About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I have been observing mainstream conservative websites and I conclude the following: they could be us if they become realists.

    Right now they are in la-la land thinking that if they just pretend everything is all right, then it is.

    Reality will set in early on the evening of November 6th for the “dead-enders” as Obama stomps Romney in Florida and Virginia. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Some of our brethren respond to that premonition by saying “we need to fight as hard as possible for Romney!”

    No, we need to prepare to step into that psychic gap filled by the collapse of neoconservatism and the national Republican Party.

    This is an opportunity to point out that the way ahead is not electoral, but through a new nation carved out of the dying husk of the old.

  2. Good point. It’s a neoconservative v the multicult.

    If Obama were to win Florida…well it’s over. Even liberals are not that far away from pointing out the Jew among us. What afterall is the 1%? Who are the billionaires? Who are the bankers? If not the Jews?

  3. The most important presidential campaigns of our lifetimes? I’m thinking its the most boring and lest relevant of our lifetime since our choice of candidates are similar in most things besides skin color

  4. How ironic is it that it will end up being the multicult left that names the Jew (in due course)? The 90%+ white Christian right wouldn’t ever dare.

    Jews started and financed the NAACP, every Synagogue in America is for “comprehensive immigration reform” (amnesty.) Many of the early feminists were Jews (Friedan, Steinem, etc.) And yet it will be Blacks, Latinos and liberal women that will knock the Zionists from their foreign policy perch.

  5. Hey Gottfried, imagine explaining to your parents or grandparents that Russia and China would be the biggest checks on American destabilization of the world.

  6. That redwatch site is soooo 1980s. It lists those people as communists, trotskyites, anti-fa, etc, when the commonality is, they all demand massive immigration and forced integration, for all white countries and only white countries.

    So they are all without exception, anti-white genocidalists.

    Some people on our side are too stupid to get it. They will keep fighting da “reds”, right up until white people are a tiny minority, in all of our countries.

    redwatch, don’t call them by the names they made up for themselves, last week. They are all anti-white, so lets call them anti-white!

  7. For those voting for Romney because he is white there are some great slogans that could come from this ad.

    “Vote Romney/Ryan to send white kids to Syria & Iran to die by the thousands so Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel.”

    or how about “My President cares more about a Middle Eastern foreign country than his own but hey at least he ain’t a nigger.”

    The national GOP is for fighting endless wars for Israel, more legal immigration, is against enforcing immigration law against illegals, won’t lift a finger to oppose affirmative action, and is for shipping what’s left of American industry to China and India etc.

    So I’d ask white Christian Conservatives: “Is this still your Republican Party?” (Or the neocon’s)

  8. I thought it was a funny ironic thing. Anyway her email is on there. She should have some lovely notes about getting a freeborn man stuck in jail.

  9. I just can’t get over this ad. The significance of it can’t be underestimated. It is just amazing.

    Jews were 100% for Civil Rights which resulted in millions of blacks being freed and becoming Democratic voters. Jews were 100% for the Immigration Act of 1965 and those non-whites that have come to America since 65 (and their descendants) are virtually all Democrats. Jews were much of the vanguard for the Sexual Revolution which has placed a big chunk of women in the modern Democratic Party. Liberal Jews (who are like 83% of Jews) are for amnesty and against enforcement, which would add tens of millions of Democratic voters and future democratic voters to the USA.

    Jews have been for every demographic and cultural shift away from American whiteness from the 60s on. And they have been very loyal Liberal Democrats.

    Today the America that they helped create is turning on them completely. Amazing isn’t it. The notion of Jerusalem being the capital of Israel is booed and shouted down at the Democratic National Convention (3 times!). Netanyahu and Israel are largely despised by rank and file Liberal Democrats. The Occupy Movement types decry Wall Street Jewish multi-billionaire financers who make up the 1%. (Sometimes openly calling them “Jews”) Lefties largely hate the Jewish settlers in the West Bank. etc.

    And they ask “Is this still your Democratic Party?” hah

  10. When you think about it Gottfried, it makes sense. Typically conservatives want to preserve the status qua in the here and now. Today’s conservatives want 1980 america, maybe 1950’s, but either way they want to preserve a time when all the laws that have caused our destruction where pretty much in place

  11. Would it be crazy to wonder if the Jews didn’t choose poorly in the 60s? Imagine if Jewish Americans had sided with the rightwing in the 1960s instead of the lefties. If Civil Rights hadn’t completely upended the traditional Southern system. If the Immigration Act of 1965 and non-enforcement of immigration laws hadn’t made the USA into a non-white nation. Imagine no Warren Court.

    Would Israel be in the trouble it is in today if America had stayed a largely Traditional white Christian country? Probably not. I suppose some Jews don’t care about Israel but most do. (Yes even lefty Jews care about Israel) (Listen to liberal Democrats like Steven Spielberg, Alan Dershowitz, Ed Koch, Marty Peretz, etc when they talk about Israel, they love the place and worry for its safety)

    Instead Jewish Americans saw Southerners as like the Nazis and did everything in their power to bring about the end of the traditional South.

  12. I cannot for the life of me see how Dixie was ever comparable with Hitler’s Germany.
    For me Hitler’s great sin was massacring French, Polish, Russian, Greek, Serb, British, Czech, Dutch, Norwegian, Belgian, Ukrainian peoples. What did the Confederates do to anyone? (apart from the blacks) I can’t think of one civilian targeted atrocity.

  13. @JamieG Having lived in London for a year, most of these people really are “reds,” as in the Socialist Workers Party is big at the University of London, and they do have information booths at the SOAS courtyard at Russell Square with literature defending Stalinism and real, hard-left s__t. And don’t get me started on the anarchist f—s.

  14. @Gottfried Mark Potok and the SPLC are sited right in the heart of the Confederacy, where beloved Pres. Jefferson Davis was sworn in. The South won’t be free until these kikes are 6′ beneath their obscene fortress monstrosity built to occupy and humiliate the Southern white race. We should preserve some of the building as a museum to remind future generations of just what Northern ethnic red Jews did to our people, heritage, and culture.

  15. It appears the Jew has more enemies today, than the cumulative total of their enemies of the past. Jewish hubris has affected their eyesight more than their inbreeding.

  16. “Amen, amen I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falling into the ground die, itself remaineth alone. But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world, keepeth it unto life eternal.” – John 12:24-25

    For conservatism — real conservatism — to live, the “conservative” movement in America must metaphorically die. The GOP must metaphorically die. Only when these are gone can a real conservative/trad movement arise in America.

    For the West — the real West — to live, the postwar political and social order must metaphorically die. The USA must metaphorically die. Only when these are gone can the true West arise and face its enemies.

    ‘To conquer death, you only have to die.” – Andrew Lloyd Weber and Tim Rice, “Poor Jerusalem”, Jesus Christ Superstar

  17. “I can’t think of one civilian targeted atrocity.”

    You need to familiarize yourself with Bloody Kansas, Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and the goings on in East Tennessee (if not the whole damn state.)

    And these were just the immediate ones that came to mind off the top of my head.

  18. No. I’m talking about the Confederates targeting civilians. There was surprisingly little of it. The Confederate civilian population was targeted. Some of that was a matter of lack of opportunity as the Confederacy was hemmed in.

    Does bleeding Kansas count? And to what extent was violence generated by Slavers?
    Most If not all of the civilian atrocities were directed at the South.

    What is the history channel?

  19. Gottfried, good point about the jews choosing poorly. They seem to have a track record of being piss pour house guest and choosing poorly

  20. Jackson wanted to do his own version of the march to the sea, through PA and Ohio early in the war but Jefferson wouldn’t go for it on moral grounds. Lee didn’t do any such thing when he was in PA and had the opportunity. Both were a big mistake stemming from the Southron idea that if we fought a defensive war, the yankees would give up and Europe would back us.

    There were Southron partisan bands who did such a things, but not to the scale the north did, and never by official decree. The South reigned in many official partisan bands and made them official cavalry to limit it. The Lawrence raid was in retaliation. Kill a mans family and he’s likely to host the black flag.

  21. One or two outrages? Bleeding Kansas (and Missouri) started in 1856 and went on for years and so did the fighting in East Tennessee and West Virginia. There were plenty of Confederate and Union murderers like the Jayhawkers. Hell, the James gang faction of Quantrill’s Raiders were still killing Yankees in robberies into the 1870’s.

  22. le raciste révolutionnaire says:
    September 14, 2012 at 3:30 am

    “@JamieG Having lived in London for a year, most of these people really are “reds,” as in the Socialist Workers Party is big at the University of London, and they do have information booths at the SOAS courtyard at Russell Square with literature defending Stalinism and real, hard-left s__t. And don’t get me started on the anarchist f—s.”

    What is the greater crime in your opinion? White Genocide, or being a red?

    A kind of red, is whatever they call themselves *this* week. They change their names, as often as they change their underpants and our so called intellectuals tailgate them every time. The real reason why whites are in this situation, is because of our tailgaters.

    The one thing that unites all of these reds, is they are all anti-white and they *hate* being called anti-white. So what are we going to call them? What they tell us to call them, because they like it? Or what they hate being called, because it exposes their genocidal ambitions?

  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide

    “Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.[13]”

    Genocide is something we can get them on, because they are all anti-white and genocide is illegal according to international law. All you need is the right kind of judge.

    Being a red is not illegal, according to international law.

  24. “the Socialist Workers Party is big at the University of London, and they do have information booths at the SOAS courtyard at Russell Square with literature defending Stalinism”

    No they don’t. The Socialist Workers Party is Trotskyite. They don’t have any literature defending Stalinism.

  25. It’s been interesting Hunter but after a week off I return to find this under your headline, “Those of us who are not planning to vote for Mitt Romney are missing out on the most important presidential campaign of our lifetimes. The fate of Amurrica is literally hanging in the balance”.

    America’s fate does hang in the balance, because you’re so angry in 2012 a White Nationalist Party or Candidate does not exist to challenge the status quo, you are doing exactly what the enemy wants you to do… Re-elect a Communist, Marxist, half breed racist.

    For someone that has such a grasp on History (Southern) your failure to see long term consequences is your Achilles’ heel.

    I won’t be back, not because you’re wrong not to support ANYONE to get Obama out of power (and I care not what you or your parrots think of that) but rather important work is being done & time is of the essence. Our FUTURE depends on it.

    Lastly, I find the whole idea of a White History/Pride etc Blog a refreshing break from a world full of multiculturism/diversity bullshit… right up to the time that same blog avocates a half breed nigger Communist/Marxist over a White man for President.

  26. Amanda,

    The 2012 presidential election is about whether or not Obama has been too hard on Israel, too hard on Wall Street, too soft on Iran and Russia, not supportive enough of free trade, etc.

    Does our future depend on Mitt Romney? I hope not. If that is the case, then we have already lost:


    “The best ally world peace has ever known is a strong America. The “last best hope of earth” was what Abraham Lincoln called our country. Mitt Romney believes in fulfilling the promise of Lincoln’s words and will defend America abroad in word and in deed.”

    Feel free to continue voting for George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc. Every four years the Republican presidential candidate becomes more liberal, panders harder to non-Whites, and grows less interested than ever in doing anything to reverse our racial and cultural decline.

  27. Amanda,

    ‘Presidents’ don’t have power. They are salesmen and the slicker they are the more dangerous the car they sell you. Obongo ain’t exactly slick, unless you’re a very dumb wigger or ……….

    But things aren’t as dire as you fear. Even Americans are onto the greasy profiles of “conservative” alternatives they have been offered. It ain’t flyin’ no more.

    Be satisfied that a half breed nigger Communist/Marxist regime has a half breed nigger Communist/Marxist face on it rather than a Guy Fawkes mask.

  28. John says:

    ….What did the Confederates do to anyone? (apart from the blacks) I can’t think of one civilian targeted atrocity…..

    The pressure on the Upper South –a media vilification campaign beyond any in history, except for the 24-7 Hitler channel on Germans (shown because that’s the other part of “anglo-SAXON” and why Hitler is a villain shown to what was an Anglo-SAXON audience before the Immigration Act)— is to A) made slavery the worst planetary evil B) ensure that it is linked to the upper South and upper South only (white protestant Northern Europeans anglo-SAXONS, who are also just like “little Hitlers”).

    It helps keep the south border of the u.s. open. It “justifies” it. The protestants are the only evil slavers, saxons, just like Hitler— and so they “deserve” not to have a country. They deserve to have genocide done to them, for slaves and indians. (No movies on Spain, Portugal, and France, lol— or Mussolini, Tito, Franco, etc.)

    Nope—-just 24-7, Hitler and the Virginians.

    But the meme continues consuming—- so now the Industrial Revolution “white ethnics” deserve to be genocided, too, due to how “big u.s. businesses” has put sweatshops around the world.

    In reality, in “globalism” there isn’t any “u.s. businesses” the way the neo-cons try to say. Is a business “american” if it has offices all over the world, and employs people off-shore? um…no).

    I didn’t think I would ever “bond” with old New England yankees– but nowadays they sometimes just seem like other Northern European protestants.

  29. Feel free to continue voting for George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, etc. Every four years the Republican presidential candidate becomes more liberal, panders harder to non-Whites, and grows less interested than ever in doing anything to reverse our racial and cultural decline.

    You already know what Amanda is going to respond with. This is what is going to happen if we don’t vote for Romney:

  30. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Journalism/2012/09/13/Press-Endangers-Private-Citizen-to-Distract-from-Obamas-Middle-East-Failures

    I fund this story instructive. Obama really is a thug. Not that Romney is a good alternative, but Obama is unaccountable. The leftwing press dug in and outed a
    clueless filmmaker offering him to the Muslim horde. Obama really is a tyrannical
    figure. The press and system are willing to sacrifice any of us to protect his useless Sh-tskin. Simply removing him from office would do some good. Who gets sacrificed to this Moloch next?

    But those are questions you must answer for yourself as you vote.

  31. Hapless reactionairies flailing about. The term is “anti-white” once you understand that insight you won’t be distracted by the distractions thrown your way by the elite or the hapless reactionairies who fashion themselves as “leaders.”

  32. If many people here don’t want to vote in the Presidential election, that’s your choice. But, people should d&@& vote in local elections, where we can make a huge difference and win.

    Who is your county board chairman – the one who determines how local tax $s are spent.

    Who is your county sheriff?

    If you live in a city, who’s your alderman?

    If you are too lazy or too stupid to know or care about your local officials, representatives, you have no business whining about national politics or pretending that you are a great leader of our people.

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