About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Stonelifter: If you are interested in the true story of Gmo. Franco without the distortions of history introduced by those who hate him and everything for which he stood, I can recommend no single work more highly than The Last Crusade: Spain 1936 by the late Warren H. Carroll. It’s not a long book, but it is very thorough and highly readable. Jane and Burt Boyar’s Hitler Stopped by Franco is a website and book that will also prove to be educational. Few know of Franco’s efforts to assist Jews and others in escaping Hitler’s genocide machine. (Note: if you categorically hate Jews, this book is not for you.)

    On the web: if you can read Spanish, I’d start at generalisimofranco.com. If not, well, let Google Translate give it a shot, or just copy and paste whatever part you’re having the trouble with into an e-mail and send it to me. Andrew Cusack has also written several good articles on the late Jefe.

    Other sites in which you might be interested include Gmo. Franco’s entry at romancatholicheroes.com (and check out the entry under Salazar while you’re there); Spartacus.schoolnet’s bio; and just for fun, you can sing the Cara al Sol along with us unreconstructed Carlists and Falangists.

    Welcome to “Club Franco”. ¡Arriba escuadras a vencer!

    See you on 20-N.

  2. Hitler feigned some admiration for the Empire but he never dealt honestly with Chamberlain who was sympathetic to all legitimate German demands: Austria, Sudetenland, rhineremitarization. Chamberlain couldn’t give a crap about the Jews but he quite clearly saw that Hitler wished to invade everywhere.

    OK, I definitely disagree here. In fact, Chamberlain was criticized (and still is) by the usual suspects for reaching an agreement with Hitler. All the talk about Hitler invading everywhere neglects the two reasons he had for doing so. He either had a legitimate claim to the areas going back to WWI Germany or he did so to fortify Europe. Austria is a unique case that involves a lot of history, the Hapsburgs, Austro-Hungary, etc. Most Austrians wanted it though because they thought of themselves as German-ic.

    In seeking peace with Britain, Hitler pledged to help defend their colonial interests and to do whatever he could to assist with them. He even offered to turn over the few German colonies to Britain.

  3. Mr. Yancey: Robert Oculus III , the problem with folks like you is …

    …that we waste time reading the ramblings of idiots on the Internet.

    You have a narrow mind so I’ll skip your little playpen from now on.

    Gosh, however will I survive without your unique aroma of jackboot polish and AstroGlide?

    To paraphrase FDR: “I welcome your hatred.”

  4. @Lynda

    Thank you again for the photo you linked to yesterday. Go to :


    For information about Jewish perfidy ; I believe that’s the old-fashioned Catholic word to describe the Jews ; I know you’re a devout, old-fashioned Catholic, so I use the word “perfidy” specifically in respect to your devout Catholicism.

    Hit “previous” icon on front page of website about 4-5 times, to Aug 6th article :

    ” Stock Operator’s Masssive Put Action ”

    The link I provide is to an article entitled :

    ” And The Winner is Israel”

    I hope the link works. If not, no problem. Just go to : ” zen-haven.dk”
    A very informative website, especially for conservative, traditional White Americans.

    Again, thank you for the photo of the Statue of Satan on top of the Jew Bank in London, you were considerate to post yesterday under the “Mermaid” article.

  5. The south was far too democratic to be compared to Nazi Germany.

    Remember, in order to vote in the South one had to be a White male landowner. In Nazi Germany, any German citizen could vote. Before you tell me that voting didn’t affect anything in Germany, know that White male landowners in the South weren’t about to change their system by the vote. Ehh??

  6. Chamberlain acted in a very sympathetic way to Hitler. He must have ft a personal sense of betrayal for the Polish invasion. He was happy enough to hand them Sudetenland. Attacking Poland was gratuitous. It was also done as Stalin rolled in from the other end. At that point he knew Hitler was a slippery customer.

    after 1940 and German promises. The German by that point were not proving to be honest.

  7. John says:
    “The south was far too democratic to be compared to Nazi Germany. Too much democracy undid it. In reality the British Empire was controlling millions of Indian laborers and millions of African laborers. Same with France. Germany was seeking to control those things or set up alternatives with Slavic plantations”.

    Slavic plantations?

  8. Oops. Just saw your latest. So real quick….

    Chamberlain knew the situation between Germany and the USSR. Maybe not the details, like the pact, but he knew that Poland was much more in both the German as well as the Russian sphere of interest than it was in Britain’s. The British had no more business ‘guaranteeing’ Poland against its immediate neighbors than the US has ‘guaranteeing’ Israel. In neither case is the guaranteed country actually any interest to the guarantor at all. They both guaranteed/guarantee much expense and warfare for no, nada return.

  9. “Most Austrians wanted it though because they thought of themselves as German-ic.”

    That’s because they are. The very name of Austria is Österreich in German, ie. the Eastern Reich of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation.

  10. Slavic Plantations. A bit of fun. The Germans intended to become colonizers, landlords and work camp overseers. The man intended to become the ruler of Ukraine thought of it as a Dukedom for himself.

  11. Any border in Europe is of some interest to France, Russia, Britain and Germany
    by default. That’s perfectly acceptable. These four states are the foundation of Europe.

  12. John, there’s also the factor of Britain promising to ‘guarantee’ Poland while only being prepared to declare hostility against one of its invaders. It just demonstrates the cheap WMDish device that it was.

    If you think about it, Britain’s interest would’ve been much better served by not interfering over Poland. The Germans could’ve not only rid the world of the worst and most cancerous regime in the world. They would’ve been so busy in the east, for who knows how long, that they would never have opened up a western front by attacking Britain. But then, Britain’s actual interests weren’t any more important to the policy makers than US interests are to the US.

    Standard operating procedure. Sumter, the Maine, Poland, Pearl, WMD. Maneuvers into having the aggressor look like it’s playing defense.

  13. “Thanks, Rudel. That was my attempt at being wry.”

    Sorry. I’m pretty dim when it comes down to perceiving irony (or jokes in general.) I’m the perfect straight man as they say in show biz.

  14. Any border in Europe is of some interest to France, Russia, Britain and Germany
    by default. That’s perfectly acceptable. These four states are the foundation of Europe.

    I guarantee you they’d tell you different when you’re referring to their immediate neighbors.

  15. I’m the perfect straight man as they say in show biz.

    Don’t tell me. Let me guess. You’re German. (har har)

  16. Well that’s one scenario.

    The British very nearly declared war on the Russians by siding with Finland in the Winter War 1939. What became of this notion is buried in Whitehall records. The British were quite keen on the idea of a war with Russia. It would be interesting to see who blocked it and who suggested it.

    Policy for Chamberlain was to avoid war at all costs as the expense would bankrupt the
    Empire. He wasn’t Bush. He was a very worried fellow.

  17. “They would’ve been so busy in the east, for who knows how long, that they would never have opened up a western front by attacking Britain.”

    This is an old but plausible argument put forth as early as 1960 by A.J.P. Taylor but I’m not so sure. The French Army was larger than Germany’s and would have been a huge threat to Hitler’s back and which would have profoundly affected his plans for moving east even if Britain and France had not gone to war over Poland.

  18. The continental system with Metternich as puppetmaster conceded that Europe
    ought to act in concert to avoid a big blow up.

  19. The “phoney war” period was a phoney war in part because the British and French were hoping the Germans might stumble into a war with the USSR. In retrospect it is amazing that Stalin did not attack the Germans in the back while Germany was rolling over France. These people misread each other quite dramatically.

    Chamberlain thought he could trust Hitler to be satisfied with Bohemia.

    Hitler though Chamberlain was just being a pussy.

    Chamberlain thought that Hitler and Stalin couldn’t share a border.

    Stalin thought Hitler was a man of the people this kept wilfully blind.

    Hitler was just a gambler.

  20. National Socialism is a form of socialism just like Communism is a form of socialism. Both are statist forms of government with the state taking precedence over the individual or any other source of authority.

    In Communism, private property is theoretically abolished and the state controls all aspects of the economy. In National Socialism or Fascism, the state only controls the major industries. With government control of healthcare and the bailout of GM, you can see that the US now has a form of this type of government.

    The added component of jingoistic nationalism is combined with socialism in the case of National Socialism. National Socialism, like many other bad statist ideologies had its origin you know where (Massachusetts). In the US it was originally called Christian Socialism, then later Nationalist Socialism. It did have some influence in the US, largely due to the appeal of jingoistic nationalism.

    Indoctrination of the young was very important to Nationalist Socialism. One of its proponents, Francis Bellamy, a Baptist minister who later turned atheist, wrote a daily Pledge of Allegiance to the state to be used to indoctrinate children in public schools. It originally involved what we now call the “Nazi salute,” but that was changed to hand over heart in 1942 after the WW2 began. The Nazis did indeed get their salute from the one used in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    The current Pledge of Allegiance recited daily in Amurrican schools is actually a vestige of our own homegrown prototype of Nationalist Socialism. It is a form of idolatry, of course, worship of the state. Just because the Knights of Columbus had them add “under God” in the 1950’s does not change the statist nature of the pledge. It also defines the nation as “indivisible” and so rules out any quaint notions of states rights.

    As in all forms of socialism, individual rights are overruled by those of the state.
    The only rights that matter in National(ist) Socialism are those of the collective–the nation state.

    As Paul Harvey used to say, and now you know the rest of the story.

    Deo Vindice

  21. BRA is a national socialist state. That is why there is so little difference between the two statist political parties. On one hand, the jingoistic nationalist Republicans; on the other hand the anti-free enterprise socialist Democrats.

    They often combine to produce legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Patriot Act and the No Child Left Behind Act. Judicial activism also ensures the national socialist stranglehold through the courts in decisions such as Roe v. Wade, which nationalized the legalization of abortion.

    National Socialism is completely incompatible with Southern Nationalism, which gives precedence to individual and states rights. It has a very great appeal for both neoconservative Republican patriotards and socialist Democrat statists. The parties in charge of Amurrica today.

    Deo Vindice

  22. The French Army was larger than Germany’s and would have been a huge threat to Hitler’s back and which would have profoundly affected his plans for moving east even if Britain and France had not gone to war over Poland.

    As it turned out, the French Army wasn’t much of a threat. The Germans moved in as though on vacation. But I was theoretically including France with Britain in my argument, since they too declared war over Poland but were unprepared to fight it.

    Might France have attacked a Germany busy fighting Russia, alone? Very doubtful. No doubt they knew they couldn’t go it alone. If they had been that confident they’d have actually put up some resistance when Hitler waltzed in.

  23. Apuleius,

    I’ve posted a god bit on the different meaning of words to different peoples in different times. You can call the USA ‘National Socialist’ all day but it is clearly nothing like the German version. As well, the German version was nothing at all like the communist version.

    And it wasn’t a nazi salute. It was a Roman salute. From the Roman Empire?? That’s where the Germans and many others got it. Hell, even the mafia adopted things Roman.

  24. “As it turned out, the French Army wasn’t much of a threat.”

    Yes, but Hitler didn’t know it at the time. He was still angling for a negotiated peace during the “Phony War.”

  25. Oddly enough the section where the Germans broke through was Senegalese. Dinant I think. Rommel was chasing blacks through the countryside apparently. Theses a movie
    where the Germans reenact it. I think the Senegalese who were captured were used as extras.

  26. Rudel, I think he had France pretty well sized up. Otherwise he probably would’ve been willing to continue the stalemate and concentrate on the east. He invaded instead.

  27. “National Socialism is completely incompatible with Southern Nationalism, which gives precedence to individual and states rights.”

    Huey Long was very much a socialist and populist, albeit a corrupt one. It is only since 1964 that poor whites in the South have consciously rejected the economics of the New Deal. Long was to the left of Roosevelt and was preparing to run against him for the Democratic nomination. That’s why he was assassinated.

    Both parties are dominated by international corporate capital now. Romney is proof that “there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between them” as George Wallace used to say.

  28. Sorry Apuleius,

    I meant to say that it wasn’t a ‘Bellamy salute’, no matter what usually-incorrect-wiki says. Many people adopted it, from the Romans.

  29. Rudel, no doubt Long was a corrupt populist, but to the left of corrupt insider Roosevelt? Ouch! Truly, most people had no idea just how far left FDR was, at the time. A classic demagogue, in the American tradition. Long also.

  30. Hmmm, I’ve read through the 130+ posts here and figured I might as well add to the melee. I’ll keep up the general theme of the thread, i.e., bad fiction writing due to deficient knowledge of the subject I’ll chose to write about. (And there are multiple subjects being discussed here, so my otherwise off-subject post is not at all out of place.)

    Here goes:

    I’m going to take a 1986 Ford Pinto, the one that came out with the 1.7 engine and had four doors. Gonna put a 460 intake on it, drop in a Chrysler 318 crank, and use the factory cam and mechanical lifters that were stock on that model Pinto. But first I’m gonna have that 1.7 block machines to accept four bolt mains, since it was cast for it, you know. Then I’m gonna bolt on a set of camel hump, fuelly heads. Then I’ll finish it off by sticking a Turbo 400 behind it, since that tranny bolts right up to that block anyway.


    Ridiculous. But no shit; no worse than several of the posts I’ve read here.

    And those piece of shit Martin guitars that Sears made and sold…

  31. @Joe

    The Synagogue and the Tribe have behaved perfidiously toward the Church and they do not deny it.

    When the Church held political power it did suppress the Synagogue. No apologies. It did burn the Talmud in the public square. No apologies. It did prevail upon Catholic princes and states to enact laws that would prevent Jews from infiltrating the organs of the state and predating upon the Gentile population. No apologies.

    Now they have the power of non separation between Synagogue and state (ZOG) and they suppress the Church and instrumentalize its institutions from the Chair of Peter down to the smallest novus ordo Noachide parish. I get it and I do not expect any apologies from the Jews.

    Sic transit gloria mundi. So passes the glory of the world.

    Without backing off one iota from the just criticism and opposition to the Synagogue, Judaic behaviour, motives and pretences and its global apparatus, the Roman Catholics of the traditional Church (is there any other) pray for and have laid down their lives for Jewish souls.

    For the Evangel is addressed to both Jew and Gentile – the kindred, meaning Jacob. Esau and Jacob were brothers.

    Only the Evangel of the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour and King can heal that ancient animus. Only baptism can remove the blood curse that the Sanhedrin drew down upon the Jews following Caphais and the others.

    You are OD’s official messheguh Matzoh Man and some of your comments are absolutely stellar. BTW Ariel also crowns the Manitobe legislature. Google it – Golden Boy Manitoba.

  32. Rudel,
    “Both parties are dominated by international corporate capital now. Romney is proof that “there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between them” as George Wallace used to say.”

    Absolutely correct. If you ever get the chance to read his speeches, do so.

    Bill Yancey is correct about the French.
    The French army in 1940 was larger and even had better tanks than the Germans. Blitzkrieg warfare relies upon the psychological dislocation of the enemy. France was demoralized before the fight really even started. Their manpower deficit compared to the Germans was made up from their superior British allies and their inferior colonial troops.

    Most importantly, what the French lacked was the will to fight.
    A lesson for us if ever there was one.

    Say what you will about Huey Long. At least he had what he perceived to be the best interests of the people at heart. That might be arguable in his case, but it is not something you can say about our politicians today. They are bought and paid for.

    Deo Vindice

  33. Brutus, are you purposely keeping us in a state of suspense or were you just teasing us? If you’re the Brutus I think you are I know you know your dope.

    Hangin’ on.

  34. Ww2 arcana.

    The French made a few errors.

    1) they dispursed their airforce instead on concentrating it. The Luftwaffe was used as aerial artillery. The Luftwaffe flew many more sorties than the French. They would fly a bird out three times a day with pilots rotating duty.

    2) the French put their 2nd rate infantry and thinned out artillery right where the Germans massed 10 Armoured divisions. (Around Dinant Rommel crossed the moselle and was opposed by colonial African troops.) at Sedan Metropolitan reservists were facing Guderian’s fantastically well organized armoured divisions and concentrated unopposed Luftwaffe dive bombing.

    3) the French concentrated their armour further north at the Gembloux gap ( a landbridge that connects Germany to France via Belgium without river crossings.) narrowly defeating the Germans, but had to retreat to resupply. As it turned out it didn’t matter because the Germans had broken through between Sedan and Dinant. A huge gap in the line.

    It was a stunning unexpected outcome. Even the Germans were shocked.

  35. @ Lynda

    I agree with everything you said, except the “messheguh Matzoh Man”* part. I will most certainly google, ” Golden Boy Manitoba” [ not sure if I agree with you about “golden boy”, either, until I googe it first]. I will get back to you on it.

    I will google “messeheguh Matzoh Man”** also. I know what matzos are — I like matzo ball soup. Don’t know what “messheguh” means. I’ll get back to you on it.

    ** Laughing online big-time.

  36. Another thing about the French in 1940. Many of them may have been pro German. If they were Jew wise I wouldn’t be surprised to see such a light effort at self defense.

  37. “Say what you will about Huey Long. At least he had what he perceived to be the best interests of the people at heart.”

    The Kingfish built roads (increased the number of miles of paved roads by an order of magnitude), bridges (including the first one over the Mississippi in the state of Louisiana,) hospitals, the LSU school of Medicine, the state Capitol Building, a natural gas pipeline to New Orleans, and provided free textbooks to schoolchildren and night school literacy classes for adults. His methods were high-handed and included campaign kickbacks from state employees and construction firms but he helped bring Louisiana out of the wretched poverty it had been in since Reconstruction.

  38. ‘You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” — Lee Atwater

    Atwater was a cynical liberal who worked as a political operative. Does anyone really believe that he thought that he was “doing away with the racial problem one way or the other” ? In that quote he was simply reformulating the same nonsense that leftists had been saying about GOP conservatives since Goldwater in 1964. As late as 1980 plenty of nitwits (on both sides) thought that Reaganite “small government” was going to liquidate the “racial problem” once and for all.

  39. “Say what you will about Huey Long. At least he had what he perceived to be the best interests of the people at heart.”

    These days Long is usually depicted as being to the left of FDR. One is left to puzzle about Long’s support from “radical rightists” like Fr. Coughlin and Gerald L.K. Smith. Thus the whole question of Bolshevist totalitarianism/ mass murder and the friendly attitude of the Roosevelt Administration toward that phenomenon is conveniently avoided.

  40. It was there before the basilica. Caligula installed it in that area where the Neronic Cirus was built. You know where the pagans murdered the protomatyrs. Pope Sixtus had it dug up and rebuilt.

    The renaissance popes restored hundreds of arches, obelisks and columns. This happened at the height of the counter reformation.

    You guys are whack.

  41. In Table Talk, Hitler laments the fact Europe wasn’t Islamified.

    He believed Berlin housing a German Caliph would have been the military and cultural center of a caliphate with of course Mecca as the spiritual capital. Did he plan to Islamicize Europe? No.

    Regarding NSDAP as right or left….. Goebbels wanted the far-left and far-right banned (from Der Angriff writings in 1920’s). Goebbels later said that the NSDAP was so far-right it was far-left. The NSDAP stood politics on its head; the linear Franco-American spectrum was rejected in favor of a cyclic view. The Party was aware of this and this German peculiarity was the reason – not subracial eccentricities – that the platform was deemed “not for export”.

  42. Hey Tamer, did you make it to the forum yet? I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine. He needs to ex-pat and would like to talk about the DR

  43. I’ve read Table Talk, Hitler made no such wish – more Neo Con “IslamoFAcist” BS from a Glen Beck follower no doubt.

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