The Daily Caller digs into the radical background of the Attorney General of BRA, Eric “My People” Holder:

Dolemite is the Attorney General!
The Daily Caller digs into the radical background of the Attorney General of BRA, Eric “My People” Holder:
Dolemite is the Attorney General!
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The MFer probably hid “cheat sheets” in that afro, and that is how he got by in college and law school. It was damn sure big enough.
I bet he was a favorite at the disco scene in those years.
He’s got Deep Blue calculating his answers for him lodged in that Shroom-ey “barnet”.
I like EH, he likes “his people” as I like mine.
Notice it is just like what the right-wing says. This Holder guy and the blacks and other left-wingers used violence to gain what they wanted and failed and are still locked up to this very day.
Oh, wait…
no wonder he’s so bitter
He has a dead sheep straddling his head.
Put some sunglasses on him and he looks like me 😉
Hey look, Michelle used to be holder’s bitchbefore she met barak.
The average brain dead white wouldn’t care, even if they knew.
RobRoySimmons says:
“I like EH, he likes “his people” as I like mine.”
You have a great way of looking at it. Now if Romney said something like that, I would support him.