About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Meh, Just more neo-Malthusianism. People have been predicting the end of the world since the beginning of civilization.

  2. There is a direct relationship to population growth which has slowed down dramatically.

    Yes. The population of the US was previously projected to reach over a billion by 2100. In the WSJ sometime this summer, there was an economist who crunched those numbers and showed it is basically a pipe dream at this point.

    There are a number of reasons for this population contraction, but globally falling birth rates are the main reason, and this is a trend that is on the upswing. Also, in the US, population increases have largely been driven by immigration. With less economic opportunity, the flow into the US is decreasing.

    I don’t see how the economy will improve, either. The housing market is still abysmal, crooked financial practices have not been reformed at all, offshoring of jobs has increased, QE has not secured long term asset value increases (nor can it), poverty is up and individual debt is maxed to the max etc. The US economy is in a depression that is not looking like it will end.*

    *Paul Krugman maintains that the economy is improving. I guess declining household income, continual lack of good jobs (no, parttime job increases don’t cut it, BLS), runaway inflation (which he denies), offshoring, no financial reform, etc are signs of “economic health” in the bizarro world he inhabits.

  3. Population growth has slowed as a direct result of prosperity and female education. I’d take the simple extrapolation of the current downturn in production with a grain of salt though. China has yet to fully industrialize, they still have hundreds of millions of peasant farmers. Also the cybernetic revolution and industrial automation proceeds at an ever increasing pace. The question is what activities will the population engage themselves with once robotic machines take over all production?

    I think our overwhelmingly dystopian sci-fi literature gives us a hint. Brave New World is probably the best case scenario. A lifeless planet covered by a thick dust of self replicating nanobots is probably the worst.

    As a well off retiree I choose to be a Beta. Sport, sex, and Soma induced bliss without any bothersome responsibilities of leadership. (Other than instructing the yahoos on this site in the errors of their thinking and lack of familiarity with basic scientific facts.)

  4. Between the two censuses of 2000 and 2010: US population growth 9.7%

    annual growth: .9%

    Where does the growth come from in a stable population? Productivity.

    Productivity can be tweaked by cultural and genetic differences, but the main driver is technology.

    Offsetting technology is resource cost leading to a near zero growth rate on average, with a cyclical pattern of some years of slow growth offset by sharp declines.

    As people live longer, the cost of maintaining the retirees will overwhelm the system.

    Age wise, we enter uncharted territory each day, with a population growing older than any population has ever been in history.

    Experiment? Gamble? Just don’t call it sustainable.

    You need a host of young folks to come along and buy the real estate of the old folks or else the Ponzi scheme collapses.

  5. What I really look forward to is Peak Peak — a terminal decline of all this unhinged doomsaying nonsense.

  6. “You need a host of young folks to come along and buy the real estate of the old folks or else the Ponzi scheme collapses.”

    If you have enough white people in science and engineering they can invent their way out of any problem – unfortunately we don’t.

  7. “If you have enough white people in science and engineering they can invent their way out of any problem – unfortunately we don’t.”

    You can’t “invent” your way out of bad debt. That’s what that fool Bernake thinks he can accomplish with QE3. It needs to be written off. Only then can we proceed on a sound financial footing.

  8. The end of whites will be the end of growth. If white dominance can be restored then growth can be restored at least on a long term basis. Otherwise the social capital of generations will continue to be squandered.

  9. Rudel “You can’t “invent” your way out of bad debt.” No, but bad debt can be repudiated based on contract law. Is it legal to burden unborn generations with obligations to repay what another generation spends?

  10. “As a well off retiree I choose to be a Beta. Sport, sex, and Soma induced bliss without any bothersome responsibilities of leadership. “- Jewdel

    Why am I NOT surprised? Self-confession absolves no one, when you don’t have the pnevma.

    HW- as to this thesis, I doubt it. Here’s just one of many articles I get on a daily basis, that, if true, makes this just another doom and gloom, like Crowley pointed out.


    If this innovation is true, it would revolutionize industry. Granted, they are trying to get me to buy this report (which I’m not doing) but I forwarded it to my CFP. Let HIM do the number crunching, and use his expertise to tell me more, if he can.
    I, (unlike some) prefer not to pretend to know it all, but let others with far more intelligence make the discoveries that ‘rock our world.’ Then, I implement it into my Weltanschauung. As any intelligent man should…

    Frankly, studying Talmud all day in Miami Beach like Jewdel, drinking Manischewitz, is the most useless thing I could think of. I’d rather teach my children how to take back their world from the undeserving ‘goyim’ like the Jewdels of the world….and I do, every day.

  11. “but bad debt can be repudiated based on contract law”

    That’s what “writing it off” the books of the creditors means when a debtor defaults. It can also lead to a deflationary depression when homeowners, Fannie Mae, state and local governments, and the federal government all do it.

    BTW, you don’t usually get to keep your house when you go bankrupt.

  12. @Fr. John
    “I’d rather teach my children how to take back their world from the undeserving ‘goyim’”

    Stop posting stock market spam from agorafinacial.com.

  13. Rudel: “BTW, you don’t usually get to keep your house when you go bankrupt.” Future generation aren’t in debt over my house. When people sign a mortgage the house is the collateral. When future generations are sold into debt slavery for something they don’t own, then you have tyranny. Let the whole banking system collapse. Those who have lent will be in trouble.

  14. “Let the whole banking system collapse.”

    I’ve never argued otherwise. We need to deep six fractional reserve banking and return to sound money.

  15. Growth is mostly based on energy. There are a lot of innovations coming. Several companies are working on fusion plants that seem to be good bets. LENR (cold fusion) companies are already selling reactors. Unfortunately they’re not ready NOW. Lot of suffering coming for the immediate future.

  16. I don’t see how they get off saying there was no growth till the steam engine. Europe experienced some very heady days during early colonialism. How about the Venetian period and the Renaissance?

  17. There are some huge growth initiatives like fusion power that are simply engineering problems at this point, but we lack the engineers, and we lack the will and culture to make it happen.

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