Live Thread: Second 2012 Presidential Debate

New York

As expected, the story of the second debate proved to be Crowley’s role as the moderator. We knew going in that Crowley had vowed to break her contract and insert herself into the debate on Obama’s side:

“This is a scandal; a total and complete media scandal committed by a woman who promised to violate her contract and to insert herself into the debate. All she did for weeks was brag about how she intended to grab the spotlight — and boy did she ever.

…We’re done with the second presidential debate, but it was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete setup to rehabilitate Barack Obama. “

Update: CNN and CBS have declared Obama the winner of the second debate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. All 80 undecided voters were fired by Bain in the 1990s and sent to Iraq in the 2000s got their legs blown off and now work for GM’s LGBT crèche.

  2. Latter Day Saints 104 : Mohammeds Socialist Allstars 82

    The Allstars come out fighting after their drubbing in the previous series match up. Strong defensive work form the Saints and a rally late in the 4th sees them home to a resounding victory. The Saints to go 2 and 0 up in the series.

  3. I love predicting things. It separates the men from the boys, even when you lose.

    Parrott’s Predictions:

    1. Obama’s attempt at feigning righteous anger will be the worst mixture of scary Black guy and butt-hurt hipster.

    2. I’m going to go out on a real limb here and state that immigration will be mentioned. Romney will try to carry on about how Obama’s system is still “broken”, a favored angle of his which causes both illegal immigrants and cornpone nativists to nod in agreement with him at the same time. He’ll try to opine about his passionate love for legal technocratic fifth columnist invaders.

    3. Obama will sound more sober and intelligent on foreign policy, and Romney will spook the very Midwestern waitress moms upon whom his victory depends with his unhinged Zionist warmongering shtick.

    4. The debate moderator will attempt to be more assertive than the past two were, and will be blatantly and clumsily slanted in a liberal direction. Romney will “gingrich” her, getting all meta about the appropriateness of her questions.

    5. The night will look like another positive night for Romney, but his bump in the polls won’t materialize thereafter: female reactions to his bellicose foreign policy positions will hurt him. As meaningful resistance to war is unthinkable among the punditry, it will be a great mystery why Romney’s support hit a ceiling and began to retreat.

  4. 1.) Crowley will be in the tank for Obama.

    2.) The questions will be a stacked deck against Romney.

    3.) No matter what happens the media will say Obama won.

    4.) Mitt will come prepared and will succeed in connecting with women voters and undermining millions of dollars of Obama’s advertising.

    5.) Obama will come out swinging with memorized lines. Romney will succeed in unsettling him and beating him in counterpunching on the stump.

    6.) Obama won’t come out of the debate with his aura of inevitability intact.

    7.) Mitt will emerge more plausible and with the momentum. Swing voters will go to the challenger as they always do.

  5. I predict his Mormon wife will tell him to be Mormon nice, and he shelves his crazy zionist shtick for one night. Zionists will howl tomorrow but they know he is their shabby Saint.

  6. Hey Denise! Very good thanks. Been busy on some UK sites busting balls. They are light years behind you guys in many ways. Left a message a while back for you on Nordic Sage. Still following Occy D and MiR and all y’all but am spending much time desperately trying to get folks at my end to see the bigger YKW picture – not easy.

    Hope you are well (all y’all)

    Til Valhall!!!
    (Sorry Fr.John)

  7. CNN “Moderator” Candy Crowley will quietly enter a chronic food addiction program at the Betty Ford clinic after the most news pundits pan her obviously liberally biased, OBVIOUSLY pre-briefed, soft ball questions for Obama, and she drowns her tanking media cred. sorrows in a Krispy Kreme doughnut binge that packs on another whopping 75 pounds in less than two days.

  8. 1) The actual outcome will be a draw. Obama can’t do as bad as he did last time.

    2) The reported outcome will be variations on “Obama dominates Romney”!

  9. I predict the HNIC will bring hims gayuuuum to the debate. Therefore, he will raise the whole thing only to the level of standard debate between two potential anti-whites in chief. That is, it will be full of empty promises and vague platitudes.

    Basically, it will look like this (apologies for the 30 second add, can’t find this elsewhere)

  10. I cant decide what I’m going to do tonight. My choices are:

    *Watch last Sunday’s Dexter episode
    *Watch pornography
    *Watch whatever retarded shit my wife wants to watch
    *Winterize the motorcycle
    *Continue building my G3 rifle to ATF legal spec
    *Say F*ck it, and just finish it up to full factory condition (full auto capable).
    *take a crap

    so many choices….so many things that would be more productive than watching douche or turd sandwitch.

  11. I hate the “Town Hall” format. Stupid oafs that shouldn’t even be allowed to vote will ask stupid questions all about “what’s in it for me.”

    The franchise needs to go back to including only white male property owners.

  12. Romney is what you get if a CFR committee designs and scripts a clone. Who is this guy? He is a white Obama clone – another Manchurian Candidate posing as a Manchurian Candidate.

    This one is an improvement, however – he can act his script without reading the teleprompter. Probably made in the same droid underground factory as Obama on Geonosis.

    He is totally modulated as he takes the pro / contra position on every issue. Here is a good vid that quotes Mr Sincere, modulated and manicured on all sides of the POTUS debate.

    He is scarier than Obama, because unlike Obama, he can memorize his lines and act. Whatever this guy is mindcontrolled to do, it will be what the apex of the global Cabal wants.

  13. Prediction:

    No mention of illegals, immigration reform, or foreign aid.

    Everything will be about foreign military policy, health care, and social security.

  14. “YT says:
    October 16, 2012 at 11:41 pm

    I cant decide what I’m going to do tonight. My choices are:

    *Watch last Sunday’s Dexter episode
    *Watch pornography
    *Watch whatever retarded shit my wife wants to watch
    *Winterize the motorcycle
    *Continue building my G3 rifle to ATF legal spec
    *Say F*ck it, and just finish it up to full factory condition (full auto capable).
    *take a crap

    so many choices….so many things that would be more productive than watching douche or turd sandwitch.”

    South Park had it right. This presidential election is the epitome of the douche vs. turd paradigm from South Park.

  15. The franchise needs to go back to including only white male property owners….

    after the affirmative action white men have moved on, please. A few of them seem to have benefited.

    Never heard of Crowley, maybe I should watch more t.v. Related to Aleister, maybe.

    Think this town hall thing will be good for Mittens. He doesn’t mind not having a podium. Instinctively, he moves toward people when he talks and makes strong eye contact.

    Women like Obama because they identify with him in their great oppressions, so if they really are the swing vote, it’s bad. They don’t even know how their brains have been worked over, to make them think the way they do.

  16. Looks like Mitt is going to be aggressive like last time. Obama shouldn’t take the bait and look defensive, it looks weak—but he just did. His argument is “that’s just not true!”

  17. Romney shouldn’t cede the floor to Obama like he did. What good comes from giving him more talking time?

  18. Obama lying about his war on Appalachian whites in coal country….

    Really sorry I missed that. A topic I love. But it’s like last time. Obama talks, and it’s like you go into a trance. Minutes pass. You wake up. It’s like waking up and realizing you must have gotten something to eat in the middle of the night or something…lost time, lol

  19. Maybe they could do a specially edited version—- and sell it, like they do those CDs of bubbling brooks and rustling winds, to help people sleep better.

    For the one who loses, it could be his new career.

  20. Mitt should stick to that “3 mil more women in poverty now…”

    This sad sack single mom crap is so embarrassing. “more women are the breadwinners….” Why doesn’t that stupid girl nail down the question about women int he army, why the men can’t fight, and whether they’re going to freaking draft us? Yeah…ask that, lol

  21. Obama: I’m going to rectify the gender pay gap by giving Michelle’s lesbian escorts a 20% raise across the board.

  22. Too bad the republicans can’t take advantage of that one—- campaign on we’re for families and SWEAR we’re not ever going to draft women— that would be good.

    Oh wait, then how could both the parties send double the people to the forever war and tax them while they die?

  23. I really hate this gender equality sh–. Kirche, Kuche Kinder und Komplementarianismus. Men work longer hours, work more physically demanding jobs.

  24. “after the affirmative action white men have moved on, please. A few of them seem to have benefited.”

    I suppose that is one example of your “great oppressions?”

  25. —- Mitt doesn’t want to go to Venzuela (or however you spell it) for oil—- sounds good. He really is sort of growing on me.

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