Tales From Detroit: Police Too Busy To Arrest Murderers


Shifting back to North America, we find a little slice of Haiti or Jamaica in what used to be one of America’s largest cities:

“DETROIT — A man suspected of fatally shooting two men and seriously wounding two others had to turn himself in twice before Detroit police would arrest him, authorities said.

Detroit police said the 36-year-old man got into an argument at a party on Saturday, retrieved a gun and opened fire. Four people were shot, and two died. The man turned himself in at a fire station about two hours later, and fire officials called police, but no officers turned up.

Police said in a statement that “due to area patrol units being busy handling high priority runs, no units were dispatched to the location.”

The man eventually went to a police station, where he was arrested.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m pretty sure this must somehow constitute a violation of this murderer’s civil rights. Seems to be an obvious case of the police discriminating against him by not picking up, almost certainly because he was Black. I think that restitution in form of a couple million dollars payout from the taxpayers of Michigan would only be just.

  2. Hilarious!

    148 years after Michigan infantry units assisted in the bombardment of the city of Atlanta, their resources are so limited as to deny service to their own communities.

    I’m laughing all the way to the bank!

  3. This is a preview of how BRA will end.

    Government agencies will simply become “too busy” to function at all.

    Chaos will ensue, and suddenly white people will realize the government “protection” they rely upon like overgrown children is only a childish fantasy. Also, they will find themselves preyed upon by those government agencies that continue to “work.” Government legitimacy will completely crash.

    There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth…

    Deo Vindice

  4. “Apuleius says:
    September 3, 2012 at 7:23 pm
    This is a preview of how BRA will end.

    Government agencies will simply become “too busy” to function at all.

    Chaos will ensue, and suddenly white people will realize the government “protection” they rely upon like overgrown children is only a childish fantasy. Also, they will find themselves preyed upon by those government agencies that continue to “work.” Government legitimacy will completely crash.

    There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth…

    Deo Vindice”

    Dear God the sooner the better.

  5. Yancey,

    That’s too good. Of course, it won’t phase Biden one little bit. Perhaps his staff should have put chains around the Uhaul something to deter Holder’s People and Obama’s Sons.

  6. OT:

    Spielberg (anti-white Jew of course) is releasing a film on Lincoln later this year. I didn’t know this. It will focus on Lincoln’s efforts toward abolitionism. Along with Django Unchained, the main purpose of this one will probably be to whip-up hatred of Whitey and Southerners.


    The sixteenth President of the United States guides the North to victory during the Civil War.

  7. John, ya gotta thank whatever speech writer was responsible. ‘Obama’s sons’ is a gift to White, and/or Southern Nationalism. The average person catches the whole race problem in one second with that phrase. I’ve tried it. It works!

  8. Lew says:
    September 3, 2012 at 7:47 pm


    Spielberg (anti-white Jew of course) is releasing a film on Lincoln later this year. I didn’t know this. It will focus on Lincoln’s efforts toward abolitionism. Along with Django Unchained, the main purpose of this one will probably be to whip-up hatred of Whitey and Southerners.


    The sixteenth President of the United States guides the North to victory during the Civil War.

    Life in the USSA.

  9. In 2006 I used Auction Sniper to place a ONE DOLLAR bid on a big brick house on the East Side that was listed on Ebay. Nobody else placed a bid, so I got the place for a buck. I paid the seller his dollar via PayPal so I wouldn’t get negative feedback on my account, but I never followed up on the deed transfer because I was just being an asshole when I bid on the house.

    Two years later I got a tax bill from The City of Detroit. It turned out that the guy who owned that fine piece of property had forged my name on the deed transfer forms and paid all of the transfer fees just to get the property out of his name. I found out at that time that Detroit doesn’t confiscate real estate over unpaid taxes, they just keep sending out bills hoping that a few dimwits will actually pay someday.

    So I guess it’s true what they say: When Blacks move in property values go down.

  10. It is a slightly alarming trend to see this much focus on Lincoln. Someone who is in many ways nothing more than an apostate white. Give his legacy a few more centuries and he may be seen as a Caligula or Nero.

  11. Consider that line officially stolen, John.

    “They fixin to put the Uhauls back in CHAINS. How you gonna eat then?”

  12. Care to elaborate?

    The North attacked the South under the guise of freeing the slaves and the niggers moved north. Now they got problems.

  13. @NKVD Stupid

    Actually the South attacked the North first. And the first niggers to ever set foot in America came through Virginia. But believe whatever you like.

  14. In 2006 I used Auction Sniper to place a ONE DOLLAR bid on a big brick house on the East Side that was listed on Ebay. Nobody else placed a bid, so I got the place for a buck. I paid the seller his dollar via PayPal so I wouldn’t get negative feedback on my account, but I never followed up on the deed transfer because I was just being an asshole when I bid on the house.

    Two years later I got a tax bill from The City of Detroit. It turned out that the guy who owned that fine piece of property had forged my name on the deed transfer forms and paid all of the transfer fees just to get the property out of his name. I found out at that time that Detroit doesn’t confiscate real estate over unpaid taxes, they just keep sending out bills hoping that a few dimwits will actually pay someday.

    So I guess it’s true what they say: When Blacks move in property values go down.

    I wouldn’t recommend doing such a thing as the place is probably a crackhouse now, full of squatters and when someone gets killed there they’ll come after YOU the owner for money. Blacks are very quick to sue, I work with some and they always bring up that option whenever they talk about another black having the slightest misfortune, like falling on an icy sidewalk, etc. No doubt you don’t have insurance on the place, and even if you could prove you’re bid was a joke and forged signature on the deed, you’re still out thousands on an attorney.

  15. It was the Southern planters that brought in the niggers to slave away in the South (I don’t care how it was financed.) It was the Northern industrialists that brought them up from the South first as strike breakers, and then more massively in WWII as workers in the defense plants.

    The white workingman in the North was never in favor of any of this. You Southerners need to quit blaming them as they were racist Democrats just like you.

  16. The working class white has no political home in modern America. The party in opposition to the capitalist elite is chockful of Blacks, Jews, Feminists, Hispanics who are as hostile to the working man as a spreadsheet obsessed CEO (Often Jewish).

    It’s a hell of a predicament.

  17. Nightowl: I don’t sweat the small shit.

    That place was probably a crackhouse BEFORE I bought it. The ad said that the “home” needed plumbing and electrical repair. Translated, that means that the junkies tore out the wiring and pipes many years ago, ever so gently, I’m sure, so as not to cause any unnecessary damage.

    Odd thing, though, none of the windows were broken in the pictures.

    I once put a Snipe bid for $10 on an apartment building on Prospect Avenue in Kansas City. It’s a fine part of town. Even the crack whores are afraid to work that stretch of Prospect after dark. Some asshole beat me out of that one by putting in a Snipe bid that was over ten bucks. He got it for $11.

  18. PRB, you have a very interesting avocation. It makes you seem something of a budding amateur internet slum lord or urban renewal afficianado. Amusing.

    “The white workingman in the North was never in favor of any of this. You Southerners need to quit blaming them as they were racist Democrats just like you.”

    Very true. I don’t blame them. I blame their Yankee relatives, friends, and neighbors who did support the elevation of the negro to his current godlike status among Yankees. A very different and much more widespread sort of white Northerner.

    How you sort them all out is your business. I have neither the time nor the inclination to do so. Most Yankee transplants I see are of the second, negro worshipping variety.

    If you want to change BRA, you must convince your Yankee relatives, friends, and neighbors that it must go. Southerners never wanted it to begin with.

    Criticizing Southerners for criticizing your negro obsessed Yankee relatives, friends, and neighbors seems a bit silly and pointless. Especially since we have to deal with our own Yankee indoctrinated, patriotard relatives, friends, and neighbors anyway. Thankfully, there aren’t as many of them. Unmerited grace is a beautiful thing.

    Hey, hey, ho, ho…BRA has got to go.

    Deo Vindice

  19. 313Chris, if armed Chinese fleets were approaching San Francisco Bay under the guise of some humanitarian mission to the Chinese immigrants there, would you expect the U.S. military to take their word for it and let them come into the bay without opposition? Probably not. This is the same situation the Confederate commanders faced when they “started the war”. Letting armed US ships enter into Charleston Harbor after weeks of failed negotiations would have been grossly irresponsible and constituted an unacceptable risk to the people of Charleston. I guess in your opinion the Confederates should have just trusted that there would be no attack, even after being repeatedly misdirected and lied to by the Lincoln administration up to that point.

    The “Civil War” was 100% the fault of the US government. The Yankees were simply not going to let Dixie go free, period, and if it didn’t start at Sumter then the US military would just be used to threaten the Southern people in some other way and force Confederates to fire the first shots.

  20. There were incidents in St Louis that were as critically important as any other front. If not there at Sumpter, in St Louis instead.

  21. @Jared

    You present a false analogy. The Star of the West was unarmed, and Ft. Sumter was federal property.

    I’m not going to Monday-morning-quarterback this stretch of history. Your people made their own choices and suffered the consequences.

  22. @John

    You’re British, aren’t you? How is the American Civil War any of your business to be picking a side?

  23. The day before Ft Sumter, there was Ft Pickens where union troops fired on Southron men going to occupy what had previously been an abandoned fort on the free and sovereign soil of Fla. Well indoctrinated yankees can not handle the concept of the States being free and sovereign in their own right and that federal forces were to leave when the invitation had expired. Or that blockading ports, like Sumter was doing, was an act of war in its own right. As was resupplying a fort of foreign soil or… really they don’t understand anything but the lies from their history books given to them by the same federal govt which has such a well established track record of truth telling…

  24. Sumpter sat in the mouth of the harbour and the occupation of it by Federal troops constituted a port blockade AKA act of war. The fort was built to prevent a British or French fleet from entering the harbour. Not to threaten to starve the citizens as a blockade device.

  25. @Stonelifter

    Ft. Pickens sits on Santa Rosa Island in the fucking Gulf of Mexico, moron. It was federal property, perhaps empty, but NOT abandoned, and in no way “free and sovereign soil of Florida”.

  26. When the Confederates decided to bombard Sumpter this force was on its way to Charleston harbour:

    The attempt to “peacefully provision” Fort Sumter included four warships with 39 guns, four troop transports and landing craft and over 1200 military personnel, 500 of which were intended to be landed as reinforcements. This was very obviously something much more than an attempt to “peacefully resupply” a garrison.

    The Confederates had to force the union troops our of Sumpter or face an invasion fleet.

  27. 313Chris says:
    September 4, 2012 at 2:56 am


    You present a false analogy. The Star of the West was unarmed, and Ft. Sumter was federal property.

    This is some funny stuff! Where, dear Chrissy, do you suppose ‘federal property’ comes from?

    Oh, btw, what is your opinion of George Washington?

  28. @John

    Just how the could the occupation of one tiny island fort, result in the starvation of a country that grew enough of it’s own food to sustain it’s comparitively smaller population, without depending on foreign commerce?

    But how again is this any concern of yours, being a British national and all?

  29. The port blockades clearly threatened the population with starvation and clearly prevented all trade. The ft blockaded the port. Further out to sea the USN was blockading ships. Blockade Your own people! That’s already war buddy. Then send warships and thousands of marines and sailors and mortars. The intent was bloody clear. No wonder the 500 assorted rebels decided to act before Charlston fell to the onslaught.

    Have you seen where Sumter sits in the Harbour? It’s like a cork in a barrel.

  30. @Nancey

    It was a federal fort long before you greedy cowards pulled your little stunt, and for a good while, no one in South Carolina seemed to mind the federal presence at Ft Sumter when you were vulnerable to powerful foreign naval forces.

    My opinion of George Washington? Great, resourceful general with an iron will. A little overrated as a statesman, though.

  31. Destroit belongs to monkeymen now. Ooking and eeking, stealing Biden’s stage props. Terrorizing Chris with their exalted status in the nation birthed by Lincoln.

  32. Sumter hadn’t finished construction until the crisis hit. It wasn’t operational until Anderson occupied it. The money for its contruction?
    From the pocket of locals?

    It was the equivalent of the deathstar in the way that Anderson conspired to use it.

  33. @John

    You keep dodging my question — how is this your fight to get involved in, when you’re not even from here?

  34. @John

    I’m utterly surrounded by niggers, and not single one dares “terrorize” me. Now run along back home to England and familiarize yourself with Sharia law.

  35. It’s not a legitimate question. It’s not a question that even makes sense. I don’t have a time machine to use to change outcomes. So I discuss the details of history to figure out what happened and how it happened. Perhaps finding out why it happened. History is a universal concern for all educated people.

    What business it of yours to distort history? Why do you feel obliged to cackle about your own government murdering and oppressing it’s own people? You’re a sick son of a gun.

  36. But Chris, George Washington and his co-conspirators were traitors to their king! How can one so devoted to duty and obligation so openly declare his allegiance to traitors?

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