Caribbean Project: The Windward Islands

In 1981, Don Black of Stormfront attempted to conquer Dominica

The Windward Islands

The Windward Islands are the southern half of the Lesser Antilles: Martinique, Dominica, St. Lucia, Grenada, the Grenadines and Barbados. Most of these islands were settled by the French but were acquired by Britain in the Seven Years’ War.

As we have seen, Barbados was the cultural hearth of the Lower South. The slave society that originated there was transplanted to the Leeward Islands, then to Jamaica, then to South Carolina, and later to the Windward Islands and British Guiana in South America.

Most of the settlers who colonized the Southern colonies and the British West Indies came from the south and west of England. Few people are aware that just as many English settlers went to the British West Indies as those who came to North America.

Because of tropical diseases, low birthrates, and the sugar monoculture of the islands (not to mention natural disasters and wars between rival European powers), White settlement failed in the eastern Caribbean.

What you see today in the eastern Caribbean is exactly what you see in Jamaica, Haiti, Dixie and many other countries: busted slave societies destroyed by crusading liberals in foreign metropoles and overwhelmed by the Black Undertow.

The Golden Circle concept was an attempt to form a federation of slave states to forestall exactly this scenario by throwing off the yoke of Washington, London, Paris, and Madrid.

Note: Here’s the links to Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, and Part 10.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent



    Those photos would explain Boyle’s “The Family” scene in the London opening ceremonies. If you missed it, he had a white blond women married/living with a black man with 3 mulatto kids (1 boy and 2 girls).

  2. According to the Irish Savant the law is searching high and low for the person who threw the banana peels at the darkie.

  3. Soft control is being lost. Just asking a SWPL/DWL a “racist” question sends them into a tailspin, much less if you intelligently tell them they are full of shite.

  4. We do need a white island(s), attaining it with some legitimacy and defending it with some tenacity.

  5. I say, go stage a coup in St. Kitts/Nevis. Total population @ 50,000.
    Kick the Niggers out, make it a haven for Americans who don’t want to pay taxes twice/thrice for their own earned income, and give jobs to Americans who can’t find work here in the States, for their extant tourism base.

    Oh, and from the ‘duh’ column here in AmeriKa:

  6. If it’s only 50,000 they could be bought out. That’s a neighbourhood in a small city. Kitts has a volcano issue though btw.

  7. Its interesting that the plantation owners didn’t utilize the indigenous peoples for slaves, and even deported them off one island. I’m guessing that they must get depressed living under oppression and are suicidal.

    But blacks seem suited for it.

    “Why Black People Make Good Slaves” 10 min

  8. Military coups are not a good idea, because you see after the blacks get done with a world wide hissy fit (well they never really stop) the US Navy and USMC will make target practice of you for sport, and votes from the Amurrica’s very own Abraham Lincoln brigade the CBC.

    We whites cannot break our fascination with organized violence, but I would rather see us emulate the jews or Mormons, especially the Mormons since they go about being Mormons with smiles on their faces while networking and we network a white island, for mostly whites.

    Eg; Las Vegas sits in Clark Co., Nevada and who do you think comprises the county board of this place? If you say Shlomo Shlockensteinenbergowitz you would be wrong, all the names I seen were WASP and WASP names in the intermountain west mean Mormons.

  9. But then of course the chamber of commerce type whites show up with the DWLs in tow so they can two step around us, but they go snorkeling at midnight alot during shark week.

    A distant relative had a father who was a oil guy working on Trinidad & Tobago in the 70s and the black leadership wanted a better oil and gas deal so just conveniently a few hand grenades were tossed at the white workers, white workers and the company got the message quickly.

  10. Interesting. Slavery as a self delusion. He might be useful if the delivery were edited somewhat.

    He mentioned something about children being sold into slavery. Were the blacks who were brought over quite young? It would make sense in many ways. The normal course of a war is to kill all the men. Then sell off the children and women as war booty.

    I wouldn’t want to have a ship hold full of grown men. Women, some teens etc etc. Much easier to handle really. Any thoughts?

  11. Blacks must be suited for slavery. The blacks are just tripping over themselves to be thrown back into slavery.

    Oprah is going to hand over her, what? about close to a billion dollars, to the Daughters of the Confederacy Foundation, and go live in a slave cabin in Mississippi, and pick cotton for Big Daddy.

    Michelle Obama is going to to bundle up the kids, hand over all her money to the Civil War Re-Enactment Fund, and is going to go down to Alabama to live in a slave cabin, and pick cotton for Massa, if Obama loses in November.

    Thomas Sowell is going to give up his writing career any day now, hand over all his money to the Confederate War Museum , and go live in a slave cabin down in the swamps of South Carolina, and pick whatever the hell the niggas be a-pickin’ in the swamps of South Carolina.

    Aretha Franklin is going to hand over all her money to the Preservation of Confederate Graveyards Foundation, and head down to Georgia later today to go live in a slave cabin, and pick cotton for Scarlett.

    Diana Ross is going to give up her fortune, and her castle in Europe, and fly back down to Louisiana to go live in a slave cabin, and pick cotton for Beauregard.

    You crackers be crackin me up.

  12. They busy themselves getting thrown in prison or dying off at very young ages. That’s certainly a slavish mentality.

  13. Aretha had her house foreclosed for failure to pay property taxes. I think it was her anyway.

    Wesley Snipes, OJ et fils all seem to go bankrupt.

  14. @John
    I know quite a few white people here in California — with a good sum of money in their bank accounts — who got fore-closed on too. So what?

    Should we throw the whites who got fore-closed on into slavery also?

    Some commentators here to “OD” are too atavistic for words.

    I have news for you John. No one wants to be your slave. You’re just not that wonderful. God didn’t create the world so you could have slaves, and feel like you’re important.

    You’re not important. Like everyone else in the world : we’re like grains of sand on the beach. You’re just another grain of sand. No one is the center of the universe. Not even you. Only the Holy Creator — and you ain’t Him.

    If you’re so wonderful, then go out into the world and go do something wonderful. Like maybe invent something useful, discover something useful, do something.

    No one is going to volunteer to be your slave. No one. No one from any race on earth. I don’t blame them. Get over yourself. You’re tedious.

    While it’s true the black race produces alot of street criminals, and I’m not condoning that :

    It’s also true the white race produces alot of white-collar criminals. The white criminals in America — you can find them in the banks, in the media, in the military, in the government, in the corporate world, in the churches, in the universities, in the science research laboratories, etc. , have done more harm to America than the black street criminals. That’s for sure.

    And I’m not even talking Jews here, not now.
    I’m talking white Caucasian “christians”.

  15. The English for example, they did more damage to Detroit than blacks. Uh hu? That’s your story?

    I thought the chap in the video overstated his case. But he had a case. He appeared to define a slave as someone who wilfully blinds himself from reality. “Purblind” by temperament if you like. There’s a lot to be said for it. What is a slave? Someone who can’t manage their own accounts.

    You do know that blacks on average are drowning in negative equity and are dragging whites down in the undertow. You do look at basic stats before you pontificate? SBPDL
    goes over it brilliantly. Unamusement Park does the same thing.

  16. @John
    I didn’t say “English” specifically. Don’t put words in my mouth. That’s not an honorable way to debate.

    I said white Caucasian “christian”. White collar criminals come from all various groups of whites. Not just the English/Anglo.

    I didn’t mention Detroit either. As far as Detroit is concerned, the destruction there comes from the blacks : that’s for certain. But that’s just half the story :

    Many laws were passed in Washington by white “christian” lawmakers. They passed as many laws as possible to make it difficult for the car companies to make a profit — especially if the companies kept their factories in the States. As far as Detroit is concerned, the destruction is half and half.

    Half of the destruction is from black criminals on the streets, the other half from white lawmakers in Washington. The blacks did not destroy Detroit all by themselves. They never had that much power in America.

    White “christian” lawmakers, working hand-in-hand with their Jew Banking Masters destroyed Detroit just as much, if not alot more, than the blacks.

    Many of the black criminals, by the way, were goaded on, and on the payroll of Jew commie agitators, as well. Another part of the story we don’t hear in the mainstream news, of course. I wonder why?

    BRA, by the way, is owned and controlled by the same banking interests who control our White lawmakers and decision makers.

    More correctly, the blame for the destruction of Detroit :
    1/3 black
    1/3 Jew commie [ I include the bankers with this group]
    1/3 white “christian” lawmakers.

    So it’s really more accurate to say the blacks are responsible for 1/3 of the destruction: Not all the destruction.

  17. “You crackers be crackin me up.”

    Joe, these are the ‘kings and queens’ of Africa. Just ship them back, with their assets frozen in American banks, and let them ‘create anew’- over there, never to return.

    We’re talking VISION as well as ACTION on this blog. Sometimes it’s both. You need to know ‘when to hold ’em, and when to fold ’em’ as Kenny Rodgers once sang.

    I think you confuse/conflate the two more times that not…..

  18. “No one is going to volunteer to be your slave. No one. No one from any race on earth.”

    Joe-those who advocate for slavery, NEVER think anyone would VOLUNTARILY submit. That takes generations of propaganda, edumification, water laden with chemicals, nutritionally deficient food…. you know, just like what the Jews have been doing to Whites in America for over seventy years!

  19. “Many laws were passed in Washington by white “christian” lawmakers. They passed as many laws as possible to make it difficult for the car companies to make a profit — especially if the companies kept their factories in the States.”

    Joe- so, your answer is….. WHAT? Nothing comes from nothing, Joe.

    My answer? It is to restore Biblical Law, Theonomy. What saith the Word of God? the “pearl of great price.”

    Score- Joe, 0. Fr. John+ – priceless

  20. @Fr John
    Yes, the Jews are Pushing Real Hard for Communist Slavery in America. That’s the reason Ronald Reagan* — sell-out to Jew commies –signed the Noahide laws into American law. The day is called “Education Day”.
    The Jew commies Ruled the Communist Soviet Union with the same Noahide laws. The laws are already in place for full-scale Communism in America. Communism is another word for slavery.

    Google : ” Noahide Laws + Education Day + Ronald Reagan ”

    Lots of Information about this subject online.

    Also : Very Informative Website : [www.] “noachide” [ html/history.html]

    Extremely important information/facts there for All White Americans concerned about the Communist take-over America. The Jew Commie LAW is the Noahide Laws : Very barbaric and atavistic laws.
    [ noahide is sometimes spelled with a “c” : same thing]

    I’ll be shooting off a post later today about Communism in the Soviet Union. At least 40 million White Caucasian Christians were brutally murdered in the Jew Soviet Union. There was great misery there : Starvation, the Gulag in Siberia, Massive Slaughter. I’m putting all my notes together. I’ll be sending in more info about this later today. [ Those who Fought Against Communism in Russia/ the Soviet Union were called ” WHITE RUSSIANS “. Google it : Lots of facts/info online]

    The Jew Commies in the Soviet Union brutally murdered many Orthodox pastors during their rule. Perhaps you have some info to share about that. I know you once mentioned you’re Orthodox.

    Other good websites : ” commieblaster” (.c0m)
    ” come-and-hear “(.com)

    Also : Google : ” marxists + black panthers”
    ” marxists + obama + black panthers”
    ” obama + marxist + bill ayers ”
    ” marxist agenda for white americans ”

    *Any one who wants the noahide law(s) for America should be shot for being a Traitor.

    I would love to debate with you — I always enjoy debate with you. Unfortunately, I’m in the middle of studying about Mazzini right now, so I don’t have time for debate. It’s not easy being Italian, especially when some of my own Italian kind get mixed up with Southern Americans. [ just a joke]

    I Googled : ” Mazzini + Golden Circle”

    So as you can well imagine, I have alot of reading and studying to do. Very Informative Search Term. Do you know if the Catholic Church ever censured Gioberti, sometimes called, ” De Molfio” ? I’m having difficulty finding that information. Did he know, perhaps work with Mazzini, perhaps ? I don’t know.

    I remember you once said you had lived in Italy, plus you know alot about history, that’s why I ask you.

    Perhaps you can give us readers a link to what the Communist Jews did to the Orthodox pastors under Communism ? Alot of Americans are still not clear what Communism is exactly.

    A link about what the Jew Commies did to the Orthodox pastors and to the Orthodox Churches may serve to drive the point home more directly. Being Orthodox as you are, I imagine you know more about the story than I do .

    The more information for White Americans, the better. I’m sure you’d agree.

    If you’re curious as to how The Italians are doing at the Olympics [ because you once lived in Italy] Google :

    ” London 2012 News + Round-Italian- Dream-Team-Dominate ”

    Or even better :

    ” Gli Itailiani Sono I Migliori Atleti”

    Ciao. [ again, I regret I don’t have time to debate you right now]

  21. The Noachide encompasses Talmudic courts with a two tier justice system – one for the Jew, another for the goyim, it encompasses the reconfiguration of all religious traditions to the Talmud, it encompasses legislation under Talmudic law. In the post Vatican II church – which has retained the name Catholic – this reconfiguration is taking place under the mandates of Nostra Aetate.

    It is a huge project.

    The traditional Catholic weblog Maurice Pinay has a Noachide file that covers all bases of the Noachide spectrum

  22. ‘Kitts has a volcano issue though btw.”

    Yeah, and we have tornados, earthquakes, etc. That mountain height enabled those two islands to be leaders in crops early on- volcanic soil, and water from condensation. Two rather important things to consider, if you are a White man.

  23. For more information about Communism and the talmud/noahide laws and the mass killings of Christians in the Soviet Union, Google :

    ” soviet union + mass killings + christians”
    ” soviet union + mass killings + noahide [ or, noahide laws]”
    ” soviet union + talmud + noahide laws”

    Lots of information online.

    Also : Go to :
    [ http://www.] serfes [.org/orthodox/memoryof.htm]

    The above being a website about the 50 million Orthodox Christians brutally murdered in the 20th century at the hands of communists. Facts/info you will never hear in our controlled mainstream media.

    Another good website:

    ” [www.] revisionisthistory [ .org/communist.html]

    There was a Resistance against the Communist regime in the Soviet Union. They were called White Russians [ because they were White Christians, overwhelmingly] :

    ” White Russians + Communists ”

    Lots of information online. Many websites. I would suggest to all readers to get informed about this subject.

    The big bankers, and many others here in the US, are pushing hard for communism for the USA. Google :

    ” Communism + Jew Oligarchs”

    To those readers who are White, but not Christian : If you’re White, Caucasian, the Communists have you labeled as a Christian. It doesn’t matter if you call yourself a Hindu, a Buddhist, a New-Ager, etc. , doesn’t matter.

    If Hard-Core Communism comes to this country, the Communist regime will label you a Christian anyhow, and you’ll be treated just as horrifically as the most devout Christians. It makes no difference to the communists.

    What matters is : You’re White. You will be treated horrifically, just like the sincere and devout Christians. That’s for sure.

  24. Over at SBPDL we see a rather fascinating article. It’s about Stanley Kurtz book, how Obama Plans to Rob Suburbs and Give to the Cities.

    It’s quite a powerful argument. If true Obama intends to kulakize all suburbanites. The
    Counties will be absorbed into the city like a mackeral into a shark.

  25. Joe: I have not arguments with your points about communism. I agree 100%. I’ve read their Communist Manifesto (yes, the unabridged version) and the West is practicing the vast majority of all Marx proposed already. The problem is that nobody can reach the sheeple about the real threat, or “specter” as Marx said, of Communism because “Amurrica” beat the commies in the Cold War. Right? Communism is dead, right? Capitalism won the Cold War. And, OBTW, McCarthy was a “hater” and a xenophobe.

  26. It is important for the American sheeple to understand the following:

    1) Communism did not originate in Russia. It originated in Western cities of Paris and London. It was exported to Russia, an act as vile as unleashing a biological pox on them.
    2) The Cold War is over, we lost the Cold War.
    3) Communism is but a form of Socialism, same as Fascism.
    4) Modern day Communist, aka Marxist, ideology hides behind the term “Progressive”. Progressive is a codeword for Marxist/Communist.

  27. Wayne, I like!
    1) Communism did not originate in Russia. It originated in Western cities of Paris and London, Berlin and Geneva. It was exported to Russia by the Second Reich, an act as vile as unleashing a biological pox on them.
    2) The Cold War is over, we lost the Cold War along with Russia. China won it.
    3) Communism is but a form of Jewish supremacism. It’s recognizable form became obselete around 1980 as the Israelis got the Abomb and dispensationalists but Reagan in office. Modern Russia is owned by Jewish Capitalist oligarchs. Modern America is run by Liberal Jewish oligarchs.
    4) Modern day Communist, aka Marxist, ideology hides behind the term “Progressive”. Progressive is a codeword for Marxist/Communist.

  28. @Wayne
    Yes. I know alot of people who think communism is dead. It’s real difficult getting through to them. The internet has been around awhile now, there’s really no more excuse. [Just wanted to get that off my chest] It’s very frustating. Many don’t want to know the truth.

    McCarthy is one of my favorite Americans in history. Unfortunately, for him, and for us, hardly anyone had the courage to stand by him and give him support.

    I found an interesting website today. It’s very extensive, and covers alot of topics important to conservatives. Alot of good, solid information. I just found it today, while I was googling for anti-communist websites :

    Some more good google searches :

    ” Atheism + Communism”
    ” Atheism + Mass Murder ”

    Of course, not all atheists are comminists. Still, atheism is a big dynamic in communist thought.

    I didn’t know about communism and France. If you have any websites to recommend, I’d like to look into that. I will also google it.

  29. Pastor Manning is a truth-teller and that makes him more dangerous than 1,000 Michael Kings. The truth really would set them free from their slave mentality but can’t liberate them from low IQs.

    There would be a post-welfare die-out similar to what transpired in the Southland after emancipation, but then what? Manning wants Negroes to fully individualize and even boycott the “black community” and businesses. He also calls for Negresses to pursue New World White men. This is radical integrationism. The New World White blinded and grinding grain for BRA…. Anyone tempted to topple the temple?

    The Pastor and New World Whites definitely share enemies in the soft-paternalists; But I’m afraid hard and hyper-paternalism (defacto servitude and dejure slavery) remain the only viable options for a society grappling with Negroes.

  30. “3) Communism is but a form of Jewish supremacism.”


    It’s important to understand clearly that for most Communists (i.e., for Jews) the allure of communism is not some social justice utopia where everybody is equal. The allure lies in the proposal of a ruling intellectual vanguard that will be in charge of all the “equals” — and this vanguard will consist mostly of Jews. The analysis always reduces to the Jewish hunger for power, dominance, control. They don’t give a rat’s arse what the system is, so long as they get to be in charge of it.

    Who was it who said, “Under communism, the farmer will farm, the worker will work, and the intellectual (meaning the Jew) will supervise… and eat.”

    YKW is always trying to portray this as their own victimhood in a maliciously contrived “contradiction,” viz.: “You hate us no matter WHAT we do! You hate us if we’re capitalists, and you hate us if we’re socialists! Boo-hoo-hoo!” The common denominator is that their only principle is, capitalism and communism are exactly the same to them: they want to be in charge. If we told them that if they converted to Christianity, they’d get to be all the bishops and the cardinals, you’d see a mass Jewish conversion to Christianity so fast your head would spin.

    I used to ruffle a lot of YKW feathers by jokingly suggesting: “The Jews weren’t offended by the Nazis because of the noxious conception of a Herrenvolk. The Jews were offended because this time, the Herrenvolk wasn’t them.”

  31. It does not naturally follow that to be anti-Communist, one must support Nazism. It doesn’t naturally follow at all.

  32. The monoideism has to stop.
    I dare call your post absurd, Oscar the Grinch.


    Jews in Russia and the US are politically and economically powerful.
    Honest question: So what?

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