White Guilt

VNN Forum

Alex Linder writes:

“The problem is no one has ever demonstrated Whites feel guilt for no reason. Johnson and Taylor and others pushing this line ignore the mediafactor. White guilt, aswith other attitudes, is simply a function of jews controlling the media and telling them how to feel. It’s no more complex than that.”

No, it is a lot more complex than that.

Europeans have a long history of self hatred and debasing themselves over their sinfulness to appease the Almighty.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Hunter:

    “It is a byproduct of certain formulations of Christianity and liberal republican ideology.”

    I hope I am not stirring up a hornet’s nest by pointing out that it was Anglican England and French Huguenots and Jacobins that emancipated the slaves of the Caribbean. I don’t recall seeing the name of a single notable Catholic abolitionist.

    Catholicism had a system in place where anyone who felt guilty and wanted to repent went to confession and did some sort of assigned penance. He had to take care of the sin of his making on his own and didn’t worry about those of his neighbors. IOW, if he felt slavery was wrong, he could free his slaves and pay them wages without trying to free the planter’s next door.

    This was based on the old Roman pagan “Numina” system. The Romans would do some great work in the name of the god they were appealing to in order to give them a victory OR to expiate some wrongdoing of their own.

    Martin Luther’s Protestantism removed that system by dismissing good works or any kind of penance for the repentant sinner. It was enough that he believed his sins were forgiven and no action was necessary. Nice, but it did not expiate any guilty feelings and there was an underlying feeling that the gift of grace was too easy. This subconscious guilt transformed to the kind of self-loathing that leads to the fanatical social activism displayed by the Antebellum abolitionists and the so-called Anti-racists we see today.

  2. Sean says:
    “How do you reach the hundreds of millions of zio-Christains?”

    We have the internet for that, but they are tightening the screws as we speak.

    Fact is, if we keep making excuses for people that are doing the wrong thing, they are going to keep doing the wrong thing.

    All WN has done for the last 50 years, is make up excuses for whites, that are harming our people.

    When I encounter these white traitors, I ask them why they are so loyal to jews, but do not give a damn about Whites.

    These people are stupid traitors and they need to be told so. Don’t tell them they are noble with this “White Guilt” garbage.

    In the end it doesn’t matter what their motivations are. In the real world they are traitors and they are harming their own people.

  3. Now, Clymestra. That I find completely useless in terms of White intrests. I don’t care what happened in Rome a thousand years ago. I do however care about who runs our currency and foreign policy now.

    As far as jews, Iam not obsessed with them. I just recognize their role in current events and understand their motives.

    To ignore it is simply foolish.

  4. Not making excuses, Jimmy. Just my take on why so many Whites are under the spell of White guilt. My answer is the media.

    I don’t think we disagree on this.??

  5. Well, I also think it is inherant for Whites to have an abundance of compassion. This was hard wired in us thru thousands of years of evolution in harsh, cold enviroments, to keep the tribe together and strong we had to care for eachother. This mindset does not exist in brown cultures. They simply had no need for grouping and forethought due to a non-challenging climate.

    The achilles heal that has been recognized and exploited. The inherant compassion we have only works out for us in a totally homogeneous enviroment.

    Diversity is the enemy of the White man.

  6. RobRoySimmons says:
    ‘Question is instead of long winded essays, how the heck to we get rid of white guilt?’

    Guilt is not necessarily bad. It’s in our genetic makeup. We must be careful not to be manipulated by alien groups who see it as our vulnerability. It’s what separates us from the negro.
    I’m not a psychologist nor play one on TV. Just my observations.
    An truly evil person often feels no remorse, shame or guilt. They are callous. We say they have no conscience.
    White people are more evolved, sophisticated. We would not be able to build and maintain families, harmonious societies, civilizations without a refined sense of justice, decency, goodness and compassion.

    People lacking a sense of guilt function at very low levels of consciousness, governed by baser, animalistic instincts. Undesirable character traits are often found clustered together.

    Psychopaths do not have a sense of guilt.
    Psychopathy Checklist-
    Facet 1 Interpersonal

    Glibness/superficial charm
    Grandiose sense of self-worth
    Pathological lying
    Facet 2 Affective
    Lack of remorse or guilt
    Emotionally shallow
    Callous/lack of empathy
    Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
    Facet 3 Lifestyle
    Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
    Parasitic lifestyle
    Lack of realistic, long-term goals
    Facet 4 Antisocial
    Poor behavioral controls
    Early behavioral problems
    Juvenile delinquency
    Revocation of conditional release
    Criminal versatility.
    Many short-term marital relationships
    Promiscuous sexual behavior

  7. Sean says:
    August 12, 2012 at 3:02 am

    “Not making excuses, Jimmy. Just my take on why so many Whites are under the spell of White guilt. My answer is the media.”

    It doesn’t matter why they are doing it, it only matters they are still doing it, it is wrong and they need to be confronted.

    When your son “little Jimmy” does something naughty, do you explain the reasons for his actions like a liberal, or do you put him over your knee and spank him, until he stops doing it?

    Liberals have been spanking whites for the last 50 years, with their “racist” cries and WN have been moaning about the nobility of whites and their “guilt”.

    The real world results speak for themselves.

  8. When your son “little Jimmy” does something naughty, do you explain the reasons for his actions like a liberal, or do you put him over your knee and spank him, until he stops doing it?

    I try to understand why he acted out in such a foolish manor and correct it. I attempt to understand what went wrong, after all, it’s my kin. Kicking his ass would do no good in the long run. The root cause is what I’d be concearned with and fixing it so it would not happen again.

  9. On a small level, reasoning works. On the large scale reality media trumps all. Media teaches filth.
    Media is not some benign entity, it is well thought out. It’s results are everywhere to see. Rap music, support for insane wars that are of no intrest of Whites, the celebration of diversity ect.
    I will say again, the media has to be the first to go. Then the natural order of things can be restored.

  10. Are you trying to miss the point?

    Liberals have spanked whites for 50 years, and it has resulted in all white countries and only white countries being flooded with non-whites and everyone force integrated.

    WN have excused whites for 50 years, and it has resulted in all white countries and only white countries being flooded with non-whites and everyone force integrated.

    It is a push pull effect.

  11. As for what you are saying about the media, you are saying nothing everyone here doesn’t already know.

    Yes the media is evil, but what are you going to do about it, in the real world?

  12. “He neither knows nor does he care what really happened to the Jews during WWII, because the Jews are not and were not his people. ”

    But we should care what happened to the Jews just the same as Boers, Southrons, and other Whites that suffered under the chauvinism of great powers. Of course the Jews in the USA and Europe are mostly liberal, Israel is flypaper for rightwing Jews. Imagine if overseas a new White Christian nationalist state was founded and offered free immigration to White Christians from the USA. The DWL Christians would largely remain in the USA. They would probably feel affinity for the new state but wouldn’t desire to graft its nationalism onto the US political landscape.

  13. No not trying to miss your point. I think we are on different levels of conversation here.
    My point is lib Whites are and have been supporting the wrong side, due to massive media persuation. These liberal ways that are supported by White libs are damaging to themselves. This is evident in their self destructive lifestyles. The compassion subversion is used and it bears fruit. They are thier own worst enemies. They have been mind fucked.

    I avoid libs, a few that I have talked to have a hard time accepting reality. I often avoid sheeple in racial conversations, just not worth my time anymore.

    However, I still lay this odd suicidal mindset of White libs at the feet of the media.
    I can’t change the world, Jimmy, I don’t own the media. I don’t have the abilty to sway or reveal how insane liberalism is to the White masses who have gone insane. In a shooting war, yes they would be the enemy, but we are not there yet.

    Brings me back to my original point. The media.

  14. As I said everyone here knows about the media. The USSR controlled the media, for 70 years and they were brought down, by dissidents that did not control the media.

    Dissidents in the USSR were ineffective for 70 years, right up until they started using effective tactics.

    Unlike most in WN, I blame anti-whites, as well as WN for what has happened.

    Had we used effective tactics the entire time, we would have our own countries and media control wouldn’t come into it. What was achieved in the USSR, proved that.

    Anti-whites spank loyal whites.
    Pro whites excuse disloyal whites.

    Its pretty obvious how that is going to turn out.

  15. Exactly what tactics are you refering to, Jimmy? Are you implying the USSR was brought down by a band of pro-White dissidents?

    I have yet to hear about this. I was under the impression the USSR went broke and was brought down thru currency controls.

    I may be wrong, throw a few links to back that up, I need some night reading.

  16. Maybe next time, Jimmy. I am serious though, if you have some links, post them.
    History is a pack of lies, it’s always nice to compare the lies to find some shred of truth.

  17. Question is instead of long winded essays, how the heck to we get rid of white guilt?

    that is the question isn’t it? Break the idea we should be guilty for our forefathers actions and things will get better.

    I’d add breaking the cult of lincoln to the list as well.

    I don’t know what to say about White quilt. The things they say we should feel guilty about are points of pride for me. When my father and grandfather told me about what our people accomplished it was with pride. I’m proud my people beat down Indians, enslave negros etc. If we didn’t have the edge in technology, or they had the edge over, those groups would have done the same to our people. When I tell my children about all the things Whites have done, it is also with a sense of pride. We are a race of conquers. We have conquered other people, nations, land masses, technology frontiers, went to space, seen the depths of the ocean… that should be nothing but points of pride.

    Perhaps, White folks feel guilty about those things I mentioned because they don’t understand other racial groups also fought wars, had slaves etc etc. My point being “they” did the same kinds of things, we just did those things better.

  18. Ps, thanks Clytemnestra.

    And great point about

    “Catholicism had a system in place where anyone who felt guilty and wanted to repent went to confession and did some sort of assigned penance. He had to take care of the sin of his making on his own and didn’t worry about those of his neighbors. IOW, if he felt slavery was wrong, he could free his slaves and pay them wages without trying to free the planter’s next door”

  19. White guilt comes about when there is a lack of progressive White supremecy. We need a fight or some new ground/inventive idealism to get us through.

    Whites are not good at being idle, it’s not in our natural state.

  20. “Whites are not good at being idle, it’s not in our natural state.”

    Indeed, “Go West, young man”.

  21. Who knows though, maybe some people are just masochistic by nature. Or maybe it’s more easy to gain social acceptance via piety points than it is to gain it through hard work and self betterment.

  22. Could be, Jim. On the whole though, we have been the pioneers in just about everything from masonry and the use of the round object we call the wheel, to sending man made space crafts into space. No other race can claim these achievements.

    Bad apples are always around, in every race. The automobile, aircraft, medical advancements, the computer, even Al Gore’s invention of the internets. All White.

  23. @ Clytemnestra

    “….Catholicism had a system in place where anyone who felt guilty and wanted to repent went to confession and did some sort of assigned penance. He had to take care of the sin of his making on his own and didn’t worry about those of his neighbors….”

    I’m going to try very hard not to take the bait and refute for hours. But maybe if those “confessions” hadn’t been used to blackmail so many people out of property, we’d still have it in that form (many “confess” just no longer to a state appointed theocrat, btw).

    And you could really see such claims in action in Janet Reno’s latest Auto Da Fe and a million other such events. That taking care of your own back yard kind of thing. (And with first generation Floridian Reno, the actions went on while she defied federal orders to protect Elias Gonzalez).

    The idea that “Christianity” included self-punishing aspects has been well documented. Start with how Paul goes on about being a “Prisoner of Christ.” Maybe Thomas Jefferson should not have cut Paul’s words away from Jesus’s, and made his own bible, just so he could be spared that kind of self-punshing metaphor, but at least understand why all the Prisoner metaphors probably weren’t Jesus’s.

    This would point to youknowwhos origin, as Saul was not Roman; he does offer metaphors while accounting for HIS OWN take on the Savior and he suggests self-abnegation, prisoner-hood, etc.

    Guilt is an aspect of feeling empathy, and empathy requires symbolic thinking on higher levels, something pygmies maybe just don’t have— that might best explain it. A sometimes worrisome byproduct of intelligence and symbolic thinking.

  24. Joe is right. I really should read over things more carefully: I meant White Guilt is a necessary byproduct (unfortunately at times) for the cognitive-emotional symbolizing we’re so good at and that is called empathy. Our natural empathy has been hijacked.

  25. @ “….Question is instead of long winded essays, how the heck to we get rid of white guilt?

    Sometimes, what’s happening seems less about “White Guilt” than whites being total HERD ANIMALS.

    It’s a big wn repeater among some commentators that “we’re too individualistic,” but at the same time (lol) the same people will complain about the “unbreakable consensus trance” of our people.

    And you can’t have it both ways.

    Socializations that emphasize hierarchy, obedience, being the same as others (when I was in catholic school, we wore uniforms just like one would in the military, and so on), following orders was important, etc.— it creates a consensus trance type person.

    The LEADERS are telling them to feel guilty— and so they do.

    Many of them (if you really question them) do NOT FEEL GUILTY, but they are just saying and doing “what they think they are supposed to do and say.”

    If anything, people aren’t “individualistic” ENOUGH and “go along to get along” to an astonishing degree, pretending they feel guilt when they really don’t.

    Celebrities adopt foreign babies to further their careers, not out of GUILT, lol.

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