About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “You’re just the ones who got the ball rolling and made it culturally normative.”

    You damnyankees

    Most people don’t give a big rat’s ass about the deep South and the niggers who infest every nook and cranny. It’s just too damn hot all the time for any decent White man or woman. Not just too many niggers but too many bugs, too much kudzu, and you’ll get parasites if you walk around barefoot. Plus NASCAR is boring as hell. I don’t ever want to go there again. Charleston and Columbia are OK but it’s still way too hot. I don’t see living anywhere where it doesn’t snow at least once in a while.

    The only place in Dixie I have any interest in visiting again is the mountains and certainly no farther south in those mountains than Virginia or Tennessee. We should turn over all that flat, fetid swampland below the “fall line” to the niggers, Jews, and Cubans and just let them have their own country. We’ll ship the rest of them down there along with the Puerto Ricans.

  2. BRA is satanic. It makes a mockery of everything that is good and beautiful.

    I’m hoping that there was more than one white candidate for homecoming queen which split the white vote leaving all the Negroes to vote for this sow. Another possibility is that there was a strong anti-Greek vote.

  3. This is why they got rid of Old Miss’s colonel mascot. It was all pre-ceremony preparation for this beauty’s crowning. They just continue to make a mockery of the South. Damn them all!

  4. This is deja vu all over again. I was a freshman at the University of Houston in the fall of 1968, UH was a commuter campus and not much into protest but the student body elected this negress as homecoming queen,,,as a slap to the beautiful sorority girls who were usually elected. Six m0nths later..her afro friends rioted and were put down by the campus police..that was the last nigger homecoming queen we had for a while. Miss Eusan..the Negro homecoming queen..was murdered a couple of years later by one of her homeboys.

  5. Zoroaster, thanks for sharing this article about a great and beautiful and tragically assassinated African-American lady.

  6. As Comrade Stalin sagely remarked: “In a democracy it doesn’t matter who votes. What matters is who counts the votes.”

    Obviously whoever counts the votes at Ole Miss is running a diversity number and an African-entitlement agenda on the university.

    Didjouknow what ethnic group / white hating elite would be over represented in the faculty, admin and board ? One wonders.

  7. Now Rudel, I think you would know that Jews don’t do fetid swampland. The bijou is bad for the digestion and ruins one’s clothes.

  8. I Think That All Of You With These Racist Comments Should All Be Among EachOther Because I Could Not See AnyOne With Any DeScenTcy Around A Group Off Racist Pigs Like Any Of You. Get A Life And Get The F… Over It. It Will Never Be Like It Use To Be, Ever. We Are Too DAM Strong To Let Things Go Back Like It Use To BE!!!!!! ConGrats TO HomeComing QUEEN!!!!

  9. I guess that’s why all the black men and women have your lady or man, because we have what you don’t, dogs don’t want bones and women like man dingo’s. Nothing that you can do with a beautiful black woman, man because they don’t clean behind your nasty ass anymore.

  10. @Big Black Sheboon & other Nigger Trolls

    1. Your skin is the color of shit.

    2. Your natural odor smells like shit.

    3. You have have huge disgusting buffalo asses.

    4. You have wide, flat, snouts and big eyeballs that jut out like hard-boiled eggs.

    5. Your front teeth shovel forward and your gums are blue like a horse’s.

    6. You have to buy your “hair” from the store because the pubic wool that grows out of your monkey head will turn brittle and break if it gets wet.

    7. Your own men find you repulsive.

    8. Your niggers. Go kill yourselves.

    Now move along. We don’t accept EBT cards here. Romney 2012!

  11. I put 3 comments up here earlier pointing out how most of you extremely racists’ own children live a totally different HAPPIER lifestyle anytime you’re (notice the grammar 313CHRIS) not around. If you’re in denial, contact me. There’s a nice chance that I have some personally recorded footage to prove it…and 313CHRIS- what you tried to say is “you’re” niggers – as in you are niggers. I believe it was 3rd grade when i learned that…perhaps you should get some manmade bifocals to jolt from your face so that you can read a little better. The word “your” shows possession…wait – maybe that was your signature. I get it now ! You were saying “your nigger” – instead of yours truly, your friend, etc. Well you’re right though, you are my nigger you ignorant self-loathing mistake. You just don’t know it lol !

  12. Your pasty white nasty skin is disgusting… Why do you think they don’t hire whites who don’t tan…. Bwahahaha.

    Your rat hair harvests bugs… The same bugs found in a dirty crotch.

    1. You smell like wild animal shit.
    2. Monkeys have fine hair and white skin
    3. Poor white people just can’t get ahead without pillaging and othe barbaric practices
    5. White people are scared of black people
    Educated white people hate racists and will continue to support black people because the are ashamed of stupid po white trailor honkey incest trash.

  13. Oh, and I’m a real person-not a cyber-hero. I go out into society, and discuss ANY issue with ANYONE at ANY level of intensity- always being careful not to show disrespect, of course-especially in the presence of the elderly, women, and children. So, shall we meet somewhere for a beer ?

  14. They really do just follow you everywhere don’t they. Even through cyberspace.

    Listen US American-Africans, this game you’re playing is over. It doesn’t matter what you say, what you think. The US will break up, you will have to sink or swim on your own.

    You are what, 14% of the US population? You really think you’re in charge now? All conquering? All powerful? Don’t believe your own hype. You are nothing. Pawns in a wider game that you don’t even know is being played.

    So hush now little children. Read and learn. The grown ups here are trying to talk.

  15. U know what I can’t understand about y’all rascist white people out there is that y’all are the only race threatened by the black race …..We all know y’all come up short in every thing and I mean every thing, but y’all always want to steal every thing we create and do…..LOL silly white people we know y’all want to be us that’s reason why y’all Rednecks hate ….Remember this haters are nothing more than secret lovers……

  16. Chris – their posts are not even remotely coherent.

    They have chimpanzee DNA. Vets, etc, can teach sign language to chimps. I think most chimps are capable of formulating coherent thought-lines, more-so than these bizaaro black beasts.

  17. “and 313CHRIS- what you tried to say is “you’re” niggers – as in you are niggers. I believe it was 3rd grade when i learned that…perhaps you should get some manmade bifocals to jolt from your face”

    Tut. Tut. If you’re going to correct someone else’s grammar, it would behoove you to first mind your own.

    A bolt of electricity “jolts.” Bifocals, being generally not electrified, don’t.
    Bifocals can, however, *jut* from faces.

    Although, I must say I’d like to *have* a pair of bifocals that send out jolts. I could fry some annoying Big, Black, Beautiful …er… naggers.

  18. Somewhere on one of Lloyd Pye’s vids – you know – the ‘Everything You Know is Wrong’ guy from Louisianna. He argues for lots of ideas like extra terrestial invasion (better understood as demonic presence), he argues for Yetis, Sasquatch and Yowies and extraterrestial / human biotech.

    I did not know those things interbred with the African population in Southern lands of the N American continent.

  19. So, once again, i don’t hide behind a keyboard. Also, i noticed that nobody requested to see this collection of footage that i may have either. So how about that drink-at a bar of your choice??? This invitation is extended to anyone. Barb, you sound like a margarita type of gal lol…wear somethig cute, and bring a friend … and i am SO serious…thanks for your time and attention.

  20. @Jayson Haywood

    Haul your scrawny punk rear-end up to Detroit and I’ll meet you any time, any place you anti-white cocksucker. My name is Christopher Monti and you can contact me at cmonti77@yahoo.com

  21. y’all some punk ass bitches on this site all y’all can eat a dick. We know that this some bullshit they elected as homecoming queen. This was a back hand diss for real.

  22. Larry,

    U know what I can’t understand about y’all rascist white people out there is that y’all are the only race threatened by the black race …..

    That’s not quite true. Most other races tend to be contemptuous of blacks, generally considering them lazy, stupid and violent, but tend to hide their views because they also dislike whites (albeit for a very different set of reasons) and for the time being whites are considered the greater threat. If, however, whites ever cease being considered the greater threat (whether it be because whites effectively cease to exist or any other reason) then I think it will dawn on blacks just how poorly other races think of them — and how unwilling they are to shut up and accede to the demands of whiny black niggers the way whites have been.


    So, once again, i don’t hide behind a keyboard.

    Fair enough, but on the other hand you don’t get fired from your job or have your life generally ruined for being anti-white — quite the contrary. People who speak up for white interests do face that risk, though, so it’s understandable they may “hide” behind keyboards. (“Hiding” or not, the points they raise are perfectly valid and it’s a testament to the strength of the anti-white power structure that the only place these issues can be discussed is little-visited blogs and forums on the internet.)

  23. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but democracy is a charade that is controlled from a covert apex. Always has been, since the election of the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution.

    As Comrade Stalin famously remarked – “in a democracy what matters is not who votes but who counts the votes.”

    The smart money is on the Jew bought and paid for Masons at Ole Miss who were in position to elect Precious on an affirmative action ballot. They’ll probably elect a faggot in a pink tutu next year. The idea is to demoralize Whitey and celebrate equality and diversity at the university.

    White sentiments and traditions such as the Alma Mater, the Homecoming game, the Homecoming queen, the honor roll, the prom and the awards in the presence of the faculty and revered elders – all that has to be revolutionized.

    To the Jew change agents and their shabbos goy enablers in key positions at Ole Miss, these sentiments and traditions are reactionary tripe. They want revolutionary change. So all the former traditions of ‘White priviledge’ become occasions to teach Whitey the new American way. They’ll elect someone like Precious as the Homecoming Queen, the barely literate Negro students will make the honour roll in subjects like African American studies, the faggots will be represented in the Homecoming parade, only token Whites will be on the football team which becomes the showcase of Negro athletic prowess.

    White men – stop drinking the fluoridated water, get off the meds and get your head around the Change Agenda, your country needs you sober. America needs you.

  24. pm says:
    “I truly believe there is a special place in hell for white racists”

    In your opinion we are racists, you are just saying that because we are white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  25. Jason Haywood says:
    October 17, 2012 at 2:02 pm
    “So, once again, i don’t hide behind a keyboard”

    Anti-white, yes you are 100% correct, we are Pro White Dissidents!

    You on the other hand are a Radical for the Establishment.

    It takes no courage to be you at all, because you are a System Approved Thug. A Political Correctness Officer, campaigning for White GENOCIDE.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  26. 1/3 African Americans goes to prison. That represents the criminal element that is caught and successfully convicted.

    “Y’all” do do not belong on the street among us. It must be hell on earth being a black.

  27. Maybe next year they’ll elect the Meshugge Jewess famous for her tram rants. Here is the Yenta herself, a chosen specimen of chosenness.


    The above vid is her “serve the Jews or die” rant – on steroids, crack and Yohai hooch – she’s killing Nazis, she’s quoting the Talmud, she’s trash talking the goyim (caution language – whooah), she’s cursing goy nazis on Shabbat. In short a humdinger.

    Next year stuff that bagel in a white dress, stick her on a float and let her run her schtik to the home crowd. Mooove over Precious.

  28. I saw this story on cnn.

    My only problem is that she is too fat. The CNN commentator does bring this up, and then launches into the too much talked about today, this is good because this women can represent women and curves. He stated that it is good that women do not need to be blond, (his words) and a size two, because who want to try a sustain a size two.
    Since when is a size two something that is so hard to “sustain”. This is not healthy. This is not a good roll model. These over weight women, and men are less health thatn if they were smoking 1/2 a pack of cigarettes a day.
    Can we stop trying to be so politically correct. The kids are not nearly this fat in Europe. Stop eating so many calories!

  29. I see what you mean. She’s accomplished more before graduating college than you will in your lifetime. Don’t you feel lucky we go ahead and let you live among us real Americans?

  30. “Rex McNigger says:
    May 26, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    I see what you mean. She’s accomplished more before graduating college than you will in your lifetime. Don’t you feel lucky we go ahead and let you live among us real Americans?”

    She’s an ugly, stupid, affirmative action homecoming queen who hasn’t accomplished anything, other than to be on a few Pee Cee committees. Black acomplishments are always made up horseshit to “self esteem up” your race’s lack of accomplishment. She probably got into collage via affirmative actin in the first place.

    White Americans are the real Americans, not retarded, obsolete farm equipment with pubic hair on top of their heads. If you were familiar with what the founding fathers said about race, you’d know that. Since you’re a stupid nigger, you don’t, and all you can do is spew your baboon level ignorance. It must suck being you, “Rex.”

    Go eat a banana and clean the bugs out of your ‘fro. It’ll make you feel better.

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