Section 8 Tenants Renting Homes In Gated Communities


BRA is a joke.

Lately, I have been even more disgusted with the United States than usual, and sometimes there are days when I wish I could just hop on a plane and leave this circus behind.

“Here’s an odd side effect of South Florida’s foreclosure crisis: Some immense homes with pools and three-car garages in gated communities are being rented out to unlikely tenants — poor people paying with Section 8 aid.

Among the properties are homes with up to 4,500 square feet of space in private communities with guardhouses and regal names such as “Monarch Lakes” and “Bellagio at Vizcaya.”

About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My wife was a property manager here in crestview Florida for years in the 1990s. She had a section 8 tenant who only had to pay one dollar per month in rent. Most months my wife had to send a late notice to collect. There were times when they had to threaten with a collection service. Yes the tenant was black. They think we owe them everything. I wish there were somewhere we could move and avoid them.

  2. Best thing ever. The less insulated “gated community” type crackers are from such “enrichment” the better.

    Ive never heard more people say more racist things than I did while hitting the town this weekend, even at lunch after church. All of them under 35, all of them “respectable” people, and all of them fed up with the wetback hell that West Texas has become.

    The Connie Chastains of the South are losing all credibility with my generation. We’re living their rainbow fucktard dream, and god almighty, do we hate it. The tide is shifting, faster and faster everyday.

  3. This is a good thing. I drive past Bellagio every day. It is entirely populated by Yankee transplant DWL’s.

    They have already seen to it that every middle class neighborhood here is peppered with Section 8 Haitians. They have removed all Confederate names from public buildings here. They think the ethnic cleansing is done here…only now the ethnic cleansing of their kind begins.

    This will be the best medicine for them.

    Deo Vindice

  4. That’s the thing about egalitarianism: it eventually destroys itself. All pretty lies contain the seeds of their own destruction. I cannot stop smiling.

  5. I live in Miami. I have section 8 Haitian neighbors. They are a foul strain of African. The worst in my opinion.


    I hear them speak perverted French every day. Yes. I’m neck deep in diversity, and I hate it. I hate Miami. I hate South Florida.

    I sleep with my AR-15 within arm’s distance … this behavior is the inevitable consequence of vibrant diversity.

    An aside: I had to call animal control on the savages for mistreating three dogs they own. Now, animal control makes weekly, unannounced, visits the their nest. I hope they were heavily fined.

    Oh, another wonderful tale of diversity: the other day, I had the exquisite pleasure of standing in earshot of two Haitian sheboons … they were discussing the merits of cat meat.

    As a cat owner, I couldn’t of been more offended.

    T-minus 12 months ’till I leave this shithole, and I ain’t lookin’ back either.

  6. The article mentions the town I live in Cooper City. The largest track of an old dairy farm was sold several years ago. They are building non stop on tenant like houses. I just know it will all end up being section 8 housing. Glad my kids are out of the locals schools.

  7. Aup/Mighty:

    I lived in Dade County for years, mostly in Coral Gables and Coconut Grove. I don’t recall meeting even one indigenous Southerner in 10 years in South Florida. Most of the Haitians lived in Little Haiti. The indigenous American blacks were mostly found in places like Overtown, Liberty City and the trashy sectors of Coconut Grove. I don’t recall any section 8 in the nice neighborhoods. For a vibrant city, I liked it a lot. Sounds like it has gotten much worse.

  8. Palm Beach/Broward/Dade are Tel Aviv South. Wall-to-wall Jews. I doubt only Yankee liberals are behind pushing section 8 into the nicer neighborhoods.

  9. No doubt about it, a lot of the yankee liberals here are Jews. It is also true that a lot aren’t. They’re all yankee liberals to me, Jew or not. If you can tell me what the difference is otherwise, do tell.

    Being good liberal Democrats, they all think Section 8 housing is a good thing. Until it comes to their neighborhood. Then it’s high ho, NIMBY, and away! Thing like that aren’t supposed to happen to right minded liberals in gated communities.

    NIMBY is just another outgrowth of yankee hypocrisy, where you don’t mind letting your dog shit in your neighbor’s yard, but you raise hell if anyone’s dog shits in your yard. It is not confined to yankee Jews only.

    Deo Vindice

  10. White anti-whites, live in the whitest wealthiest areas, while they push diversity for the whites that are too poor to escape it. If I had real power in the United States I would be ramming diversity into the heart of the most liberal white areas.

  11. “After a single mother and her nine children rented a house in the exclusive Isles neighborhood of Coral Springs, the homeowners association adopted an amendment to its governing documents stating: “No Section 8 or government leasing assistance is permitted.”

    sounds like an ideal neighbor: single mom, 9 kids, section 8. what could go wrong?

  12. @ Eric Hale,

    What part of W. Texas are you from? Mexicans overran my hometown of Littlefield and am currently residing in Amarillo. This whole part of the country will be lost in ten years. I intend to resettle in Northern Alabama (Jackson Co).

  13. Eric – amen! The Barabrians need to get into those Gated places – and really settle in to the “community”.

    Mighty – I will pray for you. The sooner out the better. Bug out first, if you must.

  14. This is a good start, but I would like to see more Section 8 inclusion in the truly wealthy gated communities. It is a crying shame that our most successful citizens are being denied the experience of being fully submerged in diversity and multiculturalism. It just isn’t fair.

  15. Lew,

    There are still nice parts, but they’re expensive, e.g., off Old Cutler rd. If I lived in Coral Gables or the Grove, life here would be more tolerable, but the culture in this town is third-world in character, and surely not Southern by any stretch.

    White people can’t set foot in places like Liberty City or Over town. Those areas are still stagnant shitholes.

    I live on the periphery of a Ghetto, in Perrine, Fl. I’ve been robbed by Trayvons, at gun point, three times over the years … the first time was for .35 cent and an old pair of sneakers. If it weren’t for the browns, my area would be completely blacked out. It’s like the ghetto has expanded over the years. There are only a hand full of Whites remaining in my neighborhood, as most have fled, and rightly so.

    An aside:

    My “community” was originally named after the Yankee Dr. Henry Perrine who in 1839 came to S. Florida to cultivate tropical plants from other countries.

  16. Ive never heard more people say more racist things than I did while hitting the town this weekend, even at lunch after church. All of them under 35, all of them “respectable” people, and all of them fed up with the wetback hell that West Texas has become.

    The Connie Chastains of the South are losing all credibility with my generation. We’re living their rainbow fucktard dream, and god almighty, do we hate it. The tide is shifting, faster and faster everyday

    YOu made my day Eric!

  17. I currently live in midland, ten years ago a wonderful place to live…now becoming Juarezified like everywhere else, but I grew up in a tiny farming community just north of Big Spring.

    Everyone is freaking out, finally. Our public schools are turning into fucking war zones. I have a little friend who teaches in her hometown, Wall, just south of San Angelo, and their board meetings openly discussed ways to prevent mexicans from moving into their very white Anglo/German community.

  18. Rudel says:
    September 10, 2012 at 12:29 am

    “You guys are nothing but a bunch of communists!”

    The left is an anti-white genocidal outfit, comprised of a myriad of diverse groups, all rigidly segregated.

    They voted for diversity, so lets ram it down their throats, using their own Section 8 laws. lol

  19. I told all of my middle class white southern friends 5 years ago they should be looking at farm property deep in the wild lands of SD, MT, ID, or WY.

    They laughed at me.

    They’re “100% white state” property shopping now.


  20. Well…. what do you know. The First ‘post-racial president’ has finally short- circuited the Apartheid of the merely rich.

    Of course, the REAL rich- Movie stars, head of Apple, Microsoft, jewish bankers, etc. STILL can ‘afford their own apartheid.’ And they’s not about to let no ‘trash’ in THEY neighborhoods, now, ain’t they?

    Sho’ nuff.

  21. “Of course, the REAL rich- Movie stars”

    I see you’ve never been to L.A. The “REAL rich” aren’t movie stars, they’re movie producers…

  22. “The First ‘post-racial president’ has finally short-circuited the Apartheid of the merely rich.” Well said.

  23. Folks- the county I live in is 98% White. the average density is 24 people per sq. mi. The school districts are good, the town allows chickens in your back yard, there are numberless chances to hunt, fish, etc. and one can legally have a shotgun without a permit to carry (handguns are another matter, but the training, and obtaining of a card was pretty darn simple for this newbie) There is almost no crime (unless you go to the big cities, and then, not every area is ‘dangerous’, while the most common last names in my neck of the woods all end in ‘-son’… as in Johnson, Olson, Anderson, Hanson, Peterson, etc.

    The most common ancestries are all White:
    Norwegian (40%)
    German (31%)
    Irish (6%)
    English (4%)
    United States or American (4%)
    Dutch (3%)
    Swedish (1%)

    Yeah, we’re Yankees. But we’re also farmers, doctors, lawyers, parents, and families, where there are few sodomites, only ONE black in my town…. etc.

    (If you can read an Anglican BCP (28 version) and sing from the Old 1958 Lutheran SBH, I’d much prefer having some of your ‘diversity’ up here, than the narrow vision of the DFL/ELCA fools, that think O’Bummer was a vote for ‘tolerance and diversity,’ you betcha.)

    And, if a parish in just ONE town, started having ‘critical mass’ there would be a number of people in the surrounding area, who might no longer be afraid to buck the ‘seven last words of Lutherans’ -in their actions, OR their minds. Thehe “We’ve never thought/done it that way before” is what kills me up here, and the fear of being ‘contrary.’ We need more feisty Scots-Irish like me, to wake up these somnolent sons of Knut, as it were……

    Why do you hang around in these hell-holes? (My visit to Texas this year, was my first- and last. Read my blog on ‘the eyes of texas are upon you’…)

    The Midwest Redoubt awaits.

    Oh, did I mention huge recreational areas in the northern part of the state as well? Yeah, it gets ‘dem cold’ in winter, but you adjust. And with a snowblower, and good boots/gloves, it’s actually kind of refreshing in December and February. Just don’t go out when it hits -30 that one week in January every once in a while. And you truly, really don’t have to eat Lutefisk, iffen you don’t want to…. And our sweet corn? MMMM, good. Ja, sure…..

  24. Sounds like a great place to live, Fr John, or as good as it gets in the present age of corruption. It’s interesting, I think, or only natural, that Nordics predominate in population of the “great white north.” Looking at your list, I wonder, where are the Finns? I think there are many Finns in the northern peninsula of Michigan.

  25. Eric Hale says:
    September 10, 2012 at 2:35 am

    Everyone is freaking out, finally. Our public schools are turning into fucking war zones. I have a little friend who teaches in her hometown, Wall, just south of San Angelo, and their board meetings openly discussed ways to prevent mexicans from moving into their very white Anglo/German community.”

    Eric – that is what must be. I get so frustrated with the people in my region. It’s BEAUTIFUL. My State would be Heaven on Earth, if it would only stay as it is. It’s fliied with the loveliest White folks you could ever want to know. Kind ,sweet, productive, generous………..I want to STRANGLE tons of them!!!! So many of the social leaders have not EVER lived around non-Whites. There are definitely greedy opportunists about, but most thing that Non-Whites just need to the proper education, etc…ARRRGGHh. They do NOT KNOW what they are summoning in to their our community. So many Whites only want to hear Happy Talk. The things I say are NOT Happy Talk. Some folks are hip to reality – but most are clueless.

    I went to a great big Community Festival today, with the Hubster. We had a lovely time. I only saw 2 Orcs, out of hundreds of people. We walked around the fairgrounds – there were beautiful White people of all ages. One of the Orcs I saw was a..10 year old Mulatto girl. She was so fat it was hard to guess her age. She was with a tall, much-older White woman – who was obviously her grandmother. That is a bad omen……

    You are lucky, in a way. Your locals have finally “gotten it”. The line of resistance must be internal. The White Line must be inside the heads and hearts of Whites. Not mere physical barriers….the Line of Resistance MUST be inside.

  26. I was working this weekend at a multi-day event centered on a popular teen/twenty-oriented pop culture genre. While I was at my autograph table, a customer came up — a little white girl, maybe sixteen years old. She told me the amusing tale of an Asian guy who had leaned his head out of the elevator on her floor of the event hotel and yelled out an invitation to a party in his room “for genuine niggers only”. She laughed when she told me this. I was too shocked to laugh: not only had she clearly said “niggers”, not “niggas” or “niggaz”, but she said it without the slightest sign of discomfort or awkwardness. She then said “We laughed at an Asian guy having a party ‘for genuine niggers only'”. The thing that blew my mind was that she said “niggers” both times without looking over her shoulder or lowering her voice despite the fact that there was a black kid standing right behind her.

    I guess that’s progress.

    Later that same day, an older fellow professional related her story about her recent move. “We lived in [a tony suburb] for our whole lives,” she told me, ” but once the Katrina people moved in the school went to hell. My kid was being bullied and beaten up. We had to move.”

    “‘Katrina people’?” I asked.

    “Yes,” she said. “People with, uh, a different culture and different values.”

    “Do you mean black people?” I asked

    She nodded in relief.

    “Hey, you don’t have to use code words with me,” I told her. “I quit pretending about ‘Katrina people’ many years ago.” We shared a chuckle at that.

    Folks, the change is happening. Every day, another White man or woman wakes up and decides to stop playing pretend when it comes to black people. Maybe it’s their kids getting beaten down at school that opens their eyes. Maybe it’s the latest WorldStarHipHop video. Maybe it’s being mugged, or raped, or passed over for a job, or paying their taxes to support Section 8, EBT, and the rest of it. Whatever the cause, White people are slowly beginning to See. We as a community ought to be organizing and preparing ourselves to catch and harvest this low-hanging fruit. We ought to be there to reassure them that it’s OK to recognize the “Katrina people” for what they are, and to bolster their confidence by showing them that other Whites who share their views aren’t Klansmen on Nazis.

    White nationalism (or whatever) doesn’t have to be sold. Race realism is a product that sells itself. All we have to do is be there when the buyers step up to the table.

  27. “Looking at your list, I wonder, where are the Finns? I think there are many Finns in the northern peninsula of Michigan.”

    WAY up north. Like ‘up on da Range’ (Iron Range, near Duluth).

  28. “So many Whites only want to hear Happy Talk. The things I say are NOT Happy Talk. Some folks are hip to reality – but most are clueless.”

    Denise- you made me think of this song with these words…

    And then I remembered. Michener- a man with no racial identity, preaching his version of anti/post-Christian ‘utopianism’ in the book, that was the basis for the musical.

    Rogers and Hammerstein, two NY Jews using the medium of the American Musical, to teach racial/sexual perversion.

    And the plot- miscegenation as normative in post-WWII America. We’re just going to ‘celebrate our diversity.’

    I learned only in the last two years, that what we are dealing with NOW, They were planning some seventy or more years ago! Truly Jews and their minions are ALL race traitor Anti-American pimps. I see that now. Do y’all?

  29. Come on people, stop your crying and whining. We are all the same. Stop trying to judge or place certain people in a category. I have been on section 8 for years. I am a good person and you would never know. I apologize for the crap you get. You do find crap like that time to time.

  30. Eric Hale: I am familiar with your plight in Midland. I used to run the Cresson shop for Bridges Equipment. During one of my trips to the main shop in Odessa in 2007 the local folks told me that the Midland/Odessa region’s population had increased by 80,000 during the previous 2 years, and the vast majority of the newcomers were Mexicans.

  31. Fr. John+: The last time I was up in your part of the country I noticed that a lot of the cities and towns were starting to look a lot like Caldwell, and it will only get worse.

  32. Mike Jennings: That map appears to be bullshit. This link will give you more accurate and up-to-date information. Be sure to add about 5% to the census numbers to account for all of the niggers with warrants out who hid upstairs while dey Grams or dey baby-momma lied to the census taker about how many people lived in the household.

  33. Jennings,

    you don’t understand maps. If anything the South is depopulating with blacks. The rural counties in the south are losing their Negroes to internal migration. The areas that are worse in terms of unceasing negrification are Arizona and Washington state.

  34. Mike Jennings says:
    ‘If you’re a southern white, and can understand this map, you WILL be moving.
    It’s only a matter of time.’

    Is there a more recent map?

  35. Dem Negros might be shiftless and lazy, but dey is the most consistent and predictable people on the face of the earth.

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