Jews, Slavery, and Dixie

Once upon a time, Jews were active participants in slavery, white supremacy, and segregation

Over at Counter-Currents, Andrew Hamilton has stumbled across something that we have discussed several times here at Occidental Dissent.

Historically speaking, there wasn’t a Jewish Question in the Deep South. Jews did not develop their present reputation as a threat to white supremacy until the Civil Rights Movement in the mid-twentieth century.

Jews in the South participated in the slave trade, owned slaves, profited off slavery as merchants (Lehman Brothers was founded in Montgomery), identified with the White majority, served in the Confederate government, fought for the Confederacy, and even crafted many of the segregation laws of the Jim Crow South.

I know it is hard to believe after everything that has happened since then. We’re used to thinking of Jews as an undigestable antagonistic element in our society, but Southerners traditionally haven’t thought of them this way because until recently they had no reason to do so.

A year ago, I posted a funny video of the Jews of Selma, AL reminiscing on the Civil Rights Movement – when MLK was marching in Selma in 1965, the local Jews were the business establishment in town, and it was their downtown stores that enforced segregation laws which the blacks were boycotting.

Thousands of Northern Jews, liberal Protestants, and Unitarians stirred up by the MSM came to Selma ranting about racism and segregation and anti-Semitism in Alabama. Some of the local Jews patiently explained to them that Jews had served as mayors of the town and had been involved in building the local country club and were some of its most prominent members.

As Andrew Hamilton explains, Jews were even members of the original Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction – Jews thought of themselves as White at the time or went along with being White because claiming whiteness worked heavily to their advantage.

The Southern Jewish experience (and the Southern Catholic experience) differs in many ways from the North because the presence of African slavery among us fostered a culture of white supremacy that muted ethnic, class, and religious divisions.

The Jews who immigrated to the North from the ghettos of Eastern Europe in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century had been involved in the radical leftwing subculture that flourished in that region and brought that attitude with them to America.

Sephardic Jews who had lived for centuries in the Caribbean and the antebellum South were accustomed to racialism and white supremacy and actually played a key role in bringing plantation slavery from Portuguese Brazil to the English and French colonies in the Lesser Antilles.

I know that Jews were a huge number of the slaveowners in Jamaica which was the biggest and most profitable English sugar colony in the Caribbean. They were particularly active in the Dutch and Portuguese colonies in the Caribbean and South America.

It would be interesting to find out how involved Jews were in the Portuguese slave trade in West Central Africa because that region was the biggest supplier of slaves to the Americas in the eighteenth century at the height of the slave trade.

I know from my own research into the Caribbean slave colonies that Jews were involved in all aspects of the slave trade and that there is a lot of hidden truth to this subject which Jewish historians are silent on for understandable reasons.

Getting to the bottom of that story would be a good chapter for the book on the Caribbean that I eventually plan to write.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “If we get in a war with Iran, we will win.”

    Define “win.” If you mean unconditional surrender and complete occupation a la Germany and Japan it ain’t ever going to happen, no way, no how.

  2. Vendikar: Take heart, old geezer. Some of the money spent on the next party will not be a total waste. The tools that we will use to build the war machines can be used to build some of the shit we used to make before the big money boys had access to a workforce that will work for 26 cents per hour.

    The domestic oil and gas fields that we develop when we lose much of our foreign supply will fuel our industries and homes.

    The massive profiling that will occur after terrorists blow up Jewish targets all over the country will make it easier for 80 year old White women and 2 year old White kids to board planes.

    Our borders will be damn near as secure as the one we patrol between North and South Korea.

    You are probably old enough to remember coarser times when cheerleaders used to chant, “Blood Makes The Grass Grow”. It’s true. Blood does make the grass grow. It makes everything grow.

  3. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘Judah Benjamin was a pillar of the Deep South political establishment. No other figure better represents how deeply Southern Jews were involved in slavery and white supremacy.’

    Sam says: Some pillar! Soon as the war was lost he crumbled like paper mache. He left all his brothers behind as he slipped out of the country (probably with a boat load of cash) never to return. You would have thought the great orator, statesman, politician and lawyer who loved the South so much would have desired to use his considerable talents and legal skills to defend his forlorn brothers from the machinations of the Yankees. Ummm, not quite.

    Agree with Sam on this. Did he actually pass out all of the Confederate Gold to the poor? Count on it. Any white movement with Jews involved in it is a dead white movement. Any other non white or mixed race also.

  4. We couldn’t defeat the Iraq Insurgency and we can’t defeat the Taliban, but we’re going to defeat Iran right guys?

  5. Yup; until Jews took the mask off and used blacks as a battering ram against whites and their culture, which was the whole goal of Communism/Civil Rights, etc…

    The same Jews who owned, sold, and dealt in slaves; belonged to the KKK, years later would give blacks legal help, march with them, andadvise them on how best to bait and agitate the whites in order to “integrate” the South. The problem was/is that many of our brethern in the South are under the spell of the Jew from a religious angle and will follow each other over a cliff if they think it’s good for the “chosen”.

  6. Read: “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” VOL 1 and 2, by The Nation of Islam…it tells the whole story of how Jews were the main owners of the ships, shipping lines, and most of the other industry associated with slavery. This story, and and really all of history shows that Jews do what they need to do to blend in; but always do what’s best for them in the end.

  7. They are your niggers now Chris. Y’all set them free, ya’ll made them citizens, y’all gave them the vote, civil rights and elevated them above White men with affirmative action. When they were our negros they were held in check and were the economic engine of the early republic

    I’ve posted the link many times about the north and slavery and how they had slaves and profited from the slave trade/ slave production. You could at least try to educate yourself

    How did the South start the war? lincoln had invaded Fla before Ft Sumter and…. That ship trying to resupply Sumter was engaging in a hostile act. lincoln could have let things go, it could have been a peaceful split but his whole plan of patronage and a federal bank depended on a never ending supply of tariff money paid for by the South

    I’m beginning to think you like being proven wrong

    There’s a book out there list at least 3k jews who fought for the South.

    Snowwhitey, we’ve never been particularly anti Catholic down here either. You can stay catholic if you want.

    We can defeat both the Iraq Insurgency and the Taliban if we start fighting hard vs allowing politicians to dictate this womanish approach. The usa fought the most successful anti insurgency campaign the world has ever seen. Sadly the girls in DC take the soft approach to win favor with liberals and Europeans. What we get is no victory and no political correct points with the leftist of the world

    To win iran… the folks in DC don’t have the balls to do the job right, but Denise will be happy as long as White men die in large numbers

  8. Stonelifter: What do you mean by this:

    “We can defeat both the Iraq Insurgency and the Taliban if we start fighting hard vs allowing politicians to dictate this womanish approach.”

    Are you suggesting that instead of arresting the enemy, reading them their rights and turning them over to the allies we bought who practice a catch and release policy, that we actually do bodily harm to the people who want us dead? Man, that’s barbaric. Can’t we just send them to Gitmo and make them watch Harry Potter movies?

  9. The only way we will win in Afghanistan is to kill every native Afghan man and woman. Same with Iran. For what?

    Anybody who wants to send our big gay multicult military off to blow up the last nation on earth where the Jewish issue can be freely discussed is out of their goddam mind.

    We can’t even control the dialectic about the stinkin’ border. You think we’re going to control the dialectic during WW3? The whole purpose of modern warfare is to leverage the domestic dialectic in favor of the “deciders.”

    The purpose of war in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran is not to destroy Muslims, it’s to destroy Christendom.

  10. “We couldn’t defeat the Iraq Insurgency and we can’t defeat the Taliban, but we’re going to defeat Iran right guys?” – As long as Iran is destablized, and set back that is fine for the principle people we’d be going to war with Iran on behalf of. Infact a bloody slog that hurts America is in what they have made their interest as well.

  11. “Anon, I don’t know about that. If they lose America, what do they have? This is their power centre.” – Their current course has put them in a situation where America will be lost, and a war with iran would just be another of a death by a thousand cuts. As to why, I have no clue.

  12. And in any event, if Iran is not destabilized they may shortly be in a position to threaten Israel, at the very least as a regional power. This may be a use it or lose it situation as far as they are concerned.

  13. “Anon, I don’t know about that. If they lose America, what do they have? This is their power centre.” – Their current course has put them in a situation where America will be lost, and a war with iran would just be another of a death by a thousand cuts. As to why, I have no clue.

    Jews are not logical creatures, they are parasites that ALWAYS kill thier host. Never project a logical mindset on them when trying to understand the way of the jews.
    I am not going conspriacy theory here, jews have over and over done this to any nation that allows them entry. They rot it from the inside and ruin the culture, break the nation and after they are finally kicked out, then move on and subvert thier new host to destroy the previous host.

    It’s embeded in their DNA, they are hardwired this way, no need understand them, just see what they do.

  14. “Anon, I don’t know about that. If they lose America, what do they have? This is their power centre.”

    They are going for their New World Order, before America collapses underneath them. They plan to escape the crash, by taking their scam global, so they can do it all over again, this time, to everyone on the planet. That’s why they are in such a hurry in the Middle East and that’s why Putin is hindering them. He knows they are on the clock.

    I personally don’t think it is just “the Jews”, there are too many people like the Clintons and the Bushs, working with them. People like that look white, but aren’t loyal to whites. So I think they are all in it together, they are an anti-white cabal.

  15. I agree, they and thier shabbos goyim have already moved on to a new host, NWO.
    Now their are destroying thier previous host, the USA.

  16. Every one knows Global Warming was another of their scams. Its an attempt to introduce a world currency and a tax to make abundant things artificially scarce.

    They also have another NWO scam going in the UN, called Agenda 21. It is intended to rob nations of their sovereignty.

    When the EU started it was just about one currency, they never said the nations would surrender their sovereignty and be absorbed into a monolithic super state.

    The thing with these people, they never come at you head on, they always blindside you.

  17. @ Stonelifter

    “They are your niggers now, Chris.”

    – No, they are YOUR niggers. You greedy pigs insisted on keeping that repulsive institution, you demanded, for your own sole benefit, that slavery be exported to territories where it wasn’t wanted, and you then arrogantly picked a war with the baddest nation on the planet over the issue, so desperate were you to keep YOUR NIGGERS.

    “I’ve posted the link many times about the North and slavery and how they profited from the slave trade/slave production.”

    – The only people in the North who ever benefitted from negro slavery, were a clutch of Jews on Rhode Island. The rest of us have been paying for your laziness and selfishness for the last 250 years.

    “How did the South start the war?”

    – By firing on the Star of the West and bombarding Ft. Sumter.

    “Lincoln had invaded FLA before Ft. Sumter..”

    – What the hell are you talking about?? Lincoln garrisoned Ft. Pickens, which, like Ft. Sumter, was FEDERAL property, and in the case of Pickens, sat outside of Pensacola Bay. Lincoln never made a single hostile move against the CSA before the war.

    “That ship trying to reapply Sumter was engaging in a hostile act.”

    – The Star of the West was UNARMED, and was sending provisions to a hungry garrison. It received a warning shot, which it heeded, and was continually fired upon by those spoiled little shits from the Citadel, as it was leaving Charleston Bay. The hostile actions were entirely yours.

    “Lincoln could have let things go, it could have been a peaceful split..”

    – Oh please. You people were threatening the North with war before Lincoln was even inaugurated.

    “..but his whole plan of patronage and a federal bank depended on a never ending supply of tariff money paid for by the South.”

    – Lincoln’s only plan was to preserve the Union and send the niggers back to Africa. And give that tariff crap a rest. Those plantation owners were profiting more than you could imagine — tariffs and all. And meanwhile, the majority of the white Southern population lived like half-starved animals. The CSA’s secession was never at any time unanimously supported by the white population of any Southern state before or during the war.

    “I’m beginning to think you like being proven wrong”

    – LOL, you haven’t proven me wrong once. Unless, it was my thinking that Southerners had any sense of responsibility for their own actions.

    Sorry that my people freed your peoples slaves. I guess now poor Stonelifter has to learn to clean his own toilet, when he could be using that time to shoot at people for his Jew clients .

  18. The thing with these people, they never come at you head on, they always blindside you.

    Yes, this comes from thousands of years of them being in the slim minority within thier various host nations. They have honed this skill of subversion into a literal science over time. Trial and many errors. They have more power now than they ever have and the whole world is going to shit while they are gaining more and more control.
    Jews are a very aggresive, brutal race.

  19. Very funny PBR, very funny. I’m not saying it’s worth it, or we should do what it takes but folks shouldn’t confuse the issue; it’s not a lack of fire power but a lack of will power

    Chris have you ever looked into the north and slavery? Even just one of the links I posted that showed how the north profited from it? and how the north had slaves for a good long while?

    The South didn’t invade the north until late into the war… sounds like we picked the fight all right. and lincoln was willing to guarantee Southron slavery in the Constitutions as long as he got his tariff money.

    are you drunk on HIV infested nigger jizz again or just that well indoctrinated like all liberals? See I can use the name calling instead of debating with facts, but you like all the nigger loving fags in your city cannot counter with facts or links or original sources just bullshit you spout from your mouth when you’re not sucking nigger cock

  20. @Stone-receiver

    Thanks for proving my point for me, you middle-aged, steroid-popping, wife-beating Jew-tool degenerate.

  21. Once again, I proved you know nothing, and you have no point beyond lies and insults. You’ve yet tried to disprove any link I’ve ever posted with your own source. And once again I’ve proved I will respond with insults when you start in with the insults, and that I’m good at that too.

    lincoln and the gop got about 40% of the popular vote. More White men voted against lincoln and the gop but lincoln it was ok to rule like a king any way

    Here’s a county by county electorate map of 1860. I bet your one of those people who love these kind of maps when you say obama didn’t receive wide spread support up north

    I’m still waiting on you to offer a counter argument based on facts and reasoned opinion instead of insults towards your betters. On any topic. Such a thing is probably way beyond your half breed IQ

  22. This post has been covered by “Diversity is Chaos”

    Saturday, August 25, 2012
    Jews and slavery in the South
    Hunter Wallace on the role that Jews played in the Old South:

    Historically speaking, there wasn’t a Jewish Question in the Deep South. Jews did not develop their present reputation as a threat to white supremacy until the Civil Rights Movement in the mid-twentieth century. Jews in the South participated in the slave trade, owned slaves, profited off slavery as merchants (Lehman Brothers was founded in Montgomery), identified with the White majority, served in the Confederate government, fought for the Confederacy, and even crafted many of the segregation laws of the Jim Crow South.

    Jews only help blacks when they feel that it furthers their own agenda.

  23. SC seceded on 20 Dec 1860 and fired on Ft Sumter on 12 April 1861

    During that time the South and SC tried to work out a purchase price for Ft Sumter, which was occupied by a foreign nation, The United States. President Buchanan attempted to resupply Ft Sumter in January 1861. A foreign power resupplying a fort on someone else’s sovereign soil without permission is an act of war. Buchanan didn’t make an issue out of SC firing on the resupply ship because, in part, he knew it belonged to SC. The north had already given up three other forts around the harbor.

    lincoln had some time to work out a deal with SC to hand over the fort peacefully but wouldn’t engage with negotiation parties, including turning down Napoleon 3’s offer to mediate. April 11 1861, almost 4 months after seceding, and attempts to work out a peaceful deal, Beauregard demanded Ft Sumter surrender. They didn’t. He gave them a drop dead date, and yet the yankees refused to leave the sovereign state of SC. Beauregard gave them an additional 10 minutes, then opened fire, some thought he made sure not to target barracks and the like but at any rate, caused no deaths. Peaceful people leave when their host asks them too.

    Before Sumter, Southron troops went to occupy what they thought was the abandoned fort Pickens and were fired on by union troops. The Confederates weren’t trying to start a fight and backed off

    In each case the South wanted to go peacefully, exercising their right to secede the union, just like yankee states debated doing at other times before 1860. No northern president sent troops to bust up their secession meetings or arrest their State legislators or played any mind games to provoke a fight.

    Wikipedia is usually very biased against the South but even they have to admit lincoln promised to protect slavery in the South. Notice what lincoln won’t give to the South, the repeal of the Morrill tariff
    More history your ignorant off

  24. The next time you get into an argument about the Holohoax with a True Believer just say:

    “Are you aware that Jews played a prominent role in Southern slavery as they owned 12 trans-Atlantic slave ships and even were plantation owners both in the South, the Caribbean, and Brazil ?”

    “If you don’t believer me, then Google it or youtube it.”

  25. there is also the naval blockade of Southron ports, another act of war, started on 19 April 1861

    Recognition of the Confederacy

    In his Memoirs of Service Afloat, Raphael Semmes contended that the announcement of a blockade carried de facto recognition of the Confederate States of America as an independent national entity since countries do not blockade their own ports but rather close them.[5] Under international law and maritime law, however, nations had the right to stop and search neutral ships in international waters if they were suspected of violating a blockade, something port closures would not allow. In an effort to avoid conflict between the United States and Britain over the searching of British merchant vessels thought to be trading with the Confederacy, the Union needed the privileges of international law that came with the declaration of a blockade.

    However, by effectively declaring the Confederate States of America to be belligerents—rather than insurrectionists, who under international law would not be legally eligible for recognition by foreign powers—Lincoln opened the way for European powers such as Britain and France to recognize the Confederacy. Britain’s proclamation of neutrality was consistent with the position of the Lincoln Administration under international law—the Confederates were belligerents—giving them the right to obtain loans and buy arms from neutral powers, and giving the British the formal right to discuss openly which side, if any, to support.[2]

    resupply a fort on foreign land against the sovereign State’s will, firing on their troops, not vacating a fort when told to and blockading a sovereign nations ports are all acts of war.

    also lincoln started the neocon trend of going to war without a declaration of war from congress

    See what you support when you support lincoln and the war of northern aggression? All the things you say you hate about the usa is a gift from lincoln and yankeeland

  26. The person interviewed here is clearly a big fan of lincoln, yet inadvertently condemns lincoln and his war from the stand point of Constitutionality.

    Farber: Of course, we can only speculate, but I think Lincoln’s exercises of power were probably crucial at two junctures. First, in the early days of the war, the North would simply have been unable to respond to Fort Sumter if Lincoln had not made such aggressive use of his powers. After all, his predecessor James Buchanan had been much more of a strict constructionist, and had basically sat by passively while the lower South left the Union. In contrast, Lincoln called up militia forces, expanded the regular army, declared a blockade on Southern ports, and suspended habeas to keep Washington from being isolated. Without these actions, the Confederacy would have won the war by default. Second, the Emancipation Proclamation may have tipped the balance at the end of the war, encouraging blacks to fight for the Union Army and discouraging British intervention on behalf of the South.

  27. Uh, those Selma Jews didn’t seem to support the south to me. They appeared to not want to rock the boat so that they could keep their cashflow.

    That youtube link to the space-jews was well placed.

  28. PRB wrote:

    “Stonelifter: What do you mean by this: ‘We can defeat both the Iraq Insurgency and the Taliban if we start fighting hard….’? “

  29. 313Chris,

    Quit telling only half the truth. Southerners didn’t bring blacks to America. Southerners brought blacks to America as SLAVES to be kept chained and segregated from white society. Your northern president was so happy to keep blacks in the US he fought a war over them.

    So, you can’t send free blacks back us when your side created the free blacks problem. If they could be sent as slaves, you might have a point that we should keep them. Your side ended slavery. The question is: who deserves the FREE blacks? The answer to that on is obvious.

  30. “So, you can’t send free blacks back us when your side created the free blacks problem. If they could be sent as slaves, you might have a point that we should keep them.”

    What is all this “your side, our side” divisiveness accomplishing?

  31. “You people were threatening the North with war before Lincoln was even inaugurated.”

    It was the Radical Republicans who were threatening war. The South simply wanted to be left alone to go about its business.

    “Lincoln’s only plan was to preserve the Union”

    By tyrannically murdering hundreds of thousands of Americans? His position was clearly unconstitutional as the States are sovereign and have every right to secede (and still do.) The Supreme Court validated this even after the War by squashing the charge of treason brought against Jefferson Davis.

    “The CSA’s secession was never at any time unanimously supported by the white population of any Southern state before or during the war.”

    Hello, when has unanimous consent ever been a requirement for self government anywhere? This country is a democratic republic based on majority rule. No government under the sun has ever been supported unanimously except maybe in rigged elections in the former Communist Romania. What do you think all those references to simple majorities and in rare cases 2/3rds votes in the Constitution are all about? They certainly don’t refer to Presidential “executive orders” for the arrest of the Maryland State Legislature or the freeing of the slaves or even the blanket repeal of our duly legislated immigration laws for that matter.

  32. “the announcement of a blockade carried de facto recognition of the Confederate States of America as an independent national entity since countries do not blockade their own ports but rather close them.”


  33. Interesting to discuss in your book!

    Nation of Islam’s Secret Relationship— opened my eyes to the Sephardic question (I’ve known both Ashka’s and Sephardics and have witnessed their tensions, also). That book suggests that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.

    NAO claims Isabella signed Columbus boat’s papers on the same document as the 1492 J expulsion. (1492, when columbus sailed the ocean blue… and jews had to leave the same day…)

    Also, just culturally, there’re so many people s/a Emma Lazarus (Sephardic, Louisiana slave holders). And unlike Snowwhitey says, my own reading has turned up far more Sephardics than Germanics in South Slavery—- and the Spanish-Portugal connections with the Sephardics seems unmistakable.

    All the old Anglos I know, just say the same thing about Jews that they say about Asians: bottom line, “At least they’re smart.”

    Catholics, historically, have a different relationship with them— and especially now, in the u.s., the ones coming from the cities. They are what they have been contending with in the cities, fighting, with etc. And many of them really have been true communist transplants, while many of the catholics, true fascist (militarist-corporatist) transplants, and they kind of picked up where they left off. Bottom line: the catholics win by numbers, the jews brains.

    Factor in that the catholics have their own very strong, active, organized Left wing, with a crazy amount of money behind it—and then there’s a fuller picture. Liberation Theology, the doctrine created to incite Spanish-Portuguese ex-slaves in S. America and have them blame their fate on “anglos,” while co-religionist use positions to open the border— has been much more decisive for the Brazilification of the u.s. by the non-jewish left, obviously.

    Neither J’s or catholics are monolithic: but as groups, they benefit from all players. The structure of their societies is very different— Catholic Organization is really top down, with the upper echelons being highly literate, genuinely educated (beyond the collegiate sense), and so on. Jews, like a lot of protestants— respects learning for the common Joe. The temple is called a school (shul), a person who is religious is called “a scholar.” Literacy is deeply pushed for everybody; marrying “up” is marrying intelligence (even if they have no money). In fact, in Torah circles, while money is a blessing, it’s not uncommon for “sholars” (studying Bible) to be expected to be poor.

    Anyway, the point is, there’s a different way of organizing their general populations in both groups. For instance, in Torah classes, you’ll find Atheist who go to study Bible, which would make no sense at all in another context. But the idea is they are all Jews (a tribe), so atheists frequently go for the study experience of just hanging out.

    The Sephardics —as the more Germanic-Northeast blonde-blue looking and often communist oriented Jews gained in the Northeast of u.s. (Marx/ Engels were in Germany, after all— are more looked down on, at the present time.

    So this whole Sephardic-slave Spanish Carribean angle feels very true.

    Interesting to discuss in your book!

    Nation of Islam’s Secret Relationship— opened my eyes to the Sephardic question (I’ve known both Ashka’s and Sephardics and have witnessed their tensions, also). That book suggests that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.

    NAO claims Isabella signed Columbus boat’s papers on the same document as the 1492 J expulsion. (1492, when columbus sailed the ocean blue… and jews had to leave the same day…)

    Also, just culturally, there’re so many people s/a Emma Lazarus (Sephardic, Louisiana slave holders). And unlike Snowwhitey says, my own reading has turned up far more Sephardics than Germanics in South Slavery—- and the Spanish-Portugal connections with the Sephardics seems unmistakable.

    All the old Anglos I know, just say the same thing about Jews that they say about Asians: bottom line, “At least they’re smart.”

    Catholics, historically, have a different relationship with them— and especially now, in the u.s., the ones coming from the cities. They are what they have been contending with in the cities, fighting, with etc. And many of them really have been true communist transplants, while many of the catholics, true fascist (militarist-corporatist) transplants, and they kind of picked up where they left off. Bottom line: the catholics win by numbers, the jews brains.

    Factor in that the catholics have their own very strong, active, organized Left wing, with a crazy amount of money behind it—and then there’s a fuller picture. Liberation Theology, the doctrine created to incite Spanish-Portuguese ex-slaves in S. America and have them blame their fate on “anglos,” while co-religionist use positions to open the border— has been much more decisive for the Brazilification of the u.s. by the non-jewish left, obviously.

    Neither J’s or catholics are monolithic: but as groups, they benefit from all players. The structure of their societies is very different— Catholic Organization is really top down, with the upper echelons being highly literate, genuinely educated (beyond the collegiate sense), and so on. Jews, like a lot of protestants— respects learning for the common Joe. The temple is called a school (shul), a person who is religious is called “a scholar.” Literacy is deeply pushed for everybody; marrying “up” is marrying intelligence (even if they have no money). In fact, in Torah circles, while money is a blessing, it’s not uncommon for “sholars” (studying Bible) to be expected to be poor.

    Anyway, the point is, there’s a different way of organizing their general populations in both groups. For instance, in Torah classes, you’ll find Atheist who go to study Bible, which would make no sense at all in another context. But the idea is they are all Jews (a tribe), so atheists frequently go for the study experience of just hanging out.

    The Sephardics —as the more Germanic-Northeast blonde-blue looking and often communist oriented Jews gained in the Northeast of u.s. (Marx/ Engels were in Germany, after all— are more looked down on, at the present time.

    So this whole Sephardic-slave Spanish Carribean angle feels very true.

    Interesting to discuss in your book!

    Nation of Islam’s Secret Relationship— opened my eyes to the Sephardic question (I’ve known both Ashka’s and Sephardics and have witnessed their tensions, also). That book suggests that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.

    NAO claims Isabella signed Columbus boat’s papers on the same document as the 1492 J expulsion. (1492, when columbus sailed the ocean blue… and jews had to leave the same day…)

    Also, just culturally, there’re so many people s/a Emma Lazarus (Sephardic, Louisiana slave holders). And unlike Snowwhitey says, my own reading has turned up far more Sephardics than Germanics in South Slavery—- and the Spanish-Portugal connections with the Sephardics seems unmistakable.

    All the old Anglos I know, just say the same thing about Jews that they say about Asians: bottom line, “At least they’re smart.”

    Catholics, historically, have a different relationship with them— and especially now, in the u.s., the ones coming from the cities. They are what they have been contending with in the cities, fighting, with etc. And many of them really have been true communist transplants, while many of the catholics, true fascist (militarist-corporatist) transplants, and they kind of picked up where they left off. Bottom line: the catholics win by numbers, the jews brains.

    Factor in that the catholics have their own very strong, active, organized Left wing, with a crazy amount of money behind it—and then there’s a fuller picture. Liberation Theology, the doctrine created to incite Spanish-Portuguese ex-slaves in S. America and have them blame their fate on “anglos,” while co-religionist use positions to open the border— has been much more decisive for the Brazilification of the u.s. by the non-jewish left, obviously.

    Neither J’s or catholics are monolithic: but as groups, they benefit from all players. The structure of their societies is very different— Catholic Organization is really top down, with the upper echelons being highly literate, genuinely educated (beyond the collegiate sense), and so on. Jews, like a lot of protestants— respects learning for the common Joe. The temple is called a school (shul), a person who is religious is called “a scholar.” Literacy is deeply pushed for everybody; marrying “up” is marrying intelligence (even if they have no money). In fact, in Torah circles, while money is a blessing, it’s not uncommon for “sholars” (studying Bible) to be expected to be poor.

    Anyway, the point is, there’s a different way of organizing their general populations in both groups. For instance, in Torah classes, you’ll find Atheist who go to study Bible, which would make no sense at all in another context. But the idea is they are all Jews (a tribe), so atheists frequently go for the study experience of just hanging out.

    The Sephardics —as the more Germanic-Northeast blonde-blue looking and often communist oriented Jews gained in the Northeast of u.s. (Marx/ Engels were in Germany, after all— are more looked down on, at the present time.

    So this whole Sephardic-slave Spanish Carribean angle feels very true.


    Interesting angle to discuss in your book.

    Nation of Islam’s Secret Relationship— opened my eyes to the Sephardic question (I’ve known both Ashka’s and Sephardics and have witnessed their tensions, also). That book suggests that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.

    NAO claims Isabella signed Columbus boat’s papers on the same document as the 1492 J expulsion. (1492, when columbus sailed the ocean blue… and jews had to leave the same day…)

    Also, just culturally, there’re so many people s/a Emma Lazarus (Sephardic, Louisiana slave holders). And unlike Snowwhitey says, my own reading and life has turned up far more Sephardics than Germanics in South Slavery—- and the Spanish-Portugal connections with the Sephardics seems unmistakable.

    All the old Anglos I know, just say the same thing about Jews that they say about Asians: bottom line, “At least they’re smart.”

    Catholics, historically, have a different relationship with the jews than do other groups— and especially now, in the u.s., the ones coming from the cities. Jews are what they have been contending with in the cities, fighting, with etc. Many have not met many protestants at all, (only 4% even live in NYC, and similar numbers in the other cities), So, their only experience with protestants (which is the majority of america, something many of them do not even know) is the religious classes they attend where they are taught they are “heretics” put down in europe, etc. Most of them are never taught the country was 99% wasp at the revolution, or anything about the real history of their contributions, and their understanding of protestantism is very different from how such people experience themselves.

    MOST Northeast Jews really have been true communist transplants, while many of the catholics, have been equally true fascist (militarist-corporatist) transplants, mostly from Germany and Spain, so the groups kind of picked up where they left off— while for some time, both north and southern Americans just kind of continued to “live their own lives,” —in a SENSE– not even really ever perceived by the “newcomers.”

    This is one thing nobody seems to get in the current national debates about “the constitution.” THE AMERICANS never saw the country as an either-or fascist versus commie question and many cannot (because they know little of the catholic fascist and communist jew question) understand why “leaders” just don’t “act like normal americans” and “just follow the laws.” Anyway, in the cities, the bottom line is: the catholics win by numbers, the jews brains.

    Factor in that the catholics have their own very strong, active, organized Left wing, with a crazy amount of money behind it—and then there’s a fuller picture. Liberation Theology, the doctrine created to incite Spanish-Portuguese ex-slaves in S. America and have them blame their fate on “anglos,” while co-religionist use positions to open the border— has been much more decisive for the Brazilification of the u.s. by the non-jewish left, obviously.

    Neither J’s or catholics are monolithic: but as groups, they benefit from all players. The structure of their societies is very different— Catholic Organization is really top down, with the upper echelons being highly literate, deeply genuinely educated (beyond the collegiate sense), and so on. Jews, like a lot of protestants— respect learning for the common Joe, in a real way (you’re supposed to read a lot, etc., even if you are working class). Eg, for Jews, the temple is called a school (shul), a person who is religious is called “a scholar.” Literacy is deeply pushed for everybody; marrying “up” is marrying intelligence (even if they have no money). In fact, in Torah circles, while money is a blessing, it’s not uncommon for “sholars” (studying Bible) to be expected to be poor.

    Anyway, the point is, there’s a different way of organizing their general populations in both groups. For instance, in Torah classes, you’ll find Atheist who go to study Bible, which would make no sense at all in another context. But the idea is they are all Jews (a tribe), so atheists frequently go to just hang out.

    The Sephardics —as the more Germanic-Northeast blonde-blue looking and often communist oriented Jews gained in the Northeast of u.s. (Marx/ Engels were in Germany, after all— are more looked down on, at the present time.

    So this whole Sephardic-slave Spanish Carribean angle feels very true.

    Was Columbus a jew… idk.

  34. Drats—

    wish you had an edit function. Would have kept the last post, where I added that the “Americans” outside the cities (both north and south) are very confused by the dynamic between the jewish and catholic city groups, neither of which most others understand with much depth.

    Which is why they get angry and say, “why can’t they just follow the constitution.”

    Largely, it’s a constitution that neither group ever understood very deeply, much less do they have a respect or knowledge of regionalisms in the u.s., and yet they rule us.

    The whole u.s. government now, more or less, just moved their fight from europe to the u.s. Both groups have a highly funded “Left,” and both a visible “right.”

    The “Americans” are just like wtf in the face of it. Divine comedy.

  35. “That book suggests that Christopher Columbus was a Jew.”

    While watching Louis Farrakhan on TV can be highly amusing in small doses most of what the Nation of Islam puts out is nonsense like this. Cristoforo was born in Genoa to Roman Catholic parents and all his brothers and his sister are named after saints of the Church while he himself is named after Christ Almighty.

  36. Hey Mosin, how are things? Hear crops are in bad shape up your way

    The rules of engagement here are a joke, and limit the opportunity to kill bad guys in all manner of ways. You can, in some, AO’s watch a hajji burry an IED and not get approval to kill him. Every sniper I know has had that happen to him. Everyone has had a mission scratched because the risk to the hajjis was too great. We use SF units to do basic shit in the hopes their superior weapon skills will protect hajji lives, which means they aren’t available to do SF type stuff. We rarely use artillery… can’t remember using it all here in the A-stan. The bad guys know the ROE and use it to their advantage. We don’t go after the Taliban/ AQ positions in Pakistan which gives them a place to retool, reset etc etc. and some other things I don’t want to get into in an open environment. Because things are so messed up, patrols are ineffective and easy for the hajjis to avoid or ambush with IED’s. We spend money on the dumbest shit hajjis don’t care about totally fucking up the hearts and mind bullshit. Working with the local military/ police is dumber then dumb. We’ve scratched missions because the hajjis were stoned out of their minds and the “good” hajji’s go feral, kill our guys on the regular. Basically they learned nothing from Vietnam and have double down on a lot of Vietnam mistakes while adding soft ROE’s.
    We use to be taught to win a war you have to kill 30% or more of the other guys population. Now we try extra, extra hard not to kill any of them.

    In the middle east the ideal target is food. They are always near starvation to begin with and food doesn’t shoot back. With no rules, waging war the way it should be done, we would have been done in 2-3 years. Not sure why we’d want A-stan or fight a long war here anywhichway. Showing up and smacking them around real hard so they understand never to fuck with White people again is one thing and easy to do. Pulling stone-age people into the microchip age… isn’t possible no matter how much force you use. )r don’t use. and Iraq and oil is a no brainer. But that’s it in a nutshell.

  37. Re: “Hear crops are in bad shape”: Field crops are alright now, came back and looking good after a dry spell in July. Peaches and other tree fruit mostly survived the late frost in April and look very good.

  38. The first big lie is Exodus. A logistical impossibility, a big ass lie about Egyptian customs overlaying the theft of a host culture’s law code.

  39. Mosin Nagant,

    It’s the same inflighting that prevents whites from truly taking control of the jew problem, the nigger problem, and the traitorous white problem.

    We bicker, bicker, bicker with each other while their power and influence grows.

  40. “Jews thought of themselves as White at the time or went along with being White because claiming whiteness worked heavily to their advantage.”

    So they’re White when it’s profitable and victims when it’s profitable. Great folks to have on your side! If only the South further weaponized Malaria…

  41. You do realize the US should have allowed White Slavs to keep as best they could Afghanistan, do you not, Stonelifter, instead of funding jihadists?

  42. Yeah, and those White Slavs helped do in the South with their pro-nig communist propaganda. That was then. This is now.

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