About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We ‘long for a Golden Age’ because deep down inside, often at a subconscious level, we know this sort of society is wrong for us. One of our traits, as White people, is to univeralise and think in non-racial terms (which is itself racial – as Horus has pointed out). So we tend to describe our Golden Age in non-racial terms. But the under-tones, the culture, everything about it screams who we are.

  2. Maybe we just hate liberalism because it sucks? As you know, I am reading about the French Revolution in the Caribbean, and Robespierre was guillotined in 1794 and the Jacobins had lost power by 1795 – Year III and Year IV of the new Republican calender.

    Liberalism flamed out in Revolutionary France. In 1802, slavery was restored was Guadeloupe. Saint-Domingue was reconquered and Touissant L’Ouverature died in a prison in France.

    Unfortunately, war broke out with Britain again and the Leclerc expedition was stranded and was decimated by disease. Haiti was lost. I believe the British conquered Guadeloupe and returned it to France years later. Slavery was finally abolished in 1848 there.

  3. HW, It seems there are some very definite results of us being in such an un-natural society. White women have far fewer children for many reasons here but one of the reasons, I believe, is that they subconsciously feel something is wrong. White men on occasion strike out violently for the same reason. I know several folks who feel there is no purpose to their lives and that the world is completely turned upside down. It’s in the culture and we can see it in the depressing lyrics and sounds on the alt-rock station (with whiny, pathetic White singers basically crying and then growling about how nothing makes sense and they are rejected, etc) and the awful movies and TV shows where Whites seek out approval from non-Whites. Long-term, our people can not survive in this type of culture. We’ll either destroy it or be destroyed by it.

  4. White people, especially white males, need to be built back up. The anti-white multicult has penetrated our collective psyche and is destroying us.

  5. The New World White forges his own way.
    He builds himself up and then a family.
    Always has Always will.

    We don’t need pep-coaches.
    We don’t need two incomes.
    We need women that want to be great daughters and mothers
    Not out of a racialist abstraction

  6. “We don’t need two incomes. We need women that want to be great daughters and mothers not out of a racialist abstraction.”

    Then restore true Christianity, morality and humility — in place of the urban, materialist-hedonist-consumerist tradition that requires the two incomes!

  7. Note that she denies the Cross to WN’s, while she clearly says she ‘outgrew’ the ‘trappings’ of the Catholic faith she so clearly despises.

    So, by what right does she have a moral authority to pontificate about ANYTHING.

    Absolutely none. She’s the only (literal) ‘douche-bag’ mentioned in the article.

    Vulgar strumpet.

  8. A trip over to shorpy.com is all that is needed to confirm that, yes, we did have a GOLDEN AGE. Put Detroit in shorpy’s search field and see if you can see any difference between the old pictures and the images we have all seen recently.

  9. Walsh loves pitching her books on Tavis Smiley. It is tough to get good PR when you are writing such crap.

  10. PRB, I love Shorpy’s. It was a golden age. The pictures show it clearly.

    This Walsh woman is a typical liberal hypocrite who is peddling her shabby books.

    A shrewish harridan who hates white men that chafe at their own dispossession.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Latino suggests White Nationalist males and Southerners be put in FEMA camps. Some of his best friends are white….


    “Perhaps we need an internment camp for white folks. Not all white folks. I know a lot of white people. Some of my best friends are white, and they are overwhelmingly peace-loving people.

    But we know who they are. White males between the ages of 18 and 45 who subscribe to an ideology of white nationalism. These people have similar physical markers and attire. They generally like to shave their heads and they wear black or camouflage military garb, and many wear white hoods for ceremonial worship. They subscribe to an ideology with historical roots we can trace back to Southern slavery, and later, Nazi political thinking from World War II.”

  12. Glad to see someone else here appreciates the work of that infamous White Rabbit: Horus.

    Thanks for the link Hunter. I didn’t go there to read her anti-White hatred. I went there to hit the readership with the Mantra.

  13. Someone commenting here has heard FTWR 72 and rolled out the new meme, anti-white terrorist. Good work “Dee”.

    Anyone else who hasn’t heard about this “next stage” meme, and wants to use the “latest and greatest” to fight the anti-White narrative, might want to listen to the following link: http://whiterabbitradio.net/audio/FTWR-72.mp3

  14. @JoeJoe

    ‘Anti racism is a code word for anti White’ aka the Mantra is just what you need to drop into Joan’s Kool Aid over there at Salon.

  15. Try to read these without gagging:



    She shows why you need to know the background story of everyone who comments on current events in the msm. If she were honest, she would disclose her own details whenever she writes on race. For example, she should have disclosed that she stopped wearing the celtic cross because the crowd she was traveling in hated it as a symbol of a religion they consider false. She also should have disclosed that the plight of future white children are no longer important to her because she did not have a white child – she had a mixed background child. Keep in mind that in all likelihood her in-laws despise her – especially her mother-in-law – and why not? She has the traitor gene.

  16. @ Ravenswald

    Thanks for the link. I think Whites need to learn psy-war from Horus. Whites are up against sophisticated Jewdi mind tricks. We have to learn how to flip the script and capture public discourse.

    We need our own terminology that operates on Jewdi discourse: like ‘hate crime – a designation that only applies to White self defense’.

    Blacks have been stoked by the Jewdi with Rap and cinemas to predate Whites. As a population, they have been weaponized for urban warfare. The number of Black on White crimes and predations is growing. The fact that it is unreported in the media, ignored by the police and let off through the courts (if it ever gets there) is the context for ‘hate crime’ debates.

    Horus is right that Whites need to flip the script on this and refer to anti White terror because objectively that is what it is.

  17. I was looking at al-Jareera’s website last nite and saw this interview:

    Pete Simi, the author of American Swastika: Inside the White Power Movement’s Hidden Spaces of Hate, spent an extensive amount of time with Page in 2001 as part of his research into white supremacism.”

    Earlier he told Al Jazeera: “Page was part of the much larger movement of white supremacists. At that time he was an independent, neo-Nazi skinhead. He shaved his head, was starting to tattoo his body with different symbols. He definitely endorsed a variety of different beliefs such as anti-Semitism, was antagonistic to anything so-called non-white, in particular most of his rhetoric on a regular basis was directed toward blacks.”

    Simi is white, BTW.

    30 minute clip and a second 6 min clip


    @ 1:20 in the 6 minute clip, Simi talks about how “Jews control the world”, and I’m sure that played up well to most of AJ’s audience.

    You’ll never hear this stuff on western MSM.

    May be this is why Page targeted Sihks and not Muslims. May be he wants to galvanize the far-right and muslims.

  18. Note that she denies the Cross to WN’s, while she clearly says she ‘outgrew’ the ‘trappings’ of the Catholic faith she so clearly despises.

    Excellent point, Friar John!

    I also liked Hunter’s quote:

    Maybe we just hate liberalism because it sucks?

    I’m going to tweet it.

  19. For more information and facts on how you too can be the Very Epitome and the Quintessential White Nationalist defending America — Land of the Free and Brave– from, Oh, let’s us say, the “perfidiuos” ones [ I have my career to think about you understand, you know what I mean ]. Google :

    ” Solutrean* + Fr John + + Hyper-boring** + +The Shemites ++ Hyper-boring ++ The Bible + + Hyper-boring ++ Aunt Bee and Opie ++ Hyper-boring ++ Valhalla”

    ** Or is it spelled, “Hyperborean” ?

    *Solutrean : That be the way the crackers be sayin “Soul Train” , by the brother Marvin Gaye. She***t :

    Whitey be jumpin on a “Soul Train” Entre les Etoiles. She***t.

  20. Fr information and facts on you can start thinking in an intelligent way, perhaps, a more logical way, Google :

    ” Christianity + Cognitive Dissonance”

    ” Christians Invent, Discover, and Adore, Cognitive Dissonance”

    Or, even better search term :

    ” Christianity IS Cognitive Dissonance”

  21. Excuse the typo : “For”, not Fr.

    “Fr” should and must only be used by the Special and Chosen ones. Don’t be a heathen heretic ; Don’t ever make the kind of typo I made : It’s disgraceful.

  22. Its part of the Obama campaign strategy, shake a few nuts loose via the informers and provacatuers in the skinhead scene, and then play on the mentally ill and mentally damaged DWL types after said nuts commit some atrocity. Today a comcast headline has it that the Sihk temple will be hosting thousands to mourn and that is basically going to be a campaign for the shitskin mesiah.

    Anti-white terror/anti-white politics, just taken to a new level.

  23. Yeah, this page fellow did just hand the enemy a victory. An astonishingly stupid one. The Sikh’s are not really much of a threat to anyone. WTF was the point?

  24. An Extremely Important article over at Rebellion Blog today. Rebellion is on the blogroll here at “OD” :

    ” Is It Finally Time To Let The South Secede ? ”

    Very important information for all Whites, especially the Superior* Southern* variety.

    The webmaster doesn’t care for me too much :

    “Ole Fuss & Feathers” , O00ps, excuse me, “Old Rebel”, doesn’t like me none too much ; I said something less-than-complimentary about Judah Benjamin [ boo hoo hoo] :

    Ole fuss and feathers thinks I should be put away in a mental hospital for it; Gosh, I hope I’m not impeding Southern secession, ole fuss and feathers, Ole Rebel.

    * Redundancy.

  25. Start profiling White people?

    Actually that would fit in to the ‘worse is better’ scenario and bring more fence-sitters over to our side:

    ‘You mean it is illegal to profile Blacks, but now that we have a Black President, it is ok to profile Whites??!?!?!’

  26. “May be this is why Page targeted Sihks and not Muslims. May be he wants to galvanize the far-right and muslims.”

    I’m sure he was just too stupid to tell the difference. He’s lucky none of his victims were able to use their kukris.

  27. Lily Della Valle said:

    “White people, especially white males, need to be built back up. The anti-white multicult has penetrated our collective psyche and is destroying us.”

    I agree. There has been a concerted effort by the left to convince women that the guy of their dreams should be a limp-wristed semi-fag. I became aware of this back when the movie-makers started portraying Dudley Moore as a lady’s man.

    Nowadays we have scrawny-assed Adrien Brody battling Predators the way Arnold used to and Arnold’s character in the remake of “Total Recall” will be played by the guy who chugged rod in the title roll of Alexander.

    Then there are all of the moms who learned from Opra and others to tell their sons, “We don’t hit.”

    We must counter this pussification movement in our homes. I not only taught all of my young relatives that it’s okay to hit, I showed them how.

  28. Racism is the only card the progs have to play and its diminishing in power. So play it they must.

    Hate to tell them, its not going to work.

    The bulk of the White populace knows we are right (well alright maybe the Jew issue is contentious) and even them that don’t know they’ll be next if something like that happened. So do many non Whites . Thats a quick way to CW2 which no one other than a few crazies on the left and right want . First they came for the … you know the rest …

    Its also pretty hard to tell who the guys are, most WN types don’t wear their heart on their sleeve like this guy did as it were. They act quietly and peacefully and generally don’t break the law.

    WN 2.x IMO is mostly about being better leavened with race realism, cutting back on consumption, DIY spirit and having kids anyway. The core idea paraphrasing smarter people than I is “you have a people and an identity and everyone else has a conflict of interest. Here is how to make it through tough times” How would anyone determine who is trouble and who is not would be nigh impossible.

  29. Sign this if you have the time please 🙂


    They want Obama’s dinner invitation by the weak Catholics in New York rescinded.

    (and it looks to me like Michael Voris is getting stronger in his rhetoric lately, haha….it’s good fun to see someone publicly call out the slimy Church hierarchy on their two faced bs for a change)

  30. Reckon I better never show that Celtic Cross tat on my upper arm in public ever again. I might be profiled as a potential mass murderer. Naw, forget that. I won’t apologize for my pride in being born of Northern European stock.

  31. @ P. Patriot:

    “…White women have far fewer children for many reasons here but one of the reasons, I believe, is that they subconsciously feel something is wrong. White men on occasion strike out violently for the same reason….”

    Very true, but no one talks about it. What kind of a place are you bringing children into? This violence, this downward “loss of power” spiral. Should others have to read articles like the one posted here?

    Really look at what the speaker in the piece says: she feels ambivalence that a symbol OF HER CULTURE has been designated a “hate symbol,” (and in a cultural climate where this is becoming closer to being legally actionable). In her lifetime, she might not be able to wear the gift from her grandfather without getting arrested. Already, she cannot wear it to work.

    She glosses over the 14 words, but on some level she has heard them: all they say is that a future for white children should be secured. She heard that. And like the gift of a celtic (ETHNIC identified) symbol of her own culture that has been appropriated as “hate” she is reacting unconsciously, on some level.

    She deals with this by normalizing and naturalizing the “decline of white population.” She refuses to consider how policies have led to their becoming a minority, which is seen as “a fait accompli.”

    She tries to see this process of Whites Vanishing as ok, as normal, as A FOREGONE conclusion (repeating —dutifully repeating— what she is told), in order not to deal with all the implications: betrayal by trusted officials, the loss of a sense of herself as in a powerful group, the consequences for herself and her own children, if she has them, etc.

    But the fear is there. 3 More encounters with “The Celtic Cross” (and realizing it is a HATE SYMBOL now)— and she may have to deal with reality. She will realize that she is slated to be a “hater,” no matter how much she tries to appease others.

    It’s sort of sad— psychologically and emotionally, she seems about 15 years old, but she must be much older.

  32. Never too late to embrace Islam – there is strength in numbers and in KNOWING you have brothers and sisters who share basic values (family, non-Zionism, God/Supreme Principle, non-feminism- etccccc.) A Sufi form of Islam would mesh in well with the mindset of many Westerners.

  33. “A Sufi form of Islam would mesh in well with the mindset of many Westerners.”

    Sounds like it would play well in California. I believe the present governor there practiced it for a time after he left the Jesuit seminary (or was that during his run for the Presidency?)

  34. “John says:
    August 10, 2012 at 2:59 pm
    Yeah, this page fellow did just hand the enemy a victory. An astonishingly stupid one. The Sikh’s are not really much of a threat to anyone. WTF was the point?”

    Your answer to your question lies within your question.

  35. I hate to say this. That I have come to this point. Any shooting they blame on “crazy Whites” that isn’t logical to me I automatically assume that it’s an inside job. Why would this guy attack Seiks? I’ve never heard any White national of any sort say anything about Seiks. Why not attack the Hebrews if your a White Supremacist. Not saying you should 😉
    Maybe I’m crazy but the Gov. says Tea party members are possible terrorist, they let thousands of rifles go to Mexican drug dealers, and guys shoot up movie theaters where witnesses say more than one person was involved. The one guy they catch seems to be drugged. Don’t even get me started about 9-11 that’s what started my awareness of White issues. I don’t believe anything they say. It’s like the old U.S.S.R. Pravda. You learn more by watching what they DON’T talk about.

  36. Sam2
    “Why would this guy attack Seiks? I’ve never heard any White national of any sort say anything about Seiks. Why not attack the Hebrews if your a White Supremacist.”

    This is the question everyone is asking. The only conclusion that makes sense to me is the shooter was already unstable and people placed close to him talked him into it. Anti-fa is known to infiltrate these groups and so do government and foreign agents, so I would be looking in that direction.

  37. I thought Joan Walsh was attractive on TV, until I figured out where she stands on things. I was reading the gun control articles on Salon, saw the title of her book below and wondered if she’s mentally ill. Is it something like Stockholm Syndrome?
    I like this site. Folks need the scales removed from their eyes but in a way that feels acceptable, gently. The style of the message is what lets the content get through.
    A couple options would be to provide a list of indisputable facts that would let people see the pattern of events, asking leading questions so that instead of being told people have an internal realization, an aha moment. Once they see things in a new context proofs are everywhere.

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