H/T Kosher Republic
In Detroit, a Black Undertow gang openly claims a private Marathon gas station as their territory, hang out in the gas station, smoke cigarettes in their “hood station,” and brazenly sit on the counter and spit in the sink.
Freedom failed.
Note: In November, these people (how many of them do you suppose have a SNAP EBT card and the “Obama phone”?) will probably decide the winner of the presidential election in Michigan.
Teens my ass, they’re just DAMNED NIGGERS!!!!! What a worthless race subhuman creatures!
No fear–I got OBAMA phone!
What a racist comment. For all you know one of the young men sitting on that counter could be the next Albert Einstein.
Einstein…hummm…funny, they don’t LOOK Jewish, but then ya can never tell.
If the Jesuits got the gollywog quickly enough, why he’d be another Georges Lemaitre!
(a Catholic priest rather than a plagiarizing clerk who actually came up with real original ideas about the universe).
Obama Phone Rebuttal.
Reagan Started it!
just shows you how BRA has the GOPs balls in a vice.
“Freedom failed”
– No, slavery failed. Assigning your work to other people failed. Cotton aristocracy failed.
“In November, these people.. ..will probably decise the winner of the presidential election in Michigan.”
– I doubt that. Wayne County, Detroit specifically, hasn’t the population numbers anymore to monopolize the direction that Michigan goes in elections. Michigan elected a Republican governor in 2010. Just today I was seeing Romney/Ryan signs all over the place whie passing through Macomb County, including a huge banner draped outside the front of a factory on Groesbeck highway — the heart of blue collar/union territory in Detroit’s suburbs. Sorry, but Romney is going to win Michigan, and the election.
I fear a future breed with names like Dieselron ‘n’ ‘Nunlededs
Workin’ at the fillin’ station-too many tasks
wipe the windows-check the tires-check the oil-dollar gas
Too much monkey business
don’t want your botheration
get away-leave me
(1) Nope.
Economically, slavery was a success. In a condition of slavery, the mainstream consensus is that the negro was more productive, efficient, and industrious than Northern free laborers.
Of course that hasn’t been the case in 147 years. In a state of freedom and equality, the negro is a failure. The negroes in this video are merely exercising their equal right in freedom to loiter and destroy legitimate business activity.
(2) If the White vote splits 50/50 again in Michigan, blacks will decide the election.
BTW, a master is merely a manager who owns his employees as his private property.
What’s the problem in this video? The problem is clearly freedom and equality and tolerance, not the negroes in the store. As a freeman, the negro is unable to manage himself, and society tolerates things like this because of White guilt.
With effective management provided by a private master, these negroes could be profitably employed in industrious activities that would contribute to the prosperity of Michigan rather than detracting from it.
(1) Yes.
Slavery only benefitted a handful of wealthy plantation owners, and the rest of the whites in the South despised them.
The only reason niggers were “productive” unuder slavery, is because they were whipped or hanged if they didn’t obey their Massa. And if nigger slavery was so much more efficient and industrious than free labor in the North, then why did the INDUSTRIAL MIGHT of the free laboring North utterly CRUSH you in the Civil War?
Your obnoxious assertion that the nigger trash in that video somehow typifies the end-all be-all of individual liberty, is utterly ridiculous. The choice isn’t as arbitrary as slavery or contempory black societal dysfunction, and you damn well know it.
(2) As I said in my previous post, the white vote, even the Unionized white vote, is abandoning Obama in droves. This isn’t 2008, despite how much you might want it to be. Lessons were learned and precautions have been put in place this time. Niggers can vote all they like in their own precincts in Detroit and Flint, but there simply aren’t enough of them to overtake the rapidly unifying white vote in the rest of the state.
Even Rasmussen has Romney losing to Obama:
Do you see the White column? As of today, Romney is at 52 percent with Whites in the swing states. He is at 53 percent with leaners included. In 2008, McCain won 55 percent of the White vote and he lost.
(1) That’s ridiculous.
In order to be a planter, you had to own +20 slaves. The overwhelming majority of slaveowners were not planters.
(2) That’s extremely counterintuitive.
Slaves were capital investments that worked in direct proportion to the leisure of slaveowners. The typical White Southerner was far more likely to become a slaveowner than the typical Northerner was to become a leisured capitalist like Mitt Romney.
Why would Southerners hate slavery? The “free laborers” in the North had a material standard of living that was roughly equivalent to slaves on cotton plantations in Mississippi.
(3) I’m guessing it was because the capitalist free market within the Union had encouraged regional specialization. The South specialized in growing export crops. The Northeast specialized in shipping, manufacturing, and banking. The Midwest specialized in farming.
Cotton wasn’t worthless. It was the most valuable industrial commodity in the world at the time. Cotton can’t be used to feed or arm soldiers though in wartime.
The African-Americans in this video are simply exercising their liberty as the equal of every other citizen in Michigan. In a free society, this is how negroes choose to manage their time, unlike slave societies where private masters allocate their time in a way that maximizes their industry.
Dumb human muscle is worth very little nowadays, and Blacks as a group are, as you well know, dumb. They could do the stuff UAW workers do, but that’s a small part of the economy. Even at that, Whites do a better job.
Slavery made money for a few people for awhile, but it made what in fact happened in the South, in Rhodesia, and in South Africa inevitable. Not imminent-without the catalyst wearing skullcaps, it would have taken a couple more centuries-but inevitable.
If the Rhodies had not actually imported blacks on purpose (since only tiny numbers lived there when Whites came) but rather kept them out, and paid White wages to bring in White workers and encouraged them to populate (the Mormons would have done a great job of that) they would still have their own country. They should have had a program specifically to being in White, English speaking people and especially intelligent and physically fit White men and birthworthy females. By now they could have had the place at a sufficient density that there would never have been any place for blacks and therefore no Blacks that could be made or encouraged to rebel.
“BTW, a master is merely a manager who owns his employees as his private property.”
– Human being are not “private property”.
“What’s the problem in this video? The problem is clearly freedom and equality and tolerance, not the negroes in the store.”
– You really have gone off the deep end. You think that just because a solitary individual abuses the freedom he has, that it disproves the very right itself? That is obscene. Any idiot can see that the niggers in the store were the problem. And the owner made it a point to say that most of the people he deals with are decent and don’t cause any trouble. You’re so desperate to vindicate the greedy, foolhardy actions of your ancestors, that you will cherry-pick isolated incidents like this and conflate them into proog that somehow your people were “right”.
“As a free man, the negro is unable to manage himself..”
– However true that might be, it doesn’t give people like you the right make him into your personal property against his will. And it sure as hell doesn’t give you the right to a priveleged way of life, propped up on his enslavement.
“..and society tolerates things like this because of White guilt.”
– “Society” tolerates things like this because 1.) Most ordinary people stand more to lose by getting involved in the situation, than by ignoring it and being about there business, and 2.) Most ordinary people abide the law leave it to the police to handle. And why would you bring up White guilt? We don’t feel any in the North. We fought to end slavery.
“With effective management provided by a private master, these negroes could be profitably employed..”
– Once again, it comes down to profits, huh?
“..in industrious activities that could contribute to the prosperity of Michigan rather than detracting from it.”
– Or better yet, they could just be removed from the state altogethor, and the naturally industrious white people could be put back to work at a fair wage, and generations from now a prosperous Michigan would reflect the racial makeup of the people who contributed to it.
Hunter, since Obama got elected, the Democrats and their PR department AKA the MSM have made it clear that any White who goes on record to criticize Obama or openly support his opponent must be a racist.
In this economy, NO working White is going to be stupid enough to put his job in jeopardy by making his political views public to the point where his company would be boycotted by his political opposition. The polarization in this country is so great that even a lefty liberal executive was fired from both his jobs by youtubing himself harassing a Chik-Fil-A window worker. Most employers these days want apolitical employees representing them.
You discount the number of Whites will gush over Obama in public even if they intend to vote for his opponent in November. You also discount the number of Whites who have already made up their minds to vote for Romney, but who will claim to be undecided right up until the election booths close. You also discount the number of Whites who refuse to even talk to pollsters. This year, the number of White likely voters who simply hung up on pollsters rather than speak to them was so huge that it had the pollsters had to admit that this was screwing with their own projections. Tight-lipped White likely voters do NOT translate to Pro-Obama Whites. They translate to Whits who have already made up their minds but are in no mood to engage in debates about it.
It does not help matters that Romney is an obvious Zionist puppet and Netanyahu’s eager lapdog. Moreover, he is pretty much Obama-Lite. However, do not confuse the Whites’ obvious lack of passion over and enthusiasm for Mitt “Etch-a-Sketch” Romney with a ringing endorsement of Barak Obama. I believe the vast majority of Whites are going to hold their noses and vote … not to elect Romney, but to oust Obama. This election is going to be more about voting AGAINST someone than voting FOR someone.
Most Whites want Barak “You Didn’t Build This” Obama and his pal, Eric “My People” Holder gone and realize that voting Romney is the only way to get him out of there. I think most Whites are greater race realists than many WNs give them credit for. I believe the consensus has been made that Romney-Ryan may not be Pro-White Nationalists, but at least they are not Anti-White bigots like Obama and Holder.
I think Whites are increasingly thinking more pragmatically, concerned less with any warring bogus ideologies, i.e. neo-libertarian capitalism versus either Fabian socialism or Marxist communism than basic survival. More and more, they are simply asking themselves what is best for Whites and not worried about anything else.
Spotted in Britain
“The “free laborers” in the North had a material standard of living that was roughly equivalent to slaves on cotton plantations in Mississippi.”
Largely true, though I think the persons held to service held a slight advantage. This, of course, does not consider the population unemployed northern “free” negroes, whose standard of living and quality of life was far below that of southern negroes held to service.
awesome 🙂
I found this map of the racial makeup of newborns by state linked over at SBPDL:
Non-white children under 1 year of age are now the majority in the country as a whole and in 15 states. There is a significant geographic divide between the 34 Cold States of northern and middle America, where only 3 states (New York, New Jersey, Alaska) have a majority of non-white newborns, and the 16 Warm States of southern tier America, where 12 states have similar majorities.
The 4 Warm States that still have slim majorities of white newborns are Virginia and Louisiana, each at 49% non-white, South Carolina at 48%, and Alabama at 47%. So it looks like it’s just about game over for the white man in the Warm States.
But it’s not like the Cold States are in great shape demographically from a white perspective. Only 4 small states have non-white newborn populations under 20% of the total: New Hampshire at 15%, and Maine, Vermont and West Virginia each at 11%.
So all in all it’s a complete disaster for white people in the country that their ancestors built from scratch. And in the CNN article accompanying the map, various ‘experts’ are quoted saying what a wonderful development this is, and that all these wogs will bring much needed energy into the tired, old American economy. Yeah right. It’s not enough for these bastards merely to steal your country. No, they’ve got to gloat about it, do a victory lap, rub your faces in diversity and pour salt in your wounds. Nice.
“Economically, slavery was a success. In a condition of slavery, the mainstream consensus is that the negro was more productive, efficient, and industrious than Northern free laborers.”
Funny, ol’ Friedman likes to say the same thing about all those Commie slaves. He uses it to defend giving away white jobs to China.
Meanwhile a black street gang named the “Obama Boyz” flourishes in St Louis…
Some things you just can’t make up…
“even the Unionized white vote, is abandoning Obama in droves.”
– Human being are not “private property”.
So what’s the keeping niggers as slaves then?
It sure is not the UAW disavowing support for Obama.
As for the construction/building trades unions, the editorial of the General President of the Ironworkers, Walter Wise, is representative of the political endorsement of all the Building Trades. In the September issue of the Ironworkers magazine, Wise says:
“This fall, the choice between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is clear as the two candidates present a stark contrast in their vision for you, your rights, your union, and your future.
The president’s policies are the right policies for America. Yet his commitment to investing in our future, putting people back to work, rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure, moving the economy forward, and keeping our nation safe has been blocked a record number of times with filibusters by the Senate Republican minority.
Being taught the lesson of 1992 and 2008 election cycles–“it’s the economy stupid”–the far right has systematically sabotaged the recovery in hope of staging an economic coup for a return to power; thus fulfilling their top priority, as stated by Senator Mitch McConnell, to make Barack Obama a one-term president.
That return of the Republican presidency, if Mitt Romney is elected, will include the outdated, outmoded, and out-of-touch policies responsible for the economic depression which we still have not climbed out of.
But Democracy is about votes, and as we celebrate labor Day 2012, union workers and their families have a special obligation to carry the message forward through to election day and beyond.
In November, our recommendation is for the only presidential candidate who stands for working families: President Barack Obama.”
And of course all public union employees will be supporting Obama and the Democrats. The AFL-CIO all endorse Obama. So which union members are jumping ship up there?
Nice cut and paste. You get an ‘A’ for effort. Unfortunately, magazine editorials don’t count for shit in real life, and if labor unions really had so much control over each individual member’s vote, then Michigan wouldn’t have elected Dick Snyder in 2010, or John Engler in 1990, 1994, & 1998, and Bush wouldn’t have won Ohio in 2000, and Reagan wouldn’t have carried 49 states in 1984.
Chris runs down blacks then goes right into how human they are and how they wrong slavery is. Then he talks about how he wants them gone. He doesn’t realize that he can’t save his cake and eat it too. Equality means equality. If you believe in equality then there is no logical reason for you to reject diversity or to be offended when diversity comes to dinner. Chris needs to get his story straight, and rethink his belief system
Yeah, the only way the owner is going to take back his store is to hire an off-duty cop because blacks still have a slave mentality. Three hundred years ago it was the overseer brandishing a whip. Today it’s the police. Without authority watching over them, they lose all control and act like a pack of wild animals.
I didn’t cut and paste it, Chris. I had to type it out. But thank you for informing us that for so many years union members have not really voted Democrat. It is all a figment of our imaginations. Thank you. I also thank you for making me realize that 97 percent or so of those union members here in southwest Ohio, southeast Indiana and northern Kentucky are not really serious when they say the things they do about Republicans, the right wing, the tea party.
I’m glad you are here, Chris. I tell you what, why don’t you just say that their is no such person as Obama and no such thing as this society we are living in? How about it? I mean, hell, you tell us all here everything else we see everyday and know are only figments of our imagination.
But yeah, most union members are not going to vote for Obama, Chris. Yeah, you are right. They fucking love Republicans.
“Chris runs down blacks then goes right into how human they are and how they wrong slavery is. Then he talks about how he wants them gone. He doesn’t realize that he can’t save his cake and eat it too. Equality means equality. If you believe in equality then there is no logical reason for you to reject diversity or to be offended when diversity comes to dinner. Chris needs to get his story straight, and rethink his belief system”
Quoted for truth.
It’s also amusing to see Chris attempt to lecture Hunter about the socioeconomic impact of slavery, when it is a virtual certainty that he hasn’t even spent a fraction of the time researching the subject that Hunter has.
Oh yeah, and all of those Obama/Biden stickers on union workers lunchboxes don’t really mean shit, either. They are really going to vote for Romney.
I’m a private union member[construction], and let me tell you-the way the economy has been since Obama’s been in office-no one I know is voting for him-No One!
Put on top of that-you try to get a cash job or side job-nope-mexicans undercut you in price-a price you wouldn’t even get outta bed for. Next door to me they were building a new house-Mexican framers,drywallers. concrete/foundation etc
I called OSHA-my ward councilor, my union, the building inspector. They all had one message-” Hey, what can ya do?’
Burn the f*cker down! It’s gotta be destroyed before it can be rebuilt
Thats just my two..umm. one cent
Nice catch with chris. Either they are equals or inferiors.
“Chris runs down blacks then goes right into how human they are and how wrong slavery is. Blah blah blah.”
– Yes I do. And your point? I hate niggers, and I don’t believe they belong among white people in any capacity. That said, the physical enslavement of anyone, of any race, for any reason, is fundamentally wrong. An obscenity against what it is to be human. Period. If you can’t understand that, then you are a sociopath and I won’t waste time reasoning with you.
Slavery is inferior labor in a modern world. Compare Springfield Armory to the Arsenal at Harper’s Ferry. Both were tasked and funded similarly. One is remembered for introducing modern manufacturing techniques to the world, the other for John Brown’s Body. Care to wager which for which?
As Chris said, the north beat the south for a reason, and it sure as hell wasn’t due to their superior fighting skills. Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.
Haven’t we been hearing for years how the India, Brazil and China will overtake the West due to their superior command-control economies staffed with lots o’ colored slaves. Only the Chinese are anywhere remotely in the ball-park. Brazil and India have been going in reverse as of late.
Do you know what’s great about the election?
It will be over in 38 days!
For comparison, it’s a longer wait for that new tie for Christmas! (or will it be a pair of socks this year?)
Seriously, if Romney wins I will hail 313Chris as a sage and a visionary.
But what if he loses? Will 313Chris do any soul searching? Will he say “f&@#, there really is no electoral path to victory…” Will he say “now is the time for practical politics, a grassroots campaign of divorce, of boycotts, of general strikes”?
We shall see.
“But yeah, most union members are not going to vote for Obama, Chris. Yeah, you are right. They fucking love Republicans.”
Why should they? The Republican elite are their enemy. The Democrats being their enemy too doesn’t change that.
“Equality means equality. If you believe in equality then there is no logical reason for you to reject diversity or to be offended when diversity comes to dinner.”
Equality meant judging people equally. PC switched that to judging people equal.
People aren’t equal – but you can judge them equally.
If people aren’t equal e.g. they have a vastly higher rate of violent crime then you can quite fairly and reasonably judge that you don’t want them at your children’s school.
Test: negative, Sir. I equals should not be judged equally. Do you hold a dog or ape to the same legal standards as people? This is an extreme example, bot illustrates that different cultures and races cannot be held to the same legal standards. The famous and regrettable phrase “all men are created equal” applies to those of the same race. I only wish he would have stated so, but then again, he never thought his descendants would be such morons.
Howdy Clytemnestra, how are things?
If negros where treated so badly why wasn’t there more uprisings…. negros were not a problem when they were slaves so negro freedom failed. slavery is a poor economic model for the here and now, but those who say it didn’t work back in the day are delusional. Leastwise in the West. It’s still big time money maker for parts of the world. Big time for their AO that is
I always said 313piss was an ignorant nigger lover and his post above proves my point. and a leftist to boot with all its anti privilege nonsense. Same for its dislike of everyone wealthier then it
negro liberty, freedom etc is the logical outcome of thinking negros are human. We can see the same case being made with the animal rights people trying to give rights to apes and the like. When you understand non-Whites are not human you understand sex with non-Whites is bestiality, and you don’t fall for silly notions like liberty for negros, rights for mexicans, etc
“Do you hold a dog or ape to the same legal standards as people?”
No, that’s the point. If you judge a dog or ape by the same standards you judge people then they are obviously unequal so you don’t treat them as if they are. What PC does is state two things are equal – and therefore should be treated equally – when they’re not.
There are two parts to the egalitarian model: the principle itself and the data fed into it. You may disagree with the principle on various grounds but BRA isn’t the result of the principle alone – it’s the result of the data being fed into it as well
– all ethnic groups have an equal average IQ so should be equally represented in jobs requiring a minimum level of intelligence
– all ethnic groups have an equal propensity to commit every category of crime so should be equally represented in arrests and jail
Both of those things are untrue.
So going back to the original quote
“If you believe in equality then there is no logical reason for you to reject diversity or to be offended when diversity comes to dinner.”
If you believe in equality and x == y then there is no reason to not treat them equally. If you believe in equality and x != y then there is every reason to not treat them equally.
You can be against the egalitarian idea on principle saying BRA couldn’t have happened without it and you’d be right but i’m saying the same principle minus the bogus data would have prevented BRA as well.
The owner is obviously an Arab Muslim. As they grow in number they are likely to handle the Negro problem in quite a different way than whitey did.
Hey, Stonelifter:
Things are what they are; nothing to brag about, nothing to complain about. LOL, that’s my motto these days. I read this book where only your opinion of something makes what is even worse. Still, though things are not optimum, I also know I have more to be grateful for than to whine about.
I hope you and yours are being blessed.
I don’t think the vast majority of Negro slaves were mistreated by their White masters. I saw what they were going in real money back when the dollar was backed in gold at the Slave Market Museum in Charleston, South Carolina and it pretty much put paid to the Uncle Tom’s Cabin nonsense that I had been indoctrinated to in the North.
Whereas I KNOW that White Indentured Servants were literally worked to death by their White employers. And it was more likely to happen close to the end of their term of servitude.
The best analogy I can make is that you will take care of a luxury car that you own, but you will run a rental car right into the ground.
However, I still believe that the Negro Problem we have today was inevitable thanks to Negro Slavery in the first place, even if there had never been a war between the North and South, if the North had allowed the South to peacefully secede, and the war had never resulted in emancipation and enfranchisement.
Sooner or later, the technology would have been put in place to replace Negros with machines and then the Negros would be freed and there would be all this agitation to enfranchise them. And then all the stuff that followed; desegregation, integration, and a push for racial miscegenation would have happened.
Even though it was in discussion and there was an American Colonization Society whose idea was to repatriate former slaves to Africa, I highly doubt that even the Southern government had a cohesive plan in place to resettle Negro slaves in Africa once they were no longer necessary. I think they would have serious opposition from their own plantation lobbies who would try to pass the expense on as a tax on the average Southern working stiff which would piss him off because he never owned any slaves to begin with.
That means that the surplus Negro labor would be encouraged to emigrate to the North and the Yankees would still be dealing with our decaying Negro hellholes like Detroits, Garys, Camdens and Trentons even if it took another generation.
Pardon me if I take a cynical view on the dubious benefits of Negro slavery to the White race espoused by Hunter. There was a benefit to a handful of Whites who, by their treatment of White Indentured Servants, had already proved that they did not give a damn how buying and breeding a hostile, alien race of Negros would ultimately impact working and middle-class non-slave-owning Whites all over the country when technology made Negro labor obsolete.
I will always feel that Negros should have never been allowed into North America; not as slaves, not as indentured servants. Europe was chock full of White peasants who could have been used in the sharecropping system that the South ultimately resorted to after the War Between The States. The country would have ended up far more safer and prosperous.
Here’s to things turning around for you real soon. You are correct dear lady; the only thing we can control is how we react to life. I am blessed beyond all I deserve.
As for the rest, I don’t make a habit of playing “what if”, but I think you are “suffering” from a case of hind sight is 20/20. Meaning how can people predict what will happen that far in the future? What you save about negro slavery can be said about introducing robotics into manufacturing. You’re discounting the mortality rate of early colonial life and a few other things.
May the Almighty God pour blessing on you like rain
Somone tell the CofCC to clean up their site, one of their stupid videos is screwing up my browser.
Anyway while our essayists are pounding out the next lengthy sleep inducing essay on minutae the Obamabot anti-whites are destroying the notion of their moral superiority and moral superiority is their hemoglobin.
Destroy the anti-whites notion of moral superiority and their word “racist” and then you run the table.
RRS: concur 100%. It is all about the moral highground. Once the highground is surrendered it’s an uphill battle to regain it before any other progress can be made. The most sacred idol of the left is Equality, and it is a false god. Grind it underfoot and liberal socialism crumbles.
Re: 313Chris
(1) “Human beings” were private property until the nineteenth century. In between “slavery” and “anti-slavery,” the latter is far more mysterious than the former.
Most societies in human history have practiced slavery. Only the West in the late eighteenth century/early nineteenth century came up with the idea that slavery is wrong in principle.
(2) I’m simply observing the consequences of applying liberty and equality and tolerance to the negro: the loitering negroes in the store are merely exercising their equal right to liberty, and this kind of behavior is “tolerated” by the state because of White guilt.
(3) That’s not the point.
In a free society, the negro is his own master and has the right to manage himself. He is the equal of every other citizen in his right to liberty.
In a slave society, the negro is the private property of a White master. He is not a citizen or the equal of other citizens. He does not have any recognized civil right to “liberty.” He is not the manager of himself.
These are two different social systems based on opposing principles and they inevitably produce strikingly different social and economic results.
(4) I disagree.
It is ignored because the White population in the North agrees in principle with Americanism that the negro should be free, should be their equal, should be a citizen, should be tolerated, should be a voter, and should be a free laborer.
They don’t care about the destructive consequences of allowing the negro to be free and to be their equal. What’s really important is that their ideology and principles be universally applied to all races.
They feel guilty when their ideology is not universally applied.
(5) If your spark plug died on your lawnmower, it would be worthless to you. The same is true of the negro. The negro was “broken” by liberty and equality. He was transformed by liberty from a huge asset to society into a burden to society.
(6) Why would they be removed from the state all together?
You see, that’s your problem. The destructive behavior of the negroes in the convenience store might generate some bitching on the internet, but it won’t become a rallying cry for removing negroes from Michigan altogether because most Whites in Michigan agree in principle that the negro should be free, should be their equal, should be a citizen, should be a voter, should be tolerated, and should be a free laborer.
As long as ideology is privileged over the consequences of ideology, nothing will change and the racial situation in Michigan will only get worse.
The North beat the South because there were far more Whites in the North, because France and England didn’t intervene in the war, and because the North had farms and industries and a navy that are more useful in wartime than the South’s cotton.
Jeppo: it is depressing news, a first ever in our nation’s history, passed with hardly a concern from those whose descendants will be a hated minority and whose government will continue to work against them. Worse yet, we have been inundated with low iq labor for the benefit of short term returns for the shortsighted and greedy business class. Shortly, the majority of labor will be outmoded by machinery and we will be stuck with millions of unemployable among our descendants, who will be an achor to them, if not a noose about their necks.