About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m so far to the right I make Franco look like Bill Ayres, but I have never had the slightest interest in or admiration for National Socialism or the Third Reich. Hitler was a white trash parvenu with a thin grasp of history and a shallow intellect, a “philosopher” with no knowledge whatsoever of philosophy. His party and program reek of the frantic striving of the omega male desperate to make the world pay for rejecting him. The only good thing he ever did in this world was attack Josef Stalin, and of course he bungled that as well, the retard.

    As for his followers: a more pathetic gaggle of nancies never strutted the streets.

    Englebert Dollfu? was a thousand times the man Adolf Hitler ever was. Naturally, the Nazis killed him.

  2. National Socialism isn’t right wing its…. left wing socialism. Says so right in the name.

    When I get accused of being a nazi my response is always, “I could never be a nazi, I’m not a socialist”. Folks don’t know what to do with that statement

  3. Well, at the end of the day, Matt Drudge is Jewish. And gay.
    So I guess having a headline like this is kinda like Christmas, ooops, I mean, a chance to have some fun.

  4. Vantards is the right name for these guys. Did you coin the term, Hunter?
    I’m way out there on the spectrum, too. Feel the same way about Nazis as you all do.

    “What a way to destroy a big band icon…”

    Someguy, ten years from now the only Glenn Miller that people will remember is the big band icon. Nothing can destroy something this good:

    Deo Vindice

  5. The most intense debates about vanguardism occur among the denizens of the the traditional left: Stalinists, Trotskyites, and anarchists.

  6. Rudel,
    That’ll be the day…

    Just to go over this one more time, I’ll let you read the following quote by the esteemed Dr. Clyde Wilson, founding member of the LOS, whose views on Yankees are almost identical to mine:

    “By Yankee I do not mean everybody from north of the Potomac and Ohio. Lots of them have always been good folks. The firemen who died in the World Trade Center on September 11 were Americans. The politicians and TV personalities who stood around telling us what we are to think about it are Yankees. I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group descended from New Englanders, who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around. Puritans long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton, raised a Northern Methodist in Chicago, is a museum-quality specimen of the Yankee — self-righteous, ruthless, and self-aggrandizing. Northern Methodism and Chicago were both, in their formative periods, hotbeds of abolitionist, high tariff Black Republicanism. The Yankee temperament, it should be noted, makes a neat fit with the Stalinism that was brought into the Deep North by later immigrants.”

    Deo Vindice

  7. “Northern Methodism and Chicago were both, in their formative periods, hotbeds of abolitionist, high tariff Black Republicanism.”

    Abolitionists were a distinct minority among Illinois (and Chicago) Republicans.

    Although slavery was abolished in Illinois in 1845, the popular Black Laws (or Black Codes) remained firmly on the books. Indeed, it was not until the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and the adoption of the Illinois Constitution of 1870 that the last legal barriers (but not the societal) to black emancipation ended. Like their midwestern neighbors, most early Illinois settlers believed in white supremacy and African-American inferiority. Consequently, Illinois’ constitutions and laws reflected those views. Stephen Douglas did in fact defeat Lincoln for the U.S. Senate in 1858.

    Even most Republicans were sold a bogus bill of goods about the importance of Union during the War Between the States. It was only the minority Radical Republicans that were abolitionist. The Democrat George McClellan almost won the 1864 presidential election. It was only the fall of Atlanta that saved Lincoln from defeat.

    Would that Nathan Bedford Forrest had been given a command large enough to be commensurate with his abilities. The Yankee armies would never have gotten out of Tennessee in 1864.

  8. Robert Oculus III, you obviously know little about Hitler other than comes from the usual suspects. Having such a low opinion of him I presume you’ve never read him either. Ah, but you have an opinion. Silly.

    No Stoner, NS was not ‘left wing’. In the traditional meaning of ‘left wing’ and ‘right wing’ it was about as far right as anything has been. It was very nationalist. The word socialist has been included in Euro party names for a long time. Just as the Republican Party doesn’t stand for a republic, not even at its inception. In other words it’s just word play. Political parties do a lot of that.

    I notice that it’s mainly paleos who’ve taken to calling NS leftist. Apparently they have no idea how much eye rolling and chuckling it induces among people who know better. It immediately tells them that other remarks from said people aren’t worth reading. You’d be embarrassed if you knew.

  9. Why would I be embarrassed? I’m not German and don’t care for authoritative system of govt which restrict the rights of White men. nazis are left wing as the term was initially coined

    The political left infers big govt up to totalitarianism of all sorts. The father right, the smaller the govt up to the far right favoring no govt/ anarchy. I’m pretty far to the right, given the original use of the word, before leftist changed the meaning to describe anti communist/ military authoritative governments. The nazis are far to the left. Perhaps, knowing the original definition of the word, it should be me laughing at them?

    I don’t care if the nazis killed 6 jews, 6 million jews or hand feed them grass ridbeyes while the jews lounged in father beds. jews aren’t my people and I don’t care what happens to them good or bad. Nor do I fault the nazis for breaking their side of the Treaty of Versailles. I understand their desire to reunite all German speaking people

    however, nazi are big govt/ left wing. Socialism is left wing. You don’t hear me criticize nazis outside of the big govt side and worse to my mind, invading White nations to expand themselves at the expense of other Whites. That is all I need to know to be anti-nazi. How Whites can praise either of those things is beyond me, but your free to love the forces aligned against individual liberty as much as you like.

  10. I liked the comment I saw here about vantards being made up of 2/3 foreign and domestic government agents and 1/3 white meth heads. It explains the bizarro behavior of idiots like J.T. Ready and his Mexican girlfriend.

  11. No, Stoner, there’s more to it than “big government” vs. “less government”, in the traditional sense of the terms. Was Mussolini ‘left wing’? Pinochet? The size of government matters little to the ideology behind it. ‘Leftist’ is anti-nationalist. It’s also anti-racist. Nationalism and racism (to use a leftist word) constituted the core of NS philosophy. Comparing that to how many clerks you hire is ridiculous.

    Of course there’s a whole lot more to it but, alas, you wouldn’t listen, would ya?

    Take it from me, you folks raise much laughter, from all sides. I’ve seen it from both ‘leftists’ and ‘rightists’ and every quarter in between, except for a small portion of ‘paleos’.

    On second thought, don’t take it from me. Check around. Look up old newspapers. Read books. Ask historians. Ask just about anybody who isn’t somebody you know you already agree with.

  12. “I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group… who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around…. [who] long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image.”

    Uh, I’m pretty certain you must have a different group in mind than the Puritans here.

    You know, a lot has happened since the days of Ralph Waldo Emerson or whoever. Over the last century, the entire high American intellectual culture has been scooped out, scrubbed clean and replaced with a Jewish one — an example of brood parasitism without parallel… um, except for all the other places where they’ve also done it.

    People say that History is written by the victors; they forget to add, that afterwards, it gets edited by the Jews.

    Modern-day leftists and liberals (of the goyische type) have nothing left in them of the intellectual history or tradition of the so-called Yankee. Rather, they are simply dupes who have become infected with the YKW mind-worm, and who have internalized YKW norms and mores, usually without thinking about it very much, or even at all.

    Leftists and liberals are not “Yankee” in any meaningful way; they are weaponized bots.

    Hilary Clinton is in no way a representative of a Yankee or Puritan type; she’s a Jewish ventriloquist’s dummy, (as are they all), and the best part is that she doesn’t even know it.

  13. Good one, grinch, although I wouldn’t be too sure that she doesn’t know it. Unlike your ordinary leftist she’s been working the top level circuit for a while now. You pretty much have to know it to even get there.

  14. Stoner, read this and let me know if you understand how it relates to what we’ve discussed: http://vanishingamerican.blogspot.com/2012/08/social-studies-lesson.html

    You might also read the post previous to it. Rush Linbaugh has been about the biggest cheerleader for defining ‘left’ and ‘right’ by size of government. Do you know why he does this? Because he’s not a race realist. He’s so scared of being called a racist he has actually convinced a lot of paleos like him that the traditional definition of ‘left’ and ‘right’ hinge on the size of government. He’s proud of being known as ‘right wing’, though he’s only a little further right than Mitt Romney. This fear of association with the traditional meaning of ‘right wing’, and thus in the same wing as, yes of course, Hitler, gives him no choice but to try to re-define the terms. And among many paleos, he has succeeded. Unfortunately for Rush, as the article points out, it makes him look like an idiot when he does deal with race.

  15. From the comments section of an LATimes article:

    SmarterThanLibs at 4:04 AM August 07, 2012

    Why does the media CONTINUALLY missidentify NAZI scum as “right wing” when they are clearly left wing as identified by their hatred of anyone who doesn’t conform to their ideal of “normal”… which is and always has been a characteristic of leftists from the original NAZI socialists to the American KKK who are the militant wing of the Democratic Party.


    Do you see where this redefinition leads, Stoner? It leads to claiming that the KKK is the militant wing of the Democratic Party! Maybe it was – in 1870. It’s just silly.

    They think you are stupid.

  16. Sorry about that last sentence. It was part of the comment by ‘smarterthanlibs’. I pasted in the wrong place.

  17. Most are socialists most are nationalists from Israelies to blacks and browns of every stripe. We nationalize and we socialize hence we are NS to a degree everywhere on the planet.

    So while you Rebs are Connie Chastaining, “Oh no I am not a nazi Mr. Authority, I’m from a legitimate American tradition, please respect me.”, just be prepared to be lumped into the same category.

    That said, what is to be said that this guy is legitimately crazy and he was surrounded by informers and provacateurs so in essence we can blame the Feds and/or the usual anti-whites as conspirators. Notice he chose brown people from a sect 95% of Amuuricans could not identify and not any antifa cult, hell if he wanted he could have joined an antifa cult and waxed them all This I find very strange, since nazis are obsessed with the “antis” to the point of metaphysical vexation.

  18. One more, Stoner, and I’ll let it go. Are the multiple ‘Christian Democrat’ parties in Europe Christian? Does the ‘Labour Party’ in Britain represent the working class? Do the ‘Tories’ still consider the USA to be British colonies? Most of these words that we use today have had different meanings at different times and in different situations. You can’t define something that existed 70 years ago by the average American’s meaning today!

    If you would actually read what someone stood for before you form an opinion about him you’d find that Hitler explained, in his book, why he chose the phrase ‘National Socialism’. 1920s Germany was a VERY extraordinary place and time, and attached very different meanings to words than 2012 Americans do.

  19. I don’t think “right wing” stands for pretty much anything at present. I don’t consider myself “right wing,” don’t know what it means, or even could mean.

    I consider myself anti-leftist. Ca suffit.

  20. Oscar,

    it’s reasonably safe to call Nazis rightwing. Extremely nationalistic, hierarchical, race etc etc. I dislike the way neocon writers try to fit them into the left. Seems categorically offensive.

    The reason they are unstable is the American context. In Europe there are actual real neofascist parties. In the US none of that political energy can be expressed through a legitimate political party.

    One peculiarity of the Nazi is also the proposed superiority of the agermans among all whites. Which I find excessively purist. I met a welsh Nazi at a pub once. He complained about Jews, Pakis, then moved to Americans, English, Scots, the north of Wales, people from Cardiff, the next door neigbour, his wife the kids the bar owner the couple in the corner and finally me.

    They are misanthropes.

  21. no thanks BY, I’m not that interested in the topic anymore and want nothing to do with an ideology that invades White nations, or creates such an all powerful govt. I don’t see any pragmatical difference in one version of big govt power vs another. I’ve read certain pro nazi stuff and it all boils down to the same thing, big powerful govt, with state ran economics. HH was anti communist, but I don’t see any practical differences between the two. Difference in scale yes. Different at core concept? Nope. Perhaps national socialism would have worked great for Germans, but I want no part of any such system

    Outside of invading White nations I have no issues with national socialism and I don’t see the author as the devil or what have you. In fact I think he had some things pretty well ironed out. I’ve seen the idea that they were big time gun control freaks busted pretty conclusively, he wanted to end charging interests which I am also for. Despite saying he didn’t want to interfere with private property rights he thought the govt has the right to govern the use of private property which I will never be ok with. He also ran up a lot of debt, which I’ll never support. In general he was for soft money vs hard money and if I recall correctly he ended the gold standard in Germany which is something I’ll never support. I’ve read his quotes, he was anti Christian and wished Germany was moslem. Something else I cannot support. Pre war, exports declined and imports increased during his rein. Something else I don’t support. He came up with a plan which reminds me a lot of how the yankees wanted to do business by ensuring the Balkans could only do business with Germany; raw materiel for finished German goods. Just like the damnyankees and the Morrill Tariff. I’m not a fan of having the govt and industry so closely aligned. I think he maxed out the corporate tax rate right around 98%; but the max tax rate on citizens was 13-14%. Not a fan of that corporate tax rate. I do not favor the govt have such strong input in private business like he did. He did a lot to improve the average workers lot in life which seems right out of the socialistic/ marxist play book. Pre war forced labor for White; not a fan. Ended the creation of new political parties; not a fan of that and sounds like its right out of the marxist playbook….

    I probably know more about the topic then you think. I’m not trying to get you to change your mind. I am attempting to demonstrate I know more about the topic then you give me credit for

    “we are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system”
    Hitler’s speech on May 1, 1927. Cited in Toland, J. (1976) Adolf Hitler Garden City, N.Y. : Doubleday Speech. May 1, 1927. p. 224

    My internet isn’t all that great so this might not be the right youtube clip


    I guess we can just laugh at each other

  22. ” Federal investigators had “looked at” Sikh temple gunman Wade Michael Page more than once because of his associations with right-wing extremists and the possibility that he was providing funding to a domestic terrorist group, but law enforcement officials at the time determined there was not enough evidence of a crime to open an investigation, a senior U.S. law enforcement official said. ”


    Ya, he probably provided $50 to some white nationalist website using a credit card to help keep their website going.

  23. John — I don’t consider people who employ nazi imagery or terminology, who pose in front of swastikas, who think black-and-red is a heartwarming persuasive colour scheme, to be anything other than crackpots. They aren’t right-wing or left-wing or any wing, they’re crackpots. Same thing with HW’s ridiculous dreams of negro slavery, it’s a crackpot position, not a real man’s, not a thinking man’s.

    We know more or less what the left ostensibly stands for; of course this is all just a sheepskin covering the wolf, because what the left really stands for is merely whatever is deemed good for YKW on a particular day. The hijacked neocon alleged “right” is the same thing: it’s called hedging your bets.

    But absent the crackpots and the neocons I honestly don’t know what “right wing” means with any moral or intellectual honesty. Something respectable could be built up over time, no doubt, but I don’t see it in front of me today. Best I can do is anti-leftism, which is really just Dutch-boy-with-his-finger-in-the-dyke, taking ad hoc measures to forestall the leftist cataclysm, without really having a more sophisticated plan.

    Oh I’m sure I could propose a pretty sophisticated plan, given time. But there’s this small matter of the flooding dyke, today, which has occupied my full attention sadly….

  24. Hunter- the list up top. Never heard of a one of ’em. Are they anybody’s?

    Or just the focus/locus of the Jewsmedia’s attempt to discredit the one ideology (NatSoc) that attempted to do, (in Enlightenment fashion, with a soupçon of pagan Greek homosex worship thrown in) what the Church had historically done, until the NWO pretensions of the Papacy, (along with their jewish bankers/’advisors) made power politics more ‘interesting’ than the Gospel…..

    “Well, at the end of the day, Matt Drudge is Jewish. And gay.” – Mary
    Really? And we still consider him to be a ‘valid’ news source? Lord God, this is as bad as talk radio, with Savage (Weiner), Preger and Levin all pretending to be ‘Americans,’ when all they are, are ‘Members of the Tribe.’

    “The political left infers big govt up to totalitarianism of all sorts. The father right, the smaller the govt up to the far right favoring no govt/ anarchy.” – Stoned
    Not in a MILLION years have I EVER heard this analogy as bespeaking VALID govt’s.
    Anarchy is ANATHEMA to Any Government. It was the great fear of the Greeks, as well as the English (esp. after the French orgy of blood 1791-93) and the Founding Fathers, as well. We are NOT ‘tabula rasa’ creations. Goverment is both from God, and for MEN- Adamic Men as the Constitution and Declaration make clear-

    “All [European] men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator [Trinitarian God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost] with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness [Property in original]. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, etc.”

    Now, I am NOT saying I believe in this ‘explanation’ but it does offer some insights.

    “On second thought, don’t take it from me. Check around. Look up old newspapers. Read books. Ask historians. Ask just about anybody who isn’t somebody you know you already agree with.” – Yance (Great recommendation)

    “People say that History is written by the victors; they forget to add, that afterwards, it gets edited by the Jews.” – Oscar

    ““…regardless of whether Somalis have been in Britain for ”hundreds of years” as the Guardian article asserts, this does not change the fact that Mr Birrell’s paean to multiculturalism (read: replacement of his people by millions of aliens) is grotesque and unnatural.”- http://vanishingamerican.blogspot.com/2012/08/it-doesnt-exist-so-celebrate-it.html

    “Look, I am sorry that people were killed. But this is a bit of an excessive overreaction. See Allophilia:” – VA, via Yancey

    Yancey- great article link- PERFECT. This cuts through the crap like a hot knife through frozen butter.

    “what is to be said that this guy is legitimately crazy and he was surrounded by informers and provacateurs so in essence we can blame the Feds and/or the usual anti-whites as conspirators.” – Rob Roy
    Bravo as well. Another knife through butter.

  25. Yes, Hitler didn’t want his party to be considered just another right wing organization. His fledgling party was drastically outnumbered by reds and they never would’ve gone anywhere had the average German thought of them as just another party. That had something to do with the phrase he chose, though not all. He wanted it to be seen as neither left (Judeo-bolshevik) nor right (Judeo-capitalist) but as the ‘third way’. So there have been changes in the meaning of all these things for a long time. Nationalism was clearly his agenda. But in the 20s everyone except your average American wanted to be thought of as a socialist. It was progressive sounding enough to convert many reds to nazism. In 20s Europe the word ‘socialism’ represented progress. <— That word of course is another example.

    Hmmm, maybe that’s why we don’t have a ‘Nationalist Party’ (of any size). And maybe that’s why the word hasn’t changed like all the others. It still means something, which is why it’s anathema to the regime.

  26. @John
    It’s true what you say : ” Nazi types are unstable”. It’s not necessarily true that Nazis are “right-wingers”, however.

    The word “unstable” means : ” not firm or firmly fixed “. [ Look in the dictionary. I’m sure you have dictionaries in England, where you live].

    It stands to reason if someone, in this case we’re talking in the plural, we’re talking Nazis, are “unstable”, ipso facto they’re not “firmly-fixed” ; In other words, in a manner of speaking, they will go any way the wind is blowing at any particular time, as they are not “firmly fixed”.

    You contradict yourself, as you so often do.

  27. “Capitalism” at that moment was Institutionally siezed by Jews. To be fair to him, international business meant giving Jews a cut with every transaction. Keep that in mind. Socialism for him was keeping money in the hands of whites.

    They ran their economy very nicely. Until 1942 they were still making consumer goods. Only switching over to total war in that year.

    They were not gun control freaks either. Rifle clubs were encouraged. Street level
    militias were a’ok.

    The trouble is the cycle of invasions of other white states. The Germans were enormous
    hypocrites about this. The Germans destroyed white supremacy by attacking imperial Belgium, Holland, France, Britain. Four countries who were keeping down nigs and orientals.

  28. Limbaugh is kind of the Connie Chastain of the airwaves. They think they can use the left’s tactics against it, by using the same method of redefinition. But it doesn’t work because they don’t have the indoctrinating capability the left has, the entire MSM. Apparently Rush has convinced some paleos, but they’re both laughed at by most people who understand it, on all sides of the spectrum.

    Personally, I think the vantardists are a tiny speck of those who ‘get it’, and they seem to ‘lose it’ a good bit. Naturally the regime exaggerates their weight, for obvious reasons. Like to scare people away from race and nationalism. It works on Rush and Connie.

  29. I think the right is quite broad. Where is the contradiction?

    I think the Spanish were able to deal with fascism much more successfully than the Germans. Franco was a fascist who got on very, very well with Hitler but refused to get trapped into his unstable orbit. The Nazi is a German creation. It contains a voliatile blend of all their vices and virtues. They claimed to be all about white power, but they smashed European empires which were maintaining control over nigs and orientals. The Nazis are the contradictory ones, not me.

  30. Now, now, John. Hitler understood the importance of fortifying Europe. Left to their own devices these countries wouldn’t have repelled an attack. In the end even he couldn’t. But he tried. And as for France and Britain, well, you know.

  31. Spain did a nice job with Franco. Had Mussolini not pitched in with the Germans he might have had as much longevity as Franco.

  32. @……I am using the term historically to designate that peculiar ethnic group descended from New Englanders, who can be easily recognized by their arrogance, hypocrisy, greed, lack of congeniality, and penchant for ordering other people around. Puritans long ago abandoned anything that might be good in their religion but have never given up the notion that they are the chosen saints whose mission is to make America, and the world, into the perfection of their own image…..”

    Catholics and Jews in the Northeast act like that all the time (get a t.v., lol, and look at your government in power) —– but are they not “yankees” to you (even if they fought for the “union” to boot)?

    Are only white protestants… yankees?

    And if only wasps are vilified as yankees—- what of the Southern protestants of the SAME ETHNIC identity (Anglo-saxon)? Are they to be gotten rid of too, since they share the ethnic group?

    What is your ethnicity? Do you have any Anglo or Scots blood at all?

  33. @ John

    But now Spain, Italy and the rest of Europe are disasters economically, socially and demographically, so your point is moot.

    Hitler was all about the long view.

  34. For Information about Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany , Google:

    ” Rothschilds + Hitler ”
    ” Rothscilds Financed Hitler ”
    ” Rothschilds + Hitler + Communists ”

    The relationship between England [and the US], Germany, and the [ Russia] Soviet Union, from WW1 to WW2 , is not clear-cut at all . It’ very complicated and involved. The relationship between the 4 countries was very inter-twined. Not clear-cut. Please learn more about the subject. The subject matter can not be reduced to “sound bytes” , or broad sweeping generalizations.

  35. oh—

    AND HOW DID THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT —-with its extreme penchant for fixing others, like telling them even what soft drinks to drink—- get to be this way?

    —-Since there are NO Yankees (by your definition) in power now.

    And yet, this must be the most “Yankee” era we’ve ever had!—- and yet without yankees heading it.

    How did the non Puritans all become ‘yankees in spirit’—- lol

    The puritans made us do it! The puritans made us do it! It is their great slavery over us!!! We are mental slaves of those evil blue-eyed puritans, forever and ever!!!

  36. I’ve always thought that Israel and Nazi Germany are twin political entities btw. The parallels are obvious. Not least a significant genetic, linguistic and cultural overlap.

    Both coming to no good end, I might add.

  37. For information about present-day Neo-Nazis , Googgle:

    ” CIA + Nazis + USA ”
    ” CIA + Neo- Nazis”

    The above google search terms will lead to information about neo-nazis here in the States, as well as neo-nazis in Germany/Europe.

  38. It has a very good overview of the Nazis’ economic policies and they used a very socialistic model.

    Most European governments have, for about a century. They prefer it. But Hitler’s version didn’t mean what it means to a 2012 American. In Hitler’s world, if you didn’t work you didn’t get taken care of. In 2012 America, most people see it as cradle to grave gov’t care, but most on the right know deep down that it means taking from the productives, i.e. Whites, and giving it to the baboons.

    Europe didn’t have a negro or third world population until recently, so to them ‘socialism’ meant helping the productive. America has long had a dependent sector. Americans have had to take care of that sector for a long time, and the average American resents paying to take care of them and getting nothing for it himself. This is why the word ‘socialism’ has different meanings in Europe and here even today. Don’t worry, the Euros are getting fed up with the American brand being imposed on them against their will. It ain’t Hitler’s brand at all.

  39. Spain should never have democratized. That’s easy. They ought to have maintained a military dictatorship.

    Italy was overrun by the allies and subjected to the full Jewish kielbassa up the a**.
    Mussolini made a mistake.

    Germany is back but it’s shackled more completely by the international financier
    than ever before. It’s a zombie/golem.

  40. There is one point where the oltish Limbaugh/Hannity reading is correct about the Nazis having a leftie component. The SA leadership under Ernst Rohm were socialists in conventional terms. Adam “Chickfila” Smith would have been Rohm’s bumchum. However, the Nazis got rid of them in a bloodbath.

    Good point about no blacks as well. They didn’t see public works as delivering jobs to hostile blacks, Because they had no blacks. The Nazi was concerned about the welfare of the lower orders inside their racial group. Socialism
    here means getting mugged by a coon.

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