Live Thread: Second 2012 Presidential Debate

New York

As expected, the story of the second debate proved to be Crowley’s role as the moderator. We knew going in that Crowley had vowed to break her contract and insert herself into the debate on Obama’s side:

“This is a scandal; a total and complete media scandal committed by a woman who promised to violate her contract and to insert herself into the debate. All she did for weeks was brag about how she intended to grab the spotlight — and boy did she ever.

…We’re done with the second presidential debate, but it was apparent 45 minutes in that between the questions Crowley chose and her handling of who was allowed to speak and when, that this debate was a total and complete setup to rehabilitate Barack Obama. “

Update: CNN and CBS have declared Obama the winner of the second debate.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Afterthought says:

    October 17, 2012 at 3:07 am

    “Exodus 17:11; it’s sad to see people buying in to this, it’s all staged.”

    When folk are starving, even a gnarled old bone seems like a feast.

  2. WE aren’t buying into it, only recognising how the voting “masses,” including the trend-following white women voters, buy into such a staged, false reality.

  3. My forecast was pretty accurate:

    1.) Crowley was in the tank for Obama.

    2.) Loaded questions.

    3.) Media says Obama is winner.

    4.) Obama comes out swinging.

    5.) Obama does better but still isn’t the “inevitable” candidate.

  4. Confused, thoroughly corrupted voters are starving for hope of an equally corrupt saviour, and they think these bones a feast?

  5. Romney came out on top with the job issue arguement. And his ‘tough on China rhetoric’ helped him too.

  6. Ahhhh…….we knew it was a setup, with Candy Crawley. She’s not even the worst of the Commie Coon Jews Hags.

    The first question of the night was posed by schlubby Jeremy Hebe-Something, asking “What kind of a job can you get for me, Goy Slave?” as a boychick Self Chosen would. That set the tone. A real White would have asked, “Why are you askng me? Get one of your uncles to get you a gig being paid 75K doing nothing, you Kike bum. Go jump in an oven”.

    Then the resentful Orc puta began asking about La Raza.

    The hatchet faced hag Kikes brought out the knives.

    Romney handled the roomful of vipers as well as possible.

    The smirking didn’t work, for the Kenyan.

    When the hatchet faced hags started

  7. “Obama does better but still isn’t the ‘inevitable’ candidate.” True. There is some time remaining for some other glitch to occur, and he is certainly not indispensable.

  8. Obama won the debate, it’s not just the media saying so folks. Crowley seemed to favor Obama, she cut off Romney a few times and moved on to a new subject when he really needed to answer Obama accusing him of something or other. Plus the “are you like George W. Bush?” question, which was a CNN screw job, was just brutal.

    Obama calling Libya an act of terror the day after, and Romney not knowing that was a huge Obama win, it was the only time the crowd cheered and it was for Obama. Obama clearly won over the crowd there.

    Obama won tonight, couple that with Romney bowing to AIPAC for an hour and a half in the next debate and this baby will be just about wrapped up. It’s “O” for another 4.

  9. The rejoicing at the apparent inability of the mulatto to think on his feet in the first debate has been replaced by denial and blame of the moderator in the second debate.

  10. Parrott’s Prophecies:

    1. Obama’s attempt at feigning righteous anger will be the worst mixture of scary Black guy and butt-hurt hipster.

    I think I was pretty much wrong on this one. Obama was more alive, but remained relatively cool. He was wise to avoid going full retard with aggression like Biden did in the VP debate. +0

    2. I’m going to go out on a real limb here and state that immigration will be mentioned. Romney will try to carry on about how Obama’s system is still “broken”, a favored angle of his which causes both illegal immigrants and cornpone nativists to nod in agreement with him at the same time. He’ll try to opine about his passionate love for legal technocratic fifth columnist invaders.

    Bullseye. +1 (I deserve extra credit for how precise this one was, imho.)

    3. Obama will sound more sober and intelligent on foreign policy, and Romney will spook the very Midwestern waitress moms upon whom his victory depends with his unhinged Zionist warmongering shtick.

    Romney didn’t manage to go on his Zionist “bomb Iran” tirade, but he did make an ass of himself on foreign policy, handing Obama his biggest wins of the night on the Benghazi fiasco. I’ll give myself half credit on that one. +1/2

    4. The debate moderator will attempt to be more assertive than the past two were, and will be blatantly and clumsily slanted in a liberal direction. Romney will “gingrich” her, getting all meta about the appropriateness of her questions.

    The moderator was ridiculously biased and the questions were hysterically biased, including having a Black guy ask Obama if he can offer more free stuff! Romney basically went along with it, though. There’s a different dynamic there when the question’s being presented by some random mouth-breather. +1/2

    5. The night will look like another positive night for Romney, but his bump in the polls won’t materialize thereafter: female reactions to his bellicose foreign policy positions will hurt him. As meaningful resistance to war is unthinkable among the punditry, it will be a great mystery why Romney’s support hit a ceiling and began to retreat.

    Too soon for a final determination, but Mitt didn’t manage to spook anybody with his foreign policy. At this moment, the InTrade odds are down for Romney, but not for the reasons I outlined. +1/2

    Score: 3.5/5.0

  11. I’m really struggling to understand folks:

    They don’t want this to be a rout.

    They want to keep folks invested in the two-party system.

    They don’t want folks abandoning electoral politics;

    but Obama will win and Romney will lose.

    They can make whomever they want “win” a debate.

    Objectively I thought both candidates were trash in the first debate. That really hasn’t changed, has it?

    I can’t wait for this shit to be over so we can start moving to strategies and battlefields where we actually have a chance of winning, and no, Romney winning is not the same as white people winning.

  12. “It’s ‘O’ for another 4.” Then write in Paul. It would have been better for Paul to have been crucified, speaking the truth, in these debates.

  13. “They don’t want this to be a rout. They want to keep folks invested in the two-party system. They don’t want folks abandoning electoral politics; but Obama will win and Romney will lose. They can make whomever they want ‘win’ a debate” — those unnameable “They”!

  14. Obama won tonight, couple that with Romney bowing to AIPAC for an hour and a half in the next debate and this baby will be just about wrapped up. It’s “O” for another 4.

    That’s my tentative sentiment right now, too. Romney’s going to waddle into the next debate thinking he can pull a Reagan v. Carter confidence play against Obama at a time when the nation is simply not receptive to that angle. Personally, I would much rather have Billary running our foreign policy than whatever foaming at the mouth Likudnik stooge Romney would go with.

  15. YTs prediction – Douche vs Turd Sandwich

    Bingo! we have a winner – 5/5

    (I will be happy if my American friends are not fighting for their lives in nig riots thru November tbh)

  16. Neither candidate or party will allow the remaining scattered conservative rural traditional ethnically-homogeneous areas to secede from the liberal urban multicultural global union.

  17. There is a harvest of Paulites, Infowarriors and Dittoheads that will be looking for a new approach.

    Instead of fawning over the carpetbagger Romney, why not prepare to capture hearts and minds when they are most receptive?

  18. My note:

    Best education system in the world does not equal everyone getting a college education.

    Invest in energy? Solar wind biofuels?

    We have increase gas production. We have increased coal production. We have invested in clean energy. We have opened up new areas to drilling. Germany is making “these” investments.

    Obama response looks like a jive nigger. He made no investment in clean coal, he issued new regulation.

    Jive ass nigger.

    Gas was 1.86 because the economy was about to collapse? I am all for pipelines?

    Jive ass grinning nigger. Looks even worse than Biden.

    Cut taxes?

    How does a tax credit for education expenses grow the economy? …. Other then providing a need for more “cultural revolution/(destruction)” educators?

    Romney is going add $8 trillion to spending?

    Inequalities in pay in the workplace ….. LMAO. Woman are more likely to be paid more now in any job where performance does not count.

    Romney give flexible schedule …. that is why women don’t make more — I need time off for my baby, I can’t work today because of my kid, I can’t stay late because of my kid. And that is why women don’t have babies. They want 100% for 75% input.

    Now Obamacare ….. because everybody needs to abort babies for free via their employers healthplan.

    So women can’t earn a living because they don’t use contraception.

    Thank god Obama’s daughters are going to be able to abort their spawn.

    The Bush question …..

    The jive king is being a Biden.

    Undecided nigger in the audience ….. LMAO.

    Unfair trade practices … we have gone after twice as many ….

    And here’s the undecided nigger …..

    Who’s policies are going to be better? ……

    Obama is blinking very frequently …. more than every second. That’s not normal. He has no defense to what is being said about him.

    Illegals …. Speaking of which, how was Pomney’s father even a legitimate canidate for POTUS?

    Time to call Loraine Loraina … Time for a B.S. answer. Yep we are getting it.

    That fat Mexican has got to have a question ……

    We should go after criminals? Come on Obama? Pledge Alliegance to the Flag? Obama has practically outlawed it …

    Nobody is stopped for “nothing”. For looking like.

    Obama being an asshole.
    Jive ass nigger.

    How does immigration help us grow when uncontrolled? Google, etc …..

    Oops. A republican slipped in. What happened in Benghazi? ….. We are idiots and liars. We lied because it was a matter of national security.

    Secretary of State Clinton works for me. I am the President …

    I believe in the Second Amendment … Aurora for example. LMAO. AK-47’s. His hometown, niggers and cheap handguns.

    He changed his mind. But we agree on parents and schools.

    Sticking his neck out like a dinosaur.

    Obama: I believe: Government doesn’t create jobs. Risk takers deerve being rewarded.

    Time to bring up the “47%”.

    What did Obama’s “grandfather” do after he got that GI Bill and went to college?

    Watching ABC suck him off now.

  19. I see the usual diaper-wetters are back to their “It’s all over for Romney! We’s gotta secede!” sniffling and crying. No surprise. Look, neither guy really won tonight. Yes, Romney stepped in shit, as I knew he inevitably would. But, Obama still has more going against him, and he didn’t say anything of substance tonight — just a lot of long-winded babbling. The next debate will be decisive, and Romney knows it. He’s better when he’s perceived as an underdog.

    The important thing tonight, is that the Tigers snuffed the Yankees once again, and now lead the ALCS 3-0! Where’s Tamer?

  20. @Hunter: Of course Fox, and one poll…. Admit that the Negro proved capable enough to make it seem at least a draw for the average viewer.

    Afterthought, good suggestion.

  21. Crowley really interjected in there to “correct”
    Something that was said by Romney. The President repeatedly dodged labeling the Benghazi attack as terrorism.

    It probably won’t make a difference one way or another. Crowley literally was frigging debating this. Based on his speech and behavior after the attacks he clearly didn’t want to acknowledge it was terrorism. He can’t admit it’s terrorism because well gosh darn he destroyed al Qaeda already.

  22. @313Chris

    The next/final debate is all foreign policy. Romney has been consistently a hyper-likudnik, he’s all for war with Iran, Syria etc. This is where he will put Obama away?

  23. Okay note to CNN do not allow a fat Cnut to moderate a bebare between a sweet whittle pikaninny and white man. The disgusting pig will always applaud the jive talking nig.

  24. Bonzo the Chimp CAN’T WIN! With the Sea Hag practically sucking his wittle cock ALL NIGHT, the viewers AUTOMATICALLY DESPISE the DARKIE!

    Seriously, how do these Hymies pick a SOW to moderate the debate? Fat Ass Bitch looked like a White Welfare Queen!

    DIEversity Killed the Demoncrat Cow! Was there even ONE NORMAL WHITE MAN asking a question?

    HUGE RASPBERRY TO COMMIE NEWS!!! They Suck! Jewsmedia Loses Again!

  25. A lot of voters never see any of these debates anyway, but vote by habit or tradition, or by following whatever seems to be the popular trend of the final days to make sure they don’t vote for a LOSER!

  26. “He stumbled in this debate because Crowley was the moderator and dealt him a full deck of loaded questions.”

    Obama learned to use the smiling, staring weapon, too. Obama only needed an average performance to win.

  27. But he performed even better than if he HAD a teleprompter, and overcame the disgrace of the first debate.

  28. If the moderator interjects with an answer that she claims is the definivitive truth, well they better be right. In this case some white boys were killed by brown people, a hnic president and his cannibal sheboon ambassador cackled about it and blamed a filmmaker.

    I want them gone. I don’t want white troops or contractors in the clutches of negro leaders.

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