GOP Platform “Tough” on Immigration


The GOP platform on immigration contains some “tough” language … the language that John McCain ran on in 2008, which didn’t succeed in getting that many suckers to vote for him.

Note: The deal here is that we get a tough” platform that is substantially meaningless while the neocons grab real control of our foreign policy and WSJ types determine our immigration policy.

About Hunter Wallace 12394 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. We all know that Romney was lying in the primaries. His cowardly nonreaction to Obama’s Dream Act by Fiat is all you need to know about the man. His running mate, Paul Ryan, has one of the worst immigration records in Congress,,,Hunter is right,,,,I will not VOTE for these people….This worthless GOP needs to go the way of the Whigs. Right now the convention is trotting out the negress Condoleza Rice, architecht of the Bush disaster…last night they had the magic female haitian negress Mormon. Fuck them all!!

  2. There is no point defending the border, in a multiracial country.

    If you make it law that a country is for white people, there is no need to defend the border. If colonists try to enter, they are immediately informed on, arrested and booted out.

  3. Bob Dole: “Platform is a meaningless piece of paper.”

    The real party platforms are the nominee’s mouth and the will of the party’s big money special interest donors. Both parties.

  4. Yes, I hear Condeleeza is calling for a compassionate immigration policy. We all know what that means.

    What about some compassion for the freaking tax payers? Some compassion for the native born children?

  5. Condoleezza Rice calls for a ‘compassionate’ immigration policy at RNC

    Remember vote early and vote often. The GOP needs you.

  6. If you don’t like Neocons, why did you vote for one in the primary? Now you have the greater evil you chose.

    It bears repeating again and again, and again (last word for tonight): It still costs nothing to vote for the slightly lesser evil. Otherwise you are slightly (one vote) likelier to get the slightly more evil. How would that be?

  7. 1.) Romney clarified how position on immigration over the summer.

    2.) It sounds to me like your system is guaranteed to destroy the South. If that is the case, then the GOP is not a true remedy, but only an obstacle toward one.

    3.) Mitt Romney doesn’t represent me. Therefore, I refuse to vote for him.

  8. For those who are voting for Romney, I ask where does it end? When he goes up for reelection in 2016 with an even more anti-white program, what are you going to do then?

  9. Hunter Wallace says: For those who are voting for Romney, I ask where does it end? When he goes up for reelection in 2016 with an even more anti-white program, what are you going to do then?
    Romney is not my candidate of choice. The two-party system we have only gives two candidates a shot at winning. When I vote, I will be voting against 0bama. IF Romney can overcome the blatant cheating of Democraps and win, it buys us more time. I can and will still oppose Romney’s anti-White programs during his presidency. And he still has to think about re-election, so he can’t afford to piss off the base too much. But if 0bama wins, you can kiss this country goodbye, as he completes the flush of us all down the toilet. He won’t give a damn about anyone opposing him, because he won’t have to worry about another election.

  10. I watched a little bit of Congoleeza’s rah, rah shit. It was then that I decided that I’m not going to vote again until someone creates THE HOMICIDAL MISANTHROPE PARTY.

  11. The Inspector Clouseau inspired “tough” language on immigration from the GOP is a pathetic ruse and an insult to the intelligence of any sentient being.

    I thought Congoleeza Rice voted for “the One” last election. Now here she is at the convention as a guest of honor. The GOP will do anything for its pet niggers, I guess.

    PRB, that sounds like a party I could support.

    Deo Vindice

  12. RINO Romney is a WIMP! Just the kind of fool that will be discarded in the Future.

    Obamao/Idi Amin, jr. is an Existential Enemy that will push your BRA as far as it can go. It is BRA for all intents and purposes that you want to defeat isn’t it?

    Vote GOP this Election, and expect them to Collapse with the Country’s Economy as yet another foreign entanglement bankrupts the Nation.

    Re-Nig and you will entrench BRA Forever. Idi Amin, jr. Losing the Election, Impeachment, or even ASSASSINATION are All On The Table to get rid of ZOG/BRA!

  13. Joe, will you please just shut the fuck up and go away.

    If you like, we can contact your handlers in Tel Aviv or at SPLC or ACLU or ADL or wherever, and beat their price if necessary. I doubt it’s a large one; they probably view a half-addled cockstein like you as just a species of gravy.

    Whatever, Filthstein. Just so long as you just shut the fuck up and leave us alone.

  14. Instead of wasting our energy on the election, let’s talk about the post electiion world. Obama will get out of Afghanistan and shift from the middle east to Africa, (read China). He will triple down on Keynesianiasm to futher stave off collapse. He will go for Amnesty to set up the first woman prez and first hispanic vp in 2016 who will win.

    Seperately and together this makes the case for Partition so strong that even the dittoheads could comprehend it. The GOP House could set the stage by shutting the gov down as a prelude to partition. But dont count on those self-seekers for anything but betrayal.

  15. They are not immigrants they are Hispanic colonists or African Colonists. Enough of the migrant word. Say what the new latins and blacks are.

  16. Instead of wasting our energy on the election, let’s talk about the post electiion world. Obama will get out of Afghanistan and shift from the middle east to Africa, (read China). He will triple down on Keynesianiasm to futher stave off collapse. He will go for Amnesty to set up the first woman prez and first hispanic vp in 2016 who will win.

    Seperately and together this makes the case for Partition so strong that even the dittoheads could comprehend it. The GOP House could set the stage by shutting the gov down as a prelude to partition. But dont count on those self-seekers for anything but betrayal.
    After Thought

    Man what a great post, and yes that sounds about right on obama’s action, but I see romney doing the same things at the same rate of advance. They believe the same basic things. Your last two sentences point to the other reason why it’s pointless to vote gop

    The best thing I can think of is it’s better to have a negro as the figure head when things go bad. The truth will not fix anything, the left has used propaganda for all their victories and we need to exploit things like they do

  17. If you want the Republicans to seek your vote and pay you for it in good policies don’t give your vote to them for free. This lesser of two evil or any one but Obama strategy just rewards the GOP for putting up slightly less liberal anti-white candidates than the Democrats.

  18. Well said W&C

    romney will come up with all types of ways to transfer White tax payer wealth to negros;
    romney will try out his own version of amnesty;
    romney will seek out his own military misadventures;
    romney will seek out free trade and continue to de-industrialize the usa;
    romney will run some of the biggest budget deficits the nation has seen;
    romney will roll over to negro demands, feminist demands etc at every turn.

    We can tell what type of POTUS romney will be by looking at what type of governor he was in Massachusetts and a man liberal enough to be elected in MA is not going to
    earn my vote. What part of romney’s record is there to vote for?

  19. On the local level, local GOP establishment said (justifying why they undercut or failed to help any of the TP candidates who ran as GOP in the primary): “We aren’t interested in candidates who are CONSTITUTIONAL. Not many people are into that. We’re interested in candidates who are LIKEABLE — who can WIN!” (Same ones who repeated constantly, over and over: “Ron Paul? He could NEVER win!”)

    They are preoccupied with, their greedy, or petty, crony capitalism around here.

    On the national level, we see the same. They gave us (and too many of us obediently voted for) another GREAT LOOKING Presidential candidate, who is supposedly the most LIKEABLE. It’s most important of all that he LOOKS good and is “LIKEABLE.”

  20. Nevertheless it costs nothing to vote for the lesser evil now. Don’t compound the sin of voting for Neo-“conservatism” in the primaries by non-voting for Obama’s second mandate in November.

  21. Make the best of finishing now what you have begun wrongly. Get involved in the political process again in the next election cycle (if there is one) and don’t continue supporting “likeable, winnable” Neocons like Romney and Santorum over candidates who are truly conservative and constitutional.

  22. The cost for voting for the lesser evil is very high; it’s a guaranteed future of more candidates that are the “lesser evil”. Not to mention what it does to the inner man

  23. There are no true constitutional candidates; the real ideals of the Constitution has been dead for many lifetimes

  24. “The cost for voting for the lesser evil is very high; it’s a guaranteed future of more candidates that are the “lesser evil”. Not to mention what it does to the inner man”

    The cost of non-voting on behalf of the greater evil is even higher, and the cost of continued non-involvement in the political process is more than we can afford. We are “creatures suited by nature for living in a polis,” as the Peripatetic taught, and it is unnatural and (to turn your expression:)”harmful to the inner man” to NEGLECT our political responsibility.

    Porn, divorce and recreational drinking and drug use are also unnatural, and harmful to the inner man.

  25. There will be “no true constitutional candidates” if there are no true constitutional electors. There will be no true Christian pastors where there are no true Christians.

  26. all voting for the lesser evil has done is shift the definition of evil in favor of more evil; we have no duty to support those unworthy and unqualified for the job.

    As for the rest, not relevant. Unless you are trying to make another statement on the condition of my soul, which is above your pay grade but does not stop you from trying and reenforce a point I made earlier

  27. “(A)ll voting for the lesser evil has done is shift the definition of evil in favor of more evil; we have no duty to support those unworthy and unqualified….”

    If we advance, support and vote for the best candidates it works toward shifting the definition toward good. We do have a duty, to be involved.

    I do not judge the condition of anyone’s soul, but disagree with statements made about pornography, divorce, etc.

  28. If you are going to take part, then support a third party like A3P. Three roughly equal parties will lead to a fracturing of the Union, just as it has elsewhere in history.

  29. All of you don’t want to vote for RINO Romney because you’re afraid he will support BRA?

    Obamao is BRA personified. Don’t vote against Obamao, and you will have BRA Forever!

    All of you UNDERESTIMATE how Anti-White Obamao is! RINO Romney cannot hold a candle to Obamao! He is The Lord of Darkness!

  30. Obama is the lesser of two evils. Don’t listen to the Romney supporters. While Obama has certainly done damage to White interests, mostly via Holder’s lawsuits, Obama also done a lot to help the white working class (GM bailout, W2 payroll tax cuts, less expensive student loans, Obamacare). Romney would never do these things. Romney’s supporters are on the edge of irrationality in maintaining their support for that man. Romney has made it clear he will continue every one of Obama’s harshest anti-white policies, plus add a war on Iran and economic policies to funnel wealth to the top. Romney is also a vile man on a personal level with a long record of lying. He has no character and no person of integrity should vote for him.

  31. If we advance, support and vote for the best candidates it works toward shifting the definition toward good. We do have a duty, to be involved.

    And has that occurred yet? What I see is supporting the lesser of two evils has earned us worse candidates. I use to donate time, and money, write letters, make calls, then do emails, it never changed the debate or the quality of candidates. What is the point in doing the same failed things getting the same crap results. Or worse results. Candidate selection choices seem much worse to the 48 year old me then the 20 year old me

    Men have a variety of duties and we have a duty to do what is right as best we can tell what is the right; voting for romney isn’t right. and where does this duty to be involved come from? We don’t have a duty to vote since for most of history the right to vote extended to only a few men. How could the men who didn’t have the right have the duty? Why do we have duty to repeat actions that have proven to be unprofitable and non beneficial to anyone? We don’t have a duty to support anything we view as immoral either

  32. Thanks Stonelifter, seriously continuing the same action and expecting different results is a popular definition of insanity. Voting for slightly less liberal and anti-white Republicans is no way to reform the Republican Party. If whites and Christians will vote for the Republicans regardless of whom they nominate then there is zero incentive for them to seek our votes or keep their word to us. Zero. Additionally how much opposition will a Republican Congress make to any liberal and anti-white policy of Romney? Zero again. There will be no opposition in comparison to the meager opposition they currently offer Obama.

  33. That’s the way I see W&C. As long as we vote for them they will never do anything to earn our vote, but if every White man sat out the election… folks would notice. someone would wake up next time around and go after our votes. It would be a shitty two years no doubt but it’s the only way I see to send an electoral type message

  34. Voting for slightly less liberal and anti-white Republicans is no way to reform the Republican Party.

    I agree totally with you guys. I’m not sure the GOP can be reformed or that we even really want it to be but without a doubt the current GOP embraces the same multicultural global outlook of the Left and the destruction of anything that represents or alludes to a dominant white Western culture or a white nation.

  35. @Dr. Doom

    I agree with you, but like remarked on another thread, it’s a waste of time trying to talk sense to these people. They hate Yankees more than niggers, and very sight of Mitt Romney inflames that hatred beyond what little, if any, rationality they had to begin with. The upside is that, between the dozen or so of these characters, domiciled on all of two blogs on the internet, their silly grudge won’t amount to a whisper in a windstorm in this election. So let them indulge their sad, warped, perception of reality. The rest of us will do the responsible thing, like adults and patriots are supposed to do, and try to at least start to put this situation right.

  36. Yup, 313Chris, maybe this time the white candidate will not be as bad as all the other white candidates up to now have been in building BRA.

    Maybe so.

    And maybe it is true that it is only a coincidence that a black face is what is causing so many white people in my lifetime to finally start talking in terms of race. Maybe it is true that McCain would have had the very same result. Maybe it is true.

    We are going to see. (Once again, I think. But maybe you and those who think as you do are right after all. Maybe it is so.)

  37. @ Chris, They hate Yankees more than niggers, and very sight of Mitt Romney inflames that hatred beyond what little, if any, rationality they had to begin with…

    Romney still has family in Mexico. Mexico is going to be his priority. Ryan loves that open border (girlfriends say they are voting for him because he is cute). Anyway, and this thing about creating a wall on the border is awful— it is just to keep people in!

    John is right. The word “colonists” should be used every time, never immigration. Why are only THEIR words used? Tax-paid, Policy-Oriented Colonization.


  38. Hispanic Colonists…Latino Colonization… Etc etc. Call it what it is. Same with blacks.
    Africanization. African Colonizers. African Colonization.

  39. I think that some of the posters on this site work for Soroswine the Jew or one of the many FEDGOV false flag operations on the Web to demoralize the White voters into not voting so the Democrap Voter Fraud Machine can engineer another Knee-Grow Term!

    They fear the White voters because their brown turd horde is not yet ripe for voting. The Whites can STILL vote for a White candidate and WIN!

  40. “The Whites can STILL vote for a White candidate and WIN!”

    Win what? A Dream Act with even weaker provisions for employer sanctions than the Democrats would pass?

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