Caribbean Project: SNN Podcast: The Yankee Dream of a Caribbean Empire

South Carolina

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
– Major General Smedley D. Butler

Here’s the link to the SNN podcast that I did this afternoon about the Yankee Dream of a Caribbean Empire.

Topics include dollar diplomacy, banana republics, Smedley Butler, U.S. military interventions in the Caribbean, and the creation of the American Sugar Kingdom in the Spanish Caribbean.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. John said: ‘That’s a quote that had wide currency in Liberal circles in the early 2000s in the run up to the Iraq invasion.’

    Funny how that’s no longer the case as soon as a Democrat is in the White House and the foreign wars and invasions are on his head, huh?

  2. “That’s a quote that had wide currency in Liberal circles in the early 2000s in the run up to the Iraq invasion.”

    The Old Right in republican circles has always been anti-interventionist and I remember Pat Buchanan referring to old Smedley’s quote in the run up to Gulf War I.

  3. That’s my favorite quote from Butler. I’ve bludgeoned neocons with it for years in mainstream forums and elsewhere. I’ve had some success using that quote as a starting point in waking up mainstream conservatives on the dangers of the MIC and American imperialism and thus influencing them away from conservatism.

    The quote is more confirmation that Yankee imperialism has always been about pushing Corporate and Jewish interests. Those two agendas are often the same agenda (not always).

    Gore Vidal said this in 1986:

    [Jewish neocon writer] Midge [Decter] was amazed by my description of how we seized territories from Mexico, including California; annexed Hawaii and Puerto Rico and, of course, the Philippines, where we slaughtered between 100,000 and 200,000 of the inhabitants. Interesting note: American imperialists froth if the figures for those murdered are ever in excess of 60,000 men, women and children, the acceptable statistical minimum for genocide. Then Midge, with that magisterial gooniness that marks her polemical style, told us, “that three of these conquered territories are now states of the United States, and a fourth an independent republic, is evidently beside the point–as, we cannot resist remarking. . . .”

    Oh, Midge, resist. Resist! Don’t you get the point? We stole other people’s land. We murdered many of the inhabitants. We imposed our religion–and rule–on the survivors. General Grant was ashamed of what we did to Mexico, and so am I. Mark Twain was ashamed of what we did in the Philippines, and so am I. Midge is not because in the Middle East another predatory people is busy stealing other people’s land in the name of an alien theocracy. She is a propagandist for these predators (paid for?), and that is what all this nonsense is about.

  4. Ugh, this tiresome business of how we “stole” land from Mexico is really quite stale. And who exactly, pray tell, did the Mexicans steal it from? Did territories in Colorado and Arizona come with pre-existing millennia-old Spanish place-names as factory pre-sets? Why do short, fat, diabetic Oaxacans and illiterate ditch-diggers from the Yucatan Peninsula, none of whom ever even heard of Malibu before until about thirty years ago, have a better claim to Malibu than I do?

    When the Turks retreat back into Central Asia and abandon Anatolia to the Greeks, who then cede it back to the Persians, who then cede it back to the Greeks, who then cede it back to the Persians, who then cede it back to the Greeks, who eventually cede it back to the Lydians and the Hittites, if anybody can find them, then I’ll take Amerind irridentism seriously.

    In the meantime, while we’re waiting, a couple of demons in the Eight Circle should get hold of a spatula and turn Gore Vidal over on the grill: I believe he’s quite cooked through on the left side.

  5. Butler was right about what he did, but wrong to have regretted it.

    The Golden Circle was a fine idea and preferable to the hypocritical chicanery of the Yankee Caribbean. But history is history and they’re called “Ambassadors” nowadays not rajs not reichprotektors. Stealth imperialism is better than no imperialism at all and state allied companies have been a progressive force in promoting white interests the world over for centuries.

    John Negroponte is an example of a colonial minded white man that has served on virtually all race-war fronts of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. He deserves the utmost respect from white Americans. But because his imperialism is not overt enough to appeal to alienated men on the internet, they ignore a hero.

    In B.R.A. the domestic issues both economic and social are the real concern. White-trash pacifist/ socialists like Lew and Cindy Sheehan are not helpful to Whites.

    “There are many opportunities for U.S. products and services in the coming decade.  With increasing affluence, Iraqi consumer demand will continue to increase.

    Doing business in Iraq is not without risk, but the U.S. Embassy in Iraq stands ready to assist U.S. companies wishing to enter this potentially lucrative market.

    The following links are provided for detailed information:

    Doing Business in Iraq
    Doing Business in the USA
    Economic Data & Reports (Country Commercial Guide) (PDF 720kb)
    Key Business Links

    Why don’t some of you people start up a business in a non-White country and become enterprising and adventurous racist people instead of bitches on the internet? Live a little.

  6. @ ….The Yankee Empire as we know it today got started in the Caribbean and Pacific after the Spanish-American War….

    Well, now it’s being felt by even the most average Northern europeans as the u.s., itself, has become the contended ground, and speakers of Shakespeare’s English are having everything dumped in spanish, and men actually grab their crotches on the street as if they are still in pre-christian rome, and jungle beats of the ‘carribean’ thump in public stores, and so on.

  7. @ Tamer

    “… U.S. Embassy in Iraq stands ready to assist U.S. companies wishing to enter this potentially lucrative market….

    Why don’t…you people start up a business in a non-White country and become …adventurous racist people instead of bitches….”

    Lol, isn’t that your whole global shtik— that there IS no “white country” (therefore any non-white country) and NO U.S. companies?

    If a company is on another landspace, is it a “u.s. company?” If it has offices in 15 countries, is it a “u.s. company?” If it employs people of non-u.s. heritage generationally, is it “a u.s. company?’ If it outsources all it’s jobs, is it a “u.s. company?” etc.

    There IS NO SUCH THING as a “u.s. company.”

    The real u.s. citizens are things to be bled for taxes for OVERSEAS corporate interests that have nothing to do with them, and the proceeds from which they don’t benefit.

    Which are why Romney-Ryan are such losers. They GO ON AS IF the “little guy” should still stay loyal to The Big Boss of Business when that group has shown NO LOYALTY to them.

    They actually use the meaningless phrase “u.s. company” in their speeches.

    And why wouldn’t one run to Iraq or Argentina to work? Um…because they like their own sub-ethnic race group, and the LIKE THEIR own history, arts, foods, writings, and so on.

    In order to run off to just care about MONEY overseas, all that meaning that could have been inside oneself must be Removed from the people.

    Those Gutted individuals, who really can’t see the difference between going to Iraq just b/c they can make money and living among their own people… well, that is the yankee, right there. Gutted— except for the love of money.

  8. And the Golden Circle seems a terrible idea now!—- since it linked u.s. to this whole Latinized culture and land and now average Northern Europeans have to cope with the endless mexifornia, not to mention the Spanish europeans who make all their tax-supported money by socializing people in the “welcome centers.”

    Spain, Portugal, and Italy are my idea of Hell on Earth. Throw in south Spain.

    Trying to acclimate people by forcing noodles and tacos on them won’t work. That is how you assimilate PETS.

  9. Oh— meant throw in South France. And let americans vote on whether to cede california to mexico, along with Hawaii.

  10. Dixiegirl said:

    ‘Spain, Portugal, and Italy are my idea of Hell on Earth. ‘

    I lived in Spain for four years and loved it. It’s a beautiful country. And the people are very friendly and much more traditional than those here. Of course, the immigrant-heavy areas of the big cities are not pleasant places, but that’s universal. Most of the small towns are still all-Spanish. And many of the medium sized cities are mostly-Spanish. It’s really only the big cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia) that have a lot of immigrants. The southern coast of the country has tons of places where wealthy Europeans and retired Brits and Germans live. I don’t care for that area because of all the non-Spanish there (most of whom are other Europeans). But all in all Spain is a great country. I really miss it.

  11. “Why do short, fat, diabetic Oaxacans and illiterate ditch-diggers from the Yucatan Peninsula, none of whom ever even heard of Malibu before until about thirty years ago, have a better claim to Malibu than I do?”

    Dude! Malibu has always been ruled by the principle of “survival of the fittest.”

    Pay particular attention to Da Cat in action at around :50 in.

  12. Oscar,

    Do you know anything about Vidal other than from that quote? Or, are you some kind of National Review/Rush Limbaugh/Conservative? Defending Jewish, MIC and neocon imperialism against criticism from an anti-imperialist and staunch Jew-critic like Vidal reads like something a Limbaugh supporter would say. You comments are usually well reasoned, and you don’t seem as dull and uninformed as his audience. It makes me think you really don’t know anything about him, or that you’re misreading him.

    And yes, we, or more accurately the US government, stole land from Mexico. You are right that people are always stealing other peoples’ land. We, in fact, are currently having ours stolen from out from under us. But since you’re tired of arguments criticizing land theft since everyone does it, it’s not clear what basis you think we have to object.

  13. “And why wouldn’t one run to Iraq or Argentina to work? Um…because they like their own sub-ethnic race group, and the LIKE THEIR own history, arts, foods, writings, and so on.”


    That impulse to explore and profit is what birthed the new world and the new world white. Historically: India companies, tip of the spear.

    Newspeak SUCKS. But a rose by any other name and all’s well that ends well.

    The dogs keep barking.
    But the caravan marches on.

    One race, One love.

  14. Pointing out that you displaced someone else is a tacit reminder that someone else could steal it from you. I see nothing wrong with being candid about your own plundering. Rationalizing it is for pussies.

  15. I see nothing wrong with being candid about your own plundering. Rationalizing it is for pussies.

    Pure awesomeness right there

  16. Tamer of Savages says:
    ‘Lew is a socialist. & an anti-Semite.’

    This confirms my belief that there are redeeming qualities to be found in most White men – even socialists.

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