The Trial of Joe


Joe has been arrested and charged with the following offenses:

– Inability to use space bar.

– Attention whoring.

– Trolling.

– Thread hijacking.

– Spamming threads with dozens of Latin phrases.

– Posting tons of conspiracy theory comments about Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Illuminati, and links to and, etc.

– Posting multiple Google searches.

– Posting comments that make no sense whatsoever.

It is getting to the point where I am sandboxing 12 to 24 comments a day from Joe. Most of them are oneliner Latin phrases. He just posted half a dozen in a row.

The fate of Joe now rests with a jury of his peers: OD readers and commentators. Should Joe’s posting privileges be restored? You decide.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve often wondered if Joe is a bit high up on the autistic spectrum or the like.

    I am with Hunter: half entertained, half annoyed, and so back whatever you smart fellas decide.

  2. “Purgatory” is trying to figure out Dixiegirl’s rules of grammar * and sentence structure* — let alone trying to make heads-or-tails of whatever it is she’s trying to say.

    I occasionally yeshly ” K’ev rosh-ies ” from her posts… especially when she comes barrelling through like a …….

    If you like Latin so much, we can call it : Onus Procedenti.

    * That she makes up on her own as she goes a-ramblin’ a-down the line.

  3. Joe’s assclownery is probably Tim Wise! Hi Tim.

    He used the word Aryan? German/yid phraseology too. I’ve seen it in my email junkbox folder before.

  4. Maybe Mosin can play “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen” for The Blessed Mary ? She sooo Very Much deserves it. She’s going to save The South after all. I know that’s true because “dear” Lynda said so. And Lynda knows her papal bulls, inside and out :

    Almost as if Lynda has the whole State Dept/CIA library at her precious fingertips. The same precious fingertips that hold the blessed rosary every day. Yes sirre bob.

  5. “Purgatory” is perfect. I will visit him there, and try to get him to discourse on Dante’s Inferno. Plenty of opportunity to unleash torrents of Tourette Latin, there-in.

  6. @ Hunter Wallace
    Yes. You should definitely invite MossadDid9/11 back. The sooner the better. I can’t comment on apollonian. I don’t know his philosophy enough to say.

  7. I’m Italian. I’m much more suited to pick olives and grapes, than work in salt mines. No Dean. I’ll pass.

  8. Can I , a “branded” yankee, still vacation in Florida now and then ? What about any kinda/sorta Golden Circle resort?

    Can I still go to Cabos ? That’s on the west coast. Or, is Cabos hallowed “Golden Circle” soil as well ?

  9. I was starting to think he was legitimately retarded or something.

    reminds me of a thread on a motorcycle board where someone poured a bottle of NOS energy drink into their bike. Thread went on for pages and pages with all kinds of visitors from other parts of the Web. Thing is, nobody could figure out if it wasn’t the funniest troll ever or the biggest dumbass ever. And there is your answer for Joe. He’s entertainment only. If not banned some sort of label as the local pet is needed so newbies know not to take him seriously.

  10. @tamer
    Ban “Joe”! He’s Eye-talian ; Italians are like Sikhs : Italians and Sikhs use the blacks “like a fulcrum” against white Americans.

  11. Do you think Elvis’ manager — forgot his name : he looked alot like the Kentucky Fried Chicken man — was a Freemason, perhaps “Illuminati”?

  12. What happened to Stonelifter ? Is he in Syria with the Mossad/CIA/Halliburton/god-knows-who-else, killing “hagarene” rag-head trouble-makers? I hope Stonelifter is okay. Yes sirre bob.

  13. There may be something wrong with your “OD” clock. You may want to check to see if the computer clock is working properly. All the posts register the time zone of Nigeria and/ or Ghana. Not sure which.

  14. “Joe’s new Tard Corral on the forum … we’re going to call it Purgatory. Now all we need is the appropriate Latin phrase for the subtitle.”

    How about this from Dante’s Inferno?
    It was inscribed on the gates to Hell, in Purgatory.

    Omnes relinquite spes, o vos intrantes
    Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Hunter,

    We could have individual Latin sub-headings when banished to the Tard Corrall.

    Joe: non compos mentis – not in control of the mind

    Hunter, if self tarded : non ducor, duco – I am not led; I lead

    Sam: nihil boni sine labore – nothing achieved without hard work

    Apeleius: neca eos omnes, deus suos agnoscet – kill them all, God will know his own

    Stonelifter: nemo me impune lacessit – no one provokes me with impunity

    Lindstedt: nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit – There has been no great wisdom without an element of madness

    Jack Ryan: non loqui sed facere – not talk but action

    Fr. John +: Nihil sine Deo – Nothing without God

    Glenn Miller: nunc est bibendum – now is the time to drink

    Atheists: ne plus ultra – nothing more beyond

  16. 313Chris: speramus meliora; resurget cineribus – we hope for better things; it will rise from the ashes

  17. I hate democracy in any form, HW. Who cares what Joe’s “peers” think? Not me — on any topic.

    I’m a monarchist. This site is your demesne. If you want him gone, just ban him.

    That being said: Joe doesn’t bother me. I simply skip his posts.

    He’s not the only person whose comments rate that response.

  18. “He” is quite simply not Our Crowd. I always knew it. I’m amazed “It” took everyone else so long to see what I could see from the very first second.

  19. I vote against banning Joe. We ALL have our trollish moments, myself included.

    There is no rule that people have to either read or respond to his posts. Some forums have built-in “ignore” functions, but I am assuming most reasonable adults can ignore any poster who aggravates them.

    I skim all posts. When Joe or anyone else has interesting stuff to say, I stop to really read it. When his or anyone else’s opening sentence indicates a “troll eruption” pending, I skip the post altogether. Please feel free to do the same for mine.

  20. The TCM schmoozies are featuring the 1942 classic, ” Thunder Rock” :

    “A disillusioned writer moves into a lighthouse where some ghostly visitors Restore his Faith”

    It’s a definite Must-See.

    Check your local guide for viewing time.

  21. **ALERT** : Kievsky to Jerry Brown:

    ” POLLICE VERSO*”———-> to/for joew in sacramento

    [ *But “I Got The Doctor’s Note”]

    * Pollice Verso, or make joew go live in Stockton. That’ll fix his wagon : yes sirre bob.

  22. Denise — semper ferox. (“always ferocious”)

    or maybe, Ferocitas ferrusque. (“ferocity and iron”)

    There’s your header.

  23. In the time of the Caesars, bilgebuckets who get the death penalty think they got off light. Scelesti mortis damnati se leviores poenas pensuros reuntur.

    If you realize that Joe is OD’s own meshugge Matzo man, his behaviour, his misdirects, his spam, his narrative, his googles etc can be v instructive. In a bassakward way you can learn some real Yiddishkeit from Joe.

    Over at Incogman, Phillip has Spamblinka for trolls, hasbarats and meshugges on the Board: permanent detainees are people like Mad Jewess and Rogue J (the large and in-charge one).

    Hunter has now created a Tard Corral. An idea whose time as come. I say put our Matzoman in the Tard Corral. If he rattles the bars, misuses the Latin subjunctive and spams the Tard Corral – post some of his rants from time to time if you think he has anything worthwhile to say.

    If he doesn’t – scrub his keyboard with holosoap and chain him to an oar.

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