Bankrupt California


Is gas really that high in California? It isn’t nearly that bad in Alabama.

” I thought of my fellow Californian Energy Secretary Steven Chu last week, when I paid $4.89 a gallon in Gilroy for regular gas — and had to wait in line to get it. The customers were in near revolt, but I wondered against what and whom. I mentioned to one exasperated motorist that there are estimated to be over 20 billion barrels of oil a few miles away, in newly found reserves off the California coast. He thought I was from Mars.

California may face the nation’s largest budget deficit at $16 billion. It may struggle with the nation’s second-highest unemployment rate at 10.6 percent. It will soon vote whether to levy the nation’s highest income and sales taxes, as if to encourage others to join the 2,000-plus high earners who are leaving the state each week. The new taxes will be our way of saying, “Good riddance.” And if California is home to one-third of the nation’s welfare recipients and the largest number of illegal aliens, it is nonetheless apparently happy and thus solidly for Obama, by a +24 percent margin in the latest Field poll. The unemployment rate in my hometown is 16 percent, the per capita income is $16,000 — and I haven’t seen a Romney sticker yet…

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There have been some refinery problems, and the special summer blend California requires is in very short supply. Gov. Brown just relaxed the air pollution regulation that requires this blend, so other kinds of gasoline can be sold, which should shortly reduce the price.

    The political delusions held by the great majority of Californians that lead to this is another matter.

  2. The Puppet President seems to be “defending” Big Bird.

    One puppet in favour of another. All Romney actually said was “I Like Big Bird”…

    And the screeching fools extrapolate that Romney would blow up Sesame Street.

    Is this nignog for real?

  3. I am sure there are conservative whites in the sparsely populated northern counties who don’t approve.

  4. It’s an urban multi versus rural white conflict everywhere, and the population of California is more predominantly urban than most other states.

  5. In addition to taxation, there are different “types” of gasoline, typically on a per state basis. so they might have the raw oil, and the refining capacity to turn it into some kind of gas, but the specialized gasoline that they have mandated be produced and consumed is in short supply.

  6. “….and the population of California is more predominantly urban than most other states….”

    That’s hardly their only problem.

    It takes a certain kind of people to walk into a country it takes a week of hard driving to even get ACROSS and have no freaking clue what kind of place they landed in, or how big it is. The level of third worlder “Chu” style myopia is incredible.

    This is why the ragging about the “stupid rural flyovers” just doesn’t work on people. The Californians are the most ignorant myopic people around.

    Talked to a (WHITE) Californian who’d just come ‘back east,’ fleeing California for the new south, where the votes for leftists. From a pre-revolutionary war family, she went on and on and on (and ON) about wwII internment of Japanese.

    I mentioned that Germans in the u.s. weren’t treated all that great during that war—LOL. And she just kept going on about Asians as if nothing had been said, no matter how many times I said Germans.

    Same as an “immigrant” NYC exile who called trying to sell the Romney vote. He just kept going on and on about how “legal is ok” (he’s legal, after all, and he was even a Northern Euro fob, so everybody should love him…right?) To say people are legal is just to say you live in a dictatorship. Your Central Planner ELITES decide what’s Legal, lol.

    Set California Free! Hawaii too! New York…when can the U.S. vote to free it?

  7. The North Euro transplant to the “New South” (urban tract homes, ugly landscaping, strip malls and violence without culture, charm or social cohesion)— bragged about how “good the country had been to him” and “how he had gotten to travel…”

    Had he bothered to visit any areas of the country whose party he’d decided to crash? NOPE… we paid for his trips to the third world—- which he used to convince himself of how lucky he was, LOL.

  8. “I mentioned that Germans in the u.s. weren’t treated all that great during that war—LOL. And she just kept going on about Asians as if nothing had been said, no matter how many times I said Germans.” – A better answer to this is a calculated dose of patriotardism. How dare she compare what happened in the internment camps to the hell ships, the bataan death march, the rape across china and southeast asia, nurses being forced to march into the tide and gunned down, and so on.

    also do yourself a favor and don’t look any of those up, it will ruin your day.

  9. “(urban tract homes, ugly landscaping, strip malls and violence without culture, charm or social cohesion)”

    It wasn’t the yankees who built those strip malls and tract houses. It was the sleazy middle-class huckster native Southerners (a familiar and all too common type for you to deny) who built them.

  10. “It wasn’t the yankees who built those strip malls and tract houses. It was the sleazy middle-class huckster native Southerners ”

    I rented a newly built home from one of these. New-money southern good ol’ boy type who conveniently “forgot” to insulate the roof of my house. I figured it out after I received my first heating bill. Considering most of his tenants were military, I had the post consumer affairs office give him a call. He made good.

  11. I saw my first Romney sign on Friday. Haven’t seen an Obama sign (rural Louisiana). Know who’s sign I see most?

    Ron Paul!

  12. …she just kept going on about Asians as if nothing had been said, no matter how many times I said Germans.

    Just goes to show you how deep the Jewish media influence have brainwashed Majority member Whites. The Japanese are OK since they were helpful in the Russo-Japanese war, which softened up the Czar, and paved the way for Jewish Bolshevism. Thus, they can be forgiven-especially after they took it on the chin in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The hapless Germans, on the other hand, have to be the eternal holohoax perps, or else the myth will come crashing down.

  13. Jews and Mexicans and chinks ruined California..mostly jews like Barbara (Levy) Boxer…a kike transplant

  14. 15 comments & no neocon/GOP bashing from the the usual “ski(s)”yet.

    I may just stick around.

    Must be kinda hard to bash the only viable alternative you have when the current one has you in a strangle hold.

    Cheers, the bourbon is kicking in.

  15. You pro-whites just hate the Japanese because your hero Hitler got tricked by them into going to war with the US.

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