H/T Via Meadia
Walter Russell Mead links to the latest New York Times article on The Day The Criminals Were Released From Prison in California:
“Ordered by the United States Supreme Court to reduce severe overcrowding in its prisons, California began redirecting low-level offenders to local jails last October in a shift called realignment. Its prison population, the nation’s largest, has since fallen by more than 16 percent to 120,000 from 144,000; it must be reduced to 110,000 by next June.
Counties with already tight budgets are scrambling to house the influx of newcomers in facilities that were never designed to accommodate inmates serving long sentences, like a man who began serving 15 years for fraud recently in the Fresno jail.
Fresno County — a sprawling agricultural area surrounding the city, which is also facing financial problems and became a punch line for Conan O’Brien recently — is adding 864 beds to its chronically overcrowded jail. Under a longstanding federal consent decree that requires the Sheriff’s Department to release inmates when the jail reaches capacity, 40 to 60 people are let go early every day.”
In a move watched by other states also facing prison overcrowding, California is handing its 58 counties money and leeway to decide how to handle the new arrivals. Liberal communities like San Francisco are using a greater share of the state money on programs and alternatives to incarceration. But most counties, particularly here in the conservative Central Valley, have focused on building jail capacity.”
The U.S. incarcerates a larger percentage of its population than any other country in the world. California would be well advised to 1) legalize drugs and stop jailing people for victimless crimes like gambling and prostitution and 2) ship the illegal beaners back to Mexico.
For a long time, prisons were big business for small towns in America. Building a prison often served as a boon to the local economy where it was situated, and would serve as a political step-ladder for whatever municipal bureaucrats were responsible for it’s installation.
The prison is the biggest business in Union Springs, AL.
The drug war is just an excuse to lock up the Black Undertow before they blossom into murderers, rapists, and thieves.
Reynolds just posted this link,0,290918.column
to which I would say, if the GOP decides it doesn’t need boring white boys, boring white boys may well decide they don’t need the GOP. So it remains the Loser Party. I’m not actually convinced that his argument is correct – he does a lot of handwaving and unsubstantiated prediction – but I expect the Republican party leaders will want to move in the direction he’s pointing anyway, regardless of evidence.
And also, if Goldberg is TRYING to convince me that Jews have an irrepressible desire to destroy all that is good in the world and then chortle over the ruins, he’s going about it exactly right.
“The drug war is just an excuse to lock up the Black Undertow before they blossom into murderers, rapists, and thieves.”
Better to offer them $250,000 to be sterilized when they reach puberty. That would solve the most of the problem in the long term. Bonuses and tax breaks should be paid to white mothers for each white child born and on a sliding scale based on parental IQ.
The drug war is just an excuse to lock up the Black Undertow before they blossom into murderers, rapists, and thieves.
Not really, it is big business. Also keeps the lawyers busy.
Prisons are a right of passage for the darker amongst us. Street cred.
Most inmates have already “blossomed” and are on the life program.
The life program is an individual that spends over 75% of their life behind bars. The other 25% is living on the streets as a parolee. The in and out crowd is the majority of those who have ever served time.
They usually have blossemed after their first “bid”. After that, their crimes increase.
Fear of prison is gone and it becomes a lifestyle.
There’s plenty of “fiat” money for welfare for all the illegal aliens in California, but no “fiat” money for prisons, supposedly.
I’d avoid the San Francisco Bay Area around election time, that’s my advice.
I was incarcerated for a fight that got out of control when I was in my twenties.
I was in the White minority, the nigs and spics couldn’t care less about being in there. They seemed to enjoy it on many levels.
I watched them network and build alliances. All the talk was about what crimes they were going to commit together when they got out.
They would exchange phone numbers of friends out in the streets and create new crime circles.
Very intresting and high stress enviroment. Many of the White CO’s would help us White guys out in smuggling tobacco in. Hell, they would bring it right in to the tiers, free.
We had the IP squad. The inter-prison intel unit. They would interrogate inmates about gang affiliations, drug trades, hit squads, ect.
I befriended one CO during my time. A big White guy. He would talk to me about the intel and all the stuff going on.
We were both White and even the guards understood separtation of races was a good thing. Prison is the most segragated enviroment around and it works.
Anyway, my buddy, the CO was on his way to a career in the FBI(we were both in early 20’s). His job at the DOC was just a training ground. He had a booklet from the FBI he was studying, a profiling manual. Curly hair, nose types, cheek structure. I took a look at it for a minute. The odds(in percentages) of certain physical facial structures compared to those who had been convicted/charged in crimes were profiled.
Wild stuff.
I was never a criminal to begin with, just wrong place, wrong time coupled with a young man’s temper(and a Jew DA and Jew judge).
One thing I took away from my time, was prison is a training ground, both for cops and cons.
The city I live in now just closed a county jail and car break-ins and buglaries are not even investigated now.
The drug war is just an excuse to lock up the Black Undertow before they blossom into murderers, rapists, and thieves.
I agree with that.
In the past, setting up career criminal on false charges was another strategy. It was just the cop’s way of getting crooks, that they had trouble catching in the act, off the streets. It was a common practice years ago, but harder now because the the army of activist bleeding lawyers who fought against that practice; and the latest forensic technologies, such as DNA analysis makes it harder, so it since been dropped. This is probably why the authorities switched gears from “framing crooks” to “jailing them for drugs”. Now the active lawyers are questing imprisoning crooks for selling weed.
It is what it is.
Speaking of activist lawyers, I saw Alan Dershowitz on CNN last night demanding gun control in the wake of the Sikh Temple shooting. Years ago, I saw Alan on TV railing against jailing crooks on false charges – and, I think, he even mentioned that this usually happens to blacks.
Some folks, especially libertarians, tend to view illegal drug use as an isolated issue, when in fact it is usually rolled up within a “package” of behaviors, none of which should ever be considered socially acceptable. To think that legalizing drugs will somehow reduce crime, or associated aberrant anti-social behaviors is at best naive.
On the other hand, those using drugs are not likely to stop using as a result of drug enforcement, either. If they were inclined to do so, there would be no problem. Unless society employs the methods of, say, China or Singapore. Then, the problem would be quickly ameliorated. But in liberal America, it could not happen.
As far as California goes, those let out of prison will be back again, and the probably released shortly thereafter. They don’t care. Better that they enjoy the street life of San Francisco, I guess.
Further to my last post, its probably better that the authorities are jailing black crooks for selling weed (or other soft drugs), rather than framing them for serious crimes, such as rape or murder, that they didn’t do for 2 reasons:
1) there is probably a strong correlation between selling soft drugs and other crimes, such as break-and-enter, car theft, etc. ; whereas before, the method was framing someone who was “in the wrong place at the wrong time” or happened to “look” like the suspect.
2) the old method turned out to be a PR disaster and a gold mine for liberal activists. Plus, it spawned songs and movies such as “The Hurricane” which is one more movie to add to the serial white-guilt-trip Hollywood brainwashing propaganda (e.g. Roots, Amistad, etc.)
Hey isn’t Eric ‘my people’ Holder trying to get all the Blacks from ’80s convicted on Crack charges let out on some flimsy legal technicality that only the ACLU would approve of?
Will these Blacks be out in time to vote for Obama in November?
Thanks Alan you fkc. You got OJ off for double murder allowing him to piss away his wife’s kid’s money, and commit more crimes.
That guy shod not be wking around with impunity. Barry Sheck and Dershowitz have gotten more people killed than I care to mention.
Why has petty crime decreased statistically?
Young black men are being locked away for possessing small amounts of weed.
It is a gateway drug. Straight to the gates of prison
“To think that legalizing drugs will somehow reduce crime, or associated aberrant anti-social behaviors is at best naive.”
It will save money. California is going broke. And legalizing weed makes it not a crime.
Also people who are high on weed commit less crimes than drunks.
I assume you smoke weed. Generally the cops let you off with a slap on the wrists if white and caught with a small amount.
The point here is that selective presecutions for “gangja”can get recidivist blacks off the streets. It’s an interesting idea. It beats framing them.
when I was a teenager I used to buy off a Rasta. One day he showed up at a party and proceeded to stab threaten to stab someone. He had a Bowie knife. He was a dangerous bastard. The weed made him more paranoid and violent.
You’re not getting it John. It’s too expensive to lock up niggers (or anyone else) for weed. Better to offer them $250,000 to be sterilized at puberty.
Better to hang really. Restoration era punishments for thievery and violence would kill all birds with one stone.
“The weed made him more paranoid and violent.”
He was most likely high on something else (like whiskey or meth.) And any nigger who starts waving a Bowie knife around me will very likely end up with a bunch of 45 caliber holes in his chest. (If I’m not able di di mau out the door first that is.)
“Better to offer them $250,000 to be sterilized when they reach puberty. That would solve the most of the problem in the long term. Bonuses and tax breaks should be paid to white mothers for each white child born and on a sliding scale based on parental IQ.”
Why bother?
First offense, a fine and hard labor.
Second offense, bigger fine and hard labor
Third offense. SRS, give them a mangina. EMASCULATE THE BEASTS.
Rasta’s are pretty effed up most of the time. I understand he got a hammer stuck in his head some years later.
Rudel says:
“To think that legalizing drugs will somehow reduce crime, or associated aberrant anti-social behaviors is at best naive.”
“It will save money. California is going broke. And legalizing weed makes it not a crime.”
So many of these people are dysfunctional losers relying on government largesse. I can’t imagine what would happen if drugs were legalized. Most blacks, browns and lazy slugs would be perpetually high. Oh, I’m addicted to this that or the other. It’s the gov’s fault for legalizing them. We need more money, programs, counselors. We be addicted, can’t get off . Can’t work, can’t do nuffin. Give us mo money to sit around all day stoned.
I never had a dope problem, never will. My mother gave me sage advice as a kid. Stay away from that junk. Why risk destroying your life? Don’t experiment. Just because your friends jump off a cliff, you don’t have to join them. You want to feel good? Do your homework, get good grades, stay out of trouble and make something of yourself. You are young now and think you know everything- you don’t. When you are older and have a family you will be glad you listened to me.
Better believe I’m glad. We all know people who have made a total shambles of their lives ruining everything and everyone near them because of accursed drugs.
This is where the matrix comes in.
Suppose just for a moment the prison population was offered to be wired up to a Jack and they could live like kings in an imaginary Manhattan? How many would take the offer. We could just wick off the excess bioelectricity and power our civ with it.
One of the characters volunteered to go back in, I believe. Is tech like that near at hand?
Drunks cause alot more harm than pot smokers do. Pot smokers are mellow.
Drunks get into car accidents and kill people on the roads and highways of America. They’re loud, and many times belligerent, looking for fights. They puke in the streets after leaving their bars. It’s disgusting.
My upright church-going neighbors here [ not drunks] cause more damage to America than my pot-smoking neighbors [ who don’t go to church]. My church-going neighbors support ZOG 100%. They’re a pain-in-the-ass.
My pot-smoking neighbors Do Not support ZOG. Quite the opposite.
Between the Christians and the White drunks, we’re f*cked. Pot smokers are “kewl”.
“I can’t imagine what would happen if drugs were legalized.”
I imagine that we would revert to our previous pre-criminalization conditions. 2% of the population would be addicted to opiates and would kick their habit all by themselves in 6 or 7 years. And a lot less people would be drunkards because they would smoke pot instead.
The “War on Drugs” is an endless, ruinously expensive, totalitarian shambles. If drugs were legalized both violent crime and instances of police repression of innocent civilians would drop. What the Puritan dickheads don’t seem to realize is that stoned niggers laying about would not need to commit armed robbery in order to feed their habit which would be a LOT cheaper than spending upwards of $100,000 a year keeping them locked up.
When did we become a nation of drunkards, dopers, pill poppers, dysfunctional misfits, pampered babies, obese sluggards and whiny ne’r do wells. It’s not just a few folks as in the past. It’s our national identity. Welcome to Loserville
I think the phenomenon you mention — you make excellent points, by the way– really took off in the 1960’s. Your observartion is very sad, but it’s also true, unfortunately.
Now it’s Randy Travis getting goofy. I have his CD’s in my truck. Alcohol? Who knows what else?
“First offense, a fine and hard labor.
Second offense, bigger fine and hard labor”
And how many niglets will they have sired by then? Plus you aren’t taking into account Negresses. My plan sterilizes them from the getgo.
I think black pot smokers behave differently than white pot smoker: it appears to make blacks aggressive, but makes whites mellow.
“Cannabis cannibal? Pot, not ‘bath salts,’ found in Miami face-eating killer’s system”
Tyburn Tree would be an effective way of getting rid of them.
The drug war is just an excuse to lock up the Black Undertow before they blossom into murderers, rapists, and thieves. Actually they probably already are. That is the reason the are prosecuted harder for drug crimes, they are known to be involved with crime A, crime B, and crime C, but there is just not enough evidence to prosecute with after all the witnesses say “I din sees nuffin.” But they always have drugs on them. White boys in college or businessmen with 5 grams of weed in their pocket have little chance of being tied to a mob attack, car theft ring, murder, or knock-out king.
Better to offer them $250,000 to be sterilized when they reach puberty. That would solve the most of the problem in the long term. Good luck getting anyone to push for a Eugenics program the disparately targeted negroes. I think the only way possible would be to do it from the female side after the first welfare birth, mandatory birth control — as there will be no increase in funds for further births.
I agree with Outlier and disagree with Rudel on negroes and weed.
I’m sure we all know, in the darker recesses of our conciense, exactly what the solution to the n***** problem is.
Blacks get stabby when smoking ganjah.
I’ve two anecdotes about this beyond the Rasta story.