Live Thread: Second 2012 Presidential Debate

New York

As expected, the story of the second debate proved to be Crowley’s role as the moderator. We knew going in that Crowley had vowed to break her contract and insert herself into the debate on Obama’s side:

“This is a scandal; a total and complete media scandal committed by a woman who promised to violate her contract and to insert herself into the debate. All she did for weeks was brag about how she intended to grab the spotlight — and boy did she ever.

…We’re done with the second presidential debate, but it was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete setup to rehabilitate Barack Obama. “

Update: CNN and CBS have declared Obama the winner of the second debate.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Mosin, if the moderator had been fair, we would not be in America.” True, Fr John. That is reality.

  2. You’re just wrong John. Flat out wrong. You’ve become a blatant shill. Obama could not care less about Iran, or Israel for that matter.

    Obama has a better chance of coming around and being a decent President and enabling America to get beyond this racial pandering nonsense than Romney has of not bombing Iran.

    Four more years we’ll have done our penance. Four years of Romney and our penance will have just begun.

  3. “Obama has a better chance of coming around and being a decent President and enabling America (…) Four more years we’ll have done our penance.”

    Who is the “we” who must do penance? Amerika is not “we,” not “our,” but “they” and “theirs.”

  4. “CBS Detroit and the New York Post report that before the assault, a panhandler wearing a yarmulke approached a group of people to ask for change. In response, Delmon Young, standing nearby, started shouting, “F**king Jews! F**king Jews!”

    Looks like I have a new favorite baseball player.

  5. Yeah sure anti-semitism is code for anti-white and thank god we have all of these organizations fighting anti-semitism (really anti-white) like the ADL, the SPLC etc.

  6. MK Danny Danon (Likud) asked Australian MP Michael Danby on Wednesday to propose, in parliament in Canberra, sending African migrants from Israel to Australia.

    Danon and Danby discussed the issue during the Australian politician’s visit to Israel for the World Jewish Congress’s International Conference of Jewish Parliamentarians.

    “The arrival of thousands of Muslim infiltrators to Israeli territory is a clear threat to the state’s Jewish identity,” Danon told The Jerusalem Post.

    “The refugees’ place is not among us, and the initiative to transfer them to Australia is the right and just solution.

    Boy, our right-wing friends in Israel sure are “pro-White,” amiritguise? Almost as pro-White as the left wing Jews living among us in White countries. 😉

  7. Doesn’t matter who wins the federal election. MD Miller has the right of it and the rest is window dressing. Doesn’t matter if romney wins or not, we must leave the union if we are to be free White men again. damnyankee or Southron. It’s all our’s best option. Unless you live in a yankee city. The your everything rest on rural White men and our votes

  8. “Unless you live in a yankee city. The your everything rest on rural White men and our votes”

    Naw, they will re-institute universal conscription. Then everything will depend on government troops seizing control of agribusiness and delivering grain shipments to the the cities (yankee or not.) White men (rural or otherwise) who so choose to resist will need to object to this state of affairs with sabotage, explosives, and guerrilla raids, not on the vote which won’t be available anyways due to “emergency” suspension of same.

  9. “government troops seizing control of agribusiness”:

    What? Big government and big global corporate agribusiness are joined intimately already.

  10. “What? Big government and big global corporate agribusiness are joined intimately already.”

    True. The ethanol eating away at my engine components is proof enough of that.

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