brother Apuleius, you are on a roll.

    You too Wayne. Keep it rolling brothers

  7. Often I think the jew conspiracy theory stuff is the way yankees deal with the reality of yankee actions/ political thought vs dealing with the reality they created, since as far as I can tell, yankees have been doing more or less the same kind of thins long before jews showed up in large numbers

    rjp is correct about reading the book Zebra. Think I’ll add that to my reread list

  8. Oscar, Writing in Jessie Helms’ name is about my right relationship with my personal sense of morality and honor. I see neither in voting for romney. Don’t take that as an attack on you, or anyone else, if you’re voting for romney. I find no fault in people voting for romney. We all are doing the best we can in a world of shit options. Anyrate, I’ll be there voting on state/ county affairs, and writing in Helms cost me nothing. Voting for romney will cost me dearly, where it matters the most. Also my desire is not to reform/ save america but to free the South. I think all regions of the usa will be better off with a smaller govt that can focus on their unique needs and priorities vs the big fedzilla which “tries” to craft laws and policy for 300 million people spread out over 3.79 million square miles. Maybe romney makes sense if you want to persevere the union. I don’t know. The choice for me is, write in Helms, or not vote at the federal level, with writing in Helms giving me a story my family and friends will enjoy.

    I’m guessing most of us who boycott federal elections in some fashion have done the calling/ emailing etc congress critter thing to no avail. That is certainly true on my behalf and I learned my time is better spent elsewhere. I’ll teach my horse who to deal poker before we make a dent in congress critters voting trends.

  9. The judeo-Mason theory is also a sort of dodge. Washington, Jackson, Henry, Franklin…almost anyone of note in America seems to have been in a lodge. Mark Twain even. Masonry appears to be a place to get away from the wife and kids for a few hours every month and play silly buggers.

  10. Landshark, I see NC going for obama, but the reality is, things are most likely to close to call. And will be up until the end. Here’s how I see it

    Since 08, NC has been invaded by more yankees, retired yankees and mexcians, which all equals more obama votes. Political as well as racial lines seem to be getting harder, as in counties are a landslide for one candidate or another, turning White or going feral in racial makeup. The most populous counties are full of yankees, mexicans/negros and scallywags. Not always in the same county, but normally clustered together. Not sure why, but a good deal of it probably has to do with a combination of White flight and Southron flight

    The mexican question is a bigger deal then most outsiders think. We are #4 ( I think) detestation for the invaders. The Catholic church, the DNC and the local mexican consulate, (ie mexican govt) work hard to get illegals driver licenses and on to state welfare roles. With that they can vote, research shows they vote big for the DNC and I hear tell there is a big push to get them on the voter roles. I don’t know how accurate that is ( the voting part; the bit about the Catholic church, the number of yankees and yankee retirees etc and how they vote obama is dead on)

    Some think NC is a romney/ GOP win because of the number of White men. Like I said many are yankees. W don’t get rural yankees that might be good Southron citizens one day. We get the city breed…. We have a number of elite colleges which is a magnate for DWL’s of all stripes, and they tend to stay here after college. Something else folks don’t factor in is, a large number are military. They tend to not vote or vote absentee and not in the state they live. The state GOP gave up on registering them some time back. Not sure why, but it is what it is

    Many middle and working class Whites have no faith in romney and most likely won’t vote. Some of those will never vote for the GOP, they also won’t vote for a negro so they won’t vote. Those who decided to vote will probably vote for romney… IF they do vote. Seems to me they aren’t debating to vote for romney or obama, they are debating if they will vote for romney or not vote at all. They like me are looking for one, good strong reason to vote for romney, just one and romney/ his supporters can’t give them one that isn’t easily refuted by romney’s actions/ words

    Here’s how I see it from my very White and rural county

    My buddy in the county gop “machine” says they have less volunteers then in ’08, but are hoping it has to do with the summer weather and folks recovering from storm damage. Make sense, but is it an accurate reflection of realty or is the explanation a rationalization based on their desire for big romney numbers? I don’t know. On the bigger picture, they aren’t worrying about the county going for romney or not, but getting enough votes to counter the lost counties

    I think the working class/ middle class White vote in NC might be tamped down with our win vs same sex marriage. Folks busy working for a living tend to rest easy after things like that. Pure speculation right there so take it for what its worth.

    According to my friend, they are going to attempt to have White voter turn out center on county and state elections in the hopes folk go in and pull the “R” lever for a straight party line vote… actually a button but we know what he means. I’m thinking since our sheriff is so popular they will try to have romney ride his coat tails. I’m not sure if that will work because our county sheriff office has no party affiliation; as in there is no R or D after his name. Neither does the county commissioner candidates

    I’d like to know what DNC insiders say about NC. I wonder if they expect low voter turn out for themselves as well. Normally low voter turn out favors the GOP in NC.

    Basically all that to say, I don’t think anyone will know for sure until after the election results are in

  11. Tennessee Democratic Party disavows Senate nominee

    Mark Clayton
    Written by
    Michael Cass
    The Tennessean

    Filed Under

    News Government & Politics

    Related Links

    BLOG: Meet Democratic nominee Mark Clayton

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    The party of Cordell Hull, Estes Kefauver and Al Gore Sr. and Jr. won’t have a standard-bearer — or at least not one it can stomach — in Tennessee’s next U.S. Senate race.

    Less than 24 hours after a man espousing conservative and libertarian views surprised the state’s political scene by winning the Democratic nomination, the Tennessee Democratic Party disavowed him, saying he’s part of an anti-gay hate group.


    I get the feeling this man knows what it takes to win and get things done

  12. @Apuleius
    You know alot about Southern history: I would like to ask you :

    Were the Knights of the Golden Circle an official division of the Confederate Secret Service, or were the Knights of the Golden Circle a separate group of troublemaking Southerners fomenting war ? Did the two groups Southern warmongers co-ordinate their subversive fomenting-war activities?

    Were the above 2 groups of Southern fomenting-war troublemakers, or either one of these Southern warmongering groups, a part of the Scottish Rite Masons ? Headquarted, I believe, in South Carolina; The Scottish Rite Freemasons, being a Southern group of troublemaking Southern warmongering/fomenting -war Southern troublemakers; Did the Scottish Rite Freemasons co-ordinate their fomenting war/ warmongering troublemaking with either one, or both, of the above two Southern groups of fomenting-war/warmongering Southern troublemakers?

    Which one of these war-fomenting/warmongering Southern groups, if any, or maybe all of them [ who knows?] were tied into the Southern B’nai B’rith, a group of Southern Jewish warmongering/war-fomenting, troublemaking Southern Jews? Were the war-fomenting/warmongering Southern Jews of B’nai B’rith an official branch of the war-fomenting troublemaking Southern Scottish Rite Freemasons? Or did the Southern Jews just own the Scottish Rite Freemasons lock-stock-and-barrel? Or, what?

    How does the foreign-born Jew, Benjamin Judah, who was the head of the war fomenting/warmongering group the Confederate Secret Service, tied into the B’nai B’rith Southern Jewish warmongerers? The Scottish Rite Freemasons? The Knights-of-the-Golden-Circle? Did I leave out any group of Southern war fomenting troublemakers? There’s so many, it’s difficult to keep track sometimes.

    Did all these various groups of Southern war-fomenting/war-mongering Southern troublemakers love- each -other to-kibbles-and-bits? Or what?

  13. Joe, is any of that garbage you just posted even relveant today?

    If the south wants to break off, good for them. Why do you care?

  14. Sean: Joe believes every conspiracy theory on the net…as long as they are unabridged. Abridged conspiracy theories he will have nothing to do with! No siree Bob!

  15. Anyone of any note in American history appears to have been in a lodge.

    The list of known Masons encompasses the vast majority of the founders. And this is somehow a bad thing? Bad for who? I’m perplexed. Up until the 60s these countries were white supremacist.

    The English settlement patterns resulting in the US, Australia and Canada provided living space for whites in a way that Mexico or Brazil never did with their mixed populous. The aggressive behaviour of the Anglo in the new continents provided the material to beat back and subdue blacks and asiatics.

  16. Hefty analysis Stonelifter to be sure.

    I think Whites are still too guilt ridden and suicidal to vote as Whites. We may bluster online, but when we pull the trigger (so to speak) in the voting booth I’m sure for most white Americans the gun will be pointed squarely at their own heads.

    Is there anything about Romney that makes us happy to be white? I don’t see it.

  17. Sadly Stonelifter, I think that you are right. Virginia, NC, and Florida will all go for Obama. Too many Hispanic and Yankee immigrants. Many Yankees here dishonestly vote both in Florida and their original state. They get to vote twice, in effect. They are, of course, uniformly liberal in their outlook and big Obama supporters. They think he hung the moon.

    Most whites are still in denial. The election of 2008 was a watershed moment in American history. The blacks and browns recognize this, while complacent whites remain blissfully and willfully ignorant. The “Tea Party” elections of 2010 were simply the last hurrah for white conservatives as a voting block. Not that the Republican party is really conservative, anyway.

    This election is totally meaningless from the Southern perspective. The coming economic collapse is unavoidable at this point, but thankfully will spell the end for BRA and the Yankee empire.

    Barring some miracle, the Yankees and their Mexican allies will reelect Obama. Might as well vote your conscience, since neither candidate gives a tinker’s damn about white Southerners. They are both united as enemies of our people, as much as they are on any other issue. Both are strangers to any concept of morality or honor, as you so correctly state.

    Time in the woods always helps restore the soul. Way better than most churches these days, especially given their corruption. Don’t know what I would do without it.

    Deo Vindice

  18. “Abridge” means “to deprive”. It’s in the dictionary. Look it up. So yes, I prefer my knowledge of history Unabridged. In other words, I want as many facts, and as much information as possible, thank you very much.

    You can keep your “abridged” knowledge. That’s not good enough for me.

  19. Masons were fine when there was still a sound culture because they were limited in effectiveness. But ultimately that crap is toxic. Building “free,” outside of God, just doesn’t work. And as the Christian culture slowly eroded, as inevitably it would when political and church leaders are masons themselves, we are left with something evil and no means to control it. “Free” and “Masonry.” What does that give you? By it’s very name, something that doesn’t hold.

  20. I remarked To a friend in 2008 that the election of Obama signified a loss of national nerve, and that foreign governments would recognize that the whites in the US were no longer capable of self assertion. I got a few funny looks.

    I was a fairly conventional liberal at that time, but something about Obama always made me feel suspicious.

  21. thanks Landshark. Hefty? Maybe. Accurate…. still a maybe. I’m just throwing out my observations as a man with long term ties to the place. I am not “in the know” but I do, I think, know my people, and see things in terms that others do not. I’ve never heard anyone mention the different versions of White voters in the state before, outside the old college educated vs no college educated White vote. Which on the surface seems to be true-ish, but I’ve noticed patterns running deeper in each camp. Even within say the college educated White men. If they went to UNC, ultra liberal to sort of liberal; if they went to NC State, they are good old boys who have done well and vote that way.

    I hope Apuleius, we are both wrong. I’d like to see Southron Whites wake up before things get so bad, but I’m doubtful. I own property in several counties and in three states; I’d vote in all those places if I thought it would change anything

  22. You and me both, Stonelifter. I’d like nothing better than to be wrong on this.

    John, I believe you hit the nail on the head. The 2008 election was a major event whose complete effects we have yet to fully realize. None of them good, either.

    Deo Vindice

  23. Thank you rjp, I don’t have to find the book again and can start it in a few days.

    I hear tell the newer version is a crap ass book full of PC non-sense

  24. i>’Is there anything about Romney that makes us happy to be white? I don’t see it.’

    He has a large White family (rarer and rarer these days). In fact Romney is SO WHITE that it sends shivers down the spines of liberal writers of the NY Times:

    ‘Lee Siegel: The Horror of Implicit Whiteness’


    Also he has been Dog-whistling lately. Aides talking about ‘Anglo-Saxon’ heritage and Cokie Roberts saying that he is appealing to Ethnic Whites by visiting Poland…

    Still I’ll probably vote for Virgil Goode… just sayin’.

  25. @Apuleius
    How is it that so many Wealthy Southern- Jew- erstwhile- slave-plantation -owners landed on Wall Street immediately after the War-Between-The-States? What was that all about? How soon after Lincoln was shot did the wealthy Southern – Jew- erstwhile- slave-owners land on Wall Street? A month? Two weeks? Two days? The same day as the funeral? What?

    Maybe Bill Yancey can tell us, if you @ Apuleius skipped class to bale hay, the day, the teacher taught the class how the wealthy Southern Jews, after the War of 1861, ran away, and landed on Wall St and Broadway.

  26. Re: Joe

    (1) How many wealthy Northern Jews were involved in commercial and investment banking before, during, and after the War Between the states? How wealthy were Northern Jews at the time?

    (2) How wealthy are Northern Jews today in America under the North’s free labor system? Is modern America dominated by Jews? Do Jews dominate California and other Yankee states like Connecticut and New York?

  27. @Hunter Wallace
    Yes. The Jews totally dominate the whole country. One reason is because of the Jew/Talmudic Slave Economic System. Through the Slave Economic system, the Jews won a momoply over the American economy. And have kept it to this day.

    The Southerners have enabled the Jews to win dominance/monopoly over the economy as much as, or even more, than the Yankees did, and that’s saying Alot.

    Time for Stonelifter, Apulieus, and others, to stop constantly complaining about Yankees, when plenty of Non-Jewish Southerners enabled the Jews to win dominace over America.

    Again, The Slave economic system is the foundation of the Jewish monopoly of the US economy. The Southerners, more than any other group of Americans, supported this Jew/Talmudic slave-economic-system which is the very basis, foundation, and starting point, for the Jew’s dominance over the economy.

  28. @Stonelifter
    I don’t know how I’m going to leave this world, no one knows how one is to die. No one can truly predict the future.

    If it does come to pass that I leave this world at the end of the wrong side of a .45, or any other kind of gun, The Truth will still Hold True.

    ” Our native soil draws all of us, by I know not what sweetness, and never allows us to forget” [ Ovid: ” The Poems of Exile”]

    I will leave this world with an “Adoro Te Devote” emanating from my heart unto the Holy Creator for the great gift of life He has given me.

  29. Note this “Christian” comment, on the Lord’s Day: “time for joe to suck start a .45”

  30. Re: “the Lord says love your enemy, He doesn’t say don’t kill them anyway”:
    And Joe is the enemy now?

  31. Anyone who doesn’t agree with Stonelifter 100% , 100% of-the-time, is an enemy.
    [ as per Stonelifter]

    I read all of Stonelifter’s comments. Some things I agree with, other things I disagree with.

    In the final analysis, Stonelifter is very overbearing : Very quick to wish violence on anyone who disagrees with him ; It distracts from what good points he does make from time to time.

    I don’t take his comments personally. Everything one says is reflection of the one’s own character.

  32. everyone? really because I disagree with people here all the time and not call them an enemy

    lie much joe?

  33. Apulieus,

    Do you really, truly believe I want ANY harm to come to Southerners? Really and truly?

    Re: those of us in the “hold our noses and vote for Mittens” advocates – have ANY of the posters here-in, supporting Mittens, although he makes us want to heave, ever praised him? On his own merits?

    I think you are a very bright, decent, honest man. I can’t beleive that you don’t understand my motivations. I fear that fact that your righteous and wholly justified fury and loathing of Yankee abusers is coloring, and corroding, you ability to see the real world effects of a Lifetime Obama Dictatorship.

    Romney’s a complete JERK. I detest him. My sister lived in MA for years, and I know all about him. With all his fault he will NOT go full-on ANC like Obama/Holder will.

    Please please please read Paul Kersey’s latest summarization of Detroit. Behold our future, if Obama is re-installed. Obamaholder will not give a tinker’s dam about whether we are Southerners or Yankees. They want us dead becasue we are WHITE.

    Please take a moment to think about this.

    Please please please read Paul Kersey’s latest summarization of Detroit. Behold our future, if Obama is re-installed.

  34. One more thing. Of you look at the global population whites are only 8% of the global population. OWS rhetoric about the 1% is therefore bull. Most these kids are lucky to live in a land of plenty. They are the “1%” globally.

    The hardcore marxists who know this factor are out to humiliate whites by defintion.

  35. The “reality of the system is manifest” enough without a black president. The “reality of the system” was just as “Manifest” under Bush/Cheney. At least with Romney, he’s not an African-born, Hard-Core Communist who wants to see as many White Americans murdered as possible.

    Obama — through intermediaries — is The One who gave The Orders to the black panthers to Declare War against White Americans right after the Trayvon incident. The black panthers are not free agents. They’re controlled from the very top of the communist pecking order in Washington.

    The Order of War against White Americans –Again, an order given to the black panthers by Obama himself– Has Not Been Rescinded. The Declaration of War Against White Americans Still Stands. This does not bode well for White Americans, especially as Obama will be a lame-duck president if he wins this election.

  36. As concerns this subject, I don’t give shit what the white population of the world is, I do not want to see my fellow White Americans murdered by mobs of black criminals–or any other kinds of criminals. There’s a very good chance this could happen with a lame duck African-born, Hard-Core Communist president : The whites in urban areas will be be murdered in large numbers.

  37. A lame duck African-born, Hard- Core Communist president will Reduce the White population, whatever the white percentage of the world’s total may be ; And will reduce the White Population through horrific violence ; Brutal Murder and Arson.

  38. @Landshark
    I never watch teevee news. I haven’t watched teevee news in about 20 years ; And I don’t give a shit if you believe me or not.

  39. “Joe says:
    August 5, 2012 at 4:30 pm
    A lame duck African-born, Hard- Core Communist president will Reduce the White population, whatever the white percentage of the world’s total may be ; And will reduce the White Population through horrific violence ; Brutal Murder and Arson.”

    Yup. “There are none so blind as those that will not see”

    I actually DO care about the global White population. I communicate with folks in England, Wales, Ireland, Italy, Brazil, Latvia, Serbia, Argentina, Canada, Finland, everywhere Whites are aware of our impending peril.

    I care about ALL of the members of our Race.

  40. The White race all over the world is under the gun. I was born in Europe. I care very much about my White race in Europe, and throughout the whole Occident.

    John was trying to deflect from the topic of Obama being an African-born Hard-Core Communist by talking about the world’s white population numbers. It was a deflection/distraction technique on his part to change the subject. I won’t allow it.

    I very much care about my fellow White Americans : It does not in any way follow that I don’t care about the White Race in the world.

    I care about the White Race throughout the whole world. I don’t care for John’s deflection from the truth, and always trying to deflect and distract the readers from the truth. It’s disgusting.

    That’s all John is about : Distraction, distortion,and deflection.

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